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License Renewal Application Pre-Application Meeting: September 13, 2023
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/13/2023
From: Harris B
Download: ML23249A159 (1)


Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2, Pre-Submittal License Renewal Process Overview: Safety and Environmental September 13, 2023 Webinar will begin shortly ADAMS ML23249A159

Meeting Logistics

  • Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions or make comments.
  • No regulatory decisions will be made at todays meeting.


Overall Agenda Time Topic Speaker 1:00 pm (EST) Introduction/Opening Remarks NRC 1:05 pm (EST) License Renewal Overview NRC Presentation 1:20 pm (EST) PG&E Presentation PG&E 2:00 pm (EST) Discussion NRC/PG&E 2:30 pm (EST) Public Comments All 2:55 pm (EST) Closing Remarks NRC 3:00 pm (EST) Adjourn 3

LICENSE RENEWAL PROCESS OVERVIEW September 13, 2023 Brian Harris, Safety Project Manager Kim Conway, Environmental Project Manager 4

Agenda Background on request for resumption or an exemption.

License Renewal (LR) Overview

  • Safety Review
  • Environmental Review.



Diablo Canyon License Renewal

  • On March 7, 2018, the licensee withdrew the previously submitted application.
  • The current operating license expiration dates are November 2, 2024, and August 26, 2025, respectively.



Request for Resumption or Exemption

PG&E requested resumption of the prior LRA or an exemption to timely renewal.

The staff notified PG&E of its decision to not resume review of the 2009 LRA.

The staff granted exemption from 10 CFR 2.109 to resubmit an application under timely renewal.



10 CFR 2.109 (b)

"Timely Renewal Provision"

  • 10 CFR 2.109(b) provides that if a nuclear power plant licensee files a sufficient license renewal application at least 5 years before the expiration of the existing license, the existing license will not be deemed to have expired until the application has been finally determined.


Contents of Application

  • General information about the plant owner or operator
  • Technical information about plant structures and components and how the applicant proposes to manage plant aging
  • Environmental Report 9

Process Overview Safety Review 10 CFR Part 54 License Environmental ACRS NRC Renewal Renewal Application Review Recommendation Decision (LRA) Accepted 10 CFR Part 51 10 CFR 54.25 10 CFR 54.29 Hearings*

10 CFR Part 2

  • If a Request for Hearing is Granted 10

License Renewal Inspections

  • Outage-based
  • Scoping and inspection screening
  • Unit 1, Fall 2023
  • Unit 2, Spring 2024 Programs
  • Operating Experience
  • Units 1&2 Summer 2024 11

Safety Review Milestones In-Office Acceptance Technical On-Site Audit Breakout Audit Review Review Audit Issue Safety Issue Audit Evaluation Report Safety Review Environmental ACRS NRC Renewal LRA Accepted Review Recommendation Decision Hearings*


Environmental Review

  • Considers, evaluates, and discloses environmental impacts of continued plant operation and alternatives to license renewal.


Environmental Review 14

Environmental Review

  • Staff Evaluates Impacts to Resources Consultation

- Wildlife and Fish

- Water and Air Resources

- Historical and Cultural Resources

- Taxes, Transportation, Environmental Justice

- Human Health

- Land Use 15

Environmental Review Issue Environmental Draft Issue Site Audit Supplemental Consider Final Environmental Public Supplemental Public Scoping Impact Comments Environmental Meeting Statement Impact for Public Statement Comment 16

Environmental Review Public Comments on Environmental Review Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Safety Evaluation Report Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards License Independent Review Renewal Decision Hearing*

License Renewal Application 17

  • If a Request for Hearing is Granted

Tentative Safety Review Schedule Note: The review schedule below is tentative and subject to change.

The schedule is only finalized once the application has been accepted for review and docketing.

Activity Estimated Date Application Submission Date NLT December 31, 2023 Acceptance Date (Project Start January 2024 Date)

In-Office Technical Review Audit February 2024 On-Site Audit March 2024 Breakout Audit April/May 2024 Safety Evaluation Report July 2025 Advisory Committee on Reactor August 2025 Safeguards (ACRS) Full Committee Meeting Licensing Decision October 2025 18

Project Manager Contacts

  • Brian Harris, Safety PM

- 301-415-2277


  • Kim Conway, Environmental PM

- 301-415-1335


  • Sam Lee, Operating Reactor PM

- 301-415-3168

- 19

Presentation by PG&E 20

Discussion and Questions 21

Public Questions 22

Public Participation

  • Raise your hand

- MS Teams: Raise my hand button

- On the phone: press *5

  • Youll still need to unmute

- MS Teams: Unmute button

- On the phone: press *6 23

Audio Issues

  • Call into bridgeline:

- 301-576-2978

- Passcode: 890379039#

- Conference ID: 890379039#

  • In Teams, check your device settings:

- Click More

- Choose Settings

- Choose Device Settings 24