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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 860808
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/13/1986
From: Rehm T
WIR-860808, NUDOCS 8608210048
Download: ML20214K350 (36)




Y August 13, 1986 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING AUGUST 8, 1986 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Inspection and Enforcement D Nuclear Regulatory Research E Executive Legal Director F*

International Programs G*

State Programs H Resource Management I*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Regional Offices L*

CRGR Monthly Reports M*

Executive Director for Operations N*

Items Addressed by the Commission 0 Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q l

. external distribution)

~' '

  • No' input this week, c

.A. e ,

c rations

Office of the Executive Director for Operations j


T. A. Rehm, ED0 l 492-7781 860e21004a 060913 i



  • Palo Verde Units 1 and 2 On August 5,1986 at 11:45 p.m. with Unit I at 2005 and Unit 2 at 505; Unit 2 experienced a turbine trip of undetemined origin. Steam Bypass perfomed i
properly and the reactor stabilized at 65 power. At 4
14 a.m. August 6 power was lost to the start up transfomer which was supplying house load power to both units. Each unit then lost 2 out of 4 RC pumps and tripped on low DBNR.T event teminated at 4:59 a.m. and is currently under investigation.
Sheffield Site 4

The State of Illinois and U.S. Ecology, the operator of the Sheffield Low-Level Waste Site, have decided to try to resolve outstanding issues concerning closure before Illinois becomes an agreement state (scheduled for January 1,1987). The State, U.S. Ecology, and the NRC staff will be meeting with the ASLB in a pre-hearing conference on August 19, 1986. The purpose of the conference (subject to modification) is to: 1) come to agreement on what

{ closure issues are outstanding, 2) obtain ASLB decision to have a hearing, and i

3) schedule discovery if a hearing is approved.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation. Gore. Oklahoma


On July 28 through August 1, 1986, representatives of NMSS, Region IV, EPA, Region VI, and FEMA Region IV conducted an announced inspection at the
Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC) facility near Gore, Oklahoma. The inspection i

effort focused on the areas of emergency planning, completion of items committed to by SFC prior to resuming production of UF , and close-out of items identified by previous NRC inspections. Theresbitsoftheinspection 1

will be documented in Inspection Report No. 040-08027/86-08.

By letter dated July 2, 1986 Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC) requested a special authorization to perform limited operation of the yellowcake digestion

! tanks, solvent extraction, uranyl nitrate evaporation, uranyl nitrate hexa-t hydrate boildown, denitiation, and U02 and UF, conversion reactors at the i Sequoyah Facility near Gore, Oklahoma. The p0rpose of this request is to l

allow a reduction in uranium containing liquids, including decontamination l liquids being stored at the facility. A reduction in liquid quantity would j provide an opportunity to continue decontamination at the facility and conduct the preventative maintenance necessary for continued safety in a shut-down i mode. The NMSS and Region IV staff are currently reviewing this request.

New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act l Governor Cuomo signed on August 1,1986, the New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act (S. 9616/A. 11729). This Act establishes a process for siting a low-level waste facility in New York for low-level waste generated in the State. An independent Comission is established to choose sites and disposal methods under criteria developed by the Department

of Environmental Conservation. Disposal by shallow land burial is prohibited and alternative disposal technologies, including mines, are required to be investigated. Pemanent facilities are to be constructed and operated by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority under regulatory
control of the Department of Environmental Conservation. The legislation i calls for completing the siting and disposal method selection process by ,
the Commission by December 1,1988. The disposal facility should be
completed and operating by January 1, 1993. By meeting this date, New l York would be eligible for incentive payments pursuant to the Low-Level i Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985. Although New York has no present plans to join a compact, the legislation would not preclude New York from foming or entering one.


.i OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending August 8, 1986 ADMINISTRATION OF.THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial . Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers, 1985 181 15 i Received,-1986 603 141 Granted 413 49 Denied 115 25 Pending 256_ 82 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received l

Diane Curran, Requests (1) records which form the basis for NUREG-0959's Hannon & Weiss conclusion that the Mark I containment would fail in

., (86-586) nine out of ten types of severe accidents; (2) post-operating license records containing an analysis or evaluation of the containment and/or related system of the t

Vermont Yankee reactor; (3) records containing discussions, analyses of, and/or reports on the significance of the Chernobyl-4 reactor accident for U.S. containment designs; (4) staff reviews of the records described in items 1, 2, and 3; and (5) records regarding the safety study of the

Vermont Yankee containment being done by Vermont Yankee i to be completed by September 1, 1986.

D.F. Bush, Requests copies of records dating January 1984 to the Parker Hannifin present relating to the use of compression tube fittings.

Corporation at the Trojan nuclear power plant.

(86-587) t Thomas A. Till, Requests copies of records pertaining to the specifications Kastle Systems, for the security system for the NRC's new headquarters facility in Rockville.



, David Bender, Requests copies of all responses by Mercy Hospital of The Times Leader Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and Valley Radiology f (86-589) Associates of Kingston, Pennsylvania, to NRC's proposed fine and license restrictions.

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley

492-7211 1


2 Received. Cont'd Harry S. Bates, Requests copies of reports of radiation misadministration Plunkett, Gibson from January 1977 through January 1983 by Wilford

& Allen Hall Medical Center.


Rudolf A. Norman Requests a copy of any report or decision related to any (86-591) enforcement action arising out of the results of the 01 investigation concerning allegation RI-84-A-0086 regarding harassment of quality assurance auditors by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation at the Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant.

Joni Yaffe, Requests a copy of SECY-85-350.

Bishop Liberman, Cook, Purcell &

Reynolds (86-592)

Chui Yuen, Requests a copy of the mailing list of recipients of McGraw-Hill specified NUREG reports.

Publications Company (86-593)

Chui Yuen, Requests a list of vendors, material manufacturers, and McGraw-Hill material suppliers who are inspected by the Vendor Publications Inspection Branch..

Company (86-594)

M. Maitland DeLand, Requests a list of active teletherapy equipment listed Southside Cancer under program code 02300.

Care Center (86-595)

Steven Katz, Requests all records regarding the petition for the Coalition for issuance of a Show Cause Order pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202, Alternatives to as requested by CASH Petition to Institute Proceedings Shearon Harris pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206, dated July 2,1986, regarding (86-596) the Shearon Harris nuclear power plant.

Natalie Z. Bivens, Requests a copy of the contract and related records CACI, Inc. awarded to CRC Systems, Inc. entitled, " Convert (86-597) Automated Contracting System."

(Anindividual Requests copies of a specified 01A report and related requesting records.

information (86-598 AUGUST 8, 1986 ENCLOSURE A

3 Received, Cont'd ,

Requests a copy of a record identifying the address Mrs.Melbry)Bolk (86-599 of the Alaron Company site operation.

Charles Deemer Requests 25 records by accession number regarding the (86-600) TMI nuclear power plant and a verification of a named employee of Met-Ed or any of its contractors.

Ronald Rose, Requests a copy of the minutes for the NMSS meeting on F01 Services, June 24, 1986, regarding members of a new management Inc. team for the Syncor firm.


Joni Yaffe, Requests a copy of SECY-86-185.

Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell &

Reynolds (86-602)

Catherine Madden, Requests records containing specified information Information regarding NRC's key telephone systems in place in FY85.

Handling Services (86-603)

Ellyn R. Weiss, APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of 23 denied records Rene E. Heilman, regarding a request for three categories of records Union of relating to equipment qualification at TMI-1 and the Concerned subjects discussed at a meeting held April 18, 1986, Scientists at the TMI site.


Jill C. Grice APPEAL TO THE EDO for the release of one denied record (86-A-139-86-476) regarding a request for records pertaining to Harvard University's byproduct material license.

Laurie Fowler, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of ten denied Law Offices of records regarding a request for records related to the Brian Spears NRC investigation into complaints of named individuals (86-A-140-86-43) concerning alleged illegal and improper procedures and practices at the Vogtle nuclear power plant.

Robert A. Traylor, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION on behalf of Rudolf Norman Scaccia Law Firm for the release of the denied portions of an 01 (86-A-141-86-399) report and exhibits regarding the Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant.


l 4


. Granted Billie P. Garde, In response to a request for records related to the Government overview, regulation, and investigation of the adequacy Accountability of training of operators at the Beaver Valley plant and l

Project all subsequent action taken by the NRC about the reported (85-808) problems, made available four records. Informed the requester that additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR.

Susan Hiatt. In response to a request for copies of SECY-86-109 and OCRE Representative SECY-86-109A, informed the requester that these records (86-352) have been addressed in response to an earlier F0IA request.

Mary Kay Capasso, In response to a request for records relating to off-site Data Vault magnetic media or hard copy storage, made available three Corporation records.


Tom Dubocq, In response to a request for copies of all reports provided

, The Miami News to NRC during 1986 by INP0 regarding the Turkey Point (86-466) nuclear power plant, informed the requester that the NRC i has no records subject to this request.

1 i Geri Smith, In response to a request for all raw data and computer

- Residents Against programs for the 1982-83 " Type A" integrated leak rate a Polluted tests at the LaSalle County Nuclear Station, made available Environment, Inc. the requested computer programs. Informed the requester (86-540) that the NRC does not have any raw data for the integrated leak rate tests for the LaSalle County Nuclear Station.

Richard Condit, In response to a request for a list of NRC licensees Stephen Kohn, authorized to incinerate radioactive material, made l' Government available a copy of the requested record.

Accountability Project

(. (86-544)

Lyle Graber, In response to a request for a copy of SECY-86-14, made I NUS' Corporation available a copy of the requested record.

l (86-553)

I L.J. Kirchdoerfer, In response to a request for a list of nuclear pharmacies University of licensed by the NRC, made available a copy of the i

Nebraska Medical requested record.

Center (86-570)


5 Denied Stevi Stephens, In response to a request for two categories of records Nuclear Awareness regarding the Wolf Creek nuclear power plant, made Network available nine records. Informed the requester that

, (85-706) additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied two records in their entirety containing the predecisional advice, opinions, i and recomendations of the staff.

Ellyn R. Weiss, In response to a request for three categories of records Harmon & Weiss related to equipment qualification at TMI-l and (86-293) the subjects discussed at a meeting held April 18, 1986, at the TMI site, made available 64 records. Informed

' the requester that additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied 23 records in their entirety, release of which would tend

! to inhibit the frank and candid exchange of information in future deliberations.

Susan Hiatt. In response to a request for records since January 1986

OCRE Representativa regarding the licensing of the Perry nuclear power (86-297) plant and records pertaining to the Commission's April 17, 1986, Memorandum and Order regarding OCRE's motion to reopen the hearing regarding the January 31, 1986, earthquake, made available 18 records. Informed the
requester that additional records subject to this request 4

are already available at the PDR. Denied 15 records in their entirety and portions of two records, release of I which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

I I Billie P. Garde, In response to an APPEAL TO THE EDO for the release of l Government the denied portions of eight records related to the reports Accountability listed in Board Notification 84-149 regarding the Comanche Project Peak nuclear power plant, continued to deny the portions, (86-A-109-86-213) release of which would cause a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.


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" Assessment of NMSS Financial Assurance Regulation Framework"


The objective of this procurement is to assess NRC's Financial Assurance Program for NMSS licensees to determine the adequacy of the existing regulatory framework to assure that adequate financial assurance and sufficient coverage are in place and maintained at all times.

Period of Performance: 24 months Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status: RFP closed and proposals forwarded to Source Evaluators for review on August 4, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-0RM-86-281


" Comprehensive Current (Real-Time) Geophysical Data Storage and Retrieval System"


The system must be able to retrieve, display and summarize geophysical information for user specified areas located anywhere within the United State:i. This information is needed in the form of a data base depicting the applicable reporting station, forecasted conditions for specified areas and severe advisories or reports.

1 Period of Performance: One year with two one-year options.

Sponsor: Office of Resource Management Status: RFP closed on July 28, 1986. Proposals forwarded to Source Evaluators for review on July 29, 1986. Competitive range to be established on August 18, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-0RM-86-261


" Engineering Cost Analyses of Proposed Changes for NRC Requirements"


Services for engineering cost analyses to identify, derive

! and analyze the engineering costs of proposed changes in NRC regulatory requirements.

Period of Performance: 30 months Sponsor: Office of Resource Management Status: Best and Final offers are due on August 22, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-NMS-86-004


" Fuel Cycle Licensing Technical Assistance"


Provide technical assistance to the NRC, as requested by issuance of task orders, in conducting safety and/or environmental decommissioning of fuel cycle facilities.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status: Best and Final offers received and forwarded to Source Evaluators for review on August 8, 1986.



, Weekly Information Report

Division of Contracts  !' PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION (cont'd)

RFP No.: RS-RES-86-117


"Paleoliquefaction Features on the Atlantic Seaboard"


The objective of this project is to catalogue the characteristics of seismically induced liquefaction and paleoliquefaction features identified in.the Charleston Earthquake area. Those characteristics will then be used to design and carry out an investigation program in selected areas of the Atlantic Coastal Plain that have a history of relatively high seismicity j7 (by Eastern U.S. standards), and at least one area that is

relatively aseismic.

. Period of Performance: 24 months 3

Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: Best and Final offers received and forwarded to Source Evaluators for review on August 8, 1986.



" Independent Assessment and Analysis"


Perform independent assessments of materials and components for reactor construction and operation including fabrication and installation to ensure licensee compliance with applicable codes, standards and federal regulatory requirements.

Period of Performance: 36 months Sponsor: Office of Inspection & Enforcement i Status: Best and Final offers received and forwarded to Source Evaluators j

for review on August 8, 1986.

l ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER l As previously reported in the Weekly Information Report for the week ending i

May 12, 1986, Hirt Telecom Company protested the NRC's decision to reject i its bid as nonresponsive under IFB No. RS-ADM-86-254. By decision dated July 28, 1986, the Comptroller General sustained the protest stating that the bid should not be rejected and recomending that NRC initiate appropriate administrative action.

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i i AUGUST 8, 1986 ENCLOSURE A l

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending August 8, 1986 Turke.y Point Unit 3 and 4 -

Evidentiary hearings were held in Miami, Florida from December 10 - 12 in the matter of license amendments issued for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4. related

to current and future fuel reloads. The proceedings were initiated by the Center for Nuclear Responsibility, Inc., and Ms. Joette Lorian.

The Board reached its initial decision on July 25, 1986, and ordered that License Amendment Nos. 99 and 93 for License Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41, 4 respectively, issued on December 23, 1983, shall remain in full force and effect without modification. In addition, the Board ordered that it shall retain jurisdiction in this matter pending infomation or further action by the staff in regard to Board Notification BN-86-17 dat,ed June 30, 1986.

BN-86-17 notified the Board that the NRC staff was informed by Westinghouse

that errors have been identified in the 1981 Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) evaluation model and the 1981 ECCS model, including BART.

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Unit 1 (SONGS-1)

On July 30, 1986, while at 76% power, San Onofre 1 experienced intemittent problems with the feedwater control system. The plant operators were able to

successfully control feedwater by taking manual control. The cause has been
traced to a loose solder joint on an amplifier card for a steam pressure
transmitter. The failure resulted in all three steam flow / feed flow mismatch
trip circuits being inoperable. The amplifier was replaced and the circuits were made operable prior to the end of the one-hour LCO. The reactor continues to operate at about 60% power.

l The licensee has detemineed that this trip signal is relied upon in the l analyses for loss of main feedwater and feedwater line break transients. The I

licensee has instructed Westinghouse to reanalyze these transients using backup reactor trip signals that are not subject to single failure.

Preliminary results may be available today. In the interim, the licensee has provided a dedicated operator to monitor these signals. The licensee has i

also provided a justification for continued operation which is being evaluated

by the staff.

Ginna Plant On July 29,1986 the plant was tripped due to a rupture in a 6" drain line elbow in the turbine reheat cycle. The plant was brought to hot shutdown, t

and repairs were initiated on the failed elbow. Drain lines in similar systems were reviewed for potential thinning which was detemined to be the failure I mechanism, and elbows with similar energy carrying capacities were ultrasonically l

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tested. Based on these analyses and tests, the licensee began to bring the reactor back up on power. On July 30,1986 at 1900, at 25% power, while ascending, the reactor tripped on high neutron flux in the intemediate range.

4 The operators had pushed the " block" button in the logic circuit to prevent ,

this trip but the indicating lights for " block" failed to come on. An I&C '

technician was dispatched to the control cabinet; he wiggled the block relay.

This action pemitted sufficient current to pass to turn on the indicating lights but not enough current to activate the block logic. The operators, with this false indication, continued ascending in power until the unblocked j trip occurred. The reactor trip breakers responded appropriately.

l The malfunctioning relay was replaced and the reactor brought back up in power. At 1515 on July 31,1986 the plant was at 30% power and in a hold for chemistry monitoring.


. Mr. John Leonard, V. P. Nuclear of LILCO called to inform that they intend to startup Shoreham this Sunday August 3, 1986, to perform some routine tests on LPCI and certain check valves. The plant was shut down on October 8, 1985, after LILCO had essentially completed low-power testing.

Femi-2 Region III has authorized Detroit Edison to restart the Fermi-2 facility but still limits the power level to five percent. This restriction was first imposed on July 16, 1985, one day after issuance of the full power license.

Based on there being no other issue impeding the restart, NRR granted an
l. emergency technical specification amendment which changed the Division I j degraded grid relay setpoints from 89 to 95 percent of nominal. The delay time for these relays was changed from 19.7 to 44.0 seconds. It was antici-1 pated that DECO would restart the facility on Friday, however, multiple valve problems requiring hardware repairs delayed restart until August 4,1986.

Tro.ian Nuclear Plant Trojan Nuclear Plant, while operating at 100% power, experienced a reactor trip at 12:53 p.m. EDT dua to receipt of a safety injection (SI) signal.

Plant personnel were conducting surveillance tests on SI Channel 2 which automatically placed that Channel in a " tripped" condition. During the surveillance test, a steam pressure transmitter (PT-514) associated with SI Channel 1 failed high. Completion of the 2/4 logic resulted in the subsequent

. SI actuation and reactor trip.

l All systems responded as expected. SI was isolated approximately 20 minutes


j~ On June 26,1986, PT-514 failed low, and was subsequently replaced. However, the protection system was not challenged at that time.


i Fermi-2 On August 6,1986, at about 5:17PM, there was a fire in the motor control center panel supplying power to the HPCI. This panel is about 25 feet from the control room and is on the third floor of the auxiliary building. The fire was detected fairly quickly and was extinguished by a hand-held CO 2

equipment. The automatic CO 2 s stem was also actuated. The fire a peared to start in a breaker for a valve fE41-F012) in the HPCI minimum flow bypass line. The damage appears to be limited to this breaker and its immediate vicinity. No cause has yet been identified as of 9:00AM this morning.

The plant was operating at 13Mw and 135 psi at the time. At about 9:30PM, the plant started a controlled shutdown. As of 9:00AM this morning, the impact on the restart and the startup test program has not been determined.

The licensee declared an ALERT at 5:25PM and activated the TSC and the OSC.

Region III personnel were on the site observing operations in the control room and stated that the plant personnel functioned extremely well in the control room at the fire location and at the TSC.

Palo Verde Units 1 and 2 An Emergency Technical Specifications change to the PVNGS Units 1 and 2 Tech.

Spec. sections 4.7.7.b.2 and 4.7.7.c has been granted. During a review of documentation for Unit 3, it was discovered that charcoal used in the Control Room Essential Filtration Systems did not meet the requirements of ANSI N509-1976 with regard to rcdioactive removal efficiency. The change will allow testing of the charcoal filter units in accordance with staff approved ANSI N509-1980 in lieu of ANSI N509-1976.

Palo Verde Units 1 and 2 On August 5, 1986 at 11:45 p.m. with Unit 1 at 100% and Unit 2 at 50%; Unit 2 experienced a turbine trip of undetermined origin. Steam Bypass perfomed properly and the reactor stabilized at 6% power. At 4:14 a.m. August 6, power was lost to the start up transfonner which was supplying house load power to both units. Each unit then lost 2 out of 4 RC pumps and tripped on low DBNR.7e event teminated at 4:59 a.m. and is currently under investigation.

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- The licensee has completed disassembling the core bore drilling rig.

Bulk defueling operations will begin this week after transferring the canisters containing the core stratification samples to the "A" Fuel Pool. Defueling operations will be conducted 6 days a week, 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> a day.

- Due to receat growth of microorganisms in the reactor coolant, which reduces visibility, the licensee is planning an addition of hydrogen peroxide to in.orove visibility.


- The reactor remains in long term cold shutdown, vented to the-atmosphere. Core cooling is by natural heat loss to ambient building atmosphere. The average incore thermocouple reading is 79*F.

- The airborne radioactivity on the defueling platform is about 2.7 E-7 uCi/cc Tritium and 3.5 E-11 uCi/cc particulates, predominately Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. The platform is mounted above the modified internals indexing fixture which is mounted over the reactor vessel. These provide about 15 feet of water over the core region and 6 feet over the carousel holding the defueling canisters.


- The Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS) and EPICOR II remained in temporary shutdown this week.

- Total volume processed through SDS to date is 4,084,856 gallons, and the total volume processed EPICOR II to date is 3,055,238 gallons.


- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results show that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and The City of Lancaster Agreement.

The Lancaster water sample taken at the water works river intake and analyzed by EPA consisted of a seven day composite sample taken July 20 - 26, 1986. A gamma scan detected no activity that could be attributed to TMI-2.

- TMI water samples taken by EPA at the plant discharge (includes Units 1 and 2) to the river consisted of seven daily composite samples taken from July 19 - 26, 1986. A gamma scan detected no activity that could be attributed to TMI-2.


- The EPA analysis of the NRC outdoor air sample for the period August 1 - 7, 1986 showed that concentrations of Cs-137 and I-131 were
below the lower limit of quantitative detectability for the system.
- Assembly of the desludging system continued.

- Technical Specification Change Request number 49, and 51.

- Recovery Operations Plan Change number 31 and 36.-

- - Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.


- Reactor Building Sump Criticality Safety Evaluation Report.

- Defueling Canister Technical Evaluation Report, Revision 2.

- Heavy Load Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

- De'caling Safety Evaluation Report.

- c .posal of Processed Water Report.

7. PUBLIC MEETING The Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island Unit 2
will meet on August 13, 1986 from 7
00 PM to 10:00 PM at the Lancaster

! Council Chambers, Public Safety Building, 201 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA. At the meeting the panel will receive a status report on

the progress of defueling from GPU Nuclear and a briefing on the licensee's plans for disposal of the processed water generated from the accident.

Persons desiring to speak before the Advisory Panel are requested to contact Mr. Thomas Smithgall at 717-291-1042, or write him at 2122 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603.

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Items of 1cterest J' Veek Endina August 8, 1986 o

3, y -

< s .

Comminglina'_of Title I and Title II Tallings t

NRCHeadquartersandRegion'TVURhubtah!aremeetingwithreprasantativesof the State of Wy'oming to discust, omingling of active and > inactive uranium mill tailings waste in the State us '.dvoming. The discussinn will include amending active sitt licenses to accept such co-disposal, and any associated limitations.

,s Atlas Corporation Financial Surety l- On July'30, 1986, NRC staff met with Atlas Corporation and legal counsel to discuss how Atlas Corporation can fulfill the financial assurance requirements of 10 CFR Part 40, Appendix A, Criterion 9. Atlas proposed at the meeting,

, and submitted by letter dated August 1, 1986, a proposal to spin off tneir Minerals Division as a wholly-owned subsidiary with Atlas Corporation as the j parent company. Atlas would then provide a parent company guarantee, if they pass the required financial' test. Atlas committed to co wlete the reorcanization and gain approval for the parent company ~gearantee from NRC by December 31, 1986. i Petition for Review: Reture of New Mexico Mill Program

) On July 22, 1986, the Uran'ium Environmental Subcommittee (an industry 4

organization whose members are uranium mining and milling companies with i operations in New Mexicc) petitioned for review of the Commission decision and subsequent Order reasserting Federal regulatory control over milling and the

! disposal of mill tailings in New Mexico. The petitioners urge that the Order i be vacated on the grounds that the Commission unlawfully issued the Order without affording notice and opportunity to comment and without holding a

- hearing.

i Sheffield Site .

The State of Illinois and U.S. Ecology, the operator of the Sheffield Low-Level Waste Site, have decided to try to resolve outstanding issues concerning closure before Illinois becomes an agreement state (scheduled for 4

January 1, 1987). The State, U_.S. Ecology, and the NRC staff will be meeting with the ASLB in a pre-hearing conference on August 19, 1986. The purpose of l the conference (subject to modification) is to: 1) come to agreement on what closure issues are outstanding, 2) obtain ASLB decision to have a hearing, and l 3)' schedule discovery if'a hearing is approved.

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1 l Mixed Waste A meeting was held on July 31 between J. G. Davis (NRC) and J. W. Porter (EPA) to review progress of ongoing NRC/ EPA interactions on mixed waste. The outcome of discussion can be summarized as follows:

Both agencies will attempt-to identify by September 30 the regulatory j differences requiring Congressional action.

1 Both agencies will cosponsor a meeting with Washington State represent-atives concerning the Richland, Washington LLW disposal facility.  ;

l Invite the State of Texas to present to both agencies its progress towards establishing a LLW facility with particular reference to mixed

! waste.

Arrange a workshop on mixed waste issue for the States and Compacts now  !
developing LLW disposal facilities.

I Although incineration is a viable technology for treating some mixed

waste, further work is required by both agencies before ways can be i identified to streamline the process of approval and permitting for an incinerator.

Both agencies should jointly develop a comparison of the two regulations with special exphasis on the definition of mixed waste, location

, standards, and design standards.

Meetina with State of Nevada on HLW Geologic Repositories

! NRC staff members met with officials from the State of Nevada during the week of August 4, 1986. This meeting was requested by the State to discuss items of interest in the areas of NRC quality assurance requirements and the negotiated rulemaking on the licensing support system.

I Dry Spent Fuel Storage i

On August 1 staff members of NMSS/FC and RES met with representatives of Nuclear Packaging Company (NUPAC) to discuss submittal of a topical report by i NUPAC for the design of a dry concrete storage cask for spent fuel. The i discussion centered on material characteristics of concrete for the proposed use. NUPAC is planning to submit a topical report in late 1986. The design

< would provide for a sealed canister for nine PWR spent fuel assemblies to be stored in the concrete cask. Transfer of fuel from the reactor pool to the cask and subsequent unloading of the concrete storage cask would utilize a shielded transfer machine based on the design approved for use at TMI for l

transfer of core debris canisters to the certified shipping cask in use for

transport of THI-2 core material. '

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. 3 ,

Meeting Concerning Update of NUREG-1620 The Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) is proceeding to update NUREG-1620, " Survey of Current State Radiological Emergency Response Capabilities for Transportation Related Incidents." On July 31 NMSS and the Office of State Programs (SP) staff met to discuss SP suggestions for extending the surv y to include Indian Tribe response capabilities. Agreement was reached on an approach for surveying Indian tribes; the statement of work is being revised accordingly.

Materials Safety Regulation Review Study Group On July 28 through August 1, 1986, the Material Regulation Review Study Group met with representatives of NRC Region II, the State of South Carolina, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, NRC Region I, and New England Nuclear.

These meetings constituted the second fact-finding tour for the group which is charged with reviewing current practices in materials licensing and inspection. The group will meet in Washington, DC, on September 11 and 12, 1986, to continue discussions with NRC headquarters personnel, and tentatively plan to meet in Chicago, Illinois, on September 22 and 23, 1986, to prepare the report to the EDO.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation, Gore, Oklahoma On July 28 through August 1, 1986, representatives of NMSS, Region IV, EPA, Region VI, and FEMA Region IV conducted an announced inspection at the Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC) facility near Gore, Oklahoma. The inspection effort focused on the areas of emergency planning, completion of items committed to by SFC prior to resuming production of UF , and close-out of items identified by previous NRC inspections. Theresbitsoftheinspection will be documented in Inspection Report No. 040-08027/86-08.

By letter dated July 2, 1986, Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC) requested a special authorization to perform limited operation of the yellowcake digestion tanks, solvent extraction, uranyl nitrate evaporation, uranyl nitrate hexa-hydrate boildown, denitiation, and UO2 and UF, conversion reactors at the Sequoyah Facility near Gore, Oklahoma. The p0rpose of this request is to allow a reduction in uranium containing liquids, including decontamination liquids being stored at the facility. A reduction in liquid quantity would provide an opportunity to continue decontamination at the facility and conduct the preventative maintenance necessary for continued safety in a shut-down mode. The NHSS and Region IV staff are currently reviewing this request.


4 Status of Hearinas

1. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, UF to UF 6 4 By memorandum and order dated July 23, 1986, the conference of parties to the informal hearing scheduled for August 11 was delayed until a date yet to be determined in September. The dates for the informal hearing have also been delayed pending Commission decisions regarding institution of additional rules for the hearing.
2. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, Comprehensive Waste Disposal Plan The hearing is being held in abeyance pending submittal of a new plan as part of the revision to the decommissioning plan required by Source Material License No. SUS-1010, Condition No. 21.
3. Kerr-McGee, West Chicago, Illinois, Kress Creek Decontamination The ASLB decision dated June 19, 1986, dismissed the Order to Show Cause issued to Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation on March 2,1984. On June 30, 1986, the staff filed a notice of appeal with ASLAB.
4. Kerr-McGee Rare Earths Facility, Decommissioning Plan, West Chicago, ,

Illinois This hearing is being held in abeyance pending the staff's completion of the supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement. The current schedule calls for issuance of the Draft Supplement by October 1, 1986, and the Final by May 1, 1987. The Board has indicated that they may resume a portion of the Hearing after the Draft is issued.


Office of Inspection and Enforcement Items of Interest Week Ending August 8, 1986

1. The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past week:
a. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties was issued to Florida Power and Light Company (St. Lucie) in the amount of $25,000. This action was based on two security violations (EN-86-59).
b. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty was issued to James River Corp. (Parchment, MN) in the amount of $500.

This action was based on a violation involving the improper disposition of a licensed source (EN-86-60).

c. A Confirmatory Order and a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposi-tion of Civil Penalty was issued to Maryview Hospital (Portsmouth, VA) in the amount of $2500. This action was based on a misadministration of a radiopharmaceutical resulting in a significant dose to a patient (EN-86-61).
d. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties was issued to Gulf States Utilities (River Bend) in the amount of $65,000.

This action was based on multiple security violations; the civil penalties were mitigated in part as a result of the licensee's prompt and extensive corrective actions (EN-86-62).

2. The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
a. PNO-I-86-59, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA), Water Leakage Into Radioactive Waste Compaction / Consolidation Area.
b. PNO-I-86-60,ConsolidatedEdisonCompany(IndianPoint2),Lossof Vital Bus.
c. PNO-I-86-61, Public Service Electric & Gas Company (Salem), Equipment Qualification Problem - Shutdown in Excess of 72 Hours,
d. PN0-I-86-62, Philadelphia Electric Company (Peach Bottom), Unscheduled Shutdown Greater than 48 Hours.
d. PN0-III-86-75, Commonwealth Edison Company (LaSalle 1 & 2), Suit to Prevent Restart.


e. PNO-V-86-50, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (Rancho Seco),

Media Interest in Sacramento County Grand Jury.


l l

f. PNO-V-86-51,PortlandGeneralElectricCompanyJTrojan), Trojan Safety Injection Due to Instrument Channel Failure During Surveil- .


g. PNO-V-86-52, Southern California Edison Company (San Onofre 1),

Reactor Trip From High Pressurizer Level.

h. PNO-V-86-53, Arizona Nuclear Power Project' (Palo Verde) Reactor Trip in Palo Verde Units 1 and 2.
3. The following IE Information Notices and Bulletins were issued during the past week:
a. IE Information Notice No. 86-13, Supplement 1, Standby Liquid Control Squib Valves Failure to Fire was issued to all boiling water reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.
b. IE Information Notice No. 86-63, Loss of Safety Injection Capability, was issued to all pressurized water nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.
4. Other Items
a. Senior Management Meetings
1. The Director, IE participated as a speaker for a Florida Power

& Light meeting on the SSFI concept.

2. The Director, Division of Inspection Programs participated with Region IV representatives in the SALP meeting on Ft. St. Vrain,
b. Civil Penalties Paid
1. Detroit Edison Company (Fermi) in the amounts of $300,000 and

$75,000 based on violations involving control rod withdrawal error (EA-86-112 and 86-61).

2. Consumers Power (Palisades) in the amount of $50,000 based on violations involving containment penetration leakage (EA-86-78).
3. Virginia Electric Power Company (North Anna) in the amount of

$25,000 based on violations involving unauthorized entry (EA-86-86).

4. E. I. DuPont (Boston, MA) in the amount of of $12,500 based on violations involving improper control, transport and surveys of radioactive material (EA 86-103).
c. Operations Center
1. Members of the Incident Response Branch conducted ERDS survey trips to Prairie Island, River Bend and Monticello facilities.
2. Members of the Incident Response Branch provided a briefing on the Operations Center functions and a tour for the EPA Interagency Coordinating Group on August 6,1986.



d. Vendor Program The Vendor Program Branch conducted an inspection at Toledo Edison, Davis-Besse-1, Toledo, OH - to review the licensee implementation of EQ program as required by 10 CFR 50.49.
e. TVA Activities
1. The Deputy Director, DI participated in a meeting with TVA in Chattanooga regarding the Sequoyah facility restart.
2. Staff members of the Vendor Program Branch participated in a meeting with TVA to gather information and procedures to be used in followup inspections of TVA's safety-related equipment procurement and documentation records and traceability problems.
f. Safeguards / Transportation Inspections A member of the Safeguards and Materials Programs Branch participated with Region II on an inspection of transportation low level waste at the CP&L Brunswick facility.
g. Readiness Reviews
1. Members of the Ouality Assurance Branch met with WPPSS and Region V management to discuss the content of WPPSS reports on the WNP-3 Readiness Review Program. Following the meeting, Region V plans for program execution using the minimum possible NRC resources were discussed.
2. Members of the Quality Assurance Branch and Region II management representatives met to discuss the status of Vogtle-1 Readiness Review Program. The applicant's incremental self-assessment of completed work has provided early identification of regulatory problems and issues to both the applicant and the NRC. Corrective actions have been and are being taken at this stage.
h. Reactor Inspections
1. Members of the Division of Inspection Programs participated with Region IV in a meeting with Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) on the subject of the Fort Calhoun SSOMI findings. Meeting involves discussion of the OPPD responses to the findings.
2. A member of the EGCB was at the Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant to participate in the evaluation of the welding reinspection program.
3. Operating Reactors Programs Branch staff will assist Region V in a SSFI type inspection at Trojan beginning on 8/11/86.

Commissioner Asselstine is expected to visit the site on Tuesday, August 12, 1986.


1. ACRS Briefings
1. Members of the Events Analysis Branch and the Engineering and Generic Comunications Branch participated in briefings of the ACRS subcomittee and full comittee on recent significant operating events at nuclear power plants.
2. Members of the Vendor Program Branch participated in briefings of the ACRS Subcomittee on Reliability to discuss Check Valve Generic Actions.

. -3. The Office of Inspection and Enforcement will host the initial Subcomittee meeting on inspection activities on August 14, 1986 providing background material on IE's programs and mission.

j. Meetings - Conferences of Note A member of the Engineering and Generic Comunications Branch parti-cipated in an ANSI comittee meeting on respiratory protection. The meeting was held at OSHA headquarters in Washington, D.C.
k. Incident Response
1. The' Director, DEPER and members of the Incident Response Branch briefed legislators from Hong Kong on emergency preparedness.
2. Members of the Incident Response Branch held a training session for members of the Executive Team in preparation for the exercise at the Palisades nuclear power plant on August 19, 1986.


., f

,1 l-0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week _Ending August 8, 1986 2D/3D Refill /Reflood Some of the advanced two-phase flow instruments provided by the NRC to the German Upper Plenum Test Facility (UPTF) have degraded or failed. In an effort to systematically review the degradation or failure causes and formulate the 4 corrective actions, RES has completed a document, entitled " Program Plan for Correction of U. S. Instrument Degradation or Failure in the UPTF". An independent review group meeting has been arranged on August 26 and 27,1986 to make sure that the current action plan is sound, well thought out, and has the best chance for successful achievement.

International Code Assessment and Application Program The purpose of the International Code Assessment and Application Program (ICAP)-

is to obtain an independent assessment of uncertainties of the NRC's thermal hydraulic codes developed for LOCA and systems transients. Currently, RES'has 11 effective agreements with European and Asian countries, and 3 proposed agreements are under negotiation. The 5-year program is only about one year old and has already produced a number of reports with useful results. One of the reports is being printed as a NUREG/IA Report, and it will be distributed very shortly. The report is : NUREG/IA 0001, " Assessment of TRAC-PD2 Using Super Cannon and HDR Experimental Data," by V. Neumann (Germany).

Semiscale Test Facility The Semiscale facility, now in a cold shutdown status, provided data for improved understanding of PWR transient responses as well as data for analytical model development and assessment. These codes are often used for NRC assessment of operating reactor transients as well as forming the basis for reactor desigr evaluations. The Semiscale NH test series, small break LOCAs without high pressure injection, provided experimental data for this risk significant transient type. In conformance with requirements of the

' International Code Assessment Program, a configuration report for the NH series has been issued and distributed to code developers, and users. In addition to providing detailed information on the physical and configuration characteristics of the Semiscale facility, the report contains calculated physical parameters, test-related letters and logs, drawings, operating specifications, pretest analyses, quick look reports, instrumentation '

uncertainty reports and heat loss characterization reports.

l i


2 B&W Integrated Methodology Study The objective of this study is to provide an integrated analysis approach, consisting of the best available thermal hydraulic, risk analysis and human reliability analysis methods for a B&W plant, for staff independent assessment of B&WOG and NRC-proposed improvements to B&W reactors. To meet NRC needs the methods must be available by the end of 1986. The study concentrates on a single initiating event at the Oconee 3 reactor, principally because completed PRA and thermal hydraulic methods existed for the plant prior to study initiation. The event trees have been completed for loss of power to the integrated control system and specific scenarios selected for further thermal hydraulic and human reliability analysis. When completed these will be used to update the event trees and establish a baseline risk. In order to obtain Oconee 3 data previously obtained on other programs at ORNL a meeting is scheduled for the week of August 11, 1986 between INEL, ORNL and NRC. The program is currently 4 weeks behind schedule, but will be completed before the end of 1986.

Informal Summary of the Iodine Meeting Held in Canada The first meeting of the joint EPRI-NRC Steering Committee to review research sponsored by both organizations on (CsI) chemistry was held on July 17 and 18, 1986. at the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at Whiteshe11. Briefly, most everyone at the meeting agreed that a position on radiation effects cannot be established from the data available from Sandia. Whiteshell will not be able to begin their irradiat tests until August. The ORNL parametric study was well received and was discussed from the standpoint of closure of the iodine chemical form issue. A meeting summary will be written jointly by EPRI and NRC and will incorporate written comments provided by the independent consultants and other meeting participants.

Specific objectives of the meeting were to examine in details the experimental plan from the EPRI sponsored program at Whiteshell and the latest experimental results and program plan from the Sandia program. The Whiteshell irradiation test matrix consists of 8 tests. The first two tests intend to reproduce the Sandia radiation experiments. Tests 3 and 4 are to study the effect of Cs0H on Csl stability in a radiation field. The last four tests investigate the effects of lower temperatures and dose rates on Csl chemistry. Experimental conditions for the last four tests were proposed and discussed but should depend on the results of the first four experiments. The first irradiation test will be initiated within the next four weeks.

Sandia repeated their earlier radiation experiments and found that Csl was unstable with and without the radiation field. Analysis of condensate samples indicated that the Cesium to Iodine ratio started with a value of about 0.8 at the-beginning of the test and decreased to about 0.6 at the end of 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> 1



3 regardless of whether the source was shielded or not. Experiments conducted prior to and after this test showed that, in the absence of radiation, the Cesium to Iodine ratios were 0.5 and 0.85 respectively. Results from tests without radiation are in contradiction with previous Sandia results and Whiteshell results at similar conditions (see below). However, it .is agreed that a position on the effect of radiation on Cs1 stability cannot be established at this time.

Although Whiteshell has not yet started their radiation experiments, they did perform a few runs without radiation. Sample analysis showed that the Cesium to Iodine ratio was about 0.9 for the test with an acid-washed surface (the one Sandia used) and about 0.95 for the test with a alcohol-rinsed surface.

Comparing to the values of 0.5 and 0.85 from the latest Sandia CsI experiments without radiation, the Sandia tests appeared less stable than the Whiteshell '

tests. Several meeting participants including the consultants, recommended that Sandia exercise rigid control over their experiments, in particular, to abandon the use of acid in their cleaning procedure and may be to establish a standard cleaning method for use by Whiteshell and Sandia. A slight modification of the Whiteshell alcohol-rinse method was proposed.

Recommendations were also made for Sandia and Whiteshell to exchange samples for analysis.

During the meeting, a presentation was made by Oak Ridge on the effect of RCS volatile iodide formation on the release of iodine from the reactor coolant system. The parametric study which they conducted showed that for the early containment failure cases (Surry TMLB' and Peach Bottom TC), iodine release increased by only a factor of 3 when the RCS volatile iodide fraction was increased from 0 to 1. For the late containment failure case (Surry TMLB'),

the effect was greater but the absolute release of iodine was small. The study was applauded by many at the meeting. A suggestion was made subsequently that emphasis should be placed on this study rather than on chemistry for issue convergence. The study is also relevant in terms of finding a practical limit on the amount of research on iodine chemistry.

Publication to be Issued in the Near Future


Administrative Practices for Nuclear Criticality Safety at Fuels and Materials Facilities


This guide provides guidance for administration of a nuclear criticality safety program for operations with fissionable materials at fuels and materials facilities.


M. S. Weinstein 443-7666 AUGUST 8, 1986 ENCLOSURE E


' Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Geologic Repositories: Procedural Amendments (Part 60)

The final rule was published in the Federal Register on July 30, 1986 (51 FR 27158). These amendments revise procedures regarding NRC reviews of license applications for disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in geologic repositories.. The procedures were revised principally to conform to the provisions of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982.

Elimination of Inconsistencies between NRC Regulations and EPA Standards TPart 60)

The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 directs NRC to promulgate criteria for the licensing of high level waste (HLW) geologic repositories. By section 121(c),

these criteria must not be inconsistent with standards to be developed by EPA for the disposal of HLW in deep geologic repositories. A proposed rule has been developed which would eliminate severe inconsistencies with the EPA standards, thus fulfilling the statutory requirement.

The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on June 18, 1986; the comment period expires August 18, 1986. The rulemaking will continue with analysis of public comments.

i l

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0FFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING AUGUST 8,1986 Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact The Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact (H.R. 5338) was introduced into the U. S. House of Representatives on August 5, 1986.

An identical version (S. 2679) was introduced on July 23, 1986, into the U. S. Senate. Both bills are structured as an amendment to title II of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-240) which gives Congressional consent to the interstate compacts.

Under the Compact, Pennsylvania will host the disposal site and Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia will be party States.

New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act Governor Cuomo signed on August 1,1986, the New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act (S. 9616/A.11729). This Act establishes a process for siting a low-level waste facility in New York for low-level waste generated in the State. An independent Commission is established to choose sites and disposal methods under criteria developed by the Department of Environmental Conservation. Disposal by shallow land burial is prohibited and alternative disposal technologies, including mines, are required to be investigated. Pemanent facilities are to be constructed and operated by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority under regulatory control of the Department of Environmental Conservation. The legislation calls for completing the siting and disposal method selection process by the Commission by December 1,1988. The disposal facility should be completed and operating by January 1,1993. By meeting this date, New York would be eligible for incentive payments pursuant to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985. Although New York has no present plans to join a compact, the legislation would not preclude New York from forming or entering one.

Texas Program Review 4

The Texas radiation control program will be reviewed the weeks of August 11-15, and August 25-29.

Kentucky Program Review The Kentucky radiation control program will be reviewed the week of August 11-15.


OFFICE FOR ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF OPERATIONAL DATA ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending August 8, 1986 On August 8,1986 AEOD issued an engineering evaluation report AE0D/E609,

" Inadvertent Draining of Reactor Vessel During Shutdown Cooling Operation."

The report analyzed and evaluated 11 operational events which occurred at nine boiling water reactors in the past four years. The operational events were primarily caused by human errors associated with the operation of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) system in the shutdown cooling mode. In light of the frequency and significance of these events, the report suggested several relatively low cost measures which could be implemented to prevent their recurrence. The study was transmitted to NRR for review and suggested follow-up action within their ongoing human factors program plan.



I. SECY-86-180 - Commission Review of Shoreham Appeal Board Decision on the Realism and Immateriality Issues (ALAB-818)

The Commission, by'a 3-1 vote, approved an order, in conjunction with its review of ALAB-818, which remands to the Licensing Board for further hearing on issues raised by LILCO's " realism" and " immateriality" arguments. The Appeal Board is also directed to reconsider its decision to defer its review of LILCO's other pending emergency planning appeals. Commissioner Asselstine disapproved the order and provided separate views.

The Commission order did not address LILCO's preemption arguments l at this time.

(Subsequently, on July 24, 1986 the Secretary signed the Order.)

II. SECY-86-194A - Certified Question in TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification Hearing The Commission, by a 4-0 vote, approved an order responding to a May 30, 1986 Declaratory Order and certified questions from the Presiding Board on the inquiry into Three Mile Island Unit 2 leak rate data falsifications, stating that the NRC may pay negotiated fees to expert witnesses at prevailing market rates and that such negotiations should be carried out by the staff as is the case with contracts. However, the Commission also directed the Board, with staff's assistance, to reconsider whether the proposed contracts would be appropriate in the circumstances of this proceeding.

(Subsequently, on July 24, 1986 the Secretary signed the Order.)

III. SECY-86-198 - Review of ALAB-836 (In the Matter of


Philadelphia Electric Company)

, The Commission, by a 4-0 vote, approved an order responding to petitions for review of ALAB-836 by Philadelphia Electric Company and Robert Anthony / Friends of the Earth (FOE) which indicated that the Commission decided not to take review of ALAB-836 and denied the stay request by Anthony / FOE.

(Subsequently, on July 24, 1986 the Secretary signed the Order.)

B. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - STATUS BRIEFING ON DAVIS-BESSE, 2:00 P.M., THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1986, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - Memo SECY to Stello dated 8/8/86 The Commission met with staff and representatives of Toledo Edison to discuss the status of the Davis-Besse plant. The following representatives of Toledo Edison were in attendance at the meeting:


l 1

Philip Smart, President  ;

Toledo Edison ,

1 Joe Williams,.Jr.

Senior Vice President-Nuclear John Wood Nuclear Plant Systems Director Bill O'Connor Assistant Plant Manager Operations Sushil Jain Nuclear Engineering Group Director Phil Hiderbrandt Nuclear Engineering Group Director Lou Storz Plant Manager Chairman Zech observed that certain aspects of the licensee's ,

" Decay Heat Removal Reliability Improvement Program" could be applied generically to other plants. He requested that the staff review the program and provide the Commission with recom-mandations on the generic applications of the program.

There were no additional requirements for the staff.


I. SECY-86-203 - Aamodt Application for Reimbursement for Participation in the TMI-l Restart Proceedinq The Commission, by a 4-0 vote, approved an order denying an

application to the Commission by Marjorie and Norman Aamodt for an award of attorney fees and costs under the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) for their participation in the Three Mile Island, Unit i restart processing. The Commission order cites a recent court decision ruling that Section 502 of the Commission's

! Appropriation Act, Public Law 99-141 (November 1, 1985) prohibits the payment of EAJA awards to intervenors in NRC proceedings.

(Subsequently, on July 31, 1986 the Secretary signed the Order.)

II. SECY-86-221 - Braidwood--Draft Order Taking Commission Review of Subpoena Issuance 1


The Commission, by a vote of 4-0, approved an order directing l

the Braidwood Licensing Board to certify the relevant record of f the adjudication to the Commission in order to resolve a dispute over whether the Braidwood Licensing Board's issuance of a subpoena to a particular individual would compromise an ongoing l AUGUST 8, 1986 ENCLOSURE O l _ - - _ _ - - - . - - . , . - - -- - .-.- - - - .- ._-- -

investigation by the office of Investigations. Th'e Commission also directed the Board to refrain from taking the action contemplated in the Board's July 22, 1986 " Notice of Intent" pending Commission disposition of the. matter.

III. SECY-86-168 - Final Revision of 10 CFR Part 35 " Medical Use of Byproduct Material" The Commission, by a 4-0 vote, approved the final revisions to 10 CFR Part 35 subject to the following:

1. All misadministrations resulting in a whole body dose greater than 500 mrem or an organ dose of 2 rem (assuming a conservation weighting factor of four) should be reportable to the NRC as well as to the patient's attending physician.

Records of all misadministrations, regardless of dose, should be retained by the licensee and subject to review by NRC inspectors.

The Commission also agreed that the staff should develop a standard report format to ensure uniform and complete reporting of medical misadministration data and that reporting requirements for therapeutic and diagnostic misadministrations should now be made an item of compatibility for Agreement State status.

2. The rules should be modified to retain the requirement of prior NRC approval for changes in procedures that are potentially important to safety including but not limited 4 to those involving leak testing, radioactive surveys, calibration of instruments, equipment quality assurance procedures and changes in areas used within a facility i which would affect ventilation and the use of xenon-133 gas. Minor changes in procedures that are not important to safety need not have prior NRC approval.

The final rule should be modified as noted above and forwarded to SECY for signature and publication in the Federal Register.

A public announcement should be made and the appropriate Con-gressional Committees informed when the Commission publishes the rule. Appropriate licensees should be sent copies of the new rule.

IV. SECY-86-184 - Emergency Planning - Medical Services The Commission, by a 4-0 vote, approved a policy statement and order as (as attached) in respond the Guard remand.

The policy statement and order should be revised as noted on the attached copies and returned for signature and publication in the Federal Register.

As noted in the policy statement, the NRC staff is to prepare appropriate guidance for licensees and applicants to implement the policy statement.

Attachments: Not Included AUGUST 8, 1986 ENCLOSURE O


! E"


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) 8/11-12/86 50-410 Nine Mile Point To permit MRC management to NRC/ Niagara Mohawk M. F. Haughey l 1:00 p.m. Nuclear Station assess the operational Power Corporation i Training Center readiness of Nine Mile Point

Scriba, New York Unit 2 8/11-16/86 -

Berlin, Connecticut NRC Contractor to Review the NRC/SAIC/CYAPC0 A. Wang Methodology and Data Used in the Connecticut Yankee's PSS 8/13/86 50-412 Room P-422 Discuss with the applicant 1:00 p.m. Phillips Building NRC/DLC P. S. Tam issues related to the WHIPJET Program I

i 8/14/86 50-361 Room P-118 Discuss Diesel Generator 8:30 a.m. NRC/SCE H. Rood j 50-362 Phillips Building Tech Specs 8/14/86 50-312 Room P-110 Discuss the Rancho Seco NRC/IE/ Region V/

9:00 a.m. Phillips Building S. Miner Action Plan for Perfonnance Licensee i Improvement 1

8/14/86 50-400 Room P-114 Discuss the Emergency Operating NRC/CP&L 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building B. C. Buckley Procedures l

l 8/15/86 -

Berlin, Connecticut Evaluate Connecticut Yankee's NRC/CYAPCO A. Wang i m Appendix J Exemption Request

! g Including the Proposed Appendix

! g J Modifications for 1987 Outage l

i i


o l[

a Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms I





  • AUGUST 8, 1986




! 8/15-16/86 50-275 Diablo Canyon Energy Visit significant geological NRC/PG8E H. Schierling l 8:N a.m. 50-323 Center features in the field that San Luis Obispo, CA were identified by NRC

! Consultants and PG&E I

i 8/19/86 -

Room P-110 Discuss systems reviews NRC/B&W Owners W. Paulson i 8:30 a.m. Phillips Building being conducted by the B&W Group i Owners Group as part of the B&W plant reassessment l

I 8/19/86 50-275 Training Center 1. Plant visit to obtain liRC/PG&E H. Schier11ng i 7:00 a.m. 50-323 San Luis Obispo, CA information on structures, j system & components for PRA i 8/20-21/86 PLG Offices 2. PRA Workshop to discuss i

8:30 a.m. Newport Beach, CA current PRA results and plan j for detailed study i



, 9 '

P o

m i

Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) i in the NRC and local public document rooms 1


'h I

Divisi'on of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety FOR WEEK ENDING: 8/8/86 M




8 '


j 8/7/86 71-9202 Willste Meeting to discuss impact limits .

9:00-12:00 R. Odegaarden (FC) Odegaarden i 5th floor tests of TN-BRP. Reps of EG&G, DOE, 1

conf room -

Transnuclear, t

  • Sandia, NRC l .

I 8/12/86 71-6574 Willste Meeting to discuss HM-200.

1:00-3:00 R. Odegaarden (FC) Odegaarden

! 5th floor West Hittman Nuclear j conf room i

Division of Haste flanagement -


. August 18-19 Chicago, Illinois Attend ASLB pmhearing MDunkelman HDunkelman

confemnce, closure of Sheffield facility i

l l

August 17-19 West Valley, New York West Valley demonstration JGrimm JGrimm

? project site visit TLJohnson

] .

iy .


  • I


cn (Date)



.m , APPLICANTS NRC CONTACT E 8/19-21/86 Philadelphia, PA Attend AFCEA Conference C. Gaskin Gaskin

]i* on Security

8/19-22/56 PNL Contract Review & Manage- E. Sparks Sparks Richland, WA ment at PNL L. Wirfs N. Harms, PNL -

1 G. Smith, PNL F. Roberts, PNL 4

8/25-28/86 Essex Corp. Discuss Amendments to C. Gaskin Nulsen Goleta CA 10 CFR 73, App B, Guard C. Nulsen Training Essex Reps 8/25-29/86 Sandia & LANL POTAS and TSCC Mtgs W. Brown Brown Albuquerque, fM L. Green, BNL C. Kessler, DOS F. Houck, ACDA

0. Johnson, DOE i

8/26/86 Willste Bldg Discuss proposed policy R. Burnett Dwyer

! Silver Spring, MD statement on Access Auth- G. McCorkle

} orization Pgm with NUMARC P. Dwyer Work Group B. Kenyon, PP&L j GC Rep i

, n l "s, i


August 8, 1986-g RII MEETING NOTICE o



[ DATE/ TIME g 8/12-15/86 RII Office Resident Inspector Meeting Resident Inspectors, Reyes g Selected HQs and Regional Staff Members I

8/12/86 Homestead, FL Presentation of Operator Regional Administrator, Reyes 6:00 pm License Certificates Selected Regional Staff Members, Licensee Reps.

8/18/86 RII Office Turkey Point (Florida Regional Administrator, Reyes 1:00 pm Power & Light Co.) Selected Regional Staff Enforcement Conference Members, Licensee Reps.

j 8/21/86 RII Office Babcock & Wilcox Selected Regional Staff Stohr 9:00 am Commercial Nuclear Fuel Members, Licensee Reps.

Plant (CNFP) Enforcement Conference I

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