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Final Response to FOIA Request Re Allegation Tracking Sys. Forwards App E Documents Marked W/Asterisk.Documents Available in Pdr.App E Documents W/O Asterisk Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/10/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Garde B
Shared Package
ML20211K772 List:
FOIA-86-183 NUDOCS 8612150149
Download: ML20211K769 (15)


U.S. NUCLEA] CEGULATORY COMMISSION  %~c sOia otoutsi s.vaims:

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  • eaaareaei RIOVESTER Elke her C,e e _EsgASE PART 1.- R ORDS REL OR NOT LOCATED ISee checked bones)

No agency records sub;ect to the request have been located.

No add < tonal agency records subject to the request have been located.

Agency records subrect to the request that are identife$ in Appendes are already awadable for public enspection and coce.1 m the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N W., Washegton, DC Agency records subrect to the request that are identifed m Appendes M_b a<e being made ea.iaNe for pun +c inspedon we copying in the NRC Puns Domment Room 1717 H Street, N W., Washmoton, DC. in a folder under this FOtA nur ber and requester name The nonpropnetary version of the proposal (si that you ag'oed to accept in a telephone conversaten wrth a rnamber of my sta'f is now teng made avalable for public inspection and coving at the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street. N W , Washington, DC. m a folder under the FOlA number and requerer name.

Enclosed is mformation on how you may obta.n access to and the charges for copymg records placed m the NRC Public Document Room 1717 H Street N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subsect to the request are enclosed Any applicable cha ge for copies of the records proveed and payment procedures we noted in the comments section.

Records subsect to the request have been referred to another Fede al agencatesi for review and direct response to you.

In view Cf NRC's response to the request, no further action is teng taken on appeal letter dated PART ll.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE i f Certa.n informaton in the requested records is being wthheld fromr public declosu e pursuant to the FOIA enemptions described in and for the re X tions 8, C, and D. Any released portions of the documents for wNch only part of the record is being withheld are being made available 'or publ.c inspection and copying m the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FO:A number and requester name Comments App,A E soceoens urkd w;h a.sksts are.

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8612150149 861210 PDR FOIA

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1 j N'^'C FORM 464 iPert in i e 861

FZEEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT CESPONSE FOiA NuveEmS, PART II 8- APPLICABLE FOf A EXEMPTIONS OIb 86-lS3 oA1E. DEC 101986 Cecords subject to the request that are described in the enclosed Appendices are being withneld in their entirety or in part under FOIA Esernptions and for the ressor's set forth below pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and 10 CFR 9 5(a) of NRC Regulations.

1. The wthheld unformatson e propedy class 4d pursuant to E=ecutsve Order 12356 IEXEVPTION 11
2. The wethheld informaton relates solely to the internal personnel rules and procedures of NPC. rExEMPTION 21
3. The ethheld mformation is specificaHy esempted from public d+sclosure by statute indicated. fExEMPTION 31 Secton 141 145of the Atom.c Energy Act prohibits the disclosure of Restricted Data or Formerfy Restncted Data (42 U S C. 216121651.

Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act whech prohibits the disclosur e of Uncianfed Safeguards informaton (42 U S C. 2167).

4. The ethheld ordormaton is a trade secret or commercial or firancial mformaton that is being st9ede for the reasonist endicatsd tEXEMPTION di The mformation is cons:dered to be cor'1idential business iproprietarvi mformation The inferrnehon es consde e4 to be pr0crieta y eMormate Wsued to 10 CFR 2 79C 341).

The information was submitted and received in confidence from a foreign source pu soant to 13 CFR 2 790id2 5 The withheid informaton consists of enteragency or intraagency records that are not avaaa ble througa discovery deng litigation. Deciosure of predeciseonal ir format.on would tend to inhibit the open and frar'k euchange of edeas essential to the debberative process. records a e withheld in their entirety. the facts are mentricabN mtertwined with the predecisenal inforrraten. There also are no reasonably segregable facti,af port.ons because fee reiease of the facts would permit an enderect inquiry eto the predecisenal process of the agency IEXEMPflON 58

6. The wthheid information e esempted from public disclosure because its drsclosur e would result e a clearly unwa" anted evason of personal privacy. (EXEMPTION 6i
7. The withheid information consents of mvestigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes aad is berg w&eid for the reasonist mdicated IEXEMPTION 71 Disclosure would interfere with an ordorcement proceedeg because it could reveal the scope. d.recton. and focus of enforcement efforts. and thus could possibly allow them to take action to shield potent.a1 avrongdoing or a v.otation of NAC requerements from investgators IExEVPTION 7t AH Disclosure would constitute an unwarranted mvason of personal privacy IExEMPTION 7tCn The mformaten consists of names of individuals and other enfo mation the d'scicsure of wtuch would reveal eceat t,es of confadental sou r ces (EXEMPTION 7tOh PART 11 C-DENYING OFFICIALS Pursuant to 10 CFR 9 9 and or 915 of the U S Nuclear Regulatory Commssion regulators. it has been detemred t*at the efe"raton withheld e enempt from production or d'sclosse, and that ets producten or declosure e contrary to the public mterest The persons responsible 'or the dea ai are those oH c a>s dent f.ed below as denying officials and the Der ector.

Dros on of Rules and Pecords. Office of Admenistraten, for any denials that may be appeated to the Enecutive Director for Operations tEDoi DENYING OFFICIAL TITLE. OF FICE RECORDS DEVED APPELLATE OFFICIAL sECRETAaY EDo h es M 1 6 hw , T+E AneE ;= %

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The denial by each denying official identified in Part II.C may be appealed to the Appellate Official identified in that section. Any such appeal must be in writing and must be made within 30 days of receipt of this response. Appeals must be addressed as appropnate to the Executive Director for Operations or to the Secretary of the Commission, U S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an initial FOIA Decision."


Re: F01A-86-183 APPENDIX E

1. 10/21/82 Memorandum G. Kerr to R. DeYoung regarding the NRC Allegation Tracking System (1 page)
2. 10/28/82 Memorandum from J. Keppler to R. DeYoung regarding the NRC Allegation Tracking System (3 pages)
3. 10/28/82 Memorandum from C. Michelson To R. DeYoung regarding the NRC Allegation Tracking System (1 page)
4. 10/28/82 Memorandum from J. Shea to R. DeYoung regarding the NRC AllegationSystem(1page)
5. 10/28/82 Memorandum from R. System NRC Allegation Tracking Haynes(2to R. DeYoung)regarding the pages
6. 10/29/82 Memorandum from R. Engelken to R. DeYoung regarding the

, NRC Allegation Tracking System (2 pages)

7. 11/01/82 Memorandum from J. Fitzgerald to R. DeYoung regarding the NRC Allegation Tracking System (2 pages)
8. 11/01/82 Memorandum from J. O'Reilly to R. DeYoung regarding the NRC Allegation Tracking System (2 pages)
9. 11/01/82 Memorandum from J. Collins to R. DeYoung regarding Coments on the Centralized Allegation Tracking System (1 page)
10. 11/01/82 Memorandum from G. Cunningham to R. DeYoung regarding the NRC Allegation Tracking System (1 page)
11. 11/02/82 Note from P. Norry to R. DeYoung regarding coments on the NRC Allegation Tracking System (3 pages)
12. 11/03/82 Memorandum from J. Davis to R. DeYoung regarding the NRC AllegationTrackingSystem(2pages)
13. 11/03/82 Memorandum J. Davis Allegation Tracking to R.

System DeYoung(regarding (ATS) 2 pages) the NRC

14. 11/08/82 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to Office Directors and Regional Administrators re Tracking system (13 pages)garding the NRC allegation


  • 15. 12/02/82 Memorandum from J. Sniezek to all I&E Employees regarding

. the Allegation Tracking System (ATS) Procedures for I&E

  • 16. 12/09/82 Office of State Programs' " Operations Manual Procedure"
17. 01/19/83 Memorandum from J. Blaha to C. Fitzgerald regarding AllegationTrackingSystem(ATS) Reports (4pages)
18. 09/21/83 Memorandum from J. O'Reilly to D. Eisenhut regarding Region Il coments on staff paper on allegation processing

- transmits Reg II Office Instruction No.1030, Rev.1-(36pages)

19. 09/22/83 Memorandum J. Davis to D. Eisenhut regarding the Staff Processing of Allegations Involving Licensees and Applicants for NRC Licenses (1 page)
20. 10/27/83 Chairman N. Palladino's Notation Vote Response Sheet for SECY-83-218-NRCFraud" Hotline"(1page)
21. 11/15/83 Memorandum from S. Chilk to W. Circks regarding SECY-83-218(1page)
22. 11/28/83 Memorandum from C. Fitzgerald to J. Blaha regarding the Allegation Tracking System Automation Status Report (4 pages)
23. 12/01/83 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to W. Dircks regarding the Upgrade of Exiting Allegations Procedures (2 pages)
24. 12/06/83 Note to E. Fox regarding Allegation Tracking System w/

12/06/83 memorandum from D. HaverKamp to E. Fox regarding Upgrade of Existing Allegation Procedures (3 pages)

25. 12/13/83 Memorandum fromSumary Allegation Tracking J. StohrReport to F. Long(regarding 1page) the l 26. 12/16/83 Memorandum from E. Fox to ATS Coordinators regarding Allegations and Request for Part 21.2 Identity Protection w/ attachment (6pages)
27. 12/16/83 Memorandum from T. Rehm to Ben Hayes, 01, and Regional Administrators transmitting a Draft Memorandum entitled,

" Policy in regard to Dealing with those who Provide Information to the NRC" (6 pages)

28. 12/16/83 Memorandum from E. Fox to ATS Coordinators regarding clarification for protection of requested confidentiality
29. 12/16/83 Memorandum from E. Fox to ATS Coordinators regarding Allegations and Identity Protection (8 pages)
30. 12/20/83 Memorandum from W. Dircks to Chaiman Palladino regarding Timeliness of Allegation (1 page)
31. 12/29/83 Note to W. Haass transmitting action item for completion by 12/30/83 (8 pages)
32. 12/29/83 Note from W. Haass to T. Rehm transmitting draft

, memorandum from W. Dircks to Office Directors and Regional Administrators regarding Policy in regard to Dealing with those who Provide Infonnation to NRC (6 pages)

33. 1983 Office of Investigations Draft Investigative Procedure IP-016 concerning Board Notification of Allegations (3 pages) 34 . 01/05/84 Note from C. Abbott to E. Fox regarding draft format for ATS allegation Management system (2 pages)
35. 01/06/84 Memorandum from B. Hayes to T. Rehm regarding Draft Paper on Staff Processing of Allegations w/ NRC office comments on draft Manual Chapter on Management of Allegations, MC 0517 (43pages)
36. 01/06/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to T. Rehm regarding I&E Coments on Draft Paper on Staff Processing cf Allegations (7 pages)
37. 01/06/84 Memorandum from J. Davis to T. Rehm regarding the Draft Paper on Staff Processing of Allegations (1 page)
38. 01/20/84 Preliminary draft version of SECY-84-26. " Staff Processing of Allegations Involving Applications for Operating Licenses" (6 pages)
  • 39. 02/07/84 NRC transcript of Connission Meeting with Regional Administrators
40. 02/08/84 Draft memorandum from E. Fox to ATS Coordinators transmitting draft NRC Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations" w/ additional coments on pages (31 pages)
41. 02/08/84 Draft Memorandum from E. Fox to ATS Coordinators transmitting draft version of NRC Manual Chapter 0517

" Management of Allegations" with I&E coments in margin (25pages)

42. 02/10/84 Note from T. Rehm to NRC Office Directors transmitting questions to be answered at the Simpson Hearing (8 pages)
43. 02/13/84 Draft pages from ED0's Simpson/EDO response letter (26 pages)
44. 02/14/84 Memorandum from J. Sniezek to Office Directors and Regional Administrators regarding coments on the agency's policy on confidentiality (3 pages)
45. 02/15/84 Draft note R. DeYoung to J. Sniezek regarding

. Confidentiality (2 pages)

45. 02/21/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to J. Sniezek regarding

. Confidentiality (3 pages)

47. 03/06/84 Memorandum G. Cunningham guidelines for processing to T. (1 allegations Rehm pageregarding)OELD vie
48. 03/08/84 Note from C. Abbott to E. Fox regarding the upgrade of the Allegation Data fonn (1 page)
49. 03/12/84 Draft Allegation form w/coments (1 page)
50. 03/20/84 Note from E. Fox to W. Haass transmitting draft version of NRC Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations" w/ notes in page margin (21 pages)
51. 03/20/84 Memorandum from W. Haass to W. Ward transmitting I&E coments on draft memorandum, " Requests for an 01 Investigation" (3 pages)
52. 03/20/84 Note from E. Fox to J. Blaha transmitting draft version of NRC Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegation" w/coments in page margins (27 pages)
53. 03/30/84 Note from E. Fox to ATS Coordinators transmitting the draft Allegation Data Form w/coments from W. Haass (4 pages)
  • 54 04/04/84 Region III Manual, " Temporary Instruction 0520 Processing Allegations, Complaints, and Investigations"
55. 04/05/84 Memorandum from J. Collins to T. Rehm regarding Draft of Policy Concerning Release of Infonnation to Licensees (2pages)
56. 04/05/84 Memorandum from C. Weil to E. Fox regarding Coments on Updating Allegation Data Fonn (5 pages)
57. 04/09/84 Memorandum N. Palladino to other Comissioners regarding 01 referrals to Justice of Material False Statement Allegations (7pages)
58. 04/16/84 Draft version of NRC Manual Chapter 0517. "Mantgement of Allegations" w/coments in margins of page by E. Fox and W.

Haass (22 pages)

59. 04/25/84 I&E Action Control Fonn for SECY-84-153, " Release of Information to Licensees" w/ note to E. Fox (1 page)
60. 04/27/84 Draft version of HRC Manual Chapter 0517, " Management of Allegations" w/ note from W. Haass to J. Blaha (26 pages) i
61. 05/07/84 Draft version of NRC Manual Chapter 0517, " Management

, of Allegations " w/coments in page margins (20 pages)

62. 05/11/84 Note W. Haass to E. Fox transmitting draft version of

. Manual Chapter sections 056, 057, 058, and 059 w/ comments in margins of pages (7 pages)

63. 05/18/84 Facsimile transmission note and pages from draft Allegation Data Form; from W. Haass to R. O'Connell (4 pages)
64. 05/29/84 Memorandum from A. Davis to C. Weil regarding the Management of Allegations (1 page)
65. 06/06/84 Memorandum from J. Felton to W. Dorie transmitting comments on draft Manual Chapter 0517 (2 pages)
66. 06/07/84 Memorandum from G. Kerr to R. DeYoung regarding NRC Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations" (1 page)
67. 06/11/84 Memorandum from J. Lieberman to R. DeYoung regarding comments on draft Manual Chapter 0517 (7 pages)
68. 06/12/84 Memorandum from J. Keppler to R. DeYoung regarding the Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations" (4 pages)
69. 06/12/84 Memorandum from J. Keppler Chapter 0517. " Management to R. DeYoung of Allegations" (4 pagesregarding) Manu
70. 06/13/84 Memorandum from J. Davis to R. DeYoung regarding NRC Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations" (4 pages)
71. 06/19/84 Record of OIA Entrance Conference
72. 07/02/84 Memorandum Manual Chapter from 0517 H. Denton to R.

" Management DeYoung regarding(NRC of Allegations" 1page)

73. 07/10/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to W. Dircks regarding proposed Manual Chapter 0517, " Management of Allegations" (27pages)
74. 07/10/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to W. Dircks transmitting proposed NRC Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations" (41pages)
75. 07/27/84 Memorandum from R. Brown to S. Bachrach regarding NRC Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations" (1 page)
76. 07/30/84 Memorandum from J. Davis to R. DeYoung regarding Draft Manual Chapter 0517, " Management of Allegations " (2 pages)
77. 07/31/84 Memorandum from T. Rehm to Regional Administrators, H.

Denton, J. Davis, and G. Cunningham regarding the Management of Allegations (1 page)

78. 07/31/84 Memorandum from J. Axelrad to J. Lieberman, R. Levi, B.

Hayes, and G. Messenger regarding OIA review of allegations of discrimination at THI-2 (15 pages)

79. 08/02/84 Note J. Blaha to J. Grace transmits 8/2/84 memorandum R.

DeYoung to T. Rehm regarding management of Allegations (36 pages)

80. 08/07/84 Memorandum from J. Keppler to T. Rehm regarding the Management of Allegations (1 page)
81. 08/07/84 Memorandum J. Keppler to T. Rehm regarding the Management of Allegations (1 page)
82. 08/07/84 Memorandum from G. Messenger to D. Grimsley regarding the Clarification of Procedures for addressing Allegations of Harassment, Intimidation, or Discrimination (2 pages)
83. 08/10/84 Memorandum from O. Shackleton to T. Gilbert regarding the Allegation Review Board Consideration of Criteria for Prioritization of O! Resources (3 pages)
84. 08/10/84 Draft version of USNRC Announcement No. 85 transmitted by D. Hoefling to D. Grimsley w/ notes (5 pages)
85. 08/14/84 Memorandum from J. Davis to T. Rehm regarding NRC Manual Chapter 0517, " Management of allegations" (1 page)
86. 08/14/84 Memorandum from G. Cunningham to Office Directors and Region I Administrators regarding draft Staff Paper on Handling late Allegations (4 pages)
87. 08/14/84 Memorandum from G. Cunningham to Office Directors and Regional Administrators re Late Allegation (4 pages) garding Staff Paper on Handling
88. 08/20/84 Memorandum from W. Haass to E. Fox regarding Comments on Proposed Comission Paper on " Late Allegations" (3 pages)
89. 08/23/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to G. Cunningham regarding review of l

Staff Paper on Handling Late Allegations (9 pages) go. 08/29/84 Memorandum from W. Ward to W. Haass regarding 01 Coments on Draft NRC Manual Cha Allegations" (3 pages) pter 0517 " Management of

91. 08/29/84 Memorandum from L. Chandler to Allegations Coordinators transmitting a draft Staff paper concerning Handling late Allegations (4 pages) l l


. 92. 08/30/84 Memorandum fro R. DeYoung to G. Cunningham Re: Staff Paper on Handling Late Allegations (1 page)

93. 08/30/84 Staff Paper Memorandum on Handling Late from J. Blaha Allegations to R. DeYoung)Re:

(15 pages

94. 08/31/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to W. Dircks Re: Proposed NRC Manual Chapter 0517, " Management of A11egations3 (13 pages)
  • 96. 09/05/84 NRC transcript of Comission Meeting: " Policy for Handling Last Minute Allegations"
97. 09/05/84 Memorandum from B. Cotter to Comission regarding SECY-84-249, " Late Allegations" (2 pages)
93. 09/12/84 Memorandum Manual from" R.

Chapter 0517, DeYoungofto Management W. Dircks Allegations" regarding(pro

99. 09/12/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to W. Dircks regarding the Proposed Manual Chapter 0517 " Management of Allegations" (31 pages) 103. 09/13/84 Memorandum from E. Fox to J. Blaha transmitting " Report on Comission Briefing: Discussion of the Comission Policy for Handlin (39 pages) g Last Minute Allegations on September 5,1984"
  • 101. 10/01/84 Memorandum from P. Norry to ADM Division Directors regarding Management of Allegations 102. 10/01/84 Note from Ben to Bill transmitting 01 coments on Proposed Manual Chapter 0517 (29 pages) 103. 10/05/84 Memorandum from J. Keppler to Reg II Divison Directors regarding Allegation Tracking and Assessment (2 pages) 1 04, 10/12/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to G. Cunningham regarding the Proposed Comission Policy Statement: Handling of Late Allegations (13 pages)
  • 105. 10/16/84 Region V Instruction No. 1303 106. 10/16/84 Allegations Management System Requirements Statement (10 pages) 107. 10/17/84 Memorandum from M. Malsch to L. Chandler regarding the Policy Statement: Handling Late Allegations (6 pages)

105. 10/18/84 Memorandum from H. Bassett to J. Funches regarding the Allegations Management System (1 page) 109. 10/22/84 Memorandum from W. Olmstead to Office Directors and Regional Administrators regarding NRC Statement of Policy on Investigations, Inspections, and Adjudicatory Proceedings (23pages) 110. 10/25/84 Note from E. Fox to W. Haass transmitting 10/25/84 memorandum from (G. Cunningham to Office Directors and Regional Administrators regarding Policy Statement:

HandlingLateAllegations(8pages) 111. 10/26/84 Memorandum from T. Murley to G. Cunningham regarding Policy Statement on Handling Late Allegations (8 pages) 112. 10/26/84 Memorandum from R. DeYoung to G. Cunningham regarding the Proposed Commission Policy Statement: Handling of Late Allegations (8 pages) 113. 11/01/84 Memorandum from H. Denton to R. DeYoung, J. Davis, and Regional Administrators regarding the Allegation Management System (12 pages) 114. 11/06/84 Memorandum from A. Shropshire to J. Allan regarding the AllegationManagementSystemInput(2pages)

  • 115. 11/06/84 Memorandum from T. Murley regarding NRC Region I Instruction 1200.10
  • 116. 11/07/84 Memorandum from D. Eisenhut to Division of Licensing Project. Managers regarding Handling of Allegations
  • 117. 11/07/84 Memorandum from J. Keppler to H. Denton regarding the AllegationManagementSystem(1page)
  • 118. 11/08/84 Memorandum from O'Reilly to H. Denton regarding the Allegation Management System
  • 119. 11/08/84 Memorandum from J. Martin to H. Denton regarding the Allegations Management System, Requirements Statement for the ADP Program
  • 120. 11/08/84 Memorandum from J. Davis to H. Denton regarding the Allegation Management System

121. 11/08/84 Memorandum from J. Taylor to H. Denton regarding the

, Allegation Management System (3 pages)

  • 122. 11/08/84 Memorandum from R. Martin to H. Denton regarding the

, Allegation Management System

  • 123. 11/08/84 Memorandum from J. Taylor to H. Denton regarding the Allegation Management System (1 page) 124. 11/13/84 Memorandum from T. Murley to H. Denton regarding the Allegation Management System (11 pages) 125. 11/15/84 Record of OIA Interview 126. 11/19/84 Vote Sheet of Comissioner L. Zech for SECY-84-2498-Statement of Policy: HandlingofLateAllegations(3 pages) 127. 11/21/84 Vote Sheet of Comissioner T. Roberts for SECY-84-249B-Statement of Policy: Handling of Late Allegations" (1 page) 128. 12/10/84 Vote Sheet of Chairman N. Palladino concerning SECY-84-249B- Statement of Policy: " Handling of Late Allegations"(3pages) 129. 12/11/84 Memorandum S. Chilk to Comissioners Asselstine and Bernthal regarding SECY-84-2498 (1 page) 130. 12/14/84 Vote Sheet of Comissioner F. Bernthal on SECY-84-2498-Statement of Policy: " Late Allegations (1 page) 131. 12/17/84 Memorandum from T. Rehm to H. Denton regarding Proposed NRC Manual Chapter 0517, " Management of Allegations " (1 page) 132. 12/17/84 Memorandum from T. Rehm to H. Denton regarding Proposed NRC Manual Chapter 0517, " Management of Allegations " (1 page) 133. 12/20/84 Memorandum (Notation Note Response Sheet) from Comissioner Asselstine to S. Chilk regarding SECY-84-249B, "HandlingofLateallegations"-StatementofPolicy(7 pages) 134. 12/19/84 Memorandum from P. Davis, OCM, to A. Bates SECY regarding SECY-84-2498, " Statement of Policy: Handling of Late Allegations"(1page)
  • 135. 01/06/85 Region V Instruction No. 1303 136. 01/10/85 OIA Draft Report, " Original Draft" (revised)

. 137. 02/05/85 Memorandum S. Chilk to Comissioners regarding SECY-84-2498 w/ attachments (9pages) 138. 02/07/85 Memorandum from Comissioner Roberts to S. Chilk regarding SECY-84-249B " Statement of Policy: Handling of Late Allegations"(1page) 139. 02/08/85 Note from Polly to Ben regarding tracking numbers and priorities (1page) 140. 02/15/85 Memorandum from S. Chilk to W. Dircks regarding SECY-84-249Bw/ attachment (8pages) 141. 02/25/85 Memorandum from P. Schofield to R. Stark concerning the update of the Allegation Tracking System (ATS) - (1 page) 142. 02/26/85 Memorandum from L. Chandler to J. Philips regarding Publication of Statement of Policy: Handling of late Allegations (1page) 143. 03/26/85 Record of OIA Telephone Interviews 144. 04/9/85 the Memorandum from A. Shropshire Office Allegation Coordinator's CounterparttoMeeting T. Murley regarding pages) 145. 04/12/85 Memorandum from W. Dircks to Office Directors and Regional Administrators regarding Proposed manual Chapter 0517 (transmits Statement of Policy: Handling of Late Allegations) 146. 04/15/85 Draft 0 ManagemIA Report, " Review of NRC's Allegation ent System" 147. 04/25/85 Memorandum from R. Martin to H. Denton regarding the OIA Draft Report on Allegation Management (1 page) 148. 04/25/85 Memorandum from T. Murley to H. Denton regarding Comments on Draft DIA report " Review of NRC's Allegations ManagementSystem"(6pages) 149. 04/26/85 Nots from S. Connelly to B. Hayes Transmitting Draft OIA Report, " Review of NRC's Allegations Management System" (47pages) 150. 05/01/85 Memorandum J. Martin to H. Denton containing coment on draft DIA report, " Review of NRC's Allegation Management System"(2pages)

152. 05/03/85 Memorandum from R. Martin to J. Sniezek regarding

, Confidentiality Procedures for A11egers (4 pages) 153. 05/13/85 Memorandum from B. Hayes to S. Connelly regarding the Draft OIA Report on the NRC Allegations Management System (1page) 154. 05/14/85 Memorandum from J. Davis to NMSS Division Directors, Deputy Directors, and Branch Chiefs regarding the Management of Allegations (2 pages) 156. Undated OIA Draft Report, " Version being Reviewed by Fred" 157. Undated OIA Draft Report, " Clean copy minus last minute changes to

... confidentiality" 158. Undated 15 Draft versions of OIA Reports-some Incomplete 159. Undated Preliminary index copy of OIA Draft Report on NRC Allegations Management System

  • 160. Undated i Enclosure 3. " Flow chart of A11egation's Progress through Region !"

161. Undated Region II Allegation Management Procedures 162. Undated Note to " Bill" from Ed Oklesson regarding coninents on the NRC Allegation Tracking System (1 page) 163. Undated Handwritten notes of Comissioner Asselstine regarding the Handling of late Allegations (1 page) 164. Undated Handwritten notes by Comissioner Asselstine concerning l

A. Rosenthal's 7/6/84 memorandum to the Comission regarding SECY-84-249 165. Undated Unsigned draft version of Statement of Policy, including '

handwrittennotes(7pages) 166. Undated Handwritten notes of J. Austin Concerning SECY-84-249A Statement of Policy: " Late Allegations" 167. Undated Handwritten notes of J. Austin concerning SECY-84-2498  !

Statement of Policy: Late Allegations 1 168. Undated Note from W. Ward concerning incorporation of coments (1page) 169. Undated Draft Memorandum from B. Hayes to Regional Personnel Concerning the Allegation Management System (1 page)

170. Undated Note from J. Blaha to W. Haass regarding the ATS Report (1page) 171. Undated Notes regarding information provided to licensees concerning allegations (1 page) 172. Undated Draft memorandum from R. DeYoung to G. Cunningham regarding Proposed Comission Policy Statement: Handling ofLateAllegations(7pages) 173. Undated Note from E. Fox to Jim transmitting draft changes to EDO Policy on Licensee Involvement (8 pages) 174. Undated Note from E. Fox to Joyce transmitting draft chan Manual Chapter 0517. " Management of Allegations"(29pages) ges to NRC 175. Undated Note from J. Blaha to E. Fox regarding minor change to format of ATS report (1 page) 176. Undated Note E. Fox to W. Haass transmitting draft changes to section058(3pages) 177. Undated Draft pages from proposed NRC Manual Chapter 0517

" Management of Alle margins (15 pages) gations" w/ staff comments in page 178. Undated -Draft version of Proposed Comission Paper, " Staff Processing of Allegations, Involving Applications for Operation Licenses" w/ staff cements in page margins (16 pages) 179. Undated Draft version of NRC Manual Chapter 0517 " Management of Allegations" w/coninents in margins of pages (25 pages)

ISO. Undated Routing slip to Ed Fox transmitting draft pages for check in consistency for new Manual Chapter covering the ATS (Allegation Tracking System) w/ staff comments in page margins (27pages) 181. Undated Draft NRC Announcement Concerning the Clarification of Procedures for Addressing Allegations of Harassment, Intimidation, or other Forms of Discrimination by Licensees and Applicants or their Contractors or Subcontractors (3pages) 182. Undated Facsimile Transmittal Request from C. Abbott to W. Haass transmittingdraftAllegationManagementFormat(3pages) 183. 08/01/84 Memorandum from A. Rosenthal to Comission regarding SECY-84-249(LateAllegations)-(3pages)

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  • 184. 01/12/84 Memorandum from N. Palladino to B. Hayes regarding the Confidentiality of Informants and Witnesses (1 page) 185. Undated Draft document containing proposed modifications of Commissioners to Statement of Policy (6 pages) 186. Undated Draf t Office of Inspection and Enforcement Allegation Tracking System Procedures (9 pages)
  • 187. Undated NRC Region I Comments on the Allegation Management Data Input Form (2 pages) i

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