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Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 2014 Design Investigation Report
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 05/31/2015
Burns & McDonnell, State of OK, Dept of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML21120A281 List:
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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD Oklahoma ofEnvironmental Department Quality Oklahoma City,OK Project No. 84237 May2015

i i i ii prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD Oklahoma Departmentof Environmental Quality OklahomaCity, OK Project No.84237 May2015 prepared by Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc.

Kansas City, Missouri COPYRIGHT


INDEX Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 2014Design Investigation Report Project No.84237 Report Index Chaptg N11ml2er Ngnbg Clapter [it.le ofAgg 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Extent ofUranium Impact: BAl 4 3.0 Extent ofUranium Impact: BA2 2 4.0 Extent ofNitrate Impact: WAA 4 5.0 Extent ofNitrate andFluoride Impacts: UP2 2 6.0 NitrateMigration TowardMonitoring Well 1329 2 7.0 NitrateNatural Attenuation Baseline: WAA 3 8.0 Treatment Building Geotechnical Investigation 1 9.0 BAlandWUAPacker Testing 2 10.0 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 1 11.0 Investigation Derived Waste 1 12.0 Surveying 1 13.0 Conclusions 2 14.0 Refrences 1 A

Appendix EC/HPT Data Logs 92 B

Appendix Laboratory Analytical Reports 1 C

Appendix DrillingLogs & Well Installation Diagrams 138 D

Appendix Field Parameter Forms 69 E

Appendix Geotechnical Laboratory Results 20 Appendix F Geophysical Logs 4 G

Appendix Packer Test Data 13 H

Appendix Survey Data 2

2014Design Investigation Report Table ofContents TABLEOFCONTENTS EXECUTIVE




,,,=......-----..,,...,..~..,- .,- 1-1 1.1 Facility Background.............. .... . ....,.............. . . 1-1 1.2 Design Investigation ,....,............,.........-............. ........ ...... 1-1 2.0 EXTENT OFURANIUM IMPACT: BA1 ,.,--,=.- ....--....---.-, 2-1 2.1 HPT-GWS Field Activities ,.............,................................... 2-1 2.1.1 ECandHPT Results ......................,..,,.... .. 2-2 2.1.2HPT-GWSGroundwater Sample Results......<....... ..., ... .. 2-3 2.2 Drilling andWell Installation ....... ........................,.............. 2-3 2.3 Groundwater Sampling .... ........,............................... 2-4 2.4 Groundwater Sampling Results ........................... =........ ......... 2-4 3.0 EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACT: BA2 -,=---,.,.--,------. 3-1 3.1 Drilling andWell Installation ..... .... .............. . .. ....~.. . 3-1 3.2 Groundwater Sampling............,.. ..,.... .. .. - . .... 3-1 3.3 Groundwater Sampling Results ........~....,...........,......................,... 3-2 4.0 EXTENTOFNITRATE IMPACT: WAA ,-=-,.---------- 4-1 4.1 HPT-GWS Field Activities,~. ..~. .............,,..,....... 4-1 4.1.1 ECandHPTResults ........... ......,,.......,...,.....,..... 4-1 4.1.2HPT-GWS Groundwater Results........................., .... 4-2 4.2 Drilling and Well Installation ...... ... . ........ . ..,... ..... 4-2 4.3 Groundwater Sampling......... . ............ ..,.................. 4-3 4.4 Groundwater Sampling Results ..,...., .................,,... 4-3 5.0 EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACTS: WAA....-.-.- .-..,-5-1 6.0 EXTENT OFNITRATE ANDFLUORIDE IMPACTS: UP2.--<....---..-,6-1 6.1 Drilling andWell Installation ........,...... ,,.................................. 6-1 6.2 Groundwater Sampling...........~......................,......... 6-1 6.3 Groundwater Sampling Results ..... --.......................~..... 6-2 7.0 NITRATE MIGRATION TOWARD MONITORING WELL1329...- .--- 7-1 7.1 Drilling andWell Installation ....... .... ..........~............. 7-1 7.2 Groundwater Sampling.. . . . ...................,........ 7-2 7.3 Groundwater Sampling Results ... .. .......................,.... ........ 7-2 8.0 NITRATENATURALATTENUATION BASELINE: WAA -,.,.= 8-1 8.1 Direct-Push Field Activities....=....... ...................-..... ....... 8-1 CimarronEnvironmental Response Trust i Burns & McDonnell

2014DesignInvestigation Report Table ofContents 8.2 GroundwaterSampling ~......... ............ ..... ......,... 8-2 8.3 Sampling Results ... .-. .~ .. ......~. . ..............~....,, 8-3 9.0 TREATMENT BUILDINGGEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION=---.-.9-1 10.0BA1AND WUA PACKER TESTING =,=,..,= ,.,.=..,.=,,.<.==, 10-1 10.1Test Boring........................... .......................-..... 10-1 10.1.1 BA1.........,.....................,...............,..... ,....-.... 10-1 10.1.2WUA~............................. .... ~............ 10-1 10.2Downhole Geophysics .......................................................... 10-2 10.3Packer Testing... .... .... .. ...... ..........,...... 10-2 10.4Packer Test Results....................................... . ......... 10-2 11.0QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ..--.-,-.<-.,, 11-1 12.0INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE-...-...-.-....-. =..==12-1 13.0SURVEYING ,,=..,=,.... ....,-.,.,..-,....13-1


S-.==-------=--.--.=--.--.-,---. 14-1 14.1Summary ofConclusions for Design Investigation.......~. . ...~,.... 14-1 14.2Extent ofUranium Impact: BA1............................. ........... 14-1 14.3Extent ofUranium Impact: BA2...,...................... ... 14-2 14.4Extent ofNitrate andUranium Impacts: WAA ............ ..... 14-2 14.5Extent ofNitrate andFluoride Impacts: UP2 ~.. .....,............... . . 14-2 14.6Nitrate Migration Toward Monitoring Well 1329............ ....... ......... 14-3 14.7 Nitrate Natural Attenuation Baseline: WAA........ .......... ... 14-3 14.8Treatment Building Geotechnical Investigation...... . . ..- , .. .~. ... 14-3 14.9BA1andWUAPacker Testing........-..................,........, 14-3 15.0REFRENCES ...---........,=..--,.=,=...,=15-1 APPENDIX A EC/HPT DATALOGS APPENDIXB LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS APPENDIXC DRILLING LOGS& WELLINSTALLATION DIAGRAMS APPENDIX D FIELD PARAMETER FORMS APPENDIX E GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY RESULTS APPENDIX F GEOPHYSICAL LOGS APPENDIX G PACKER TESTDATA APPENDIXH SURVEY DATA Cimarron Environmental Response Trust ii Burns & McDonnell

2014DesignInvestigation Report ListofTables LISTOFTABLES Table2-1: HPT-GWS Groundwater Analytical Results Table 2-2: Comprehensive Monitoring WellData Table 8-1: Nitrate Natural Attenuation SoilAnalytical Results Table 8-2: Nitrate Natural Attenuation Analytical Groundwater Results Table 10-1: Packer Test Results Cimarron Environmental Response Trust i & McDonnell Burns

2014Design Investigation Report List ofFigures LIST OFFIGURES Figure 1-1: Site Location Map Figure 2-1: Uranium inBurial Area #1 Figure 2-2:Cross-Section Index Map Figure 2-3:Burial Area #1 Cross-Section (A-A')

Figure 2-4:Burial Area #1Cross-Section (B-B')

Figure 3-1:Uranium inWestern Area Figure 4-1:Nitrate inWestern Area Figure 4-2:Western AlluvialAreaCross-Section (C-C')

Figure 4-3:Western AlluvialAreaCross-Section (D-D')

Figure 6-1:Fluoride inWestern Area Figure 10-1: Burial Area #1Cross-Section (E-E')

Figure 10-2: Western Upland AreaCross-Section (F-F')

Figure 10-3: Burial Area #3Cross-Section (G-G')

Cimarron Environmental ResponseTrust i & McDonnell Burns

2014Design Investigation Report Revision Introduction


1.1 Facility Background TheSite comprises over 500acres ofrolling hillsand200acres offloodplain atthe intersection of Highways 74and 33, approximately seven miles south ofCrescent, Oklahoma (Figure 1-1). Grassland andtemperate forestcovers nearlyall the property, andtwoponds collect surface water from upland Several areas. miles ofroads andparkingareas, andonebuilding remain onthe property.

TheCimarron facilitywasformerly operated byKerr-McGee Nuclear Corporation (KMNC), awholly owned subsidiary ofKerr-McGee Corporation. TheCimarron facilityoperated under twoSpecial NuclearMaterial Licenses. LicenseSNM-928 wasissued for the production ofuranium fuel,andLicense SNM-1174wasissued for theproduction ofmixed oxide fuel. Theprincipal operation under License SNM-928 involved the fabricationofenriched uranium reactor fuel pellets,andeventually fuel rods.

Enriched uranium fuelwasproduced atthe Uranium Plant from 1966 through 1975. Process facilities includeda main production several building; one-story ancillary buildings, five process relatedcollection

ponds, twooriginal sanitary lagoons,onenewsanitary lagoon, awaste incinerator, several uncovered areas, storage andthree burial grounds. Themain production building was divided into sixmajor areas:

ceramicuranium dioxide (UO2),pellet,scrap recycle andrecovery, wastetreatment, fabrication and the highenriched area. Inaddition, spacewasprovided for auxiliary services such as office, laboratory, maintenance, andwarehousing.

Thesitewasdivided into 16"Subareas", designated Subareas A through O (there are twoareas, both of whichcontained uranium wasteponds, designated Subarea O), tofacilitate the decommissioning and final survey process. Decommissioning ofmaterials andequipment, buildings andstructures, andsurface and subsurfacesoils iscomplete, andFinal Status Survey Reports have been submitted for allthese mediafor all16Subareas. Additional information ondecommissioning status, andhydrogeologic testing are presentedinCimarron Environmental Response Trust (CERT) Hydrogeologic Pilot Test Report (Burns&

McDonnell, 2013) andCERTAddendum toHydrogeologic Pilot Test Report andPneumatic Slug Test Memo(EPM, 2013).

1.2 Design Investigation A groundwater remediation systemandsite decommissioning plan willbesubmitted toenable Environmental Properties Management (EPM), the trustee for CERT,tocomplete decommissioning activities andachieve license termination. Thegoal ofthe remediation effort istoobtain release ofthe site forunrestricted use.After areview ofexisting data, it wasdetermined that additional data was CimarronEnvironmental Response Trust 1-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report Revision Introduction required toenable EPMtomoveforward todevelop anddesign a groundwater remediation system and generate a complete site decommissioning plan.

Toobtain data needed tocomplete the design, a design investigation(DI) wasconducted October through December, 2014 to obtain the data required tocomplete the design ofthe remediation system. The overall objectives of the design investigation were asfollows:

a Better delineate the approximate extent ofuranium exceeding 30micrograms per liter(pg/l) in Burial Area #1(BA1)

= Better delineate the approximate extent ofnitrate exceeding 10milligrams perliter(mg/l) inthe Western Alluvial Area (WAA) e Evaluate the potential for natural attenuation ofnitrateinthe WAA

  • Determine if uranium exceeding 30pg/1 in Sandstone C in the Process Building Area (PBA) is natural background orlicensed material e Investigate apossible source ofnitrate migrating toWell 1329 from former uranium processing facilities e Better define groundwater elevation andflow direction inSandstones A andB inthe U-Pond #2 (UP2) Area a Better define the approximate extent ofnitrate exceeding 10mg/l andfluoride exceeding 4 mg/l inthe UP2Area

= Investigate Burial Area #2(BA2) asapotential source ofuranium togroundwater inthe WAA a Determine if uranium exceeding 30pg/L ismigrating toward the WAA from BA#2

= Obtain needed subsurface geotechnical data for treatment building foundation design This report provides asummary ofthe field activities performed anddata obtained during the design investigation.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 1-2 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACT: BA1 2.0 EXTENTOFURANIUMIMPACT:BA1 Though delineated toNRC's unrestricted release criterion, further investigation wasrequired inBA1to delineate the approximate extentofuranium impact toDEQ's release criterion, theUSEPAmaximum contaminant level (MCL) of30pg/l. Toachieve thisgoal, adirect-push investigation wasconducted and sevenmonitoring wells (1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, and1373) wereinstalled andsampled. The direct-push investigation consisted ofadvancing aGeoprobe Systems" hydraulic profiling tool groundwater sampler (HPT-GWS) atthirteen (13) locations spread radially around andinadvance ofthe approximate downgradient extent of the previously delineatedBAluranium plume. TheHPT-GWS tool wasused for lithologic logging, hydraulic conductivity testing, andcollection ofgroundwater "grab" samples. Thedata from theHPT-GWS investigation wasused todetermine the locations ofseven (7) newmonitoring wells. TheHPT-GWS sampling locations, identified bythe prefix "GP-BAl" are shown onFigure 2-1.

2.1 HPT-GWS Field Activities TheHPT-GWS investigation wasconducted byPlains Environmental Services (PES) ofSalina, Kansas underthe supervisor ofBurns & McDonnell personnel.

TheHPT-GWS collects continuous, real-time profiles ofthe soilhydraulic properties in both fine- and coarse-grained material. TheHPT-GWS uses asensitive downhole transducer to measure the pressure responseofthe soil tothe injection ofwater. Using thepressure response data and Geoprobe Systems Direct Image software, hydraulicconductivity (K) values canbeestimated. This toolalso measures conductivity electrical (EC), which istypically inversely proportional tograin size inthe formation, althoughmineralogy andpore water conductivity canaffect ECresponse. Additionally, the HPT-GWS tool allows for collection ofdiscrete groundwater samples through polyurethane tubing running from the tool through the direct-push rodstothe surface.

Thirteen(13) direct-push borings(GP-BAl-01 through GP-BAl-13) wereadvanced tobedrock refusal usingtheHPT-GWS. Totaldepths ranged from 25to30feet below ground surface (bgs). Groundwater sampleswerecollected from higher permeability intervalsinterpreted from HPT-GWS data near thebase ofthealluvium ateach boringusing newpolyurethane tubing andaperistaltic pump.A minimum of three times the volume ofwaterinjected bythe HPTtool waspurged prior tosample collection.

Groundwater samples werefieldfiltered using disposable Nalgene@ Rapid-Flow filter unit equipped with a0.45-micron pore size membrane. Thesamples werethen transferred tothe appropriate laboratory providedbottles andsent toGELLaboratories LLC(GEL) ofCharleston, South Carolina inaccordance CimarronEnvironmental ResponseTrust 2-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACT: BA1 with Sampling andAnalysis Procedure (SAP)-112 for analysis ofdissolved uranium byUSEPAMethod 200.8. Use of the samefiltrationandanalytical method asfor thesampling andanalysis ofprevious samplesmaximizes the comparabilityofanalytical results from the direct-push borings with data obtained for groundwater samples from existing monitoring wells.

Following completion of each HPT-GWS boring, boreholes were abandoned inaccordance with Sampling andAnalysisProcedure SAP-109(all citations with theSAPprefix toprocedures refer included inthe site-specific Sampling and Analysis Plan) andOklahoma Staterules byback filling andplugging the holes with bentonite chipsand hydrating the bentonite with potablewater.

2.1.1 ECandHPTResults ECand HPTdata were collectedfrom all thirteen direct-push locations. TheECand HPTresponse curves werecorrected forelevation,scaling ofdepth, andmagnitude ofresponse toprovide asetofdata that would berepresentative ofthe site conditions. These data were used tocreate cross sections showing the ECandHPTresponses atspecific locations along theapproximate northern extent ofBA1uranium (see plume Figure 2-1). Twocross-sections wereprepared along the northern (A-A') andsouthern (B-B')

arcs ofHPT-GWS borings(See Figure 2-2). Thenorthern andsouth.ern HPTcross-sections display EC andHPTpressure maximum data curves showing correlation ofzonesof high permeability andare provided onFigures 2-3and2-4, respectively. Individual logs for each location are presented in Appendix A.

TheHPTmeasures the hydraulic relative properties ofunconsolidated materials byutilizing the Werner dipole conductivity configurationandinjection ofclean water atalow flow rate(usually less than 300 milliliters per minute (ml/min)) tomeasure the pressure response ofthe formation tothe injection of water. zones ofrelativelyhigh permeability are represented bythe HPTaslower pressure responses and lower permeability zones arerepresented byhigher pressure responses.

Thesoil overburden atthe siteconsists primarily ofsand andsilt with minor occurrences ofclay. The typical ranges forelectricalconductivity ofunsaturated earth materialsare provided below:

Sand andGravel 0.1 to5milliseimens permeter (mS/m)

Silt 0.5 to10mS/m Clay 10to500mS/m Sandstone 1to20mS/m Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 2-2 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACT:BA1 Shale 50to300mS/m Salt water 1,000 to7,000 mS/m



Sharma, 1997)

A comparison ofanHTP logandanadjacent boringlog (GP-WAA-10 andGP-WAA-22 discussed in Sections 4.0and7.0, respectively) indicatethe general site specific ECvalue for saturatedfine tocoarse grained sandwasapproximately 20 mS/m while saturated fine grained poorly gradedsand from ranged 30-50mS/m. This interpretationof the dataallows for site specificinterpretation oflithologyand estimated hydraulicconductivities using the EClogs andpressure response generated curves ateach boring.

Thisprovides abaseline forwhich the EClogs andpressure response canbecompared curves to provide specific site interpretation oflithologyand estimating hydraulic values.

conductivity A reviewandinterpretation ofthe HPT-GWS logsprovided asAppendix A show that the is lithology predominately medium tocoarse grained sandswith discontinuous fine grainedsandandsiltlenses.

Estimated hydraulicconductivity values ranged onthe order of 10-2centimeters persecond (cm/sec) the throughout bulk ofthe aquifer thickness withthefiner grainedlenses having estimated hydraulic values conductivity ofapproximately 104 cm/sec.

2.1.2 HPT-GWS Groundwater Sample Results Thedissolved uranium results forthe HPT-GWS collected samples aresummarized in Table 2-1and inFigure presented 2-1. Laboratory reports areprovided inAppendix B.Thegroundwater samples collected from Borings GP-BA-1-03 andGP-BAl-04 werefound tohave dissolved uranium concentrations exceeding the MCL.

2.2 Drilling andWell Installation Basedonthegroundwater results collected fromthe thirteen (13) HPT-GWS borings, itwasdetermined that seven(7)newmonitoring wells should besufficient todelineate the approximateextentofthe dissolved uraniumplume (see Figure 2-1) exceedingthe MCL.Seven (7) 8-inchnominal diameter borings wereadvanced byAssociated Environmental Industries (AEI) ofNorman, Oklahoma, under supervision ofEnercon personnel, using hollow-stem augers (HSA). Theborings wereadvanced until bedrock refusal wasreached. Total depths rangedfrom 25.5 to31feet bgs. Lithology waslogged using cuttings drill andrecorded ondrilling logforms,which areincluded inthis asAppendix report C.

Cimarron EnvironmentalResponse Trust 2-3 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACT: BA1 Groundwater MonitoringWells 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, and1373 wereinstalledin accordance with SAP-110, using 2-inch diameter schedule 40polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well casing with 2-inch diameter schedule 40PVC,0.010-inch factory slotted screen. Thewell screensextended from the base ofthe alluvium (25.5 to31feet bgs) tounsaturated soil above the water table(estimatedat approximately 11 feet bgs). Theannular filter packs consisted of20-40 silica sand. Well construction details were recordedon Well Installation Diagram forms, which are included inthis report inAppendix C.

Four-foot x four-foot square concrete pads were installed around each monitoring wellwith alockable steel protector pipe installedtosecure access tothe monitoring well, with the exceptionofMonitoring Wells 1372, 1372, and1373 which hadsix-foot x six-foot square concrete pads installed with three4-inch diameter bollards setonthe upriver sideofthe pad. A 3/4-inch diameter galvanized steellocation pipe with capwasinstalled through the concrete pad, extending approximately five feetabove theconcretepad sothe well location canbeseen whenvegetation inthe floodplain is tall. A steel boltwasplaced inthe concrete padtoserve asareference pointfor subsequent elevation measurements. Monitoring well construction information wasrecorded onthe monitoring wellinstallation diagram form.

Themonitoring wells weredeveloped using airliftandsurging techniques. During development, wells were allowed toreturn tostaticwater levels periodically. Development continued untilthe fieldgeologist noted the well produced clearwater.

2.3 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples werecollected from Monitoring Wells 1363, 1365 through 1373,and TMW-24 in accordance with SAP-104. Thesamples werecollected inthe appropriate laboratoryprovidedbottles and sent toGELinaccordance with SAP-112 for analysis ofdissolved uranium using UnitedStates Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 200.8, uranium isotopic activity using Health and Safety Laboratory (HASL) 300, nitrate/nitrite-nitrogen using USEPAMethod 353.2,andfluoride using USEPA Method 300.0. Samples collected for uranium concentration andisotopic activityanalysiswere field filtered prior tocollection using a0.45-micron pore size membrane filter.Field parameter formsare provided inAppendix D.

2.4 Groundwater Sampling Results Analytical results for allgroundwater samples collected from BA1monitoring wellsduring the2014DI aretabulated inTable 2-2andlaboratory results areprovided inAppendix B. Asindicated inTable 2-2, Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 2-4 Burns& McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFURANIUMIMPACT:BA1 dissolved uraniumconcentrations ingroundwater samplescollected fromMonitoring Wells1363,1365, 1369, 1371, 1373, andTMW-24werefound toexceed the MCLof30pg/l.

uranium Analyticalresults for insamples uraniumdetections collected fromBA1monitoring during wells the 2014 DIare posted on Figure 2-1This figure depicts theapproximate ofthe extent plume uranium in BA1based onpotential source area, analytical historical data, hydrogeologic andhistorical conditions.

Cimarron Environmental ResponseTrust 2-5 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACT: BA2 3.0 EXTENTOFURANIUMIMPACT:BA2 Additional data wasrequired forthe design todetermine whether BA2wasasource ofuranium to groundwater in theWestern Area (WA). Four additional monitoring wells (1377, 1378, 1379, and1380) wereinstalled in the area surrounding BA2andgroundwater samples were collectedfor laboratory analysis (seeFigure3-1).

3.1 Drilling andWell Installation Four borings (1377, 1378, 1379, and 1380) were drilled using 8-inch nominal diameter air rotary techniques byAEIunder supervision of Enercon personnel, through Sandstone A tothe underlying mudstone interface. Total depths range from 22to43feet bgs. Lithology waslogged using drillcuttings andrecorded ondrilling log forms, which areincluded in this reportasAppendix C.

Groundwater Monitoring Wells 1377, 1378, 1379, and 1380 were installed inaccordance with SAP-110, using 2-inch diameter schedule 40PVCwell casing with 2-inch diameter schedule 40PVC,0.010-inch slotted screen. Tenfeet ofscreen wassetatthe base ofSandstone A inMonitoring Wells 1377, 1278, and1379 and15feet ofscreen wasset inMonitoring Well 1380. The annular filter packs consistedof 20-40 silicasand. Well construction details wererecorded onWell Installation Diagramforms, which are included inAppendix C ofthis report.

Four-foot x four-foot squ.are concrete pads wereinstalled around the monitoringwells, witha lockable steel protector pipe installed tosecure access tothe monitoring well. A steel boltwas placed in the concrete padtoserve asareference point forsubsequent elevation measurements. Monitoring well construction information wasrecorded onthe monitoring well installation diagram form.

Themonitoring wells weredeveloped using airlift techniques andsurging. During development, wells were allowed toreturn tostatic water levels periodically. Development continued untilthe fieldgeologist noted the well produced clear water.

3.2 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples werecollected from Monitoring Wells 1322,1331, 1333, 1377, 1378, 1379,and 1380 (screened inSandstone A)andMonitoring Wells 1323 and1332 (screened inSandstone C). All samples werecollected inaccordance with SAP-104 andsenttoGELinaccordance with SAP-112 for analysis ofdissolved uranium using USEPAMethod 200.8, uranium isotopic activity using HASL300, nitrate/nitrite using USEPAMethod 353.2, andfluoride using USEPAMethod 300.0. Samples collected Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 3-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFURANIUM IMPACT: BA2 for uranium concentration andisotopic activityanalysiswerefield filteredprior tocollection using a0.45-micron pore size membranefilter. Field parameter forms are provided asAppendix D.

3.3 Groundwater SamplingResults Analytical results for all groundwater samplescollected from BA2monitoring wells during the 2014DI are tabulated inTable 2-2 andlaboratory results areprovided inAppendix A.Asindicated inTable 2-2, all dissolved uranium, nitrate/nitrite, andfluoride concentrations ingroundwater samples collected from BA2 monitoring wells during the 2014 DIwerefound tobebelow the respectiveclean upcriteria withthe following exceptions:

  • Dissolved uranium concentrations inthe samplescollected from Sandstone A Monitoring Well 1331 andSandstone CMonitoring Wells 1323 and 1332 wereinexceedance ofthe MCLof30 pg/l. Itshould benoted that basedonanongoing evaluation ofuranium isotopic activities, dissolved uranium insamples collectedfrom Sandstone C wells islikely naturally occurring and notlicensed material. Thesignificantlylower concentrations ofuranium inSandstone A Monitoring Wells 1322 and1333(installedadjacentto Monitoring Wells 1323 and1332) thanin their correlating Sandstone C wells corroborates this assertion.

Analytical results for uranium detectionsinsamples collected from theWestern Area (WA) monitoring wells during the 2014DIare posted onFigure3-1. This figure depicts theapproximate extent ofthe uranium plume inthe WA based onpotential source area,historical analyticaldata, and historical hydrogeologic conditions.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 3-2 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design InvestigationReport EXTENTOFNITRATEIMPACT: WAA 4.0 EXTENTOFNITRATEIMPACT:WAA Though delineated tothe formerly approved re-opening investigation further criterion, wasrequired inthe WAAtodelineate the approximate extent ofnitrateimpacts exceeding the MCLof10(mg/l) nitrate.In ordertoachieve this goal, adirect-push investigation wasconducted andseven (7)monitoring wells (T-97through T-103) were installed and sampled. Thedirect-pushinvestigation consisted ofadvancing a Geoprobe Systems" HPT-GWS ateighteen(18) locationsspread radiallyacross theapproximate downgradient extent ofthe WAA nitrate plume. TheIIPT-GWS toolwasused forlithologic logging, hydraulicconductivity testing, and collection ofgroundwatersamples. Thedata from the HPT-GWS investigationwasused for the placement ofthe seven newmonitoring wells. TheHPT-GWS sampling locations areshown onFigure 4-1.

4.1 HPT-GWS Field Activities HPT-GWS investigation field activities wereconducted by PESunder the supervisorofBurns &

McDonnell personnel andincluded the useofHPT-GWS.

Eighteen(18) direct-push borings (GP-WAA-01 through GP-WAA-18) wereadvanced tobedrock refusal usingtheHPT-GWS.Total depths ranged from25.5to32feet bgs.Groundwater samples were collected fromhigher permeability intervals interpreted from HPT-GWS datanearthe base ofthe alluvium ateach boringbyusing newpolyurethane tubing andaperistaltic pump. A minimum of three times the volume ofwaterinjected bythe HPTtool waspurged priortosample Thesamples were collected in collection.

theappropriate bottlesandsent toGELinaccordance with SAP-112 foranalysisofnitrate/nitrite using USEPAMethod 353.2.

Following completion ofeach HPT-GWS boring,boreholeswereabandoned inaccordance with SAP-109 andOklahoma Staterules byback filling andplugging theholeswithbentonite chips andhydrating the bentonitewith potable water.

4.1.1 ECandHPTResults ECandHPTdata were collected from alleighteen(18)direct-push borings. TheECandHPTresponse curveswerecorrected for elevation, scaling ofdepth,andmagnitude ofresponse toprovide aset ofdata that would berepresentative ofthe site conditions. Thesedata wereused tocreatecross sections showing theECandHPTresponse atspecific locations alongtheapproximatenorthern extentofthe nitrateplume (seeFigure 4-1). Twocross sections wereprepared along thenorthern andsouthern arcs ofHPT-GWS borings(See Figure 2-2). Thenorthern andsouthern HPTcross display sections ECandHPTmaximum CimarronEnvironmental Response Trust 4-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFNITRATEIMPACT: WAA pressure datacurves showing correlation ofzonesofrelatively high permeability andareprovided on Figures 4-2 and 4-3, respectively. Individual logs foreach location arepresented inAppendix A.

A comparison ofthe GP-WAA-10 HTPlog andanadjacent boring log (GP-WAA-22 discussed in Sections 7.0)indicate that atthe sitethe ECvalue for saturated fine tocoarse grained sand was approximately 20mS/m while saturatedfine grained sand ranged from 30-50 mS/m.This interpretation ofthe data allows for site specific interpretation oflithology and estimated hydraulic conductivities using the EClogs andpressure response curves generated ateach boring. This provides a baseline forwhich the EClogs andpressure response curves can becompared against toprovide site specific interpretation oflithology andestimate hydraulic conductivity values.

A review andinterpretation ofthe HPT-GWS logs provided inAppendix A show that the lithology is predominately medium tocoarse grained sandswith discontinuous fine grained tosilty fine grained sand lenses. Estimated hydraulic conductivity values were on theorder of104 cm/sec throughout thealluvial aquifer thickness.

4.1.2 HPT-GWS Groundwater Results Thenitrate/nitrite-nitrogen results for theHPT-GWS collected groundwater samples are summarized in Table 2-1andpresented inFigure 4-1. Laboratory reports areprovided as Appendix A.Thegroundwater samples collected from Borings GP-WAA-01, GP-WAA-02, GP-WAA-04, GP-WAA-05, GP-WAA-07, GP-WAA-08, GP-WAA-09, GP-WAA-1 1,and GP-WAA-16 werefound tohavenitrate/nitrite concentrations exceeding the MCL,indicating the plume mayextend northward tothe Cimarron River.

4.2 Drilling andWell Installation Based onthe groundwater results collected from the thirteen (13) HPT-GWS borings, itwasdetermined that seven (7)new monitoring wells (T-97 through T-103) would beinstalled todelineate the approximate extent ofthe nitrate plume. Seven 8-inch nominal diameter soil borings wereadvanced byAEIunder supervision ofEnercon personnel, using truck mounted drillingrigs equipped with HSAs.Theborings wereadvanced untilbedrock refusal wasreached. Total depths range from 28to30feet bgs. Lithology waslogged using drilling cuttings andrecorded ondrilling log forms, which areincluded inthis report in Appendix C.

Groundwater monitoring wells wereinstalled inaccordance with SAP-110, using 2-inch diameter schedule 40PVCwell casing with 2-inch diameter schedule 40PVC,0.010-inch factory slotted screen.

Thewell screens extended from the base ofthe alluvium (28 to30feet bgs) tounsaturated soilabove the water table (estimated atapproximately 11feet below grade). Theannular filterpacks consisted of20-40 Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 4-2 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report EXTENTOFNITRATEIMPACT: WAA silica sand. Well construction detailswererecorded onWell Installation Diagram forms, which are included inAppendix C ofthis report.

Four-foot x four-foot square concrete pads wereinstalled around the monitoring wells, with a lockable steel protector pipe installed tosecure access tothe monitoring well, withthe exception ofMonitoring Wells T-99 andT-100 which hadsix-foot x six-foot square concrete pads installed with three 4-inch diameter bollards setonthe upriver side ofthe pad. A 3/4-inch diameter galvanized steel location pipe with capwasinstalled through the concrete pad, extending approximately five feet above the concretepad sothe well location canbeseen when grass in the floodplain is A steel tall. bolt wasplaced inthe concrete padtoserve asa reference point forsubsequent elevation measurements. Monitoring well construction information wasrecorded onthe monitoring well installationdiagram form.

Themonitoring wells weredeveloped using airlift techniques and surging. During development, wells were allowed toreturn tostaticwater levels periodically. Development continued until the field geologist noted the well produced clearwater.

4.3 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples werecollected from Monitoring WellsT-61, T91, T-93, T-94, T-95, T-97, T-98,T-99, T-100, T-101, T-102, T-103, and1343 inaccordance with SAP-104.The samples werecollected in the appropriate bottlesandsent toGELinaccordance withSAP-112 foranalysis ofdissolved uranium using USEPAMethod 200.8, uranium isotopic activity usingHASL300, nitrate/nitrite using USEPA Method 353.2, andfluoride using USEPAMethod 300.0. Samples collected for uranium concentration andisotopic activity analysiswerefield filtered prior tocollection using a0.45-micron pores size membrane filter. Fieldparameter forms areprovided inAppendix D.

4.4 Groundwater Sampling Results Analytical results forall groundwater samples collected from WAAmonitoring wells during the 2014DI are tabulated inTable 2-2andlaboratory results are provided inAppendix B.Asindicated inTable 2-2, nitrate/nitrite concentrations ingroundwater samples collected from Monitoring Wells T-61, T91, T-93, T-94, T-95, T-99, T-100, T-101, andT-102 werefound tothe MCLfor nitrate of10pg/l.

Analytical results ofsamples collected from the WAAmonitoring wells during the 2014DIfor nitrate are posted onFigure 4-1. This figuredepicts theapproximate extentofthe nitrate plume inthe WAAbased onpotential source area, analytical historical data, andhistorical hydrogeologic conditions.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 4-3 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design InvestigationReport EXTENTOFURANIUM WAA IMPACTS:


WAA Although the focus ofthe DIinvestigation intheWAAwasonthe delineation approximate ofthe extent ofthe nitrate plume using the HPT-GW,groundwater samples collected Monitoring from WellsT-61, T91, T-93, T-95, T-94, T-97,T-98, T-99, T-100,T-101, T-102, and1343 T-103, werealso for analyzed uranium concentration and isotopic activity analysis. AsindicatedinTable the 2-2, dissolved uranium concentrations ingroundwater samples collected from Monitoring Wells T-97, T-98,T-99, T-100, T-101, andT-102 werefound toexceed the uranium MCL of30pg/l.

Analytical results ofsamples collected from the WAA monitoring wells the during 2014DIfordissolved uranium are posted onFigure 3-1. Thisfigure depicts the ofthe extent approximate dissolved uranium plume inthe WAAbased onpotential and data, sourcearea, historical analytical hydrogeologic historical conditions.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 5-1 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design InvestigationReport EXTENTOFNITRATE AND FLUORIDE IMPACTS: UP2 6.0 EXTENTOFNITRATEAND FLUORIDE IMPACTS: UP2 Additional data wasrequired for the design todelineatethe approximate extent ofnitrateandfluoride impacts togroundwater inthe UP2Area. Fourteen (14)additional monitoring wells(1381 through 1394) wereinstalled in the UP2 Area andgroundwater samples werecollected forlaboratory analysis (see Figure 5-1).

6.1 Drilling andWell Installation All fourteen (14) boringswere drilled using 8-inch nominal diameter air rotary techniques byAEIunder supervision ofEnercon personnel. Monitoring Well Borings 1381,1383, 1385, 1387,1389, and1393 wereadvanced through the base ofSandstone A. Monitoring Well Borings 1382, 1384, 1386, 1388, 1389, 1391, and1392 wereadvanced through the base of Sandstone B.Total depths range from 22to50 feet bgsinSandstone A borings and47to70feetbgs inSandstone B borings. Lithologywaslogged using drillcuttings andrecorded ondrilling log forms, which are included inthis asAppendix report C.

Allfourteen monitoring wellswereinstalled inaccordance with SAP-110, using 2-inchdiameter schedule 40PVCwell casing with2-inch diameter schedule40PVC,0.010-inch factory slotted screen. Tenfeet of well screen wassetatthe baseofSandstone A inMonitoring Wells 1381, 1383, 1385, 1387, 1389, and 1393 andeither tenorfifteenfeet ofwell screen wereset atthe baseofSandstone B inMonitoringWells 1382, 1384, 1386, 1388, 1389, 1391, and1392. Theannular filter packs consisted of 20-40silica sand.

Well construction details were recorded onWell InstallationDiagram forms, which are included in Appendix B ofthis report.

Paired monitoring wellswere installed with onefour-foot x ten-footrectangular concretepadaround both wells (non-paired wellswereinstalled with onefour-foot x four-foot pad), with a lockable steelprotector pipe installedtosecure accesstothe monitoring wells. A steel boltmonumentwasplaced inthe concrete padtoserve asareference pointfor subsequent elevationmeasurements. Monitoring well construction information wasrecorded onthe monitoring wellinstallation diagram form.

Themonitoring wells weredeveloped using air andsurging lift techniques. During development, wells wereallowed toreturn tostaticwater levels periodically.

Development continued until the fieldgeologist noted the well-produced clear water.

6.2 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples werecollected from Monitoring Wells 1320,1321, 1336A, 1337,1338, 1346, 1347, and1381 through 1394 inaccordance withSAP-104. Thesamples werecollected inthe Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 6-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design InvestigationReport EXTENTOFNITRATE AND FLUORIDE IMPACTS: UP2 appropriate bottles andsent toGELinaccordance with SAP-112 for analysis ofdissolved uranium using USEPA Method 200.8, uranium isotopic activity using HASL300, nitrate/nitriteusing USEPA Method 353.2, and fluoride using USEPA Method 300.0. Samples collected uranium for concentration and isotopic activity analysis were field filtered priortocollection using a0.45-micron pores size membrane filter. Field parameter forms are provided inAppendix D.

6.3 Groundwater Sampling Results Analytical results for allgroundwater samplescollected from PBA monitoring wellsduring the2014DI are tabulated inTable 2-2andlaboratory resultsare provided inAppendix B.Asindicated inTable 2-2, dissolved uranium, and fluoride concentrations nitrate/nitrite, ingroundwater samples collected from UP2 monitoring wells during the 2014 DIexceeded their respective clean upcriteria asfollows:

a Dissolved uranium concentration inthesample collected from Monitoring Well 1381 screened in Sandstone A wasfound toexceed thedissolved uranium MCLof 30pg/l. Monitoring Wells 1347 and1393, also screened inSandstone A,yielded 29.5and29.1 pg/l uranium, respectively.

  • Nitrate concentrations inthe samples collected from Monitoring Wells1336A, 1337, 1347,1381, 1383, 1385, 1387, and1393screened inSandstone A andMonitoring Wells 1346, 1386, and 1388 screened inSandstone B were found toexceed thenitrate calculated cleanuplevel of22.9 mg/l.
  • Fluoride concentrations inthe samples collected from Sandstone A Monitoring Wells 1336A, 1337, 1347, 1383, 1385, 1387, and1393screened inSandstone A and Monitoring Well 1346 screened inSandstone B were found toexceed thefluoride MCLof4mg/l.

Analytical results for samples collected from UP2monitoring wells during the 2014 DIfor uranium, nitrate/nitrite, andfluoride were posted onFigures 3-1, 4-1, and5-1, respectively. These figuresdepict the delineation ofthe approximate extent ofthe uranium, nitrate, andfluoride plumes inUP2based on potential source area, historicalanalytical data,andhistorical hydrogeologic conditions.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 6-2 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design InvestigationReport NITRATEMIGRATION TOWARD MONITORING WELL1329 7.0 NITRATE MIGRATION TOWARDMONITORING WELL1329 Additional data wasrequired toinvestigate potential nitrate migration toward Monitoring Well 1329 in the ProcessBuilding Area (PBA). Asaresult, threeadditional monitoring wells (1374, 1375, and1376) wereinstalled in the PBA and groundwatersamples were collected for laboratory analysis(see Figure4-1). Monitoring Well 1376 wasinstalled toinvestigate the potential presenceofnitrate inthe northem part ofthe PBA.MonitoringWells 1374(immediately south ofthe former lowenriched uranium processing area) and1375(immediatelywest ofthe former solvent extraction area)wereinstalled toinvestigate the potential for anitrate upgradient of source Monitoring Well 1329. These locations wereselected dueto their proximity tothe formerprocessing areas that used nitric acid andaretherefore mostlikely tobe sources ofnitrate ingroundwater inthe uppermost sandstone, Sandstone A.

7.1 Drilling andWell Installation Three monitoring wellborings(1374, 1375, and1376) were drilled using 8-inch nominal diameter air rotary techniques byAEIofNorman, Oklahoma, under supervision ofEnercon personnel. Monitoring well borings wereadvanced through thebase ofSandstone A. Total depths range from 22to43feet bgs.

Lithology waslogged usingdrillcuttings andrecorded ondrillinglog forms, which areincluded inthis report inAppendix C.

Monitoring Wells 1374, 1375,and1376 wereinstalled inaccordance with SAP-110, using2-inch diameter schedule 40PVCwell casing with 2-inch diameter schedule 40PVC0.010-inch factory slotted screen. Well screens weresetatthe base ofSandstone A and were10feet inlength inMonitoring Wells 1374 and1375 and15feet inlength inMonitoring Well 1376. Theannular filterpacks consisted of 20-40silica sand. Well constructiondetailswere recorded onWell Diagram Installation forms, which are included inAppendix C ofthisreport.

Four-foot x four-foot square concrete pads wereinstalled around themonitoring wells,with a lockable steel protector pipe installed tosecure access tothe monitoring well. A steelbolt wasplaced inthe concrete padtoserve asareference pointfor subsequent elevation measurements. Monitoring well construction information wasrecorded onthe monitoring well diagram installation form.

Themonitoring wells weredeveloped using air surging, lift, andallowing the water toretumtostatic water levels periodically. Development continued until the field geologistapproved termination of development activities.

Cimarron Environmental ResponseTrust 7-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design InvestigationReport NITRATEMIGRATION TOWARD MONITORING WELL1329 7.2 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater sampleswere collected from monitoring wells screened inSandstone A (1329, 1375, and 1376) and Sandstone C (1319C-2, 1319C-3, and1328) inaccordance with SAP-104. Monitoring Well 1374 wasfound tobedry atthe time ofgroundwater sampling activities; asaresult, nogroundwater sample wascollected. Thesampleswerecollected inthe appropriate laboratory provided bottlesandsent toGELinaccordancewith SAP-112 for analysis ofdissolved uranium using USEPA Method 200.8, uranium isotopic activityusing Health andSafety Laboratory (HASL) 300, nitrate/nitriteusing USEPA Method 353.2, andfluoride using USEPA Method 300.0. Samples collected for dissolved andisotopic activity analysis werefield filteredprior tocollection using a 0.45-micron pores size membrane filter.

Field parameter forms areprovided inAppendix D.

7.3 Groundwater Sampling Results Analytical results forallgroundwater samples collected from PBAmonitoring wellsduring the2014 DI are tabulated inTable 2-2andlaboratory results are provided in Appendix B.Asindicated inTable 2-2, all dissolved uranium, andfluoride nitrate/nitrite, concentrations ingroundwater samples collected from PBAmonitoring wells during the2014 DIwerefound tobebelow the respective clean upcriteria with the following exceptions:

= Dissolved uranium concentration inthe sample collected from Monitoring Well 1328 (screened inSandstone C)wasfound toexceed the dissolved uranium MCL of30 pg/l. Itshould benoted that based onanongoing evaluation ofuranium isotopic activities, dissolved uranium in samples collected from Sandstone C wells ispotentially naturally occurring andnotlicensed material.

Theabsence ofuranium inSandstone A Monitoring Well 1329 (installed adjacent to Monitoring Well 1328) corroborates this assertion.

a Nitrate concentrations inthe samples collected from PBAmonitoring all wellsscreened in Sandstone A werebelow the re-opening criterion of52mg/l.

Analytical results for samples collected from PBAmonitoring wellsduring the 2014 DIfor uranium, nitrate/nitrite-nitrogen andfluoride, wereposted onFigures 3-1,4-1, and5-1, respectively. These figures delineate theapproximate extent ofthe uranium, nitrate, andfluoride plumes inthe PBAbased on potential source area, historicalanalyticaldata, andhistorical hydrogeologic conditions.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 7-2 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design InvestigationReport NITRATENATURALATTENUATION BASELINE: WAA 8.0 NITRATE NATURALATTENUATION BASELINE: WAA Toevaluate thepotential for natural attenuationofnitrate inWAAgroundwater, a direct-push investigation was conducted, followed bylow-flow groundwater sampling toestablish baseline values for natural attenuation parameters. Soil samples werecollected from four borings (GP-WAA-19, GP-WAA-20,GP-WAA-21, and GP-WAA-22) advanced adjacent toMonitoring Well T-55, Temporary Piezometer GP-WAA-20, Monitoring Well T-85,and Temporary Piezometer GP-WAA-22, respectively.

Groundwater samples werecollected from Monitoring WellsT-55andT-85andTemporary Piezometers GP-WAA-20 andGP-WAA-22 from asimilar depth astheircorresponding soil samples (See Figure 4-1).

8.1 Direct-Push Field Activities Thedirect-push investigation wasperformedby PES under the supervision ofaBurns & McDonnell geologist. Theinvestigation included advancing the four soilborings (GP-WAA-19 through GP-WAA-

22) andthe installation oftwotemporary piezometers (GP-WAA-20 and GP-WAA-22).

Thetemporary piezometers were installedusingaGeoprobe* track-mounted rig with drive point sampler.

Therods wereadvanced toapproximate depthsof20feet bgsatGP-WAA-22 and16feet bgsatGP-WAA-20.Thetemporary piezometers consistedofa one-inch diameter, flush-threaded PVCcasing with five feetof0.010-inch factory slotted screen with endcapthat wasinstalled through the probe rods. Once set,the rods were removed, allowing the alluvium tocollapsearound the screen and casing, forming a natural filterpack. Theannulus above thewater table wasthen sealed with bentonite chips placed inone (1) foot lifts,andhydrating each lift.

Thesoil borings were advanced tototal depthsof15to22feet using aGeoprobe@ track-mounted rig.

Eachsoil boring wasadvanced using adrive point toapproximately five feet below the groundwater surface (11 to17feet bgs) asdetermined bymeasuring thefluidlevel atthe nearest monitoring well or temporary piezometer. Theborings werethen sampled usinga2.25-inch Macro-Core@ sample barrel equipped with anacetate sleeve toapproximately tenfeet below the groundwater surface forlogging and analytical sample collection. Subsurface materialsweredescribed using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Thesoils encountered consistedprimarily offine tomedium grained sand. Thesoil descriptions wererecorded onfield boring logs. Copies oftheboring logs areincluded inAppendix C.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 8-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report NITRATENATURALATTENUATION BASELINE: WAA Each soil samplewascollected bytransferring a portion ofthe material fromtheacetate sleeve intothe appropriate laboratory-provided sample containers andsending the toALSEnvironmental samples (ALS) ofKelso, Washington inaccordance with SAP-112 for laboratory ofthe analysis following parameters:

  • pHusing USEPA 9045D a Total OrganicCarbon usingUSEPA L.Kahn7-27-1988

= Bioavailable Iron using Lovely/Philips: Relative quantities offerrous (Fe andferric (II)) (Fe (III))iron

  • Alkalinity asCaCO3, Totalusing SM 2320B a Total Solids (%) using SM2540B Thesoil boring/temporary piezometer locations are illustrated 4-1.

onFigure All soilborings and temporary piezometers wereabandoned inaccordance withOklahoma State rulesandSAP-109 after collection ofsamples andwithin 30days ofinstallation.

8.2 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples werecollected from Monitoring Wells T-55andT-85and Temporary Piezometers GP-WAA-20 andGP-WAA-22 using abladder pumpandlow-flow methods in sampling accordance with SAP-120. Thesamples collected from Monitoring Wells T-55 andT-85 weregivensample designations that correlated with their associated direct-push soil samples, GP-WAA-19 andGP-WAA-21, respectively. Field parameter forms areincluded inAppendix D.Thesamples werecollected in the appropriate bottlesandsenttoALSinaccordance with SAP-112 foranalysis ofthe following compounds:

= Sulfate, Nitrate, andNitrate (USEPA 300.0)

= Ferrous Iron (ALS AppleEnvMic7-87-1536-1540); field filtered with 0.45-micron filter e Eight Volatile Fatty Acids (ALS SOPbyHPLC) e Dissolved Methane (RSK 175)

= Sulfide(S< 4500-S2-D); field filtered with 0.45-micron filter Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 8-2 Burns & McDonnell


e Total organiccarbon ('USEPA 415.1); fieldfilteredwith filter 0.45-micron a Ammonia (USEPA field 350.1); filteredwith 0.45-micron filter a Alkalinity (SM 2320B) a Dissolved Manganese andIron (SW-846 6010); fieldfiltered 0.45-micron with filter

  • Volatile OrganicCompounds (USEPA 8260) 8.3 Sampling Results results Analytical for all soilandgroundwater samples collected duringthe 2014 tabulated DIare in Tables 8-1 and8-2, respectively.Laboratory reports are provided inAppendix B.These provide results a baseline for futureanalysis, shouldmonitoring ofnatural attenuation needtobeconsidered asaviable remediation method inthe future.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 8-3 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design Investigation Report GEOTECHNICAL TREATMENTBUILDING INVESTIGATION 9.0 TREATMENTBUILDING GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Subsurface geotechnical data wasacquired for the WAA treatment building design.

foundation Toobtain preliminarygeotechnical information,three (3) borings (GT-WUA-01, GT-WUA-02, andGT-WUA-03) were advancedwithin the footprintofthe proposed treatment (see building Figure Theborings 3-1). were advanced using HSAs to total depths ranging from 8.5 bgs.

feet to10.5 penetration Standard testing (SPT) wasperformed ateach location using standard split-spoon samplers.

Twosampleswerecollected from each boring andsubmitted toStandard Testing andEngineering Company ofOklahomaCity, Oklahoma. Samples were testedfor dry unitweight, Atterberg limits, analysis, andsieve andselect samples weresubmitted for hydrometer analysis. Thegeotechnicallaboratory testing is report provided inAppendix E.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 9-1 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design Investigation Report BA1ANDWUAPACKER TESTING 10.0BA1ANDWUAPACKERTESTING Packertesting inSandstone A and B wasconducted toevaluate hydraulic conductivityandflow conditionswithin the bedrockfor potential injection wells/trenchesproposed aspart ofthe remedial design.Packertests were conducted intwoBAlborings (IT-BAl-01 andIT-BAl-02), twouranium pond

  1. 1(UP1) borings (IT-WUA-01 and IT-WUA-02),and oneuranium pond #2(UP2) boring (IT-WUA-03).

InBA1,injection isproposed inSandstone B which occurs atapproximately 14to35feet bgs; packer testing inBAl waslimited to intervals inSandstone B.Although injection inthe UP1andUP2areas is onlyproposed for Sandstone A which occurs atapproximately 2 to29feet bgs and10to28feet bgs, respectively,packer testswereconducted inbothSandstoneA andSandstone B.Downhole geophysical logging(natural gamma) wasconducted in four borings (IT-BAl-01,IT-WUA-01, IT-WUA-02, andIT-WUA-03) toobtain additionaldata onlithology and stratigraphy toassist inthe selection oftesting intervals.

10.1Test Boring 10.1,.1BA1 Twotest borings, IT-BAl-01A andIT-BAl-02A, wereadvanced using 8-inch nominal diameter HSAs andcontinuously sampled using a5-foot split barrelsampler tototaldepths of 20and 40feet bgs.

Subsurface materials weredescribed using the Unified Soil ClassificationSystem (USCS). Lithology wasrecorded ondrilling logs, which areincluded inAppendix A.

Though the splitbarrel samples provided detailed information onsubsurface the 8-inch lithology, diameterborings weretoolarge toallow the packers toachieve theseal necessary fortesting.

Consequently, twoborings (IT-BAl-01 andIT-BAl-02) wereadvanced using 4-inchnominal diameter air-rotary bit tothe samedepth andadjacent tothe corresponding borings advanced with HSAs.

Subsurface materials weredescribed using the USCS.Lithology waslogged using cuttings drill and recordedondrilling logs,which areincluded inAppendix A.

10.1.2 WUA Wirelinecoring wasattempted atBoring IT-WUA-03. Duetopoor recovery, it wasdetermined thatthe WUAtest borings (IT-WUA-01, IT-WUA-02, andIT-WUA-03) would beadvanced using nominal 4-inchnominal diameter air-rotary tooling tototal depths of79.6, 69.9, and79.6 bgs, feet respectively.

Subsurface materials weredescribed using the USCS.Lithology waslogged using cuttings drill and recordedondrilling logforms, which areincluded inAppendix A.

CimarronEnvironmental Response Trust 10-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report BA1ANDWUAPACKER TESTING 10.2 Downhole Geophysics Downhole geophysical loggingwasconducted byENVIROLogofPiedmont, Oklahoma atfourofthe test borings (IT-WU-01, IT-WUA-02, IT-WUA-03, andIT-BAl-01). Naturalgammalogging wasused tosupplement drilling duetopoor bedrock core recovery. Gamma logging wasperformed inthe open 4-inch boreholes. Gamma logsareprovided inAppendix F.Thecombination ofgeologic loggingand downhole geophysical logging provided the correlative information necessary todetermine the approximate depth andthickness ofsandstone appropriate touseaspacker testintervals.

10.3Packer Testing Todevelop estimates ofpotential injection rates, packer testingwascompleted inthe five open test boreholes (IT-BAl-01, IT-BAl-02, IT-WUA-01, IT-WUA-02, andIT-WUA-03). Three intervals approximately 6.5 feet inlengthweretested ineach testboring, using a straddlepacker assembly,with the exception ofIT-BAl-02. Duetothe limited thickness ofSandstone B,only oneinterval wastested in IT-BAl-01. Packer testinginBAl wasrestricted tointervals inSandstone B.InWUAtest borings, packer testingwasconducted inintervals inboth Sandstone A and Sandstone B.Asthe primaryunit proposed toreceive fluid injections,test wereconducted attwointervals inSandstoneA ateach ofthe WUAtest borings tocollect datatoachieve greater resolution ofthe estimated hydraulicconductivity values.

Packer testswereconducted inaccordance with SAP-13. Estimated hydraulicconductivity was calculated asdescribed inthe Earth Manual ('US Dept. ofInterior, 1990).

10.4Packer Test Results Packer testresults are tabulated onTable 10-1 andpacker testdata isprovided asAppendix G.As indicated inTable 10-1, hydraulicconductivity values ranged from 6.93 x 104to9.60 x 10-"' cm/sec in Sandstone A and1.03 x 104 to3.71 x 10"0 cm/sec inSandstone B.Subsurface geologic information obtained during the DIactivities,including packer testdata, aswell ashistoricaldrilling logsare illustrated ongeneralized Geologic Cross-Sections E-E' (BAl), F-F' (WUA), andG-G' (BA3). An index ofthe geologic cross-sections isprovided onFigure 2-2andgeneralized GeologicCross-Sections E-E', F-F', andG-G'are illustrated onFigures 10-1, 10-2, and10-3, respectively. Asillustrated inFigures10-1, 10-2, and10-3, estimated hydraulicconductivity values measured toward thebaseofSandstone A were orders ofmagnitude those found higher inthe unitinthe WUAtest borings whiletestborings inBA1indicate the highest estimated hydraulic conductivity values are toward thetopofSandstone B andnear the escarpment.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 10-2 Burns& McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report Quality Assurance/Quality Control 11.0QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL Fieldduplicate samples werecollected HPT-GWS during groundwater sampling (GP-BAl-11DUP,GP-WAA-11DUP, GP-WAA-14DUP), nitrate natural attenuationandgroundwater soil (Soil sampling Sample GP-WAA-21DUP andGroundwaterSample well andmonitoring GP-WAA-21), groundwater sampling (TMW-24DUP, 1322DUP, T-94DUP, T-101DUP,1392DUP, 1346DUP,and1329DUP)asa qualityassurance measure of laboratory performance sampling andfield Theanalytical methods. results forthefield duplicatescollected during the acceptable DIwerewithin quality assurance/quality control limits.

CimarronEnvironmental Response Trust 11-1 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design InvestigationReport DERIVEDWASTE INVESTIGATION 12.0INVESTIGATION DERIVEDWASTE Allsoil and groundwater derived investigation wasspread waste ground onthe orpoured ontheground adjacent tothe boring orwellfromwhichitwasproduced.

Cimarron Environmental Trust Response 12-1 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design InvestigationReport SURVEYING 13.0SURVEYING Each boring andmonitoring well wassurveyed location for horizontal location andvertical by elevation HuddlestonLand Survey Inc. ofBroken (Huddleston) Arrow, Easting Oklahoma. andNorthing coordinates were reported inthestate coordinate plane tothe system foot.

nearest Grade measurements were reported meansealevel inunits of feetabove (AMSL)tothe foot.

0.01 nearest data Survey is provided asAppendix H.

Cimarron Environmental ResponseTrust 13-1 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design InvestigationReport CONCLUSIONS


S 14.1 Summary ofConclusionsfor Design Investigation Thefindings of the DIyielded additional characterization data andfilled data gaps that that needed tobe resolvedtomove forward with the groundwater remediation system design andcomplete the decommissioning plan.

These helped results solidify a better understanding ofthe site conditions, sitedynamics and the approximate extent ofimpacts related toanthropogenic sources resulting from past facility operation.

Keyfindings resulting from the DIhelped toexpandthe characterization andapproximate extentofthe dissolveduranium atBA#1aswell asnitrate anddissolved uranium inWAA. These data will be importantinthe development ofthe design of the groundwater collection system inboth areas. Another importantfinding wasrelated tothe results ofpacker testing ofthe rock masshydraulic conductivity in BA#1andWUA. There wasadata gapinthese areasrelating tothe hydraulic conductivity ofthe rock massinboth Sandstone A and Sandstone B that needed tobe filled, since the planned conceptual remedial isfluid alternative extraction andfluid injection (waterflood) to help enhance remediation ofimpacted groundwater. Theoverall rock masshydraulic conductivity values were lowfor both units but the primary groundwater movement andcontaminant transport isalong higher value preferential pathways.

Thisfinding leadstothe conclusion that excavated trenches maybest connect these pathways by increasingthe surface areaexposed toextraction andinjection offluids duringremediation.

Thefollowing sections provide area- andimpact- specific, aswell asphysical characteristic summaries, for the conditionsandresults encountered during the DI.

14.2Extent ofUranium Impact: BA1 Groundwater samples werecollected from Monitoring Wells 1363, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372,1373, andTMW-24.Asindicated inTable 2-2, dissolved uranium concentrations in groundwater samples collected from Monitoring Wells 1363, 1365, 1369, 1371, 1373, andTMW-24were found tobeinexceedance ofthe uranium MCLof30gg/l. Asillustrated onFigure 2-1, theapproximate extentofdissolved uranium hasnotyetbeen fully delineated tobelow the MCLbased ongroundwater collectedduring thisinvestigation Although Monitoring Well 1373 only slightly exceeds the MCLfor uranium (31 pg/lvs. anMCLof30pg/l), there isnota"clean" well northeast ofthis location. Additional data tobeobtained in2015 should beuseful indetermining ifanadditional monitoring well orwells should beinstallednortheast ofMonitoring Well 1373 aspart ofthe groundwater remediation plan.

CimarronEnvironmental Response Trust 14-1 Burns & McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report CONCLUSIONS 14.3 Extent ofUranium Impact: BA2 Groundwater sampleswere collected fromMonitoring Wells 1322,1331, 1333, 1377, 1378,1379, and 1380 that were screened inSandstone A and Monitoring Wells 1323and1332 that werescreened in Sandstone C. As indicated inTable 2-2,dissolved uranium concentrations inthe samples collectedfrom Sandstone A Monitoring Well 1331 andSandstone C Monitoring Wells 1323and1332 exceededthe MCLof30pg/l; however, theSandstone C exceedances are likelynaturally occurring. Thepotential migration ofdissolved uranium from BA2tothe WAAwill befurther evaluated upon receipt ofSite wide groundwater levels in2015 and the development ofpotentiometric surface mapswhich include data from the newly installedmonitoring wells. The groundwater remediation design willaddress uranium in Sandstone A inthis area.

14.4Extent ofNitrate andUranium Impacts: WAA Groundwater samples werecollected fromMonitoring Wells T-61, T91, T-93,T-94, T-95, T-97,T-98,T-99,T-100, T-101, T-102, T-103, and1343. Asindicated in Table 2-2, nitrate/nitrite-nitrogen concentrations ingroundwater samples collected from Monitoring WellsT-61, T91, T-93,T-94,T-95, T-99, T-100, T-101, andT-102 werefound tobeinexceedance ofthe nitrate MCLof10mg/l.

Inaddition, dissolved uranium concentrations ingroundwater samplescollected from MonitoringWells T-97, T-98, T-99, T-100, T-101, andT-102 exceeded theuranium MCLof30 pg/l. Asillustratedon Figure 4-1, the extent ofdissolved uranium andnitrate plumes extend tothe cutbank ofthe Cimarron River.

14.5Extent ofNitrate andFluoride Impacts: UP2 Groundwater samples werecollected fromMonitoring Wells 1320,1321, 1336A, 1337, 1338, 1346, 1347, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386,1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, and1394.

InSandstone A,nitrate andfluoride exceedtheir respective criteriainasmall area including Monitoring Wells 1336A, 1337, 1347, 1381 (nitrateonly), 1383, 1385,1387, 1389 (nitrateonly), and1393. Uranium concentration exceeded the MCLatMonitoring Well 1381. Monitoring Wells1336A, 1347,and1393 hadreported concentrations just below theMCLfor uranium.

InSandstone B,Nitrate exceeds its MCLonly inMonitoring Wells 1346, 1386,and1388, whereas fluoride only exceeds its MCLinMonitoring Well 1347. Uranium does notexceed itsMCLinSandstone B anywhere inthe UP2Area.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 14-2 & McDonnell Burns

2014Design Investigation Report CONCLUSIONS The dissolved uranium, nitrate,andfluoride plumes inthe WA areapproximately delineated totheMCLs andcalculated clean-upcriteria andareillustrated onFigures 3-1, 4-1,and5-1, respectively.

14.6Nitrate Migration TowardMonitoring Well1329 Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells screened inSandstone A (1329, 1375,1376, and1329) andSandstone C (1319C-2, 1319C-3, and1328). Asindicated inTable 2-2, the dissolved uranium concentration in the sample collected from Monitoring Well 1328 screened inSandstone C was found toexceed the dissolved uranium MCL of30pg/1 andnitrate/nitrite asnitrogen concentrations inthe samples collected from Monitoring Wells 1329, 1375, and1376 screened inSandstone A were found to exceed the MCLof10mg/l. Itshould be noted that dissolved uranium concentrations inthe Sandstone C thatexceed the MCL are potentially naturally occurring based onapreliminary evaluation ofisotopic activitythat isoutside the scope ofthe DI.Potential migration ofnitrate toward Monitoring Well 1329 willbeevaluated upon completion ofthe comprehensive site-wide groundwater sampling andwell gauging event. Associated water level elevation data will beusedtogenerate potentiometric surface mapswhich willinclude the newly installed monitoring wells.

14.7Nitrate Natural Attenuation Baseline: WAA Soilandgroundwater samples werecollected from four locations inthe WAA (Figure 4-1). Analytical resultsfor allgroundwater andsoil samples collected toestablish nitratenatural attenuation baselineare tabulated inTables 8-1and8-2, respectively. This data will beused toestablish a baseline for future evaluation ofthe natural attenuation ofnitrate.

14.8Treatment Building Geotechnical Investigation Subsurface geotechnical data wascollected fromthree (3) geotechnical borings (GT-WUA-01,GT-WUA-02, andGT-WUA-03) advanced inside the footprint ofthe proposed treatment building (seeFigure 3-1). Thelaboratory geotechnical data is provided inAppendix F andwill beused inthe treatment building foundation design.

14.9BA1andWUAPacker Testing Thirteen (13) packer tests wereconducted infive (5) test borings. Packer test resultsaresummarized in Table 10-1 andindicated thathydraulic conductivity values ranged from 6.93 x 10-4 to9.60 x 1040cm/sec inSandstone A and1.03 x 10-4 to3.71 x 10"0 cm/sec inSandstone B.

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 14-3 Burns& McDonnell

2014Design Investigation Report Refrences 15.0REFRENCES Sharma, P.V., 1997,Environmental Geophysics, andEngineering Cambridge University Press.

UnitedStatesDepartment ofthe Interior,Earth 1990, United Manual, States Government Office Printing CimarronEnvironmentalResponse Trust 15-1 & McDonnell Burns


ft.BGS /I m /I GP-BAl-01 10/29/2014 Alluvium 22.50 1.19 NA GP-BAl-02 10/29/2014 Alluvium 22.50 0.353 NA GP-BAl-03 10/29/2014 Alluvium 23.00 81.7 NA GP-BAl-04 10/30/2014 Alluvium 24.00 41.8 NA GP-BAl-05 10/30/2014 Alluvium 27.50 11.3 NA GP-BAl-06 10/30/2014 Alluvium 20.00 3.2 NA GP-BAl-07 10/30/2014 Alluvium 17.00 1.91 NA GP-BAl-08 10/30/2014 Alluvium 27.50 3.24 NA GP-BAl-09 10/31/2014 Alluvium 28.00 1.11 NA GP-BAl-10 10/31/2014 Alluvium 28.25 5.18 NA GP-BAl-11 10/31/2014 Alluvium 27.25 10.7 NA GP-BAl-1IDUP 10/31/2014 Alluvium 2725 10.6 NA GP-BAl-12 10/31/2014 Alluvium 27.50 5.38 NA GP-BAl-13 10/31/2014 Alluvium 28.00 5.31 NA GP-WAA-01 11/3/2014 Alluvium 21.00 NA 24.1 GP-WAA-02 11/3/2014 Alluvium 21.00 NA 22.1 GP-WAA-03 11/3/2014 Alluvium 21.00 NA 2.14 GP-WAA-04 11/3/2014 Alluvium 22.50 NA 35.1 GP-WAA-05 11/3/2014 Alluvium 21.00 NA 15.8 GP-WAA-06 11/3/2014 Alluvium 20.75 NA 0.017 U GP-WAA-07 11/2/2014 Alluvium 2400 NA 42 GP-WAA-08 11/2/2014 Alluvium 24.00 NA 39.5 GP-WAA-09 11/3/2014 Alluvium 22.50 NA 26.2 GP-WAA-10 11/2/2014 Alluvium 23.00 NA 3.28 GP-WAA-11 11/2/2014 Alluvium 20.50 NA 17.8 GP-WAA-1l DUP 11/2/2014 Alluvium 20.50 NA 16.7 GP-WAA-12 11/2/2014 Alluvium 21.00 NA 6.77 GP-WAA-13 11/1/2014 Alluvium 27.50 NA 0.627 GP-WAA-14 11/2/2014AA N 0.139 J GP-WAA-14DUP 11/2/2014 Alluvium 20.00 .

NA 1.31 J GP-WAA-15 11/2/2014 Alluvium 18.00 NA 1.1 GP-WAA-16 11/1/2014 Alluvium 23.00 NA 12.7 GP-WAA-17 11/1/2014 Alluvium 24.00 NA 2.23 J+

GP-WAA-18 11/l/2014 Alluvium 28.25 NA 0.215 NOTES:

ft.Feet BGS Below =

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per liter U Under method detection limit shown J Estimated


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  • Concentrations


actually nitrate/nitrite-nitrogen Exceedance ofUranium United Environmental States Protection Agency Maximum (USEPA) Contaminant Level of30pg/l (MCL)

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04 00977 0079900354 00200404 0073 002 002 002 002 0027677 908 407855 873737 7.



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.64 055 0534 0552 04 038 0426 0772 0356 035 0406 Nirae* 44 36352 mg/ 43. 42 4020408 223 032 303 493365 226 336399 76 6.36 Uranium 326 pCi/ 309243 27 569 456 792 33 3242 308 87 .7 Uranium pg/267 5055 267 466 564 268 308 48.34339 34896654 Fu 22.

AMSL Eevaion

. 926 9325 92349239264 9266924 9259 922 92794 9230 9205 92796 DATA Waer Grou o

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59.6800 4320. 376685 376 296 390 0499 269 2504 525 703 088 45 0768 Uranium 963 pCi/ .40 7534 7075 875 73 2458 626.87 4065 4065 096 73724


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29. 672 672

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. 9629969 96462 95924 96674 9780 9644 9697 9650 9337 9478 9607 93069399 9498 94439 94229387 95039402 9330 DATA Waer Grou o

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Table 10-1 PACKERTESTRESULTS 2014DESIGN INVESTlGATION CIMARRON SITE, OKLAHOMA Test Boring # IntervalUnit Tested HydraulicConductivity*

(ft.bgs) ft/day cm/sec IT-BAl-01 12-18.2 Upper Sandstone B 0.291 1.03 x 10" 21.4-27.6 Middle Sandstone B 4.38 x 10-7m x M-10 27.2-33.4 Lower Sandstone B 2.59 x 10-62.19 x 10#

IT-BAl-029.6-15.8 Middle Sandstone B 0.327 x 10" 1.14 IT-WUA-0116-22.5 Upper Sandstone A 1.28 x 10" 9.60 x 10-10 22-28.5 Lower Sandstone A 0.1 x 10-5 3.53 54-60.5 Middle Sandstone B 1.28 x 10-61.08 x 10#

IT-WUA-02 12-18.5 Upper Sandstone A 3.03 x 10" 1.07 x 104 22-28.5 Lower Sandstone A 0.682 2.41 x 104 37-43.5 Upper SandstoneB 1.42x 10" 5.00 x 10-8 IT-WUA-03 12-18.5 Upper Sandstone A 1.03 x 10" 8.70 x 10-8 31.6-38.1 Lower Sandstone A 1.96 x 10" 6.93 58-64.5 Middle Sandstone B 0.126 x 10-5 4.45 Notes:



bgs Below


surface ground cm/seecentimeters


persecond ft/day =

Feet day per

  • Vaules calculated EarthManual ofInterior,


using (USDept 1990)


United Department States ofthe (US Interior DeptofInterior),Earth ManualPart

, 2,Third US Edition, Department oftheInterior, Bureau ofReclamation, 1990.

FIGURES 2087400 208780020882002088600208900020894002089800209020020906002091000209140020918002092200209260020930002093400209380020942002094600209500020954002095800209620020966002097000209740020978002098200209860020990002099400209980021002002100600210100021014002101800210220021026002103000 o

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