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Reg Guide 1.29 Seismic Design Classification
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1978
REGGD-01.029, REGGD-1.029, NUDOCS 7810180182
Download: ML20147F029 (3)



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l 4 SEP 2 21978 i

.s HEMORANDUM FOR: Chase R. Stephens Docketing and Service Branch Office of the Secretary FROM: Robert B. Minogue Director Office of Standards Development



Enclosed is a notice of irsuance of Regulatory Guide 1.29.

Revision 3, which should be published in the notice section of the Federal Register.


Original signed by i ROBERT B. KINOGUE Robert B. Minogue. Director Office of Standards Development


1. Federal Register Notice DISTRIBUTION
2. Sunnary Statement LVGossick, ED0 GWRivenbark, SD

, 3. Regulatory Guide 1.29, JGDayiv u, IE WMMorrison, SD Revision 3 HRDenton, NRR JANorberg, SD

4. Value Impact Statement for CVSmith, NMSS PTam, NRR Regulate;y Guide 1.29, SLevine, RES EHill, SD Revic on 3 RBMinogue, SD MSparks, SD RGSmith, SD MGMalsch, ELD GAArlotto, SD CMiles, PA KRGoller, SD SD:PSB EHiH gr/ol80M }

SD Task No. EM 709-4 [V/ D78 CP' ; N!;,,,c, , SD:E![SJ '

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  • U. S. GOVE ANMENT PRINTING OF FICE 1977-237-025 ,.



REGULATORY GUIDE Notice of Issuance and Availability The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a guide in its Regulatory Guide Series. This series has been developed to describe and make available to the public methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing specific parts of the Commission's regulations and, in some cases, to delineate techniques used by the staff in evaluating ,

specific problems or postulated accidents and to provide guidance to applicants concerning certain of the information needed by the staff in its. review of applications for permits 'and. licenses.

Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3 " Seismic Design Classification,"

describes a method acceptable to the NRC staff for identifying and classifying those features of light-water-cooled nuclear power plants l 1

that should be designed to withstand tne effects of the Safe Shutdown )

Earthquake and remain functional. This guide was revised as the result of public comments and additional staff review. l Comments and suggestions-in connection with (1) items for inclusion in guides currently being developed or (2) improvements in all published I

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7590-01 ,

gui. des are encouraged at any time. Coments should be sent to the -

Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washing-ton, D.C. 20555, Attention: Docketing and Service Branch.

. Regulatory guides are available for iospection at the Commission's l Public Document Room, 1717 H Street NW., Washington, D.C. Requests for single copies of issued guides (which may be reproduced) or for place- I ment on an automatic distribution list for single copies of future guides in specific divisions should be made in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Director, l 1

Division of Technical Information and Document Control. Telephone requests cannot be accommodated. Regplatory guides are not copyrighted, and Commission approval is not required to reproduce them.

(5 U.S.C. 552(a))

Dated at Rockvil.le, Maryland this 20th day of September 197o, FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION.

8 '

Robert B. Minogue0 Director Office of Standards Development l

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Regulatory Guides - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a guide in Division 1, " Power Reactors," of the Regulatory Guide Series. The guide is:

Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3 - Seismic Design Classification 9

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,p "og, September 1978


Og; REGULATORY GUIDE yu seee e" OFFICE OF STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT REGULATORY GUIDE 1.29 SEISMIC DESIGN CLASSIFICATION A. INTRODUCTION tures of light-water-cooled nuclear power plants that should be designed to withstand the effects of the General Design Criterion 2, " Design Bases for SSE. The Advisory Committee on Reactor Protection Against Natural Phenomena," of Appen. Safeguards has been consulted regarding this guide dix A, " General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power and has concurred in the regulatory position.

Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, " Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," requires B. DISCUSSION that nuclear power plant structures, systems, and ,

After reviewing a number of applications for con-components important to safety be designed to with- stmetion permits and operating licenses for boiling stand the effects of earthquakes without loss of capa-and pressurized water nuclear power plants, the NRC bility to perform their safety functions' staff has developed a seismic design classification Appendix B, " Quality Assurance Criteria for Nu- system for identifying those plant features that should clear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to be designed to withstand the effects of the SSE.

10 CFR Part 50 establishes quality assurance re- Those structures, systems, and components that quirements for the design, construction, and opera- should be designed to remain functional if the SSE tion of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and occurs have been designated as Seismic Category I.

components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to C. REGULATORY POSITION the health and safety of the public. The pertinent re- 1. The following stmetures, systems, and compo-quirements of Appendix B apply to all activities af- nents of a nuclear power plant, including their foun-fecting the safety related functions of those struc- dations and supports, are designated as Seismic Cate-tures, systems, and components. gory I and should be designed to withstand the effects Appendix A. " Seismic and Geologic Siting of the SSE and remain functional. The pertinent qual-Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part ity assurance requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR ,

100, " Reactor Site Criteria," requires that all nu. Part 50 should be applied to all activities affecting clear power plants be designed so that, if the Safe the safety-related functions of these structures, sys-e Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) occurs, certain struc- tems, and components.

tures, systems, and components remain functional. a. The reactor coolant pressure boundary.

These plant features are those necessary to ensure (1) the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, b. The reactor core and reactor vesselinternals.

(2) the capability to shut down the reactor and main- c. Systemsl or portions of systems that are re-tain it in a safe shutdown condition, or (3) the capa- quired for (1) emergency core cooling, (2) postacci-bility to prevent or mitigate the consequences of ac-cidents that could result in potential offsite exposures

  • Lines indicate substanuve changes from previous issue.

comparable to the guideline exposures of 10 CFR 'The system boundary includes those portions of the system re.

Part 100. quired to accomplish the specified safety function and connected 8 s n n f r This guide describes a method acceptable to the N;[r,"Pve$hb e#i h r ny,{y ga e fc,c 9 d. so(alltly,gg NRC staff for identifying and classifying those fea- closure when the safety function is required.

USNRC REoVLAToRY GUlOES comments shouid tw sent to tre secretary of the Commission. U S. Nuclear

~ ~

Regu6elory Gulden are esued to desenbe and make avedebee to the putHic s e Br metnoe acceptaOm to the NRC staff of emptemenOng specrfic parts of the Comminaion s vogulates to dehneate technmuss used oy the staff e evetu- The guides are ensued m the follow ng ten broad divessons:

sting specsfic pecolerre or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to appacants. Requestory Guides are not suontitutes for reguations. and com. 1. Power Reactors 6. Products pliance *sth them as not reQuwed. Methods and solutions different from those 2. Research and Test Reactors "A Transportation set out #1 the guides *sil be acceptatue if they provide a basas for the findings 3 Fues and Materials Faciutes 8 occupations:Heseth r the esuance or conOnuance of a parmit or hcenes by the 4 ww Ia s An et and Financial Review Requests for smgie cocees of asued guides iwhich may be reproduced) or for comments and suggestions for improvements in these guedes are encournoed at piacement on an automate deinbution het for sngie copees of future guides ad timys and gusoes *til be revmed, as soproprete. to accommodete comments m specife dives.ons should be made m wntmg to the U s Nuclear Regulatory of outstan 9 ec from he pubhc a add  : ev Schnscal or teori nd hocu trol.

dent containment hnt removal, or (3) postaccident n. Th2 control room, including its associated containm:nt atmosphsre ci:anup (e.g., hydrogen re- equipm:nt and all equipmsnt needed to maintain th ^

moval system). control room within safe habitability limits for ;

pers nne and safe environmental limits for vital l /

d. Systems or portions of systems that are re- i e9utPment.

quired for (1) reactor shutdown, (2) residual heat re-moval, or (3) cooling the spent fuel storage pool. o. Primary and secondary reactor containment.

e. Those portions of the steam systems of boil-ing water reactors extending from the outermost con-P. Systems,1 other than radioactive waste man-tainment isolation valve up to but not including the agement systems,2 not covered by items 1.a through ,

1.o above that contain or may contain radioactive ma-turbine stop valve, and connected piping of 2h ,

inches or larger nominal pipe size up to and including terial and whose postulated failure would result in I the first valve that is either normally closed or capa, conservatively calculated potential offsite doses (us- l ble of automatic closure during all modes of normal ing meteorology as recommended in Regulatory  !

Guide 1.3, " Assumptions Used for Evaluating the 1 reactor operation. The turbine stop valve should Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of be designed to withstand the SSE and mamtain its Coolant Accident for Boiling Water Reactors." and integrity.

Regulatory Guide 1.4, " Assumptions Used for l

f. Those portions of the steam and feedwater Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences j systems of pressurized water reactors extending from of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Pressurized Water and including the secondary side of steam generators Keactors") that are more than 0.5 rem to the whole up to and including the outermost containment isola- body or its equivalent to any part of the body.

tion valves, and connected piping of 2% inches or larger nominal pipe size up to and including the first q. The Class IE electric systems, including the valve (including a safety or relief valve) that is either auxiliary systems for the onsite electric power normally closed or capable of automatic closure dur- supplies, that provide the emergency electric power ing all modes of normal reactor operation. needed for functioning of plant features includet4 in

      • * "# E* **'
g. Cooling water, component cooling, and auxiliary feedwater systems or portions of these sys- 2. Those portions of structures, systems, or com.

tems, including the intake structures, that are re- ponents whose continued function is not required but -

quired for (1) emergency core cooling, (2) postacci-dent containment heat removal, (3) postaccident con-whose failure could reduce the functioning of any plant feature included in items 1.2 through 1.q above


tainment atmosphere cleanup, (4) residual heat re- to an unacceptable safety level or could result in in-moval from the reactor, or (5) cooling the spent fuel capacitating injury to occupants of the control room storage pool. should be designed and constructed so that the SSE ,

b. Cooling water and seal water systemsI or would not cause such failure.2 I portions o." these systems that are required for func. 3. Seismic Category I design requirements should tioning of reactor coolant system components impor- extend to the first seismic restraint beyond the de-tant to safety, such as reactor cociant pumps. fined boundaries. Those portions of structures, sys-
i. SystemsI or portions of systems that are re- tems, or components that form interfaces between quired to supply fuel for emergency equipment. Seismic Category I and non-Seismic Category I fea-


  • E ' ** #"E 'I
j. All electric and mechanical devices and cir-
  • 9"*****'

cuitry between the process and the input terminals of I the actuator systems involved in generating signals 4. The pertinent quality assurance requirements of l that initiate protective acnon. Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 should be applied to I all activities affecting the safety-related functions of )

k. Systems .or portions of systems that are re-those portions of structures, systems, and compo-quired for (1) monitoring of systems important to nems covered under Regulatory Positions 2 and 3 safety and (2) actuation of systems important to l bove.


1. The spent fuel storage pool structure, includ-ng e Nel racks.  : Specific guidance on seismic requirements for radioactive waste j m nagement systems is under development.
m. The reactivity control systems, e.g., control

'*h*P'*** '"'*"*"d'4"iP**"'*"f*"" l rods, control rod drives and boron in3'ection could possibly cause such injunes should 5e relocated or sepa.

system. rated to the extent required :o elirninate this possibdity l


t D. IMPLEMENTATION cant proposes an acceptable alternative method for complying .with specified portions of the Commis-

/^ The purpose of this section is to provide informa- sion's regulations, the method described herein is


tion to applicants regarding the NRC staff's plans for being and will continue to be used in the evaluation using this regulatory guide, of submittals for operating license or construction permit applications until this guide is revised as a re- !

This guide reflects current NRC staff practice. sult of suggestions from the public or additional staff '

Therefore, except in those cases in which the appli- review.

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1.29-3 V


W ASHINGTON. Q. C. 20$55 v.s.mucLeAn agoubATonw C OM M t 554 0M MINEEMEEE ,


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4-Value/ Impact Statement on Seismic -

Design Classification for fluclear Power Plants n: -

RG 1.29-(Rev.3)

' I '. The Proposed' Action- ,

t A. ,

Descriction Guidance has been developed which describes an acceptable method for identifying and classifying those features of LWRs that should be

. m designed to withstand the effects of the' Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) I This guidance'is provided in Regulatory Guide 1.29, " Seismic Design Classification." Revision 2 of the guide was issued for public comment February, 1976. The proposed action is to revise and update this guidance

~ in response to public comment. -

I l

B. Need for the Procosed Action

, }

Comments from four organizations were received during the public comment period following issuance of Revision 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.29.

These comments indicate the need for several minor changes in the guidance provided. ,


0 mm 4

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C.- Value/Imcact of the Proposed Action

1. NRC


The proposed revisions in general will not constitute a major change in staff position in the area of seismic design classifica-tion and no increase in staff effort in reviewing license applications is anticipated. One comment deals with the requirement that all features whose failure could result in incapacitating injury to the, occupants of, the control room be designed to withstand the effects of the SSE and '

remain functional. The proposed revision would replace this requirement with the requirement that any feature whose functioning is not required to mai.ntain an adequate level of safety need not remain functional following the SSE, -but should be designed to assure failure of these plant features cannot result in injury to control room occupants. We believe this revision does'not constitute a change in staff practice and follows the intent of the original guide and of General Design Criteria 2 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 100.

2. Other Government Acencies Not applicable._



3. Industry 1

1 Applicants may accrue scme savings in design and construction


costs stemming from the change described under Itea C.1.

4. Public No major value to, or impact on, the public associated with the proposed revisions is anticipated.

1 D. Decision on the pr:cosed Action Regula' tory Guide 1.29 should be revised to incorporate changes l identified during the public comment period.

II. Technical Acar ach Not applicable.

III. Procedural Acoroach l

l Revise Regulatory Guide 1.29.

l l



v IV. Statutory Considerations This guide falls under the authority and safety requirements of the

. Atomic Energy Act. In particular, General Design Criterion 2, " Design Bases for Protecti:n Against Natural Phenomena," of Appendix A, " General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, " Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," requires that nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components important to safety be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes without 1oss of capability to perform their safety, functions. .

Appendix B, " Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclecr Power Plants and

_ Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50 establishes quality assurance requiremsnts for the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and. components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the hi .. and safety of the public. The pertinent requirements'~of Appendix B apply to all activities affecting the safety-related functions of those structures, systems, and ccmponents.

l l

l Appendix A, " Seismic and Geologic Site Criteria for Nuclear Power

  • 1 Plants," to ib CFR Part 100, " Reactor Site Criteria," requires that all nuclear power plants be designed so that, if the Safe Shutdcwn Earthquake occurs, certain structures, systems, and components remain functional. These plant features are those necessary to ensure (I) the in'tagrity of the reaetor coolant pressure boundary, .(2) the capability to



shut dcr<in the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, or (3) the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that -

could result in potential offsite exposures comparable tio the guidelina exposures of 10 CFR Part 100.

B. Need for NEPA Statement The proposed action is not a major action as defined by


10 CFR.51.5(a)(10), and does not require an environmental impact statement.

V. Relationshio to Other Existing or Procosed Reculations or Policies 1

Not applicable.

l VI. Summary and Conclusions t Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 2 should be revised to incorporate public comments.

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