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Application for Amend to License NPF-3,to Reflect Deletion of Isolation Times for Specific High Pressure Injection & Containment Spray Containment Isolation Valves & Redundant Listing for Containment Isolation Valves DH87 & DH88
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1986
From: Williams J
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20212B773 List:
1265, NUDOCS 8608070225
Download: ML20212B765 (7)



s voet. raw License No. NPF-3 M19) 249 2300 pispas sm Serial No. 1265 July 31, 1986 Mr. John F. Stolz, Director PWR Project Directorate #6 Division of PWR Licensing-B United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Stolz:

Under separate cover, we are transmitting three (3) original and forty (40) conformed copies of an application for amendment to Facility Operating License No. NPF-3 for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1.

This application requests that the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 Operating License, be revised to reflect the changes attached. The proposed changes to Appendix A, Technical Specifications, Table 3.6-2 are:

The deletion of the isolation times for specific High Pressure Injection (HPI) and Containment Spray (CS) containment isolation valves. These valves are required to open to perform their safety function.

The deletion of the redundant listing for containment isolation valves DH87 and DH88.

The correction of the valve identification number for the Core Flood Tank nitrogen fill, sample and vent lines.

Toledo Edison regnests that the above amendment request be iscued by November 30, 1936.

8608070225 860731 PDR ADOCK 05000346 P


o To I


Dackst No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1265 July 31, 1986

- This application supercedes our previous submittal dated April 22, 1985 (Serial No. 1135) and therefore no license application fee per 10CFR170.12(c) is required.

Very truly yours, oc. b M, J r. g Attachment cc:

DB-1 NRC Resident Inspector State of Ohio mj b/90 I

APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-3 FOR DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT NO. 1 Enclosed are forty-three (43) copies of the requested changes to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 Facility Operating License No. NPF-3.

Also included are the Safety Evaluation and Significant Hazards Consideration.

The proposed changes (submitted under cover letter Serial No. 1265) affect:

Section 3/4.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves. Table 3.6-2.

For J. Williams, Jr.

Senior Vice President, Nuclear By h

D. B. Amerine,

Assistant Vice President, Nuclear B

Sworn and subscribed before me this 31st day of July 1986.

Al Notary Public, State of Ohio My Commission Expires U ((


l l.


D:ckst No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1265 July 31, 1986 The following information is provided to support issuance of the requested changes to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1, Operating License NPF-3, Appendix A, Technical Specifications, Table 3.6-2.


Time required to implement: This change is to be effective thirty (30) days following NRC issuance of the License Amendment.


Reason for change (Facility Change Request 83-134 Rev. B): The containment isolation valves in this amendment request receive an automatic open Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS) signal and not a close signal. Therefore, the closure isolation time is not required and the valves should be moved from Part A to Part C of Table 3.6-2.

Also, there are two typographical errors. The first typographical error is a redundant listing of valves DH87 and DH88 in Part C of Table 3.6-2.

The second typographical error is an incorrect valve identification designation for the Core Flood Tank nitrogen fill, sample and vent lines.


Safety Evaluation: See attached Safety Evaluation D.

Significant Hazards Consideration: See attached Significant Hazards Consideration.


. _..=-


Dockst Ns. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1265 July 31, 1986 Attachment SAFETY EVALUATION This amendment request revises Table 3.6-2 of the Technical Specifications for containment isolation valves HP2A, HP2B, HP2C, HP2D, CS1530 and CS1531. The isolation time should be changed to read N/A and these valves should be removed from Part A of this table and placed in Part C.

The safety function of the High Pressure Injection (HPI) valves is to open and provide borated cooling water to the reactor core in the event of a small break Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). The safety function of the Contain-ment Spray (CS) isolation valves are to open to allow the Containment Spray System to depressurize the containment'during a large break LOCA.

The present Technical Specifications requires closure response time (isola-tion time) for the HPI and Containment Spray isolation valves after-the initiation of the Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS). These motor operated valves receive an automatic signal to "0 PEN" only, and there :Os no automatic signal to "CLOSE".

Therefore, the response time requirement for these valves to close is unnecessary and should be removed from the Technical Specifications. The response time to "0 PEN" is included in Technical Specifications Table 3.3-5.

4 Removal of response time requirements for the HPI and Containment Spray isolation valves ~to "CLOSE" will not degrade the safety function of these valves or the safety of the station since no automatic closure of these valves is required to meet any accident analysis.

1 Table 3.6-2 contains two typographical errors. First, the Core Flood Tank nitrogen fill, sample and vent line valves, CV1542, CV1544 and CV1545, listed in Part A, page 3/4 6-18 and 3/4 6-19, have the wrong valve identification designation. CV should be changed to the Core Flood Tank designation, CF.

Second, valves DH87 and DH88 are listed in Part C on the bottom of page 3/4 6-21 and the top of page 3/4 6-22.

The listing on page 3/4 6-21 should be removed to correct this redundancy.

Therefore, based on'the above, this is not an unreviewed safety question.


Dacket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1265 July 31, 1986 Attachment SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION The proposed amendment request involves the following changes:

The deletion of the isolation times for specific High Pressure Iujection (HP1) and Containment Spray (CS) containment isolation valves, in Table 3.6-2, 1

The deletion of the redundant listing in Table 3.6-2, Part C, for valves DH87 and DH88, and The correction of the valve number identification for the Core Flood Tank nitrogen fill, sample and vent line valves, CV1542, CV1544 and CV1545, in Table 3.6-2, Part A.

The HPI and CS line valves are listed in Table 3.6-2, Part A, "Contain-

. ment Isolation" which requires specific isolation times for these valves.

The safety functions of these valves are to open for high pressure injection into the Reactor Coolant System and for containment spray. Technical Specification requires verification "that on a containment isolation test signal, each automatic isolation valve actuates to its isolation position". The HPI and CS valves do not isolate the containment upon Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS) signal actuation. The normal valve position is closed and to perform their system safety function, the valves open upon SFAS signal actuation. Therefore, the cicaure time requirements of Table 3.6-2, Part A, are not required. These-valves should be listed in Table 3.6-2,- Part C, "0THER" with isolation time "N/A".

The Core Flood Tank sample, vent and nitrogen fill lines have the incorrect valve identification designation. These valves are listed incorrectly as CV and should be CF.

Also, the refueling canal fill line valves DH87 and l

DH88 for penetration number 49 are listed both at the bottom of page 3/4 6-21 and at the top of page 3/4 6-22.

This amendment request deletes the listing of these valves on the bottom of page 3/4 6-21 to eliminate the

_ redundancy.

The proposed change does not involve a nignificant hazards censideration because operation of Davis-Besse Unit No. 1 in accordarce with this change would not:


Involve a significant increase in the probability or con-sequences of an accident previously evaluated (10CFR50.92(c)


The deletion of the closing time requirement will not in-crease the probability of an accident previously evaluated.

The safety function requires that the isolation valves open rather than close upon an actuation signal. The correction of the typographical errors are administrative changes.

Dockst No. 50-346-License'No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1265.

July-31, 1986 Attachment 2.

Create the possibility of a new or different kind of acci-dent from any accident previously evaluated (10CFR50.92(c)(2)).

It has been determined that a new or different kind of accident will not be possible due to this change. These changes which delete the closing time for the isolation valves on the High Pressure Injection and Containment Spray lines do not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident since the function of these valves are to open rather than close. The correction of the typographical errors are administrative changes.


Involve a significant. reduction in a margin of safety (10CFR50.92(c)(3)).

The deletion of the closing time would not reduce the margin of safety as their safety function is to open (valves are normally closed) upon SFAS signal and not to close. The correction of the typographical errors are administrative changes.

On the basis of the above, Toledo Edison has determined that the amendment request does not involve a significant hazards consideration.

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1 mj b/90 i

