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Final Burden Spreadsheet for Information Collection, 10 CFR Part 31, 2021 Renewal
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/19/2021
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, NRC/OCIO, NRC/OGC
L Sepulveda, NMSS/MSST
Shared Package
ML21172A204 List:
Download: ML21173A079 (7)


Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Annual Responses Burden Hours Per Response (hours)

Total Annual Burden (hours)

Cost at

$279/hr 31.5(c)(5)

Event reports 2

1 2

2.8 5.6

$1,562 31.5(c)(8)

Transfer reports 319 1

319 0.6 191.4

$53,401 31.5(c)(9)

Transfer reports (same location) 21 1

21 1


$5,859 31.5(c)(11)

Responses to written NRC requests 617 1

617 0.34 209.78

$58,529 31.5(c)(13)

Annual registration 31.5(c)(14)

Report change of mailing address 41 1

41 0.1 4.1

$1,144 31.11(b) &


In-vitro testing 31.12(c)(1)

Report apparent damage 0

1 0

4 0

$0 31.12(c)(4)

Follow Federal or State requirements 0

1 0

4 0

$0 31.12(c)(5)

Responses to written NRC requests 0

1 0

4 0

$0 TOTAL 1000 1000 432

$120,528 Table 1. Annual Reporting Burden for NRC Licensees See OMB clearance 3150-0198 (NRC Form 664)

See OMB clearance 3150-0038 (NRC Form 483)

Section Description Number of Recordkeepers Hours Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden (hours)

Record Retention Period Cost at $279/hr 31.5(c)(4)

Records related to test results and other requirements 18,500 0.25 4,625.0 3 years

$1,290,375 TOTAL 18,500 4,625

$1,290,375 Table 2. Annual Recordkeeping Burden for NRC Licensees

Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Responses Annual Burden per Respondent (hours)

Total Annual Burden (hours)

Cost at

$279/hr 31.5(c)(9) Copy of regulations and safety documents 21 1

21 0.25 5.25 1,465 31.8(c)(2) Labeling of source or container 1

1 1

0.5 0.5 140 TOTAL 22 22 6

1,674 Table 3. Annual Third Party Disclosure Burden for NRC licensees

Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Annual Responses Burden Hours Per Response (hours)

Total Annual Burden (hours) Cost at $279/hr 31.5(c)(5)

Event reports 15 1

15 2.8 42.0

$11,718 31.5(c)(8)

Transfer reports 2,358 1

2358 0.6 1414.8

$394,729 31.5(c)(9)

Transfer reports (same location) 152 1

152 1


$42,408 31.5(c)(11)

Responses to written requests 4,563 1

4563 0.34 1551.42

$432,846 31.5(c)(13)

Annual registration 3,885 1

3885 0.33 1282.05

$357,692 31.5(c)(14)

Report change of mailing address 304 1

304 0.1 30.4

$8,482 31.11(b) & (e)

In-vitro testing 31.12(c)(1)

Report apparent damage 0

1 0

4 0

$0 31.12(c)(4)

Follow Federal or State requirements 0

1 0

4 0

$0 31.12(c)(5)

Responses to written NRC requests 0

1 0

4 0

$0 TOTAL 11,277 11,277 4,473

$1,247,967 See OMB clearance 3150-0038 (NRC Form 483)

Table 4. Annual Reporting Burden for Agreement State Licensees

Section Description Number of Recordkeepers Hours Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden (hours)

Record Retention Period Cost at $279/hr 31.5(c)(4)

Records related to test results and other requirements 136,900 0.25 34,225.0 3 years

$9,548,775 TOTAL 136,900 34,225

$9,548,775 Table 5. Annual Recordkeeping Burden for Agreement State Licensees

Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Responses Annual Burden per Respondent (hours)

Total Annual Burden (hours)

Cost at

$279/hr 31.5(c)(9)

Copy of regulations and safety documents 152 1

152 0.25 38

$10,602 31.8(c)(2)

Labeling of source or container 7

1 7

0.5 3.5

$977 TOTAL 159 159 42

$11,718 Table 6. Annual Third Part Disclosure Burden for Agreement State Licensees

Burden Responses Cost at $279/hr Reporting 4,905 12,277 1,368,495 Recordkeeping 38,850 155,400 10,839,150 Third-Party 48 181 13,392 Total 43,803 167,858 12,221,037 Other costs (item #13) 4,336 Burden Responses Burden Responses Burden Responses Burden Responses NRC Licensees 432 1,000 4,625 18,500 6

22 5,063 19,522 AS Licensees 4,473 11,277 34,225 136,900 42 159 38,740 148,336 Total 4,905 12,277 38,850 155,400 48 181 43,803 167,858 Burden Responses Burden Responses Burden Responses Reporting 4,199 10,534 4,905 12,277 706 1,743 Recordkeeping 32,400 129,600 38,850 155,400 6,450 25,800 Third-Party 39 147 48 181 9

34 Total 36,638 140,281 43,803 167,858 7,165 27,577 2018 Estimates Current Estimates Change Total Total Annual Burden and Responses for 10 CFR Part 31 Information Collection Reporting Recordkeeping Third Party Disclosure