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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 870507
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/07/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-870501, NUDOCS 8705110051
Download: ML20215K056 (34)


9 For7DR o

May 7, 1987 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


WEEKLY INFORFATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING MAY 1, 1987 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Comissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration and Resources Management A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Nuclear Regulatory Research D Governmental & Public Affairs E Ge:2ral Counsel F*

Personnel G*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data H Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights I*

Special Projects J*

Regional Offices K*

CRGR Monthly Reports L*

Executive Director for Operations M Items Addressed by the Commission N Meeting Notices O Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for P external distribution)

  • No input this week.

/T. A. Reh ,'E M t for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781 8705110051 870507 PDR COMMS NRCC WEEKLYINFOREPT PDR



>c Pilgrim Restart Schedule Slip On April 27, 1987, Boston Edison Company's Senior Vice President, Nuclear (Rap 1h Bird) stated that the Pilgrim restart date has slipped from the previously published restart readiness date of June 1987 to August 1987. Mr. Bird's statement was part of testimony before the Massachusetts State Legislature's Joint Comittee on the Investigation and Study of the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Facility. Mr. Bird further stated that the Pilgrim detailed schedule was currently being evaluated and that Boston Edison expected to reload fuel in the reactor (currently defueled) in June 1987.

Pilgrim shut down April 11, 1986 due to equipment difficulties and has remained shutdown since that time to resolve equipment, operational and management issues.

Meeting of Central States Low-Level Waste (LLW) Compact Representatives of the Division of Low-Level Waste Management and Decommissioning attended an emergency meeting of the Central States LLW Compact requested by Kansas to address a number of issues they had raised. (Kansas is exploring leaving the compact.) At the meeting, staff responded to a number of questions regarding financial assurance and liability, below grade disposal and licens-ability under Part 61, at-reactor-storage, and disposal of low-level waste.

Based on the meeting, a Kansas Low-Level Waste Task Force appointed by the Governor recommended to the Governor and Legislature that Kansas take no action to leave the compact at this time.

Meeting with Michigan Radioactive Waste Control Committee Timothy Johnson of the Division of Low-Level Waste Management and Decommissioning, attended a meeting of the Michigan Radioactive Waste Control Committee in Lansing, Michigan on April 30, 1987, to discuss the Pathway Analyses performed to support the 10 CFR Part 61 waste classification system and Class C wastes. The Michigan group is discussing the issue of prohibiting the disposal of Class C wastes should Michigan be selected as the Midwest Compact host state.

Offsite Non-Cooperation Emergency Planning Rule i RES, in support of OGC, is in the process of evaluating public comments (approximately 2500) responding to the proposed rule published in the Federal Register on M. arch 6,1987 relating to licensing of nuclear power plants where state and/or local governments decline to cooperate in offsite emergency planning.





Staff is concentrating on one particular application the Executive Safety Information System. Programmers from IRM and the contractor, System Automation Corporation, have received training on particular software.. NRC Security personnel met with DOJ security personnel to expedite DOJ security. approval of NRC contractor personnel working on SINET. ,

2. DCS Meetings with OGC and ASLBP have identified a test data base of Comanche Peak hearing material which can be loaded onto the DCS in full text late this sumer.

. 3. Data General Hardware Acquisition / Installation Wiring for the payroll MV 15000 has been installed. Hardware will be shipped from, Data General by the end of next week. Procurement of an MV 15000 has begun for Personnel.


4. Reference Information Library staff assisted Congressional Affairs in providing infomation for Senator Matsunaga on the 1967 incident at the Hawaiian Development Irradiator. .


5. NRC Foreign Assignee Program  !

SEC personnel met with Harold Denton regarding security procedures and checks used in administering the Foreign Assignee Program. This is in preparation for a future Comission-level management meeting, based on the Chairman's interest, which will consider safety, foreign policy, security, and government coordination as they relate to Foreign Nationals at NRC vs NRC-licensed facilities. NRC has had approximately 150 foreign nationals from 22 different countries assigned to NRC for various time periods. Currently 16 are assigned to NRC from China, Poland, Spain, Korea, Egypt, Yugoslavia, and Japan.


t O

May 7, 1987

6. Consolidation Solicitations Released Federal Prison Industries (FPI) granted NRC a clearance to purchase ergonomic seating for the White Flint complex. Clearance is required before products offered by FPI may be acquired from other sources.
7. Training on How to Deal with News Media CommCore was awarded a purchase order to provide two one-day training sessions for 30 NRC senior managers and incident investigation team leaders on how to deal with news sedia inquiries.
8. LPDR's Annual site audits were performed for the following:

Monticello and Prairie Island, Minneapolis, MN Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor, Lacrosse, WI Duane Arnold, Cedar Rapids, IA The first Cooperative Agreement to fund an LPDR was issued this week to the York County Library in Rockhill, South Carolina, for the Catawba Nuclear Power Plant.-

9. Nuclear Waste Fund Met with DOE to continue discussions concerning NRC access to the Nuclear llaste Fund.
10. Directives Initiative A Directives Team has been established consisting of ARM and OP staff to examine the present Directives system and present an alternative system that is simpler, more concise, and " user friendly." This team will prepare a Directive on Directives for the review of top management by mid-June.
11. White Flint One Work Station Assignments Consolidation staff and Office of Personnel met with OGC, ARM, and SEC to discuss procedures for assigning individual work stations for employees at White Flint I.

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l May 7, 1987

12. Comunications Checks on NRC Switchboard The NRC Duty Officer will make nightly comunications checks to ass-that the NRC switchboard is operational (see Attachment A).

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. V"s c o Attachment A

/ ,o,,



[' E WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 s

5- e o

s...../ May 1, 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: Kenneth Perkins, Jr., Chief Incident Response Branch -

Division of Operational Assessment Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data FROM: Walter A. Magee, Acting Director Division of Information Support Services /IRM Office of Administration and Resources Management


COMMUNICATIONS CHECKS TO NRC SWITCHBOARD This will confirm agreement that the NRC Duty Officer will make nightly communications checks to assure that the NRC switchboard is operational.

A proposed procedure to accomplish this is attached. These checks will be made nightly and will continue (as we discussed) through the end of May.

This will also confirm our scheduled meeting at the Operations Center on May 13, 1987, at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the feasibility of co-locating the NRC switchboard with the Operations Center. I agree with you that planning for White Flint Building Two should take into account co-location of the two facilities and I have mentioned this to Mike Springer of the Office of Consolidation. During our May 13, 1987, meeting, we can disco ' what can be done in the near future.

Ken, I want to thank you for the co% aration you have given us in this matter.

Walter A. Magee, Acting Director Division of Infomation Support Services /IRM Office of Administration and Resources Management


As stated cc: J. Amenta M . Mcdonald l

l l



3. Each evening between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., the Duty Officer will telephone the NRC switchboard two times (times to be selected by the Duty Officer). NOTE: If Operations Center activities on any evening make it impractical to perform these checks, then they may be omitted at the discretion of the Duty Officer.
2. The Duty Officer will telephone the switchboard on 492-7000.
3. On hearing a proper response from the switchboard operator, the Duty Officer will state that the call is a communications check from the Operations
l. Center.
4. If there is no response from the switchboard operator, the following steps


should be taken in sequence:

First: wait five minutes and repeat the call to 492-7000. If there is no response, call 492-7371 or 492-8570 (these are backup telephones located in the same room as the switchboard).

Second: failing to contact the switchboard operator after five minutes, telephone the following supervisory persons (in sequence):

A. Yolanda Stokes - (home) - 864-3540 B. David Diehl - (home) - 946-0649 C. Walter Magee - (home) - 424-1502 MAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE A



Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Received This Week 12 l Completec This Week 15 2 Carryovers From 1986 170 53 Received In 1987 245 -

22 Granted In 1987 168 7 Denied In 1987 71 21 t Pending 176 47 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received i Gregory Palast, Requests copies of all records regarding the March 5, 1981 Union Associates meeting or meetings between LILC0 and NRC staff that (87-234) fall within seven specified categories.

Lucinda Minton, Requests two categories of records from 1960 to the present Hunton & Williams concerning the Maxey Flats waste disposal site in Fleming (87-235) County, Kentucky.

Lynn Connor, Requests a copy of a December 16, 1985 memo referenced on Doc-Search page six of a June 1986 inspection report on the Rancho Associates Seco nuclear power plant.


Joe Halapatz Requests a copy of a Commission record concerning flaws (87-237) at the Waterford nuclear power plant.

Linda Bauman, Requests copies of records related to investigations of  !

Government concerns of a named individual about Ebasco Services, Accountability Texas.

Project (87-238)

(NRCemployee) Requests copies of (1) the OIA investigation on alleged (87-239) mishandling of FOIA requests, (2) records associated with the report, and (3) the OIA internal procedures regarding sanitizing of OIA reports for release under the F0IA.

(NRCemployee) Requests a copy of the Comanche Peak OIA report 86-10 (87-240) Review Group Report.

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 MAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE A

2 Received, Cont'd r Chris Greenlee Requests a list of publications which regulate nuclear

(87-241) power plants.

l (Anindividual Requests copies of all records related to a specified OIA inquiry.

! requesting infomation )

l (87-242)

! Lyle Graber,. Requests a copy of SECY-86-359.

j NUS Corporation (87-243)

Mike Johnson, Requests a copy of a July 14, 1983 NRC internal memo NUS Corporation on interpretation of requirements regarding internal (87-244) flooding.

3 l Lynne Bernabei, Requests records related to allegations by two of her 1 Bernabei & Katz clients concerning TVA. '

i (87-245) t 4 Linda Bauman, APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the lack of response to a request

Government for records relating to the Office of Investigations'

! Accountability complete review of Case Number 4-84-047 concerning Project alleged falsification of test results at Comanche Peak.


Granted Ophelia Williams, In response to a raquest for copies of an August 25, 1982 J/R/A Associates letter to William Dircks from the Nuclear Utility Fire (87-120) Protection Group and a September 17, 1982 letter to the Nuclear Utility Fire Protection Group from William Dircks, made available copies of the requested records.

Lyle Graber, In response to a request for a copy of~a May 10, 1984 NUS Corporation memorandum from Roger Lemas regarding NRC's position on (87-154) application of Fitzpatrick exemption for spurious

. operation of high-low pressure interfaces, informed the requester that a search of pertinent files indicate no records authored by Roger Lemas. l l

Joe Halapatz In response to a request for a copy of a Consission record l (87-237) concerning flaws at the Waterford nuclear power plant, '

inforraed the requester that the requested record is already available at the PDR. j Denied Susan Bevill, In response to a request for records regarding (1)'any j Balch & Bingham complaints, etc., about the Farley plant or Alabama


Power t~nereto,Company and 2) any(made by aregarding reports named individual the health and NRC responses physics l inspection of the Farley plant during the week of March 24, j 1986, denied all Office of Investigations' records subject to this request, disclosure of which would interfere with 1

an enforcement proceeding, j_ MAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE A

__ _, _ . _ a- __ _ . - - _ . _ ._ ___

3 Denied, Cent'd Harry Voigt. In response to a request for two categories of records LeBoeuf, Lamb, relating to an April 11, 1986 memorandum to the Leiby & MacRae Commissioners from Ben Hayes relating to falsification (86-682) of leak rate test data, made available three records.

Denied two records in their entirety, disclosure of

.vhich would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process,.

Michael Adelman, In response to requests for records concerning NRC's Shanley & Fisher interview of a utility employee regarding an investigation (86-790) related to ATWS events on February 22-25, 1983, at the and Salem nuclear power plant, made available three records.

Saverio Mirarchi, Denied six records in their entirety containing commercial Bishop, Liberman or financial information.

& Cook (86-808)

E. John Domingues, In response to a request for copies of records related Domingues & to issuance of a license to a named individual, made Spiegelman available 41 records. Denied portions of three records, (87-133) release of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process and result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Denied portions of one record, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Stan Huber, In response to a request for copies of records related Stan A. Huber to the license issued to Standard Nuclear Consultants, Consultants, Inc. Ltd., of Elburn, Illinois, made available 13 records.

(87-206) Denied portions of four records, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

(An individual In response to a request for specified records related to requesting his reactor operator requalification exam, denied these information about records in their entirety, disclosure of which would tend himself) to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential (87-207) to the deliberative process.

Linda Bauman, In response to an APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of Government two records denied in their entirety and portions of Accountability eight records, concerning a request for records relating Project to inspections conoucted at the General Electric Company's (87-A-15-67-88) facility in Wilmington, North Carolina, continued to deny these records containing commercial or financial information.


4 Denied, Cont'd Steven Aftergood, In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release Committee to of the denied portions of a December 10, 1986 memorandum Bridge the Gap from James Fitzgerald to Victor Stello,


BNL (87-A-16-87-33) Review by Independent Experts of Research Plans Related to Source Term Uncertainties, continued to den 9 this record, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

b I

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l ftAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE A




"~gonomic Chairs for White Flint Consolidation" .


Purchase of 2800 ergonomic chairs (Executive, Management, Operator / Secretarial, and side chairs) for NRC's Consolidation into the White Flint complex.

Period of Performance: Five years Sponsor: Office of Administration & Resources Management Status: RFP issued on April 29, 1987. Proposals due on May 29, 1987.



" Audiovisual Equipment, Purchase and Installation at One White Flint North"


The contractor shall provide all equipment, labor and materials necessary for the installation and acceptance of the audiovisual systems at NRC's hearing and conference room facilities located at One White Flint North.

Period of Performance: 18 months Sponsor: Office of Administration & Resources Management Status: RFP closed on April 29, 1987. Proposals-forwarded to Source Evaluation Panel for review on April 30, 1987.

RFP No.: RS-01E-87-119


" Technical Assistance in Developing and Implementing Program and Procedures for Reactors Requiring Special Inspection Resources"


The contractor will provide technical assistance to NRC Regional & Headquarters Staff in developing and implementing programs and procedures for reactors with unusual problems during design, construction or operation, including unplanned outages.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Status: The competitive range has been established and negotiations are scheduled for the week of May 4, 1987.

RFP No.: RS-0RM-87-216


" Systems Management / Program Support"


The contractor shall provide, on a task order basis, systems programming support for all NRC in-house computers, which  ;

presently consist of Data General (DG) and Hewelett-Packard  ;

(HP) 16 and 32 Bit CPU's and associated peripherals. l Period of Performance: Three years j Sponsor: Office of Administration & Resources Management i Status: Negotiations have been completed. Best and Final offers are due on May 7, 1987.


Weekly Information Report Division of Contracts PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION (cont'd)

RFP No.: RS-RG1-87-271


" Purchase of Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Materials Testing System"


The contractor shall provide a system including both equipment and software with the ability to abstract data from various ultrasonic test systems and format the data for presentation on an existing PC. This system will enable the use of data

, generated during ultrasonic testing (UT) by other automatic or manual, analog or digital data based UT systems to provide independent UT analysis capability to the NRC.

Period of Performance: Delivery within 3 months of contract award.

Sponsor: Region I Status: Best and Final offers received on April 24, 1987 and forwarded to Source Evaluation panel for review on April 28, 1987.



" Investigation of the Quaternary Structural and Tectonic Character of the Meers Fault (Southwestern Oklahoma)"


Provide the data necessary to characterize the Meers Fault for seismic assessment and to determine if there are other such faults that may have been reactivated in the Quaternary within the fault zone.

Period of Performance: Two years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: A cost reimbursement type Contract No. NRC-04-87-077 was awarded to GE0 MATRIX Consultants in the amount of S328,889.00 effective May 1, 1987.

CONTRACT CLOSED OUT NRC-05-84-163 General Physics Corporation MAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE A


Week Ending May 1, 1987


Perry Unit 1 - Startup Following Steam Drain Line Break On April 14, 1987, Perry Unit I was shut down due to a loss of condenser vacuu:n caused by a steam drain line break. Repairs to the ruptured drain line and other drain lines which exhibited evidence of cracking have been 4

completed. The licensee began startup over the weekend. ,

i Also tions on during(the a RCIC inboard outage, a design oversight containment isolation valve) with was respect to recent discovered. Themodifica-1 valve had previously been a nomally closed, DC-operated valve. To correct

binding problems the licensee proposed to install an AC operator and have the valve act as normally open to ensure steam available to the RCIC turbine upon loss of AC power. The staff approved this modification and related Technical Specifications on April 1, 1987.

On April 21, 1987, the licensee reported that they had discovered that the effects of a postulated pipe rupture had not been fully accounted for in the design change to the valve. An analysis by Gilbert Associates, the architect-engineer, indicated that the plant was susceptible to a loss of both the low pressure coolant injection and shutdown cooling modes of either

! RHR loop A or B from jet impingement loading due to postulated steam line breaks with subsequent pipe whip. Pipe re'traints have been installed to correct this condition. The plant had been in operation for approximately 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> at a maximum power of about 12% power in this condition. The licensee plans to submit a Part 21 notification regarding this event.

4 The licensee will resume startup testing and is limited by Technical Specifica-tion to no more than 75% power. The next planned shutdown is May 31, 1987, for Appendix J integrated leak rate testing.

i Fermi-2 On April 11, 1987, the plant was shut down following a recurrence of steam leaks discovered at weldments in instrument tap lines coming off the main steam line in the turbine building, and in flush cap welds on some of the turbine bypass valves.

The driving force for the leaks appears to be flow-induced vibration in the

. steam lines. The welds that leaked, which cracked as a result of these vibrations, were found to have either been inadequately designed and/or fabricated. Some of the instrument tap leaks occurred at welds which leaked in

. January 1987 and were redesigned at that time by the licensee.

i I

r 1, 1987


. A joint NRR/ Region III inspection team will visit the plant site on April 28-29 to independently assess the problem, verify the licensee's design analyses, and determine the technical adequacy of the licensee's redesigns. A NRR/ Region III meeting with the licensee is also planned during the week of May 4, 1987, to reach a mutual agreement on the fixes to be made to prevent further recurrence of the leaks.

La Crosse The board of Directors of the Dairyland Power Cooperative met on April 24, 1987, and decided to shut down the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor in a couple of weeks. The decommissioning of the plant will be initiated at that time.

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Due to a failed acoustic monitor on one of the five electromatic relief valves which discharge into the suppression pool, the licensee started to shut down Oyster Creek at 6:41 p.m. on April 23, 1987. They achieved 0% power at 3:00 a.m. on April 24, 1987. It was determined that the failure was due to a faulty cable splice leading to the monitor. The cable splice has been repaired. However, because the licensee has experienced difficulty in keeping the drywell bulk temperature down to an acceptable level (150 F),

they decided to replace cooling coils in four of the five fans and two fan wheels in two of the five fans. The fans are non-safety grade. This replace-ment will keep the plant down for two weeks.

Ano-2 ANO-2 is in COLD SHUTDOWN as required by its Technical Specifications following 167 days of continuous operation. The shutdown which was initiated on about 6:30 p.m. EST, April 24, 1987, was due to a non-isolable primary system leakage.

The source of the leakage was associated with a pressurizer heater element sleeve penetration and the amount was approximately 0.02 gpm (one drop per second). The exact location and nature of the defect causing the leakage is unknown at this time. In addition, a small area of damage to the carbon steel material of the pressurizer vessel was found abcut one and one-half inch away from, but adjacent to the pressurizer heater sleeve leakage source. Based on visual inspections, the damaged area appeared to be approximately one and one-half inch in diameter and one-half to three-quarters of an inch in depth.

Pressurizer vessel material thickness at this location is three and seven-eighths inches of carbon steel with a minimum of one-eighth of an inch stainless steel alloy cladding. Combustion Engineering is expected onsite today to assist the licensee in determining the cause and degree of damage and appropriate repair j MAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE B

. procedures. It should be noted that the above-discussed leakage was discovered during inspections associated with another leakage from the pressurizer vent line (0.04 gpm leak). There was no apparent damage associated with this leakage. It is not known at this time when ANO-2 will be able to restart.

North Anna, Unit 1 - Single-Phase Corrosion Feedwater The licensee has infonned the staff that VEPC0's inspection of North Anna, Unit 1, as noted above~, has identified an area below the minimum acceptance criteria. The area is a six-inch T-elbow on the discharge side of the B-feedwater regulation valve. Minimum acceptance criteria is 0.379 inches - as found was 0.353 inches indicating degradation amounting to 26 mils. Licensee indicates section will be replaced during present refueling outage and identical areas for the A&B feedwater regulator valves will now also be inspected.

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station The gross radioactivity release rate from Vermont Yankee's steam jet air ejector has gradually increased over the last 6 weeks from about 600 micocuries per second to about 10,000 microcuries per second. A Technical Specification LC0 requires hot shutdown if the rate exceeds 0.16 curries per second and can not be brought within limits within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. The licensee believes one or more fuel pin cladding failures may be the source of the high activity.

Pilorim Restart Schedule Slip On April 27, 1987, Boston Edison Company's Senior Vice President.

Nuclear (Raplh Bird) stated that the Pilgrim restart date has slipped .

from the previously published restart readiness date of June 1987 to l August 1987. Mr. Bird's statement was part of testimony before the i Massachusetts State Legislature's Joint Committee on the Investigation and Study of the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Facility. Mr. Bird further stated that the Pilgrim detailed schedule was currently being evaluated and that Boston Edison expected to reload fuel in the reactor  !

(currently defueled) in June 1987. ]

Pilgrim shut down April 11, 1986 due to equipment difficulties and has remained shutdown since that time to resolve equipment, operational and management issues.

I l

l MAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE B l l



1. DEFUELING l - Several " rocks" were removed from the top of the fuel . bed and placed j

in the canister loading funnel. They were then broken with an air driven chisel to a size small enough to allow them to fall through the funnel into the defueling canisters. This initial use of the air chisel proved successful as all the " rocks" available on the top core surface were broken into loadable size. During use of the air -

chisel the sealing surface en one of the canisters was damaged. The extent and effect of the damage is currently being evaluated.

! - Two canisters were topped off and two more filled this week. One of

j. the full canisters was transferred to the spent fuel pool.

- On Sunday, May 3, 1987 a hose on the discharge of.the Defueling

Water Cleanup System (DWCS) developed a significant leak and sprayed reactor coolant water on portions of the 347 ft., 331 ft., and 305 ft. elevations of the reactor building. Three individuals were
contaminated by the water. The DWCS system was shutdown within five minutes. The cause of the leak and extent of personnel and equipment contamination, and corrective actions required are being evaluated.
2. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results i


show that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster

! Agreement.  ;

- TMI water effluents are sampled from the station (Units 1 and 2) discharge and analyzed by EPA. Gamma spectrum analyses of the seven daily composited samples for April 12 - 18, 1987 indicated no TMI-2 related radioactivity.

EPA's gamma spectrum analysis of the NRC's TMI outdoor air sample j for April 24 - 30, 1987 showed no reactor related radioactivity.

- The water works for the City of Lancaster composited seven daily samples from April 12 - 18, 1987. EPA's gamma spectrum analysis of i j the composite sample showed no reactor related radioactivity. i


Auxiliary building sump desludging continues. The project has resulted in the filling of four 120 cubic foot containers.

Robot desludging in the reactor building basement continues. The

! dewatered sludge is being held in the modified spent resin storage l

tanks in the auxiliary building basement.



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- Technical Specification Change Requests 52, 55 and 56.

- Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

Heavy Load Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

- Processed Water Disposition Proposal.

- Safety Evaluation Report for Use of Plasma Arc Cutting Torch.

- Pressurizer Defueling Safety Evaluation Report.

- Safety Evaluation Report for Defueling of the Core Support Assembly.

- Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 4.

5. MEETING The next meeting of the Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island Unit 2 will be held on June 10, 1987 from 7:00 - 10:00 PM at the Lancaster Council Chambers, Public Safety Building, 201 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA.

Persons desiring to speak before the Advisory Panel are asked to contact Mr. Thomas Smithgall at 2122 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603 (telephone 717-291-1041). Persons desiring to submit topics or questions for the Advisory Panel to consider are asked to contact the Chairman, Mayor Arthur Morris,120 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17602.

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Week Ending May 1, 1987 Region I Operational Safety Review at Cintichem Plant Region I has notified Cintichem, Inc., of an upcoming operational safety review. This review will be held during the week of May 18, 1987. Three Fuel Cycle staff members will participate with Region I on the review team. The purpose of the review is to examine existing conditions at the plant to identify potential safety hazards that, when combined with plant operations, could impact public health and safety. The team will also examine whether or not there are systems and procedures in place to identify the use and handling of hazardous materials which could result in radiological safety consequences, and will determine whether these are adequately implemented.

Meeting of Central States Low-Level Waste (LLW) Compact Representatives of the Division of Low-Level Waste Management'and Decommissioning attended an emergency meeting of the Central States LLW Compact requested by Kansas to address a number of issues they had raised. (Kansas is exploring leaving the compact.) At the meeting, staff responded to a number of questions regarding financial assurance and liability, below grade disposal and licens-ability under Part 61, at-reactor-storage, and disposal of low-level waste.

t Based on the meeting, a Kansas Low-Level Waste Task Force appointed by the Governor recommended to the Governor and Legislature that Kansas take no action to leave the compact at this time.

Meeting with Michigan Radioactive Waste Control Committee Timothy Johnson of the Division of Low-Level Waste Management and Decommissioning, attended a meeting of the Michigan Radiaactive Waste Control Committee in Lansing, Michigan on April 30, 1987, to discuss the Pathway Analyses performed to support the 10 CFR Part 61 waste classification system and Class C wastes. The Michigan j

group is discussing the issue of prohibiting the disposal of Class C wastes should Michigan be selected as the Midwest Compact host state.


2 Status of Turkey Point 4 International Safeguards On April 23, Florida Power & Light informed the NRC that April 29-30 were firm dates for an IAEA inspector to apply seals to the in place reactor head. This information was provided to the IAEA via TELEX on April 23.

An IAEA inspection team and an NRC representative arrived at Turkey Point on April 28. Turkey Point was contacted by the NRC on April 28 and the licensee stated that the reactor was not yet ready for sealing due to additional work required in containment. They stated that the best time to apply seals would be May 2-3. The IAEA team was directed by IAEA management not to install the '

seals at this time but to service the.. camera that is in place in containment

to insure continuous surveillance. The IAEA team then departed to attend an IAEA meeting in Columbia, SC with Westinghouse and NRC staff.

If the IAEA is not able to apply seals to the reactor head on May 2-3, the -

IAEA will wait until the missile shield is installed over the reactor and '

apply seals to the missile shield, probably in early June.

Meeting on Environmental Issues Associated with Bilateral Agreement On April 22, the Department of State held a meeting to discuss the feaeral actions required before air shipment of plutonium could begin pursuant to a new bilateral agreement. The meeting was attended by representatives of NRC, DOE, FAA and ACDA, and focused on the status of the proposed agreements with respect to NEPA. (In a letter to the Secretary of State, the Governor of Alaska raised several concerns over potential environmental impacts of plutonium air shipment refueling stops in Alaska, which would be likely under the agreement.) The meeting concluded with a decision by State to draft a brief document that would address environmental aspects of shipments under the agreement, to be based in part on NUREG-0360, " Qualification Criteria to Certify a Package for Air Transport of Plutonium", and NRC's certification to Congress on the Plutonium Air Transport (PAT) I and II packages.

DOT Decisions on Appeals to Inconsistency Ruling Under HM-164 On November 27, 1984, DOT published nine inconsistency rulings concerning state and local restrictions on radioactive materials transportation in the states of Michigan, New York and Vermont. In its appeal of the D0T rulings, the State of Michigan asserted that its requirement for submission of copies ,

of NRC's route approvals should not be deemed inconsistent, because DOT's finding that such submittals increased the possibility of compromising l security-related information was based solely on " conjecture and fear". In '

denying the state's appeal, DOT suggested that if "the state believes it needs more ccmprehensive notification than that provided in NRC regulations (10 CFR 73.21), it should file a rulemaking petitinn with the NRC" (52 FR 13004).





. Week Ending May 1, 1987 .

I 1

l Offsite Non-Cooperation Emergency Planning Rule

/ RES, in . support of OGC, is in the process of. evaluating public comments

(approximately 2500) responding to the proposed rule published in the Federal Register on March 6.1987 relating to licensing of nuclear power i plants where state and/or local governments decline to cooperate in offsite emergency planning.

NRU Severe Accident Fuel Test FLHT-5 r l The fuel rod assembly, containment shroud and instrumentation for Full Length Hig1 Temperature test number 5 (FLHT-5) have been shipped to the NRU reactor at Chalk River National Laboratories. On-site test hardware i

placement and qualification are on schedule. Test FLHT-5 will subject the j P fuel rods to coolant boilaway and will take the assembly of eleven I full-length, commercial-enrichment fuel rods to measured cladding

~. temperatures id excess of 2400K (3860'F) and will then hold the assembly at power levels equal to full decay heat power for about 60 minutes. The  ;

purpose of test FLHT-5 is to obtain full axial length test data for the j

development an-d evaluation of analytical models of severe reactor accidents '

in which reactor core materials melt or liquefy and relocate. These data and models in turn will support severe accident policy decisions.

t Two test details make test FLHT-5 more challenging than any previous NRU test first, the hold time at power and high temperature.will be increased to 60 minutes from the previous high of 30 minutes; and, recond, the test

bundle fission power will be increased 30% (to 30kW, from 23kW) while the cross flow water simulation will be reduced 30% (to 1.25 gm/sec, from 1.9 gm/sec) so the residual water pool at the bottom of the test capsule

. into which molten core materials might fall will become 30%-50% smaller.

Performance of test'FLHT-5 is scheduled for May 5-12.

Fission Product Release From High Tenperature Fuel The Oak Ridge Fission Product Release Program is being conducted to reduce

'- the uncertainty in severe accident source term analyses. A high temperature '

experiment was performed on April 8, 1987. In this test, the first conducted at 2700K in an out-of-pile apparatus with irradiated fuel, a fuel i specimen (irradiated to approximately 40 MWD /Mt U0 9 in the BR-3 reactor in .

. Belgium) was held at temperatures of 2000K and 2700K.. The cladding was pre-oxidized to f


2 determine fission product release without the complication of fuel-cladding interaction. Subseqt;ent experiments will be conducted to determine release during fuel liquefaction. The time duration in which significant fission product release was observed was approximately 90 minutes. The integrated release for krypton was approximately 85 percent. . Release data for other fission products are being determined.

Sandia large-Scale Molten Core-Concrete Interaction Experiments A series of large-scale integral tests is being conducted at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to study the interactions between molten core debris and structural concrete. Such interactions may contribute to containment loading and ex-vessel radiological source terms during a severe accident in which the primary reactor vessel faf1s and molten core debris falls into the concrete reactor cavity. On March 26, 1987, test SURC-4 (Sustained Uranium Reacting with Concrete) was successfully conducted. Two hundred kilograms of type-304 stainless steel were melted by induction heating in a cylindrical Mg0 crucible (41 cm inside diameter) and reacted with a concrete 0199 of basaltic aggragate that was cast into the lower portion of the sn:tible. The steel melt contained 5 kg of simulated fission-products

! (noe-radioactive) comprised of Te, Mo, La,0 3, Ba0 & Ce0.

Throughout the test, gas and aerosol composition and evolution rates were-

. monitored. The charge was melted and quasi-steady-state conditions established at approximately 100 min. into the test. Five cm of concrete' were ablated during the next 20 min.; at this point, 20 kg of metallic Zr were added to the melt. The pool temperature increased from 1475'C to 1575'C after the Zr was added. The concrete ablation rate increased as a result of the exothermic oxidation of the Zr metal by the water vapor and the CO decomposition products sparging through the pool. During the next 45 min, an additional 20-25 cms of concrete were eroded, indicating that the ablation rate was approximately doubled by addition of the Zr enetal.

Quantitative analyses of the aerosol and gas-composition data are in progress.



3 Recently Issued Publications Reg. Guide 1.8, Rev. 2, " Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants", Task OL 403-5.


J. Wachtel, NRR (301)492-8508 Reg. Guide 1.134, Rev. 2, " Medical Evaluation of Licensed Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants", Task OL 401-5.


J. Wachtel, NRR (301) 492-8508 Reg. Guide 1.149, Rev. 1, " Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Facilities for Use in Operator License Examinations", Task OL 402-5.


J. Wachtel, NRR (301)492-8508 l


ITEMS OF INTEREST t OFFICE OF GOVERNMENTAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS WEEK ENDING MAY 1, 1987 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Foreign Visitors On Monday GPA Director Harold Denton and members of the staff from GPA/IP, NRR, and RES met with Professor L. P. Gillon, former Belgian governor to the IAEA who is examining the safety of French reactors, to discuss safety of PWR containments against hydrogen explosions and the state of the art for elimination of hydrogen from containir.ent shells.

Mr. Gillon is scheduled also to discuss these topics on Thursday with Sandia National Laboratory contractors. ,

Trip Reports H. J. Faulkner, Chief, Technical Liaison Section, GPA/IP April 16-17,1987; Visited Japan:

Travelled to Japan to assist Consnissioner Carr in his visits with officials of the nuclear comunity in Japan and to hold separate working-level discussions with officials at STA and MITI on April 16 and 17.

State, local and Indian Tribe Programs Weekly Highlights - May 1,1987 Interagency Response Video On April 30, 1987, Sheldon Schwartz, SLITP met at Argonne National Labs (ANL) with the State of Illinois, 00E, and Comonwealth Edison Co (CECO),

representatives to make final arrangements for taping of the May 5-6, 1987 Dry Run of the Federal Field Exercise (FFE). All participants agree to " Pool" ,

their tapes for the interagency video and AHL will be the repository. CECO l agreed to provide all exercise tapes for use in the video as appropriab and will do additional taping during the FFE.

Hazardous Materials Response Team Conference On May 1, 1987, Sheldon Schwartz, SLITP, gave a presentation on the Chernobyl Accident to the subject conference. The audience (500 people) repr'esented hazardous materials response teams from across the United States. This is the 5th Annus1 Natioral Conference, which is sponsored by Montgomery County, Maryland.

tiAY 1, 1987 ENCLOSURE E



$jFay 5/05/87 10:00 A.M. (( MARK-UP)) NRC AUTHORIZATION Rep. Sharp /Moorhead

~4 Sub on Energy and Power Committee on Energy and Comerce 5/06/87 9:30 A.M. Commissioners AUTHORIZATION /EMERG. Sen. Breaux/Simpson DelMedico/ PREP. & RELATED TOPICS Sub on Nuclear Regulation Fay (User Fees, IG, Connittee on Environment & Public Works Safety Board, Single Administrator)

D31 Medico 5/07/87 9:30 A.M. ((0utside EMERGENCY PLANNING Sen. Breaux/Simpson Witnesses)) Sub on Nuclear Regulation Canmittee on Environment & Public Works Combs / 5/07/87 9:45 A.M. Commissioners NRC LEGISLATIVE Rep. Udall/Lujan Gtrn PROPOSALS & ARIZONA / Sub on Energy & the Environment SOUTH DAK0TA LLW Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs COMPACT Gsrn 5/07/87 2:00 P.M. (( Congress)) S.839-AMENDMENTS Sen. Johnston/McClure TO NWPA Committee on Energy and Natural Resources 9

F2 8

C i

m 1

t I

Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Items of Interest Week Ending May 1, 1987

1. Incident Response An AE00 staff representative attended a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sponsored meeting of the U.S./ Canada Civil Emergency Planning Consultative Group on April 29, 1987 to discuss interface responsibilitier and training for responding to nuclear oower plant accidents within 50 miles of the international border.

An AE00 staff representative participated in a meeting of the Subcommittee on Training of the Federal Response Preparedness Coordinating Committee in Emmitsburg on April 29, 1987 to discuss federal training that is available to state and local officials. The objective is to develop a training curriculum that will better prepare state and local officials to make protective action decisions and implement them.

The Office Director, and several members of the AE0D staff, participated in a training session at Region III on April 30, 1987 to make final plans for the Dry Run Federal Field Employee (FFE) exercise. They also attended the Management Group meeting for the Dry Run on May 1,1987. This is the final meeting before the Dry Run to ensure that proper arrangements have been made.

On April 30, 1987, the Office Director, AE00, and members of the Incident Response Branch (IRB) and the Region III Director and his staff, met with the designated Senior FEMA official to discuss the way in which NRC and FEMA expect to communicate during the FFE-2 and the Dry Run.

The following Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week.

a. PN0-I-87-34, GPU Nuclear Corporation (0yster Creek Nuclear Generating Station), Shutdown Expected to Exceed Two Days.
b. PNO-I-87-35, Baltimore Gas and Electric (Calvert Cliffs Unit 1), Plan Shutdown Extension.
c. PNO-I-87-36, St. Peter's Medical Center, Department of Radiation Therapy, Therapeutic Misadministration Involving Cobalt-60 Teletherapy Unit.
d. PNO-I-37-87, Northeast Nuclear Energy Company (Millstone Nuclear Station Unit 3), Offsite Arrest of Licensee Employee on Drug Charge.
e. PNO-III-87-60, Dairyland Power Cooperative (Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor), Permanent Shutdown of the Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor.
f. PNS-87-07, Long Island Lighting Company (Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant),

Bomb Threat.



g. PN0-0SP-87-02, Tennessee Valley Authority (Sequoyah Units 1 and 2),

'TVA Names Sequoyah Operational Readiness Assessment Team.

h. PNO-0SP-87-03, Tennessee Valley Authority (Sequoyah Units 1 and 2),

Results of TVA IG Drug Investigation at Sequoyah.

i. PNO-IV-87-21, Sequoyah Fuels Corporation, Initial Start-up of the Depleted UF 6 to UF4 Processing Plant.
j. PN0-IV-87-22, Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 2 (Arkansas Power and Light Company), Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Leakage.

j I

4 4

i i




ITEMS OF INTEREST Office of Enforcement Week Ending 5/1/87 The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken the week of April 27, 1987.

A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $25,000 was issued to Comonwealth Edison Company (Dresden, Unit 3). The action was based on failure to maintain primary containment integrity. The reactor water temperature rose from 170 F to 223 F when the control room operators failed to monitor the appropriate reactor water temperature indicators.


A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount

$50,000 was issued to Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (Nine Mile Point, Unit 1).

The action was based on violations which included numerous examples of failure to (1) follow station procedures, (2) evaluate test results, and (3) perform an adequate radiation survey and provide adequate radiation surveillance.


Civil Penalties Paid the week of April 27, 1987.

Commonwealth Edison Company (Byron Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1) paid the imposed penalty in the amount of $50,000. This action was based on the use of surveillance procedures that contained incorrect valve alignments for the residual heat removal system which resulted in neither train of the RHR system being able to inject into the four legs of the reactor coolant system. (EA 86-48)

Commonwaalth Edison Company (Byron Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2) paid the imposed penalty in the amount of $25,000. This action was based on a violation of 10 CFR 50.7 in which Transco Products, Inc., a subcontractor of Comonwealth Edison Company, discharged an employee for reporting to the NRC Transco's inadequate inspection procedures and the installation of non-radiation-proof seals at the the Byron Nuclear Power Station. (EA 86-87)

Commonwealth Edison Company (Byron Unit 1) paid the proposed penalty in the )

amount of $50,000 based on a violation involving failure to obtain prior NRC approval of a change in acceptance criteria for a reactor coolant flow coastdown test from that described in the FSAR. (EA 87-16)

I l



E00 dated 4/30/87 The Commission

  • met with the Advisory Panel for the Decontam-ination of TMI-2 to receive local community input on GPU's three disposal alternatives for removal of the accident-generated. water from TMI-2. The Panel was represented by:

- Joel Roth, Vice Chairman

- Joseph J. DiNunno

- Thomas Gerusky

- John Leitzelschwaub

- Elizabeth Marshall

- Kenneth L. Miller '

- Frederick S. Rice

- Gordon Robinson

- Thomas Smithgall

- Neil Wald The Commission directed the staff to determine if any addi-tional water disposal methods could be identified and evaluated in the final environmental impact statement on accident-generated water disposal (NUREG-0683, Supplement 2) . In addition, the staff should identify a clearly preferable alternative if it is evident that one exists. Otherwise, the staff should comment on the acceptability, including the risk / benefit considerations, of GPU's evaporation proposal.

The Commission also requested the Advisory Penel to recommend the time frame needed for a Commission decision on the disposal of the accident-generated water at TMI-2 taking into consider-ation the public concern and understanding of the various options.


  • Commissioner Carr was not present.

l l


l I


APRIL 23, 1987 COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - Memo S. Chilk, SECY to V. Stello, Jr., EDO dated 5/1/87 The Commission, by a 5-0 vote,* approved minor revisions to the ~ i NRC policy statement on " Guidelines for NRC Review of Agreement State Radiation Control Programs," subject to the deletion of the words "in Agreement States" from the second to last sentence in the first paragraph on page 3 of Enclosure 2.

Commissioner Carr noted that he endorsed the plan to work with Agreement State representatives in a joint effort to explore

. the feasibility of developing objective performance indicators for materials licenses regulated by the Agreement States and the NRC. He would like to be informed regularly of progress in this effort. -

The policy statement should be amended as noted and forwarded to SECY for. signature and publication in the Federal Register.

1 .

i i



Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C.

S5841, provides that action of the Commission shall be deter-4 mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioners Roberts and Asselstine were not present when this item was

affirmed. Accordingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 3-0 in favor of the decision. Commissioners Roberts and Asselstine, however, had previously indicated that they would

! approve this paper and had they been present they would have

affirmed their prior votes.




,, MAY 1, 1987 e


DATE[ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 5/4/87 50-368 Room P-118 To discuss and resolve all South NRC/HL&P N. P. Kadambi 8:30 a.m. Phillips Building Texas licensing issues.

5/5'/87 50-443 Room P-118 To discuss technical issues that NRC/PSNH-NHY S. Long 1:00 p.m. Phillips Building have developed during the course of the NRC staff's review of the applicant's 10 CFR 2.758 petition.

5/5/87 50-341 Room P-114 To discuss multiple steam leaks NRC/ DECO J. J. Stefano 1:00 p.m. Phillips Building found in instrument tap lines /

drain lines off the main steam pipe in the Fermi-2 turbine build-ing; and presentation by Detroit Edison Company on redesigns / corrective actons to eliminate the problem.

5/5/87 50-348/ Room 6110 To discuss Alabama Power Co. NRC/APCo E. A. Reeves 1:00 p.m. 364 Maryland National (APCo) proposed changes to the Bank Building Farley Site Safeguards Plan and other site related modifica-tions.

n,5/7/87 50-433 Room P-110 To discuss Seabrook, Unit I licens- NRC/PSNH-NHY 0. Gormley Ei10:00 a.m. Phillips Building ing issues.

o m

c> o Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424

- n 5



DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 5/7/87 50-261/ Room 528-A As a result of reorganization NRC/CP&L B. Buckley 1:00 p.m. of the ONRR, CP&L representatives 325/324 Phillips Building 400 requested a introductory meeting with NRR Management.

5/8/87 -

Room P-114 To review River Bend Station (RBS) NRC/GSU S. M. Stern 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building plans for fuel reload.

5/28/87 50-458 Room P-114 To review River Bend Station (RBS) NRC/GSU S. M. Stern 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building plans on containment purge and containmen'. venting.

6/15/87 50-458 Room P-114 To review River Bend Station (RBS) NRC/GSU S. M. Stern 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building plans to revise their emergency operating procedures.

E;* Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s)

[2 in the NRC and local public document rooms .

o A summary of.these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424 f

0 4




DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT 5/4/-8/87 Dak Ridge, TN To meet with DOE contractors T. Clark, NRC T. Clark to discuss safety analyses E. McKenna, NRC of existing gaseous diffusion plants Willste Bldg. To discuss NRC's relation- P. Vacca , NRC P. Vacca 5/6/87 N/A 12 noon Room 362 ship with FDA re: Nuclear R. Keesee Pharmacy issues D. Hoogland R. Pakusa M. Yacura (Representing Syncor) 5/18-22/87 70-687 Tuxedo, NY To participate in licensee T. Clark, NRC T. Clark evaluation with Region I G. Comfort, NRC personnel (Cintichem)


n 82 A



_ - . - - - - -. . .- _- -- -_ . _ _ _ _ ~ - . _ . _

bh NMSS MEETING NOTICES FOR WEEK ENDING: 5/1/87 DIVISION OF LOW-LEVEL WAS!? MANAGEMENT AND DECOMMISSIONING Os co j DOCKET ATTENDEES / NRC DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT CONTACT 5/3-5/87 Atlanta, GA To attend and give presentation at the J. Greeves (LLW4) Greeves 4th International Hazardous Waste Symposium on Environmental Aspects of Stabilization / Solidification of Hazardous and Radioactive Wastes.

5/7/87 Washington, Meeting with EPA staff to discuss EPA staff Knapp 10:00 D.C. standard development. M. Knapp (LLW4)

M. Kearney (LLWM)

! K. Dragonette (LLWM)


. May 5-7 Hyatt Regency Hotel To attend meetings and make presentation RLJohnson RLJohnson 13210 Katy Freeway (I-10) on Exploratory Shaft Facility Design (ESF) NTanious i Houston, Texas 77079 to give overview of past NRC issues and MNataraja comments. JPearring i DOE contractors States and Indian tribes i n, June 9-10 Embassy Square Suites Meetings to discuss various activities PAltomare PAltomare 4

E5 2000 N Street, NW underway in HLW program, including NRC's ABender i Es Washington, DC approach to identification and resolutiori BChampio'n

, 82 of issues, status of NRC rulemakings, HLWM staff El and demonstration of the pilot program States c3 associated with the Licensing Support Indian tribes System DOE Federal agencies J

t i