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Table of Contents for Reg Guides in Div 2, Research & Test Reactors
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/31/1979
REGGD-02.XXX, REGGD-2.XXX, NUDOCS 8808240022
Download: ML20151W288 (5)




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DMsion 2 Research and Test Reactors i

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l 8808240022 790131 PDR REGGD 02.000 R PDR l

The regu4 tory guides contained herein ware pubieed at various tirnes as indicated in the upper right hand Corner of the first e of each guide.

Information on the availabaity of these regu4 tory pus appearirig on the first page, as well es any addresses given, rnay be - e. The current addresses and availabnity inforrnation era presen id telow. i W6O%'BlGo?;2 USNRC REGULATORY GUIDE *, Commuts should be sent to the Secretary of the Commission,

- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Regulaiory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the Attentioli Docketing and Servko Branch. Washington, D.C. 20$55, j putwic methods accept a ble to the NRC staff of 6mplerrent:n1 l noecafic parts of the Coramission's regulations, to delineate tecn. The guides are issued in tne following ten broad divisionst '

niques used by the staff in evaluating specific problems or postu.

(A g

f ated accidents or to provide guidance to appocants. Regulatory Guides are nol substitutes for regulations, and compilance with them is nat recut **e Metmoes and sato+ tans alffe<ent from thate w*

out in the 9uldes will be acceptable if they provide a basis for ti e .

3. Power Reactors
2. Research and Test Atactors
6. Products

?. Transportation

1. Fuels and Materials Facialties A. rVrunarloasi Health
4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial Review



findings requisite to tre issuance or continuance of a permit or S. Materials end Plant Protection 10. General 1 license Dy the Commission. 7' Co@les of issued guides may be purchased at the current Government Comments and suo9estions for improvements in these euldes are Printing Office orke. A subscription servko for future guides le soe.

encouraged at all times, and euldetand will be cific divisions is evallable tnrough the Government Printine Off 6ce, to accommodate comments torevised,inf reflet*ormation new oras appropriate, information on tho subscription service and current CPO pakes may emper6 ente. This eulde was revised as a result of substantive com. be obtained by writ 6me the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisslon, monts received from the public and additional staff review. Washington l 0.C. 2oSSS, Attentions PutWkations Sales Mane 9er.

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k/ - U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGULATORY GUIDE SERtES DIVISION 2 - RESEARCH AND TEST REACTORS TABLE OF CONTENTS This table of contents lists every revision of each regulatory guide in Division 2 with the date it was issued. If the latest version of a guide (as of the date of this table of contents) was issued for early comment, this is so noted.

Division 2, one of ten broad divisions i., which regulatory guides are issued, contains those guides that were developed for research and test reactors. There may also be swu guides issued in other divisions that would be of interest to those whose primary canarn is in the area of research and test reactors Accordingly, this issue of the tat le of conter.t t includes, for the first time, a listing of regulatory guides issued in the other divisions that the NRC staff has identified as possibly of interest to recipients of Divisior. 2 guide $

This listing will be updated from time to time, and suggestions for additions to it ate encouraged.

Most regulatory guides contain a section headed "Implementation" that is intended to provide infomation to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff's plans for using the guide. If a guide does not contain such a section or if detailed infonnation is needed on tr.e staff's plans for using a regulatory guide with respect to a specific permit or license or apph-cation therefor, requests for such information should be addressed to the appropriate licensing project manager in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or Office of Nuclear Material S tiety and Safeguards.

fN At an appropriate point in the development of a new regulatory guide or a proposed

' revision to an existing guide , the guide and the associated value/ impact statement are

\ issued in draft form to involve the pubtic in the early stages of the development of a regulatory position. These drafts have not received complete staff review and do not represent an official NRC staff position. They are temporarily identified by their task number and issued to the same distribution list that is used for published guides in each division . Lists cf these drafts will be included in future issues of the table of contents.

All regulatory guides, including draft guides , proposed revisions, and all published revision s , may be examinea at the Commission's Public Document Room at 1717 H Street NW . , Washington , D.C. Requests for single copies of draft guides, proposed revision s ,

and the latest revision of published guides, the only version currently in print, should be made in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Director, Division of Technical Infor' nation and Document Control. Regulatory guides are not copyrighted and Commission approval is not required to reproduce them.

Regulatory Guides issued Number Title Rev Year / Month 2.1 Shield Test Program for Evaluation of Installed Biological Shielding --- 73/05 in Research and Training Reactors 2.2 Development of Technical Specifications for Experiments in Research --- 73/11 Reactors 2.3 Quality Verification for Plate-Type Uranium Aluminum Fuel Elements --- 75/09 for Use b) Research Reactors 1 76/07 2.4 ' Review of Expeciments for Research Reactors --- 76/07 0R 77/05 4


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Issued Number Title Rev. Year / Month 2.5 Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Research Reactors --- 77/05 O-R 77/10 2.6 Emergency Plarating for Research Reactors (For Comment) ---

79/o1 0

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N, Other Regulatory Guides of Possible Interest

("s to Division 2 Recipients I i

\ / Issued Number Title' Rev. Y ear /Mo ,th 1.16 Reporting of Operating Information--Appendix A Technical 4 75/08 Specifications 1.86 Temina' ion of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors --- 7A 04 4.13 Performance, Testing, and Procedural Specifications for 1 77/u?

Thertnoluminescence Dosimetry: Environmental Applications 4.15 Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Nortnal --- 77/12 Operations)--Effluent Streams and the Environment (For Comn.ent) 5.7 Control of Personnel Access to Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and --- 73/06 Material Access A:eas 5.12 General Use of Locks in the Protection and Control of Facilities --- 73/11 and Special Nuclear Material = I 5.38 Nondestructive Assay of High-Eiilchment Uranitun Fuel Plates ---

74/09 by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry 5.51 Management Review of Nuclear Material Control and Accounting --- 75/06 l Systems (For Cor. ment) i 1

5.52 Standard Format and Content for the Physical ProtecHon Section 1 76/06 of a License Appliestion (For Facilities Other Than Nuclear

,- Power Plants) (For Comment)

/ s (V} Revisions (For 60-Day Comment) to Chapter 4, "Security Org.inization," and Chapter IS, "Security Personnel," oi Reg'ilatery Guide 5.52, Revision 1 (For Comment) were issted July 1978 5.57 Shipping and Receiving Control of Special Nuclear Material ---

76/06 I (For Comment) 1 7.1 Administrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting Radioactive --- 74/06  ;

Material 7.2 Packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated --- 74/06 Biological Materials 7.3 Procedures for Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Radioactive --- 75/05 l Material j 7.4 Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive Materials - 75/06 7.5 Administrative Guide for Obtaining Exemptions From Certain NRC 0-R 77/05 l Requirements Over Radioactive Material Shipments l 8.1 Radiation Symbol --- 73/02 8.2 Guide for Administrative Practices in Radiation Monitoring ---

73/02 8.3 Film Badge Performance Criteria --- /02 8.4 Direct Reading and Indirect-Reading Pocket Dosimeters ---

73/02 8.5 Immediate Evacuation Signa. --

73/02 3


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assued Number Title Rev. Year / Month 8.6 Standard Test Procedure for Geiger-MEller Counters --- 73/05 .

8.7 Occupational Radiation Exposure Racords Systems --- 73/05 8.10 Operating Philosophy for Maintaining Occupadonal Radiation 1-R 77/05 Exposures As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable 8.1l: Instruction Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure 1 75/11 8.14 Personnel Neutron Dosimeters 1 77/08 8.15 Acceptable Programs br Respiratory Protection --- 76/13 10.1 Compilation of Reporting Requirements Persons Subject 3 '< T/C5 to NRC Regulations 10.2 Guidance to Academic Institutions Applying for Spscific 1 '/6/2:

Byproduct Material Licenses of Limited Scope 10.3 Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Special Nuclear 1 M/05 Material Licenses of Less Than Critical M3ss Quantitles 10.5 Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Type-A Licentes --- 78/05 of Broad Scope for Byprodect Material (For Comment) 10.7 Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Licenses for ... 7?/02 Laboratory U6e of Small Quantities of Byproduct Material (For Comment) 10.8 Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Programs --- 79/01 (For Comment) tNrffD 5tAtt$ F D NucttAt itGULAfotY ComauslaoH '

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