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Comment (14) of Mark Muhich on Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant; Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/2024
From: Muhich M
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Administration
89FR53659 00014, NRC-2024-0076
Download: ML24198A180 (1)


7/16/24, 1:38 PM blob: SUNSI Review Complete Template=ADM-013 As of: 7/16/24, 1:38 PM E-RIDS=ADM-03 Received: July 12, 2024 ADD: Laura Willingham, Mary PUBLIC SUBMISSIONRichmond, Antoinette Walker-Status: Pending_Post Smit, Jessica Hammock, Tracking No. lyj-6efx-pla1 Marlayna Doell, Mary NeelyComments Due: July 29, 2024

Comment (14) Submission Type: Web Publication Date:6/27/2024 Citation: 89 FR 53659 Docket: NRC-2024-0076 Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant, Unit 1

Comment On: NRC-2024-0076-0001 Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, and Holtec Palisades, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Plant; Notice of Intent To Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare an Environmental Assessment

Document: NRC-2024-0076-DRAFT-0014 Comment on FR Doc # 2024-14112

Submitter Information

Name: Mark Muhich Address:

PULASKI, NY, 13142 Email: Phone: 8326135127

General Comment

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission should REJECT HOLTEC International's permit application to "restart" the decomissioned Pallisades Nuclear Plant in Covert MI.

NRC has not established scientifically based guidelines for "restarting" any decommissioned nuclear plant. Certainly the safety criterion for "restarting" a decomissioned nuclear plant must be even more stringent that those criteria governing the commissioning of a new nuclear plant.

NRC must regard HOLTEC's permit application as an entirely new and novel application to operate a nuclear power plant, and not a renewal or extension of ENTERGY's withdrawn operation permit for Palisades NP.

It should be noted the the previous operator of Palisades NP, ENTERGY, failed to maintain the plant according to accepted industry standards. It should be further noted that the original owner/building of Palisades NP, Consumers Power, sold the plant to ENERGY with the view of avoiding more than a billion dollars of repairs and upkeep; such repairs were never accomplished by ENERGY.

In example, Palisades NP's pressure vessel is the oldest in the United States, and is long past its operational life. Even so, neither the NRC nor ENTERGY are willing or able to ascertain the brittleness of the pressure vessel due to neutron bombardment.

A new and robust analysis of the environmental destruction caused by a serious malfunction at Palisades must be undertaken. It should be remembered that vast swaths around the defunct Chernobyl plant in Ukraine will be uninhabitable and unfarmable FOREVER.

HOLTEC has been found guilty of feloneous bribery in its dealings with the Tennessee Valley Authority, and is under investigation for deceptive business practices in New Jersey and Ohio. Our suspicions have

blob: 1/2 7/16/24, 1:38 PM blob:https :// /d9a1ba37-3ec 9-404c -aaf6-067c fef3f05a been proved true: HOL TEC had not intention of decommissioning Palisades NP, but has been drawing down its decommissioning fund for years, with nothing to show for it. HOL TEC's business model, though devious, seems profitable, as it is no applying for $1.5 billion loans to repermit and "restart" Palisades NP,

with no experience whatsoever in this highly technical industry.

Any presumed benefit from generating electricity from nuclear power is exagerated and overpriced. Solar panels could be installed for more quickly and much more safely than gerryrigging the old Palisades NP back into operation.

I ur ge NRC to require of the applicant, HOL TEC, the most rigorous assessment of the safety and functionality of Palisades NP, as if it were an entirely new applicant. And then the REJECT HOLTEC's application ot opperatre Palisades NP

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