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Rev 4 to Reg Guide 1.16, Reporting of Operating Info-App a Tech Specs
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/31/1975
REGGD-01.016, REGGD-1.016, TAC-30200, NUDOCS 8706160726
Download: ML20215A605 (6)


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. REPORTING OF OPERATING INFORMATION-APPENDIX A l TECHNIC AL SPECIFICATIONS A. INTRODUCTION of Reporting Requirements for Persons Subject to NRC Regulations," and is not presented herein.

Section 5036, "lechnical Speci0 cations," of 10 -

CFR Part 50, " Licensing of Production and Utilization B. DISCUSSION Facilities," requnes that each applicant for a license authorizing opeution of a nuclear power plant include in September 1974 the Atomic Energy Ccmmis-in its application proposed technical specifications. sion2 Regulatory staff pubihhed Revision 2 of Ikpu!>

These technical specincations, as issued by the NRC, are tory Guide 1.16. This revision reflected resuhs of a stati incorporated into the facility license and are conditions review of operating infommtion needed to permit of the license. Technical speci0 cations aic now included assessment by the Commission of safety.related ; ctivities as two appendices to the license: Appendix A technical during the operating phase of plant life. S.pniicant speci0 cations relate to health and safety, and Appendix changes in Revision 2 were:

B technical specineations relate to environmenta' im- , 1. Reporting requirements were updated to retleet pact.' Each of these appendices includes a section on changes in reports required by Appendix A te;hnical reporting requirements. The reporting program described sfecincations. In general, these changes invoked:

in this regulatory guide involves the reportir.g require-

a. a change in frequency of submiital of ments of Appendix A technical speci0 cations only. In routine operating reports; some cases, this program may need to be supplemented . b. climination of the Orst year oparating or modiGed because o'4 unique pl4 t design features or report /
  • other factors. The need for a supplemental or modined ., c. formalization of reporting of operating program will be determined on a case by-case basis. information on a monthly frequency; Reporting of information concerning radioactive d. deletion of certain items ofinformadon no discharges, radiological enviremnental monitorir.g, and longer required to be submitted on a routine baA nonradiological environmental surveillance and environ- e. changes in the format and immahacy of mental impact is discussed in Regulatory Guide 4.8, reporting required for certain types of abnormal occur-

"Environmenta! Technical Specifications for Nuclear rences (now called reportab'x occurrencesh ar.d Power Piants " f. improved guidance concerning deGnidor.s In addition to the reporting requirements necessary and categories of signincance of abnormal ocecence>.

for compliance with technical specifications, specific re- 2. Appendices were added to provide the de ned porting requirements are included in Part 50, as well as format for radiation exposure reports and monthly in other Paits of Title 10, Chapter I, Code of Federal operating reports.

Regulations. A compilation of all reporting requirements 3. A listing of reports other than those required applicable to the various types of NRC licensees,includ- by Appendix A technical specifications was ehminated.

4 ing identification of the proper NRC addressee or ad- (see introduction above.)

dressecs and designatien of the number of copics requir-ed,is included in Regulatory Guide 10.1, " Compilation 4hc Atomic Energy Commission was abobshed try the Enecy w $


3 A few facihties have a single appendix that contains the Reorganizatior Act of 1974, w hich also created the E.dar Regulatory Conunission and rave it the licennng md rated combined aspect of Appendices A and D. regulatory functions of the AEC.

USNRC HEGUL ATORY GUIDES commeni. .hould t.. ..nt to ih. sneemy os the comm u.on u s e.2 ,,:..

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Conunents were invited within 60 days of publica. 1. Routine Reports non of Revision 2 for use in conjunction with early resi>ien of the guide. As a result of comments received a. Startup Report, on the guide and additional staff review, the staff devdored Revision 3. Significant changes in Revision 3 '

A summary report of plant startup and power were:

escalation testing should be submitted following (1)

1. The startup report was revised to be more receipt of an operating license. (2) amendment to the 3

specifie as to the test results to be reported. license involving a planned increase in power level,(3) '

2. The annual report section was revised to (1) installation of fuel that has a different design or has been f urther quantify the tenn " reduction in power," (2) manufactured by a different fuel supplier, and (4) 4 pimide turther guidance on reporting of occupational modifications that may have significantly altered the radiation exposures, and (3) revise the information to be f' nuclear, thermal, or hydraulic performance of the plant.

submitted on fuel performance. The report should address each of the tests identitled in '

3. The abnonnal occurrence report section was the FSAR and should in generalinclude a description of raised to (1) provide for prornpt notification by the measured values of the operating conditions or telephone and confirmation of such notification by characteristics obtained during the test program and a te!cpaph. mailgram, or facsimile transmission of the comparison of these values with design predictions and t> ra of abnormal occurrences listed under Section 2.a, specifications. Any corrective actions that were required i 3 be more specific on the types of abnormal occur. to obtain satisfactory operation should also be de. l rences reported. (3) delete radiological efnuent releases scribed. Additional specific details may be included in fro m Appendix A technical specification reporting license conditions based on the applicant's commitment reqmrements, (4) provide for reporting of the types of to applicable regulatory guides and should be included in abwrmal occurrences listed under Section 2.b within 30 this report.

de s of occurrence of the event, and (5) make Section Startup reports should be submitted within(1) 2.c of Revision 2 of the guide a separate section (Section 90 days following completion of the startup test 4 ).

program, (2) 90 days following resumption or com.

In previous revisions of Regulatory Guide 1.16, the mencement of commercial powes operation, or (3) 9 tem ibnonnal occurrence" was used to designate any months following initial criticality, whichever is cadiest.

l te Leduled or unanticipated operational event reported if the Startup Report does not cover all three events

, to the Conunission. Included in these reported events

'i.e, initial criticality, completion of startup test pro-

  • , re i1) esents that could or did have significance from gom, and resumption or commencement of commercial i n . u.mdpoint of public health or safety and (2) events po ur operation), supplementary reports should be

! tc wred to NRC for perfonnance evaluation and trend subm?ted at least every three months until all three I

dm mmations. In Section 208 of the Energy Reorgani. events tave been completed.

wn Act of 1974 (Pub. L 93-438). an " abnormal


! o;eunence" is defined for the purposes of the reporting b. A mual Operating Report.8 j l requuements of the Act as an unscheduled incident or '

j esem w hich the Commission determines is signincant Ro atine operating reports covering the opera-from the standpoint of public health or safety. In order tion of the Unit during the previous calendar year should to be consistent with this defmition, the events desig. l be submitted prior to March I of each year. The initial .

J m predous revisions of this guide as " abnormal report should be submitted prior to March 1 of the year o a nenv / are designated " reportable occurrences" following initial eriticality.

i m Redsion 4. Any " reportable occurrences" that are The primary purposc of annual operating reports l

doenmneJ by the Commission to be significant from the is to permit annual evaluation by the NRC staff of operat-

  • t stmdpint of public health or safety wdl be further ing and maintenance experience throughout the nuclear i j dNgnated " abnormal occurrences." power industry. The annual operating reports made by  !

licensees should provide a comprehensive summary of .


  • E "*"!"## E " " "E F#' *"

though some repetition of previously reported informa-In aJJition to the applicable reporting requirernents n may e mmived. References in the annual operating  !

of lnb m. Code of Federal Regulations, the following E#

  • p .

usly nm wprts huld be clear.

p r. r.: em lor reporting of operating informatmn prov. ides cach annual operating report should m, elude: I w acceptable basis to the NRC staff for nJeeting the (1) A narrative summary of operating experi-w.,ortmg reymrements of Appendix A techmcal specifi. ence during the report period relating to safe operation ' 4 t aum Reports submitted in accordance with this guide of the facuity, including safety-related maintenance not l

bald be addressed to the Director of the appropnate covered in item 1.b.(2)(c) below.

~~.RU Reymnal OHice unless otherwise noted. , 3 A smrle subminal may be made for a multiple unit station. The "

'! ha imhc.,te substantive changes from previous issue. submittal should combine those sections that arc common to '

all units at the station.


l 4

4 e (2) For each outage or forced reduction in tests, ultrasonic tests, or visual examinations completed 4' power" of over 20 percent of design power level where during the report period.

% the reduction extends for more than four hours:

(a) the proximate cause and the system c. Monthly Operating Report.

and major component involved (if the outage or forced reduction in power involved equipment malfunction); Routine reports of operating statistics and I (b) a brief discussion of (or reference to shutdown experience should be submitted on a monthly reports 00 any reportable occurrences pertaining to the basis. The report formats set forth in Appendices B, C, outage or power reduction; and D to this guide should be completed in accordance (c) corrective action taken to reduce the with the instructions provided. The completed forms probability of recurrence,if appropriate; should be submitted by the tenth of the mon th (d) operating time lost as a result of the following the calendar month covered by the report to outage or power reduction (for scheduled or forced out- the Director, Office of Management Information and ages,5 use the generator-offline hours; for forced re- Program Control, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ductions in power, use the approximate duration of op- Washington, D.C. 20555, with a copy to the appropriate eration at reduced power); NRC Regional Office.

(e) a description of major safety-related corrective maintenance performed during the eutage or

2. Renortable Occurrences power reduction, including the system and component involved and identification of the critical path activity Gm. dance concerning reportable occurrences that dictating the length of the outage or power reduction; should be reported m different time frames is provided and below. Supplemental reports may be required to fu4y (O a report of any single release of radio-describe final resolution of the occurrence. In cases of l activity or single radiation exposure specifically assoc . e rrected or supplemental reports, a licensee event ated with the outage which accounts for more than 10 percent of the allowable annual values.

report should be completed and reference should be made to the original report date.

(3) A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility, and other personnel (in-ciuding contractors) receiving exposures greater than a. Prompt Notification With Written Followup.

100 mrem /yr and their associated man rem exposure according to work and job functions,6 c.g., reactor The types of events listed below should be operations and surveillance, inservice inspection, routine reported as expeditiously as possible, but within 24 maintenance, special maintenance (describe mainte. hours by telephone and confirmed by telegrarh, mai!- 4 nance), waste processing, and refueling.The dose assign. gram, or facsimile transmission to the Director of the ments to various duty functions may be estimates based appropriate NRC Regional Officc, or his designee, no on pocket dosimeter, TLD, or film badge measurements. later than the first working day following the event, with Small exposures totalling less than 20 percent of the a written followup report within two weeks. A copy of individual total dose need not be accounted for. In the the confirmation and the written followup report should aggregate, at least 80 percent of the total whole body also be sent to the Director, Office of Mangement dose receivec from external sources should be assigned Information and Program Control, USNRC. The written to specific major work functions. See Appendix A to followup report should include, as a minimum, a this guide for a standard format for providing this completed copy of the licensee event report fonn (see information. Appendix E to this guide) used for entering data into the

(4) Indications of failed fuel resulting from NRC's computer. based file of infunnation concemmg irradiated fuel examinations, including eddy current licensee events. (Instructions for completmg thm licensee event report forms 7 are issued individually to i each licensec.) Information provided on the licensee i ,The term " forced reduction m. power" as used in this guide and event tefaort form should be suPP emented,l as needed*

as riormally defined m the electric power industry means the occurrence of a component failure or other condition that by additional narrative material to provide complete requires that the load on the unit be reduced for corrective explanation of the circumstances surrounding the nent.

action immediately or up to and including the very next (1) Failure of the reactor protection system or weekend. Note that routine preventive mairttenance' other systems subject to limitinE safet}'s} sten $ settings surveillance, and calibration activities requiring power ..

reductions are not covered by this section. to tnitiate the required protective function by the time a 8

The term " forced outage" as used in this guide and as normally rnonitored parameter reaches the setpoint specified as defined in the electric power mdustry means the occurrence of the limiting safety system setting in the technical specifi.

a component failure or other condition that requires that the unit be removed from service for corrective action immediately or up to and including the very next weekend. 7 1nstruction Manual.1icensee Event Report file, Offite of

'This tabulation supplements the requirements of (20.407 of Management Information and I'rogram Control. U.S Nudm

%f Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555.

10 CFR Part 20.

' l.16-3

w -,.-.- - .- .. - ~ . - - - - - - - w - m .a.- w nw yy

, I utions or failure to complete the required protective (4) Reactivity anomalies invniving disagreement fection.The following are examples:" with the predicted value of reactivity balance under i~


(a) Reactor pressure exceeds limiting steady. state conditions during power operation greater safety. system setting value without automatic } rip.. than or equal to 1% Ak/k; a calculated reactivity balance (b) Inability to trip and insert sufficient indicating a shutdown margin less conservative than _

control rods to achieve the technical specification shut. specified in the technical speci0 cations; short. term react.

down margin, ivity increases that correspond to a reactor period ofless (c) Failure of the reactor protective system than 5 seconds or,if suberitical, an unplanned reactivity 4 to complete the required protective action once initi. insertion of more than 0.5% ok/k;or occurrence of any l a t ed. unplanned criticality.

(5) Failure or malfunction of one or more com.

Note: Instrument drift discovered as a result of testing ponents which prevents or could prevent, by itself, the need not be reported under this item but may be report. fulfillment of the functional requirements of system (s) awe under items 2.a(5),2.a(6), or 2.b(1) below. used to cope with accidents analyzed in the SAR. The following are examples:

(2) Operation of the unit or affected systems (a) Clogged fuel line(s) resulting in failure when any parameter or operation subject to a limiting to supply fuel to the emeigency generators.

eendinon for operation is less conservative than the least (b) Multiple instrument drift resulting in enservative aspect of the limiting condition for opera, loss of protective function, tbn established in the technical speciGcations. The fol. (c) lipCI failure to start or failure to con.

lowing are examples: tinue running once initiated.

(a) Shutdown not begun within the spec . (6) Personnel error or procedural inadequacy I fied tune when unidentified reactor coolant leakage ex. which prevents or could prevent, by itself, the fulfill.

ceed< the technical specincations limit. ment of the functional requirements of systems required ,

(b) Failure of a system other than the to cope with accidents analyzed in the SAR. The follow. (

l smems subject to limiting safety-system settings (see ing are examples:

1..(1) abme) to actuate, or actuation of such a system (a) Failure to restore a safety system to e a monitored parameter value less conservative than operability following test or maintenance. hsted in the technical specifications for the system. (b) Improper procedure leading to in.

(c) Operation with unacceptable contain. correct valve lineup which resulted in closure of one i ment leak rate type B or C test results. manual valve in each of two redundant safety injection (d) System cooldown at a rate exceeding subsystems and would have prevented injection on the technical specifications limit. demand.

b re: If specified action is taken when a system is found m be operatmg between the most conservative and the Note: For items 2.a(5) and 2.a(6) reduced redundanch

!at con <ervative aspects of a limiting condition for that does not resuit in loss of system function need not !

be reported under this section but may be reportable g eriuion hsted in the techm,eal speci0 cations, the I ' mg condition for operation is not considered to under items 2.b(2) and 2.b(3) below. 1 l Ime been violated and need not be reported under this -

a m. out it may be reportable under item 2.b(2) below. (7) Conditions arising from natural or man.

made events that, as a direct result of the event, require (3) Abnormal degradation discovered in fuel plant shutdown. operation of safety systems, or other iJJmp, reactor coolant pressure boundary, or primary pmtective measures required by technical specifications. 1 wot;mment. The following are examples: The following are examples:

(a) Through. wall failure of piping or com.

(a) Threatened civil disturbances requiring ponents of the reactor coolant pressure boundary. plant shutdown. o (b) Steam generatm tube thinning in excess (b) Damage to the facility caused by fire, of aseptance lunits in Regulatory Guide 1.83, flood, carthquake, or other similar occurrences.

"Insemce Impection of pressurized Water Reactor l ,

SWn Generator Tubes."

(8) Errors discovered in the transient or '

accident analyses or in the methods used for such (c) Welding or material defects greater than analyses as described in the safety analysis report or in thmc allowable by applicable codes.

the bases for the technical speci0 cations that have or could have permitted reactor operation in a manner less L te: Leakage of valve packing or gaskets within the conservative than assumed in the analyses.The following li:Nu for identined leakage 9:t forth in technical specifi. ,

are examples:  !

cens need not be icported under this item. ~*

' (a) Loss of condenser vacuum resulting in '

reactor pressure and Oux transients that peak at ealues  !

N wnsa are intended to be inustrative culy. higher than analyzed.

1.16 4

._ (b) Reactivity insertion delay times by of the functional requirements of affected systems. 'lhe reactor protection system longer than those used in the

) ; [' E , technical specification bases.

following aie examples:

(a) One of the four scram dump m!ume (9) Performance of stiuctures, systems, or com. level switches failed to operate during surveillana test.

ponents that requires remedial action or corrective (b) One of four reactor low pre ure

measures to prevent operation in a manner less conserva. switches operated at 885 psig instead of LSSS ufue of l tive than that assumed in the accident analyses in the 900 psig. ,

/ safety analysis report or technical speciGeations bases; or (c) During test, one out of four under-  !

h discovery during plant life of conditions not specifically voltage relays failed to perform its function of tiipping a considered in the safety analysis report or technical spe. reactor trip breaker.

cifications that require remedial action or corrective (2) Conditions leading to operation in a de. l measures to prevent the existence or development of an graded mode permitted by a limiting condition for unsafe condition. The following are examples: operation, or plant shutdown required by a limiting

' (a) Axial flux ratios less conservative than c ndition for operation. The following are examplu:

those for which correlations with overpower AT were (a) Core spray pump breaker tripped after based on core burnup projections. 20 minutes during test. Trip unit was found to be -

(b) Failure of a safety injection pump to defective, declared inoperable, and repaired.

deliver the Dow rates assumed in the FSAR. (b) Safety injection pump failed to statt (c) Degradation of hydraulic shock sup. following system initiation. Required surveillance on .

pressc:s to the extent that they could not perform their redundant components was successfully completed. J required safety function. (c) One of the two centrifugal charging (d) Failure of magnetic trip mechanisms pumps became inoperable because of a faulty bearing.

on a safety.related circuit breaker to provide trip on Redundant pump operability was conGrmed.

Instantaneous overcurrent as indicated on the manufac. '

turer's time. current characteristic curve. Note: Routine surveillance testing, instrument ea!ibra.

(c) Failure of a safety / relief valve to close tion, or preventive maintenance which require system after pressure has reduced below the required rescat ;' con 0gurations as described in items 2.b(1) and 1H D valve. need not be reported except where test results them (f) Thermal shock to the reactor coolant selves reveal a degraded mode as described above.


O system resulting from inadvertent safety injection actua.

d "-


(3) Observed inadequacies in the imp!cmenta.

tion of administrative or procedural contro!s v.hich Note: This item is mtended to provide for reporting of-potentially generic problems. threaten to cause reduction of degree of redundancy provided in reactor protection systems or engineer [d safety feature systems. The following are examples:

b. Thirty-Day Written Reports. (a) One of the three diesel generators tripped from high temperature because cooling water The reportable occurrences tiscussed below valves were lined up incorrectly, should be the subject of written report;to the Director (b) Isolation valve for a low pressure trip of the appropriate NRC Regional Office within 30 days switch was found closed with system pressure locked in.

of occurrence of the esent. A copy of the written report Trip of switch would not occur at low pres.sure.

should also be sent to the Director, Office of Manage- Improper return to operation following maintenance was ment Information and Program Control. The written the cause. '

report should include, as a minimum, a completed copy (c) Failure to perform surveillance tests at of the licensee event report form (see Appendix E to the required frequency.

this guide) used for entering data into the NRC's i l computer-based file of information concerning licensee events. (Instructions for completing these licensee event (4) Abnormal degradation of systems other report forms 7 are issued individually to each licensee.) than those specined in item 2.a(3) above designed to contain radioactive material resulting from the fission Information provided on the bcensee event report form should be supplemented, as needed, by additional narra. process. For example, a through wall leak in a liquid waste storage tank.

tive material to provide coraplete explanation of the cir-cumstances surrounding the event.

i Note: Scaled sources or calibration sources are not

! (1) Reactor protection system or engineered included under this item. Leakage of valve packing or safety feature instrument settings which are found to be gaskets within the limits for identified leakage set forth


0 less conservative than those established by the technical specifications but which do not prevent the fulfillment in technical specifications need not be reported under this item.

1.16 5 I

& i


3. Unique Reporting Requirements ' e. Unscheduled shutdowns expected to last for .-

nyere than one week, regardless of cause.

The above reporting program will in general satisfy f. Unusual releases of radioactive material from the reporting requirements necessary for compliance the site boundary not reportable under other require-with Appendix A technical specifications. Thi, program ments.

may r.ced to be supplemented or modined because of g. Failure of or damage to safety.related equip.

unique plant design features or other factors. The need ment which need not be reported under item 2.a abose, for a supplemental or modified program wdl be deter. if the time for repair is hkely to exceed the time allowed mined im a case-by. case basis and so designated in by the technical specincations.

indhiJual operatmg licenses.

4. Esents of Potential Pubhc Interest D. IIVPLEMENTATION The types of events listed below are frequently of The purpose of this section is to provide informa.

high public interest. While some of the events may not tion to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff %

be reportable by regulation or defined in other parts of plans for utilizing this regulatory guide. 'l 3

this guide, the Director of the appropriate NRC Regional Except in those cases in which the applicar,t  ;

Office, or his designee, should be ir. formed of sucS proposes an acceptable alternative method, the reportir.g events by telephone as soon as possible after the event program described herein is being used by the NRC sta ff has been discovered. in order to standardize the reporting requiremerats section of Appendix A technical specifications of all

a. An event that causes damage to property or operating licenses.

equipment when such damage affects the power pro- For licensees holding operating licenses with >ut ,

dactim capability of the facility. Appendix B environmental technical specincationt, it

b. Radiation exposure to licensee personnel or may be necessary to include those reports identified in memNrs of the public in excess of applicable expos.ure Regulatory Guide 1.21, " Measuring, Evaluating, and hmit> set forth in 10 CFR Part 20. Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releasts of  ;
c. Natural or man made conditions that :may Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Eff1 rents l requPc xtion which need not be reported under stem from Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," and i 2.a( 7) above. Regulatory Guide 4.1, " Programs for Monitoring Radio-
d. Discovery of signincant radiological event off. activity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plants,"i:a the site occurring during transport of material for whic'a the technical speciGcations under the unique reporting licensee u as either shipper or consignce. requirements section of the technical specifications.

i l

a f

l.16 6