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Rev 1 to Calculation 91C2672-C-017, Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 05/09/1994
From: Tracy T
Shared Package
ML20247D359 List:
91C2672-C-017, 91C2672-C-017-R01, 91C2672-C-17, 91C2672-C-17-R1, NUDOCS 9805150031
Download: ML20247D355 (33)


- _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

o Block Walls 45.01 (aka 45.1),64.50 (aka 64.05) and 209.0 Calculation 91C2672-C-017 l



s I

l 9805150031 900507 PDR ADOCK 05000293 P




Client: Boston Edison Company Calculation No. C-017


Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls for Pilgrim Station Seismic PRA Project:

USI A-46 /IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Method: _ Manual analysis based on factoring available design calculations f

Acceptance Criteria:

N/A - Results will be included with the SPRA Remarks: Values for blockwalls 198.01,198.02, 210.00, and 210.03 have been subsequently superseded by the development of more detailed fragility elysis in calculation 91C2672-C012.

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COVER SuEET 91C2672 stmassa & Amectatn FIGURE 1.3 1-20

1 JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculatlan C 017


Pilgrim Nucitar Pcwer Statlan Shsst 1 of 17 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05 94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: p T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls gc, consulting engineering firm Check: S. A. Chapsky Table of Contents I

l Objective.......................................................................................................................

2 l

l References...............................................................................................................

3 l

l Analytical A p p ro a ch.......................................................................................... 4 S u m m a ry o f R e s u l t s............................................................................................

7 Calculation................................................................................................................

8 N


JOB NO. 91C2672 Cilculati::n C 017


Pilgrim Nuclear Pswer Statisn Shtet 2 of 17 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: Y T. J. Tracy a stmetural mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls s, c,

consulting engineering firm Check: S. A. Chapsky Objectives The objective of this calculation is to determine the estimated fragilities for selected i

masonry blockwalls in the Pilgrim Station. The estimated fragilities will be considered during the initial selsmic hazard integration effort to determine the list of dominating components for detailed fragility analysis.

The estimated blockwall fragilities will become final fragilities for those walls that do not rise to the top of the risk analysis as leading contributors to core damage through the hazard integration sensitivity testing.

The calculation is organized by blockwall. Reference calculations used for the analysis are listed within the calculation for convenience since the objective of this calculation is to factor available analyses to seismic fragilities.

During the plant walkdowns, the Seismic Review Team (SRT) noted any masonry blockwalls with the potential to impact components considered in the Seismic PRA.

This calculation develops an estimated seismic fragility for each blockwall identified by the SRT. The systems analysts used the results of this calculation to identify any blockwalls with significant risk contributions. The final fragilities of the risk significant N

blockwalls was computed in detail in Calculation 91C2672-C-012. This calculation takes note of the analyses superseded by Calculation 91C2672-C-012 in the summary of results section.

Revision 1 to this calculation develops the spectral amplification factor in greater detail.

The calculation uses a spectral amplification factor of 2.1 as the ratio of a peak ground spectral acceleration to the ZPA of the ground spectra.

s a

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C 017


Pilgrim Nucisar Power St tion Sheet 3 of 17 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

T. J. Tracy a structural mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm s.C.

Check: S. A. Chapsky l


1. S&A Calculation 91C2672-C005, Soil Structure Interaction Computer Runs, Rev.


2. Boston Edison NEDWI 374 Rev. O, January 15,1988
3. Methodology for Developing Seismic Fragilities, J.W. Reed and R.P. Kennedy, Draft August 1993
4. S&A File becolp3e.dbf,9-14-93
5. Boston Edison Calculations for Blockwalls Calculation Number Blockwall Calculation Number Blockwall C15.0.2251, Rev. O EES Calculations EES Calculation Set No. 2176, Rev 1 Set No. 7214, Rev. 0 45.02 Set No. 7176, Rev i 198.01 C15.0.2250, Rev.1 45.03 EES Calculations C15.0.2202, Rev. 0 64.05 Set No. 7177, Rev 1 198.02 Bechtel Calculation EES Calculations 10394-116-C71, Rev. 0 65.06 Set No. 2175, Rev 1 y

EES Calculations Set No.1178, Rev 1 198.03 Set No.1089, Rev.1 C15.0.2791, Rev.1 Set No. 5089, Rev.1 66.22 EES Calculations EES Calculations Set No.1295, Rev 1 Set No.1091, Rev.1 Set No. 2295, Rev 3 209.00 Set No. 5091, Rev.1 66.24 EES Calculations EES Calculations Set No. 2296, Rev 1 209.01 Set No.1089, Rev.1 C15.0.2232, Rev. 2 Set No. 5089, Rev.1 185.01 Bechtel Calculation C15.0.2878, Rev. 0 10394-116-C69, Rev. 0 210.00 C15.0.1209,Rev.0 194.22 EES Calculations C15.0.1439. Rev.1 Set N'o.1308, Rev 1 210.01 C15.0.3029, Rev. 0 195.23 EES Calculations EES Calculations Set No.1309, Rev 1 210.02 Set No. 2175, Rev 1 Set No.1178, Rev 1 198.00

6. NUREG/CR-0098, Development of Criteria for Seismic Review of Selected Nuclear Power Plants", May,1978
7. Specification Number C-114-ER-Q-EO," Pilgrim Unit 1 Specification for Seismic Response Spectra", Revision E0, March 3,1989
8. S&A calculation 91C2672-C-012, " Detailed Fragility Analysis on Selected Blockwalls", Revision 0, December 9,1993



l I

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculatira ':;-017 l


Pilgrim Nuclear Pswer Stati:n Shut 4 of 17 USI A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 l

Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: % T. J. Tracy i

a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls F. C.

consulting engineering firm Check: S. A. Chapsky l

i Analytical Approach Estimated fragility based on design basis Boston Edison conducted a seismic analysis of selected masonry blockwalls in response to NRC Office ofInspection and Enforcement Bulletin 80-11. Since that time, BECo has maintained the seismic design basis of the selected blockwalls through a series of calculations. This calculation examines the results of the most recent BECo calculations for a series of blockwalls to determine the seismic fragility based on a ratio of the calculated forces and moments to the allowable forces and moments.

Initially, S&A established an estimated blocicNall median capacity based on the SSE PGA of 0.15g. Since BECo qualified " Safety Related" walls for the design basis earthquake, this conservatively bounds the HCLPF of the wall, and thereby the seismic fragility.

For conservative estimation of the HLCPFu values for the blockwalls the factor of 2.1 is N

employed. This factor represents approximation of the ratio of spectral peak acceleration over ZPA value at ground level.

The 2.1 factor is taken from Table 3 of Reference 6 for a 5% damped median spectral acceleration (actual factor is 2.12). The lower this factor, the more conservative will be


the conversion between a design basis and an equivalent median fragility. As a test of the sensitivity of the selection of this 2.1 factor, an examination of the 7% damped in-structure peak values for the building floors corresponding to the blockwalls in this calculation is made. Reference 2 indicatos that the design basis calculations for blockwalls uses a 7% damped SSE floor spectra. An examination of the actual peaks of the 7% damped floor spectra taken from Reference 7 shows that if we were to i

consider the actual seismic demand from the 7% design spectra, the ratio of peak to ground ZPA would be much higher, thus the initial estimate of seismic fragility would have been correspondingly higher.

The purpose of the estimated fragilities for blockwalls was to establish the significant contributors to seismic risk. This calculation provides the input to overall SPRA seismic sensitivity testing. Any walls judged seismically significant will be analyzed in more detail for seismic fragility (see Calculation 91C2672-C-012).

i The amplification factor in the following table is the ratio of the in-structure peak of a 7% damped floor spectra to the ZPA of the ground spectra (0.15g) (Ref. 7).



JOB NO. 91C2672 C:Iculati n C-017


Pilgrim Nuclxr Prwer Stati:n Shnt 5 of 17 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05 94 Project Revision 1 l

STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: q T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consuhing engineering firm f.C.

Check: S. A. Chapsky Location 7% Damped Peak Amplification Factor Diesel Generator El 2 3'-0"................. 0. 3 9 9.................... 2.60 Intake Structure El 21 '-6"................... 1.23 g...................... 8.2 0 Reactor Building El 51 '-0".................. 1.4 8 g..................... 9. 87 Reactor Building El 3'-0".................... 0.61 g.................... 4.07 Radwaste El 2 3'-0"............................ 1.3 5 g..................... 9. 00 Radwasie El 37'-0"............................ 0.679...................... 4.4 7 Turtine Building El 2 3'-0".................. 1. 3 5 0..................... 9.00 Turbine Building El 37'-0".................. 1. 8 99.................. 12.6 0 To convert a HCLPFu value to a median capacity two variables p = 0.40 and p,, = 0.20 are used as discussed on pages 3-4,5-5,5-6 of Ref. 3. Then the median capacity (Ac) is calculated according to pages 2-22 and 2-23 of Ref. 3:

A = (HCLPFu)e

  • x Amplification Factor EQ 1 2


= 0.15g x 2.1 x 2.1 = 0.66 g S&A performed Soil Structure interaction for the Pilgrim Station using a reference peak x

ground acceleration of 0.4g (Ref.1). The resulting floor spectra from this analysis establish the relationship between spectral accelerations on building floors, and a 0.4g PGA seismic input using the SPRA spectral shape. On the basis of this analysis, the median fragilities of blockwalls (i.e. the A. values) can be calculated by ratioing the spectral ordinate Sa(SPRA)of the appropriate response spectrum anchored to SPRA PGA

= 0.4 g to the median capacity A = 0.66 g:

Ac AdSSE)-S (sen) x0.Ag EO 2 Applying Equations 1 and 2, Reference 4 contains the Am(SSE) values for blockwalls.

A.(SSE) values assume that an individual blockwall has no more than a factor of safety of 1.0 in the design basis analysis, that is capacity exactly equals demand. This calculation seeks to increase the actual fragility by considering the excess margin in the design basis analyses.

I In Ref. 4 the A (SSE) values are linked to the elevations of equipment location and i

damping of 5% while the use of average elevation between top and bottom of the wall l

and damping of 7% would be more accurate for blockwall evaluation. This deviation is 1

judged to be insignificant and for simplicity is neglected.


JOB NO. 91C2672 Calcul:tian C-017


Pilgrim Nucle:r Pcwsr Stition Shact 6 of 17 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: %

T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm S. C,

Check: S. A. Chapsky l

Extending design basis estimated fragility to account for excess design margin Beginning then with this initial fragility Am(SSE), the purpose of this calculation is to further increase the fragility by recapturing excess design margin. In this context, excess design margin is the difference between capacity and demand in the design basis analysis. The method for recapturing excess design margin will be to examine two elements, the flexural analysis for the SSE, and the line load shear transfer for the.


Typically the available calculations will state a calculated mc-(Mxx, Myy) and corresponding allowable moments (M'xx, M'yy) for seismic, PBOC, or tomado Ap. The initial estimate of the seismic fragility will be increased by the ratio of M'xx/Mxx, or M'yy/Myy whicheveris smaller.

Notat/on Convention: This calculation only looks at SSE loadings, and uses the notation of M'xx, M'yy for allowables, and Mxx, Myy for calculated values. Typically the design calculations use Mxx and Myy as OBE loadings, thus this calculation deviates from the notation convention of the design calculations.

Horizonta! shear transfer at the wall boundaries is also checked as a limiting condition. l The process of seismic qualification transpired through several phases of successively more rigorous analysis. A calculation performed in 1982 may show wall failure for tomado loads, but the re-assessment of allowables in a latter calculation may serve as the basis for accepting the wall. This calculation uses the technique of reforming the seismic load into an applied pressure load for comparison with analyses for tomado and PBOC. The approach follows the methodology directed for Pilgrim in Reference 2.

The effective seismic pressure load is the mass of the wall multiplied by the appropriate spectral acceleration divided by the surface area of the wall. In the absence of more detailed analytical documentation of the calculated live loads vs the allowable line loads, this calculation restricts the excess design margin to the ratio of the effective seismic pressure divided by a qualified analysis for tomado or PBOC pressure conditions.

The median capacity of the surrogate element selected for this SPRA is 1.0g. As the capacity of any individual component exceeds this value, its influence on the outcome of the PRA declines. This process does not justify any rigor to propelindividual fragility values beyond 2g, since increasing fragility yields no retums to the overall SPRA.


JOB NO. 91C2672 C:lculati:n C.017


Pilgrim Nucl:ar Pcw r Stati:n Shrst 7 of 17 US! A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 l

Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: %

T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm S C.

Check: S. A. Chapsky Summary of Results Initial Seismic Building Elevation Wall No.

Estimation Fragility Am(SSE)1 (Am)

Intake 21'-6" 45.01 0.67 g 0.67 g Structure 21'-6" 45.02 0.66 g 2.39 g 21'-6" 45.03 0.66 g 1.07 g 51'-0" 64.05 0.65 g 0.72 g Reactor 51'-0" 65.06 0.65 g 3.82 g l

Building 74'-3" 66.22 0.49 g 2.92 g 74'-3" 66.24 0.49 g 2.92 g Reactor Aux. Bay 3'-0" 185.01 0.86 g 1.41 g Radwaste 23'-0" 194.22 0.49 g 3.33 g Building 37'-0" 195.23 0.42 g 1.0 0 23'-0" 198.00 0.32 g 2.29 g x

Diesel Generator 23'-0" 198.01 0.32 g 0.55 g*

i Building 23'-0" 198.02 0.32 g 0.56 g*

23'-0" 198.03 0.32 g 2.29 g 23'-0" 209.00 0.49 g 0.82 g 23'-0" 209.01 0.49 g 1.72 g Turbine 37'-0" 210.00 0.42 g 0.54 g*

Building 37'-0" 210.01 0.42 g 1.84 g*

l 37'-0" 210.02 0.42 g 2.35 g 37'-0" 210.03 0.42 g 0.54 g i

  • NOTE: Fragility analysis for blockwalls 198.01,198.02, 210.00 and 210.01 superseded by detalled fragility analysis in calculation 91C2672 C012 1 Reference 4 contains the value for A,(SSE) based on applying Equations 1 and 2.

I l

JOB NO. 91C2672 C:lculatisn C-017


Pilgrim Nucl:ar Pcwer Statisn Shnt 8 of 17 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-34 l

Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: TR T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls 3c consulting engineering firm Check: S. A. Chapsky,

Calculation i

Blockwall Number:



Building:...... Intake Structure

1. DWG No. C-939 Sheet 1 l

Eleva'Jon:.................... 21.5' Type:............................. N/A This wall is not safety related, thus no recent detailed analysis is Am (SSE)1:................ 0.67g available. The SRT's initially estimated the fragility of this wall l

M'xx (Allow):................... N/A based on the SSE = 0.15 g adjusted to a fragility, considering the M'yy (Allow):............... N/A SPRA floor spectra. The only component influenced by this wall Mxx (calculated):.......... N/A is the traveling screen X-108A. Based on a discussion with the Myy (calculated):........... N/A client, the failure of this single screen does not result in a loss of service water from the systems model, thus the fragility of this x

waiiis not deemed significant, and no additional effort is necessary for the exact determination of its median capacity 1 The value of Am (SSE) comes from Reference 4.



Blockwall Number:



Building:...... Intake Structure

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2251, Rev. O,1/18/88 Elevation:.................... 21.5'
2. EES Calculation Set No. 7214, Rev. O,10/20/81 Type:.................

8" Partition Am (SSE):................. 0.66g M'xx/Mxx = 452/125 = 3.62 Moment unit is l

M'xx (Allow):.................. 452 in i

M'yy (Allow):.................. 578 M'yy/Myy = 578/15 = 38.5 Mxx (calculated):........... 125 Myy (calculated):.......... 15 Maximum Fragility = 0.66g x 3.62 = 2.39g *

  • Boundary shear load is not limithg. The wall has been qualified for pm=0.618 psi (shest 3 of Ref. 2) while as updated p== 0.164 psi (sheet 8 of Ref.1). Ratio =

0.618/0.164 = 3.77 > 3.62.


l i

l J


m JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C-017


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Sheet 9 of 17 USI A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-04 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: Q T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls g,c, consulting engineering firm Check: S. A. Chapsky Blockwall Number:



Building:........ Intake Structure

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2250, Rev.1,1/22/92 Ele va tion:...................... 21. 5'2. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Type:................... 8 Partition Am (SSE):.................... 0.68g I

M'xx/Mxx = 452/417 = 1.084 Moment unit is "-

M'xx (A!!ow):................. 452 in M'yy (Allow):................. 2097 M'yy/Myy = 2097/1282 = 1.636 Mxx (calculated):............. 417 Myy (calculated):..........1282 Allowable boundary shear line load (concrete) = 93 lb/in As calculated the right side boundary line load = 83.8 lb/in Ratio = 93/83.8 = 1.10 Maximum Fragility = 0.66g x 1.084 (0.81g/0.54g) = 1.079 where a 0.81g SSE acceleration was used in Ref.1 for analysis while the Floor Response Spectrum in Ref. 2 for frequencies about 4 Hz specifies SSE accelerations about 0.54g.

Blockwall Number:



Building:....... Reactor Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2202, Rev. O,9/23/87 Elevation:................. 51.00' Type:..................(4'-0") Shear M'xx/Mxx = 8782/7983 =1.10 Moment unit is ".

Am (SSE):.................... 0.65g in M'xx (Allow):............... 8782 M'yy/Myy = 9555/4396 = 2.17 M'yy (Aliow):.................. 9555 Mxx (calculated):........... 7983 Maximu 9 Fragility = 0.65g x 1.10 = 0.72g

  • Myy (calculated):........... 4396
  • The calculation notes that PBOC provides - (2 x SSE) and is the goveming case, so this is conservative.

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C-017 l


Pilgrim Nucle:r Pcw2r Stati:n Sh:et 10 of 17 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: %

T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls g,c,

consulting engineering firm Check: S. A. Chapsky I

l l

l Blockwall Number:



Building:....... Reactor Building

1. Bechtel Calculation No. 10394-116-C71, Rev 0,7/25/83 l

Elevation..................... 51.00'

2. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Type:....................12" Shiold Am (SSE):.................... 0.65g in-Ib Moment unit is M'xx (Allow):................. 2275 in M'yy (Allow):.................. 3018 Ref.1 indicates that the contre!!ing condition is boundary shear.

Mxx (calculated):........... 56.7 Since the PBOC controlled, compare equivalent seismic pressure Myy (calculated):..........148.2 load.

l fa a 20 Hz (from Ref.1)

SSE acceleration S. s 0.3 g (Attachment J of Ref. 2)

Equivalent static pressure due to a 0.3g acceleration is 0.868

= 0.26 psi 19 where 0.868 psi is equivalent static pressure for a 12" wall due to a ig horizontal acceleration (Attachment C of Ref. 2).

The wall with PBOC pressure of 1.38 psi reaches a boundary shear of 84 lb/in (Ref.1) vs 93 lb/in allowable (Attachment I of Ref. 2).

'138(95! 64)


Limit in excess saismic margin factor is 0.26 Maximum Fragility = 0.65g x 5.9 = 3.82 g Blockwall Number:



Building:....... Reactor Building

1. EES Calculation Get No.1089, Rev 1,1/8/82 Elevation:................... 74.25"
2. EES Calculation Set No. 5089, Rev.1,6/1/82 Type:.....................12" Shield
3. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2 Rev. O,1/15/88 Am (SSE):.................. 0.49g M'xx (Allow):.................. 2371 in-lb Moment unit is M'yy (Allew):.................. 3534 in Mxx (calculated):............ 25.5 Boundary shearis goveming.

Myy (calculated):............10.2 Shear line load in the wall supported at two sides (Ref. 2) for an of ig is : 0.868 x 36/2 = 15.6 lb/in < 93 lb/in where 0.868 psi is equivalent static pressure due to a ig horizontal acceleration (Attachment C of Ref. 3) and 93 lb/in is allowable load (Attachment I of Ref. 3).

93 Maximum Fragility = 0.49g

= 2.92 g (this is a conservative estimation as Ref.1 indicates 15.6 the SSE acceleration of 0.479).

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C-017


Pilgrim Nuclear Powsr St2 tion Sheet 11 of 17 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: % T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineedng firm gc, Check: S. A. Chapsky l

l Blockwall Number:



Building:....... Reactor Building

1. EES Calculation Set No.1091, Rev 1,1/8/82 Elevation:.................... 74.25"
2. EES Calculation Set No. 5091, Rev. O,10/23/81 Type:.....................12" Shield
3. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Am (SSE):.................... 0.4 9g M'xx (Allow):.................. 2371 in - 6 Moment unit is M'yy (Allow):.................. 3534 in Mxx (calculated):............ 95.4 Blockwall 66.24 is identical to 66.22.

Myy (calculated):.............. 86 Maximum fragility = 2.92 g Bour'dary shear is controlling for this wall, the calculation for wall 66.22 bounds this wall too.

Blockwall Number: 185.01 Reference Calculations Building:....... Reactor Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2836, Rev.1,2/25/93 Elevation:................... 3.00'
2. EES Calculation Set No.1230, Rev.1,1/29/82 Type:................... 8" Shield
  • Am (SSE):.................. 0.86g M'xx/Mxx = 2103/ 409 = 5.14 M'xx (Allow):................. 2013 M'yy (Allow):.................... 979 M'yy/Myy = 979/ 231 = 4.24 Moment unit is


in Mxx (calculated):........... 409 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):.......... 231 reach the allowable value.

Then the ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.69/0.42 = 1.64.

This ratio is goveming.

Maximum fragility = 0.86g x 1.64 = 1.41 g.

  • The wall is composed of two sections, lower and upper,24" and 8" respectively.

1 JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C-017


Pilgrim Nucletr Power Stition Shset 12 of 17 USI A.46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: ( T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm y, e Check: S. A. Chapsky Blockwall Number: 194.22


Building:....Radwaste Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.1439, Rev.1,10/11/86 Elevation:.................... 23.00'
2. BECo Calculation C15.0.3029, Rev. O,12/13/91 Type:.................... 8" Partition Am (SS E):.................... 0.49g M'xx/Mxx = 452/66.48 = 6.8 M'xx (Allow):.................... 452 M'yy/Myy = 578/ 27.2 = 21 Moment unit is in-!blin M'yy (Allow):.................... 578 Mxx (calculated):.......... 66.48 Maximum Fragility = 0.49g x 6.8 = 3.33g
  • Myy (calculated):.

... 27.2

  • A review of the shear transfer demonstrates significant reserve capacity as wall calculated boundary shear loads are all < 10% allowable. So increase is justified.

x Blockwall Number:



Building: Radwaste Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2878, Rev. O,7/27/90 Elevation:..................... 37.00
2. EES Calculation Set No.1209, Rev. O,12/2/81 Type:.................... 8" Partition Am (SSE):............... 0.42g M'xx/Mxx = 452/226 = 2.0 M'xx (Allow):.................... 4 52 M'yy/Myy = 563/279 = 2.02 Moment unit is in-Ib/in M'yy (Allow):.................... 563 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are Mxx (calculated):............. 226 assumed to reach the allowable value.

Myy (calculated):............ 279 Tomado pressure:. 0.43 psi Then the ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.43/.123 = 3.5.

This ratio is not goveming.

Maximurn Fragility = (.42g x 2.0)1.2 = 1.0g where factor of 1.2 has been added since the critical margin ratio is based on the value of a cracking moment

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C 017


Pilgrim Nuclerr P wer Stati:n Shitt 13 of 17 USI A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:g T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm y, c Check: S. A. Chapsk'y Blockwall Number: 198.00


Building:..... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2175, Rev 1,11/10/81 Elevation:.................. 23.00'
2. EES Calculation Set No.1178, Rev 1,10/29/81 Type:..................... 8" Shield
3. BECo SUDDS/RF # 87-722 Am (SSE):.................. 0.32g
4. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 M'xx (Allow):.................. 979 in-lb M'yy (Allow):.................. 659 M'xx/Mxx = 979/62 = 15.8 Moment unit is in Mxx (calculated):............. 62 M'yy/Myy =659/65 = 10.1 (based on cracking Myy (calculated):........... 65 moment) j Tomado Ap:.......... 0.859 psi Consideration of line load shear transfe".

fsse= 16.61 Hz (Ref.1)

Tomado op = 0.859 psi (Ref. 2)

Sa = 0.16g for f > 16.6 Hz (Attachment J of Ref. 4)

PSSE = 0.579 psi for a 8" shield wall @ ig (Attachment C of Ref. 4)

Actual PSSE = 0.579 x 0.16 x 1.3 = 0.120 psi (with factor of 1.3 for multimodal effects)

Ap, 0.859 = 7.16 x

P 0.120 Maximum Fragility = 0.32g x 7.16 = 2.29 g Blockwall Number: 198.01


Building:...... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2176, Rev 1,6/3/82 Elevation:.................... 23.00
2. EES Calculation Set No. 7176, Rev 1, 5/25/82 Type:...................... 8" Shield I

M'xx/Mxx = 979/304 = 3.22 Moment unit is "-

Am (SSE):................... 0.32g s

in M'xx (Allow):.................... 979 M'yy/Myy =2260/1182 = 1.91 M'yy (Allow):.............. 2260 Mxx (calculated):............. 304 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):..........1182 reach the allowable value (Ref. 2 for tomado qualification).

Tomado pressure =.859 psi (sheet 1 of Ref. 2)

Static pressure equivalent to SSE horizontalload = 0.50 psi (sheet 1 of Ruf.1)

The ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.859/.50 = 1.72 This ratio is goveming.

Maximum Fragility = 0.32g x 1.72 = 0.55g NOTE: Fragility analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672-C012

l JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nucle:r Pcwer St'. tion Sh:st 14 of 17 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:%

T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm 4.c,

Check: S. A. Chapsky l

Blockwall Number: 198.02


Building:...... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 7177, Rev 1,12/1/81 l

Elevation:..................... 23.00 l

Type:...................... 8" Shield I

M'xx/Mxx = 979/257 = 3.81 Moment unit is ".

Am (SSE):.................... 0.32g in M'xx (A!!ow):.................... 979 M'yy/Myy =2260/1141 = 1.98 M'yy (Allow):.................. 2260 l

Mxx (calculated):............. 257 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to l

Myy (calculated):..........1141 reach the allowable value.

l Tomado pressure =.859 psi (sheet 3 of Ref.1)

Static pressure equivalent to SSE horizontalload = 0.49 psi The ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.859/.49 = 1.75.

l This ratio is goveming.

I Maximum Fragility = 0.32g x 1.75 = 0.56 g i

NOTE: Fragility analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672-C012 N

Blockwall Number: 198.03


Building:...... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2175, Rev 1,11/10/81 Elevation:..................... 23.00
2. EES Calculation Set No.1178, Rev 1,10/29/81 Type:...................... 8" Shield
3. BECo SUDDS/RF # 87-722 Am (SS E):.................... 0.32g M'xx (Allow):.................... 979 Blockwall 198.03 is identical to 198.00, use the same value.

M'yy (Allow):.................... 659 Mxx (calculated):............... 62 Maximum Fragi8ity = 2.29 g Myy (calculated):.


JOB NO. 91C2672 Calcul ti::n C 017


Pilgrim Nucleir PcwIr St1 tion Shsst 15 of 17 USI A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05 94 l

Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: %

T. J. Tracy a stmetural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm s, c,

Check: S. A. Chapsky Blockwall Number: 209.00


Building:....... Turbine Building

1. BECo Calculation No. C15.0.2701, Rev.1,9/2S/92 Elevation:..................... 23.00
2. EES Calculation Set No.1295, Rev.1,4/13/82 Type:................... 8" Partition
3. EES Calculation Set No. 2295, Rev. 3,11/12/82 Am (SS E):.................... 0.4 9g I

M'xx/Mxx = 452/123.7 = 3.65 Moment unit is "-

i M xx (Allow):.................... 452 in l

M'yy (Allow):................. 2112 M'yy/Myy = 2112/1010.5 = 2.09 Mxx (calculated):..........123.7 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):.......cl010.5 reach the allowable value.

Tomado pressure = 0.30 psi (sheet 1 of Ref. 3)

Static pressure equivalent to SSE seismic pressure = 0.18 psi (sheet 8 of Ref.1)

Then the ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.3/0.18 = 1.67.

This ratio is goveming.

May! mum Fragility = 0.49g x 1.67 = 0.82 g N

Blockwall Number: 209.01


Building:....... Turbine Building

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2296, Rev.1,8/27/82 Elevation:.................... 23.00 Type:.................. 8" Partition M'xx/Mxx = 452/12i, e 3.50 Moment unit is Am (SSE):.................... 0.49g in M'xx (Allow):.................... 4 52 M'yy/Myy = 563/127 = 4.43 M'yy (Allow):.................... 563 Mxx (calculated):.............129 The boundary line loads for PBOC loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):............127 reach the allowable value.

From sheet 7 of Ref.1:

PBOC pressure = 0.84 ps!

i Static pressure equivalent to the SSE horizontalload = 0.096 psi l

The ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.94/0.096 = 8.8 This ratio is not goveming.

Maximum Fragility = 0.49g x 3.50 = 1.72 g

l JOB NO. 91C2672 C:lculati:n C-017

  • iUBJECT: Pilgrim NuclIir Pcwer Stati:n Shut 16 of 17 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4 05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By: T T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls g, c,

consulting engineering firm Check: S. A. Chapsky Blockwall Number: 210.00


Building:....... Turbine Building

1. BECo Calculation No. C15.0.2232, Rev. 2,2/9/93 l

Elevation:.................... 37.00'

2. Bechtel Calculation No. 10394-116-C69, Rev. O, 8/11/93 l

Typ e:...................... 8" Shield I

M'xx/Mxx = 979/473 = 2.07 Moment unit is "-

Am (SSE):................... 0.42g in M'xx (Allow):.................... 979 M'yy/Myy = 1298/1006 = 1.29 M'yy (Allow):..................1298 Mxx (calculated):............. 473 The boundary line leads for PBOC loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):...........1006 reach the allowable value.

From sheet 23 of Ref. 2:

Resultant shear forces due to Tomado and SSE loading cases are 4529 lb and 3400 lb respectively. Then the ratio of the two resultant forces is 4529/3400 = 1.33 and it does not govem.

Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 1.29 = 0.54 g NOTE: FragIllty analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672 C012 N

Blockwall Number: 210.01


Building:.... Turbine Building

1. EES Calculation Set No.1308, Rev.1,8/26/82 Elevation:................. 37.00'
2. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rr v. O,1/15/88 Type:................. 12" Shield Am (SSE):................. 0.42g I

M'xx (Allow):.................. N/A M'yy/Myy = 2371/355 = 6.7 Moment unit is "-

s in M'yy (Allow):.............. 2371 For a wall 67"long supported at two sides:

Mxx (calculated):........... N/A Boundary shear line load = 0.634x67 = 212 lb/in Myy (calculated):.......... 355 where 0.634 psi = equivalent pressure of the seismic load Psse - from Ref.1, pg.1 I

3 = 4.39 where 93 lb/in is allowable line shear load (Attachment I of Ref. 2) 212 Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 4.39 = 1.84 g l


l JOB NO. 91C2672 C:lculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nucl:ar Pcwer Statirn Sheet 17;of 17 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 4-05-94 Project Revision 1 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By;%

T. J. Tracy a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls consulting engineering firm 5,C, Check: S. A. Chapsky Blockwall Number: 210.02


l Building:..... Turbine Building

1. EES Calculation Set 1309, Rev.1,8/26/82 Elevation:.................. 37.00'
2. NEDW1374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Type:................... 12" Shield I

M'xx/Mxx = 3018/95.3 = 31.7 Moment unit is "-ID Am (SSE):.................. 0.42g in M'xx (A!!ow):................ 3018 M'yy/Myy = 1531/95.3 = 16.1 M'yy (Allow):................

1531 Mxx (calculated):.......... 95.3 Static pressure equivalent to horizontal seismic load = 0.67 psi Myy (calculated):.......... 95.3 (Ref.1, page 2) 2 68 l

For a triangular wall boundary shear = V = 0.67

= 1549 lb 2

I Allowable shear 90xdx68 = 5.6


V 1549 where the diagonal wall side alone is taken into consideration in accordance with Attachment I of Ref. 2 as two other wall sides are shorter than 6'-8".

Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 5.6 = 2.35g Checker's Note:

This is a conservative estimate of capacity, limited by shear transfer, since I

the actual shear transfer perimeter is =68 +68 -h[2x68 =232in.

This would increase the factor to over 13. This creates no Impact to the SPRA since fragility values > 2g do not influence the risk outcome.

Blockwall Number: 210.03 Calculation is not available.

Building:....... Turbine Building However this wall is shorter than 210.00. So the analysis for Elevation:..................... 37.00 wall 210.00 can be used as bounding.

Type:....................... 8" Shield Am (SSE):................... 0.42g Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 1.29 = 0.54 g M'xx (Allow):..................... N/A same as for wall 210.00 M'yy (Allow):..................... N/A Mxx (calculated):..............N/A Myy (calculated):..

...N/A NOTE: Fragility analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672 C012 i

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nucliar Psw:r Stati:n Shsst 1 of 16 i

USl A.46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls 5.C, consulting engineering firm Check:

T. J racy 1

Table of Contents Objective............

...............................................2 References................................................................................................3 Analytical Appro a ch.....................................................................................................

S u m m a ry o f Re s ults.........................................................................

............6 C a l cu l a ti o n.................................................................................


JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C 017


Pilgrim Nucl:ct P w:r Stati:n Shsst 2 of 16 USI A 46/IPEEE Selsmic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a strucmral-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls SC-


consulting engineering firm Check:

Tracy Objectives The objective of this calculation is to determine the estimated fragilities for selected masonry blockwalls in the Pilgrim Station. The estimated fragilities will be considered during the initial seismic hazard integration effort to determine the list of dominating components for detailed fragility analysis. The estimated blockwall fragilities will become final fragilities for those walls that do not rise to the top of the risk analysis as leading contributors to core damage through the hazard integration sensitivity testing.

The calculation is organized by blockwall. Reference calculations used for the analysis are listed within the calculation for convenience since the objective of this calculation is to factor available analyses to ceismic fragilities.



1 J

b i


JOB NO. 91C2672 Cilculati n C 017


Pilgrim Nut le:r Pcw:r Stati:n Shut 3 of 16 USI A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 1


S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls

&Ci consulting engineering firm Check:

l. Tracy i

References l

l l

1. S&A Calculation 91C2672-C005, Soil Structure interaction Computer Runs, Rev. O, 2/22/93
2. Boston Edison NEDWI 374 Rev. O, January 15,1988
3. Methodology for Developing Seismic Fragilities, J.W. Reed and R.P. Kennedy, Draft August 1993
4. S&A File becolp3e.dbf,9-14-93
5. Boston Edison Calculations for Blockwalls l

Calculation Number l Blockwall Calculation Number Blockwall l

C15.0.2251, Rev. 0 EES Calculations EES Calculation Set No. 2176, Rev i Set No. 7214, Rev. 0 45.02 Set No. 7176, Rev 1 198.01 C15.0.2250, Rev.1 45.03 EES Calculations C15.0.2202, Rev. 0 64.05 Set No. 7177, Rev 1 198.02 l

Bechtel Calculation EES Calculations x

10394-116-C71, Rev. 0 65.06 Set No. 2175, Rev 1 EES Calculations Set No.1178, Rev i 198.03 Set No.1089, Rev.1 C15.0.2791, Rev.1 Set No. 5089, Rev.1 66.22 EES Calculations EES Calculations Set No.1295, Rev 1 Set No 1091, Rev.1 Set No. 2295, Rev 3 209.00 Set No. 5091, Rev.1 66.24 EES Calculations EES Calculations Set No. 2296, Rev 1 209.01 Set No.1089, Rev.1 C15.0.2232, Rev. 2 s

Set No. 5089, Rev.1 185.01 Bechtel Calculation C15.0.2878, Rev. 0 10394-116-C69, Rev. 0 210.00 C15.0.1209, Rev. 0 194.22 EES Calculations C15.0.1439, Rev.1 Set No.1308, Rev 1 210.01 C15.0.3029, Rev. 0 195.23 EES Calculations EES Calculations Set No.1309, Rev 1 210.02 Set No. 2175, Rev 1 Set No.1178 Rev 1 198.00

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nucl:ar Psw:r Stati:n Shut 4 of 16 USl A 46/IPEEE Selsmic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls S. C.

consulting engineering nrm Check:

p. Tracy Analytical Approach Estimated fragility based on design basis Boston Edison conducted a seismic analysis of selected masonry blockwalls in response to NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement Dulletin 80-11. Since that time, BECo has maintained the seismic design basis of the selected blockwalls through a series of calculations. This calculation examines the results of the most recent BECo calculations for a series of blockwalls to determine the seismic fragility based on a ratio of the calculated forces and moments to the allowable forces and moments.

Initially, S&A established an estimated blockwall median capacity based on the SSE PGA of 0.15g.

Since BECo qualified " Safety Related" walls for the design basis earthquake, this conservatively bounds the HCLPF of the wall, and thereby the seismic fragility.

For conservative estimation of the HLCPFu value due to PGA = 0.15 g for the blockwalls N

with frequency range from 1 to 10 Hz, the factor of 2.1 is employed. This factor represents approximation of the ratio of spectral peak acceleration over ZPA value at ground level.

To convert a HCLPFu value to a median capacity two variablespe = 0.40 and pn = 0.20 are used as discussed on pages 3-4,5-5,5-6 of Ref. 3. Then the median capacity (Ac) is calculated according to pages 2-22 and 2-23 of Ref. 3:

Ac = (HCLPFu)e**8' = 0.15g x 2.1 x 2.1 = 0.66 g g

S&A performed Soil Structure Interaction for the Pilgrim Station using a reference peak ground acceleration of 0.4g (Ref.1). The resulting floor spectra from this analysis establish the relationship between spectral accelerations on building floors, and a 0.4g PGA seismic input using the SPRA spectral shape. On the basis of this analysis, the median fragilitbs of blockwalls (i.e. the Am values) can be calculated by ratioing the spectral ordinate Sa(sPRA)of the appropriate response spectrum anchored to SPRA PGA

= 0.4 g to the median capacity Ac = 0.66 g:


Am = Sa(SPRA) x0.4g Ref. 4 contains the Am data obtained for equipment and adjacent blockwalls in connection with their seismic interaction. The Am values specified for blockwalls are used as basic in this calculation for further analysis (Note: In Ref. 4 the Am values are linked to

l JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nuclear Pow;r Stati:n Shaat 5 of 16 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls ECi consulting engineering firm Check:

T. J. Tracy

-tri the elevations of equipment location and damping of 5% while the use of average elevation between top and bottom of the wall and damping of 7% would be more accurate for blockwall evaluation. This deviation is judged to be insignificant and for simplicity is neglected.)

Extending design basis estimated fragility to account for excess design margin Beginning then with this initial fragility Am, the purpose of this calculation is to further increase the fragility be recapturing excess design margin. In this context, excess design margin is the difference between capacity and demand in the design basis analysis. The method for recapturing excess design margin will be to examine two elements, the flexural analysis for the SSE, and the line load shear transfer for the SSE.

Typically the available calculations will state a calculated moment (Mxx, Myy) and corresponding allowable moments (M'xx, M'yy) for seismic, PBOC, or tomadoAp. The initial estimate of the seismic fragility will be increased by the ratio of M'xx/Mxx, or M'yy/Myy whichever is smaller.

i x

Notation Convention: This calculation only looks at SSE loadings, and uses the notation of M'xx, M'yy for allowables, and Mxx, Myy for calculated values. Typically the design calculations use Mxx and Myy as OBE loadings, thus this calculation deviates from the notation convention of the design calculations.

Information on the line load shear transfer is less available. The process of seismic qualification transpired through several phases of successively more rigorous analysis.

A calculation performed in 1982 may show wall failure for tomado loads, but the re-assessment of allowables in a latter calculation may serve as the basis for accepting the wall. This calculation uses the technique of reforming the seismic load into an applied pressure load for comparison with analyses for tomado and PBOC. The approach follows the methodology directed for Pilgrim in Reference 2. The effective seismic pressure load is the mass of the wall multiplied by the appropriate spectral acceleration divided by the surface area of the wall. In the absence of more detailed analytical documentation of the calculated live loads vs the allowable line loads, this calculation restricts the excess design margin to the ratio of the effective seismic pressure divided by a qualified analysis for tomado or PBOC pressure conditions.

The median capacity of the surrogate element selected for this SPRA is 1.0g. As the capacity of any individual component exceeds this value, its influence on the outcome of the PRA declines. This process does not justify any rigor to propel individual fragility values beyond 2g, since increasing fragility yields no retums to the overall SPRA.

JOB NO. 91C2672 C:lculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nucirr P wsr Stati:n Shut 6 of 16 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls

6. C.

consulting engineering firm Check: g.Tracy Summary of Results Seismic Fragility Building Wall No.

Initial Maximum as Estimation calculated (Ref. 4)

Intake 45.01 0.67 g 0.67 g Structure 45.02 0.66 g 2.39 g 45.03 0.66 g 1.07 g 64.05 0.65 g 0.72 g Reactor 65.06 0.65 g 3.82 g Building 66.22 0.49 g 2.92 g 66.24 0.49 g 2.92 g (Aux. Bay) 185.01 0.86 g 1.41 g Radwaste 194.22 0.49 g 3.33 g Building 195.23 0.42 g 1.0 g 198.00 0.32 g 2.29 g N

Diesel Generator 198.01 0.32 g 0.55 g*

1 Building 198.02 0.32 g 0.56 g*

198.03 0.32 g 2.29 g 209.00 0.49 g 0.82 g 209.01 0.49 g 1.72 g Turbine 210.00 0.42 g 0.54 g*

Building 210.01 0.42 g 1.84 g*

210.02 0.42 g 2.35 g 210.03 0.42 g 0.54 g 1

  • NOTE: Fragility analysis for blockwalls 198.01,198.02, 210.00 and 210.01


superseded by detailed fragility analysis in calculation 91C2672-C012 l

l r

f l

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C 017


Pilgrim Nucl:ar P:wer Stati:n Shnt 7 of 16 USl A-4G/IPEEE Selsmic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project I


S. A. Chapsky a stmetural. mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls 5.C.

consulting engineering firm Check:

J. Tracy l

l Calculation Blockwall Nurnber:



l Building:....... Intake Structure

1. DWG No. C-939 Sheet 1 l

Elevation:.............. 21.5' Type:..................... N/A This wall is not safety related, thus no recent detailed analysis is Am (SSE):............... 0.67g available. The SRT's initially estimated the fragility of this wall M'xx (Allow):.................. N/A based on the SSE = 0.15 g adjusted to a fragility, considering the M'yy (Allow):.............. N/A SPRA floor spectra. The only component influenced by this wall is Mxx !. calculated):........ N/A the traveling screen X-108A. Based on a discussion with the Myy (calculated):...

N/A client, the failure of this single screen does not result in a loss of x

service water from the systems model, thus the fragility of this wall is not deemed significant, and no additional effort is necessary for the exact determination of its median capacity Blockwall Number:



Building:... Intake Structure

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2251, Rev. O,1/18/88 Elevation:.............. 21.5'
2. EES Calculation Set No. 7214, Rev. O,10/20/81 Type:.............. 8" Partition Arn (SSE):............. 0.669 Moment unit is "in M'xx/Mxx = 452/125 = 3.62 M xx (Allow):................. 452 M'yy (Allow):............... 578 M'yy/Myy = 578/15 = 38.5 Mxx (calculated):...... 125 l

Myy (calculated):....... 15 Maximum Fragility = 0.66g x 3.62 = 2.39g *

  • Boundary shear load is not limiting. The wall has been qualified forpm=0.618 psi (sheet 3 of Ref. 2) while as updated pm= 0.164 psi (sheet 8 of Ref.1). Ratio = 0.618/0.164 =

3.77 > 3.62.

I l

l E

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nuclear Psw:r Station Shnt 8 of 16 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls


consulting engineering firm Check:

T. J. Tracy 1


Blockwall Number:



i l

Building:....... Intake Structure

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2250, Rev.1,1/22/92 Elevation:.................... 21.5'
2. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Type:.....

. 8" Partition I

M xx Al o [.............. 4 5M'xx/Mxx = 452/417 = 1.084 Moment unit ic "

M'yy (Allow):.............. 2097 M'yy/Myy = 2097/1282 = 1.636 Mxx (calculated):............. 417 Myy (calculated):...........1282 Allowable boundary shear line load (concrete) = 93 lb/in As calculated the right side boundary line load = 83.8 lb/in Ratio = 93/83.8 = 1.10 Maximum Fragility = 0.66g x 1.084 (0.81g/0.549) = 1.079 where a 0.81g SSE acceleration was used in Ref.1 for analyn while the Floor Response N

Spectrum in Ref. 2 for frequencies about 4 Hz specifies SSE acc alerations about 0.54g.

Blockwall Number:



Building:..... Reactor Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2202, Rev. O, 9/23/87 Elevation:................ 51.00' Type:................(4'-0") Shear M'xx/Mxx = 8782/7983 =1.10 Moment unit ic ".

Am (SSE):............... 0.65g in M'xx (Allow):................. 8782 M'yy/Myy = 9555/4396 = 2.17 M'yy (Allow):........... 9555 Mxx (calculated):...... 7983 Maximum Fragility = 0.65g x 1.10 = 0.72g

  • Myy (calculated):.......4396
  • The calculation notes that PBOC provides - (2 x SSE) and is the goveming case, so this is conservative.


JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculatlin C-017


Pilgrim Nucl:ar P wir Stati:n Shsst 9 of 16 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 l


S. A. Chapsky l

a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls S. C.

j consulting engineering firm Check:

J. Tracy


Blockwall Number:



Building:....... Reactor Building

1. Bechtel Calculation No. 10394-116-C71, Rev 0,7/25/83 Elevation:................ 51.00'
2. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Type:.................12" Shield Am (SSE):.................. 0.65g Moment unit is "~

I M'xx (Allow):................. 2275 in M'yy (Allow):................. 3018 Ref.1 indicates that the controlling condition is boundary shear.

Mxx (calculated):......... 56.7 Since the PBOC controlled, compare equivalent seismic pressure i

Myy (calculated):.........148.2 load.

I fn a 20 Hz (from Ref.1)

SSE accelerations.s 0.3 g (Attachment J of Ref. 2)

Equivalent static pressure due to a 0.3g acceleration is 0.868 0.3g- = 0.26 psi ig where 0.868 psi is equivalent static pressure for a 12" wall due to a 1g horizontal acceleration (Attachment C of Ref. 2).

The wall with PBOC pressure of 1.38 psi reaches a boundary shear of 84 lb/in (Ref.1)

N vs 93 lb/in allowable (Attachment I of Ref. 2).


Limit in excess seismic margin factor is 0.26 Maximum Fragility = 0.65g x 5.9 = 3.82 g i

Blockwall Number:



Building:...... Reactor Building

1. EES Calculation Set No.1089, Rev 1,1/8/82 Elevation:................ 74.25"
2. EES Calculation Set No. 5089, Rev.1,6/1/82 Type:.................12" Shield
3. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Am (SSE):................. 0.49g M'xx (Atlow):............ 2371 Moment unit is "~

I M'yy (Allow):.

......... 3534 in l

Mxx (calculated):......... 25.5 Boundary shear is goveming.

i Myy (calculated):.

....10.2 Shear line load in the wall supported at two sides (Ref. 2) for an of ig is : 0.868 x 36/2 = 15.6 lb/in < 93 lb/in where 0.868 psi is equivalent static pressure due to a l

ig horizontal acceleration (Attachment C of Ref. 3) and 93 lb/in is allowable load (Attachment I of i

Ref. 3).


JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C-017


Pilgrim Nucl:ar Pcw:r Stati:n Sheet 10 of 16 USI A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 l

Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural. mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls S* C.

consulting engineering firm Check:

T. J. Tracy tri 93 Maximum Fragility = 0.49g

= 2.92 g (this is a conservative estimation as Ref.1 indicates 15.6 the SSE acceleration of 0.479).

I Blockwall Number:



Building:..... Reactor Building

1. EES Calculation Set No.1091, Rev 1,1/8/82 Elevation:.................. 74.25"
2. EES Calculation Set No. 5091, Rev. O,10/23/81 Type:..............12" Shield
3. NEDWI 374, Atachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Am (SSE):.................... 0.49g M'xx (Allow):......

...2371 I-M yy (Allow):................ 3534 Moment unit is "in Mxx (calculated):........ 95.4 Blockwall 66.24 is identical to 66.22.

Myy (calculated):.......... 86 Maximum fragility = 2.92 g Boundary shear is controlling for this wall, the calculation for wall 66.22 bounds this wall too.

N Blockwall Number: 185.01 Reference Calculations Building:...... Reactor Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2836, Rev.1,2/25/93 Elevation:........... 3.00'
2. EES Calculation Set No.1230, Rev.1,1/29/82 Type:......

. 8" Shield

  • Am (SSE):............ 0.86g M'xx/Mxx = 2103/ 409 = 5.14 M'yy/Myy = 379/ 231 = 4.24 Moment unit is'".~

M',xx (Allo.v)..

.........2 3

yy (Allow).................... g In Mxx (calculated):............ 409 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):.......... 231 reach the allowable value.

Then the ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.69/0.42 = 1.64.

l This ratio is goveming.

Maximum fragility = 0.86g x 1.64 = 1.41 g.

  • The wall is composed of two sections, lower and upper,24" and 8" respectively.

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JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculation C 017


Pilgrim Nuclezr Pcwsr St: tion Sheet 11 of 16 USI A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls S. C.

consulting engineering firm Check:

. Tracy Blockwall Number: 194.22


Building:...Radwaste Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.1439, Rev.1,10/11/86 Elevation:............... 23.00'
2. BECo Calculation C15.0.3029, Rev. O,12/13/91 Type:.................... 8" Partition Am (SSE):............. 0.49g M'xx/Mxx = 452/66.48 = 6.8 M'xx (Allow):................. 452 M'yy/Myy = 578/ 27.2 = 21 Moment unit is in-lb/in M'yy (Allow):.................. 578 Mxx (calculated):......... 66.48 Maximum Fragility = 0.49g x 6.8 = 3.33g
  • Myy (calculated):...... 27.2
  • A review of the shear transfer demonstrates significant reserve capacity as wall calculated boundary shear loads are all < 10% allowable. So increase is justified.

N Blockwall Number: 195.23


Building: Radwaste Building

1. BECo Calculation C15.0.2878, Rev. O, 7/27/90 Elevatica:................. 37.00
2. EES Calculation Set No.1209, Rev. O,12/2/81 Type:.....

........ 8" Partition Am (SSE):................ 0.42g M'xx/Mxx = 452/22fs = 2.0 M'xx (Allow):............. 452 M'yy/Myy = 563/279 = 2.02 Moment unit is in-lb/in M'yy (Allow):................ 563 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are Mxx (calculated):........... 226 assumed to reach the allowable value.

Myy -(calculated):............ 279 Tomado pressure:... 0.43 psi Then the ratio of two pressure values (assumc? " wable to seismic) = 0.43/.123 = 3.5.

This ratio is not goveming.

Maximum Fragility = (.42g x 2.0)1.2 = 1.0g where factor of 1.2 has been added since the critical margin ratio is based on the value of a cracking moment

JOB NO. 91C2672 Cciculation C-017


Pilgrim Nuclier Pcwer Station Shost 12 of 16 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural. mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls S.C.

consulting engineering firm Check:

T7W. J Tracy I

Blockwall Number: 198.00


Building:..... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2175, Rev 1,11/10/81 Elevation:................. 23.00'
2. EES Calculation Set No.1178. Rev 1,10/29/81 Type:................ 8" Shield
3. BECo SUDDS/RF # 87-722 s

Am (SSE):...............


4. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 M'xx (Allow)-

979 in -Ib M'yy (Allow)$.........I.

659 M'xx/Mxx = 979/62 = 15.8 Moment unit is Mxx (calculated):............ 62 M'yy/Myy =659/65 = 10.1 (based on cracking Myy (calculated):.......... 65 moment)

Tomado Ap:............. 0.859 psi Consideration of line load shear transfer:

fsse= 16.61 Hz (Ref.1)

Tomado Ap = 0.859 psi (Ref. 2)

Sa = 0.169 for f 216.6 Hz (Attachment J of Ref. 4)

PSSE = 0.579 psi for a 8" shield wall @ ig (Attachment C of Ref. 4)

Actual PSSE = 0.579 x 0.16 x 1.3 = 0.120 psi (with factor of 1.3 for multimodal effects)

Ap 0.859 = 7.16



0.120 Maximum Fragility = 0.32g x 7.16 = 2.29 g Blockwall Number: 198.01


Building:...... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2176, Rev 1,6/3/82 Elevation:................... 23.00
2. EES Calculation Set No. 7176, Rev 1,5/25/82 P

h I~

Moment unit is ",


.O3g M'xx/Mxx = 979/304 = 3.22 m

M'xx (Allow):.................. 979 M'yy/Myy =2260/1182 = 1.91 M'yy (Allow):................. 2260 Mxx (calculated):............ 304 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):........1182 reach the allowable value (Ref. 2 for tomado qua!ification).

Tomado pressure =.859 psi (sheet 1 of Ref. 2)

Static pressure equivalent to SSE horizontalload = 0.50 psi (sheet 1 of Ref.1)

The ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.859/.50 = 1.72 This ratio is goveming.

Maximum Fragility = 0.32g x 1.72 = 0.55g NOTE: Fragility analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672-C012

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculati::n C-017


Pilgrim Nuclear Psw;r Stati:n Shut 13 of 16 USl A-46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls S. C.

consulting engineering firm Check:

g. Tracy i

Blockwall Number: 198.02


Building:...... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 7177, Rev 1,12/1/81 Elevation:................... 23.00 Type:..................... 8" Shield n-lb M'xx/Mxx = 979/257 = 3.81 Moment unit ic Am (SS E):.............

.... 0.32g in M'xx (Allow):.................. 979 M'yy/Myy =2260/1141 = 1.98 M'yy (Allow):............... 2260 Mxx (calculated):............ 257 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):.......1141 reach the allowable value.

Tomado pressure =.859 psi (sheet 3 of Ref.1)

Static pressure equivalent to SSE horizontalload = 0.49 psi The ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.859/.49 = 1.75. This ratio is goveming.

Maximum Fragility = 0.32g x 1.75 = 0.56 g NOTE: Fragility analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672 C012 l

Blockwall Number: 198.03


Building:..... Diesel Generator

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2175, Rev 1,11/10/81 Elevation:.................. 23.00
2. EES Calculation Set No.1178, Rev 1,10/29/81 Type:................... 8" Shield
3. BECo SUDDS/RF # 87-722 Am (SSE):............ 0.32g M'xx (Allow):................ 979 Blockwall 198.03 is identical to 198.00, use the same value.

M'yy (Allow):.

... 659 Mxx (calculated):............. 62 Maximum Fragility = 2.29 g s

Myy (calculated):...... 65

JOB NO. 91C2672 Calculati:n C-01'/


Pilgrim Nuclear Prwer Stati:n Shset 14 of 16 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls sic.

consulting engineering firm Check:

Tracy Blockwall Number: 209.00


Building:...... Turbine Building

1. BECo Calculation No. C15.0.2791, Rev.1,9/25/92 Elevation:................... 23.00
2. EES Calculation Set No.1295, Rev.1,4/13/82 Type:............. 8" Partition
3. EES Calculation Set No. 2295, Rev. 3,11/12/82 Arn (SSE):.................. 0.49g I

Moment unit is "in M'xx/Mxx = 452/123.7 = 3.65 i

M xx (Allow):............... 4 52 1

M'yy (Allow):............... 2112 M'yy/Myy = 2112/1010.5 = 2.09 i

Mxx (calculated):..........123.7 The boundary line loads for tomado loading case are assumed to l

Myy (calculated):........1010.5 reach the allowable value.

Tomado pressure = 0.30 psi (sheet 1 of Ref. 3)

Static pressure equivalent to SSE seismic pressure = 0.18 psi (sheet 8 of Ref.1)

Then the ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.3/0.18 = 1.67.

l This ratio is goveming.

l Maximum Fragility = 0.49g x 1.67 = 0.82 g l

N Blockwall Number: 209.01


Building:...... Turbine Building

1. EES Calculation Set No. 2296, Rev.1,8/27/82 Elevation:................ 23.00 l


....... 8" Partition M'xx/Mxx = 452/129 = 3.50 Moment unit i ".

Am (SSE):............. 0.499 in M'xx (Allow):................ 452 M'yy/Myy = 563/127 = 4.43 M'yy (Allow):................ 563 Mxx (calculated):...........129 The boundary line loads for PBOC loading case are assumed to Myy (calculated):.......127 reach the allowable value.

From sheet 7 of Ref.1:

PBOC pressure = 0.84 psi Static pressure equivalent to the SSE horizontal load = 0.096 psi The ratio of two pressure values (assumed allowable to seismic) = 0.84/0.096 = 8.8 This ratio is not goveming.

Maximum Fragility = 0.49g x 3.50 = 1.72 g 1

JOB NO. 91C2672 C"Iculati:n C-017


Pilgrim Nuclear P;wIr Stati:n Shnt 15 of 16 USl A 46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Data: 2-11-94 Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a structural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls S C-consulting engineering finn Check:

T. Tracy Blockwall Number: 210.00


Building:....... Turbine Building

1. BECo Calculation No. C15.0.2232, Rev. 2,2/9/93 Elevation:............... 37.00'
2. Bechtel Calculation No. 10394-116-C69, Rev. O, 8/11/93 Type:.................. 8" Shield Moment unit is'"in M'xx/Mxx = 979/473 = 2.07 Am (SSE):.............. 0.42g M'xx (Allow):............... 979 M'yy/Myy = 1298/1006 = 1.29 M'yy (Allow):................1298 Mxx (calculated):............ 473 The boundary line loads for PBOC loading case are assumed to f

Myy (calculated):.......1006 reach the allowable value.

From sheet 23 of Ref. 2:

Resultant shear forces due to Tomado and SSE loading cases are 4529 lb and 3400 lb respective'y. Then the ratio of the two resultant forces is 4529/3400 = 1.33 and it does not govem.

Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 1.29 = 0.54 g NOTE: Fragil/ty analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672-C012 i

N Blockwall Number: 210.01


l Building:.... Turbine Building

1. EES Calculation Set No.1308, Rev.1,8/26/82 Elevation:

. 37.00'

2. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Type:

....... 12" Shield


Myy yy = 2371/355 = 6.7 Moment und is,n M xx Al o ):

........N M'yy (Allow):......

.2371 For a wall 67"long supported at two sides:

Mxx (calculated):......... N/A Boundary shear line load = 0.634x67 = 212 lblin l

Myy (calculated):.... 355 where 0.634 psi = equivalent pressure of the seismic load Psse - from Ref.1, pg.1 93 = 4.39 where 93 lb/in is allowable line shear load (Attachment I of Ref. 2)

. 212 Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 4.39 = 1.84 g

JOB NO. 91C2672 C:lcul:ti:n C-017


Pilgrim Nucl:Cr Prw::r Stati:n Sh::t 16 of 16 USl A.46/IPEEE Seismic Evaluation Date: 2-11-94 i

Project Revision 0 STEVENSON & ASSOCIATES By:

S. A. Chapsky a stmetural-mechanical Estimated Fragilities for Blockwalls


consulting engineering firm Check:

g Tracy 4

Blockwall Number: 210.02


Building:..... Turbine Building

1. EES Calculation Set 1309, Rev.1,8/26/82 Elevation:................ 37.00'
2. NEDWI 374, Attachment 2, Rev. O,1/15/88 Type:................ 12" Shield M'xx/Mxx = 3018/95.3 = 31.7 Moment unit is Am (SSE):........... 0.42g in l

M'xx (Allow):.............. 3018 M'yy/Myy = 1531/95.3 = 16.1 M'yy (Allow):......

.... 1531 Mxx (calculated):..

. 95.3 Static pressure equivalent to horizontal seismic load = 0.67 psi Myy (calculated):....... 95.3 (Ref.1, page 2) 2 68 For a triangular wall boundary shear = V = 0.67

= 1549 lb 2

Allowable shear 90x/2x68 = 5.6


V 1549 where the diagonal wall side alone is taken into consideration in accordance with Attachment I of Ref. 2 as two other wall sides are shorter than 6'-8".

Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 5.6 = 2.35g Checker's Note:

This is a conservative estimate of capacity, limited by shear transfer, since the actual shear transfer perimeter is = 68+ 68+ /2x68 = 232in.

This would increase the factor to over 13. This creates no impact to the SPRA since fragility values > 2g do not influence the risk outcome.

s Blockwall Number: 210.03 Calculation is not available.

Building:...... Turbine Building However this wall is shorter than 210.00. So the analysis for Elevation:.....

........ 3 7. 00 wall 210.00 can be used as bounding.


....... 8" Shield Am (SSE):................... 0.42g Maximum Fragility = 0.42g x 1,29 = 0.54 g M'xx (Allow):.

..N/A same as for wall 210.00 M'yy (Allow):...........N/A i

Mxx (calculated):......

..N/A l

Myy (calculated):...

..N/A NOTE: Fragility analysis superseded by calculation 91C2672-C012

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _