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Comment (102) of Kevin Obrien on Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant; Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment,
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/2024
From: O'Brien K
- No Known Affiliation
To: Stacy Schumann
NRC/OGC, Office of Administration
NRC-2024-0076, 89FR53659 00102
Download: ML24212A277 (1)


From: Stacy Schumann To: Barbara Blount


FW: Holtec request for a license exemption to restart operations at the Palisades Nuclear Plant Date: Monday, July 29, 2024 4:36:46 PM

Sorry, forgot to bcc you on this one. Thank you!

SUNSI Review Complete Template=ADM-013 E-RIDS=ADM-03 Kind regards, ADD: Laura Willingham, Mary Richmond,

-Stacy Antoinette Walker-Smith, Marlayna Doell, Mary Neely Regulations Specialist Comment (102)

Publication Date:6/27/2024 Legal Research Center Citation: 89 FR 53659 Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN/15-LRC; Phone: (301) 415-0624

From: Stacy Schumann Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 4:23 PM To: Kevin O'Brien <>; PalisadesRestartEnvironmental Resource



RE: Holtec request for a license exemption to restart operations at the Palisades Nuclear Plant

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your comment regarding the Federal Register notice (FRN), Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant; Notice of Intent To Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment, (89 FR 53659 ). Your comment will be processed and available for public viewing on in 10 business days (NRC-2024-0076).

If you need further information, please contact the Project Manager, as stated in the For Further Information Contact section of the FRN.


Laura Willingham, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-0857; email:

Thank you!

Kind regards,


Regulations Specialist Legal Research Center Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN/15-LRC; Phone: (301) 415-0624

From: Kevin O'Brien <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 3:53 PM To: PalisadesRestartEnvironmental Resource <>;

Stacy Schumann <>


[External_Sender] Holtec request for a license exemption to restart operations at the Palisades Nuclear Plant

To whom it may concern:

We are against Holtec's request for License Exemption for Palisades Nuclear Plant. .

Being an active, highly regulated power plant that undergoes rigorous tests and standards is very different from what Holtec is trying to do now. Holtecs requested restart license presents environmental risks and unknowns greater than an operating plant that seeks an extension of an existing license. For years, PNPs operator ran the plant knowing it was on a schedule to shut down permanently. PNPs operator deferred maintenance and investment based on this timeline. Simply stated, it operated the plant as a short-timer, not as if it would need to be on line through 2031, the expiration date of its then[1]existing license. The NRC granted waivers for safety upgrades that otherwise would have been required but for the imminent shut down. An additional risk here is the requested issuance of a new license to an entity that has never operated a nuclear power plant. If the EPA mandates a rigorous EIS when determining whether an operating plant with an experienced licensee and ongoing investment and NRC oversight should be allowed to continue operating beyond its license term, shouldnt the EPA - and the NRC and DOE - require at least an EIS when a plant that has been shut down and not subject to the same level of review as an operating plant seeks to restart? Holtecs request presents to the NRC and DOE an important and novel environmental impact question: can this plant, with its history of financial distress, aging infrastructure, deferred maintenance, and degradation from being out of operation, be restarted and operated safely without causing unacceptable risk to the immediate community, environment and the cherished resources of the Great Lakes? Answering this question requires the highest level of environmental review - an EIS that is directed to the unique circumstances of this plant and the unprecedented request before the NRC to restart a permanently shut down nuclear facility.

We also are requesting a non revocablefund be established by Holtec Palisades, Holtec International, and the State of Michigan for past & future issues affecting adjacent communitiesof human life, and the adjacent environmental issues caused fromthis Nuclear Power Plant. The fund would be a minimum of 1% of Government loan or Revenues generated, whichever is greater, for life of operating plant + 25 years.

Thank you for reviewing and I look forward to your approval of fund if this Holtec project is approved.


Kevin OBrien (Adjacent community land/home owner)