Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Commitment Change Summary May 2022 to November 2023 1
IMPLEMENT ALL THREE PHASES OF THE JOINT OWNERS GROUP PROGRAM Commitment No: 7945 Classification: Revision Source Document: C0601-18 (ADAMS Accession No. ML011790059)
Existing Commitment Statement:
Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M) commits to the Motor Operated Valve (MOV) Joint Owners Group (JOG) Program with a one-time exception to extend the Periodic Verification (PV) frequency through the U2C26 Refueling Outage, not to exceed May 17, 2021, for 7 valves (2-CCM-451, 2-CCM-454, 2-IMO-128, 2-IMO-263, 2-IMO-325, 2-QCM-250, 2-QCM-350) and a one-time exception for 2-ICM-251 static diagnostic testing to exceed the PV frequency to extend through the completion of the U2C21 refueling outage and a one-time exception for 1-IMO-310 extension to October 31, 2015.
Revised Commitment Statement:
I&M commits to the MOV JOG Program with a one-time exception to extend the PV frequency through the U1C32 Refueling Outage, not to exceed November 10, 2023, for 12 valves (1-CCM-430, 1-CCM-431, 1-CCM-452, 1-CCM-454, 1-CCM-459, 1-FMO-203, 1-IMO-204, 1-IMO-255, 1-IMO-331, 1-IMO-911, 1-QCM-350, 1-QMO-452) and a one-time exception to extend the Periodic Verification (PV) frequency through the U2C26 Refueling Outage, not to exceed May 17, 2021, for 7 valves (2-CCM-451, 2-CCM-454, 2-IMO-128, 2-IMO-263, 2-IMO-325, 2-QCM-250, 2-QCM-350) and a one-time exception for 2-ICM-251 static diagnostic testing to exceed the PV frequency to extend through the completion of the U2C21 refueling outage and a one-time exception for 1-IMO-310 extension to October 31, 2015.
Change Description Summary:
These valves require a Refueling Outage for testing. Changes to the start date for the U1C32 refueling outage resulted in these 12 valves exceeding their due date.
Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Commitment Change Summary May 2022 to November 2023 2
LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION Commitment No: 8249 Classification: Revision Source Document: AEP-NRC-3034 (ADAMS Accession No. ML033070177)
Existing Commitment Statements:
The Fire Water System Program will be consistent with, but include exceptions to, the program described in NUREG-1801, July 2001,Section XI.M27, as documented in License Renewal Application, Section B.1.11.2, Pages B-47 and B-48. The program will be enhanced to include the attributes documented in License Renewal Application, Section B.1.11.2, Page B-49.
The following enhancements will be implemented prior to the period of extended operation: A sample of sprinkler heads will be inspected using the guidance of NFPA 25, Section 2-3.1.1. The Fire Water System Program will be enhanced to perform non-intrusive measurement of pipe wall thickness per the Nuclear Regulatory Commission interim staff guidance (ISG-04, ADAMS ML023440137).
Revised Commitment Statement:
The Fire Water System Program will be consistent with, but include exceptions to, the program described in NUREG-1801, July 2001,Section XI.M27, as documented in License Renewal Application, Section B.1.11.2, Pages B-47 and B-48. The program will be enhanced to include the attributes documented in License Renewal Application, Section B.1.11.2, Page B-49.
The following enhancement will be implemented prior to the period of extended operation: The Fire Water System Program will be enhanced to perform non-intrusive measurement of pipe wall thickness per the Nuclear Regulatory Commission interim staff guidance (ISG-04, ADAMS ML023440137).
Change Description Summary:
Technical Evaluation 11-73 evaluated Cook Nuclear Plants (CNP) commitment to sprinkler head inspections using NFPA 25 guidance and found sufficient technical basis for CNP to discontinue the replacement or testing of sprinkler heads that have reached 50 years of service life on sprinkler systems within the scope of License Renewal.