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Amend 8 to License SNM-0714 for Univ of Lowell,Amending License in Entirety.Jd Kinneman Forwarding Amend Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07000738
Issue date: 08/12/1988
From: Kinneman J
Shared Package
ML20246E838 List:
108693, 108696, NUDOCS 8907130016
Download: ML20246E836 (5)





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Pacts lb841-


U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION G MATERIALS LICENSE Amendment No. 08 Pursuant io the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code of Fedtral Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source; and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below;to deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is '

subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

4 Licensee In accordance with letter dated I University of Lowell 3-(pril4,1988,


SNM-714 is amended in


its entirety to read as follows:


2. One University Avenue Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 4 Expiration date September 30, 1990
5. Docket or

.N l

Reference No.

070-00738 6.13yproduct, source, and/or

7. Chemical and/or physical
8. Maximum amount that licensee special nuclear material form may possess at any one time under this licinse i

A. Plutonium 239 A. Sealed Pu-Be neutron A. 400 grams sources B. Plutonium 239

.B. Sealed sources or

.B. 75 grams

!l plated alpha sources l:

C. Uranium 233 C. Sealed sources C. 3 grams D. Uranium 235 D. Sealed sources D. 155 grams E. Uranium 233 E. Any E. 60 milligrams F. Uranium 235 F. Any F. 500 milligrams j

l 9.

Authorized use I

A. through D.

Research and development as defined in Section 70.4(j) of 10 CFR l

70; calibration; te6ching and training of students.

i E. and F. Research and development as defined in Section 70.4(j) of 10 CFR 70; animal studies.

1 k


10. Licensed material shall be used only at the licensee's facilities, One University i

Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts.

11. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 1. Code of f

Federal Regulations, Part 19 " Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers; y

Inspections" and Part 20. " Standards for Protection Against Radiation."

f j



Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of, individuals designated by the Radiation Safety Committee, Kenneth W. Skrable, Chairman.

jj i


The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is Warren Church.

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SNM-0724 ppg




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License number l



P 1

Amendment No. 08 p.

l l

l (Continued)


I l

13. A(1) Each sealed source containing licensed material, other than Hydrogen 3, with a i

half-life greater than thirty days and in any form other than gas shall be I

tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed six months, g

i except that each source designed for the purpose of emitting alpha particles i

I shall be tested at intervals not to exceed three months.

In the absence of a N

l certificate from a transferor, indicating that a test has been made within six E

months prior to the transfer, a sealed source received from another person l

i l

shall not be put into use until tested.

y I

p l

(2) Notwithstanding the periodic leak test required by this condition, any i

I licensed sealed source is exempt from such leak tests when the source contains I

l 100 microcuries or less of beta and/or gamma emitting material or 10 l

microcuries or less of alpha emitting material, y

i P

i (3) Except for alpha sources, the periodic leak test required by this condition p

i does not apply to sealed sources that are stored and not being used. The N

sources excepted from this test shall be tested for leakage prior to any use N

l of transfer to another person unless they have been leak tested within six j

months prior to the date of use or transfer.

t B.

The test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie of p,

radioactive material on the test sample. The test sample shall be taken from k

[N I

the sealed source or from the surfaces of the device in which the sealed


source is permanently mounted or stored on which one might expect i

contamination to accumulate. Records of leak test results shall be kept in g

I units of microcuries and maintained for inspection by the Commission.





If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable f(J j

contamination, the licensee shall immediately withdraw the sealed source from use and shall cause it to be decontaminated and repaired or to be disposed of i

i in accordance with Commission regulations. A report shall be filled within 5 5

days of the test with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Region I, 475 h

m i

Allendale Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406, describing the equipment j

j involved, the test results, and the corrective action taken.

g l


Tests for leakage and/or contamination shall be performed by the licensee or f

q by other persons specifically authorized by the Commission or an Agreement pl t

State to perform such services.

pl El l

14. Scaled sources containing licensed material shall not be opened.

N l

15. Except for plutonium contained in a medical device designed for individual human application, no plutonium, regardless of form, shall be delivered to a carrier for W

i shipment by air transport or transported in an aircraft by the licensee except in packages the design of which the NRC has specifically approved for transport of if i

l plutonium by air.

l l

h l



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  • "I License number l



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I l

Amendment No. 08 1


i (Continued)


16. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall conduct its program in accordance with the statements, representations, and I

procedures contained in the docunents including any enclosures, listed below.

I The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the ll statements, representations and procedures in the licensee's application li and correspondence are more restrictive than the regulations.

l l

F A.

The University of Lwell Radiation Safety Guide I

dated August 20, 1976 i


Letter dated December 11, 1979 i


Letter dated May 27,-1982 l

l D.

Letter dated December 30, 1982 y


Letter dated January 18, 1983 p


Letter dated July 26, 1983 p

a G.

Letter dated July 27, 1984 N


Letter dated January 17, 1985 E

Letter dated January 28, 1985 ll!


1 F



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For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Date By Ki man Nuclear Materials Safety Branch jP l

Region I jE tme-naamm

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O hAU698 1

L License No. SNM-714 Docket No. - 070-00738 Control No; 108696 University of Lowell ATTN: Leon E. Beghian

~0ne University Avenue

-Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 Gentlemen:

Please find enclosed an amendment to your NRC Material License.

Please review the enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand all conditions.

If there are any errors or questions, please notify the

' Region I Material Licensing Section, (215) 337-5239, so that we can provide appropriate corrections and answers.

l Please be advised that you must conduct your program involving licensed radioactive materials in accordance with the conditions of your NRC license, representations made in your license application, and NRC regulations.

In particular, please note the items in the enclosed., " Requirements for Materials Licensees."

Since serious consequences to employees and the public can result from failure to comply with NRC requirements, the NRC expects licensees to pay meticulous attention to detail and to achieve the high standard of compliance which the NRC expacts of its licensees.

You will be periodically inspected by NRC. A fee may be charged for inspections in accordance with 10 CFR Part 170.

Failure to conduct your program safely and in accordance with NRC regulations, license conditions, and representations made in your license application and supplemental correspondence with NRC will' result in prompt and vigorous enforcement action against you.

This could include issuance of a notice of violation, or in case of serious violations, an imposition of a civil penalty or an order suspending, modifying or revoking your license as specified in the General Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcemet Actions, 10 CFR Fart 2, Appendix C.

l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY ML SNM-714/LTR - 0001.0.0 07/13/88

7,.1 o

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- We.wish you success in operating a safe and effective licensed; program.


' Original Signed DF A John D. Einneman John D. Kinneman, Chief Nuclear Materials Safety Section B Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards



Amendment No.- 08 2.

Requirements for Materials Licensees D

.Q3 jh nnneman W /88 0[/h /88 9/r 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY ML SNM-714/LTR - 0002.0.0 07/13/88
