IR 05000139/1998201

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Insp Rept 50-139/98-201 on 980514.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Changes,Organization & Staffing,Review & Audit Functions,Radiation Protection Program & Reporting Requirements
Person / Time
Site: 05000139
Issue date: 06/11/1998
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20248M284 List:
50-139-98-201, NUDOCS 9806150254
Download: ML20248M287 (6)





U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION Docket No: 50-139 License No: R-73 Report No: 50-139/98-201 Licensee: University of Washington Facility: Nuclear Reactor Facility Location: Nuclear Reactor Building, University of Washington Seattle, WA Dates: May 14,1998 Inspector: Craig Bassett, Senior Non-Power Reactor Inspector Approved by: Seymour H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate I


i 9806150254 990611 PDR ADOCK 05000139 G PDR i

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REPORT DETAILS Summary of Plant Status The licensee's Argonaut reactor remains in a shutdown status. The NRC has granted the licensee a " Possession Only" amendment to the license for the reactor. During the inspection, the licensee continued to possess the reactor but not operate it as stipulated in the license and applicable Technical Specificatio . Changes, Organization, and Staffing (40755)

l l Insoection Scooe l

l The inspector reviewed the following regarding the licensee's organization and staffing to ensure that the requirements of Technical Specification (TS)

Section Ill.A, B, and C were being met:

the organizational structure, a

management responsibilities, and a

requirements for safe maintenance of the Nuclear Reactor Facilit Observations and Findinas The former Dean of the College of Engineering, the University of Washington ;

Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) Facility Director, the UWNR Associate Facility  !

Director, and most of the members of the Technical and Safety Committee have either retired or accepted other positions. The responsibility for managing the UWNR had been given to an Assistant to the Dean of the College of Engineerin During a previous inspection it was noted that the licensee's Argonaut research reactor was shut down June 30,1988, and had not been operated since that date. The inspector verified that the reactor has remained in a shut down status since the last inspection. A decommissioning order was issued on May 1,1995, contingent on funds being available to decommission. However, the licensee could not begin decommissioning the i reactor facility because funds for the project had not been allocated by the l state. When this issue was addressed during this inspection, the licensee i stated that recently some funds had been set aside for this project and the  ;

monies would probably become available in July 1998. It was noted that a Decommissioning Project Manager has been appointe Through a review of records and discussions with licensee personnel, the inspector determined that no staff members were assigned at the facilit This was determined to be acceptable because there were no ongoing activities that would require permanent staff.

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2 Conclusions l

Most of those who had been involved with the reactor facility while the reactor was operational had either retired or accepted other positions. The responsibility for managing the UWNR had been given to an Assistant to the Dean of the College of Engineering. Funds had been allocated by the State of Washington to begin decommissioning of the UWNR facility. No staff is currently assigned at the facilit . Review and Audit Functions (40755) Insoection Scooe The inspector reviewed the following to ensure that the audits and reviews stipulated in the requirements of TS Section Ill.C were being completed and to ensure that the safety committee was meeting as required:


Technical and Safety Committee (TSC) meeting minute records,


Duties specified for the TSC including the committees' review and audit functions, Observations and Findinas The inspector asked to review the TSC's meeting minutes from 1995 through the present. The licensee stated that no meeting minutes were


available because the committee had not met. The reason for the lack of '

meetings was that nothing further could be done concerning the decommissioning of the reactor and no new issues had developed that warranted a meeting. The inspector noted that, with the allocation of funds by the state, the TSC would need to meet to review what was going to be occurring. The licensee agreed that a meeting was needed and that one would be held within a mont Because decommissioning of the research reactor had not been initiated, the TSC had not conducted any reviews or audits of the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) project operators and activities as required by the TS. This was acceptable given the circumstances at the facilit Conclusions No Technical and Safety Committee meetings had been held recently because there have been no changes in the status of the facility to revie Reviews and audits of D&D project operators and activities had not been conducted because there were no ongoing activities in this are . Radiation Protection Program (40755) insoection Scooe The inspector reviewed the following to verify compliance with 10 CFR Part 20 and the applicable licensee TS requirements and procedures:

1 I i L



- health physics survey records, e

i radiological signs and posting, l .

area rediation monitor calibration records, and

!- .

l security of the UWNR facilit The inspector also toured the licensee's facility and observed the use of dosimetry and radiation monitoring equipment. Licensee personnel were i interviewed as well, Observations and Findinas


(1) Surveys l

l Annual contamination and radiation surveys were completed by Health Physics (HP) technicians as required by TS and licensee procedure I Results were evaluated as required. No effluents had been released from the facilit (2) Postings )

Postings at the entrances to the controlled areas were acceptable for the hazards present. No unmarked radioactive material was note (3) Calibration Through records review and discussions with licensee pe nonnel, the inspector determined that the two area radiation monitors were being .(

used and were being calibrated as required by the T (4) Security Through direct observation and discussions'with licensee personnel, the inspector determined that the reactor room is being maintained

- secure under a lock security system as required by the TS. Access to' ;

the reactor room during working hours is controlled by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) personnel.

~ Conclusions

Surveys were being completed and documented acceptably to permit _

evaluation of the radiation hazards that might exist. Postings met regulatory j


requirements. Area radiation monitors were being calibrated at the frequency

'_specified in the TS. Security of the facility was being maintained by EH&S

.. personnel as require l-I

i-t 4 Reporting Requirements (40755)

I Insoection Scoce 1 j

l The inspector reviewed the following regarding the licensee's report submittals to ensure that the requirements of TS Section Ill.F and G were l j

being met:


abnormal occurrences, e

significant changes in facility organization, and


routine annual reports, Observations and Findinas i TS Section lil.G.3 requires the licensee to submit a routine report of specified activities at the end of each 12 month period to the NR The licensee stated that there had been no abnormal occurrences at the facility that would require a report to the NRC. It was noted that the

licensee had contacted the NRC to notify the NRC when there had been a J change of personnelin the position of Dean of the College of Engineerin When the inspector asked to review the annual reports for the facility, the licensee indicated that none had been issued since approximately 199 The licensee was informed that this failure constitutes a violation of minor significance and is being treated as a Non-Cited Violation (NCV), consistent with Section IV of the NRC Enforcement Policy (NCV 50-139/98-201-01). Conclusions There had been no abnormal occurrences at the facility that would require a report to the NRC. One NCV was identified for failure to submit annual reports to the NRC as require . Exit interview The inspection scope and results were summarized on May 14,1998, with members of licensee management. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the material provided to or reviewed by the inspecto l

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. PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee S. Addison, Radiation Safety Officer, Environmental Health and Safety Office M. Carette, Assistant to the Dean, College of Engineering T. DeSantis, Project Manager, Capital Projects Office B. Pankow, Health Physicist Supervisor, Environmental Health and Safety Office INSPECTION PROCEDURE USED IP 40755 Class lli Noa-Power Reactors ITEMS OPENED. CLOSED. AND DISCUSSED Ooened 50-139/98-201-01 NCV Failure to submit annual reports to the NRC as require Closed '



CFR Code of Federal Regulations D&D Decontamination and decommissioning {

i EH&S Environmental Health and Safety i HP Health physics l


IP inspection Procedure I NCV- Non-cited Violation l NPR Non-Power Reactor 1 j

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission PDR Public Document Room TS Technical Specification TSC Technical and Safety Committee i

UWNR University of Washington Nuclear Reactor E

l l



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