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NRC & Agreement State Working Groups - Master List Active January 2024
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/15/2024
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML24023A314 (1)


NRC & Agreement State Working Groups January 15, 2024 According to NRC Management Directive 5.3, It is the policy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to provide Agreement State programs the opportunity for early and substantive involvement in the development or formulation of any rule, policy, directive or guidance document, as well as participation in any special study or other NRC activity... In alignment with this policy, the NRC includes Agreement State representatives in many working groups which enhance the partnership between the NRC and the Agreement States, facilitate the utilization of expertise that exists in the Agreement States, and support the National Materials Program. The purpose of this document is to provide a complete and concise list of the NRC working groups that field participants from the Agreement States.

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


Standing Committee on Compatibility Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML12296A075 State Agreements (SA) Procedure, SA-202: Review of Regulations and Other Program Elements by the Standing Committee on Compatibility (ML21081A103)


To enhance the existing compatibility determination process, evaluate and document compatibility designations for program elements pursuant to Management Directive 5.9, ensure consistency during promulgation of regulations by documenting decisions on compatibility and their basis, and take into account implementation issues and NRC staff's review of Agreement State regulations under the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP).

Duncan White, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Philip Peterson, OAS/Colorado Co-Chair Becki Harisis, OAS/Nebraska Jill Shepherd, NRC/NMSS

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


Common Prioritization of Rulemaking (CPR)

Working Group Charter: ML18263A070


The CPR uses the methodology based on the two NRC strategic goals of safety and security, and it also considers factors for internal and external influences. The methodology requires the selection of a primary and a secondary strategic goal that the rulemaking is intended to support and the selection of the rulemaking activitys level of contributionhigh, medium, or low to accomplishing those goals.

The prioritization methodology has been revised to consider the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.

Caylee Kenny, NRC/NMSS Philip Peterson, OAS/Colorado


Standing Committee for Reviewing of Emerging Medical Technologies Charter: ML22159A317 Interim State Agreements (SA)

Procedure, SA-802: Standing Committee for Reviewing Emerging Medical Technologies (ML22269A549)


This standing committee will serve to help ensure consistency across all emerging medical technology licensing guidance documents, provide more flexibility, and help to prioritize the reviews by considering available resources, and consider the timeline of the NRC review relative to the reviews by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the Agreement States.

Celimar Valentin-Rodriguez, Co-Chair, NRC/NMSS Sarah Sanderlin, Co-Chair, OAS/New Jersey Karen Flanigan, New Jersey Meghan Cromie, Alternate, CO Jay Pavlica, Alternate, TX Elizabeth Tindle-Engelmann, NRC/RIII Magdalena Grylak, Alternate, NRC/RIII Mauri Lemoncelli, NRC/OGC (Materials, Fuel Cycle, and Waste Programs)

Jennifer Scro, NRC/OGC (Rulemaking and Agreement States)

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1

4) 10 CFR Part 71 -

Harmonization of Transportation Safety Requirements -

Rulemaking Working Group Charter: ML19240A311


The Harmonization of Transportation Safety Requirements rulemaking working group is developing a proposed rule package that would harmonize the NRCs transportation safety requirements in 10 CFR Part 71 domestically with those of DOT in 49 CFR and internationally with those of IAEA in SSR-6, 2012 and 2018 editions.

Caylee Kenny, NRC/NMSS Katie Scott, OAS/Pennsylvania Nishka Devaser, NRC/NMSS Bernie White, NRC/NMSS David Pstrak, NRC/NMSS Drew Barto, NRC/NMSS Jeremy Tapp, NRC/NMSS Sheldon Clark, NRC/OGC Lisa London, NRC/OGC Helen Chang, NRC/NMSS


Ground Water Protection at Uranium In Situ Recovery (ISR)

Facilities Rulemaking Charter: ML20294A394. (Draft)


These rulemaking actions would establish regulations specific to ground water protection at uranium ISR facilities, which are currently reflected in the NRCs ISR licenses, and are expected to ensure that groundwater is adequately protected during and after completion of ISR operations and improve regulatory efficiency and be consistent with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for drinking water.

George Tartal, NRC/NMSS David Hastings, OAS/Texas (TCEQ)

Caylee Kenny, NRC/NMSS John Saxton, NRC/NMSS Doug Mandeville, NRC/NMSS Christina England, NRC/OGC Angela Love-Blair, NRC/NMSS

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


Regulatory Framework for Fusion Systems Rulemaking Charter: NA; Function under SA801A, Agreement State Participation in NRC Working Groups


to develop proposed and final rules and associated guidance for a regulatory framework to license near-term fusionsystems Dennis Andrukat, NRC/NMSS, Lead Rulemaking Project Manager Caylee Kenny, NRC/NMSS Rulemaking Project Manager Duncan White, NRC/NMSS, Technical Lead Allyce Bolger, NRC/NMSS Sheldon Clark, OGC Megan Shober, OAS/Wisconsin Jack Priest, OAS/Massachusetts


Radioactive Source Security and Accountability Rulemaking Project Charter: ML19178A203


to develop a rulemaking plan to address to improve regulatory framework and address issues by internal and external groups.

Anita Gray, NRC/NMSS, Project Manager and Technical Lead George Smith, NRC/NMSS, Technical Lead Andrew Carrera, NRC/NMSS, Rulemaking Project Manager Alexa Sieracki, NRC/NMSS, Cost Analysist Duane White, NRC/NSIR Ernesto Quinones, NRC/NMSS Janine Katanic, NRC/RIV Kayla Gamin, NRC/OGC, Legal Support Christina England, NRC/OGC, Legal Support Derek Elling, OAS/Iowa

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


WBL Agreement State Onboarding Project Charter: N/A, Team Sharepoint located here


To smoothly and efficiently add as many Agreement State regulators to the WBL system as possible and to ensure consistency in source management (licensing/inspection) across the country.

Matt Barrett, NRC/NMSS, Project Manager and Technical Lead Ernesto Quinones, NRC/NMSS, Technical Lead Kim Lukes, NRC/NMSS, Health Physicist, Data Transfer Lead Linda Eusebio, NRC/NMSS, Source Analyst, Credentialing Lead


Decommissioni ng Financial Assurance for Sealed and Unsealed Radioactive Material Charter: ML20294A544


to develop proposed and final rules and associated supplemental guidance to update the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) rules in Part 30 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 30) for calculating materials licensees decommissioning funding requirements.

Adam Schwartzman, NRC/NMSS, Technical Lead Gregory Trussell, NRC/NMSS, Rulemaking Project Manager Rajwant Bedi, OAS/California Ken Kline, NRC/NMSS Helen Chang Solomon Sahle, NRC/NMSS Fajr Majeed, NRC/OCIO Sara Forster, NRC/RIII Vince Holahan, NRC/NMSS Cindy Flannery, NRC/NMSS Brian Harris, OGC

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


Rulemaking on Exempt Quantities in Section 30.71, Schedule B Charter: ML22105A569


The purpose of this working group is to develop a rulemaking plan to request Commission approval to initiate a rulemaking to revise Section 30.71, Schedule B, to include additional radionuclides that are currently not listed in the table. This table is used along with 10 CFR 30.18, Exempt Quantities, in determining the need for a specific license. The staff also plans to revise certain sections in 10 CFR Part 30, Rules of General applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material, related to exemptions to make clear when a license is required.

NRC/NMSS; Technical Lead Andrew Carrera, NRC/NMSS; Rulemaking Project Manager Helen Chang, NRC/NMSS Alexa Sieracki, NRC/NMSS Jeffery Lynch, NRC/NMSS Daniel DiMarco, NRC/NMSS Betsy Ullrich, NRC/RI Brenda Miles, NRC/OCFO Brian Harris, NRC/OGC Tracy Jue, OAS/CA


Integrated Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Rulemaking Charter: ML22144A410


The purpose of this working group is to develop proposed and final rules, and associated implementing guidance, to revise the NRC regulations for low-level radioactive waste disposal in 10 CFR Part 61 and to specify new requirements related to GTCC and transuranic waste disposal.

This integrated rulemaking will also provide for Agreement State licensing of those GTCC waste streams that meet the regulatory requirements for near-surface disposal and do not present a hazard such that the NRC should retain disposal authority.

George Tartal, NRC/NMSS Cardelia Maupin, NRC/NMSS Priya Yadav, NRC/NMSS Hans Weger, OAS/Texas Duncan White, NRC/NMSS

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


Financial Assurance Requirements for Category 1 and 2 Byproduct Material Sealed Sources Charter: NA; Function under SA801A, Agreement State Participation in NRC Working Groups


The NRC is revising its regulations to require financial assurance for the disposition of Category 1 and 2 byproduct material radioactive sealed sources. This rulemaking will help ensure 1) that licensees are financially prepared for the costs of end-of life disposition of Category 1 and 2 byproduct material radioactive sealed sources, 2) safe and secure management of these sources by facilitating timely disposition when they are no longer needed or wanted, and 3) that dispositioning costs are borne by those who receive the economic benefits from the use of these sources.


1) SECY 0115, "Rulemaking Plan Financial Assurance for Disposition of Category 1 and 2 Byproduct Material Sealed Sources," dated October 7, 2016 (ML16200A223); 2) SRM to SECY-16-0115 (ML21342A032),

dated December 8, 2021.ta Ryan Whited, Technical Lead; NRC/NMSS Gregory Trussell, Rulemaking Project Manager; NRC/NMSS Brandi OBrien, OAS/Wyoming


Rulemaking Plan on Updates for Emerging Medical Technologies Charter: ML19309F117


The purpose of this working group was to develop a rulemaking plan to identify the emerging medical technologies that can be regulated under 10 CFR Part 35, Subparts D through H, and provide rulemaking options and recommendations to the Commission. In SECY-21-0013, Rulemaking Plan to Establish Requirements for Rubidium-82 Generators and Emerging Medical Technologies, dated February 9, 2021 (ML20261H562), the NRC sought Commission approval to initiate a rulemaking that would add Maryann Ayoade, Technical Lead; NRC/NMSS Andrew Carrera, Rulemaking Project Manager; NRC/NMSS Monica Ford, NRC/RI Laura Cender, NRC/RIII Elizabeth Tindle-Engelmann, NRC/RIII Brian Harris, NRC/OGC Francis ONeill, OAS/Vermont

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 requirements for calibration and dosage measurement for strontium-82/rubidium-82 generators to 10 CFR Part 35 and establish performance-based requirements for existing and future emerging medical technologies licensed under 10 CFR 35.1000. The Commission approved initiation of this rulemaking in the staff requirements memorandum (SRM) to SECY-21-0013, dated January 13, 2022 (ML22013A266). The working group is now developing proposed and final rules, and associated implementing guidance, as approved by the Commission in SRM-SECY-21-0013.


Veterinary Release Rulemaking Charter: ML21299A348


The purpose of this working group is to develop a rulemaking plan to request Commission approval to initiate a rulemaking to develop a regulatory framework that would authorize veterinary licensees to release animals containing byproduct material following veterinary procedures (e.g., diagnostic, therapeutic, and research) with appropriate instructions under certain circumstances.

Andy Carrera, Project Manager, NRC/NMSS Katie Tapp, NRC/NMSS Angela Love-Blair, NRC/NMSS Brian Allen, NRC/RES Rigel Flora, NRC/RES Robin Elliott, NRC/RI Adam Gendelman, NRC/OGC Adam Gause, OAS/South Carolina

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


Extravasations Rulemaking Charter: ML23081A510


The purpose of this WG is to develop proposed and final rules and associated guidance that would amend Part 35 to include requirements for medical event reporting of extravasations that require medical attention for a suspected radiation injury, as directed by the Commission in SRM-SECY-22-0043, dated December 12, 2022.

Daniel Dimarco, Technical Lead, NRC/NMSS Irene Wu, Rulemaking Project Manager, NRC/NMSS Celimar Valentin-Rodriguez, NRC/NMSS Katherine Tapp, NRC/NMSS Sarah Spence, NRC/NMSS Brian Allen, NRC/RES Rigel Flora, NRC/RES Hiba Ahmed, NRC/RI Becki Harisis, OAS/NE Dan Ruby, NRC/NMSS Sue Woods, NRC/OE Maxwell Smith, NRC/OGC Jennifer Scro, NRC/OGC


Training and Experience Implementation Guidance Charter: ML23082A024


To develop implementation guidance to clarify expectations on how to fulfill training and experience (T&E) requirements and clarify the roles and responsibilities of persons subject to T&E requirements in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material.

Cindy Flannery, Technical Lead, NRC/NMSS Maryann Ayoade, NRC/NMSS Daniel Shaw, NRC/NMSS Elizabeth Tindle-Engelmann, NRC/RIII Charles Kreuzberger, NRC/OGC Augustinus Ong, OAS/NH

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1


IMC 1248 Revision Charter: ML23338A186


revise and update the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) qualification guidance for Materials License Reviewer, Inspector, Exempt Distribution License Reviewers, and Byproduct Material Sealed Source and Device Reviewers (IMC 1248 and Appendix A, B, C and D).

Leira Cuadrado, NRC/NMSS, Chair Sherrie Flaherty, NRC/NMSS Danielle Williams, NRC/NMSS Lymari Sepulveda, NRC/NMSS Netra Patel, Region I Steve Shaffer, Region I Jennifer Dalzell, Region III Kyle Bischoff, Region IV Mohanned Kawasmi, Region IV Linda Howell, Senior Advisor, Region IV Auggie Ong, New Hampshire Tawny Morgan, North Carolina 1 Typically only the working group and/or steering committee chair, co-chairs, and all Agreement State members are listed. This column does not list every working group member