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Comment (65) of Bonnie Williams on Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant; Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/2024
From: Williams B
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Administration
NRC-2024-0076, 89FR53659 00065
Download: ML24212A124 (1)


7/30/24, 6:55 AM blob:

SUNSI Review Complete As of: 7/30/24, 6:54 AM Template=ADM-013 Received: July 29, 2024 E-RIDS=ADM-03 PUBLIC SUBMISSIONADD: Laura Willingham, Status: Pending_Post Mary Richmond, Antoinette Tracking No. lz7-9f2f-fcfk Walker-Smith, Marlayna Doell, Mary Neely Comments Due: July 29, 2024 Comment (65) Submission Type: API

Publication Date:6/27/2024 Docket: NRC-2024-0076 Citation: 89 FR 53659 Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant, Unit 1

Comment On: NRC-2024-0076-0001 Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant; Notice of Intent To Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment

Document: NRC-2024-0076-DRAFT-0065 Comment on FR Doc # 2024-14112

Submitter Information

Name: Bonnie Williams Address:

Alexandria, VA, 22305 Email:

General Comment

Comments from Bonnie J. Williams on Holtecs request to re-open the Palisades Nuclear Park.

Re: Docket ID NRC-2024-0076

I am writing to ask that ask that an Environmental Impact Study be conducted before considering allowing the Palisades Nuclear Plant to re-open.

My family has had a cottage in Palisades Park for five generations, since the park opened early in the last century.

We are well aware of the history of that plant and the reasons it was eventually shut down.

The plant has a history of safety violations and emergency shut downs; it was not properly maintained and did not have the proper investment or funding. And now, it may be handed over to Holtec, a company with apparently no experience operating a nuclear plant. It is unthinking to go forward without a full and honest assessment of the big picture that demands attention here.

I am writing to ask that NRC to do its proper oversight role by conducting an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) to understand what it involved in restarting and running this plant.

This plant is not safe, and there is no reason to believe it will be safe, especially without conducting an EIS. If this plant were to open and have an accident, heaven forbid the destruction it could cause.

It is nothing short of reckless to re-open a plant with such glaring and avoidable dangers for the

blob: 1/2 7/30/24, 6:55 AM blob:https  ://www.fdms .gov /0c 61326f-ac 8c -433c -8bb8-582498d702d4 community and for Lake Michigan - which is the source of water for millions of people and wildlife.

Please do the right thing for the people, the environment, and the future, and conduct an EIS.

Thank you,

Bonnie J Williams


Palisades Nuclear EIS letter .

blob:https  ://www.fdms .gov /0c 61326f-ac 8c -433c -8bb8-582498d702d4 2/2 Comments from Bonnie J. Williams on Holtecs request to re-open the Palisades Nuclear Park.

Re: Docket ID NRC-2024-0076

I am writing to ask that ask that an Environmental Impact Study be conducted before considering allowing the Palisades Nuclear Plant to re-open.

My family has had a cottage in Palisades Park for five generations, since the park opened early in the last century.

We are well aware of the history of that plant and the reasons it was eventually shut down.

The plant has a history of safety violations andemergency shut downs; it was not properly maintained and did not have the proper investment or funding. And now, it may be handed over to Holtec, a company with apparently no experience operating a nuclear plant. It is unthinking to go forward without a full and honest assessment of the big picture that demands attention here.

I am writing to ask that NRC to do its proper oversight role by conducting an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) to understand what it involved in restarting and running this plant.

This plant is not safe, and there is no reason to believe it will be safe, especially without conducting an EIS. If this plant were to open and have an accident, heaven forbid the destruction it could cause.

It is nothing short of reckless to re-open a plant with such glaring and avoidable dangers for the community and for Lake Michigan - which is the source of water for millions of people and wildlife.

Please do the right thing for the people, the environment, and the future, and conduct an EIS.

Thank you,

Bonnie J Williams 2916 Russell Road Alexandria, VA 22305