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Indexes to Nuclear Regulatory Commission ISSUANCES.January- March 1997
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1997
NUREG-0750, NUREG-0750-I01, NUREG-0750-V45-I01, NUREG-750, NUREG-750-I1, NUREG-750-V45-I1, NUDOCS 9709020298
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NUREG-0750 Vol. 45 Index1 i

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January;- March 1997; l s 4 [ .

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9 j7 vogo g 97063o 075o R PDR


Available from I

-f Superintendent of Documents l U.S. Govemment Printing Office RO. Box 37082 i Washington, DC 20402-9328 A year's subscription consists of 12 softbound issues, ,

4 indexes, and 2-4 hardbound editions for this publication.

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l t t NUREG-0750 l Vol. 45 Index 1 l




i January - March 1997 l

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I' Prepared by the Office of Information Resources Management 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 (301-415- 6844)

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.; Forword f j Dsts and indenes for insuances of the Commaskm (ClJ), the Atomic Safety and {

lj(trahg Ikiard Panel (IJIP) the Adminatratre 1.nw Judges (AIJA the Direckin'  :

Dechkms (l)D1 and the Deciskms on Petitkira for Rukmaking (DPR M) are presented l in this (keument. These digests and indeses are intended to serw as a gukle to the i luuarnes. j informatkm elements common to the canes heard and ruled uptm are:

Cane name ((mner(s) of facihty)

Full test tefererar (volume and paginatkm) j luuarxe numter appel ,

laaues legal rainal citatkira by(cancs,lantsregulatkira, armi statutes) l l Hame of facshty,Ikwket number Subject matter o' issues aral/or rulings i lype of hearing (operating licenne, operating Iktnne ameralment, etc.) '

. 1)pe of lamuarxe (memorandum, order, deemkm, etc.)

These informatkm elements are duplayed in one or more of five separate formats s arranged as folkm:  ;


1. Cane Neane indes j i

'the cane name irides is an alphabetical arrangement of the case names of the issuarnrs. !!ach cane name is folkmed by the ty[e of hearing, the type of iuuance, docket j number, tuvance numter, and full test reference.

2, Headecs and Digests lhe headers arxl digests are presented in iuuance numter order as folkms: the i Commiukm (ClJ) the Atomic Safety and IAensing floard Panel (l. IIP) the Administratne I Aw Judges (AlJK the Directon' Decisiora(DDh and the Decakms on i Petitkms for Rulemaking (DPRM).

'the header identifes the issuarxe hy tuuarce nurnier, came name, facihty name, docket numler, type of hearing, date of issuance, and type of tuunna.

The digest is a brief narrative of an luue folkmed by the resolution of the inue and any legal refercrurs used in resolving the naue. If a given iuuarxt cowrs mor e than one l i

innue, then separate digests are used for each inue and are designated alphatetically.

3, legal Citationa lades


1his irnica is divkkd inta four parts and consists of alphatetical or alpha-nu merical arrangements of Cases, Regulations, Statutca, and Othen. These citations are hated as ginn in the iuuances, Changes in regulations and statutes may han occurred to cause changes in the number or name and/or applicabihty of the citatkm. It is therefore important to corskler the date of the iuuance.

'the references to canes, regulations, statutes, and othen are generally folkmed by phranca that show the application of the citation in the particular luunnce These  ;

phrancs are folkmed by the iuuance number arxl the full text reference.


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4. Subject indes Subject wr* ardor phrahes, arranged alphatetically, indwate the inues and subjects cuvered in the issuarut 1he subject headmp are folkmed by phrases that give specific informatum thout the subject, as ducussed in the iuuarwrs tring indesed These phrahes are folkmed by the iguance numter and the full test reference.
5. Fa<llity Indes Tha ir*z conshts of an alphatetical arrangement of facility names from the hausta, lhe name is folkmed by didet numter, type of hearmg, date, type of nuuance, luuaru numter, ar d full text reference iv

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k CONSUMIR5 ft)WIR COMPANY j lit.QUL.5T IOR ACilON, DIALCIOR'8 Dr.ClilON UNDIR 10 C f R ll 206, Ikukee N4 s %2SS, a 72-7, DD 911, di NitC 3109778,1097 5. 43 NRC 135 OW7) i N11 RGY DPl RATlONS. INC.

kiQULTT IOR ACllON. DIRIC10R'S Dicl510N UNDilt 10 Ci R l2 206, ikxtet Nos $0 ill.

I 30168, 72-1), DD 97 5. di NRC I)$ 0997) f I.NYlkOCAh!' Ol' (fl AH. INC.

klQUlst IOR AcilON, DIRICf 0R'$ DICl510N UNDI R 10 Cl R 6 2 2A Iksket No 40 8989 (thenw No $MC lS39L DD 97 2,41 NRC 63 0997)

Gl.N!RAL PlfbtlC Ullt.fillJ Nt01AR (URPORA110N Ort RAllNG ljCLN5L AMINI >Mr.NT; MI MORANDUM AND ORiff R (Ruhng agi kuninusy

, thspoutum Minnet thuket Nu SG21943tA (A51. lip No 947174241tAL liiP.971, di NRC l 7 !!997)

I OI OkOI A POWI R (V.iPANY, er af

! Pl QUI.Sl LOR ACisON, DIRICTOR'S DI.015 TON UNill R 10 C I' R 6 2 206, ( Anket Nos 30 321, Sn)66, 50424. $0-425.10974. 41 NRC 164 (1997)



'. OPl.RA11NG LJCINst. AMINDMINil Mt MORANDUM AND ONDI R (fennvasung Pnneedingt

' IAsbet No $0 4610LA (A%ISP No. 97.725410lA), l. IIP 97 4. 45 NRC 125 (1997) 1.Ol451 ANA 1 NI NGY ElRVK'LS, l.P CONSTRUClloN PI kMil-OPI RAllNG ljCl. Nils PROCil.lstNO, PAR 11Al. INill AL I4Cl% ION l (Resolung Comemwer a B and i 3L thuket No 701070 ML ( AilltP No 9144142 Mt I (% penal Nudrw Meenal LAennet i DP 97.3. 41 NRC 99 0991)

M All RIAL 3 (jct. Nil, OkDI R, th= ket No 70 3070 ML; Clj 97 2. 41 NRC 3 Ovv7L Clj 97 3,45 NRC 49 Ovv7L Clj 97-4. 43 NRC 93 0997)

NOdllit.A51 NLO.I AR INI.RUY (Y)MPANY klQ'J851 IOR ACTION. DIRlCIOR'S Difl110N UNiil R 10 C I R 4 2 206, IAshet No $4 24%

tlwene No DPR.28t lid-97 4,4$ NRC $6 OW7)

RALPH L 111klCA 5PICI Al. PROCll. DING. INITIAL I)lC1510N, I Awhen No 59 20726 SP (A5LBP No %72141 $11 (Re opermor lanset I.itP.97 2,45 NPC 5! 0997)

EPIC 1 AL PROCillilNG, (URRICllD COPY 06-' MI MOR ANDUM AND ORDI.R dh.nal of Raonai&taimn. Sia3L thwket No 33 20726 $P (A$lllP No 94721 UI.$P)(Re Opera or L Aennet l LitP 974 4% NRC 140 0997)

AlQUOYAH IUI LS (URPORATION and GINI RAl. A10MK'S l I NIORCl MINI ACllON ME MOR ANDUM AND ORill R, Iksket No 7G )D74 ML, Cl..I 971, 41 i NRC 1 OW7) 10Lt DO II)l%ON CtAIPANY, et si  !

I klQUT.Si LOR ACTION, DIRLCTOR'$ lit C151oN UNDI R 10 C l R 4 2 20h, [ Whet Not W 346, 1 72 ION, DD 97 3. 43 NRC 78 (1997)

UNI \lRSITY Of CINCINNATI MAllKIALS tlCINSL AMINDMINT, MLMORANDi1M AND ORDI R Ohsnusung Pnweedingt i thsket Nu. 402764 MLA (A$ltP No 97 72241.Mt.AL linP 97 3. di NkC 128 0997) l t


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CAhl-; N 4MI: INill:X WI S11N0iM ost.111 C161C (Y *MHt 4T ION klQt'IST LOR AClkW, talkit*f t*'$ til 015KW tlN!)1 R 10 Cl R 12 M.1815 97 7. 4% NRC 245 (lWil

% !$(1W'.N (11(*lltlC h)WI R (Mif%NY RIQl'ISI IOR ACTHW, liikirl(8R 5 IH1%RW UNiil R 10 Ci R I 2 2% IAdr4 Niw $0 NA M W1. 73 3,10 91 $, di NRC I)$ (lW7) 3

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!)lGISIS 115l1AN(1 A OF Tilt. NU(11.41t IllGlilATONY COMMIT $loN Clj 91i $1 QUOYAH IUI13 CORPokAllON and 01.NI R AL. ATOMICS (Cawt. Ottateena site Decen-e nunatum and tirumvevisunung fundmst Ikwkat No 44 8027 LA:1NI**CtMIRT AC* TION. January 22,1997, MI MORANistfM AND OR!st.R A lie Conwimatise grams two peutums las revice shaller> ping de (Aetaing board's afiroval of a settlenuw agreenew 11w Cornnunum also esiahhihes a twwhng shedule ClJ 97 2 iOUtil AN A I Ni PGY El RVK131. P 1Clehwtia I rwahnem femer), ikdes No 7M070 MI4 M All kl AI A I K1Mt . Januny 29.1997. Ok!>l R A W Conuniewon demes a newnut. 6ted by de inserwiwa. eeipwinns pamal reconsuhinuon of ClJ-i 96 8. 44 NRC 107 O'96) la Gl 04 R. dw Camwmicon gramed la part and denwd in part dw tecewms's I pronue liv revre ed Atenac &afety and (Jeanung Inied Imuel twishe iItP47,43 NkC 142 0996).

I mLdi sewived all t<wnewwme on enwegena y planmng ta ur Alti naru's faviv D H.muna ins seconuesanon tiwy sme reis on a saw desis diet tuuld love twee suced ewlice 6a a petune fit steww C NRC tales somemplate pelnkms fiw evtcwisidessine of a Cinivsuisne de(issue on dw eiertia, ha, pretions Iso tenmaiderniae of a Conminute Attuon in decliew eetwo ad sa 6nue. See 80 C F R-I 3 78Nel Clj 971 1 OUlil AN A l Nl kGY $1 RVK13.1, p (Claltmety l nrkhnent Centell Utdet No 70 3070 Mt.;

M All RI AL A l.KINR letrusy 1.4.1997. Oklil R A The Comnusuun grams peouses 6ied by llw 5taff stui L amissarm I nergy Servues few Conumiuon sevwe of dw Ahnmc Safety and lAenung board Parmal imu=1 twish*. LFP 96 2$. 44 NkC 336 0996),

I and sets a twic6ng odedule pursuem to 10 C f R 4 2 7ANdi (1J 97 4 L.OUl%l AN A I NI RGY $l*VICl1 L. P (Claibtwer I whheirsil Cenies). Ikutes No 70 3070 Mia M All RI Ala 1.lCl.N58. Much 21,1997. ORDI R A W Comnunca avants Nucles 1 nergy inmutuie's namos f4w lesw to 6ie na aeres sur6se hwwf 6e ele appeal to de Ahmus Safety sad luenung floard a setend Partial Ininal Decisioet 1.lLPN 23. 44 NkC 311099til, and seliusts ttw tweeting sdwdule and page bnvis fin responuw and seply bnets The C<mmessum also gesms Louiuana lacrgy Serth*e' tmane its Hw Conmunison to drin 6ling of peuuons fin retwe of de thud Parnal Imnal twkum l HP 971,49 NRC 99 (1997)

H *1 A}n a=was surwe neteinanly takes de prweedmg as it hnds it An aanh a.: swesar can nciller j onsect new innes tnlo a pentedeng enw aber tte comes of etw eettwd drvehged by lie pwucs

  • fuNe( [

3erik e C, ef Nrie Haapierre 15eabrtw4 Statiost Umis I and 2L Al. All kt.2. 23 NRC 144,190 (1987)  ;

i (tuonnoic amunedi l

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' INSUANCIA DF Till' ATOMIC $41l'1Y ANil1,101A%iNG is")ARinS l  ? 911 Of Nt.RAL Pl$1JC Uillitit 1 NtK11.AR (URPORAllON (Oyster Cmk Nedrar Generwing

' &inuont indet No. 50 tit.OtA (ASLMP No %.71742-OLAL OPl RA11NO LICINSE AMLNDMINT, t

! Janusy Sl,1997; MLMOR ANDUM AND DRlit R (Ruhng on $ununary thspediens Manon) l A la sus pmeJeng concettung challenges by leerveens Nuctrar inicaniatue Rraource $artire l (NIR$l and de Oyunr Oscek Nelem % skh (OCNW) to a techanal spectinehoa chnage regading leavy t j had heruthng ova de Oyswr Crack Nm ira Generasing Statnwi spent fuel pml. On Ikensms % erd granis ,

j samtiary deposisme to faves of (Jcensee Ocnetal Pubhc Uuiries Nalear Corpsarica (OPUN) se de side  ;

j leveveme comemeon, tuhng that (1) pue to the requested sevismin,04 trdm6eal spenhcanos Ad peclude .

I I tie travy ined activity sww al lasw, (2) as they endedy tie agency's %Iense-en-depth" philosophy, .


j tie povinces of NURio Mll, "Cauvrul ed Heavy leinds u Nairm Po*W Plams' Ouly 191601, whkh j l

Imertemos assert pedude autivetnag He regurned techmcal spenfu anon change, enat, Inh gusdance rader j p.aa regulanwy sequannems fie handhng lesey loads and (1) euntung in dw promkun of NURI.0412 i-and laim NRC binff generte irtiers intenutrd to prormde canpharwe with ducerews's reconmradanons ,

l,es ow swiguos ad the requested tecimaal spenhcaine shange 11 The first laterpetanomal omd tw diumiung ew nramag ed the ternu til a twense is siv plain j L '

nrarung of ste language of de ptome in qwermn f

,; C A sutisegwas enactnres that detimes de imes of na ewlier povmon generally is to le gives

\ *gren weigtn" sa resatving a nmemwtum pn.tkm $re Red lun an udsuung e ICC 395 U.$ 361,356

' 81 (19t>9), if 17A Am Jw 2d Centra-se i JAB, st41516 (1990 (e hea conirm1 trams rv ambiguous and pours have ende tWhat marts soonerrung de sane sutyer* nwice, dune inatterrrr:ts can be taanuned *

  • e- ,

togethre 4 sid to 6mespetanon) 11w relevan6e of such a subsequera enactmen; areme parureisly crit'y ._

! eten de parties mim shahed and appoved the resiuon declare a was Hueruled to slanfy any anduguity en l tte (who version "

il in a techi*al spes1Acahoe pwarragei em sees forth a genrral potubeuon, We une of the term t I

! "euert" to descrite a speuAc acessty sanctioird is a subsequem pmagraph establistwo that, but IW 4fs

- speth< auoa as an eareptum, that atuvity wotdd t-e covered by tle general pienhsuos

{ l. A $laff repst braring the NURI O designau.e dies tua fall emo ow cascanry of a regulmary "requuenreu,* stut ni a statute, reputauon, licertie cosulatue, or ordre See Carimurs if she (!n/ verser) es/

Alusvert, C119% 1, el NkC 71,98 (19%) lancaJ. al best. "H sceses as guul,uwe, setting kwth lust one ',

nellnul fut nreung de apphcable regulauwy regineens nts . , la other awds. that docunent 'as treaird sirnply as ethirtwe of a irgmmene strans fw ctmplying suh regulaim wquuenwms *

  • Carohne l'ouer (

end (Jght Co (5traon Hanns Nmirar Ibmes Planet Al AB $42,24 NRC SR 344M (1916)(quntmg Aftneywhius iduon Cp (Tiwre Mile Island Nmlew Stamet Umt 11 ALAll Ma,16 NkC 1290,1298 99 (1982t afy d m parr vsa suher ghan=Js CLI 8 0 22, il NRC 2W 0984  !

I in a gencrk lettes that both tequestrd" Ituit ine, sers take sanuus ations sad " requited" dias luenwes povide a repwt detaibng Hwir compharwe effont in remirait to de tepvuq coruponces of a j genens trues, wluch seenungly mould constnote a requirenwm ' see 10 C I R. ll 2 204, 30 54(fL de

serwric Irner's conphance reqwse would emt emmtvie a + tequiremesu" in etw absence of sonw aJclauonal regulauwy duecove such as an ordet tw a regulaimn smulams cumphance Cf 60 led Reg 44Jti,34,392 '

l (199,9)(agrocy empects luvnsees to aJhrte to cmimutnants resutung hem aJimmutative stumis such as ccmhemaiory acuon Irners and mill suue appwnese twJm to enune conmolnrnis are mrtl repnsued #a t


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DIGINIS luO4NCl E Of Till. ATO%HC 64 tim AhD llCl%l%G bO4kD$

Orke of Iafittenre. U $ Nuilcar krgulahey Cimeuumn NUFl O IMO. Teneral km enrut of Poho and Praedures f(v NRC lef rienrm Athles" at 14 (July IWh 0 A testautal sinainatum dial as out sul pect to rei6 um mouW end le de ehem its prtnuling in anhim 187 of de Akwius' Isergy Ad that sigency asiued inenies at

  • nut 9ett to enrn& rem 7 42 U & C

!!2 t7. see else. e g,10 C l R i S0 W1 tiw Cimgress neiestriated that any bienic povinte touW be thanged, a tras8 so beg as t!w ferispui snugte mas tut stuttuial in de public tralth arul safety te de vensene *fra+e anJ sesurn) Cmecqurely, la de shieme id language ta de hcense (se a4wie odert tepulmbey eeqissvertem) teint makes puuulcat a biente possene e anuragabilele de quenana in a thenne d

anrendurnt pmee4ng generall., na elethrt de requeurd tiumpe de tortuttent with alt tatiie h agesny tepulahr) stru tures and any suna4e gedanie i11P W 2 R Alfil1. Il iklCE (Ortual of Alt iatom h fie kreme Opevat4v lAennel. Ik= Let Nu 3% 20726-

$P (4%i.HP No % 728 el-$h (Re Operasta 14,enett $Pl CI Al. PROCl I DING, letvemy 22.1997 INil1 Al. IDItulON A 17e Pres 6. bag Ofhier drierstuned that a teartiv egetaise shi=W tw timentered to have passed de ennen test fit acmie teate ugerous B He detersruned thas one of de quesivosis on de esam was aninguous out sk=W be disalkmed He al a &ternuned, es de sheems ad guedatue frtwa de $taff td dw Cornnussum thal etartunatum hives me suffusemly 6mpntee that dwp shield tw rouruled in de nearesi emegee As a usingueme, de snee e a de utmen etanuseum nas 80'4, ahhh the heu&ng Offnee comu& red a pausng saws kme stos mas de last imedie fio de alt al am 6e eetauung lus (nense, atr Prending Offnet ditesled de Asaff to issue a $enue Westiv Operahr e beenie lo him I MP 91 ) 117UIM AN A l.Ni kuY $l kVICl S. l.P (Cimbene i mkhnw** Cemeet indet No *1 WR ML t AM DP Na 91 fi4102 Mil (%patal Nmirm Mantal 14cenic,. COMikUrtlON PI RMil-ON R AllNu l k1 N41. Psort l DINO. M,eth 7,1W7, PARll Al lNill Al. lsi Cl% ION (Renolvits Con tenimme 9 mil J h A in dus Petial leutial tirtlane la de omd4 wd omstructuur prraut-operaung inen.c pmce&ng fin she Cimbiane i nruhnrm ( emet, etw lateneing h.imd tennives in faviv uf de trecevens a Natum of desornnuunnung funding esquentum 11 I auf enirsenemal omtentum J J cinwertung de cimscision ownpurs of dw estinia ed oise of talt aspital 8 lie 04motuuma's tulrs of paiwe int dw tonJuct of lortral a4udaarity tranngs pim* in ID C I R l 2 712 that tie att ni am has she bunlen of pad la dw pmerang 1hus, se indre fit de agth sam to povail em es.h owneued fa.tualissue ihe ast nam's i pnetum must tw supported by a peponderashe of the evedrene PA4sde(pk Desus Cn (lanrikk Oenrraung $ talion, Unus i and 2t Al Ah 819,22 NRC fil1.120 0984. Pm #A Gui sad J leiras Ou dhatilo Canynn Nmlrav hmer Plant. Unns i and 2t AL AhJ61,19 NkC $71.177 (19541 See 1 (1 a: Irs H Kmh, it , Adeumurume hew emi Pruren e l6 44 littlh C The VM C hiemismam Act 42 U $ C- I!J97h litantimill som makes de lirpsenwns of I rerg),

as ste enpeat ed an NRC-lxenned entwhev, respeutdc fin tle dispisal ed depleted uramum taili m 1801. s thtsmal costs. Im huling a geo taia stime of any of II(ll's salpnal tints ihr 97 4 ll1INots $41%i N COMPANY and hoYl AND PO%l.M GM)PI R AllVl'. (Chnson IWer Ma tum. Uma IL Dm ket Na W468 01 A ( A51 hP No 97 72001,OL.At OPI R AllNO ljrl,N%I: AMINIL MI NT, M.wih II, IW7, MI MOR ANDUM AND ORDI It (1ertmaalmg Prottwang)

A la this pxeeding ress&ng dw pioposed transfet of tte ownertiup shme of Clinhe Power Statum stunimiy o,are Soyland heet C4sgwrmite to mapwity conre Dba. hver C<wnpanp. Ste LAenung therd granti dw eatpued tequest 44 Pvttuom1 kmthmettern i lettric Cetteranve, lac , to diarrust ses potective sniersemum petama and scretumme de pm reding Il knt yl twiaune a 6bng it laivled a peutum to tmersene doce eut pevent alw penang offuer fiswn tresung 44 si a enwit to amunie a heming af dus. in fact,is what de peutment to seeking See Nalce As. w Heiun Co (Yankee Nutlear Power Stanon), Cl.1 #6-1,4i NRC 1, S t19W litP 971 UNIVl R AffY Of CINCINNAll (lletual of 14cenic Anetkinwul Iksket No 3402764 ML A 4 44 hP No 97 722 411 MLA1, M All HLAl s (KI NM AMI NI) MINT. Mash 27, lW7 Ml MOR AN-DOM ANil OkDI R (Ibnusams Prtnec&agt 6

lilGIII S aut'AM1s Os int. A10uir sul-n Ahtill(1Nsiso >O4 kin I lip-97 6 k AlJ18 L 111&ICA <tartual tif An e tstne fie Remtiv (%cmie L Aenwi (km kre W H 207N hr ( AMitP No 4724 -014h the (genue (Jacans t. M10 tat. Pkt ull.!*INo, htarch 27, IW7, (11NatlCllll(TW'Y Of htlMOR ANtiUM AN!) Okl81 k (thwat id krsonu&tstem. bravi A liv (Neueng Ofiker denied tiv Staff a emque fis swieuktatem He evird Gud the Sisit skuld frateshelily Issve Instter# tid lift lHetalke ed plW0rf te lied 40 fttutul tip nlt u lald 8 etattuhattie 344W9 Cie cqwwly, $ tall stinuld base amied Gus qweine tariert and a was emmrly to du w 6n a MMme die Westeukraine komt de heis&hp OfAct also sigluad Uma part maa ha serquetam 6alcty saiue invidved. le owd int distresie he drey ow vedinrly emituist



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15$UAN(t$ OF Diki.Cf ORP Ditl% IONS i i

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DD 971 (UNutMt.Rt KNIA (UMpANY (hhawire Nmles Pimal limket Nos 30 23),12-1, kli j l QUIS1 IOR ACIRIN. januwy ll,1997: Dikl,C10R'S DIClilON UNDIR 80 Cl' k i2 206 l l

Ile Acting thierow of Ww (he of Nairw kence<w Regelmum is grarumg. to pws, and dray 6ng, j l A to pet, a pteme 6ied le on segameauems Dim's Wasw Mwhigan and talw Mahigna ledresum rursuant l  !

I le 10 0 7 R 4 I hm The fvutamees eequenard dim He NitC (11 &nd thal Camamava hwer Ctegany

' nilated NRC segewneme telaied la unheeng gwmedures fw dry ahwage coks fis spes entire fuel (21 euiprad the (Atenwe's usa ed liv genteeil inente provisismo selawd to d y sad aurage of spem ' '

anules fuel (4 requut a entstannel pensky be paid by ow Ikeesee, and (O mv$uct tranngs triated ,

to weih.mbng puedees im dry estrage sa Le at Pahsa<lre to We entes that Ow riRC las dricenuned pial Camounwre punee Congiany v6*lawd NHC regulmame enenfar as ow twiginal valuading pmedme drveloged l l i Iw wedusuhng dry suvage tanks was tud sitagume, dw prtiporiis granted Ihmeveis, per NRC has daisled l' sud to neg use a esed penalry lie de W4 arum or to suspend Coneuares how Camgiany's ow of de general ,

i luense la dry tad stanage al blundes la thas enwns, Os prunam is draud ,.

(10 972 1 NVikOCARI. Of U1 AH. INC.,Ikicket No 40 89tt9 (lacense No SMC 15% kl4UI 5T IUR ACIlON, Ietemary 1,1997, litkl.ClOR*$ lilClilON UNDI k 60 C i R l 2 20h '

l A N thewtsv, Ofhre of Nmbrar Maweial Salety and hafeguards, has drased a peuuan fded by .

i lir 11amme B Cadman se twhalf of Natural Remustes lirtenne Counc61 (NROCl wquentog thal sie I NRC take artma vegeding lavtrmme of Utah. Inc (i nv6tmwel The leuttte eequested that ow NRC ..

tumr4aiety revi4e any tweau sw rauw ste $sansed Utah (Utald to testae any Agecenral &ime bcense is brenwa held by I.avwwwe, he pientdred, Kamaroe bemnani. tu any emsty etwarolled se snanaged by Mr.

Senswa, pd.itgi the fulver 6ssuante sd any breeme by the NRC, thah, et telwt NRC Agreenrm $ taw to f its Ectanan6 su any enitry comeulled as nonaged by lum tu wuh misch be has e sigm4 cant affihneum, and j susynd Litah's Agerenew Staae status weed et can denuennate that to can egerate its Div6ssim of ka&sike '

l Conwel la a la ful snanne As a hemis far av petman, the Itunonst aswned that am erucle la pv Lear Me Ovi inhese septwied senet tash paymrms onle by Mr $ emnani to sie Diretas of sie Utah Ibv6snm of Ra hauim Cosmol, and Utah's anmanon of a esmonal levenhgathe sino tiw manes lle teamns f e de I desal are nei fewth to tir (artismn li lie Conmunum's regulamm6 recogniet that a bcenere ahnuld be afhwded endre eiual cucune a4aimes a pruir opperiunity to be Iward larfure die agency suserskla a Irenne ce takes eithet entw6eniesil l arten. lua that etwaivdinmy sensmstames nmy eanant sununary schon pnw oc heming C Sisue the enietune of stw 10 C 1 It i 2 206 Imens, Hw Conusunnhe imi sonatiervilly sisted omi l tlw purpine of 10 C i R l 2 hm ii to ptunne ow public m6ih or prans la patiormmg in uw enhaccarni pmens j

() in a cardarue m6th the Ownnuinum a deletnunstma that He nectum 2 hib prmens should lie imused un equests Iw enhw<enent actum sehes W an an evahsatum of safety conivina. peutums util le te=wwal tuulee 10 C l R 4 2 hab tf tie reqtwa es fier enfurienwns actum and a triguest omhw tecuon 2 hm almulJ tw thstmgvuted e wquess to deny a penang bcense atti n alue et arrendnrne lid 97 4 T ull tio llil10N (UMPANY, es al (Dans llenw independre $petti lwal biwage Installmuel Dmbet Nat 40146, 7210lM. klQUI 51 LOR ACllON, letvuary $,1997, Dikt CIOR'S til CIMON UNIil R 10 Ci R ll he i A The ihmkw ad Itw OfAce of Nmics Meenal kafety and Safeguwde grains. in part, and drnes.

I la l'at. a pruima tilrJ penueni so 10 C l R 12 he on bcksif of ow foledo Omhtum fin safe i ncrgy, l

r 9

-n ,

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IH G KIS 8%l' ANCl n OF IHki C10kb* DI Cl4HW$

Abe Hirt. Mielrew Adesw that List. and Walhain N stthe lemie is gramed to de estets that i de NkC lias 6entaaled a twirusikiM ta nm4fy 4tw Cretilnme of Cimq4iame ice the Vir!It.A lestookepts ,

NUHOMb4P dry shwhkJ cmumm (DSCO da todet to tegane fabtwalue stupettne flir twenincts' {

feteris ttwee de NkC teipus de utdialms (417Ws prhang stegdetum <4 tie rulctnakitig as detued liv (wethe she fais au linus he tatmg any furthN enhve.entta n.tue agenet % B Cik 4 (v to sequire de l l=shnig of de ISI$I cleisme as Dan 6s itesw DDV74 NOkIHI A%I Ntidi Ak iNIkuY (1iMrANY (Milheine Nmirm Powes Statue. Unst iL j thdce No M 244 (lbase Nu DPR.20, klQt't $1 luk A(llON, letever 11, lWh (HkiClOP'S '

DI CIW #N UNDI k 10 C I N l 2 2m A fle A< hag Oneske. Offne of keeche krgutmae has gratned to twt and khed in part a ,

I peutke hied 19 Anituey J krin requesung aine tegeding Millstme Nalear 19wer htnine, Unit 1.16w I

Pentadas requested daar de Comtissue take estalated tedissenu a actne agense Ww 1.henner and tertana senheiduals bened upe je drbhreate failure he nonply witti prmtestes savoharig sign-out of nrasunng and tesi egmpurm and condai as soiesugatee suo afirged pmedural 1daines armi suat tiw M lhtote Limal i enanmenante drpetarte Meanuting stullest Quspared fokket die madropend Ivoblens regarding emedwal swa ntnpham e in lie estem out de twiners requested estalated ent etenrre ese be takes.

tiw letetum has love drned, to un estese deal dw letitanier sempweted an invesegatue teu de Ivmeaval s6ulmipuis and an auet. de prusse lias been gennerd it Mov endatnes as drunbed se on runeed enfintenra polu y, are ma de subject of fornial enhetenens alue and are usually fu4 nicJ an inspeitne repicts le ow estrai pini su h sudatums we drunbed dry are eve seed as o<mourd Wdanes C lie enetutma of a pmeceng ruuam to 10 Cl it i 2 Er, is apptitrime sely if autataohal leshh and salrey tasues have beca rawd 11D V7 i CON %DMI kvi 19)%l k (OMPANY ;*absmire Nmirm Planet thitkes Nm W 2R 727.14N.

11 NY OPl k AllONV INC lAdansas Nutlear One. Units I asul 21 Ihdet Nos hil3. M %8. 70t).

Wl%CONMN lliCIPN'19141 N COMPAN) thuni liveh Nm kw hant. Unns I and it thkre Nos M 7tA W 101, 72 9. klQl'I A11Ok ACllON. Mesh t lWL IdkiflOk'1 tilCIMON UNDIk 10 C 1 k l 2 2m A 1he Due<eiv of de Of tne af Nmbre Newhw kegulene dreurs :!w request by Itutsoter lawn Mulknglae. hird pursuaw to 10 Cl k 0 2 2th that ein NkC take adma hi prohibit lonhas of V5C.24 taas as any taklem sur enul ele naduaswnddy scakd badet 44 at de Pahsadrs tukirar plarW has been unionded ami de esprrwis e esalumed fut pincnual safety ingvesenenes lhe inrector cueklisdra Osar die NHC sull #wd perirut unloahhg of any sans unut te obtens rent <matdr assurerne, drough a verwty of straea. nf each bensee a alqiny in do en safelt naut thrteber turd sug soyend any lutnice a sw of tte pencial brune fut dry tad nuvage unul the mutuas rmbly scaled t=adel al Pahsades has been unlandrd l@9M 01 Okul4 M1WI k COMPANY. er al IVogile i kirw (wirrahng 11ani, Omts i and 2. Haide Nudrar hard, Unns I wul !L Imiket Not M 121. 4 % % 424, M 43, kiQUI 51 lok AciloN.

! March ii IW. Dikt ClOk b DiCl%lON ONOl k 10 C i k i 2 206 A 11e Ading liiredor. Offue of Nisinrat Remtiv tregulaimn has starned in rart and demed la part a penute hiril19 hkhari D ludm. l.aqune, on lwhalf of Mnus Masin in Hi+by and Allra L. Mosbaigh requeeng edion reroeng de Weile and Hauh smalrw fathews stetawJ by Ortugia Powes Contamy and alkgedly 19 ite kiudwin Nmirar Operahng Contany 4%ONopCU tv Nmitera Nudrarl lie petnam reswd run ettis about lie managensni padLes (4 OlV and biustrin Nm-lear with trywd to iterauon of Gw fatihtwo. Deatterm of estkiyect who rose cieerns, posishia of snhwnation ki dw hMC and alleerd falw testinney behre de lhtartnreit of lake retumnces sequcaird ttie NkC to take aliinedimie stres to driernurw if Git's tunem managenes has de ergwine charactet. conilewnie, fundanensal uusintethurse. and townnuinem hi safety to commur strtmung a nutkar fadhty it ketr nwwerns sesed by tlw penute were twtially substannwed Vndmines of regulairy requnenreus twruned lie pruthe was grarned to the ensem Osal Or NkC issued there Nigwes of Yndatue aval sivil lenalues to OPC f g certsa violatman, de NkC assued Ictiers in OPC (and GPC nemt 50NtHCl engdonesi tegarding He tesluttettr:1s of 10 C1 k il 50 7 asul 90 % #w livesse sansfee enreutnene protveeng esaknied pony of ite aseterns, and de beenw transtet anrednrnes issued hv de f aahtwo mere soskhuorrd io nahese torm erns shout tunnagenrew Tlw peution m an drrued to etw etica thal le

. m. - . - _ - _ . . .-- _ - - - , , _ ~ _ - - - _ . - - - _ _ . - -_ ,_ _ _ - ,

- . ._ - . _ _ _ - - - - - - ~ ,- -. - - - - - . . - - . - . - . . .

i plcists i 1%t' AMU Ol' tilkt CIOkV lil(l4IONE tte Attag inv etw kwrituned diat w unawWnad transfer td de Vogtle <3cating lueuers lias intwird.

and sees bH thei smer ad de issues salt imo quesmo de lite swe's thvastet, umgetrate, fuiulanemal trustainttuness, se eterwistisets to safety sa tir tteratue of its eunirw Imihtes thestfine. furdet actue ,

eith traged se de assues tained 6e de getitue was drnrd  !

C lie germeal standed hv 6turgnty se etettre dere 4 teaumable aniwance the de bienwe has auth wid charm tre op <getase de plass se a nientier nesseeris math giutilst tralth arid safety and althcable j NRC erquuesteine Tiw Ctemminie any neudrs de acts ad dw ikenwe (arulits engbycel del have a ,

tanteal svenreios to safe sqcwho to a mus trar 3% met plard 14901 Wl $l!NOff00$1 li t CI PIC (U$:Nik AlkiN (klmbwe. lYntisylvaruel, klQUI ST f0N AC-IlON. Mm6 2(t iW1. IstitIff OR'$ 111 Cl% ION lFNiil N 10 C f N 4 7.Mi6 A lhe f aiteite. Othee ed I.nfacenrm. has takes adue with erged to a getitue hird by $hannie th9 e1 requemahg dus de Ctwivsunnue take actue enti regsd to Westingkone Liectnc Ctwswauon 11e twiwire seque.44 that de Ciminunium invemgnie allrpatues that Wstinskete wilfully l grim &d false infornwave to de larpartarat ad take (101.1, snactuir a sk+*<ause twenvethrig pusuard to 10 Cl R S 2 201 andite 4mgiene a tev'1 genalty spe Westingbune 1le Peutmeart had assertid, as a liams kw his rescies. del %eshagewme had faled to servest de tir4 teuwd and twovided ninsenal falw staienrras to de 1stR Adnvassermuve las Judge is a taie anung eniter the 1 ncrgy Retaganuanon Ad la knyme de petitum, tir (krube desertruned that the mattes stu1uld le seferred to the IRIL Advienistranve Revten finard be us conssiksasus in 11e NRC generally dies nie have egeafic tequireneses fit quahncatue and eranang of lealth phystre teduustant C ite NRC and tot lune cet enemary i te conukhtwo in dw mes af enchve prece<=

f 4


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l IIGAlt CITATIONS INDIN CA$lJ Adierved Mrdwel Kissime, lac (One f acsery 8 ton, Ceneva. Otuo 44041L (13 944, 39 NRC 281, 299 O994I i iscaring figlas on enitete 7eni arsachs,10 V7 2,49 NRC 68 0997) l Aped / Wruhua (%cmw Opermis lkenee for Beaver Valley Puww Stahon. (WI ik (JtP 4810. 27 i NRC dif 0948). Lfir-8816, 27 NRC Sa) 09ssi pur pnee sif semnv operatte tsaranatmns. Ll4 97 2 el NRC $2 0997)

Ardrsonal t 143.112 $ Ce $15,116 L f.d 24 4% (1991)

Pl an langua;e standed f<v innerpretatum of reguimory guidame, t.itP 97 6, 41 NkC 132 a 3 0997)

Jtle Cron and Blur Skuld af Alalema v Isrus 91) l.2d IS44, IS48, trWg draird. 9210.2d 25)

O P89) tuerpetauon ad eegulaney gedes. LBP-974. 45 NRC 132 a 3 (1997)

Cereiras tener and (sg4 Co ($ hearse ilmets Nucicar Pown Pimvh AtAB 892, 24 NRC 512, $44 41 0 966) arphestme and simus of wgulmory guales.13P-91 l,41 NRC 23 0997)

Cratrof JJerirse romer Cuoreresive (Virgd C Surnnes Nairm $tamn. Linn 1). Ctl 8126,14 NRC 787, l 790 (1981) studens fw reconuktmum sesung es a new Orsis, CLl 97 2, 41 NRC 4 09971 l ConsehJ.urd (drwa Cc ef Are Ford (Imban Ptunt. Unna 1. 2. and St C1173 5, 2 NRC 173.175 0973) l staroland fue inituunoa of shtm cause proceedirIgs. [O974,45 NRC 92 91 OY97)

Contemers famer Co (Aboland Plaw, Unus I and 2L ALAD 235,8 AIC 643 09741 Ineneing lioard Juradiama where nunma tw retanuJeramn has ticca 61rd, LDP Y7 6, di NRC 131 (190)

Ceresars of #4r Unneruri e/ Miuveri. (1J 95 l,41 NRC 7t,98 0993) art tuence arul almus of wgulas.wy pedes,, di NRC 23 0 997) fl.wehm lagems and Co ($outh 7esas Ptolert. Umts I armi 2t CLI EM2,12 NRC 2RI, 291 0 9180) biensee atulnarmn of responsituluy se km eledge as tians fue twente wvocante. D(W74, di NkC lii 0997)

Mirrepelnaa (Jama fu (Three bble taland Nalem $iain Uma ik AIAD 698,16 NRC I?90,1798 99

. 0982), s@'d va /wer em cr4rr gravaJt. ClJ R122.15 NRC 299 0981)

I agt hcatum and simue of wgulmory guidra. LitP 97-l,45 NRC 25 0997)

Mitrayolnaa (dema fe (Three hble Island Nuclear 5taima. Umi IL C1185 9, 21 NRC lill.11437 09.s, l standads for nanagenrW tharates and congneme, 1097 6. 45 NRC Il$ (1997)

I l'aoA Gei and Urcrew Co (thatsin Canytm Niulear f%i et Plant, Um s I and 2L AIAB-761,19 NRC l 371, 577 (19h4) l binden of pruof on stylwams,1DP 97 3. 49 NRC 104 0997)

ThelaJripA.e Urvern Ce (linerna Genernmg $iatwn, Uruts I and 2A AL AB R19, 22 NRC 681, ',06 l


l supplenenimum of final eastatonental irrgwt sternre by demma and mipd catory rened, LL P-97

3. 44 NRC 62) 0997) l 1) f P


_ __. - _ . _ _ _ _ _ -_______--- -- ___-._ - _ _ _ - _ - - - . . . - - - - - _ _ _ . - . . ~ _ - - _ - _ - - - - ~ . _ - _ - .

IIG AI, (Tl AllONN INDl3 CAhl.A l'AluJrlphe /Jesfrw Co (14nent Oractating htaiwat Usuis i and h AIAll 819.12 NRC 641. 7Jo 09sitt i

liwdra of pad se ast nami, l.itP 97.1, 49 NkC f(a4 Uw?3 foW Scriise Ce af Nrw flaarieve theateme 5tatue. L'ims a and h AI AR 562. 23 NkC 144.130 (1987) l pertutpatma 1.y answa senat 01197 4. 49 NkC 96 099f) tsNw Aerene Co. ef Arm it.mirskue t$catatue hiatue Il hns I ami 2L 0 j RA 10. 20 NkC 571. 487 0 9881 sonAnt d alrtsannusa+ eleg futeeng plane t ilP 97-3. 49 NRC lit (IW7)

Ann.Adf C O<rn 110. 019) 14. 37 NRC 411, 42022 0941) drfmsine of snaaertal fa'.ne esatenrnt.143 97 A di NkC li6 (IW7)

And (Ae Arondeltua# e IVC.193 U A 167. 3Ru ti 09t>9) weiglw pven so subeeducts enaitarese la cannemium ed trene of li enir. litPN7.l. 49 hkC 19 (IW7)

Ache Gee P4ishel for , Al)li1,22 NkC 941,962 610981) 6merprewho of Neelete dewegeO 141974 di NkC 156 0997)

Aadset W ditmanced gesuve Opernhe IAenne lie Calamba Nairar $tainst thP 89 21. W) NkC (4 0 9891 pwytee of seedis operske etananothes. litP.971. 41 NkC $2 0997)

. leemw4 # sele Creo (Chee Oklaluena $rwt Cll 9412, 40 NitC f,4. ?! OW4n marnied fie entew ed settlrnrate. O.197 l, di NkC 2 (1997)

,$we c/ Ike ( Artecarna Pursumed to Secune 274 of ele Atoriac I sierg

  • Art of 1944. as Astrimledt 141941. Al fikC di 09996 et4gie of petcon 2 20h prwess. 1697 2. 45 NkC 64 e 10997) fann.uee to e_i Amb>rwi Olariavalle Nmirar Phua Unut l A. 2A Ill. aml 2bt Al. Alt. 8. 6 NkC 1. 2 (1970 emtume fie reconshirranon eesung on a new itwsss. 01197 2. 44 NkC 4 OW7) feam Phlmes flertrw Co (Ctemnde Ivak Ocain I tretru beauoa Umts I and h IIIP k410,19 NkC W. $1715 09#4) are agunents av e*1 drake 'a mnthms fin twamsiJreatne. litP.97-6. 43 NitC lli OW7) frene llorf.14tilmes, far t 2herihm. Al L Id 2d $2.1. $n7 09s9) amerpeetasma of Taeeleas diserped ', 110 974 49 NkC 146 OW71 lessumt haare No. lent f'vwee Corp (Vernuws Yarece Nekar himer Stanonn. OlJ 74 40. 4 AIC 10).

SI) 0974:

drfenee in depth gestuspie. I BP 97=l, 49 NkC 20 a 7 OW7)

Ferdam f.irrtrir saad Power Co (N4sth Anna hiwer Stauen. INie i arul h C117422, 4 NkC dito. 4h6 491 094) aF'd see new l'brassa f!artre und A mer Co e AkC. 371 f 2d 1259 (4ah Cir 1978) luenwe tonamnhatsons with NkC, inportante of. (4)V7A 49 NkC 146 0997)

Mosbarbe fuNw Pumer Suppft harem (WPr5% Nalear hoject No h lid ji47,19 NkC liW. 924 0 924 neandard fie ineutusma of shoe 4ause proceedings. 14197 4. 41 NkC 910997) l'anite Anunar flessau Co. (Ymdre Nalrar hmer hiatuel, fl.3 % l. 41 hkC 1, S UW6) ovatnrat of trunnetly owner's presernve enecrvenemn petioon as riquese fie hrsme.1 lip 97.4. et Nke 126 a l OW7) leaAre Aamer fleistw Cp Oarare Nmirar hiwer Miasma). 011 %.7. 41 NkC 211, 272 0996) spaikuy esquued of peutums fie review; Ct I 971, di NRC 4 OW7) knAre Ahimer f.lettrw Ce Wards, Nintrar h* net Statuet illP %18, 44 NRC $6. 92 96, permon for renew Jemed 0149,44 NHC 112 OWh) pmedural eequuenente gowriens sununary espiuttue prtaens. LitP 97 l. di NkC 14 Of171 14

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10 Cl' R l 1231 suteusske of learing 6le la informal geweedings,181P 97 2, 41 NkC $2 (1997) a 40 CI R 2 20hsMil seswatue ad bypoAu1 ersterial lucose, curunstames agqvarnate fw, DD 97 2, di NRC 67 (1997)  ;

10 C f R 2 EW asylumne and stasus of geneck lcters, ISP 97-1,45 NRC 26 a 10 (1997) 10 C f R 2 36 druga dr6t6entwe to NUHohlt dry shwlded ensuewes,1097 3, di NRC 76-85 (1997) luensee instery ed agreenras stase RaAmum Consrul threcsw; DD 97 2, di NRC 64-70 (1997) l

< nunarenes ctwacect and scagesenre. DD 974. 41 NatC 141257 (19971 l enranunns and test eslwicent eye +ui pmverea, vkdatums of, IC97.4, 41 NRC R6 93 (1997) l quahntatum and emmng of health physics technwenas, 1097 7. 41 NRC 218 (1997)

' enkeAng sd muheasarndily baskee ed Y$C 14 dry shay enska, seasonable answance of safety of l gewedures far, DD 97 S, 41 NRC 1441 (1997)

' ankmang gencedures fw dry sewage tanks, vuelmans asi equarnwes tw, IG971, el NkC 33-47 l (19V71

! 10 Cl R 2 710 rengulatum ed sans tw rechuna fw erews ed des sum served by nuut, litP.97-6. di NRC 131 (1997) l deadhne fw 6hng restium fiw sevww uf anihal degium, L AP-97 2, di NRC 61 (1997) servue of imual deuseons, I AP-912. 45 NRC 60 (1997) l i IO 0 8 R 2 712(r) l dme of servke tw pentums fw eesww, ISP-974,4% NRC lli (1997) servue of annual drosues, ISP 97 2, 43 NRC 60 (1997) l 10 CI R. 2 714(a) l thallenges eu mimuel specincmum changes, LSP 971, di NkC ll (199h late-the.g se,eurenreas lot new basis fur (tunenium. LSP 971, di NkC la (1997) 40 Cl R 2 714M2) chtsenges to tahnwel speriheshon changes, thP 97-1, di NRC ll (lW7) 10 Cl R 2 71kel ameressed stme snauest fie htense reeabikes. ISP 97-), 41 NRC 12) (IW7) i l

10 C l R 2 712 i bwA a of acoi f ce applumms,1S1' 97 3, 41 NkC 144 (1997) j 10 Cl R 2 74Wa)

) g.rweAwat mouvenwnes govesumg sunswy dnpoinue po.:ess, thP.971,41 NRC I4 (1997) i 10 Cl R 2 74Md) j stamind fee Hvking sunwney dnpositwe. t hi'9f-l, 43 NRC 1) (1997) j 10 C l' k 2 734(b) i Aaf auk on tesuc-s ame smluded ta sawwme's AnAngs et branng, IDP 971, di NRC 119 a 13 (1997)

{ ID C i R 2700 i 6nahiv,cf drouon on opermutg beerue anrndnent. l DP<V71, di NkC 30 (1997) 6nahN of parual emual drauon. LSP 97 3, di NRC 124 (1997) l.


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i 11G AI. CITATION!i INDl3 kl Gt't.AllONS 10 C f k 2 77i d

lueeseg board junidatuati olist, seitene fiar setteudersma lies been 64rd, ISP 974. 45 NkC 131 (1997) 10 C f k 2 746 t< anew sd petitues f(v teview and respews, t..bP 97 2. 44 hkC 61 (IW71. LSP.916, 41 NkC IU (IW7) deadbas fie 6hng prusues fw serwe; [ AP-97.2, di NkC to (IW7), i BP 974. di NRC IM (IW7) effect ad peutke f.s eters re 6astery ed drituce, thP 97-3, di NRC 124 (1997) 10 CI R 2 7RNbull draJhne fir geutums liv sevw ad dr.inue ce agierating luenw amrhJnem. t HP 971. 49 NRC 30 (IW7) kindule adivitmews its tenetow to arracut tunar. Ct.1974 49 NRC 97 (1997) 10 CJ R 2 7Wbn2F(1) temese ed wwww lewis and answers, 97-l. 49 NkC 33 (!W7), t BP 97 3. 43 NkC 124 (1997) 10 Ci R. 2 76t@W3) edwele adjusarnews for #espose to em6 sus turier, Cl.1974 di NkC 97 (lW7) 10 Cl R 2 7Wbu4) draither Isr preatmne tw eetwo; ISP-97 3, di NRC 124 ilW7) gesamis fut getnions fw seriew; ISP-971,49 NRC 10 (1997) teswa 44 Ikenung board ruhng se seerlenrre agreenws, GJ 97 l 43 NRC 1 (1997) standard tw grew td revww of petral smaal dertsson to ter6thard fadhry inenung. C1.1974 49 NRC 49 0997) 10 C f R 2 7md; brw6ng 6,1edule liv terwm of htenning board ruhng es arritertrW agternent. Ol 97-l 41 NRC l 0997)  !

bewhag kirdule tw teview 6f g.artial inmal detision to eskterm im1 hey bcenung. C11974 41 Nkt 49 0997) 10 Cf k 2 7We) secunauhemum uf Conamisma dessium to dahne review; U.197 2,41 NRC 3 (1997) 10 CI k 2120l(aK21 Infortnal peneding se remtw opermut eammassue reinha.1hP.97 2. 4% NRC $2 (1997) 10 Ci k 2123) wruien prewniatmen to taftsmal poteedings, linP 97 2. 41 NRC $2 (1997) 10 C F R 21248 6aahty of 6mnal dem6unn. IDP-97 2, 49 NkC 60 09976. t BP 97 6. 49 NkC ID 0997) 10 C l R. Part 2. Appndit C. Y A NRC duntepon in ennung Nidne of Verlethe fit isolated erverity Irwl V viulaimn I)(1974. 45 NRC 164 (1997) 10 Cl R. Part 2, Aptemha C, V U l terckmmances umbre whuh NRC meed out issue a Niece of Violatuin few severity Irwel IV or V violatues. Dt)974, 45 NRC 16$.167,168 0991) 10 Cl R Part 2, Apprmha C, V G S NPC descernoa en fiveso a Notue of Violaims of.L Matue is abernmd as a tenuit of cormave adme for povmot enfwtenrat acuon,1)(1974, di NRC 1710997) 10 C F R 20 llottat1) aneminre ed 19poduel newnals twesw to allow increewd done to etukes of raJiauen pirrag9 patwnas, i BP-971, di NRC 125 0997) 10 Ci R Part 30 nmrmanew ad byprmhrt n.aienate twenw to allow 6ncreased dier to giusws of ra.haeum tirrary paswnis- . 1.BP.97 9, 43 NRC 124 0997) 10 Cl' R. Part M spahfkwam and womag of tralth g+yuvs er.hmraans. (&97 7,45 NRC 2610997) 16 r


kl Gl'lAf f0NS 10 Cf R 40)l0W) mil lowl demnpue tegereurs liv effatw hve delstarm 9mmes and quabhtetnes, Clj 97 2. 44 NkC $

(19976 10 C f it 40 3fdel. (cN!L (dt. (eK11 4<eica ed drs<antmanusung fon4hg plan. t hP 913, 44 NkC 101 (lW7) 10 0 l k M i f alute to e<*t yl with sign out puedures fra erwatunng and test equienent (41914 49 NRC $7 (lW7) 10 C.f k 90 Al. 30 M ta tutue of latg4 ervww actnmes in final safety analym repwt, trO 97 6. 45 NkC 242 (IW7) 10 CI R $0 54(f) applumne and simus e4 genvu tritus, i bP.971. 43 NkC 26 610 flV971 10 CI R So$4da) euecergency drnanoa ivorn seduu nl speofwwww requinas NkC mietkauan, 10974. 41 NkC 137 (IM16 10 08 R $0$9 enginemas and asicey evaluattua ed saanective masw truceofshrstue synem, s&quary af, !)D 974, 49 NkC 171 (lW7) eselvene ad nwhimsern4Jy sealed basket coohng alid.10971, di NkC 41-42 (1997)

NRC ludwy te safevy manlyett sof spres fuel samster dringa,10 971, di NkC $1 a 16 (IWh 10 Cl R 50 72 en*funne of delarsum ed emregency evens,10 974, di NRC IS7 (IW7)

Red Plume muincasue, drfimme 4d 1)D 974, 4i NkC 170124 (1991) la Cf R H17) events ice ohnh writsea repria to NRC me requaed entun 30 dare,10974. 44 t'ItC 117.166 a 21 196 (IW U 10 Cl k M7hakil l Aensev i vem kepwt, allrgame 64 enmenal falw useurs in lid 974. di NkC 192 (IW7) 10 Cl R 30 7hbulk (b tmsent s4 IJeenses t wm Repris,10 914, di NkC 192 (199h 10 Cl R $0 $n thmoore amt targnty requ red of NRC hvcewes,18D 97 6. di NRC 229 (f Wh 10 CI R So ta) resinon of set-hmial spesihtames, I,ltP 97-1, 49 NPC 26 a ll (1997) 40 0 8 R 50 91 92 taavance of ikenw enendness use finang of no mgnifnard hasade toissidreatue, l. IIP-971. 41 NkC ll a2 (1997) 10 C ? R Part 30. Apprnen A,11 Cruma 2, 4. 5, 61 teshnkel apeuhtmum diange involving henry had handling ovce sprw fuel pwal, 41 NRC 27 a ll (19971 10 Ci it Part $0, Argendia D. Cntens V ami VI dracwnews in dry 4 ash unheeng pueduve as stolatma of. 80%l,45 NRC )R. 4 . 4) (199h 10 01 R St 102 6eiytemratame cd Anal ensettenemal ingert atmemre by avano and ehuacanv y nned, litP 913, 43 NkC 12) (lWh 60 Cl R. $$ 4 dramium of semie team opereur; l.itP 97,2, di NkC $2 (199h 10 Ci R $$ 4ttbulHl4) kcpr Ed #fHlfe etanunalue queshuns fut erhMW teacht epftete httawa. L itP 97 2. di NkC $2 (19971 to CI R. $$ 4l teipeutehty fin deveheng and annuntswnns scattar cpermiw in6ense etanunstnes.1 BP-97 2, 41 NkC

$2 (IW7)


l 1 H141, C11 AllONS INIT.X kl.Gl'IAllone t 10 01 k H 4 kap utge of ennen cannamaine gurenma liv erm6 v igercio Lenwa, liiP 97 2. 49 Nkt 52 (IW76 10 0 8 k H 4kDilH76 kigie ad entien etananatue questuen hv sinne tratv egetasiv lwenes. (fir-97 2. 41 NRC 32 (IW76 10 Cl k 9.449 tequeubehty fit developing and adnuniearnng trams sterate Lenie etananalumn, l.kP-97 2, 43 NPC

$2 flW7) oute of stresuhg tens lie neeuw remke igwww bienica t hP-97 2. 49 NRC $2 (IW71 10 01 k Pwt Ni siev66Wue id depleted wan6uin Isla fiv esposal purpoirs,1.1 P 97 3. 49 NRC 109 (IW7) 10 0 5' 8 Pat 61 deep esposal ow an emmt larly f v womurn tasts Agunal l.hP 974 41 NkC 107. It* OW7) 10 0 8 k 61 $%W241nt evailatehty of drep bunal few wamum tails abspaal,1llP 974 di NkC 108 (lW76 10 Cf k 61$%sWI) tlannihtske sd depleted womum tale fw dnpieal purposes, ibP.V14 44 NkC 109 (lW7) 10 Cl k 61 $%aM6) slaneifkanie of drparted wrmuum tels Os shynmal purpunce. LitP 974 41 SkC 199 (IW7) 10 0 8 R 79 220W ha) btwf dreisgene tegwreevem hv 14tuie five deleinem teman.3 and quahfunnons Clj V7 2. 49 NRC S (1997) 10 Cl k 10 2%st, tel avaem ed dreiermuinmmng furdag plan, l.DP 974 44 NkC 101 (IW7) 10 C i k Pet 72 eugenme of genraal Aeow fie & pad untabag pmedure dern 6en.1es. DD v7c, 41 NkC 41, 46 (IWf t 10 Ci k 12 4R thanges to drupo of dry stivspe ca4 fit gene f irl. DD V74 di Nkt 71 a $ (1997) 10 Cl k 72122thL (1) otoihireswee en deve6 9 msnt of drpad unhabag primedwes 14 97-1, al NkC 39 (lW7) 10 Cl k Part 72. Sulget O quahey auwance fie ta.hp*1rin gent fuel etivare installaimas. Dt> 971, 49 NkC 3R n e (IW7) 10 Cl k 72 D0 debtenews in dry tad unkehng pucedure an uolene of. DD 971, di NRC )# a 4 (IW7) dmunrmance segmrenrms f

  • quahiy-relaird e,uvonen,1rD 974 49 Nke 80 (IW7) 60 Cl k 12 IS) drearoiws to d Ma4 unkeeng puedure as tuilmum of, Dike 71. 45 NkC 18 a 4 (IW7) 10 CI k Pat 12, Sulget K suthurity to sewe seem fuel in dined suwage spirm on use, DD 97-1, 41 NRC 34 (1997). Dl197.$.

41 NRC 14 tlW16 40 Cl k 72 210,72 212 .

auskeumeae fut anuw stiwage of q= m suulrar turl, pl1974 44 Nke 12 (IW73 10 Cl k 72212taull ow of sesuhed rods fut teuw siwap ad spree au61 car fuel, 16974 44 NRC to n IS (lW7) 10 C F k 72 2tlibt est twal* hey of resiihime i4 Cimthanie terne and modstume to rearral luenwe, til1974 di NRC 53 (tW7) 10 Cl k 72 Il2tbil2) defhaemwa in

  • Mad enhahng ptsedure as notatum of, 1097 4 4% NRC 37 (IW71 40 C I k 72 212it x9) beswe seysmutwhty to perase. teswe. appvuve, and test ennen ytwedinen liv dry ta4 kwhng and v,habng. DD 974 49 NkC 8) (lW7) 18 b

1.l:U Al. CITAllONS INill:X kl.011ATION5 10 C S k 72 214 asgemet emeJwe liv egeW fuci eurge tasks; 16971,44 NkC 80 a19 ilW7) 10 Ci k 72 210 talce, Analy Je kepwt reqwrenew tw venans aceking NRC aspaal of spes fuel siwage taika; 146974 44 NRC 71 n e (lW7) 10 Cl k 72 2IA NkC antation of wishes' faubucs aheve dry stage cada we fatekmed. 1697 3. 41 NkC 7)


10 C f k 72 2Wb) tissem ad 5Ak fw veseus enking NkC apptavel ed spem tw4 skonge mks. l$v7 3,45 NkC 77

69. 75 a 11 (lW7) 10 Ci k 72 2 Wh) uemtreakana in di'vdgeviets of dry 4aik enk.ading pwedures.10911, di NRC 39 (lW7) 10 CJ k 7)71 ked liner exohtaine. dr6nsuun ed,1:l> 074 di NkC 110 m 24 (IW7) 10 Cl k Part 100 offvtie de censynwa tw leavy kwl handhng osee spes fuel ed 1. lip-97 l. 4% NkC 46, 21,28, 29 a 16 (1997) 29 CF k Part 24 diettinenstwa agend trykys fw engaging in ymnied nrussies, DI)97 6, 41 NkC 221 (IW7) 19

l l


$1 ATUTI'S Akume legy Act, it), 42 U $ C 12212 shara6ter and untgnty requued of HRC luenwes, Di> 974, 45 hdC 229 (1997)

Asonne legy Act 187, 42 U $ C 4 2237 .

eev6ama of technual spennemums, IJir 971,4$ NRC 26 a 11 (1997)

Ahmuc Imrgy Act, IB9a(IR AI, (2M Al, 42 U S C 5 221*axix AL (2Wal ensunni.e cd bceew amrnderai spua 6seng of no ogsheve hasards sensidermas, l.flP 91-1,4$ NRC 18 a 2 (1997) lactry Rawganiemme Act,210,42 US C I$851

! dermunsmn agamst enchiyees fur capsping ta groserord nouvnes, Dl1974,45 NRC 223 (1997) #

descrintamece is matwe of quah6 cane and tromns of twalth physica entmosa, ($ 97 7, 43 NRC c-260 (1997) y les level Maacarave Wanw Pe'. icy Act 42 US C i2021b er s,9 plausdihty of agt lecam's snaiegy Int esposal of drpirwd oranium imin, LDP 97-3, di NRC 110 n7 /

/ '


U18 C Piivansau<m Act, 8%b L No 104134,100 lisat 1121 (1996), 42 U S C 12294l1 desposal sustrgy few depleted stamam emis, LIIP474, e3 NRC 109 (1997)

Usl C Pnemiratum Act, 42 U.S C. 4 2297h II(a), (c) plausibihry of agt lumW's samegy kw dingesal of dep6rwd wresuum emis, l BP 97 3, 41 NRC 110 m 7 "

(1997) ,,

Usl.C Pnvahsaiue Act 42 U$ C 8229%litaWikD), (aK1) --

LW)E nesswmubebty fut esposal of deplewd waruum tails, L.llP 97 3, 43 NRC 110 m 7 (1997)

UstC Prtsatisauon Act. 42 USC 12297h II(b) E octums (tw drpired wcuum tels disposal, LSP-97 3, 43 NRC 410 (19975 USIC Pinantaime Act 42 US C 6229411(c) state halary fut masw annbmable to swivaw uraruum entidment fehty; l.ItP 97 3, 41 NRC 121 (l'797) i 1


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II. gal, CITATIONS INDJ'.X j 011tima '

e l

t 174 Am Jw 2d Cweemu list. p 41.4 16 (1991) i, weigte piwa to 6.d.wqwse enxinemi in concew%m of woms e4 kenw; thP 91-1, 45 NRC 19 I

(1997) led R O, P WO <

wandwd la swung sunstwy darnenmn. (SP 971,41 Nke 13 (1997) 1 Obaks H ),e<ts it, Mms =4stressw les and femsne 4 6 44 (ini) bwden ed gemd on en4 amens, LDP 974 41 NRC ID4 (IW7)

N6wo Ard New fasernarumal twsmeeri if 4 (1971) drAnduum of "gdassNe" and *eureg( selauw ec wamma tsh dispmal. thP 91-141 NkC 103 (1997) l '

l i

1 I

I l

1 I



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1 SUlljfXT INDl;X , I l

6 /

AGRIJ MINT 51 Att' lasawe tribery of swe ofklal (ID 971,41 NRC 63 (1997)

AMLNtMINI See Bypn*dat Maurea44 IJtenw Anradinem, Operumq licene Anendarms AMtOJS CUtlAl.

arge of periutpenon. 08J 974,41 NRC 99 (1997) . i I


l bw&a d proof on. l.BPfl.3, 41 NRC 99 (IW7) ,

A1(AltC 1RikoY AUT ,

l l ,

bearms tig'ai ca enforenem ar Hes; DD-97 2. 41 NRC 6) (19971 luener anradness, iBP-971,4$ NRC 7 (lW7) .- - 1 luennig randards, DD 914,45 Nke 144 (IW7) , '

Bitills 9 l sdrMe and gege-kndt a4wtures for cessenw and reply to anurus twler, Clj 97 4, el NRC 93 (1997) /

BRllJS. AITEll,A1f. ..

challensms kvnang Imard assveval d aasdrmes agisenem, C13 97 4, 49 NRC l 0997) adwduhng al, C18 974 4$ NRC 49 OM7) .-

specafwry segmred la, OJ 97 2,45 NRC 3 0997) l ltVhint.N Of f*kOOl' e I l os applicams, i BP.974 45 NRC 99 0997) j BYPROOLICT Mall. RIAL $ LJC1.NSL ,  ? ,

haanng esshis os enfartemrm actions, Di>97 2,41 NRC 63 (1997) l t BYPROlKICT Mail. RIAL 5 IJClW5E AMLNDMINT j to a4m incroaud daw to tresaurs sif rmberme terrapy paisema. LJIP-47-5, di NkC 428 (1997)

, CI Rilf1CA7E OF (DMPl1ANCE - -

al94uahihty of ternu and cembewns to general twenwes, DD 97 3, di NRC 71 (1997)


%eit" (a en:hmral sperskeums. LitP.971, 41 NRC 7 (lW7) plena namng af He language, ISP 97 d 41 NkC 7 09V7) ' ~

suleegent wvuwes, neigte gives to, i BPTP l. 41 NNC 7 0997) f (T)NT AINht(.NT l%Ot.AllON VALVI.S 1 serveillame treimg of, 10974,45 NHC 144 OiN7) l Okt7 tCAllIY

, ef occat fuel in dry storate ranks abnas vnhnhag, (O 971, 41 NRC 34 0997)

DlIUMMl%$10N1NG IMtflNO d

disposal of des &ied womum tada, reasonable asaware of, l.hP 974 di NRC N OM7)

) (MUMM 15110NING IUNINNO PLANS somem of. IBP 974 43 NRC 99 0997) '


j technud spen 6catam dianpa and, LSP-97-1,45 NkC 7 OW71

DIPARTMINT OF INIROY respimulvhty tw dngmaal of drg& sed uvamum tels. ISP 97143 NRC W OW7) 2$ -

i A

i 1

1 i . , . ,

j . '..

i a

4 i,

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.. ~ -

SUlijECT INDEX DI.PARTMLNI DT [ ABOR Jurindatma over engknee procedon. Ol>97 7,45 NRC 258 (1997)

DLSIGN of NUHOMS dry-sluckk.J camsuis for spes fuel shwage, DD-97-),41 NRC 71 OW7)

()!!St L 01NI_RATORS sepwting and tehsbehty issues, DD 97-6,45 NRC 144 (1997)

Di1FfR>N YAlYLS open when requurd so be cl,ned, DD 774, di NRC 144 (lW7)

. ImL See Raaarma Duee DRYrAM STORAGE

'e -4arme lindts; 10 97 ?. 41 NltC 31 (1997) w.. J'ug of aminaanrnNy basket of VSC 24 casks, DD-97 5, di NRC 135 (1997) onlosang procedures. Dlb 971, el NRC 33 (1997)

, 1MPIOYLL DlSCRIMlNA110N i for engegang in protated acuvaises. DD 974. 43 NRC 144 (1997) 1.HIURLI.MLNT ACilON heanny nghis on, Dl197 2, 41 NRC 63 0997)

LNIUkCIAll NT POUCY seventy of violauens; I D 97-4. 45 NkC % (1997)

E XAMIN ATR)N5 reactor operarat inense, scive wnding: l HP-97 2, 45 NRC $l (1997); LDP 974, 41 NRC 130 0 997)

IINAl INVIRONMLNTAL IMPACT STATLMLNi supplenensarne ly beensing board deusma amt unikalying ad)uacatory record, LBP 97-4 4$NRC99 Orm71 OINi kAL 1RINW.S aushave e m its onsne ativare of spes runk ar tuel. DD-97-), 43 NRC 71097,,

GL N1.RAf tm3 See inesel Generstiws Or.NLRIC COMMUNICATIONS apphcason and regulanwy siatus of, LDP 971, di NRC 7 (lW7)

HLALTH PHYSICS TECllNICIANS qdncause and trauung; DD 97 7,45 NRC 298 OW7) llLAft!NG RIGris on enficcenrat actions, D(kt7. 43 NRC 610997)

IN5Pft flON See NRC Inspecuan INTLRVINTION PLTrilONS protest % f,w preservauon of nunretty owner's inserest, l.DP 914 di NRC 125 0997) tressed as request for laaring on transfer of ownerdup, l.DP.974

  • NRC lli 0997)

JURISI)lCilON emphiyee prosecuoo, DIL97 7, 45 NRC 238 OW7) where noemn fut recense,wrauon has been 61cd, LDP 97-6, 43 NRC 130 0997)

LICENSEL CHARACTLR managemrnt anitudes and crechbihty; Dik974,43 NRC 144 0997) stanAwds hw; D(1974, 45 NRw 144 UW7)

LICkNSLE IVINT RLPORis "taking', DIL974, 45 NRC 144 UW71 LICLN%LLS agt hcabahey of trims and conthuona of Cert 6cate of Compliance for dry shwage cank to, DD-97 3,43 NRC 76 OW7)

LICEN$tA conswuenon of terms; LDP 911,43 NRC 7 (1997) 26

SUHJECT INDEX See Also Byproduct Maserials tiense: Reache Operwar lkense LICENSING IK)ARDS junsdicuon where stumoa for reconuderame has teen filed, LBP 974,45 NRC 110 0997)

MAINTENANCf segnous prmsdures to nranunng and test equirnent. violauons of. DD97 4, di NRC 86 (IW7)

MAllRIAL TAl3L STA1LMINT dramuun of, DIk974,4$ NRC 144 0993 MODI. CilANGi S with npurni equipmes inoperable, DD974, 43 NRC 144 0997)

MULilAMLMDLY SLALID B ASKIT eschng skd DD97-L 45 NRC 3) OW7) weki defects in. DD97 l,4% NRC 31 (1997)

NOTICL Of VIOLAllON NRC disesenon ta issumg. DD 974, 45 NRC 144 0997)

NRC INXPl CTION of fabricauon fac6htws *er NUllOMS dry storage casks, DD-913,45 NRC 71 OW7)

NtK11AR RIOULATORY COMMISSION Junnbcrma over emplover protectwo. DD 97 7. 45 NRC 238 0997) 001RATLNG LICEN5L AMLNDMLNT PROLTLDINGS 6ssues fur sensulersmo ta, LBP-97 l. 41 NRC 7 OY97) opt RA1 NO (JCLN5L AMENDMLNTS techmul apetlheatum changes, LDP-Ei,45 NRC 7 0997)

PROOF' hee Bt are of Prmd k/ MAT 10N UOSL to vsators of rabatma therapy patwas demal of bypewiuct morertal beense anendarm to merease, t hP 97 5,41 NRC 128 0 7)

FADIATR1N THERAPY st.nes to wutors of panents, LDP-97-5, 45 NRC 12A 0997)


allegal operathm a'ul len.nudatum of plant 'etww board nrmbers en connectre 6% DD974 41 NRC 144 09VD RIACTOR OPikATOR LICl.NSE esanunmion score, LDP 974 43 NRC 1.10 0997)

REACTOR OPIRATORS esanunatum score; i t!P 97 2, 45 NRC $1 (1997)

RII'ON$llERATION of Comnusuon decision to dechne review of an 6uue, CLI-97-2. 44 NRC 3 099?)

RECON 51Di RATION, MOTION f OR heenung board junsdictum. tBP-974, 45 NRC i 40 0997) swa argumenas or evulence to, LDP 974, 41 NRC 110 09'T7)

RfGULATORY GUIDf'S aHilwatmn and regulaiory staa s of,1BP-97 l. 41 NRC 7 0997) inter}wtauon of, LDP 974,43 NRC 110 OW7)

RILSIDUAL 110AT REMOVAL PVMP failure to &rlare inoperabihty and enter 100, DI)974, 41 NRC 144 0994 REVlf W of hcenung board apprmal of settienrnt agreenent. standard for; CL1-97 l. 45 NRC i OW7) of partial uutial acaske on ennchnent facthey heenung, CLl-97,3,45 NRC 49 0997) reconuJeranon of Comnusnan dectuon to dechne; Ct.197 2. 41 NRC 3 0997)

RULLS OF PRACTICE amwns runae, scope of pansopanon, CL1-97 4. 45 NRC 95 0997) bunten of petml on appheams; LBP47 3,41 NRC 99 Il997) 21

SUltJFIT INDEX 6mervemme leutma treated as requrst for tranng on transfa of tmnership. (SP 974 45 NRC 125 (1977) recons &sanon notions, CU-912, 41 NRC 3 (lW7) show<aans procceeng. purpose of, D(197 2. 45 NRC 6.1 (1997) etaalard fw inuitunon of show cauw prmceengs. DD974 45 NRC a6 (19971

$Al LOUARD5 alleged concealnrat of problems, DD 97 6. 41 NRC 144 (1997)

SAILTY ANALY$l3 RIJMT requnerrrai for vendors eretag NRC approval of spem fuel meage casks; DI>97-3. 43 NkC 71 (IW7#

-SOIEDUtL Iwle6ag, for review of perual imual deciuon on ennchnent fac4hry beenung; CLI 97 3,45 NRC 49 (lW7) lwie6ng. to excune fue anseus curiae parnapation, CLl-974 4$ NRC 95 (IW7)


denmuon at LiiP-97 2. 45 N.*r. R 81997)

SLRVICL OF IXiCUMINf 5 for Carmmask n renew of pertial intual decinon ce enrichnrat facshry hcensing; CLl-97 3, di NRC 49 (lW71 SLTT11MI.NT AGRILMINTS challenges to licenang Imerd approval of, 0.1971,41 NRC 1 (1997)

EllOW.CAUSE PROCITDING5 approprute hxus uf, DD-97 2,43 NRC 63 (IM7) purpose of, DD 97 2,45 NRC 6) (1997) standad for insurunen of, DD-974 41 NRC 66 (lW7)

MittlDOWN nwgin, smscalwl.una of, DfL97 6, 41 NRC 144 (lW7)

$PI_NT IUt L dry cast storage on site at nuclear power plass. Ofk97 5,4i NRC 135 (1997) 6ntegnty dunny cochng; Di>97 l. 45 NRC 13 (IW7) unkwkng proredures for dry storage casks. vmlauons of reparenrnr fiv; Dik971,45 NRC 31 (IW7)

$ PINT SUEL POOL heavy load handhng mera LBP-971,43 NRC 7 (1997)

SPINT l'UIL STORAGE Jesign detwwnces so NUHOMS dry-stuelded cane.ters- D497 3,45 NRC 71 (1997)

$URVIILLANCL teaung of contennent isolaunn vahes. D(%974 45 NRC 144 (1997) ilOlNICAL 5pl.CillCATR)N$

changes regasding heavy load handhng mer spent fuel pool. LDP-97-l. 43 NRC 7 (1997) constructen of str term *enceps", thP-971, 41 NRC 7 (1997) 1LSTING surwsitance, of conia nment isolasma valves, Dtk97-6, 45 NRC 144 (1997)

THERM AL llYDRAUlJC MOOLLING coohng process few dry casits, DD-97 l, 45 NRC 33 (1997)

TRAN'il-1R Of Li(TNSE 6llegal. D(K97 6. 4$ NRC 144 (IN7)

TRAN5flR OF OWNLRM(IP esmessal of pmtecove intervetamn petinen and ternwnanon of procenhng. LilP 974 45 b'RC 125 (19H)

URANIUM Tall 3, DlPLITED esposal, responubihty fur. LDP,97+143 NRC 99 (1997)

USIC PRIVATIZATION ACT depleted uramum tela esposal, LBP-97143 NRC 99 0997) 28


$m Commament indance Vahes; thLtwo Vahes STNDORS

- NRC inspecuna of facahues. DD-97-3. 43 NRC 71 (1997; V10(.ATIONS noedted DD 974 45 NRC 66 (1997) of signend prm:cdures na araswmg and test equenent DL1974 45 NRC R6 (1997J See Also Notice of Violation WI.lD5 defects in molt assently scaird twket, 10971,43 NRC 33 (1997) 29

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ARKANSAS NUCt1AR ONE, Useis I and 2; Ducket Nos S313, S368,72-13 4 RLQUEST FOR ACTION; Mwch 4.1997; DIRifiOR'S DLCislON UNDER 10 CJ R. 6 2 206; DD97 5, di NRC 133 (1997) l CIA!IK)RNE ENRIOlMENT CINIER; D=kee No 743074ML l


INITIAL DEOSION (ResoMag Comestions D and J.3L LSP 97 3, 45 NRC 99 (1997) f 5

MATFRIALS LICENSE; Janusy 29, 1997 ORDER; Ctj 97,2, di NRC 3 (1997)

MAftRIALS IKENSE Telwwary 13,1997; ORDER; CLI-97-3, 43 NRC 49 (1997) l l '

' MATIRIALS LKl.NSE; Much 21,1997; ORDER; G397 4, 43 NRC 95 (1997) '

ClJNTON POWLR S~ATION, Umt 1; Ducket No. 30 4614)LA


j (Temunaung Proces.hngt LBF 97-4, 45 NRC 123 (1997)


! 7210N PiQUEST IJR AGION, Fetrusy 5,1997; DIRECTOR'S DECISION UNDER 10 C F R. 6 2.206, l l DD97 3,45 NRC 71 (1997) i I

114T01 NUCLEAR PLANT, Umts 1 and 2; Ducket Hos S424, S423 i

l RIQUEST FOR ACTION, Much 18, 1997; DIRECTOR'S DLCtslON UNDER 10 C T R. 3 2,206, l

10974, 43 NRC 144 (1997)

MILL 3 TONE NUCLEAR POWT.R STATION, Umt ); DD 97-4, 45 NRC 86 (1997) l REQULST K)R ACTION, February 18, 1997, DIRECTOR'S DECISKIN UNDER 10 C F R.12.206; Dn97 4. 25 NRC B6 (1994 OYSTER CRLI.K NUCllAR OENERATING STATION, Ducket No S219-OLA 1 j


ce Sumnwy Ongwuanos MononL LSP 97 l,45 NRC 7 (1997)

PAL.lSADES NUCLEAR PLANT; Dacket Nos B255, 72-7 ,

REQUEST FOR ACTION, Janusy 23.1997, DIRECTOR'S DECISION UNDt R 10 C F R 9 2.206,  ;

(&97 l,45 NRC 33 (1997) l REQUTST FOR ACTION; Much 4.1997 DIRECTOR'S DiCISION UNDER 'O C F R. I2.206, j Dn97 3,41 NRC 133 (1997) l PolVT BLAOI NUCLEAR PLANT, Umts I med 2, tuket Nos. 542M. S301,72-5 l j REQUEST FOR ACTION, Much 4.1997. DIRECTOR'S DECISION UNDER 10 C F R 6 2 206, j (&97-5, 43 NRC 135 (1997) I YOGilI. ELTCTRIC OLNERATING PLANT, Umts I and 2. Docket Nos 54321, 4 366 j

REQUEST FOR ACTION, Mach 18. 1997 DIRLCTOR'S DICISION UNDER 10 C F R 6 2 206-. 1 i l IO97-6 di NRC 144 (I997)

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