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Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 2014 Design Investigation Report, Monitoring Well Installation Diagram
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 05/31/2015
State of OK, Dept of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML21120A281 List:
Download: ML21120A238 (15)



..Casing CapVent? YesQ No 0 YesO No O I b -Lock? Yes0 No O Steel0 PVCO -

,,Weep Hole  ? YesC No0 SurveyingPin? ,,,, Ft.

YesO NoO


.V .'

Qv "


!p. '. I t'; FROM I.Borehole Dfameter= C' ' Inches.

Concrete -

Ft., ft BELOW TOPOF J. g GRADE CASING 2.Were Additives Drilling Used Yes0No O



ev ff -

, y Revert O Bentonite O Water0 d'-- A o ,*%

1 - .- Solid Auger O Hollow StemAuger O b @ 3.Wae CuterSteel Casing Used  ? YesO No3 Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix bbf) m ,

'- N '#"- " "

L Depth= /U/jto Aj2 Feat.

YesO NoD W '


4. Borehole Diameter forOuter Casing Inches.

5.5Gallons Water to


y a j. x--



94Lb. BagCement &

3-5 Lb.Bentonite I j@ I.Type ofCasing PVCQ Galvanized O Teflon 0 Other:

Q $9 @ ,, g -~2.

b "I'**

TypeofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple 2 Giue-a o m

m. .


., Couple O Other

@ jggs s D PVCG Galvanized O

3. Type ofWell Screen:

Stainless O Teflon O Other Bentonite Seal

7; t 4.Diameter ofCasingandWell Ft. ,

o .

.2 , Screen:

@ Slurry0 Pellets yk-j- $ CasIng L inches. Screen  ? Inches.

u j.3 S.Siot Sizeof Screen: P A C Filter Pack ~

Above Screen Ft' --:(. ep -

6.TypeofScreen Perforation Factory Slotted O

p. O Drilled O Other 7 c -- ..


/ 7.installed Protector WELL DEVE LOPMENT Pfpe w/Locks Yes0NoD INFORMATION:

. HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O Pumping O AirSurging (Alc orNitrogen)8 Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL

- 2.Time SpentonWell Development  ?

SilicaSandQ, pt.

/1Minutea/Houra Washed SandO ,

3.Approximate Water Volume Removed ?1Gallone T

PeaGravel O 4.Water Clarity Before Development ?Clear O Other Turbid O Opaque O

- 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? Clear O SandSize n 2 Turbid O Opaque O

,; -, 6.DidWater haveOder  ? Yea0 NoD c .- e ,

i lfYee, Describe Dense Phase Sampling Cup , ,

pg, 7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YesO No8 BottomPlug -

ifYes. Describe YeaO NoO  %. J I ,


Overdrilled Material Backfill j I

( Water Level Summary (From TopofCasipg) .

v A Ft.) * ' -

During Drilling --

Ft. Date C Before DevelopmentdFt. Date Caved Material O L--)

b Other: U 2 R After Development G Fr.Dated

' / .

CALw A, E1--- s k Driller/Firm Drill RigType # 'U = 1 Dateinstalled ,.-

DrIllCrew .

AM A A C-: 6/CW WellNo. '

3C 11 Hydrologist o w / t .


.n cm 2 we s s[3. . ,-

v x.oa A



UN g nge FOOT(ppm)


501L if 3.



  • c 3 a wo m A PX o nm a


Pv-re rv pm , x v 'x sps ,



jLc Qg -

i^7 gyn c.wr- u,ay ggy ,

5 we auvao:w ~ umt a" ,. W on .l, fJY % G/L, ) Q 7 'G ac :. g a

-a m yng w ggy reE cswc a n-u ed.w-;. b S

/o N

2 3 em a sa 4) m Y 5w RV a.n p; we cL  ; j .

f'ADE 2Pt W >cm sc.- 4 jv d On AJ oE t3 I$ ctp n P)a - a3

^/. , T , .

g ,om g,n mm.. . m pp .v .d ~


15 Sc ann :.wo.E 3un p- o v FM


r - 25 ' "x yX v,- v " k', x )L s:n

  1. X' 4 ac 'no sc.av s sry so

<[,/' a o:L t msmm s mn t ',- Tv E '- x ,'a...5/ v ( !og f) > S'd <) K -- va . - Lo... .- A >' PAGE Y-- Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHIC LOGLEGEND DATE. DRI ED u , , - ' - g c of g 1 Water PlD PhotoionizatiDn Table (Time DfBorin Detection m) @CLAY L MLu GM OD g NO. identifies TYPE Sample Samp,le Collection byNum er Method QSILT QleGHLYOlKuMCPEAT) 4 2. pcap hED BY SPLIT ROCK SAND LAY C-'WS G W sARReL ^usea COne Q GRAVEL '.:.Y CLAYEY SAND p typ,f, .g p

,qf, m

TW yygg LED CONTINUOUS SAMPLER NO RECOVERY SILTY CLAY ~ h EXumG GRADEELEVA TT AMSL SampleREC. DEPTH. Depth Actual To ondBottom Le!gth ofRecovered of Sample inFeet @bF 0 LOCATION ORGRIDCOORDINATES SOIt BORING LOG SUBSDIARY LOCADON goggyq Cr;A rn-g s 75 a, a .v O. > 7 NUMBERPft2-DEPTH jo UNgEDPID BLOWS 501L SAMPLE REMARKS OR LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION gg RELD (ppm) o, CLASS. @ NO. DEPTH REC FIELDOBSERVATIONS w n r3 3u ., - , , m cw a >c s .,x-a;g-. .s,n ,a, g q- 4 ^'" . '3L 2 @ us >< 9 o,,s I.p r- , C q .- s &/3 , x.2' >C-MI f J' A 65 / v g X LO X Go e 5 ',;^ Cc - C ) 5 u. E:A '

.c p.(

,v k '^'i) Cb'j A ) bl'3b ., a w .- . s -

-i ,
-- -v-5r '

e5 -. M- .-- -- 5 m,a mo -oc2: . s no :n. n- w-4 m ,, g - CL-- K GRAPHIC LOGLEGEND DARDidLLED PAGE F- Water Table (24 Hour) 1 Water PlD Photoionization Table (TimeDetection ofBoring) ppm) @CLAY G H D g No. identifies TYPE Sample Sample Collection byNum er Method g SitT g Hotr0tGAE PEAT) a, g.g.; a og[go ,y E . SANDY 4 SPLIT ROCK SAND CLAY C .NLGs '-AWW-BARREL ALGER copE .:.Y CLAYEY g GRAVEL 5 SAND g,p ng @LED yygg CONTINUOUS SAMPLER NO RECOVERY SlLTY CLAY p - C, EX1GTGGRADEELEVA AMSL IFT. DEPTH. Depth REC.Actual To ondBottom Length ofRecovered ofSample Sample inFeet @@EYO - ORGRioCOORDINATES LOCATION MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONDIAGRAM Protective Pipe - Casing CapVent  ? YesO No O YesO No O b - -Lock? YeeO No O SteelO PVCO ,Weep Hole  ? YesO NoO SurveyingPin? - - Ft. , , YesO No O ' - '


kV G: DEPTH FROM I. Borehole Drameter= c 7 - w P inches. Concrete F -


? YesO .No 1 Ft. ,' .,'. g? GRADE CASING 2.Were Drilling Additives Used O b', J. - n Revert O Bentonite O WaterO : A y ye , Solid Auger O Hollow StemAuger O g @j p 3.Was Outer Steel Casing Used  ? YesO NoO Cement/Bentonite YesO NoO Grout Mix p;j @ Depthe A ! to L': N Feet. d 4. Borehole Diameter forOuter Casing .' . 1 Inches. i 5.5Galions 94Lb. Water BagCement to & c ' ' Ft.@i 4 f@ y WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: 3-5 Lb.Bentonite E I.Type ofCaelng PVCO Galvanized O Teflon O Other* Stainless O Other Q j.p ,. . E-U A C T 2.TypeofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple O Glue-Q E

  • CoupleO Other M a C '..

A - / 3. Type ofWell Screen: PVC O Galvanized O Bentonite Seal Stainless O Teflon O Other -c I Ft. 4.Diameter ofCasingandWell Screen: O Slurry Pellets O 3 y y , Casing < inches, ScreenC inches. u - - 5.Slot Sizeof Screen: C- '1 Filter Pack Above Screen Ft ' 6.TypeofScreen Perforation: Factory Slotted O '.::: O Drilled O Other Hacksaw ..J;? .22 ' Q . ., 7.installed Protector Pipe w/Lock YesO NoD ~- WELL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION: I.HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O Pumping O AirSurging (Air orNitrogen) O Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL - 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ? SilicaSand O - , x p.t. ~ / i Minutes/Houre 1 WashedSandO - 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed  ? j Galions T PeaGravel O 4.Water Clarity Before Development  ? Clear O Other: Turbid'O Opaque O 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? Clear O SandSize A ~ Turbid O Opaque O I c 6.DidWater haveOdcr  ? YesO NoO so A c IfYes, Describe Denee Phase Sampling Cup , , pt^ 7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YesO NoO BottomPlug # if Yes , Describe YesQ NoO i L e-;. i WATER LEVEL INFORMATION: Overdrilled Material l I Water LevelSummary (From TopofCasing) Backfill Ft.) I During Drilling Ft.Date Grout Caved O SandO Material OJ l k----) A x Before DevelopmentEFt. Datef 't . Other 4 c Tp, After Development h Ft.Dated Driller/Firm Drill RigType Date-installed j 1 DrillCrew ', V/.V v -- '1t A " WellNo. 1 ?t , Hydrologistm v o Soil BORING LOG SUBSIDIARY LOCATION BORING q . vAq ., . 1t Te K A  :; f 2 NUMBER 5 A :5 DEPTH UN EDBLOWS 50IL SAMPLE PID REMARKS OR LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION gg o CLASS. FIELD@y (ppm) NO. l DEPTH REC. FIELD OBSERVATIONS ,, J. . ..' , -j 's . . I . . ,X v g 's r ((CJi /G) K .; X &^ sp ~ x ' X '<A ,x. A.:.,; t.- o-a.;. .c -:;s X.) -.a X -- :s:. o a Ac 1...:- E y3 , vp. , / W ((C4P-GN) @'^j 5..A r - L)

  • , 2,  ; -A s G -
4 ., -,

xpc x e.., , on.  :- -. , x

x. 3 m,...-, ,

y 7 , ,A-.c ' 3'-D X y, LA xg-()5 fR " -/) 2-., e x-- x x 2'X x - ^ 3y , ,.JC ;^.c.-k . cA2

  • I i . -. . ,

'-. )i JA p s/G ) - .1 .. b- . P '.l , Q: , GRAPHiCLOGLEGEND DATE DRILLED P E F- Water Table (24Hour) ( s ru of V- WaterTable PID Photolonization (TimeDetection ofBoring) ppm) @CLAY L DRILLING METHOD NO. identifies 2 TYPE Sample Sample Colle onMethod byNum er QSILT QH0a7OtGAMCPEAT) bED a, BY s , .w. x, E .JSANDY - A d ,,; ; SAND CLAY 4 SPLIT ROCK ^ 2 AUGER 5 AL BARREL cogg mGRAVEL .:a N CLAYEY SAND toGGEDB L. , a . LED CCNTINUDUS NO SILTY ExisnNGGRADEELEVA FT.AMUL m TUBE SAMPLER RECOVERY CLAY - DEPTH. REC. Actuoi Depth TopondBottom Length ofPecovered ofSample Somple inFeat @@YEY - toCATIONORGRiDCOORDINATES MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONDIAGRAM ProtectivePipe w - - -Casing CapVent  ? YesQ No Q YeeO No O b .-Lock? YesD No Q Steel Q PVCQ - ,Weep Hole  ? YesQ NoQ Surveying Pin ? - Ft. ,, -

1 YeeQ NoQ '

T QUv 'g9) . . ~ DRILLING INFORMATION: , . DEPTH ye k p. 5:

  • FROM I.Borehole Diameter= .Tt 3 Inches.

Concrete Ft. ?! .' / BELOW TOPOF Used? YeeQ NoQ L p..' L.  ? GRADE CASING 2.Were Drilling Additives j j.--.-- $ 'ff , n , Revert O Bentonite O WaterQ W- @ '*k --.-- d Solid Auger Q Hollow StemAuger Q j e g @f tar 3.Was YesO NoQ Outer Steel Casing Used,? Cement/Bentonite YesQ NoD Grout Mix (f@ @ )j< Depth=1to2 Feet.

4. Borehole Diameter forOuter Casing/ 1 Inches.

5.5Galions Water to ... ye FtQ WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: ' 94Lb.BagCement & AA 3-5 Lb.Bentonite I $  ? I.Type ofCaeIng: PVCQ Galvanized O Teflon O Other: Stainless Q Other -A f " 2.TypeofCasing-Joints: Screw-Couple Q- Glue- @p . ,,-s., Couple Q Other y g Q --+r xx / , C .

3. Type ofWell Screen: PVC O Galvanized Q Stainless Q Taflon O Other BentoniteSeal I Ft. J "

2-A w s

4. Diameter of Casing andWell Screen:

Q Pellate SlurryO 7 e an , 1 : . Casing - inches, Screen inches. 3 y j.3

5. Slot Size of Screen:

Pack Filter Above Screen - Ft" N. 6.TypeofScreen Perforation: Factory Slotted Q O Drilled Q Other l 2 2- c -, , - Hacksaw

j(;.[ 7.installed Protector Pipe w/Lock YesQ~NoD WELL DEVELOPMENT

~ INFORMATION: ? Bailing O Pumping I.HowwasWell Developed O FILTER PACKMATERIAL

AlrSurging (Air orNitrogen)Q Other

- 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ? SilicaSand Q ^ /- Minutee/Houre WashedSandQ s Ft. 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed  ? E Gallone PeaGravel Q I 4.Water Clarity Before Development  ? Clear O Other: I Turbid Q Opaque O 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? ClearQ SandSize & 2 Turbld Q Opaque Q I , , , , 6.DidWaterhaveOdec  ? YesQ NoQ IfYes,Describe Denee Phase Samplin9 Cup .

pg, 7.Did Water have anyColor  ? YesO NoO Bottom Plug -

ifYes, Describe YesQ- NoQ 7% 'y ; s - ------- WATER LEVEL INFORMA TION: OverdrilledMaterial Backfill j I I Water Level Summary (From TopofCasing) -. m Ft.1 7 I  ! GroutO SandO Before DevelopmenthFt. Datef 6 / Caved Material O ----- C" ~' i c v . / , . OtherEd After Development h Ft.Date e / /' Driller/Firm A '2 M 2 EP Drill RigType EmuAt A fC P Y C Date. installed . DrillCrew WellNo. Hydrologist VA Gt S0IL BORING LOG SUBSIDIARY L.QCATION . . BORING ., A , , .. - , m,3 - . , /. L.: . A E NUMBER 52 UNIFIED DEPTH IN LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION Q SOltBLOWS pgg PID 501L SAMPLE REMARKS OR FEET - e:g. a s - N n a- - =" o N M FooT(Ppm)No. CLASS. [ DEPTH REC. FIELD OBSERVATIONS . c -.. .t-- t ~- N Q, CA 3/ ) N' , , ~/ 2 LL b N s ,N Q. /i - . v . r c.. , fk . s x--..,g . , t . 3 . a-.1 j0yR G /'t, ,'A W x -g y L) - x w L y;t . a 2 I j+, ' j*"- ' u A t y; a :A/o s? . M )x' X 7 7 nx t y f . ( OR 5 /k-) Q, %/ SP 'ff3 'X'^'> x q y. x y v N'v yx 1 Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHIC LOGLEGEND DATEOMLLED PAGE

  • Of V- Water PiD Photolonization Table Time Detection ofBoring) ppm) @CLAY QDEBRIS FILL DRILLING METH D F

No. Identifies $omple byNumer leGHu " T - m' 2 TYPE Sample Collection Method SlLT CAGDiCPEAT) on , E SANDY .-a 4 SPUT- ROCK SAND CLAY " - 2 BARREL AUGER CORE LOGGED BY 5 8L GRAVEL CLAYEY SAND ' ' - X . , THIN " CONTINUOUS NC SILTY EXSnG GRADEELEVA FT AEL WALLED 5AMPLER TUBE RECOVERY CLAY TEL~f DEPTH. Depth REC.Actual TopondBotom Length ofRecovered ofSample Sample inFeet @@& Q - LOCATONORGRIDCOORDINATES SOll BORING LOG suasioiAm' LOCATION BORING . c- n . x E NUMBER DEPTH UN EDBLOWS 5AMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION PID REMARKS OR 9 (ppm) OBSERVATIONS cc LITHOLOGIC NO. l DEPTH REC FIELD / , i/a4: d.,o  :/omm. :G t--- G.w t E-e s; a .- -n ';^-. A/ ) e .x A .,~ m ~, . s w T. / :.'(f., A.  ; a t;. w. '<,"< .j y3Q $j ' - 'i ; x ff LL'yk t( :.-, . y,o 'a n a y ,.;s , ~.' ;x f : c.p yJ  !, , (~f5 $ 4/D -'x ' ~r - ,; e :LE de JU. vs.w XA >

.-1.A .wss.o L.A /n)x e '.dL.-.p; d.) so Gu 'Q< m -


c. :jep ,

y .,s- - (5 bfy 1SR :1 1, ' 'd W '. N 'Xb-m gg- .g a ap ;  :/ed '3w.aJE 7 .,,,, m,

s. WA t -

us,, -v^' C w 7c . . - -- -. ----- GRAPHiC LOGLEGEND DATEDRi.LED PAG 1 Water Table (24 Hour) 2- Water PID Photoionization Table (Time ofBoring) Detection ppm) @CLAY L DRILLING METHOD NO. identifies Sample byNum er NoHty - '3 - C 2 TYPE Sample Collection Method SILT 0tGMCPEAl) DEED BY O p 5ANDY . CLAY 4 SPLIT ROCK SAND ' 2 BARREL AUGER CORE LOGGED BY a T ,:aCLAYEY GRAVEL 5 SAND L 4 I;y.. CONTINUDUS NO SILTY EXiSTG GRADEELEA N FT.AMEL W LED SAMPLER RECOVERY CLAY yygg - DEPTH. REC.Actual Depth To ondBottom L.e gthofRecovered ofSample Sample inFeet @si@YEY 0 toCATONORGMDCOORDNATES MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONDIAGRAM Protective Pipe-- . Casing CapVent  ? YesO No O b YeeO No O .-Lock ? YesO No O Steel E PVCD - Weep Hole  ? YesO NoD Surveying Pin? - Ft. ,, p a , Yee@ NoO ' - - 'g.d .r7v DRILLING INFORMATION: Ri  ? :"' DEPTH - c - ! p. ' $: FROM I.Borehole Diameter= c c J inches. TOP BELOW OF  ? YesO NoQ Con.crete o Ft. V.'. ij  ? GRADE CASING 2.Were Additives Drilling Used $. 2.Y ,- Revert O Bentonite O WaterO 2 2 2- A7 3 Solid Auger D Hollow StemAuger O jj) 3.Was Outer Steel Casing Used  ? YesO NoD Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix Depth= to Feet. YeeQ NoD [a 4.Borehole Diameter forOuterCasing inches. 9^4Lb. agCement C Ft. WELL C ONS TRUCTION INFORMATION: 3-5 Lb.Bentonite ~ p L" I.Type ofCasing PVC0 Galvanized O Tefian O Powder Stainless Q Other Other a f . 2.TypeofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple O Glue-CoupleD Other j@ d O

3. Type ofWell Screen PVC0 Galvanized Stainless O Teflon O Other -

Bentonite Seal 4.Diameter ofCasing andWell Screen: '4 Ft. lPellets O Slurryg y :.g - g 7y Casing 5.Slot A S1zeof Screen ef C inches. Screen inches. FilterPack 0 6.TypeofScreen Perforation:Factory O Slotted Above Screen " Ft* -v

gy Hacksaw O Drilled O Other 1.).. .

y s ;a W 7.installed Protector Pipe w/Locks YesQ NoO 2 WELL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION. 1.HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing D Pumping O AlrSurging (Alc orNitrogeroO Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL I - 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ? Silica Sand Q - e pg* / )AinutesjHours Washed SandO A - 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed  ? /W Galione PeaGravel O I 4.Water ClarityBefore Development  ? Clear O Turbid D Opaque O - 2 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? Clear O SandSize C 2 Turbid O Opaque O m,s - - 6.DidWater haveOder  ? YesO NoQ - , n

  1. w a ifYes, Describe Dense Phase Sampling Cup p '

7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YesD No0 S eg, IfYes, Describe Bottom Plug - YeeO No o , 7cm 'D B WATER LEVEL INFORMA TION: OverdrilledMaterial j I Water Level Summary (From TopofCasing) Grout BacWI O SandO 9 Ft. j I j l During Drilling c ' ' Ft. Date L b CW Before Development Ft.Date ,- 4 CavedMaterial O k-) - Othert C After Development 1 Ft.Date/2 L 3' ' Driller/Firm C .O ' ^ C ' N- 4 AE Drill RigType M ,3 Date.installed & DrillCrew -.. C-v;A-:J LAf WellNo. ' ?-- E Hydrologistm ;c c 1 SOtLBORING LOG sueslDLARY LOCADON ppyg - ,p.,scW RLUj:v NUMBER

f,qAfA f.; >s [- /

/ c- /m DEPTH UN EDBLOWS Soil SAMPLE IN PER PID REMARKS OR FEET LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 4g = o CLASS. g FOOT ( m) PP No. E 3. e DEPTH REC- FIELD OBSERVATIONS f 4-y,q.,.,a ;a v , ,. , m, 1 e .) ' C / , t- , A Qx' g f 4'b $^ 4-C 7.g f,.c ;,.g ,c,weof  ;@ -Mau/.)2.3 y y $ ) :3,y 't001 nu. ; .A: /5 'A-y 3? ,v ; +? m,on L a: ,NC < .v , .. 3 N. C/ - c-GTtu14- E EJG / / .N 3 ;cw x;3 .4 P,c2.  ; ^.3p a2 u ;. , ^ f t . f . [ f?s . b ' C.~,, )'! 1/'wJ.!1bd QM T ) b t Cwe c.- ,,ve a , DJ b mo a > cc /c 1 5O ' D-i '2' L Cu 'Js-cy A."2 s fngJ f PAGE Y- Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHIC LOGLEGEND DATEDRiuED V Water PJD Photolonization Table Tsme ofBoring) Detection ppm) @CLAY L N H NO. identifies g TYPE SampleCollection Sample byNum er Method QSlLT QHGHLYOrMCPEU) . Qgo'ey ( t3 c T C '4L; .. of^ g P SPUT ROCK SAND Y b C-d-d CK p BARREL AUGER CORE m ,. CLAYEY GRAVEL

  • SAND ',j ,Jg,L o;L W

TwHLED yygg CONTINUOUS SAMPLER NO RECOVERY StLTY CLAY - EXiSINGGRADEELEVA FT AMEU leREC. DEPTH. Depth Actual To ondBottom Legth ofRecovered ofSam Somple inFeet @@YEY 0 - LocAnONORGRIDCOORDINATES MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION DIAGRAM Protective Pipe-- - . --Casing CapVent  ? YesO No O b ^ YeeO No O -Lock  ? YesO No O SteelO PVCO - ,Weep Hole  ? YesG NoO .' Ft* Surveying YeaO Pin? No O 'p/" Concrete Pad L Ft.x " Ft. x nInches 'of

  • Qv

$: FROM l. Borehole Diameter= El /5 Inches. 52 + .2 BELOW TOPOF Concrete ) Ft. g .J. L- GRADE CASING 2.Were Drilling Additives Used  ? YesO NoO $ If '; ., .-f Revert O Bentonite O Water O @ jJ27 3 !J Solid Auger O Hollow StemAuger O' @$ A 3. Wae Outer Steel Casing Used  ? Yee O N4@ Cement/Bentonite GroutMix Depth= A todFeet. YeeQ NoO g1 j~j 4. Borehole Diameter for Outer CasingA Inches. 5.5Galions Waterto  : a WELL CONS TRUCTION INFORMATION: ' 94Lb. BagCement & 1 i Ft. 3-5 Lb.Bentonite g.s i.Type ofCasing: PVCQ Galvanized O Teflon O Other: b Stainless O Other @ @ 2.Type ofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple O Glue-

g.  : - -

c., ;1 CoupleO Other

3. Type ofWell Screen PVCO Galvanized O Stainless O Teflon O Other BentoniteSeal ,

4.Diameter ofCasingandWell Screen: ) O Sturry Pellate O --- Ft. ? 3. 3 C' - @@? Casing S.Slot Size ^ of Screen: c c O inches. Screen 7 inches. Filter Pack # Above Screen A ' N. 6.TypeofScreen Perforation Factory Slotted' O O Drilled O Other .o Hacksaw 4 .- m

@ 7 .- iL /Lt'3 7.installed Protector Pipe w/Locks YesO NoO

^- WELL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION: . HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing'O Pumping O Alr Surging (Air orNitrogen) Q Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL C , 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ? SilicaSand O 2 , Ft. / 22 Minutes/Houre Washed SandO A , - 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed  ? (A Gallone PeaGravel O I 4.Water Clarity Before Development  ? Clear O Other I Turbid O Opaque O 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? Clear O SandSizeT. C ~ Turbid O Opaque O --- b-33

2. .

.2: 6.D1d Water haveOdcr  ? YesO NoO - - - lfYes, Describe Dense Phase Sampling Cup [ . pe* 7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YeaO NoO BottomPlug ifYes Describe YesQ NoO b g 'fs L 1 k WATER LEVEL INFORMATION: OverdrilledMaterial i l I Water Level Summary (From TopofCasi,ng) Backfill '. Ft.I l GroutO SandO r I g During Drilling Ft. Date E l . Caved Material O LL---) .--- $ e e@ment a2i i R. DateE Othert After Development d Ft. Dated Driller/Firm Drill RigTypeb' L UC b !O Date. installed DrillCrew wellNo. v--T Hydrologist SOILBORING LOG suesIDIARY LOCADON ggg o p;- PAck ar( - w  : aac we ,g5,, NUMBERr - -11 DEPTH UN EDBLOWS 5AMPLE 501L PID REMARKS OR LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ggCLASS. FIRD@ (ppm) po pepys gec RELD OBSERVATIONS O-4 u temo tw 7, 3e, h' D, va P ~?^ F v ;U'e- 0 , on g ,, ,  ; 1 'F'# Ne b il , , c + w iw a aw- - nm sw a (N;> scsu ,ya y '

ss m,f3 ,.. ,

g /j ' *~ .K (2 9/ 3/f) '& /6 v - 1C 2t -T2, 1 3 aL. , ,, L.h , a N@. m r". " ' m oioa sma , vA/ w '~ Ar GT c r y s.wn t ld; fc /5 "'"# )@ xs/ 5P 5WJ VECD P d :4 /x K y, - L'02C-C.U 0/Avo. ras no p a nu ' m soncsm )<' x N cy e m.a-3,v- my y .g c , fg g o 7oh s t@ is k utmT Th tw a ,.an, To a +9S va XX Gnho , a otW w v x X 'y' 3 ( !to /c % wm* xA , g WT j'>C R - L r2Af> 139c e Ao2 k n SP 3S 1 Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHICLOGLEGEND DATE p PAGE V- WaterTable PlD Photoronization (Time ofBoring) Detection ppm) @CLAY L LuNG D No. Identifies Sample byNUmer 2 TYPE Sample O Collection Method b SILT MGU OIKiANCPEAT) . v

  1. M' i:' .. SANDY ,

SAND CLAY CHa C-5 CLELN 4 SPLIT ROCK k BARREL AUGER CORE G GRAVEL ,:.Y N CLAYEY SAND m.g gm W TwMLED TUBE CONTINUOUS SAMPLER NO RECOVERY SILTY CLAY - EXWG GRADEWA n AP6U DEPTH. REC.Actual Depth TopondBottom L.ength DfRecovered ofSample Somple inFeet @@YEY Q LOCADON ORGRIDCOOREXNATES MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONDIAGRAM Protective Pipe. Casing CapVent? Yea@ No Q Yes2 No Q b -Lock  ? Yes No O @ SteelO PVCO - ,Weep Hole  ? YesQ NoQ SurveyingPin? Ft. , s YesO NoQ ' 'W.'ff .i ' "'"pv DEPTH DRILLING INFORMATION: o -- kV * $: FROM I. Borehole Diameter= X 0 Inches. fi J. 'I BELOW TOPOF 2 ? YesO No0 Concrete .6 Ft., L.  ? GRADE CASING 2.Were DelilingAdditives Used 4. w a ff ,t ., 3 r5 ..- Revert O Bentonite O Water Q y f/* Solid AugerC Hollow StemAuger O + , ,i P .) 3.Was Outer Steel Casing Used  ? YeaQ No3 Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix ' Depth= V-!todFeet. Yes@ NoQ 4. Borehole Diameter forOuter CasingEInches. 5.5Galions Waterto , I ' 94Lb. BagCement & ML; Ft. , WELL CONS TRUCTION INFORMATION: 3-5 Lb.Bentonite g I.Type ofCaeIng: PVCQ Galvanized O Tefton Q Other: M Stainless O Other jj [$ 2.Type ofCasing Joints: Screw-Couplet Glue-bj@@@ .., ' [ Couple O Other g $ "1 W / O 3. Type ofWell Screen PVCQ Galvanized Q Stainlees Q Teflon O Other Bentonite Seal 4.Diameter ofCasingandWell , C-Ft, Screen: jPellets D Slurry Q w q 3; Casin9 2- inches, Screen Inches. v  :: - - S.Slot S1ze of Screen: 0 50 Filter Pack AboveScreen P Ft' ~ -:.:. 6.TypeofScreen Perforation:Factory Slotted O ..;2 p-Qb )[ '5 I Hacksaw 7.Installed O Drilled O Other Protector Pipew/Lock YesO NoQ . p - '- WELL DEVELO PMENT INFORMATION: I.HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O PumpingD AirSurging (Air orNitrogen) D Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL 2 - 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ? Silica Sand Q - m-.A / 3 ' Minutes/Hours 2Ft. WashedSandO I 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed ?A Galions PeaGravel O I 4.Water Clarity Before Development ?Clear O Other: I Turbid Q Opaque Q - 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? ClearG SandSize a 2 Turbid O Opaque Q ce e.; v 2 a 6.DidWaterhaveOder  ? YesO NoQ g a . a3 , ifYes, Describe Denee Phase Sampling Cup 3. pe, 7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YeaO NoQ BottomPlug " IfYes, Describe YesO NoO zg.. 3.9% a - WA TER LEVEL INFORMATION: Overdrilled Material Backfill j I ( Water Level Summary (From TopofCasing) $+ , /? Ft.)

l During Drilling1Ft. Date !L A / G ,

Grout D SandO j l , Be elopment DC' Ft.Date 1// /O b CavedMaterial D L--) ' Other After Development A Fr.DateE C-UW4 AU Driller/Firm ' Drill RigType Date. Installed "

4 '

!C' DrillCrew G 1AN,tN- , QU'f--- WellNo. - 0 , Hydrologist s - SOILBORING LOG sueSDIARY LOCADON BORING T % y,Tc AGA- Ro, NUMBER a vam pou w ,TUe DEPTH LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION @e gg UN EDBLOWS RELD @y PID (ppm) NO. 5AMPLE 501L DEPTH REC FIELD REMARKS OR OBSERVATIONS o CLASS. C -3 Gsco - rcc st,, .A.ep;uq N mmt W y pm L ,( t W to1 y .,f 3 o .movuo ofa a mwd ' 5 <5+T, ocuz.;rTE umc GN , DM N ,. (ICA3/' ) m A - S TA.M m u WT ogCw u < x k

.x G.e D G3M F!Q typanoO >

9' o w 1c- ., o '(p-3 j>'2 L

(A 6

is/B to ( 2 5 8/0 s4on u '/ tw ) cuy w3 /> C~X x x s iL-T srgow, at owa V. xx W ,, ' C & ,n ocM-rc- pwtw t , DM 3 ' fit w g 2 -1 ,wown TL The a aul twe ssumneyua n w. L (j>( ?@ icey , some gmm . vX< )( T - & 3ranrfo W c ",/' </ ~'S,('~> x , A X,,.- y 3 , t xXv $o m F so agm mm (Q( SP 35 1 Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHiCLOGLEGEND DATEpm PAGE V Water Table PID Photolonization (Time ofBoring) Detection ppm) @CLAY L D No. identifies 2 TYPE Sample Sample Colle ion byNumer Method QS1LT QHGHiYOlKWK g PEA1) ,/ ago w,i " yf a i: SANDY at SPLIT ROCK SAND CLAY CH/setiS GAW 2 BARREL AUGER cogg LOGGED BY $ GRAVEL CLAYEY SAND g gg..z W @D TUBE CONTINUOUS SAMPLER NO RECOVERY SILTY CLAY - EX1ST4G GRADEELEVA T.AM6U DEPTH. Depth REC.Actual TopondBottom Length ofRecovered ofSample SampleinFeet @si@YEY LOCATION ORGRIDCOORDINATES MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION DIAGRAM Protective Pipe-- - .-Casing CapVent? YesO No O YesO No O -Lock YesQ No 0 ? Steel 0 PVCO - ,Weep Hole ? YesO NoO Ft. SurveyingPin? ,,, , YesQ NoO ' -


DEPTH kV 6': FROM I.Borehole Diameter= inches. Concrete  ; 5 Ft., J. .' 2 > BELOW TOPOF

2. Were DrillingAdditiven Used ? YeeO No G L. GRADE CASING b,  ?.l ' 2 m Revert O Bentonite O Water O y J.y

" '/ Soild Auger O Hollow StemAugehD b$ T , 3.Was Outer Steel Casing Used  ? Yes0 NoU to f@ Feet. Cement/BentonIte Grout Mix ' Depth= YeeO NoD 3 c 5.5Galions 94Lb. Water BagCement to & 21 > Ft. ) /; S

4. Borehole Diameter forOuter WELL C ONS TRUCTION INFO RMATION:

Casing ;bInches. 3-5 Lb.Bentonite g I.Type ofCasing: PVCQ Galvanized O Tefton O Other: s a Stainless O Other g @T 2.TypeofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple 9 Giue-rdih Y 3 A Couple O Other

3. Type ofWeil Screen PVC3 Galvanized O Bentonite Seal StaInless O Teflon O Other

, Ft. 4.Diameter ofCasingandWell Screen: Pellets0 Slurry O ge 1 a Casing C Inches,Screen inches. .4 S.Slot Size of Screen: C.. CC Pack Filter Above Screen " Ft* 6.TypeofScreen Perforation: Factory SlottedO-9 :7.'. --, - Hacksaw O Drilled O Other .3 YesO NoQ 7.installed Protector PIpe w/Locks - WELL DEVELOPMEN T INFORMA TiON: . HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O PumpingO 2 Alc Surging (Air orNitrogeo 8 Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL - 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ? SilicaSand Q - /1Minutea'/Hours pt. Washed SandO A - 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed  ? !2L3 Galione PeaGravel O T 4.Water Clarity Before Development  ? Clear O Other 2 Turbid 0 Opaque O 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? Clear G SandSizeL g - TuM O Opaque O ,- , 6.Did Water haveOder  ? YesO No1 o 7. sc - - - IfYes,Describe Dense PhaseSamplin9 Cup , < eg^ 7.Did Water-have anyColor  ? YeaO No0 Bottom P(ug " ifYee. Describe YeeO NoO 2?*p To $ WATER LEVEL INFORMATION: Overdrilled Material Backfill j I I Water Level Summary (From TopofCasing) Grout O SandO ~ w Ft.I I ." m m' ., b/D Before Development ?bff' Ft. Date 1 A Caved Material 0 ----) . Other: After Development /1 C Fr.Date/ b/ ' /A% 4 /7 &WA Driller/Firm Drill RigType Date. installed /2 a C DrillCrew S A/@W . 'T.N2- WellNo. ~ ~ -[! Hydrologist url I'CN