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Reg Guide 1.141, Containment Isolation Provisions for Fluid Sys
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Issue date: 04/30/1978
REGGD-01.141, REGGD-1.141, NUDOCS 8808230033
Download: ML20151V857 (2)




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. OFFICE OF STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT REGULATORY GUIDE 1.141 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION PROVISIONS FOR FLUID SYSTEMS A. INTRODUCTION This standard ontains requirements indicated by the serb "shall' and recommendations indicated by General Design t.r iteria 54,55, 56, and 57 of Ap- the veih "shoulJ." The recommendations as well a's pendit A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear the requirements of the standard were evaluated with Power Plants, to 10 CFR Part 50 Production and Utilization Facilities,ll Licensing >frespect to importance to ufety. All recommendations require that ne considered to be of sutticient importance to safety piping sptems penetrating primary reactor contain- , to bs erdorsed along with the requirements ghen in ment be prosided with isolation capabilities that re- the standard.

Ocet the importance to safety of imlating these piping sptems. This guide describes a method acceptable to the NRC staff for complying with the Commis ion's requirements with respect to containment isolation of C. REGULATORY POSITION nuid spremt The requirements and recommendations for con-tainment imlation of Duid sptems that penetrate the

8. DISCUSSION primary containment of light-w ater-cooled reactors as Working Group ANS-56.2 of the American Nu- specified in ANSI N271-1976, "Containment isola-n clear Society Standards Committee ANS-50. Nuclear tion Prosisions for f luid Systems," are generally ac-Power Plant Spiems lingineerinF, has prepared a ceptable and proside an adequate basis for complying standard which specifies the minimum design re- with the pertinent containment imlation requirements quirements for containment isolation of fluid sptems of Appendis A to 10 CFR Part 50, subject to the penetrate the primary containment boundary of followinF:

light water cooled reactort This standard was ap-prosed bs the American National Standards Institute

( ANSI) Committee NIN, Design Criteria for Nuclear 1. Secti n 3.6.4 of ANSI N271 1976 states: "The closed sptem shall be leak tested m accordance with Power Plants, and designated ANSI N271-1976, 5.3 of this standard unless it can be show n by inspec-

"Containment isolation Provisions for Fluid ti n that sptem integrity is being maintained for Sptems . "'

those sptems operating at a pressure equal to or abose the containment design pressure." This escep-The proshions of ANSI N271-1976 include tion i sptem leak testing is also applicable to closed minimum design, testing, and maintenance require-sprems inside the containment, ments for the imlation of fluid sprems that penetrate the primary containment of light-water cooled read

! tors Requirements for the design and testing of 2. Section 4.2.3 of ANSI N271-1976 states:

power supplies, qualifying of Cl.m lli equipment, "Sealed closed isolation s alves are under administra-and the design and testing of protection sptems are tive controls and do not require position indication in outi,ide the scope of thk standard. 't hese areas are not the control room for vahe statas." Since the con- e comp'etely emered by the references phen in ANSI tainment isolation vahes are components of the con-N271- 1976. tainment isolation sptem, which is an engineered-

  • Copie. rea> tse oMained from the A,nerican Mclear Smici). safehJeaMe sWem. aH power operated vai es

$ $$ %oh Kenungt.m A.e n e.1 a Grange Park, librei. 603;3 should hase position indication in the control room.

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3. Section 4.2.5 of ANSI N271-1976 state t "Di- quirements of 3.7 and applicable requirements for versity in means of actuation of automatic isolation isolation barrien." Piping between isolation barriers salses in serias should be considered to preclude should meet the applicable requirements of Section common mode failure. The NRC staff's position is 3.5 or Section 3.7.

that there should be disersity in the parameters sensed (i.e., types of isolation signals) for the init ia-tion of containment isolation. D. IMPLEMENTATION

4. Section 4.4.x of ANSI N271 1976 gives general The purpose of this section is to provide informa-design requirements for closed systems. In addition, tion to applicants regarding the NRC staff's plans for all branch lines and their isolation salses in closed using this regulatory guide.

systems both inside and outside the containment should meet the design criteria of Section 3.5 or Sec- This guide reflects current NRC staff practice.

tion 3.6.7 if the branch lines constitute one of the Therefore, escept in those cases in which the appli-containment isolation barriers. cant proposes an acceptable alternatise method for complying with specified portions of the Commis-

5. In Section 4.6.3 of ANSI N271-1976, reference sion's regulations, the method described herein is is made to Regulatory Guide 1.7, "Control cf Com- being and will continue to be used in the evaluation bustible Gas Concentrations in Containment l'ollow- of submittals for construction permit applications ing a l_owof Coolant Accident," for guidance in de- until this guidance is resised as a result of sugges-termining radiation esposures for a lowof coolant tions from the public or additional staff resiew.

accident. More appropriate guidance is given in Reg-ulatory Guide 1.89 "Qualification of Class IE l'or those plants for which the second round of Equipment for Nuclear Power plants." questions (Q2) on the construction permit application has been received by the date of iwuance of this

6. Section 4.14 of ANSI N271 1976 states: "The guide, the recommendations of this guide will be piping between isolation barriers or piping which considered by the staf f on a case-by-case basis pur-forms part of isolation barriers shall meet the re- suant to 150.109 of 10 Cf R Part 50.

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