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ITS News,Autumn 1986,Vol 2,Number 4
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/01/1986
NUREG-BR-0056, NUREG-BR-0056-V02-N4, NUREG-BR-56, NUREG-BR-56-V2-N4, NUDOCS 8908110334
Download: ML20245E704 (12)


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. n .'m .. n g Volume 2, Number 4 m ask - Autumn 1986 M '

M NUREG/BR-0056 a-N i i

information Technology O U.S. Nuclear support A Services Support Center l Regulatory l and Training Laboratory \ ," , Commission Eng*me Dwspm.nt Tr.inmg Staff j

i i

ONE WHITE FLINT NORTH: l Consolidation's Effects on Data Procecsing and Telecommunications at the NRC

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NRC employees have b'ier ,.: 5:".,7". not let down the 40 per-

{ '

cent of us who will use a following the progress of the agency's consolidation '

personal computer or a li plans with growing inter- computer terminal at the I est. In this article we new location.

I oughly up-to-date, teclino-will crylere the current 1 gically sophisticated l

f and future impacts of the From the beginning of move to 10ne White Flint """"*#* the project, requirements North in the areas of data Indeed, the move to for intensive computer processing and telecommu- White Flint is already utilization and high-


! nications. being touted as a program Of course, a consolida- that will produce a gov-tion of needs implies a ernment hallmark for an THE ISSUE AT HAND l corresponding consolida- efficieng, attractive,and tion 'of services designed utilitarian environment. o.. nie. rit.e .oren: .......... I to meet those needs; and m.ns..tuit.. errect. An, ... s less duplication of ser-

..iB program that wi/ipro- earne t. h t. s. tart ..... .. 3 vices equates to an in-

. crease in efficiency. duce 8 government un in s.,,n..,.e.. n c crus j . i.,,.... a... , a y ,tu , ,,,,,, 4 In this case, hovever, BttraCliVe, and Utilitarian '" ' " '*'** " ' "* " " " " " " * '

consolidation means even ' gnyfi9nment...

  • a 'd a t I..P.ctors e more to the NRC's data , , ,

Did f*" E**** ******************* 7 processing and telecom- re c..r croup op4.te. .......... 7 munications planners - it Eaaily the most obvious run .,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,

presents the rare oppor- visuti change to take I tunity to begin from ' place will be the utili- suk r mu tu ~~ ~ ~ ~~.- 12

." square one" and provide zation ' of . systems. furni-for DP and ' t'elecommunica- ture. In this area, con-tions services in a thor- solidation planners have 8908110334 861101 PDR NUREG 18R-0056 R PDR

j ,- , _ , - -

'voluaa pxper use by NRR *A new occend-floor Rz-project engineers affected mote Job Entry (RJE) the workstation designs. facility for NIH, De-

__ Incorporated into their (TS NEWS Credits partment of Justice, and

, workstations will be ap- INEL mainframe' users.

proximately 50 percent Simultaneous downloading

,more table space than in The iTS NEWS is a quarterly of output files, to be current office designs. '

o,"$NM/"ch"7ut$" laser printed from these cEy*tEstaYo'f$hI NRC More important for the information Technology Service, aged by an HP-3000 mini- [

typical end user is the LDP ",, center y and Trainino computer; fact that nearly all work-stations will have the Your articles, ideas, questions and comments are welcomed.

  • A sister center to the capacity to incorporate a Please forward them to the ITS P-808 ITS Support personal computer, com- stan by: Center, to be located plete with printer. Fur- Phone: 49M60 adjacent to the RJE.

thermore, this equipment can easily be connected to g gws g ITS end-user support staff will be increased any of the NRC-accessible ITS Support Center by approximately 30 per-computing facilities. A cent in order to staff glimpse of one possible PC '8

""c*Nf,$nfon"nat;on Technoiogy both the 'old and new arrangement is pictured ggces Branch locations. However, walk-below. Scientific Programmer / n support service for Analyst INEL and MV/8000 systems c

c Pr' grammer/ Will be avail 8ble only Analyst James P. Smith, at the new loca'J1on. -

t Computer Programmer Analyst and Executive The new ITS Support Editor lTS NEWS Karen VanDuser, Center and the RJE will be q r "g

Systems AnaW among the first facilities fi. .

to open in the new build -

- ing. However, getting

ITS Training Laboratory users' workstations up and _

~% Kathy Beckman, Manager running is expected to Michaei canyes, instructor take from two to four George Mathews working Susan Ettenson*

at a sample workstation ^d ^ weeks. Users are advised u,,y a"M',','Ut,,c7o*"'

Arenda Hollauay, instructor to find an alternate means What you won't see at Peggy Lester, instructor of g etting their tasks Jed Peterson, instructor the new location are the Norman Stanback, instructor done during this initial installation and n shake-old-style " power poles" Douglas vekery, l d r.and down" period.

and open viring, both of which have been replaced

$37s$S l

by a modern, non-obtrusive Employee Development Wire management system and Training Staff Ready for the Future incorporated into the sys- p,tricia Rathbun, Nowl tems furniture. Senior Program Analyst . ,

Although some .telecom-Other lesa visual, but Note: The Training Laboratory munication benefits of equally important items of $SD5' ann' y consolidation will accrue note for ADP users at One RM/ DSS /ITS and ADM/EDTS. Immediately, others Will White Flint North include: not be manifested for at Graphics ,

least a year or two. How-

  • 5520 CPUs placed on Des,gn and uyout: 'Y'# 8 Planning for those alternate floors and NRC Graphics Section Photography: Dan Dehn changes now is essential, having the ability to 'and Tom Kellam and his be hardwired to one staff in the Telecommuni-another' '

(Continuedpage 5)

I + , '


by consolidating the fol-i ,

lowing data processing,

-- t h. . h . , .,7 .., telecommunications, and fY(1,.7.

-- J- -

information management functions from ADM and RN:

7-[ 7 , . . q. .

Division of Automated t

( __7.,' " ' '

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. , M q" -

Information Services

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Telecommunications p &=


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Branch (ADM/ FOS)

< -.. m -ny L ~ _ p f_ . . , . . ,

7, C Records Services Branch i

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t .E a (ADM/TIDC)

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Information and Records 1J Management Branch



  • - Library Brtneh NEW OFFICE OF new support office. A (ADM/TIDC)

INFORMATION RESOURCES deputy director for IRM is MANAGEMENT (IRM) to be selected in 30 to 60 In the new IRM organiza-ESTABLISHED days. tion, the ITS Support Cen- )

Major IRM objectives ap- ter falls under the Infor- I On October 16, in recog- mation Technology Services nition of the increasing Proved by the Commission f Branch of the Division of impact of information that will continue to be Information Support Ser-technology on the accom- important under the Chair-man's plan are: vtces. The acting Branch plishment of NRC's mis- Chief and acting Division sion, it was announced -

to establish automated rector, respectively, I that the Commission had ' methods to improve the ,

are Francine Goldberg and approved the establishment NRC's ability to regu-a The ITS of a new Office of Infor- late health and safety e7 Magee.

aining c utinues to mation Resources Manage- at nuclear facilities; ment (IRM). The implemen- emanagedbytpeEmployee,

- to improve the Document Development Training Staff tation date for the new Control System; with major input on ADP organization was November training needs and techni-9, 1986. -

to research and evalu- cal aspects of the curri-ate ADP technology and culum provided by ITS.

News of the new IRM of- to integrate this tech-fice was quickly eclipsed nology into the licens-ITS training and techni-by the major NRC-wide re- ing and management cal assistance functions organization proposed by process, will continue without in-Chairman Zech. Under the terruption for NRC end latter plan, IRM, the Of- The new IRM organiza-tion, with a staff of users.E fice of Adminis tration ,

and the Office of Resource approximately 120 and a Management t<ould be com- budget of 28 million dol. CORPORATE DATA bined into a single organ- lars, will manage and di- NETWORK izational ' entity, thuc rect all data process- Jack Frost consolidating the agency's ing, telecommunications, three major support fune- and information and re- Anyone who has used a tions. On November 10, cords services activities software package such as the staff was informed within the agency. The dBASE III to create data that the Chairman's plan organizational structure files will appreciate how had been approved by the consists of two divisions difficult it can be to Commission and that Wil- and a prograta management formulate meaningful names liam G. Mcdonald would staff as shown in Figure for the data elements and

serve as Director of the 1. These units were formed other components. ,



3 )


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I=gina, th$n',~ the dif ' / NEW CONTRACT AT tence, ' training, dccum:n-ficulty ' of ' formalizing ITS SUPPORT CENTER tati n, system management, naming standards for more IMPROVES SERVICES

""d ' ft"*'*/h**d"***

than thirty-five unique ?82 te"8" e. Her erP M-TO END USERS 1ence has been on various

'[ . types .of system compo-mainframe, mini, and micro

'nents: programs, files, On July 30, 1986 the NRC screens, records... and entered into a two year systems, primarily IBM and especially data elements. contract with Network So- WANG. She has a B.A. from Purdue University in Soci-


The potential for tens of lutions, Inc. of Vienna, {

logy. She also attended thousands of unique occur- Va. to provide services in George Washington Univer-rences of data elements in support of end-user com-sity, with coursework in all NRC's corporate data- puting at the NRC.

bases underlines the need General Management Systems

$ for care in their defini-The contract consists of and Human Systems.

tion and naming.

. two parts: (1) an ongoing task to provide technical q '

fr r 4 1 IRM has been working for assistance, informational materials, and other sup-

,Q, g months devising standards fg y for the variety of compo- Port services to users of ,qgy a s aM eqatMes nents that will comprise g -



  • M mainframes g the CDN databases. These g@

, standards, now complete, at the National Institutes sa% -

f Health; and (2) sep- ' Sx3 j

>l will make their " maiden

! flight" on the very first arate task orders, per- gp CDN development project. Mme site, to de- g i Commission approval of the vel P software for use in the ITS Support Center and

. g' s, I% 4p-a

. ! N's.%gg k @

development contract is to develop procedures re-  ;

Pending. lated to the support of & Mfd 7/N612f!

NRC end users. pam Stephens More on the CDN's prog-ress in the next ITS NEWS. The use of contracted personnel both for walk-in One on-s h e tad cg-rently being performed is technical support and for n .

n . . development of a call log-UNIVERSAL LAWS the IisereadIl visibt ging system that will be OF DATA change from previous ITS  ? sed t track problems PROCESSING operations. 2d*"tifi*d "h*" 8'82't*"8 end users. Benefits to be s - hen all bugs have been The NRC Project Officer for this contract is Karen W

  • * 'I' **

i found and corrected VanDuser, and the contrac- . Automated reporting of i the program specifications tor's Project Manager is information to Office i will immediately change. Pamela Stephens. Pam is Automation staff of ven-I responsible for ensuring dor sof tware and equip-ehind every successful that all contractual re- ment problems as well as

' programmer there are quirements are met and for upgrade needs; two programs getting ready reporting contract status. . Forwarding of frequently to blow up. asked questions to the

} Pam has ten years' ex- Training Lab for use in

() regrams always seek to perience in ALP consulting course development; expand themselves be- and information center yond available memory. support. Three of those . Identification of needs years were in project man- to the Information Sys-fter a file has been agement. She has worked tems staff based on re-deleted from disk, the in and managed all aspects quests for mainframe backup will immediately of information centers, information to be down-become unreadable. including technical assis- loaded to a PC;

) ,

4  !

J 4

y; n,.

' ~

. Immhdicto ecccas 'ts prs- ONE WHITE FLINT NORTH The brocdb nd c bla, viously solved problems (Continued from page 2) similar to that used in to assist the staff in cations branch have been the cable television in-providing timely respon- . working hard at it for dustry, can be function-ses to user questions. some time. . ally subdivided into a large number of frequen-The first of f-site ef- cies, each capable of fort is for the develop- Their task is to examine ,

the unique voice, data, carrying voice, data, and ment of a Software Locator video signals. It is this System. The Software Io-and video communication needs of the agency and to unique versatility that cator will consist of a may in the future make all devise a flexible system central list of names' solution to meet those other methods of voice, descriptions, NRC can -

needs. The solution must data, and video communica-tacts, Innguages, and ma- tion obsolete.

nt nly allow the NRC to chine requirements for all use telecommunications automated systems and Immediate gains to be software in the agency.

m re effectively now, but must also clear a path for realized from the new The' initial content of cable system may be sum-the agency to take future this system will be scien- marized as follows:

advantage of emerging tific codes, followed by dBASE and PC utility pro- technologies,

  • M st w rkstations will grams collected by the be capable of tying into dBASE User Group. .

... build in Now the any of the NRC computing The Software Locator capab//ity to hand /e any facilities with ease; will greatly facilitate Conce/Vab/9 new

  • Each workstation will be software sharing and will techno/cgy ... capable of receiving up thus reduce time lost in to four telephone lines, redundant development eliminating any possible efforts. All agency em- The approach chosen is ployees will be asked to build in NOW the capa- nged for the addition of bility to handle any con- lines in the future; during the next year to contribute to the effort ceivable technology that the fast-paced telecommu-
  • A new interim phone ser-of identifying codes to be ,

Vice will move the agen-included. nications industry may invent. The strategy cy away from an electro-The Support Center is being used is to wire the mechanical system and able through its contract majority of all work- toward a modern, fully with Network Solutions to statiens with a 5/8-inch digital one. Addition cable bundle of telephone, of new features will re-provide better service and to keep pace with the specialized ADP, and quire re-education on ever-growing need for broadband lines similar to the use of the tele-in the oncs shown below. phone; technical assistance the use of micros and IBM ,

  • M ne se m ces will be mainframes. For example, .. ,

as the Corporate Data Not- .'


/ ,

the NLC via software, rearranged directly by work becomes a reality, thus greatly reducing the contractor staff will 4 associated with assume responsibility for IDMS/R query support. g @v (k i .

q costs phone number relocation;


-c e e The fler.ibility of staff

  • Downtime for adding , j and skills made possible
  • deleting or servicing a

..f 3 m by this contract will, ,it X: M terminal on the 5520

'is anticipated, continue . $4V U M! system will be reduced to -enhance the Support . ~m .

- to a matter of minutes,

Center's usefulness to the ; Typical cable bundle for a thanks to a new " patch y s agency's.end users.E g , - computer. workstation ., ~

panel" wiring system; ,

,ny-ma ~yy, ,,:: ~~ -

' ~

(Continuedpage 7) 1 c


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,  ; ,., O DE 1 4

/ ;- 1 2 dBASE 111 USER 3 4 'UOOPClf 5 b INTRO TO GROUP 1:30, W-102 INTRO TO PART1 INTRO TO f NOVICES . . " . . . " . . . . . . . . = = . '

NOVICES . . " " . . " . . " . * * " *


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, NO,V p E,S NO,V p CE,S "*gggagg==pg""

, "ag=9gagg*gj", OISPLAYWRITE 3 j GENERAL MV/B000 PART 1 GENERAL MV/8000 PART 2 ,


\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ...................... ......................

  • e#RT i" S fRi?


22 'oB E 1 1 24 PARTI

..........t.......... * = "IN"TR"O p "T O"y"B A"S E"1"1 ' '



! dBASE Hj " " " " " " " " " * " * " " " " " * " " * " " " * " " " " " " " " * " " DISPLAYWRITE 3 i


...."............... dBASE Ill " * " " " " " " " " " * " " " " " = . = * * . = = .


',yffgTS 'oB EI

,1^rSi q="say COMuMPCRIONS AND CROSSTALK mSetAYwRiTE 3 """frylig"" " -"$" i;""" '

' PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING INgg ill IN gE,111 26 NG U GROU 1 W 102 28 29 INTRO TO 30 IN dBASE Ill " * ""Off46*f 6**""

  • BASIC IN - T1 PRO $ RAM NG 1...... PRO R M

... S.R,T,,1,,, , , , , PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING IN dBASE 111 INTERMEDIATE . ..UANNE.S .. PART1 ..........."IC".......

BAS PART 2 hT 1 LOT 23 RT 2 3

6 J

(. o . , , >


mc ,

. Flint North will ccatinua to unfold. ITS NEWS will

[ N NQ attempt in future issues to explore and interpret g

ROmInde the changing nature of ADP and telecommunications at g -

the NRC. Stay tuned! E Resident inspector Did You Know?

l Resident Inspectors will .

want to be aware of a re-cently developed menu-s driven dBASE III program 3 designed to al?.ow inspec-l tors to access and main-l tain various SALP, LER and j

- OIL databases.

l Data are easily entered -

l' and edited via the use of data entry screens and are retrieved by means of nu-merous query options.

These options include the November 21st .is the priotiu, of ,oaifica out_

final day fOr submitting standing Ite== Lists and SALP data in the currect a request fOr ITS courses ee31e formet, tO YOur training Coordinator In addition to these fectures, the program as-sociates all entered data with SALP functional ONE WHITE FLINT NORTH and internal video tele- areas, thereby providing (Continued from page 5) conferencing available inspectors and regional throughout the entire management with the abili-A single telephone ex- building >

change and prefix (492-) ty to correlate varioas the diverse data for trend will be employed, in

  • Accommodation for NRC's own future PBX analysis, place of the four cur-rently used; phone switching system. For more information on representing a consider- this program, please con-
  • Broadband cable tele- able expansion of ser- tact the Support Center.

vision service will be vices and capabilities; Similarly, if you know of available for monitoring ther NRC-developed PC news coverage and con-f* Possible future PC net- applications that may be working via broadband gressional hearings by and/or token ring tech-useful to your colleagues, key NRC personnel, nologies; give the ITS staff a call on x24160.

Future benefits to be

  • Utilization of a shared derived from ,

the new modem pool vs. one at dBASE 111 USER GROUP l cabling system include: each workstation; The purpose of the NRC

  • Protected access to all
  • Enhancement of features dBASE III User Group is to of a user's data from for electronic mail. share ideas and techniques any point en the tele- among beginning , inter- ,

, communications system; .The challengea and pos- mediate , and advanced I sibilities created by the dBASE III and dBASE III

[*.Broadbandclosedcircuit ' consolidation to One White Plus users at the NRC.

, 7

y y .; .

Becoming a membsr p~ts yo2 Bill, who -h:3 reccntly on tha esiling list cod is PC USER GRCUP begun work ca a Ph.D. in quick and painless. Call MEETINGS Information Technology at Carrie Williams, the 1:30 pm, Training Lab George Mason University, group's new coordinator, also reported on his visit v on x24470 for more last August to AAAI '86 in information. dBASE: First Tuesday each month Philadelphia - this year's

} convention of the American f The 3eptember meeting

' Association for Artificial was highlighted by our Intelligence.

f special guest speakers, :Od s Bill was impressed with the rapidly Mike Sweeney and Brad Pitt gr wing number of atten-of Ashton-Tate. The group FORTRAN: Last Tuesday ,

""d **th I8",' **'7 was treated to an in-depth Even # Months d**?

, noticeable presence at demonstration of dBASE III this year's event.

_ Plus. central interest for the novice dBASE III pro-

'At the 0~,tober meeting, grammer. User group member Lance Al Serkis and Garrie Wil- Lessler, NMSS, shared his llams were installed as Both Barry Marcus and experiences attending AI-the new chairpersons of Doug Vickery, who served focused sessions of the the group. Al and Garrie as the group's chairman Federal Computer Confer-shared their views on the and coordinator respec- ence held in early Septem- ,

future direction of the tively, have stepped down. ber in Washington. Lauce, group. A demonstration During their tenure over who was fortunate !.o have was also given of a pro- the past yer,r , the group von a free pass to the ,

gram, soon to be available e n erence, e usidered the has grown from 30 members metings a real bargain.

through the group, that to more than 150.

catalogues useful dBASE III programs, user tips

  • Al Serkiz on x27478 and bulletina, and articles.

Finally, group leadcr Garrie Williams on x24470 Jim Smith reported to mem-welcome readers' questions bers that his evaluation Al Serkiz led off the and comments.

November meeting with a

, of AI " shells" for the IBM

~i short demonstration of the PC was nearly complete and Al USER GROUP that members should expect dBASE III Plus Applica-The de- a product recommendation tions Generator. NRC's Artificial Intel" in the near future. Shells monstration was followed

, ligence User Group marked are software tools that by a discussion of this the demise of the old fis-

, enable users to produce topic, considered to be of cal year and the arrival their own expert systems of the new last September 3,ithout coding in a compu-

. 30 by reveling in sample ter language.

AI programs on the ITS 4 Training Lab's IBM PCs.

The AI User Group, ever With wild abandon, Bill at the hub of the social m Kennedy of NRR led the vhirl, will get a head A '

celebrants through a start on Thanksgiving rj hands-on encounter with expert systems Jin the indulgence at its next meeting on November 25 lab's classroom B. Though (Training Lab, 1:30 pm).

elementary in function, At press time, a main the demonstration programs course and a maitre d' had initiated many user group not yet been selected. As members in the nature and always, however, all in-

" HIT ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" practical value of expert terested AI party types systems.


are invited. .


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Elli M M assn . .

w.' , ,

< This section of the news- mainframes: NIH, DG, and might benefit. These tips letur serves as an area INEL. In many cases, these are in the areas of key-for disseminating tips and PCs are shared among board change characters, technical' information of several people, filename extensions, and interest to NRC micro and underscoring.

mainframe computer users. Some mainframe users have If ycu have any questione developed automatic logon Keyboard change characters regarding the Tech Notcs Procedures on their PCs, are Disp?ayWrite codes in or wish to contribute an allowing them to log on to the form cf small rects.1-item for publication, con- a mainframe directly via gular blocks. They appear tact the ITS Support Cen- their PCs' communications when changes are made to ter on 492-4160. packages. There is con- your document. They are cern that some users' difficult to delete, but 28infr8me Passwords are may sometimes be success-PERSONAL COMPUTERS coded into those proce- fully deleted by using the dures and are thereby not Block Delete function (F4 dBASE III Plus " Bugs" Test protected from disclosure. key). If you press Cmd (F6 key) and choose Display There are three vendor- NRC security requirements Codes, you can see them in identified flaws in some state that the user is your document. Although copies of dBASE III Plus* responsible to protect they can be a nuisance These bugs appear in password confidentiality. during editing, they do some version 77 copies of Further, INEL users are not affect your document the popular software. T required by EG6G computer at all, even when printed see which version of Plus security policy to store at a PC or 5520 location.

you have, at the DOT (.) their passwords in such a Prompt enter:

way that utieuthorized , DisplayWrite automatically

.? VERSION (0) undetected access to them appends an extension of cannot be made. Therefore, . TIT to your document's users ave such proce- name if you do not type an If the computer returns ,

dures n their PCs are in extension or a period.

"dBASE III Plus 2.0x77,"

vi lation of these rules. This occurs during crea-contact the ITS Support ,

'l" Pagtua-Center on x24160. The that any t ion ,' and "! of the printing staff there will help you #.mmends whether your user having sucp ,a proce- document. Problems may determine ,

copy contains these errors re either eliminate it occur if you attempt to append your own different entirely or a dify it to and can install fixes for eliminate the password and extension to a document l the software if it does. ,

allow the mainframe to name.

Prompt M h.

PCs and Passwords Non-standard extensions Many NRC users are now can lead to confusion in uaing a PC not only as a recovering files and some-self-contained computer. The Support Center has times result in the ina-but also as a remote ter- answered several recurring bility of the Support Cen-minal. to, _ access one or questions on . DisplayWrite ter to assist you with a taore of _the NRC-supported from which other users problem.

s 1



m. .  :

.] ..

Word underscoring (Ctrl-U) removed from the facility ling capabilities. Some should be used instead of and declared surplus. programs compiled and block underscoring (via F8 Those users who have an linked under older ver-key). Block underscoring occasional need to punch sions of FORTRAN may no cannot be hanoted properly cards will continue to longer execute properly.

l! by the 5520 or by some of have access to the IBM If you experience rentime J i. the PC printsrs in use at keypunch machines located errors in programs that NRC. If sisshed ktros (0) in room 054 of the Willste have previously been exe-appear between uneerlined Building. The P-634 fa- cuting correctly, the pro-words when the docoment is cility will continue to grams may have to be re-printed, word undet scoring serve all computers that compiled and relinked.

(Ctrl-U) with equired are currently accessed Also, all JCL statements spaces (Ctrl-B) betweu (i.e., NIH, INEL, BNL, and inserted for the conver-words will set things the Data Ge'neral MV/8000), sion period must now be right. but card decks will no removed from your job longer be processed. streams. For more details,

, refer to NIH's INTERFACE

Backups are Important! issue 131, page 35, and

! NIH issue 132, page 55; issues

! To avoid text of INTERFACE are available when problems occur, you PC File Transfer Changes at the ITS Support Center.

! should back up your files i esch time you update them. NIH has replaced the UCFTP The best vay to do this is file transfer package with Data Set Naming usually with the DOS Copy .tERMIT file transfer soft- Conventions To Be Enforced command. This is the way ware, running under TSO on to prevent Murphy's Law the IBM System 370. Disk- NIH has begun implementa-("If anything er.n ge ettes and documentation tion of a three-phase plan wrong....") from striking are available through the whereby all data set names ygt NIH Technical Information will be made to conform to Office (TIO), on (301) IRM standard nam %g con-3 496-5431. For a full de- ventions. Phase one is MAINFRAME COMPUTERS scription, refer to page now in offect, with the 10 of the August 18 issue other phases to follow Goodbye to Card Decks of INTERFACE, available at shortly.

the ITS Support Center.

Effective September 30, In phase 1, when a data 1986, the P-634 Computer set with a non-standard Facility terminated its New Version of FORTRAN name is referenced in

, support of keypunch card WYLBUR a warning message 4*

operations. The IBM 029 NIH has replaced version stating that the data set

,,r keypunch machines, the 1.4 of the VS FORTRAN com- name does not conform to Univac 1710 interpreting piler with a VS FORTRAN standards is issued.

3 keypunch, and the Harris / version 2 compiler. The Batch jobs receive a sim-COPE remote job entry new version has many new ilar warning message. In

-(RJE) equipment have been features and error hand- phase 2, the system will j  %~

' ;I 10 g, ,


< - e: n . , mywyggyzy;;; wre :

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not allow the creation of Also, their ' formati m will proper ID and password.

files with non-standard change from migration .The lesson here is, type names, either in WYLBUR or tape-number / data , set ' carefully when logging in.

in the course of a hatch sequence-number to julian job. date/ data set-sequence-number. The PAST and CUR-During phase 3, all exist- RENT options of the WLBUR M01 or M06 available7 ing data sets that still FIND command have been have non-standard names incorporated into the WL- You con determine which will be migrated. In order BUR SHOW, SCEATCH, and machine is the busier by to be recovered, they will RENAME commands. The FIND using the IUQ command. All have to be renamed with a command itself will soan files are accessible from name meeting the required be discontinued. either mainframe.

IBM standards.

For an explanation of To determine whether you these and other changes to have data sets with non- the migration / retrieval standard names, use the system, users are advised BNL .

WLBUR command SHOW to read the pertinent ar-DSNAMES NONSTANDARD. Use ticles in INTERFACE, issue Phase-out of CDC 7600 the RENAME command to con- 132.

vert your non-standard BNL has announced its in-data set names to the re- tention to change from a quit.d standards. For more Use WLBUR Abbreviations CDC to an IBM mainframe information on these data environment in FY87. In set naming conventions

  • The WLBUR SHOW ABBREVIA- order to minimize this refer to TNTERFACE issues TION command may be used action's impact on proces-129 and 132. - to show valid abbrevia- sing and users, Resource tions for words recognized Management has chosen a New Migration System by WLBUR. You may find "best fit" solution of that using the shortened transferring the bulk of NIH is installing a new form of each WLBUR com- NRC's BNL processing to migration system. The new mand helps you to avoid the INEL CDC environment, system from IBM, called typing errors while saving with some applications Hierarchical Storage Man- both keystrokes and time. being converted to run on ager (HSM), will provide the DG MV/8000, many new enhancements to the migration / retrieval Even with this solution, environment. - conversion of tapes, codes, and data will be During implementation 'of Ever Been Locked Out? necessary. Any BNL user ESM, there'will be a num- who did not receive . the ber of + changer; visible to Five cumulative incorrect September 30 letter and notices regarding


the -user.' For exauple, attempts to login result later retricial numbers for all in a " locked out" status , tapes and files, please dataitsets 'will change. even if you then enter the contact ITS at once.

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. BACK TO CASICS: ' cud vend:ro' c:ftv:ra Icter wha you cra trying ANSWERS TO SOME P:chages, to lecsta a fila who:2 i

. COMMON PC QUEST 10NS n ra has b:en forg:tten cr l l " "*-

Your opsrating system when there have been sev- l is like the director of a eral versiona created at ]

theatrical presentation, different times.

l coordinating and tracking j

  • resource use and assuring What is the notch on my diskette forf

/,e 7 the smooth interaction of the various pisyers. While 1 g/t, b Y//

g s/

,I far simpler than the oper- D' . tch , locate 1 on i

ating system of a large the upper right corner of

' the diskette, is known as

'j' computer, your PC's Disk i

! Operating System is vital the write protect notch, l e to its operation. When the notch as covered j  % by a write protect tab (a

--  ! d,;} ,' Is it n ec es sary to anter small sticker provided in the date end time each each box of new disk-i , j time I start av PC? ettes), the disk is pro-


N~ tected from accidentally Although DOS will allow being erased or over-you to simply press ENTER vritten with data, rather than type in the What does en Operating date and time, it is inad- May I insert or remove a

, System do and why do I visable to take this diskette while the drive need onet shortcut if you plas to licht is onf create or revise any files The operating system during the s es s icin . En- N01 The light indicates allows the hardware compo- tering the date and time a read or write operation nents of your Personal allows correct date and is in progress. To prevent Computer to work together time "s t amping " of each corruption of the data

,as a single unit. It also file saved to disk during stored on the disk, always controls the erecution of that session. This infor- vait until the drive light your application program. mation is often valuable is off.E

y. - .- .- .


! Location:

Location: I l Room P-808 Phillins Building Suite W-102 Woodmont Building l

l 7920 Norfolk 8120 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD Avenue20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 [


! Phone:

l (FTS) or (301) 492-4160 PHONE: [

i NRC Local 2-4160 (FTS) or (301) 492-4744 l NRC Local 2-4744 [

[ Center Hours:

g 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. M - F g Open:

g Consulting Hours: Monday - Friday [

8:30 - 11:30 a.m. M - F [

I 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. M - F ~

Hours: I

! Services: I 8:30 a.rn. - 5:00 p.m.

I User Assistance (Telephone & Walk-in) I l Equipment and Software for Trial Use Sc-vicos: l Demonstrations Three dassrooms for formal ADP training in- l l Technical Ubrery ciuding two equipped with twelve IBM PCs. [

I Tours I '

" Hands-on" instruction in the use of g

) L. Comp 6ter 'rnd Videa-based Tutorials- microcomputers

- .- and timesharing systems

. - - - - - a[


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