NLS2016014, Er 15-019, Supplement 1, BWRVIP-135, Revision 3: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) Data Source Book and Plant Evaluations.

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Er 15-019, Supplement 1, BWRVIP-135, Revision 3: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) Data Source Book and Plant Evaluations.
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Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2014
From: Rozier Carter
Electric Power Research Institute
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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NLS2016014 ER 15-019, Supp 1
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Cooper Nuclear Station PTLR ER 15-019 Revision 1 Page 28 of28 Supplement 1 BWRVIP-135, Revision 3, Cooper Specific Information, 45 pages

ER 15-019 , Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary)

Page 1 of 45 r=~f21


I ELECTRIC POW ER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2014 TECHNICAL REPORT BWRVIP-135, Revision 3: BWR Vessel and Internals Project Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) Data Source Book and Plant Evaluations WARNING: NOTICE: This repor t c onloins prop rieta ry information that is the intellectual property of Please read lhe Export Contro l EPRI. Accordingly, ii is available only under license from EPRI and may nol be reproduced Ag reement o n lhe bo ck cover. or disclosed, wholly or in porl, by o ny licensee lo a ny other person or organization.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary)

Page 2 of45 BWRVIP-135, Revision 3: BWR Vessel and Internals Project Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) Data Source Book and Plant Evaluations 3002003144 Technical Report, December 2014 EPRI Project Manager R. Carter All or a portion of the requirements of the EPRI Nuclear Quality Assurance Program apply to this product.

~NO ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 *PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 *USA 800.313.3774

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ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary)








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ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary)

Page 4 of45 Cooper Representative Surveillance Materials The ISP Representative Surveillance Materials for the Cooper vessel target weld and plates are shown in the following table.

Table 2-22 Target Vessel Materials and ISP Representative Materials for Cooper Target Vessel Materials ISP Representative Materials Weld 27204/12008 20291 Plate C2307-2 C2307-2 Summary of Available Surveillance Data: Plate The representative plate material C2307-2 is contained in the following ISP capsules:

Cobper Capsules Specific surveillance data related to plate heat C2307-2 are summarized in Appendix A-2.

Two capsules containing this plate heat have been tested. The Charpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows:

Table 2-23 T30 Shift Results for Plate Heat C2307-2 Cu Ni Fluence Capsule 11 2 AT30 (°F)

(wto/o) (wto/o) (10 n/cm , E > 1 MeV)

Cooper 30° 2.4 52.2 0.21 0.76 Cooper 300° 2.8 52.2 The results given in Appendix A-2 show a fitted chemistry factor (CF) of { {, as compared to a value of 164.6°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. The maximum scatter in the fitted data is (( }} which is well within the 1-sigma value of l 7°F for plates as given in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative plate material is the same heat number as the target plate in the Cooper vessel, and because there are two irradiated data sets for this plate that fall within the I-sigma scatter band, the ISP surveillance data in Appendix A-2 should be used to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel plate. Recommended guidelines for use of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 5 of 45 An archival plate heat from the Cooper vessel, Plate Heat C2331-2, was included in the Supplemental Surveillance Program (SSP), and irradiated data from SSP Capsules D, G, E, I, A, and B are provided in Appendix A-19. The credible surveillance data should be considered when a revised ART is calculated for vessel heat C2331-2. Summary of Available Surveillance Data: Weld The representative weld material 20291 is contained in the following ISP capsules: Cooper Capsules SSP Capsule C Specific surveillance data related to weld heat 20291 are presented in Appendix B-2 and the results are summarized below. Three capsules containing weld heat 20291 have been tested. The Charpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows: Table 2-24 T 30 Shift Results for Weld Heat 20291 Cu Ni Fluence Capsule 11 tiTao(°F) (wt%) (wt%) (10 n/cm2, E > 1 MeV) Cooper 30° 2.4 60.9 Cooper 300° 0.23 0.75 2.8 63.8 SSPC 3.29 73.0 The results given in Appendix B-2 show a fitted chemistry factor (CF) of (( } }, as compared to a value of 194.5°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. The maximum scatter in the fitted data is well within the I-sigma value of28°F for welds as given in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative weld material is not the same heat number as the target weld in the Cooper vessel, the utility should use the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 tables to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel weld. Cooper surveillance weld heat 20291 is not in the Cooper vessel beltline. Recommended guidelines for evaluation ofISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 6 of 45 A-2 Plate Heat: C2307-2 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test Data The available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C2307-2 are listed in Table A-2-1. The source documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designations and fluence values are also provided for irradiated data sets. Table A-2-1 ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C2307-2 17 2 Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 10 n/cm ) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data - Reference A-2-1 Cooper 300° 2.8 Cooper 30° 2.41 Reference A-2-2

   'From Reference [A-2-1 ], which updated and superseded the fluence provided by Reference [A-2-2] for this capsule.

The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in Tables A-2-7 through A-2-9. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as a statistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots for each data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-2-3] and the plots are provided in Figures A-2-1 through A-2-3. Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-2-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C2307-2 surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there are multiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for that specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table A-2-2 Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C2307-2 Cu Cwt%) Ni Cwt%) p (wt%) s Cwt%) Si Cwt%) Specimen ID Source 0.21 0.73 0.010 O.o14 0.20 Plate CMTR Reference A-2-2 and A-2-4 0.22 0.77 0.007 - - J64 Reference A-2-2 and A-2-4 0.22 0.78 0.006 - - J6L 0.21 0.76 0.011 - - J63 Reference A-2-1 0.21 0.75 0.011 - - J6M 0.21 0.76 0.009 0.014 0.20 +.Best Estimate AveraQe Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF): The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-2-5], Table 2 (base metal), is: CF(C2307-2) = 164.6°F

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 7 of 45 Effects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C2307-2 are shown in Table A-2-3. The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T 50 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T35 mil [35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (LlT30 ) is calculated for each irradiated data set using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-2-4 compares the predicted shift with the measured LlT30 (°F) taken from Table A-2-3. Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USE Table A-2-5 compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease. The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-2-3. Credibility of Surveillance Data The credibility of the surveillance data is determined according to the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 and 10 CFR 50.61, as supplemented by the NRC staff [A-2-6]. The following evaluation is based on the available surveillance data for irradiated plate heat C2307-2. The applicability of this evaluation to a particular BWR plant must be confirmed on a plant-by-plant basis to verify there are no plant-specific exceptions to the following evaluation.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page B of 45 Table A-2-3 Effect of Irradiation (E>1.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C2307-2 T30, 30 ft-lb T 50 , 50 ft-lb T3smn* 35 mil Lateral Transition Transition Expansion CVN Upper Shelf Energy Capsule Temperature Temperature Temperature (USE) Material Identity ID Unirrad lrrad tiT3o Unirrad lrrad /iT50 Unirrad lrrad AT*smn Unirrad lrrad Change (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 30° -43.0 9.2 52.2 -12.8 47.7 60.5 -27.5 7.0 34.5 132.6 124.9 -7.7 CPR C2307-2 300° -43.0 9.2 52.2 -12.8 43.9 56.7 -27.5 33.0 60.5 132.6 125.8 -6.8 Table A-2-4 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C2307-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Capsule Fluence Measured Shift' Predicted Material 18 OF Predicted Shift' 2 Identity (x1 0 n/cm2) OF Shift+Margin *" OF CPR 30° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.24 52.2 31.7 63.3 CPR 300° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.28 52.2 34.7 68.7 Notes:

1. See Table A-2-3, .:!.T ,,.
2. Predicted shift= CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content, and FF is

Fluence Factor, f'",_'""", where f fluence (10" n/cm , E > 1.0 MeV). 2

3. Margin= 2.J(cr,' + crd'), where cr, =the standard deviation on initial RT"or (which is taken to be 0°F), and cr,. is the standard deviation on C.RT"or (28°F for welds and 17°F for base materials, except that cr,. need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of .:l.RTNorl* Thus, margin is defined as 34°F for plate materials and 56°F for weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 9 of 45 Table A-2-5 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat C2307-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Measured Capsule Fluence Cu Content Predicted Material Decrease in Identity (x10 1* n/cm 2} (wt%) 1 Decrease in USE 2 USE (%} (%) CPR 30° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.24 0.21 5.8 12.4 CPR 300° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.28 0.21 5.1 12.9 Notes:

1. See Table A-2-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).
2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-2-7) that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 10 of45 Per Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 and IO CFR 50.61, there are 5 criteria for the credibility assessment. Criterion 1: Materials in the capsules should be those judged most likely to be controlling with regard to radiation embrittlement. In order to satisfy this criterion, the representative surveillance material heat number must match the material in the vessel. Criterion 2: Scatter in the plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the irradiated and unirradiated conditions should be small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and upper shelf energy unambiguously. Plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the unirradiated and irradiated condition are presented in this sub-appendix. Based on engineering judgment, the scatter in these plots is small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and the upper shelf energy. Hence, this criterion is met. Criterion 3: When there are two or more sets of surveillance data from one reactor, the scatter of t1RTNoT values about a best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 normally should be less than l 7°F for plates. Even if the fluence range is large (two or more orders of magnitude), the scatter should not exceed twice that value. Even if the data fail this criterion for use in shift calculations, they may be credible for determining decrease in upper shelf energy if the upper shelf can be clearly determined, following the definition given in ASTM El85-82 [A-2-8] For plate material C2307-2, there are 2 surveillance capsule data sets currently available. The functional form of the least squares fit method as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is utilized to determine a best-fit line for this data and to determine if the scatter of these t1RTNoT values about this line is less than 17°F for plates. Figure A-2-4presents the best-fit line as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 utilizing the shift prediction routine from CVGRAPH, Version 5.0.2. The scatter of ~RTNoT values about the functional form of the best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is presented in Table A-2-6. Table A-2-6 Best Fit Evaluation for Surveillance Plate Heat C2307-2

                                                                                               <17°F Measured         Best Fit   Scatter Fitted                                                                  (Base Metal)

Material Capsule FF ARTNDT ARTNDT of ART Nor CF {°F) <28°F (30 ft-lb) {°F) (°F) (oF) (Weld metal) { }* 30° 0.192 52.20 (( }} (( }} Yes C2307-2 { } 300° 0.211 52.20 (( }} (( }} Yes Table A-2-6 indicates that the scatter is within acceptable range for credible surveillance data. Therefore, plate heat C2307-2 meets this criterion. Criterion 4: The irradiation temperature of the Charpy specimens in the capsule should match the vessel wall temperature at the cladding/base metal interface within+ I - 25°F.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 11 of45 BWRVIP-78 [A-2-9] established the similarity ofBWR plant environments in the BWR fleet. The annulus between the wall and the core shroud in the region of the surveillance capsules contains a mix of water returning from the core and feed water. Depending on feedwater temperature, this annulus region is between 525°F and 535°F. This location of specimens with respect to the reactor vessel beltline is designed so that the reactor vessel wall and the specimens experience equivalent operating conditions such that the temperature will not differ by more than 25°F. Any plant-specific exceptions to this generic analysis should be evaluated. Criterion 5: The surveillance data for the correlation monitor material in the capsule should fall within the scatter band of the database for that material. Few ISP capsules contain correlation monitor material. Generally, this criterion is not applicable. For plate heat C2307-2, these criteria are satisfied (or not applicable). The surveillance data are nominally credible because the scatter criterion is met. Prior to application of the data, a plant should verify that no plant-specific exceptions to these criteria exist. Table A-2-7 Unirradiated Charpy V-Notch Results for Surveillance Plate C2307-2 (LT) Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EP4 -100 8 6 9 EPE -60 10 11 14 EPP -50 21 20 16 ET4 -40 41 35 28 EPL -40 33 29 25 EPK -30 44.5 37 30 EPJ -20 45.5 40 30 EUK 20 72.5 60 42 ETE 60 108 79 75 EU5 100 114 83 87 EUA 150 132 92 100 EUB 200 133 88 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 12 of 45 Table A-2-8 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 30° Capsule Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EUD -20 13.5 22.0 10 ETK 0 27.5 31.0 10 EPM 10 32.5 39.0 10 EPC 20 38.5 42.0 15 EPA 40 45.0 49.0 30 ETI 60 55.0 49.0 40 EUC 80 73.0 64.0 50 EU1 120 86.5 64.0 85 EP7 160 112.0 88.0 80 EP3 200 117.7 78.0 90 EU6 300 121.7 93.0 90 ETB 400 125.3 95.0 100 Table A-2-9 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 300° Capsule Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EP1 -20 18 12 11 EU7 0 24 18 27 EP6 20 42.5 33 25 EPD 60 53.5 46 30 EUJ 100 91 68 63 ETD 150 111 83 83 EU3 200 119 88 100 EU4 300 125 76 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Tanh Curve Fits of CVN Test Data for Plate Heat C2307-2 PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR) CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 12/19/2002 08:55 AM Page I Coefficients of Curve I A= 67.57 B = 65.07 C = 79.1 TO= 9.01 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * (Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=l32.6 Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=-43.0 DegF Temp@SO ft-lbs=-12.8 Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0.0 n/cm"2


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                                                  *--.i---+---+-*-**->--*-*--1---1--+----1-~ --*-* ...... ,
                     -300   *200        -100         0        100      200          300      400   500          600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                      InputCVN                        Computed CVN                Differential
           - I 00. 00                         8. 00                            I 0. 28                  - 2. 2 8
             - 60. 00                       I 0. 00                            2 I. 8 5                -11.85
             - 5 0. 00                     21. 00                            26.40                    - s. 4 0
             - 40. 00                      41. 00                            3 I, 7 3                   9.27
             -40.00                        33. 00                            3 l. 7 3                   I. 2 7
             - 3 0. 00                     44. 50                            3 7. 8 6                   6. 64
             - 2 0. 00                     45. 50                            44. 73                       . 77
20. 00 72. 50 76. 56 - 4. 06
60. 00 I 08. 00 I 04. 54 3. 4 6 I 00. 00 114. 00 120. 79
  • 6. 79 150. 00 13 2. 00 129. 06 2.94 Figure A-2-1 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) Unirradiated

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 14 of45 PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR) Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0.0 n/crn"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature JnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 200.00 13 3. 0 0 13 I. 6 1 I. 3 9 Correlation Coefficient~ .992 Figure A-2-1 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) Unirradiated (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) p 4 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR-30) CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/22/2003 08:24 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve 1 A= 63.68 B = 61.18 C = 98.32 TO = 70-05 D = O.OOE+-00 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+Dl))J Upper ShelfEnergy=l 24.9 Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixed) Tcmp@30 ft-lbs=9.2 DegF Temp@50ft-lbs=47.7 DegF r--,-- I Plant: COOPER Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 300 Orientation: LT

                                                        --r Capsule: 30 DEG i

Fluence: 2.4E+l 7 n/cm"2

                                                                                    -1)----:----1 ttt                          t -r--- - - T-1 I                                    .            I B ,..                            ---1 --

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                                                                                 ~--l-~-l..-~----J I
                -300    -200        -100        0        100      200        300     400       500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                    lnputCVN                      Computed CVN                 Differential
          -20.00                       13. 50                            19. 3 9                   - s. 8 9
              . 00                    27. 50                             26. 22                      I. 28 IO. 00                    32.50                              3 0. 36                     2. 14 20.00                      3 8. 50                            34. 97                      3. 5 3 40.00                      45. 00                             45. 54                      *.54 60.00                      55. 00                             57.45                     - 2. 45 80.00                      73. 00                             69. 85                      3. I 5 120. 00                     86. 50                             92. 34                    - 5. 84 160. 00                    112. 00                           I 07. 94                      4.06 Figure A-2-2 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 30° Capsule

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 16 of45 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR-30) Page 2 Plant: COOPER Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: 30 DEG Fluence: 2.4E+l 7 n/cm"2 Cbarpy V-Notch Data Temperature lnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 200.00 117. 70 116. 7 3 .97 300. 00 121.70 123. 73 -2.03 400.00 125. 30 124. 71 .59 Correlation Coefficient= .997 Figure A-2-2 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 30° Capsule (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR-300) CV GRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/22/2003 08:26 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve l


A= 64.13 8 = 61.63 C 88.9 TO = 64.63 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=l25.8 Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixcd) Temp@30 ft-lbs=9.2 Deg F Temp@SO ft-lbs=43.9 Deg F Plant: COOPER Material: SA533BI Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: 300 DE Fluence: 2.8E+ 17 n/cm"2

              '°°I                         I I                   T-1 T--r:

250 200

                   ~1--+-*          **-----r*-*- -
                   +--'- - l - - - - - - * - -     --l--+-

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                                                                                             --l----1------j i                     i          I                      I                       ~;          I            i i.n  150 l
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                                                                                                  --1---_J         I I

i I 50 ----f-*-~---1 I I i

                                                                                              !       I            i 0 **---*-o                                                                --i----L---~
                 -300        -200       -100         0          100      200        300     400     500         600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                         lnputCVN                       Computed CVN                 Differential
          -20.00                            i 8. 00                             l 8. 48                    - . 48
               . 00                        24. 00                               25. 84                   - I. 84 20.00                         42. so                               35.55                      6.95 60.00                         53. so                             60.92                    - 7. 42 I 00. 00                        91. 00                             87.43                      3.57 150. 00                        L 11. 00                           l I 0. 0 l                     . 99 200.00                          IL 9. 00                           120. 16                    - I. t 6 300.00                         125. 00                           125. 15                      -
  • 15 Correlation Coefficient = .995 Figure A-2-3 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 300° Capsule

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 18 of 45 (( (E)}} Figure A-2-4 Fitted Surveillance Results for Plate Heat C2307-2

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary} Page 19 of45 References A-2-1. GE Nuclear Energy, "Cooper Nuclear Station Vessel Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness Analysis," GE-NE-523-159-1292, February 1993. A-2-2. "Cooper Nuclear Station Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness Analysis," T.A. Caine, B.J. Branlund, and S. Ranganath, General Electric, MDE-103-0986, DRF B 13-01389, May 1987. A-2-3. CVGRAPH, Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Fitting Program, Developed by ATI Consulting, Version 5.0.2, Revision 1, 3/26/02. A-2-4. Letter from G.R. Horn (NPPD) to USNRC, "Response to Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Cooper Nuclear Station, NRC Docket No. 50-298, DPR-44," Nebraska Public Power District, NSD920629, dated July 1, 1992. A-2-5. "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, May 1988. A-2-6. K. Wichman, M. Mitchell, and A. Hiser, USNRC, Generic Letter 92-01 and RPV Integrity Workshop Handouts, NRC/Industry Workshop on RPV Integrity Issues, February 12, 1998. A 7. "Format and Content of Report for Thermal Annealing of Reactor Pressure Vessels, USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.162, February 1996. A-2-8. ASTM E-185, "Standard Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests for Light-Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels," American Spciety for Testing and Materials, July 1982. A-2-9. BWR Vessel and Internals Project: BWR Integrated Surveillance Program Plan (BWRVIP-78). EPRI, Palo Alto, CA and BWRVIP: 1999. TR-114228.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 20 of 45 A-19 Plate Heat: C2331-2 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test Data The available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C233 l-2 are listed in Table A-19-1. The source documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence values are also provided for irradiated data sets. Table A-19-1 ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C2331-2 17 Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 10 n/cm') Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data - Reference A-19-1 SSPD 10.118 Reference A-19-2 SSPG 18.487 SSP E 17.192 Reference A-19-3 SSPI 27.085 SSPA 3.82 Reference A-1 9-12 SSP B 4.79 Reference A-19-12 The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in Tables A-19-7 through A-19-13. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as a statistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots for each data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-19-4] and the plots are provided in Figures A-19-1 through A-19-7. Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-19-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C2331-2 surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there are multiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for that specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary} Page 21 of 45 Table A-19-2 Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C2331-2 Cu (wt%) Ni (wt%) P (wt%) S (wt%) Si (wt%) Specimen ID Source 0.17 0.58 0.01 0.017 0.22 CMTR Reference A-19-5 0.15 0.69 0.022 0.023 0.25 SSP 0.15 0.64 0.012 - - SSP Reference A-19-1 0.15 0.665 0.017 0.023 0.25 SSP Average 0.16 - 0.62 0.014 0.020 0.24 ~Best Estimate Average Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF): The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-19-6], Table 2 (base metal), is: CF(C2.131-2) = 118.5°F Effects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C2331-2 are shown in Table A-19-3. The T 30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T 50 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T 35 mu [35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unitrndiated and irradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the end of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (L1T30) is calculated for each irradiated data set using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-19-4 compares the predicted shift with the measured L1T30 (°F) taken from Table A-19-3. Decrease in USE Table A-19-5 shows the percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE). The measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-19-3.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 22 of 45 Table A-19-3 . Effect of Irradiation (E>1.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C2331-2 T,0 , 30 ft-lb T 50 , 50 ft-lb Tasmu* 35 mil Lateral CVN Upper Shelf Energy Transition Transition Material Capsule Expansion Temperature (USE) Temperature Temperature Identity ID Unirrad lrrad ~Tao Unirrad lrrad ~T** Unirrad lrrad ~Tasmn Unirrad lrrad Change (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SSPD -13.3 48.7 62.0 . 30.1 92.8 62.7 34.1 86.3 52.2 100.0 89.3 -10.7 SSPG -13.3 78.7 92.0 30.1 127.2 97.1 34.1 118.2 84.1 100.0 81.6 -18.4 SSP E -13.3 62.8 76.1 30.1 105.8 75.7 34.1 124.2 90.1 100.0 82.3 -17.7 CPR C2331-2 SSPI -13.3 80.4 93.7 30.1 128.8 98.7 34.1 128.3 94.2 100.0 80.3 -19.7 SSPA -13.3 28.2 41.5 30.1 77.9 47.8 34.1 44.4 10.3 100.0 91.0 -9.0 SSPB -13.3 21.4 34.7 30.1 62.5 32.4 34.1 39.2 5.1 100.0 97.7 -2.3 Table A-19-4 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C2331-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Capsule Fluence Measured Shift' 2 Predicted Material 18 Fluence Factor OF Predicted Shift 2 3 Identity (x10 n/cm2) OF Shift+Margin

  • OF SSPD 1.0118 0.419 62.0 49.7 83.7 SSPG 1.8487 0.551 92.0 65.3 99.3 SSP E Plate Heat C2331-2 1.7192 0.534 76.1 63.3 97.3 SSPI from Cooper 2.7085 0.644 93.7 76.3 110.3 SSPA 0.382 0.252 41.5 29.9 59.8 SSP B 0.479 0.286 34.7 33.9 67.8 Notes:
1. See Table A-19-3, ti.T,,.
2. Predicted shift= CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content, and FF is Fluence Factor, l'"-0* 10 "9*, where I= ftuence (1 O" n/cm', E > 1.0 MeV).


3. Margin= 2-J(a, +at!), where er,= the standard deviation on initial RTNoT (which is taken to be 0°F), and er,. is the standard deviation on iiRTNor (28°F for welds and 17°F for base materials, except that er,. need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of iiRTN 0 ,). Thus, margin is defined as 34°F for plate materials and 56°F for weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 23 of 45 Table A-19-5 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy {USE) for Plate Heat C2331-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Measured Fluence Cu Content Predicted Capsule Identity Material 2 Decrease in {x10 1* n/cm ) {wt%) 1 Decrease in USE {%) 2 USE (%) SSPD 1.0118 0.16 10.7 14.5 SSPG 1.8487 0.16 18.4 16.8 SSP E 1.7192 0.16 17.7 16.5 Plate Heat C2331-2 in Cooper SSPI 2.7085 0.16 19.7 18.3 SSPA 0.382 0.16 9.0 11.5 SSP B 0.479 0.16 2.3 12.2 Notes:

1. See Table A-19-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).
2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-19-7] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 24 of 45 Credibility of Surveillance Data The credibility of the surveillance data is determined according to the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 and 10 CFR 50.61, as supplemented by the NRC staff [A-19-8]. The following evaluation is based on the available surveillance data for irradiated plate heat C2331-2. The applicability of this evaluation to a particular BWR plant must be confirmed on a plant-by-plant basis to verify there are no plant-specific exceptions to the following evaluation. Per Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 and 10 CFR 50.61, there are 5 criteria for the credibility assessment. Criterion I: Materials in the capsules should be those judged most likely to be controlling with regard to radiation embrittlement. In order to satisfy this criterion, the representative surveillance material heat number must match the material in the vessel. Criterion 2: Scatter in the plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the irradiated and unirradiated conditions should be small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and upper shelf energy unambiguously. Plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the unirradiated and irradiated condition are presented in Figures A-19-1 through A-19-7. Based on engineering judgment, the scatter in these plots is small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and the upper shelf energy. Hence, this criterion is met. Criterion 3: When there are two or more sets of surveillance data from one reactor, the scatter of ~RTNoT values about a best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 normally should be less than l 7°F for plates. Even if the fluence range is large (two or more orders of magnitude), the scatter should not exceed twice that value. Even if the data fail this criterion for use in shift calculations, they may be credible for determining decrease in upper shelf energy if the upper shelf can be clearly determined, following the definition given in ASTM El 85-82 [A-19-9]. For plate material C233 l-2, there are 6 surveillance capsule data sets currently available. The functional form of the least squares fit method as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is utilized to determine a best-fit line for this data and to determine if the scatter of these ~RTNoT values about this line is less than 17°F for plates. Figure A-19-8 presents the best-fit line as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 utilizing the shift prediction routine from CVGRAPH, Version 5.0.2. The scatter of .ilRTNoT values about the functional form of the best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is presented in Table A-19-6.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 25 of 45 Table A-19-6 Best Fit Evaluation for Surveillance Plate Heat C2331-2

                                                                                                  <17°F Measured         Best Fit    Scatter of Fitted                                                                       {Base Metal)

Material Capsule FF ARTNDT ARTNDT ARTNDT CF {°F) <28°F (30 ft-lb) {°F) (oF) (oF) c (Weld metal) SSPD 0.419 62.0 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPG 0.551 92.0 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPE 0.534 76.1 (( }} (( }} Yes C2331-2 { }} SSPI* 0.644 93.7 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPA 0.252 41.5 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPB -0.286 34.7 (( }} (( }} Yes Table A-19-6 indicates that the scatter is within acceptable range for credible surveillance data. Therefore, plate heat C2331-2 meets this criterion. Criterion 4: The irradiation temperature of the Charpy specimens in the capsule should match the vessel wall temperature at the cladding/base metal interface within+ I - 25°F. BWRVIP-78 [A-19-11] established the similarity of BWR plant environments in the BWR fleet. The annulus between the wall and the core shroud in the region of the surveillance capsules contains a mix of water returning from the core and feed water. Depending on feedwater temperature, this annulus region is between 525°F and 535°F. This location of specimens with respect to the reactor vessel beltline is designed so that the reactor vessel wall and the specimens experience equivalent operating conditions such that the temperature will not differ by more than 25°F. Any plant-specific exceptions to this generic analysis should be evaluated. Criterion 5: The surveillance data for the correlation monitor material in the capsule should fall within the scatter band of the database for that material. Few IS.P capsules contain correlation monitor material. Generally, this criterion is not applicable. For plate heat C233 l-2, these criteria are satisfied (or not applicable). The surveillance data are nominally credible because the scatter criterion is met. Prior to application of the data, a plant should verify that no plant-specific exceptions to these criteria exist.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 26 of 45 Table A-19-7 Unirradiated Charpy V-Notch Results for Surveillance Plate C2331-2 (TL) Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear SSP 1 -80 12.0 5.0 3 SSP2 -60 15.5 5.0 0 SSP3 -40 24.5 12.5 19 SSP4 -20 20.0 13.0 16 SSP5 -20 31.5 20.0 20 SSP6 0 43.5 28.5 23 SSP7 20 46.0 29.5 30 SSP8 40 52.5 32.5 49 SSP9 60 53.5 37.0 47 SSP 10 60 49.5 37.0 44 SSP 11 80 91.5 67.5 87 SSP12 100 86.0 63.0 89 SSP13 180 97.0 70.0 100 SSP14 300 97.0 73.0 100 SSP15 400 106.0 73.5 100 Table A-19-8 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 {TL) in SSP Capsule D Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear 1 0 9 8 5 2 25 24.5 21 10 3 50 28 19 15 4 75 50.5 39 20 5 100 49 37 40 6 150 68 51 90 7 200 83.75 57 100 8 250 92.5 65 100 9 300 94 71 100 10 400 87 71 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 27 of45 Table A-19-9 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule G Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear 1 25 18.5 15 5 2 75 33.5 24 20 3 100 35.5 27 10 4 125 41.5 35 35 5 140 51.5 37 40 6 150 63.5 47 70 7 200 76 57 100 8 250 84.5 58 100 9 300 83 70 100 10 400 83 65 100 Table A-19-10 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule E Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EP130C 0 10.5 1 0 EP130E 40 28.0 12 15 EP130A 70 27.5 17 30 EP130H 100 49.0 27 55 EP130D 125 54.5 32 50 EP130F 150 68.5 43 90

                             *-*    . -~*-*

EP130B 200 80.0 55 100 EP130G 225 82.0 54 100 EP1301 250 81.5 61 100 EP130J 300 85.5 59 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 28 of 45 Table A-19-11 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule I Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear IP1308 0 8.5 2.0 0 IP130J 30 20.0 8.0 5 IP130A 70 27.5 14.0 20 IP130H 100 30.0 18.0 30 IP130G 125 50.5 37.0 55 IP130C 150 60.0 46.0 65 IP130D 200 71.5 54.0 85 IP130I 250 77.5 59.0 100 IP130E 300 83.0 69.0 100 IP130F 400 80.5 64.0 100 Table A-19-12 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule A Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear AP1-30-10 -40.36 10.07 10.5 8.3 AP1-30-8 -20.56 15.78 16.0 11.9 AP1-30-7 19.94 30.17 28.5 21 AP1-30-9 19.94 33.14 30.5 20.7 AP1-30-1 67.64 39.22 39.0 26.9 AP1-30-2 110.84 57.99 52.0 47.4 i---------**** *------ AP1-30-3 160.70 85.95 73.0 99 AP1-30-4 250.88 88.94 77.0 100 AP1-30-5 300.74 90.17 73.0 100 AP1-30-6 399.56 99.00 76.5 100

ER 15-019. Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 29 of 45 Table A-19-13 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule 8 Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear BP1-30-8 -20.20 10.03 10.0 9.3 BP1-30-10 0.32 27.15 26.0 16.6 BP1-30-7 20.48 35.30 31.0 19 BP1-30-1 68.00 46.36 39.5 36.2 BP1-30-9 89.60 60.70 55.5 37.7 BP1-30-2 120.74 82.25 66.0 73.8 BP1-30-3 180.32 90.96 72.0 100 BP1-30-4 249.44 100.08 81.0 100 BP1-30-5 299.66 99.12 77.0 100 BP1-30-6 400.28 100.70 74.5 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 30 of 45 Tanh Curve Fits of CVN Test Data for Plate Heat C2331-2 UNIRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/23/2003 03:05 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve 1


A= 51.25 B = 48.75 C 98.29 TO= 32.52 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=l 00.0(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.S(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=-13.3 Deg F Temp@SO ft*lbs=30.I Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SA533BI Heat: C233 l-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0 n/cmA2 300 I I 250 .. 1 i ~---' Ii I 11 200

               ~ 150 I


                                                                +                               I Cl)

II I II z I (; 100 I I I o, v-- 0 I I i i/ I 50 c

                                                           !)'  -   I 0
                                 !            /o I                                                                I i
                      -300    -200        -100 .          0       100     200        300       400   500       600 Temperature in Deg F Cbarpy V-Notcb Data Temperature                       lnputCVN                      Computed CVN              Differential
               -80. 00                         12. 00                            I I. 47                    . 53
               -60. 00                         15. so                           15. 38                      . 12
               -40. 00                        24. 50                            20.64                      3. 86
               - 20. 00                       20.00                             27.43                    -7.43
               - 20. 00                       3 l. 50                           27.43                      4.07
                    . 00                      43. 50                            35. 68                     7. 82 20.00                        46. 00                            45.07                       . 93
40. 00 52.50 54. 95 - 2. 45 60.00 53. 50 64. 53
  • 11. 03 Figure A-19-1 Cooper Unirradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) p f4 UNIRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533BI Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature InputCVN Computed CVN Differential 60.00 49. 5 0 64.53 - 15. 03 80.00 91. 50 73. 12 18. 38 I 00. 00 86. 00 80.29 5. 71 180. 00 97.00 95.38 I. 62 300.00 97. 00 99. 58 - 2. 5 8 400. 00 I 06. 00 99.94 6.06 Correlation Coefficient= .969 Figure A-19-1 Cooper Unirradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 32 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-D CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/01/2006 05:51 PM Page I Coefficients of Curve I A= 45.9 B = 43.4 C = 92.06 TO = 84.06 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-ToY(C+DT))) Upper ShelfEnergy=89.3(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixcd) Temp@30 ft-lbr-48.7 Deg F Temp@50 ft-lbs=92.8 Deg F Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533BI Heat: C233 l-2 I -- ---,-------- r-Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-D Fluence: I .Ol 18E+l 8 n/cm"2 300 j---* --,.--- - ' -- , *- --- ---1 ----- -1 250 J____J _ --1--i-- **---+ ---l-----~-- -----~-

            ~         t         .' . ___l__. !.                              i                                  ! _____ !
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                                                                                                                      *-*---j 0 **---***   **--*-*--***-*----~------- ~---*-**--** i ****----' ---*--- .: ______           _i _ _ __~ j
                  -300       -200         -100        0       100          200         300        400       500           600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                        JnputCVN                          Computed CVN                       Differential
                - 00                          9. 00                              I 4. 54                          - 5. 5 4
25. 00 24. 50 2 I. 3 4 3. 16
50. 00 2 8. 00 3 0. 54 - 2. 5 4
75. 00 50. 50 41. 64 8. 86 I 00. 00 49. 00 5 3. 34 - 4. 3 4 150. 00 68. 00 72. 58 - 4. 5 8 200. 00 83. 75 8 2. 83 . 92 250. 00 92. 50 87. 00 5. 5 0 3 00. 00 94. 00 88. 51 5. 49 Figure A-19-2 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-D) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 33 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-D Page 2 Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533Bl Heat: C233 I-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-D Fluence: 1.0 I J8E+l 8 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data TemperaLure lnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 400.00 8 7. 0 0 8 9. 2 I - 2. 21 Correlation Coefficient= .987 Figure A-19-2 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-D) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 34 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-G CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/01/2006 05:54 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve l A= 42.05 B = 39.55 C = 93.59 TO= 108.08 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=8 I .6(Fixed) Lower ShelfEncrgy=2.5(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=78.7 Deg F Temp@50 ft-Ibs=127.2 Deg F Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-G Fluence: l.8487E+l 8 n/cm"2 300 r--- .. -;--**--i-----~--- --*-* *-* ---**-,--. ----~- ---**1 I l i 25+ ' i I r--l. ----:- ... ____ 1 _____ .  ! __ I

I  ! I I
                                                                                                                                 --1 i
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___ __:I______ . !' ____. . _L ......-+_. __J_ ! I


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                                                                                                                                   --~-- -
                  -300      -200          -100              0         100           200             300            400       500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                           lnputCVN                                Computed CVN                             Differential 25.00                            18. 50                                        13. 96                              4.54 75.00                           3 3. 50                                       28. 63                               4. 8 7 I 00. 00                          3 5. 50                                       38.64                              - 3. 14 125. 00                           4 1. 50                                      49. 12                             - 7' 62 J 40. 00                           51. 50                                      55' 04                             - 3. 5 4 l 50. 00                           63. 50                                       58. 67                               4. 83 200.00                             76. 00                                      7 1. 87                              4. 1 3 250. 00                            84. 50                                       77. 96                               6.54 300.00                             83. 00                                       8 0. 3 I                             2.69 Figure A-19-3 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-G) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 35 of45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-G Page 2 Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533B I Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-G Fluence: 1.8487E+ 18 n/cm"2 CharpyV-Notch Data Temperature JnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 400. 00 83. 00 81.45 I. 55 Correlation Coefficient ~ .982 Figure A-19-3 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-G) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 36 of 45 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-E) CV GRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/23/2003 03:05 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve 1 A = 42.4 B = 39.9 C = 83.62 TO = 89.63 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * (Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))} Upper ShelfEnergy=82.3(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fhced) Temp@30 ft-lbs=62.8 Deg F Temp@50 ft-lbs=105.8 Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-E Fluence: l.7192E+!8 n/cm"2 300 [ I  ! I 250 ~-**** I a Ill 200


if I'

         ~ 150 w

2! z (; 100 I I 50 I 1i*1/ " - ~ I I I I 0

                 -300       -200 I

0 lr1 _L 100 200 300 I I 400 500 I __._/ 600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature fnputCVN Computed CVN Differential

              . 00                         10. so                            I 0. 87                   -.37 40.00                           28.00                             21. I 6                   6. 84
70. 00 27. so 33.20 - 5. 70 100. 00 49.00 47.32 I. 68 125.00 54. 50 58.34 - 3. 8 4 150, 00 68. so 67. 06 I. 44 200.00 80.00 76. 98 3' 02 225.00 82.00 79.29 2. 71 250.00 81. 5 0 80. 61 .89 Figure A-19-4 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP*E) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-E) Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-E Fluence: 1.7192E+l8 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature lnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 300.00 85.50 81. 78 3. 72 Correlation Coefficient= .991 Figure A-19-4 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-E) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 38 of 45 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-1) CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/23/2003 03:05 PM Page l Coefficients of Curve I A= 41.4 B =38.9 C =91.86 TO = 108.11 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)l(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=80.3(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=80.4 Deg F Ternp@SO ft-lbs=l28.8 Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SAS33Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-1 Fluence: 2.7085E+l8 n/cm"2 300 I I i I I Ii


I 250 i I --***** I I i I II

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                -300   -200       -100        0        100      200           300  400      500         600 Temperature in Deg F CharpyV-Notch Data Temperature                    JnputCVN                     Computed CVN                 Differential
              .00                      8.50                               9.25                     - . 75 30.00                    20.00                              14. SI                     5.49 70.00                    27.50                             26. 13                      I. 37 I 00. 00                   30.00                             37. 97                    - 7. 97 125. 00                    50.50                             48.47                       2. 03 150. 00                    60.00                             58. 00                      2. 00 200.00                      71. 5 0                           71. 03                        . 47 250.00                      77.50                             76. 91                        . 59 300.00                      83.00                             79. 13                      3. 87 Figure A-19-5 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-1) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) f IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-1) Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-1 Fluence: 2.7085E+18 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature InputCVN Computed CVN Differential 400. 00 80. 50 80. 17

  • 33 Correlation Coefficient= .992 Figure A-19-5 Cooper .Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-1) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 40 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP Capsule A CV GRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/07/2006 12:13 PM Page I Coefficients of Curve I A= 46.75 B = 44.25 C = 105.31 TO= 70.12 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=91.0(fixcd) tower ShclfEnergy=2.5(Fixcd) Tcmp@30 fi-lbse28.2 Deg F Temp@50 ft-lbs=77.9 Deg F Plant: COOPER Material: SA533B I Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-A Flucnce: N/A n/cmA2 300 I

                                                                                                                        **-1 250 Ill                                     i
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                     -300         -200         -100             0        100       200         300     400   500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperaturc                                 lnputCVN                        Computed CVN            Diffcrc11tinl
             - 40. 36                                  l 0. 07                            12. I7               - 2. I0
             - 2 0. 56                                 l 5. 78                            15. 92                 -. 14
19. 94 30. I7 27. I3 3. 04
19. 94 33. 14 27. I3 6. 0I 67.64 39. 22 4 5. 7I - 6. 49 II 0. 84 s7. 99 63. 06 - 5. 07 16 0. 70 s 5. 95 77. 56 8. 39 250. 88 8 8. 94 8 8. 23 . 71 300. 74 90. l7 8 9. 91 .26 Figure A-19-6 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-A) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 41 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP Capsule A Page 2 Plant: COOPER Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-A Flueucc: NIA n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature Input CVN Computed CVN Differential 399. S6 99.00 90. 83 8. 17 Correlation Coefficient~ .989 Figure A-19-6 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-A) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 42 of 45 Plate Heat C233l-2 in SSP Capsule B CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/07/2006 12:17 PM Page l Coefficients of Curve l A= 50.1 B = 47.6 C = 91.63 TO= 62.66 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))) Upper Shelf Encrgr97. 7(1'ixcd) Lower Shelf Encrgy=2.5(fixcd) Temp.:@.30 ft-lbs=2 I A Deg f Temp@SO ft-lbs=62.5 Deg F Plant: COOPER Material: SA533BI Heat: C233l-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-B Fluence: NIA 300 250 *i

             ~ 200 00 7- ...*.*.
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w z () 100 .. 0 0 50 i* i lo 0 iI 0 o. 0 *I*  !

                      -300        -200       -100          0        100       200          300     400   500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notcb Data Temperature                            JnputCVN                          Computed CVN            Differential
             - 2 0. 20                            1 a. a 3                             t 5. 90               - 5. 8 7
                    .32                          2 7' 15                               21. 93                  5. 22 20.48                            3 5. 3 0                              29. 61                  5. 6 9 6 8. 00                          4 6. 36                               52. 8 7               - 6. 5 I 8 9. 60                         60. 70                                63.76                 - 3. 0 0 12 0. 74                           82.25                                 76. 79                  5.46 18 0. 3 2                          90. 9 6                               90. 92                    . 04 249.44                            I 00. 08                                96. I I                 3. 9 7 299. 66                             99. 12                                97. J 6                 I. 96 Figure A-19-7 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-B) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 43 of 45 Plate Heat C233l-2 in SSP Capsule B Page 2 Plant: COOPER Material: SA533!3 I Ilcat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-B Fiuence: N//\ n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature lnputCVN Computed CVN omerential 400. 28 I 00. 7 0 9 7. 64 J. 06 Correlation Coefficient= .991 Figure A-19-7 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-8) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 44 of 45 (( (El}} Figure A-19-8 Fitted Surveillance Results for Plate Heat C2331-2

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 45 of45 References A-19-1. "Progress Report on Phase 2 of the BWR Owners' Group Supplemental Surveillance Program," T.A. Caine, S. Ranganath, and S.J. Stark, GE Nuclear Energy, GE-NE-523-99-0792, January 1992. A-19-2. BWRVIP-87NP, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and Internals Project Testing and Evaluation of BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program Capsules D, G, and H. EPRI, Palo Alto and BWRVIP: 2010. 1021553. A-19-3. BWRVIP-lllNP, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Testing and Evaluation of BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program Capsules E, F and I. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2010. 1021554. A-19-4. CVGRAPH, Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Fitting Program, Developed by ATI Consulting, Version 5.0.2, Revision 1, 3/26/02. A-19-5. General Electric, "Cooper Nuclear Station Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness Analysis," T.A. Caine, B.J. Branlund, and S. Ranganath, MDE-103-0986, May 1987. A-19-6. "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, May 1988. A-19-7. "Format and Content of Report for Thermal Annealing of Reactor Pressure Vessels," USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.162, February 1996. A-19-8. K. Wichman, M. Mitchell, and A. Hiser, USNRC, Generic Letter 92-01 and RPV Integrity Workshop Handouts, NRC/Industry Workshop on RPV Integrity Issues, February 12, 1998. A-19-9. ASTM E-185, "Standard Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests for Light-Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels," American Society for Testing and Materials, July 1982. A-19-10. BWR Vessel and Internals Project: BWR Integrated Surveillance Program Plan (BWRVIP-78). EPRI, Palo Alto, CA and BWRVIP: 1999. TR-114228. A-19-11. Not used. A-19-12. BWRVIP-169NP: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Testing and Evaluation of BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program (SSP) Capsules A, B, and C. BPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2010. 1021556.

Cooper Nuclear Station PTLR ER 15-019 Revision 1 Page 28 of28 Supplement 1 BWRVIP-135, Revision 3, Cooper Specific Information, 45 pages

ER 15-019 , Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 1 of 45 r=~f21 ~*- I ELECTRIC POW ER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2014 TECHNICAL REPORT BWRVIP-135, Revision 3: BWR Vessel and Internals Project Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) Data Source Book and Plant Evaluations WARNING: NOTICE: This repor t c onloins prop rieta ry information that is the intellectual property of Please read lhe Export Contro l EPRI. Accordingly, ii is available only under license from EPRI and may nol be reproduced Ag reement o n lhe bo ck cover. or disclosed, wholly or in porl, by o ny licensee lo a ny other person or organization.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 2 of45 BWRVIP-135, Revision 3: BWR Vessel and Internals Project Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) Data Source Book and Plant Evaluations 3002003144 Technical Report, December 2014 EPRI Project Manager R. Carter All or a portion of the requirements of the EPRI Nuclear Quality Assurance Program apply to this product.

                                                ~NO ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 *PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 *USA 800.313.3774
  • 650.855.2121


ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 4 of45 Cooper Representative Surveillance Materials The ISP Representative Surveillance Materials for the Cooper vessel target weld and plates are shown in the following table. Table 2-22 Target Vessel Materials and ISP Representative Materials for Cooper Target Vessel Materials ISP Representative Materials Weld 27204/12008 20291 Plate C2307-2 C2307-2 Summary of Available Surveillance Data: Plate The representative plate material C2307-2 is contained in the following ISP capsules: Cobper Capsules Specific surveillance data related to plate heat C2307-2 are summarized in Appendix A-2. Two capsules containing this plate heat have been tested. The Charpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows: Table 2-23 T30 Shift Results for Plate Heat C2307-2 Cu Ni Fluence Capsule 11 2 AT30 (°F) (wto/o) (wto/o) (10 n/cm , E > 1 MeV) Cooper 30° 2.4 52.2 0.21 0.76 Cooper 300° 2.8 52.2 The results given in Appendix A-2 show a fitted chemistry factor (CF) of { { }}, as compared to a value of 164.6°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. The maximum scatter in the fitted data is (( }} which is well within the 1-sigma value of l 7°F for plates as given in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative plate material is the same heat number as the target plate in the Cooper vessel, and because there are two irradiated data sets for this plate that fall within the I-sigma scatter band, the ISP surveillance data in Appendix A-2 should be used to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel plate. Recommended guidelines for use of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 5 of 45 An archival plate heat from the Cooper vessel, Plate Heat C2331-2, was included in the Supplemental Surveillance Program (SSP), and irradiated data from SSP Capsules D, G, E, I, A, and B are provided in Appendix A-19. The credible surveillance data should be considered when a revised ART is calculated for vessel heat C2331-2. Summary of Available Surveillance Data: Weld The representative weld material 20291 is contained in the following ISP capsules: Cooper Capsules SSP Capsule C Specific surveillance data related to weld heat 20291 are presented in Appendix B-2 and the results are summarized below. Three capsules containing weld heat 20291 have been tested. The Charpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows: Table 2-24 T 30 Shift Results for Weld Heat 20291 Cu Ni Fluence Capsule 11 tiTao(°F) (wt%) (wt%) (10 n/cm2, E > 1 MeV) Cooper 30° 2.4 60.9 Cooper 300° 0.23 0.75 2.8 63.8 SSPC 3.29 73.0 The results given in Appendix B-2 show a fitted chemistry factor (CF) of (( } }, as compared to a value of 194.5°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. The maximum scatter in the fitted data is well within the I-sigma value of28°F for welds as given in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative weld material is not the same heat number as the target weld in the Cooper vessel, the utility should use the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 tables to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel weld. Cooper surveillance weld heat 20291 is not in the Cooper vessel beltline. Recommended guidelines for evaluation ofISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 6 of 45 A-2 Plate Heat: C2307-2 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test Data The available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C2307-2 are listed in Table A-2-1. The source documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designations and fluence values are also provided for irradiated data sets. Table A-2-1 ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C2307-2 17 2 Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 10 n/cm ) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data - Reference A-2-1 Cooper 300° 2.8 Cooper 30° 2.41 Reference A-2-2

   'From Reference [A-2-1 ], which updated and superseded the fluence provided by Reference [A-2-2] for this capsule.

The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in Tables A-2-7 through A-2-9. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as a statistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots for each data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-2-3] and the plots are provided in Figures A-2-1 through A-2-3. Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-2-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C2307-2 surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there are multiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for that specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table A-2-2 Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C2307-2 Cu Cwt%) Ni Cwt%) p (wt%) s Cwt%) Si Cwt%) Specimen ID Source 0.21 0.73 0.010 O.o14 0.20 Plate CMTR Reference A-2-2 and A-2-4 0.22 0.77 0.007 - - J64 Reference A-2-2 and A-2-4 0.22 0.78 0.006 - - J6L 0.21 0.76 0.011 - - J63 Reference A-2-1 0.21 0.75 0.011 - - J6M 0.21 0.76 0.009 0.014 0.20 +.Best Estimate AveraQe Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF): The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-2-5], Table 2 (base metal), is: CF(C2307-2) = 164.6°F

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 7 of 45 Effects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C2307-2 are shown in Table A-2-3. The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T 50 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T35 mil [35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (LlT30 ) is calculated for each irradiated data set using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-2-4 compares the predicted shift with the measured LlT30 (°F) taken from Table A-2-3. Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USE Table A-2-5 compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease. The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-2-3. Credibility of Surveillance Data The credibility of the surveillance data is determined according to the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 and 10 CFR 50.61, as supplemented by the NRC staff [A-2-6]. The following evaluation is based on the available surveillance data for irradiated plate heat C2307-2. The applicability of this evaluation to a particular BWR plant must be confirmed on a plant-by-plant basis to verify there are no plant-specific exceptions to the following evaluation.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page B of 45 Table A-2-3 Effect of Irradiation (E>1.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C2307-2 T30, 30 ft-lb T 50 , 50 ft-lb T3smn* 35 mil Lateral Transition Transition Expansion CVN Upper Shelf Energy Capsule Temperature Temperature Temperature (USE) Material Identity ID Unirrad lrrad tiT3o Unirrad lrrad /iT50 Unirrad lrrad AT*smn Unirrad lrrad Change (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 30° -43.0 9.2 52.2 -12.8 47.7 60.5 -27.5 7.0 34.5 132.6 124.9 -7.7 CPR C2307-2 300° -43.0 9.2 52.2 -12.8 43.9 56.7 -27.5 33.0 60.5 132.6 125.8 -6.8 Table A-2-4 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C2307-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Capsule Fluence Measured Shift' Predicted Material 18 OF Predicted Shift' 2 Identity (x1 0 n/cm2) OF Shift+Margin *" OF CPR 30° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.24 52.2 31.7 63.3 CPR 300° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.28 52.2 34.7 68.7 Notes:

1. See Table A-2-3, .:!.T ,,.
2. Predicted shift= CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content, and FF is

Fluence Factor, f'",_'""", where f fluence (10" n/cm , E > 1.0 MeV). 2

3. Margin= 2.J(cr,' + crd'), where cr, =the standard deviation on initial RT"or (which is taken to be 0°F), and cr,. is the standard deviation on C.RT"or (28°F for welds and 17°F for base materials, except that cr,. need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of .:l.RTNorl* Thus, margin is defined as 34°F for plate materials and 56°F for weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 9 of 45 Table A-2-5 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat C2307-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Measured Capsule Fluence Cu Content Predicted Material Decrease in Identity (x10 1* n/cm 2} (wt%) 1 Decrease in USE 2 USE (%} (%) CPR 30° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.24 0.21 5.8 12.4 CPR 300° Plate Heat C2307-2 in Cooper 0.28 0.21 5.1 12.9 Notes:

1. See Table A-2-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).
2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-2-7) that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 10 of45 Per Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 and IO CFR 50.61, there are 5 criteria for the credibility assessment. Criterion 1: Materials in the capsules should be those judged most likely to be controlling with regard to radiation embrittlement. In order to satisfy this criterion, the representative surveillance material heat number must match the material in the vessel. Criterion 2: Scatter in the plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the irradiated and unirradiated conditions should be small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and upper shelf energy unambiguously. Plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the unirradiated and irradiated condition are presented in this sub-appendix. Based on engineering judgment, the scatter in these plots is small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and the upper shelf energy. Hence, this criterion is met. Criterion 3: When there are two or more sets of surveillance data from one reactor, the scatter of t1RTNoT values about a best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 normally should be less than l 7°F for plates. Even if the fluence range is large (two or more orders of magnitude), the scatter should not exceed twice that value. Even if the data fail this criterion for use in shift calculations, they may be credible for determining decrease in upper shelf energy if the upper shelf can be clearly determined, following the definition given in ASTM El85-82 [A-2-8] For plate material C2307-2, there are 2 surveillance capsule data sets currently available. The functional form of the least squares fit method as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is utilized to determine a best-fit line for this data and to determine if the scatter of these t1RTNoT values about this line is less than 17°F for plates. Figure A-2-4presents the best-fit line as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 utilizing the shift prediction routine from CVGRAPH, Version 5.0.2. The scatter of ~RTNoT values about the functional form of the best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is presented in Table A-2-6. Table A-2-6 Best Fit Evaluation for Surveillance Plate Heat C2307-2

                                                                                               <17°F Measured         Best Fit   Scatter Fitted                                                                  (Base Metal)

Material Capsule FF ARTNDT ARTNDT of ART Nor CF {°F) <28°F (30 ft-lb) {°F) (°F) (oF) (Weld metal) { }* 30° 0.192 52.20 (( }} (( }} Yes C2307-2 { } 300° 0.211 52.20 (( }} (( }} Yes Table A-2-6 indicates that the scatter is within acceptable range for credible surveillance data. Therefore, plate heat C2307-2 meets this criterion. Criterion 4: The irradiation temperature of the Charpy specimens in the capsule should match the vessel wall temperature at the cladding/base metal interface within+ I - 25°F.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 11 of45 BWRVIP-78 [A-2-9] established the similarity ofBWR plant environments in the BWR fleet. The annulus between the wall and the core shroud in the region of the surveillance capsules contains a mix of water returning from the core and feed water. Depending on feedwater temperature, this annulus region is between 525°F and 535°F. This location of specimens with respect to the reactor vessel beltline is designed so that the reactor vessel wall and the specimens experience equivalent operating conditions such that the temperature will not differ by more than 25°F. Any plant-specific exceptions to this generic analysis should be evaluated. Criterion 5: The surveillance data for the correlation monitor material in the capsule should fall within the scatter band of the database for that material. Few ISP capsules contain correlation monitor material. Generally, this criterion is not applicable. For plate heat C2307-2, these criteria are satisfied (or not applicable). The surveillance data are nominally credible because the scatter criterion is met. Prior to application of the data, a plant should verify that no plant-specific exceptions to these criteria exist. Table A-2-7 Unirradiated Charpy V-Notch Results for Surveillance Plate C2307-2 (LT) Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EP4 -100 8 6 9 EPE -60 10 11 14 EPP -50 21 20 16 ET4 -40 41 35 28 EPL -40 33 29 25 EPK -30 44.5 37 30 EPJ -20 45.5 40 30 EUK 20 72.5 60 42 ETE 60 108 79 75 EU5 100 114 83 87 EUA 150 132 92 100 EUB 200 133 88 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 12 of 45 Table A-2-8 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 30° Capsule Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EUD -20 13.5 22.0 10 ETK 0 27.5 31.0 10 EPM 10 32.5 39.0 10 EPC 20 38.5 42.0 15 EPA 40 45.0 49.0 30 ETI 60 55.0 49.0 40 EUC 80 73.0 64.0 50 EU1 120 86.5 64.0 85 EP7 160 112.0 88.0 80 EP3 200 117.7 78.0 90 EU6 300 121.7 93.0 90 ETB 400 125.3 95.0 100 Table A-2-9 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 300° Capsule Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EP1 -20 18 12 11 EU7 0 24 18 27 EP6 20 42.5 33 25 EPD 60 53.5 46 30 EUJ 100 91 68 63 ETD 150 111 83 83 EU3 200 119 88 100 EU4 300 125 76 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Tanh Curve Fits of CVN Test Data for Plate Heat C2307-2 PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR) CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 12/19/2002 08:55 AM Page I Coefficients of Curve I A= 67.57 B = 65.07 C = 79.1 TO= 9.01 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * (Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=l32.6 Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=-43.0 DegF Temp@SO ft-lbs=-12.8 Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0.0 n/cm"2


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             - 5 0. 00                     21. 00                            26.40                    - s. 4 0
             - 40. 00                      41. 00                            3 I, 7 3                   9.27
             -40.00                        33. 00                            3 l. 7 3                   I. 2 7
             - 3 0. 00                     44. 50                            3 7. 8 6                   6. 64
             - 2 0. 00                     45. 50                            44. 73                       . 77
20. 00 72. 50 76. 56 - 4. 06
60. 00 I 08. 00 I 04. 54 3. 4 6 I 00. 00 114. 00 120. 79
  • 6. 79 150. 00 13 2. 00 129. 06 2.94 Figure A-2-1 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) Unirradiated

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 14 of45 PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR) Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0.0 n/crn"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature JnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 200.00 13 3. 0 0 13 I. 6 1 I. 3 9 Correlation Coefficient~ .992 Figure A-2-1 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) Unirradiated (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) p 4 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR-30) CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/22/2003 08:24 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve 1 A= 63.68 B = 61.18 C = 98.32 TO = 70-05 D = O.OOE+-00 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+Dl))J Upper ShelfEnergy=l 24.9 Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixed) Tcmp@30 ft-lbs=9.2 DegF Temp@50ft-lbs=47.7 DegF r--,-- I Plant: COOPER Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 300 Orientation: LT

                                                        --r Capsule: 30 DEG i

Fluence: 2.4E+l 7 n/cm"2

                                                                                    -1)----:----1 ttt                          t -r--- - - T-1 I                                    .            I B ,..                            ---1 --

7 0 200 t- l I 1---~----- I --r I I' -*-\ f..*J-+

          ~        !       I I ---



i I I

          ~ 100   r-*                                      I                              --*r*-----11 j                                       I                           I        i so I
                   .                                  --JI                            1---+---l I        ,            '

o. l .


I i

                                                                                 ~--l-~-l..-~----J I
                -300    -200        -100        0        100      200        300     400       500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                    lnputCVN                      Computed CVN                 Differential
          -20.00                       13. 50                            19. 3 9                   - s. 8 9
              . 00                    27. 50                             26. 22                      I. 28 IO. 00                    32.50                              3 0. 36                     2. 14 20.00                      3 8. 50                            34. 97                      3. 5 3 40.00                      45. 00                             45. 54                      *.54 60.00                      55. 00                             57.45                     - 2. 45 80.00                      73. 00                             69. 85                      3. I 5 120. 00                     86. 50                             92. 34                    - 5. 84 160. 00                    112. 00                           I 07. 94                      4.06 Figure A-2-2 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 30° Capsule

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 16 of45 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR-30) Page 2 Plant: COOPER Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: 30 DEG Fluence: 2.4E+l 7 n/cm"2 Cbarpy V-Notch Data Temperature lnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 200.00 117. 70 116. 7 3 .97 300. 00 121.70 123. 73 -2.03 400.00 125. 30 124. 71 .59 Correlation Coefficient= .997 Figure A-2-2 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 30° Capsule (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2307-2 (CPR-300) CV GRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/22/2003 08:26 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve l


A= 64.13 8 = 61.63 C 88.9 TO = 64.63 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=l25.8 Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixcd) Temp@30 ft-lbs=9.2 Deg F Temp@SO ft-lbs=43.9 Deg F Plant: COOPER Material: SA533BI Heat: C2307-2 Orientation: LT Capsule: 300 DE Fluence: 2.8E+ 17 n/cm"2

              '°°I                         I I                   T-1 T--r:

250 200

                   ~1--+-*          **-----r*-*- -
                   +--'- - l - - - - - - * - -     --l--+-

I 1--1

                                                                                             --l----1------j i                     i          I                      I                       ~;          I            i i.n  150 l
                       -+--~--t---                             --j'---+---+-*                    --t-~
          '"' 100   j'                                                                        ;*


                                                                                                  --1---_J         I I

i I 50 ----f-*-~---1 I I i

                                                                                              !       I            i 0 **---*-o                                                                --i----L---~
                 -300        -200       -100         0          100      200        300     400     500         600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                         lnputCVN                       Computed CVN                 Differential
          -20.00                            i 8. 00                             l 8. 48                    - . 48
               . 00                        24. 00                               25. 84                   - I. 84 20.00                         42. so                               35.55                      6.95 60.00                         53. so                             60.92                    - 7. 42 I 00. 00                        91. 00                             87.43                      3.57 150. 00                        L 11. 00                           l I 0. 0 l                     . 99 200.00                          IL 9. 00                           120. 16                    - I. t 6 300.00                         125. 00                           125. 15                      -
  • 15 Correlation Coefficient = .995 Figure A-2-3 Charpy Energy Data for Plate C2307-2 (LT) in CPR 300° Capsule

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 18 of 45 (( (E)}} Figure A-2-4 Fitted Surveillance Results for Plate Heat C2307-2

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary} Page 19 of45 References A-2-1. GE Nuclear Energy, "Cooper Nuclear Station Vessel Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness Analysis," GE-NE-523-159-1292, February 1993. A-2-2. "Cooper Nuclear Station Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness Analysis," T.A. Caine, B.J. Branlund, and S. Ranganath, General Electric, MDE-103-0986, DRF B 13-01389, May 1987. A-2-3. CVGRAPH, Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Fitting Program, Developed by ATI Consulting, Version 5.0.2, Revision 1, 3/26/02. A-2-4. Letter from G.R. Horn (NPPD) to USNRC, "Response to Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Cooper Nuclear Station, NRC Docket No. 50-298, DPR-44," Nebraska Public Power District, NSD920629, dated July 1, 1992. A-2-5. "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, May 1988. A-2-6. K. Wichman, M. Mitchell, and A. Hiser, USNRC, Generic Letter 92-01 and RPV Integrity Workshop Handouts, NRC/Industry Workshop on RPV Integrity Issues, February 12, 1998. A 7. "Format and Content of Report for Thermal Annealing of Reactor Pressure Vessels, USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.162, February 1996. A-2-8. ASTM E-185, "Standard Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests for Light-Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels," American Spciety for Testing and Materials, July 1982. A-2-9. BWR Vessel and Internals Project: BWR Integrated Surveillance Program Plan (BWRVIP-78). EPRI, Palo Alto, CA and BWRVIP: 1999. TR-114228.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 20 of 45 A-19 Plate Heat: C2331-2 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test Data The available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C233 l-2 are listed in Table A-19-1. The source documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence values are also provided for irradiated data sets. Table A-19-1 ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C2331-2 17 Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 10 n/cm') Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data - Reference A-19-1 SSPD 10.118 Reference A-19-2 SSPG 18.487 SSP E 17.192 Reference A-19-3 SSPI 27.085 SSPA 3.82 Reference A-1 9-12 SSP B 4.79 Reference A-19-12 The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in Tables A-19-7 through A-19-13. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as a statistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots for each data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-19-4] and the plots are provided in Figures A-19-1 through A-19-7. Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-19-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C2331-2 surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there are multiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for that specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary} Page 21 of 45 Table A-19-2 Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C2331-2 Cu (wt%) Ni (wt%) P (wt%) S (wt%) Si (wt%) Specimen ID Source 0.17 0.58 0.01 0.017 0.22 CMTR Reference A-19-5 0.15 0.69 0.022 0.023 0.25 SSP 0.15 0.64 0.012 - - SSP Reference A-19-1 0.15 0.665 0.017 0.023 0.25 SSP Average 0.16 - 0.62 0.014 0.020 0.24 ~Best Estimate Average Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF): The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-19-6], Table 2 (base metal), is: CF(C2.131-2) = 118.5°F Effects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C2331-2 are shown in Table A-19-3. The T 30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T 50 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T 35 mu [35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unitrndiated and irradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the end of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (L1T30) is calculated for each irradiated data set using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-19-4 compares the predicted shift with the measured L1T30 (°F) taken from Table A-19-3. Decrease in USE Table A-19-5 shows the percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE). The measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-19-3.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 22 of 45 Table A-19-3 . Effect of Irradiation (E>1.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C2331-2 T,0 , 30 ft-lb T 50 , 50 ft-lb Tasmu* 35 mil Lateral CVN Upper Shelf Energy Transition Transition Material Capsule Expansion Temperature (USE) Temperature Temperature Identity ID Unirrad lrrad ~Tao Unirrad lrrad ~T** Unirrad lrrad ~Tasmn Unirrad lrrad Change (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SSPD -13.3 48.7 62.0 . 30.1 92.8 62.7 34.1 86.3 52.2 100.0 89.3 -10.7 SSPG -13.3 78.7 92.0 30.1 127.2 97.1 34.1 118.2 84.1 100.0 81.6 -18.4 SSP E -13.3 62.8 76.1 30.1 105.8 75.7 34.1 124.2 90.1 100.0 82.3 -17.7 CPR C2331-2 SSPI -13.3 80.4 93.7 30.1 128.8 98.7 34.1 128.3 94.2 100.0 80.3 -19.7 SSPA -13.3 28.2 41.5 30.1 77.9 47.8 34.1 44.4 10.3 100.0 91.0 -9.0 SSPB -13.3 21.4 34.7 30.1 62.5 32.4 34.1 39.2 5.1 100.0 97.7 -2.3 Table A-19-4 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C2331-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Capsule Fluence Measured Shift' 2 Predicted Material 18 Fluence Factor OF Predicted Shift 2 3 Identity (x10 n/cm2) OF Shift+Margin

  • OF SSPD 1.0118 0.419 62.0 49.7 83.7 SSPG 1.8487 0.551 92.0 65.3 99.3 SSP E Plate Heat C2331-2 1.7192 0.534 76.1 63.3 97.3 SSPI from Cooper 2.7085 0.644 93.7 76.3 110.3 SSPA 0.382 0.252 41.5 29.9 59.8 SSP B 0.479 0.286 34.7 33.9 67.8 Notes:
1. See Table A-19-3, ti.T,,.
2. Predicted shift= CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content, and FF is Fluence Factor, l'"-0* 10 "9*, where I= ftuence (1 O" n/cm', E > 1.0 MeV).


3. Margin= 2-J(a, +at!), where er,= the standard deviation on initial RTNoT (which is taken to be 0°F), and er,. is the standard deviation on iiRTNor (28°F for welds and 17°F for base materials, except that er,. need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of iiRTN 0 ,). Thus, margin is defined as 34°F for plate materials and 56°F for weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 23 of 45 Table A-19-5 Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy {USE) for Plate Heat C2331-2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Measured Fluence Cu Content Predicted Capsule Identity Material 2 Decrease in {x10 1* n/cm ) {wt%) 1 Decrease in USE {%) 2 USE (%) SSPD 1.0118 0.16 10.7 14.5 SSPG 1.8487 0.16 18.4 16.8 SSP E 1.7192 0.16 17.7 16.5 Plate Heat C2331-2 in Cooper SSPI 2.7085 0.16 19.7 18.3 SSPA 0.382 0.16 9.0 11.5 SSP B 0.479 0.16 2.3 12.2 Notes:

1. See Table A-19-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).
2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-19-7] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 24 of 45 Credibility of Surveillance Data The credibility of the surveillance data is determined according to the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 and 10 CFR 50.61, as supplemented by the NRC staff [A-19-8]. The following evaluation is based on the available surveillance data for irradiated plate heat C2331-2. The applicability of this evaluation to a particular BWR plant must be confirmed on a plant-by-plant basis to verify there are no plant-specific exceptions to the following evaluation. Per Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 and 10 CFR 50.61, there are 5 criteria for the credibility assessment. Criterion I: Materials in the capsules should be those judged most likely to be controlling with regard to radiation embrittlement. In order to satisfy this criterion, the representative surveillance material heat number must match the material in the vessel. Criterion 2: Scatter in the plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the irradiated and unirradiated conditions should be small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and upper shelf energy unambiguously. Plots of Charpy energy versus temperature for the unirradiated and irradiated condition are presented in Figures A-19-1 through A-19-7. Based on engineering judgment, the scatter in these plots is small enough to permit the determination of the 30 ft-lb temperature and the upper shelf energy. Hence, this criterion is met. Criterion 3: When there are two or more sets of surveillance data from one reactor, the scatter of ~RTNoT values about a best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 normally should be less than l 7°F for plates. Even if the fluence range is large (two or more orders of magnitude), the scatter should not exceed twice that value. Even if the data fail this criterion for use in shift calculations, they may be credible for determining decrease in upper shelf energy if the upper shelf can be clearly determined, following the definition given in ASTM El 85-82 [A-19-9]. For plate material C233 l-2, there are 6 surveillance capsule data sets currently available. The functional form of the least squares fit method as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is utilized to determine a best-fit line for this data and to determine if the scatter of these ~RTNoT values about this line is less than 17°F for plates. Figure A-19-8 presents the best-fit line as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 utilizing the shift prediction routine from CVGRAPH, Version 5.0.2. The scatter of .ilRTNoT values about the functional form of the best-fit line drawn as described in Regulatory Position 2.1 is presented in Table A-19-6.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 25 of 45 Table A-19-6 Best Fit Evaluation for Surveillance Plate Heat C2331-2

                                                                                                  <17°F Measured         Best Fit    Scatter of Fitted                                                                       {Base Metal)

Material Capsule FF ARTNDT ARTNDT ARTNDT CF {°F) <28°F (30 ft-lb) {°F) (oF) (oF) c (Weld metal) SSPD 0.419 62.0 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPG 0.551 92.0 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPE 0.534 76.1 (( }} (( }} Yes C2331-2 { }} SSPI* 0.644 93.7 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPA 0.252 41.5 (( }} (( }} Yes SSPB -0.286 34.7 (( }} (( }} Yes Table A-19-6 indicates that the scatter is within acceptable range for credible surveillance data. Therefore, plate heat C2331-2 meets this criterion. Criterion 4: The irradiation temperature of the Charpy specimens in the capsule should match the vessel wall temperature at the cladding/base metal interface within+ I - 25°F. BWRVIP-78 [A-19-11] established the similarity of BWR plant environments in the BWR fleet. The annulus between the wall and the core shroud in the region of the surveillance capsules contains a mix of water returning from the core and feed water. Depending on feedwater temperature, this annulus region is between 525°F and 535°F. This location of specimens with respect to the reactor vessel beltline is designed so that the reactor vessel wall and the specimens experience equivalent operating conditions such that the temperature will not differ by more than 25°F. Any plant-specific exceptions to this generic analysis should be evaluated. Criterion 5: The surveillance data for the correlation monitor material in the capsule should fall within the scatter band of the database for that material. Few IS.P capsules contain correlation monitor material. Generally, this criterion is not applicable. For plate heat C233 l-2, these criteria are satisfied (or not applicable). The surveillance data are nominally credible because the scatter criterion is met. Prior to application of the data, a plant should verify that no plant-specific exceptions to these criteria exist.

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 26 of 45 Table A-19-7 Unirradiated Charpy V-Notch Results for Surveillance Plate C2331-2 (TL) Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear SSP 1 -80 12.0 5.0 3 SSP2 -60 15.5 5.0 0 SSP3 -40 24.5 12.5 19 SSP4 -20 20.0 13.0 16 SSP5 -20 31.5 20.0 20 SSP6 0 43.5 28.5 23 SSP7 20 46.0 29.5 30 SSP8 40 52.5 32.5 49 SSP9 60 53.5 37.0 47 SSP 10 60 49.5 37.0 44 SSP 11 80 91.5 67.5 87 SSP12 100 86.0 63.0 89 SSP13 180 97.0 70.0 100 SSP14 300 97.0 73.0 100 SSP15 400 106.0 73.5 100 Table A-19-8 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 {TL) in SSP Capsule D Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear 1 0 9 8 5 2 25 24.5 21 10 3 50 28 19 15 4 75 50.5 39 20 5 100 49 37 40 6 150 68 51 90 7 200 83.75 57 100 8 250 92.5 65 100 9 300 94 71 100 10 400 87 71 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 27 of45 Table A-19-9 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule G Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear 1 25 18.5 15 5 2 75 33.5 24 20 3 100 35.5 27 10 4 125 41.5 35 35 5 140 51.5 37 40 6 150 63.5 47 70 7 200 76 57 100 8 250 84.5 58 100 9 300 83 70 100 10 400 83 65 100 Table A-19-10 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule E Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear EP130C 0 10.5 1 0 EP130E 40 28.0 12 15 EP130A 70 27.5 17 30 EP130H 100 49.0 27 55 EP130D 125 54.5 32 50 EP130F 150 68.5 43 90

                             *-*    . -~*-*

EP130B 200 80.0 55 100 EP130G 225 82.0 54 100 EP1301 250 81.5 61 100 EP130J 300 85.5 59 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 28 of 45 Table A-19-11 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule I Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear IP1308 0 8.5 2.0 0 IP130J 30 20.0 8.0 5 IP130A 70 27.5 14.0 20 IP130H 100 30.0 18.0 30 IP130G 125 50.5 37.0 55 IP130C 150 60.0 46.0 65 IP130D 200 71.5 54.0 85 IP130I 250 77.5 59.0 100 IP130E 300 83.0 69.0 100 IP130F 400 80.5 64.0 100 Table A-19-12 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule A Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear AP1-30-10 -40.36 10.07 10.5 8.3 AP1-30-8 -20.56 15.78 16.0 11.9 AP1-30-7 19.94 30.17 28.5 21 AP1-30-9 19.94 33.14 30.5 20.7 AP1-30-1 67.64 39.22 39.0 26.9 AP1-30-2 110.84 57.99 52.0 47.4 i---------**** *------ AP1-30-3 160.70 85.95 73.0 99 AP1-30-4 250.88 88.94 77.0 100 AP1-30-5 300.74 90.17 73.0 100 AP1-30-6 399.56 99.00 76.5 100

ER 15-019. Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 29 of 45 Table A-19-13 Charpy V-Notch Results for C2331-2 (TL) in SSP Capsule 8 Spec ID Temp (°F) CVN (ft-lb) LE (mils) %Shear BP1-30-8 -20.20 10.03 10.0 9.3 BP1-30-10 0.32 27.15 26.0 16.6 BP1-30-7 20.48 35.30 31.0 19 BP1-30-1 68.00 46.36 39.5 36.2 BP1-30-9 89.60 60.70 55.5 37.7 BP1-30-2 120.74 82.25 66.0 73.8 BP1-30-3 180.32 90.96 72.0 100 BP1-30-4 249.44 100.08 81.0 100 BP1-30-5 299.66 99.12 77.0 100 BP1-30-6 400.28 100.70 74.5 100

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 30 of 45 Tanh Curve Fits of CVN Test Data for Plate Heat C2331-2 UNIRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/23/2003 03:05 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve 1


A= 51.25 B = 48.75 C 98.29 TO= 32.52 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=l 00.0(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.S(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=-13.3 Deg F Temp@SO ft*lbs=30.I Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SA533BI Heat: C233 l-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0 n/cmA2 300 I I 250 .. 1 i ~---' Ii I 11 200

               ~ 150 I


                                                                +                               I Cl)

II I II z I (; 100 I I I o, v-- 0 I I i i/ I 50 c

                                                           !)'  -   I 0
                                 !            /o I                                                                I i
                      -300    -200        -100 .          0       100     200        300       400   500       600 Temperature in Deg F Cbarpy V-Notcb Data Temperature                       lnputCVN                      Computed CVN              Differential
               -80. 00                         12. 00                            I I. 47                    . 53
               -60. 00                         15. so                           15. 38                      . 12
               -40. 00                        24. 50                            20.64                      3. 86
               - 20. 00                       20.00                             27.43                    -7.43
               - 20. 00                       3 l. 50                           27.43                      4.07
                    . 00                      43. 50                            35. 68                     7. 82 20.00                        46. 00                            45.07                       . 93
40. 00 52.50 54. 95 - 2. 45 60.00 53. 50 64. 53
  • 11. 03 Figure A-19-1 Cooper Unirradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) p f4 UNIRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533BI Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: UNIRRA Fluence: 0 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature InputCVN Computed CVN Differential 60.00 49. 5 0 64.53 - 15. 03 80.00 91. 50 73. 12 18. 38 I 00. 00 86. 00 80.29 5. 71 180. 00 97.00 95.38 I. 62 300.00 97. 00 99. 58 - 2. 5 8 400. 00 I 06. 00 99.94 6.06 Correlation Coefficient= .969 Figure A-19-1 Cooper Unirradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 32 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-D CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/01/2006 05:51 PM Page I Coefficients of Curve I A= 45.9 B = 43.4 C = 92.06 TO = 84.06 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-ToY(C+DT))) Upper ShelfEnergy=89.3(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixcd) Temp@30 ft-lbr-48.7 Deg F Temp@50 ft-lbs=92.8 Deg F Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533BI Heat: C233 l-2 I -- ---,-------- r-Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-D Fluence: I .Ol 18E+l 8 n/cm"2 300 j---* --,.--- - ' -- , *- --- ---1 ----- -1 250 J____J _ --1--i-- **---+ ---l-----~-- -----~-

            ~         t         .' . ___l__. !.                              i                                  ! _____ !
                                                                                                 --J-! ______ j__

j 200 )"- .. ---:- --;----1*----- r--- ---,----* i .. i \ I i 1- l 1 1'" +--+-** I i **t --i -*-1-- r-: () 100

                                         - -- *-r---**:
                                                             ---1------:---c-i**--* t-----j--* **-***i I

I ' I 50 -t----+-* ;*- -* *- *-* *

                                                        ---0-, '


                                                                     **-**-1*. .


                                                                                    ---+---t----* .'-

I 1 I

                                                                                                                      *-*---j 0 **---***   **--*-*--***-*----~------- ~---*-**--** i ****----' ---*--- .: ______           _i _ _ __~ j
                  -300       -200         -100        0       100          200         300        400       500           600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                        JnputCVN                          Computed CVN                       Differential
                - 00                          9. 00                              I 4. 54                          - 5. 5 4
25. 00 24. 50 2 I. 3 4 3. 16
50. 00 2 8. 00 3 0. 54 - 2. 5 4
75. 00 50. 50 41. 64 8. 86 I 00. 00 49. 00 5 3. 34 - 4. 3 4 150. 00 68. 00 72. 58 - 4. 5 8 200. 00 83. 75 8 2. 83 . 92 250. 00 92. 50 87. 00 5. 5 0 3 00. 00 94. 00 88. 51 5. 49 Figure A-19-2 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-D) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 33 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-D Page 2 Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533Bl Heat: C233 I-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-D Fluence: 1.0 I J8E+l 8 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data TemperaLure lnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 400.00 8 7. 0 0 8 9. 2 I - 2. 21 Correlation Coefficient= .987 Figure A-19-2 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-D) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 34 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-G CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 04/01/2006 05:54 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve l A= 42.05 B = 39.55 C = 93.59 TO= 108.08 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=8 I .6(Fixed) Lower ShelfEncrgy=2.5(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=78.7 Deg F Temp@50 ft-Ibs=127.2 Deg F Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-G Fluence: l.8487E+l 8 n/cm"2 300 r--- .. -;--**--i-----~--- --*-* *-* ---**-,--. ----~- ---**1 I l i 25+ ' i I r--l. ----:- ... ____ 1 _____ .  ! __ I

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                                                                                                                                   --~-- -
                  -300      -200          -100              0         100           200             300            400       500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature                           lnputCVN                                Computed CVN                             Differential 25.00                            18. 50                                        13. 96                              4.54 75.00                           3 3. 50                                       28. 63                               4. 8 7 I 00. 00                          3 5. 50                                       38.64                              - 3. 14 125. 00                           4 1. 50                                      49. 12                             - 7' 62 J 40. 00                           51. 50                                      55' 04                             - 3. 5 4 l 50. 00                           63. 50                                       58. 67                               4. 83 200.00                             76. 00                                      7 1. 87                              4. 1 3 250. 00                            84. 50                                       77. 96                               6.54 300.00                             83. 00                                       8 0. 3 I                             2.69 Figure A-19-3 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-G) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 35 of45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP-G Page 2 Plant: Oyster Creek Material: SA533B I Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-G Fluence: 1.8487E+ 18 n/cm"2 CharpyV-Notch Data Temperature JnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 400. 00 83. 00 81.45 I. 55 Correlation Coefficient ~ .982 Figure A-19-3 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-G) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 36 of 45 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-E) CV GRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/23/2003 03:05 PM Page 1 Coefficients of Curve 1 A = 42.4 B = 39.9 C = 83.62 TO = 89.63 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * (Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))} Upper ShelfEnergy=82.3(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fhced) Temp@30 ft-lbs=62.8 Deg F Temp@50 ft-lbs=105.8 Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-E Fluence: l.7192E+!8 n/cm"2 300 [ I  ! I 250 ~-**** I a Ill 200


if I'

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2! z (; 100 I I 50 I 1i*1/ " - ~ I I I I 0

                 -300       -200 I

0 lr1 _L 100 200 300 I I 400 500 I __._/ 600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature fnputCVN Computed CVN Differential

              . 00                         10. so                            I 0. 87                   -.37 40.00                           28.00                             21. I 6                   6. 84
70. 00 27. so 33.20 - 5. 70 100. 00 49.00 47.32 I. 68 125.00 54. 50 58.34 - 3. 8 4 150, 00 68. so 67. 06 I. 44 200.00 80.00 76. 98 3' 02 225.00 82.00 79.29 2. 71 250.00 81. 5 0 80. 61 .89 Figure A-19-4 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP*E) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-E) Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-E Fluence: 1.7192E+l8 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature lnputCVN Computed CVN Differential 300.00 85.50 81. 78 3. 72 Correlation Coefficient= .991 Figure A-19-4 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-E) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Pa e 38 of 45 IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-1) CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/23/2003 03:05 PM Page l Coefficients of Curve I A= 41.4 B =38.9 C =91.86 TO = 108.11 D = O.OOE+oO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)l(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=80.3(Fixed) Lower ShelfEnergy=2.5(Fixed) Temp@30 ft-lbs=80.4 Deg F Ternp@SO ft-lbs=l28.8 Deg F Plant: Cooper Material: SAS33Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-1 Fluence: 2.7085E+l8 n/cm"2 300 I I i I I Ii


I 250 i I --***** I I i I II

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I I 50 II I I v~i I 0

                -300   -200       -100        0        100      200           300  400      500         600 Temperature in Deg F CharpyV-Notch Data Temperature                    JnputCVN                     Computed CVN                 Differential
              .00                      8.50                               9.25                     - . 75 30.00                    20.00                              14. SI                     5.49 70.00                    27.50                             26. 13                      I. 37 I 00. 00                   30.00                             37. 97                    - 7. 97 125. 00                    50.50                             48.47                       2. 03 150. 00                    60.00                             58. 00                      2. 00 200.00                      71. 5 0                           71. 03                        . 47 250.00                      77.50                             76. 91                        . 59 300.00                      83.00                             79. 13                      3. 87 Figure A-19-5 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-1) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) f IRRADIATED PLATE HEAT C2331-2 (SSP-1) Page 2 Plant: Cooper Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-1 Fluence: 2.7085E+18 n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature InputCVN Computed CVN Differential 400. 00 80. 50 80. 17

  • 33 Correlation Coefficient= .992 Figure A-19-5 Cooper .Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-1) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 40 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP Capsule A CV GRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/07/2006 12:13 PM Page I Coefficients of Curve I A= 46.75 B = 44.25 C = 105.31 TO= 70.12 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))] Upper ShelfEnergy=91.0(fixcd) tower ShclfEnergy=2.5(Fixcd) Tcmp@30 fi-lbse28.2 Deg F Temp@50 ft-lbs=77.9 Deg F Plant: COOPER Material: SA533B I Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-A Flucnce: N/A n/cmA2 300 I

                                                                                                                        **-1 250 Ill                                     i
             ~ 200                                   ;--



ill 150 w


z (; 100 6 -* 0 50 i 0 l l 0  !...,....,~~-,---.,.-."C .,~

                                                                                                .i                         i
                     -300         -200         -100             0        100       200         300     400   500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notch Data Temperaturc                                 lnputCVN                        Computed CVN            Diffcrc11tinl
             - 40. 36                                  l 0. 07                            12. I7               - 2. I0
             - 2 0. 56                                 l 5. 78                            15. 92                 -. 14
19. 94 30. I7 27. I3 3. 04
19. 94 33. 14 27. I3 6. 0I 67.64 39. 22 4 5. 7I - 6. 49 II 0. 84 s7. 99 63. 06 - 5. 07 16 0. 70 s 5. 95 77. 56 8. 39 250. 88 8 8. 94 8 8. 23 . 71 300. 74 90. l7 8 9. 91 .26 Figure A-19-6 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-A) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 41 of 45 Plate Heat C2331-2 in SSP Capsule A Page 2 Plant: COOPER Material: SA533Bl Heat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-A Flueucc: NIA n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature Input CVN Computed CVN Differential 399. S6 99.00 90. 83 8. 17 Correlation Coefficient~ .989 Figure A-19-6 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-A) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 42 of 45 Plate Heat C233l-2 in SSP Capsule B CVGRAPH 5.0.2 Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 06/07/2006 12:17 PM Page l Coefficients of Curve l A= 50.1 B = 47.6 C = 91.63 TO= 62.66 D = O.OOE+OO Equation is A+ B * [Tanh((T-To)/(C+DT))) Upper Shelf Encrgr97. 7(1'ixcd) Lower Shelf Encrgy=2.5(fixcd) Temp.:@.30 ft-lbs=2 I A Deg f Temp@SO ft-lbs=62.5 Deg F Plant: COOPER Material: SA533BI Heat: C233l-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-B Fluence: NIA 300 250 *i

             ~ 200 00 7- ...*.*.
                                                               - --- -i u.

I ei 150 . Cl>

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w z () 100 .. 0 0 50 i* i lo 0 iI 0 o. 0 *I*  !

                      -300        -200       -100          0        100       200          300     400   500        600 Temperature in Deg F Charpy V-Notcb Data Temperature                            JnputCVN                          Computed CVN            Differential
             - 2 0. 20                            1 a. a 3                             t 5. 90               - 5. 8 7
                    .32                          2 7' 15                               21. 93                  5. 22 20.48                            3 5. 3 0                              29. 61                  5. 6 9 6 8. 00                          4 6. 36                               52. 8 7               - 6. 5 I 8 9. 60                         60. 70                                63.76                 - 3. 0 0 12 0. 74                           82.25                                 76. 79                  5.46 18 0. 3 2                          90. 9 6                               90. 92                    . 04 249.44                            I 00. 08                                96. I I                 3. 9 7 299. 66                             99. 12                                97. J 6                 I. 96 Figure A-19-7 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-B) Charpy Energy Plot

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 43 of 45 Plate Heat C233l-2 in SSP Capsule B Page 2 Plant: COOPER Material: SA533!3 I Ilcat: C2331-2 Orientation: TL Capsule: SSP-B Fiuence: N//\ n/cm"2 Charpy V-Notch Data Temperature lnputCVN Computed CVN omerential 400. 28 I 00. 7 0 9 7. 64 J. 06 Correlation Coefficient= .991 Figure A-19-7 Cooper Irradiated Plate Heat C2331-2 (SSP-8) Charpy Energy Plot (Continued)

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 44 of 45 (( (El}} Figure A-19-8 Fitted Surveillance Results for Plate Heat C2331-2

ER 15-019, Supplement 1 Cooper PTLR (Non-Proprietary) Page 45 of45 References A-19-1. "Progress Report on Phase 2 of the BWR Owners' Group Supplemental Surveillance Program," T.A. Caine, S. Ranganath, and S.J. Stark, GE Nuclear Energy, GE-NE-523-99-0792, January 1992. A-19-2. BWRVIP-87NP, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and Internals Project Testing and Evaluation of BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program Capsules D, G, and H. EPRI, Palo Alto and BWRVIP: 2010. 1021553. A-19-3. BWRVIP-lllNP, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Testing and Evaluation of BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program Capsules E, F and I. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2010. 1021554. A-19-4. CVGRAPH, Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Fitting Program, Developed by ATI Consulting, Version 5.0.2, Revision 1, 3/26/02. A-19-5. General Electric, "Cooper Nuclear Station Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness Analysis," T.A. Caine, B.J. Branlund, and S. Ranganath, MDE-103-0986, May 1987. A-19-6. "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, May 1988. A-19-7. "Format and Content of Report for Thermal Annealing of Reactor Pressure Vessels," USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.162, February 1996. A-19-8. K. Wichman, M. Mitchell, and A. Hiser, USNRC, Generic Letter 92-01 and RPV Integrity Workshop Handouts, NRC/Industry Workshop on RPV Integrity Issues, February 12, 1998. A-19-9. ASTM E-185, "Standard Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests for Light-Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels," American Society for Testing and Materials, July 1982. A-19-10. BWR Vessel and Internals Project: BWR Integrated Surveillance Program Plan (BWRVIP-78). EPRI, Palo Alto, CA and BWRVIP: 1999. TR-114228. A-19-11. Not used. A-19-12. BWRVIP-169NP: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Testing and Evaluation of BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program (SSP) Capsules A, B, and C. BPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2010. 1021556.}}