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CA Cross Reference 2021-2
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/07/2022
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Beardsley M
Shared Package
ML22159A181 List:
Download: ML22159A322 (4)


Enclosure 2 Miscellaneous Corrections 10 CFR Parts 9, 37, 40, 50, 51, 52, 55, 71, 73, and 110 (86 FR 67839 Published November 30, 2021)

Effective Date: December 30, 2021 Date Due for State Adoption: December 30, 2024 Change to NRC Section Title State Section Compatibility Category Summary of Change to CFR Difference Yes/No Significant Yes/No If Difference, Why or Why Not Was a Comment Generated Appendix A to Part 37 Category 1 and Category 2 Radioactive Materials 30220(a


B In appendix A to part 37, the mathematical formula is revised to correct a sum of fractions formula. An ellipsis and a plus sign are added at the appropriate locations, and the summation sign (sigma) and brackets are deleted as unnecessary as follows:

§ 40.23 General license for carriers of transient shipments of natural uranium other than in the form of ore or ore residue.

NA NRC Revise paragraph (b)(1) to read as follows:

§ (b) * * *

(1) Persons generally licensed under paragraph (a) of this section, who plan to carry a

2 Change to NRC Section Title State Section Compatibility Category Summary of Change to CFR Difference Yes/No Significant Yes/No If Difference, Why or Why Not Was a Comment Generated transient shipment with scheduled stops at a United States port, shall notify the Director Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, by email (preferred method) to AdvanceNotifications.Resource or using an appropriate method listed in § 40.5. The notification must be in writing and must be received at least 10 days before transport of the shipment commences at the shipping facility.

§ 40.66 Requirements for advance notice of export shipments of natural uranium.

NA NRC Revise paragraph (a) and remove undesignated paragraph following (a) to read:

(a) Each licensee authorized to export natural uranium, other than in the form of ore or ore residue, in amounts exceeding 500 kilograms, shall notify the Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, by email (preferred method) to AdvanceNotifications.Resource or by an appropriate

3 Change to NRC Section Title State Section Compatibility Category Summary of Change to CFR Difference Yes/No Significant Yes/No If Difference, Why or Why Not Was a Comment Generated method listed in § 40.5. The notification must be in writing and must be received at least 10 days before transport of the shipment commences at the shipping facility.

§ 40.67 Requirement for advance notice for importation of natural uranium from countries that are not party to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.

NA NRC Revise paragraph (a) to read as follows:

(a) Each licensee authorized to import natural uranium, other than in the form of ore or ore residue, in amounts exceeding 500 kilograms, from countries not party to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (see appendix F to part 73 of this chapter) shall notify the Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, by email (preferred method) to AdvanceNotifications.Resou or using an appropriate method listed in

§ 40.5. The notification

4 Change to NRC Section Title State Section Compatibility Category Summary of Change to CFR Difference Yes/No Significant Yes/No If Difference, Why or Why Not Was a Comment Generated must be in writing and must be received at least 10 days before transport of the shipment commences at the shipping facility.

§ 71.4 Definitions D

In § 71.4, remove Licensed material and add in its place the term Licensed material.