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11 Draft Operating Test Comments
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 12/07/2021
From: Heather Gepford
Operations Branch IV
Wolf Creek
Download: ML22019A148 (4)


Wolf Creek 2021-10 Draft Operating Test Comments NOTE: This summary is being provided in lieu of Form 301-7, Operating Test Review Worksheet, because the licensees operating test submittal was reviewed and overall deemed SATISFACTORY.

Scenario 1:

Correct D1 with following corrections; delete TS 3.3.1 Function 7 from event 2, event 2 is for ALL, Change event 3 to ATC/CRS, change event 5 type to a C instead of a M Event 1, add that the ATC may throttle HC-182 closed and place PZR backup heaters on before entering ALR 00-42E Event 1: add to event termination or when controllers are in auto Event 2: add ATC may place rods in manual and the crew may enter ALR-79C in addition to entering OFN SB-008 Event 2: A to event termination or when R8 completed Event 4: Add that the applicants may decide to place the rods in manual during the down power Event 4: Add booth operator to make a call as Call Superintendent to CRS directing turbine unloading Event 5/6/7/8: add that applicants may proactively shut the MSIV before they auto close Event 5/6/7/8: Change the time to isolate the seals in the field to 3 minutes instead of 10 minutes Scenario 2:

Correct D1 by deleting LCO 3.8.9 Condition B from event 2 Change critical task 2 by deleting AB-V082 from measurable performance standards Change critical task 3 to commence depressurization of the RCS to meet the following criteria Event 1: add to v2 that the ATC may place letdown and charging controllers in manual and throttle HC-182 closed prior to entry into OFN SB-008 Event 1: ATC may place PZR heaters to auto Event 2: Add LCO 3.8.7 A Event 2: add to termination criteria to go to next event when B33 is completed Event 3: Correct spelling error INSTRUMETN Event 4: change yes, 3%/min to yes Event 5/6/7: crew may decide to trip and actuate SI instead of using foldout page based on operational knowledge of how bad the tube rupture is by looking at SG levels Event 5/6/7 CT3: add Commence depressurization to the start of CT3 Scenario 3:

Correct D1 with the following corrections: change the 3 in LCO 3.3.2, function 1.3 to 1.e, BOP gets credit for event 2 Event 3: remove TRM 3.1.9, condition A

Event 4: Add to event termination that the next event can be triggered once the RWST and VCT valves are realigned to the correct lineup Event 4: change step 7 to ATC position Event 5/6/7: correct CT1 to be faulted D at the bottom of page 16 Event 5/6/7: correct page 21, step 7 HIS-19 to HIS 22 and HIS-35 to HIS-38 JPM A-1:

Change validation time from 10 minutes to 15 minutes Change 9.a to Attachment C JPM A-2:

Change step 5 of the examiner copy from 298.5 gallons to 289.5 gallons JPM A-3:

Change validation time from 10 minutes to 20 minutes Add to the initial conditions that reactor engineering is not required Add to the initial conditions that step 8.4.1 is complete JPM A-4:

Add a third answer line to the applicant handout for cue 1 Add to the task standard that extra rubber gloves or rubber gloves are acceptable correct answers JPM A-5:

Change the initiating cue to ask for any corrections if needed and determine the action level JPM A-6:

Include a backup que that asks for the correct boron addition if not provided JPM A-7:

Remove the clearance order worksheet reference about valve BGV0014 having leakby issues.

Change Racked Up to Open for breaker position Change the validation time to 15 minutes Remove the tag #s (no numbers are issued until the clearance is issued)

JPM A-8:

Add to the task standard that one of the setpoints was wrong

Change the permit expiration to November 1, 2021 Change the release date to October 30, 2021 Add to cover sheet that this JPM must be run on November 2, 2021 JPM A-9:

Duplicate the initial conditions on que sheet #2 Have 2 sheets for answering both parts of the JPM Add to the initial conditions that dose projections are not available JPM S-1:

Add to examiner copy, step 4 (21.c) that the Group Step Counter is 123 Add cue to step 8 (24.a) CRS acknowledges that the applicant tells the CRS that they are disabling control rods Clarify the Standard for step 15 (26.b) by changing moved to withdraw Add to the cues for step 21(27.d) and 22(27.e) that the CRS acknowledges JPM S-2:

Change the validation time to 5 minutes Change the task standard to include manually initiated both Red and Yellow train of CISA and manually closed BG HIS-8160 and BG HIS-8112 JPM S-3:

Change the validation time to 10 minutes Add both trains to the task standard Add to step 4 standard that the applicant could also determine that a loss of SW pump is the cause of the system low pressure Add to cue for step 8(4.3.a) not to allow the applicant to use the plant paging system to announce the start of ESW pump A Change the & symbols to or JPM S-4:

Change validation time to 10 minutes Add to step 5 that the BOP or CRS acknowledges when told that the applicant is going to the back panels Add examiner note to step 10( Condenser is 3.5 inches Hg JPM S-5:

Add to the student handout release permits Change the validation time to 5 minutes

JPM S-6:

Change the validation time to 10 minutes Add to the task standard and does not manually trip RPC C based on observed indications Fix the reactor trip breaker indications for the initial conditions and inserted failure Change the cue of step 14 to CRS acknowledges and remove the cue of perform immediate actions of EMG E-0 Have the applicant start at step 11(13.c)

JPM S-7:

Change the validation time to 10 minutes Make the supplemental handout a different color Change the task standard to Applicant starts A train of SFP cooling, recognized the loss of the B SFP cooling pump IAW ALR 075 Add examiner note that EC-V009 was throttled to the correct position earlier in the JPM and that it is acceptable for the applicant to ask for the position of EC-V009 or continue to the next step JPM S-8:

Change the validation time to 5 minutes Make step 9 (7.b) a critical step Change the & symbols to or JPM P-1:

Change step 8 cue to be 0 volts Change step 9 task standard to allow the applicant to close the breaker from inside the breaker cubicle or with the pistol grip on the outside of the breaker door Add to step 10 (4.c.1/2) cue that there is a change in sound coming from the diesel JPM P-2:

Add step 1 (6.2.1) cue that they have obtained the key JPM P-3:

Add pictures of the valves on the cat walk to use instead of climbing ladders