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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 860905
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/10/1986
From: Rehm T
WIR-860910, NUDOCS 8609150030
Download: ML20209G627 (30)



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1 9 1 September 10, 1986 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 5, 1986 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Inspection and Enforcement D Nuclear Regulatory Research E General Counsel i F*

International Programs G*

State Programs H Resource Management I Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J*

Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Regional Offices L*

CRGR Monthly Reports M*

Executive Director for Operations N*

Items Addressed by the Commission 0*

Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q external distribution)


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T. A. Rehm, ssistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781 8609150030 860910 PDR COMMS NRCC WEEKLYINFOREPT PDR

HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 5, 1986 South Texas Project Unit I and 2 The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board has issued on August 29, 1986 a Partial Initial Decision authorizing operating licenset for the South Texas Project.

. The Board resolved most of the contested issues in previous decisions, with the exception of two aspects of a contention dealing with the ability of the plant to withstand hurricanes and hurricane missiles. In the latest decision, the Board had granted the applicant's motion for sunnary disposition on the unresolved design questions. The Board thus finds that the South Texas Project has been adequately designed and constructed to withstand hurricanes and hurricane missiJes. .

The Board has also reviewed an uncontested matter regarding emergency planning and found the applicant's response to be satisfactory. The Board has stated that the staff is authorized to issue licenses for fuel-loading and low-power operation upon completion of other aspects of the review.

! South Texas Project. Unit 2 A construction worker employed inside the Unit 2 containment building received a fatal head injury from a falling I-beam on August 29 and was declared dead in Houston, Texas on August 30, 1986. The applicant has stated that this is the first lost-time injury in two million man-hours of construction work at the site.

Catawba Unit 2 On September 1,1986 Catawba Unit 2 turbine tripped due to differential relay lockout for the main generator. Inspection of the main generator has indicated that some portions of the stator and stator windings have melted and there is possible damage to the rotor. Apparently, shorts had occurred in the stator before protective relays tripped the generator off line. The melting allowed 400-800 gallons from the Stator Cooling Water System to accumulate in the main generator.

The Catawba Unit 2 outage time will not be known until the generator inspection is complete but preliminary assessment indicates that repairs may take 2-3 months. -

FBI Criminal History Rule The President signed the FBI Criminal History Legislation into law on August 27, 1986. The NRC has 6 months from that date to finalize a conforming rule.

HMSS, SEC, and RM have been working closely to define the proposed approach for handling the receipt and processing of finguprint cards and estimating the agency impact in people, equipment, and dollars. NMSS and SEC representatives have met with representatives of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) to discuss the proposed approach for handling the fingerprint cards, the volume of cards expected, and timing constraints. EEI now estimates an initial submission of 200,000 versus the 300,000 originally estimated. The proposed rule, regulatory analysis, and backfit analysis have been revised to reflect these estimates and the handling constraints involved. The revised rule package will be ready for submission to CRGR early this month.

September 5, 1986

0FFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending September 5, 1986 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers, 1985 181 15 Received, 1986 660 174 Granted 477 55 Denied 127 31 Pending 237 103 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Lindsay Audin Requests a copy of the Safety Analysis Report for Packaging (86-642) (SARP) for the GE-100 nuclear shipping cask.

Raymond Seitz, Requests cop'as of the contract related to RFQ-RI-87-002 South Philadelphia or other records that provide specified cost information.

Medical Group, Inc.


Steven Aftergood, Requests copies of the transcripts, minutes, meeting Comittee to summaries, and handouts related to the July 17-18, 1986, Bridge the Gap meeting on iodine chemistry sponsored by EPRI and NRC.


Paul Shapiro, Requests copies of all inspection reports for 1986 Radiation relating to South Jersey Processing Technology located Technology, Inc. in Salem, New Jersey.


Paul Shapiro, Requests copies of all inspection reports for 1985 Radiation relating to Radiation Technology, Inc., located in Rockaway, Technology, Inc. New Jersey.


Paul Shapiro, Requests copies of all inspection reports relating to Radiation Isomedix, Inc., located in Whippany, New Jersey.

Technology, Inc.


Paul Shapiro, Requests copies of all inspection reports for 1986 Radiation relating to Radiation Technology, Inc., located in Rockaway, Technology, Inc. New Jersey.


CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley

, 492-7211 September 5,1986 ENCLOSURE A

2 Received, Cont'd Dave Airozo, Requests 11 categories of records related to the newly McGraw-Hill created Office of Information Resource Management, 01A, Nuclear NRC's Incident Investigation Teams and the Seabrcok Publications nuclear power plant.


Michael Nolan, Requests copies of a Memorandum of Understanding between Concerned Citizens the NRC and EPA and EPA and NRC inspection reports.

Communications (86-650)

H. Anne Plettinger, Requests additional records related to the River Bend (86-651) technical specifications since her previous related request F01A-85-511 and copies of all records generated in the disposition and/or resolution of staff concerns and request for an investigation.

(An individual Requests copies of NRC's requirements of PG&E regarding security records on access of employees to restricted requesting information ) areas and any records on his employment at the Diablo (86-652) Canyon nuclear power plant.

Debra Mcdonald, Requests copies of License 34-16654-OlMD and all amendments Summa Pharmacy to that license which was issued to Syncor Corp. pharmacy Corporation in Toledo, Ohio.

(86-653) 0.W. Ward, Requests copies of all records related to inspections of Met Lab Met Lab, Incorporated, by C. Rowe on December 18-19, 1985, Incorporated and July 16-17, 1986.


Ken Wieselman, Requests a computer list of all active licensees with HealthMate, Inc. material program code No. 02201 non-group medical.


T.S. Ellis, Requests copies of all records related to audits, Hunton & Williams inspections, or investigations of Transamerica Delaval, (86-656) Inc., from 1974 to the present.

Billie P. Garde, Requests copies of all records related to NUREG-0797, Government Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report No.13, regarding 4 Accountability the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant. 4 Project (86-657)

David Friedman, Requests a copy of the winning proposal for RFP RS-ADM-Research 85-336 entitled, "ADP Information Technology Support Applications Center."


September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE A

3 Received, Cont'd Roger Wensil, Requests a list of licenses issued to B.F. Shaw Co. and (86-659) the Blount Brothers Co.

Jim Pedro, Requests a copy of SECY-85-350.

NUS Corporatico (86-660)-

D. Wilson APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of the Initial Gary (86-A-151-86-505) Draft Rep' ort regarding allegations of harassment and discrimination made by auditors at Niagara Mohawk's Nine Mile Point Unit 2 nuclear power plant.

Susan L. Hiatt, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of 15 denied OCRE Representat.ive records and portions of two records, relating to a (86-A-152-86-297) request for records since January 1986 regarding the licensing of the Perry nuclear power plant and records pertaining to the Commission's April 17, 1986, decision to vacate the Appeal Board's March 20, 1986, Memorandum and Order regarding OCRE's motion to reopen the hearing concerning the January 31, 1986, earthquake.

Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of 12 denied records Government regarding a request for records concerning Inspection Accountability Report 50-445/85-18, 50-446/85-15 dated May 12, 1986, on Project the Comanche Pt3k ne: lear power plant.


Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE ED0 1or the release of six denied records Government regarding a request for records concerning Inspection Kccountability Report 50-445/84-32 and 50-446/84-11, on the Comanche Project Peak nuclear power plant.


Billie P2 6arde, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of 37 denied Government records and portions of one record concerning requests Accountability for two categories of records relating to the Farley Project nuclear power plant.

(86- A-155-85-490)


Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the release of one denied record Government regarding a request for records concerning the June 29, Acccuntability 1984, meeting between TUECO officials and the NRC staff Project regarding the investigations concerning illegal use of (06-A-157-86-179) drugs at the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the lack of response to a Government- request for records regarding the shooting on September 23, Accountability 1985, of a nuclear worker for the Tennessee Valley Project Authority at the Watts Bar nuclear power plant.


September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE A

I 4

Received, Cont'd Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the lack of response to a Government request for records regarding depositions of all NRC Accountability personnel deposed in the litigation between Houston Project Light and Power Company and Brown and Root, Inc., over (86-A-159-85-378) the South Texas Project.

Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of the denied Government portions of four records in NRC's August 12, 1986, response Accountability regarding requests for records generated or prepared by Project Victor Stello since his appointment as Acting Executive (86-A-160-86-53, Director for Operations.

86-54 & 86-55)

Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of the denied Government records in NRC's August 12, 1986 response to requests Accountability for records generated or prepared by Victor Stello since Project his appointment as Acting Executive Director for Operations.






Billie P. Garde, APPEAL TO THE ED0 AND COMMISSION for the release of denied Government records in NRC's August 12, 1986, response to requests Accountability for records generated or prepared by Victor Stello since Project his appointment as Acting Executive Director for Operations.






(86-A-171-86-131 )

(86-A-172-86-166) 86-A-173-86-201) 86-A-174-86-209)

Granted Carol M. Rice, In response to a request for copies of any drafts, Kirkland & Ellis reports, or correspondence provided to the NRC by (86-235) Consumers Power Company or its contractor in response to NRC's confirmatory order dated January 12, 1984, informed the requester that five records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Informed the requester that on July 17, 1986, Consumers Power Company cancelled its contract with its contractor to perform the appraisal. This cancellation was in response to the utility's decision not to complete the Midland facility as a nuclear generating station. Therefore, no appraisal or report was produced or provided to the NRC.

September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE A

5 Granted, Cont'd E.T. Faber In response to a request for six categories of records (86-510) concerning paragraphs 3a and 3e of Appendix A to 10 CFR 55, informed the requester that the NRC has no records subject to this request.

Steven Aftergood, In response to a request for a copy of a July 3, 1984, Comittee to memorandum to J. Davis et al., from W. Dircks re: OIA Bridge the Gap Investigation "ASLB - Allegations Concerning Three NRC (86-529) Employees," made available a copy of the requested record.

Michael J. Keegan, In response to a request for records regarding the Safe Energy Unusual Event at the Fermi nuclear power plant on July 15, Coalition of 1986, made available eight records.

Michigan (86-550)

Michael J. Keegan, In response to a request for records regarding the Fermi Safe Energy nuclear power plant, made available two records.

Coalition of Michigan (86-551)

David Bender, In response to a request for copies of all responses The Times by Mercy Hospital of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and Leader Valley Radiology Associates of Kingston, Pennsylvania, (86-589) to NRC's proposed fine and license restrictions, made available two records.

Patty Day, In response to a request for a copy of SECY-85-17, NUS Corporation " Update on Accident Source Term Reassessment," made (86-604) available a copy of the requested record.

O. W. Ward, In response to a request for records pertaining to the Met Lab Met Lab Incorporated application for amendment 12 to Incorporated license No. 45-09963-01 between January 1, 1980, and (86-623) December 31, 1982, made available 26 records.

Bruce B. Dicey, In response to a request for a list of research reactors Stan A. Huber and a list of licensees with Status Code 0, 1, 2, and 3, Consultants, Inc. made available two records.


Denied Billie P. Garde, In response to a request for records from October 1, 1984, Government to the present which relate to the reports listed in Board Accountability Notification 8a-149 concerning the Comanche Peak nuclear Project power plant, made available seven records. Denied portions (86-213) of eight records, release of which would cause a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE A

6 Denied, Cont'd Alfred Robinson, In response to a request for copies of SECY-85-381 and Thompson, Mann records related to that SECY paper, made available and Hutson 15 records. Informed the requester that one record is (86-470) already available at the PDR. Denied 30 records in their entirety and portions of five records, release of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Joni Yaffe, In response to a request for a copy of SECY-85-350, Bishop, Liberman denied portions of this record, release of which would Cook, Purcell & tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas Reynolds essential to the deliberative process.


Robert A. Traylor, In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION, on behalf of Scaccia Law Firm Rudolf Norman, for the denied portions of the report and (86-A-141-86-399) accompanying exhibits regarding an 01 report on allegations of harassment of quality assurance auditors at the Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant, made available additional pages of information. Continued to deny the remainder of the records containing a confidential source and personal privacy information.


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September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE A l


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? IFB ISSUED IFB No.: RS-0RM-86-293


" Microcomputer Software"


Acquisition of off-the-shelf software packages such as Lotus 1-2-3, dBase III, etc.

Period of Performance: One year Sponsor: Office of Resource Management Status: IFB issued on August 29, 1986. Bids due on September 29, 1986.



" Comprehensive Current (Real-Time) Geophysical Data Storage and Retrieval System"


The system must be able to retrieve, display and summarize geophysical information for user specified areas located anywhere within the United States. This information is needed in the form of a data base depicting the applicable reporting station, forecasted conditions for specified areas and severe advisories or reports.

Period of Performance: One year with two one-year options.

Sponsor: Office of Resource Management Status: Negotiations have been completed. Best and Final offers are due on September 11, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-RG4-86-329


" Region IV Data Entry Support Services"


Effort involves data entry, editing and reporting activities relating to various systems for which NRC's Region IV office is responsible.

Period of Performance: 24 months Sponsor: Region IV Status: Best and Final offers received and fowarded to Source Evaluation Panel for review on September 3, 1986.


RFP No.: RS-RES-86-104


" Cooperative Human Reliability Evaluation Program"


Compare and contrast NRC and EPRI analytic tools for conducting human reliability analysis with those of other participating nations to assess the current state-of-the-art and to guide future research.

Period of Performance: 12 months Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: A Tripartite, Cost Sharing type Contract No. NRC-04-86-104 between the NRC, NUS Corporation and the Electric Power Research Institute l was awarded on September 4, 1986 in the amount of $119,274.00.

i September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE A 1



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0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending September 5, 1986 South Texas Project, Unit 2 A construction worker employed inside the Unit 2 containment building received a fatal head injury from a falling I-beam on August 29 and was declared dead in Houston, Texas on August 30, 1986. The applicant has stated that this is the first lost-time injury in two million man-hours of construction work at the site.

Catawba Unit 2 On September 1, 1986, Catawba Unit 2 turbine tripped due to differential relay lockout for the main generator. Inspection of the main generator has indicated that some portions of the stator and stator windings have melted and there is possible damage to the rotor. Apparently, shorts had occurred in the stator before protective relays tripped the generator off line. The melting allowed 400-800 gallons from the Stator Cooling Water System to accumulate in the main generator.

The Catawba Unit 2 outage time will not be known until the generator inspection is complete but preliminary assessment indicates that repairs may take 2-3 months. -

1 j River Bend Station i

At 8:40 a.m. CDT on August 31, 1986, River Bend Station experienced an unplanned trip from about 100% of rated power. This reactor trip was the result of two apparently unrelated electrical problems. One problem was the failure of a I transformer which tripped a breaker resulting in a loss of power to the division A Reactor Protection System (RPS) motor generator (MG) bus. The other problem was a failure of a division B relay in a backup scram valve.

l The combination of the failure of the division B backup scram valve and the loss of power to the RPS MG bus, resulted in slow depressurization of the scram discharge volume which initiated rod insertion. The reactor operators were in the process of manually scranning the reactor when the reactor tripped automatically on a low water level signal.

I While returning to power from the August 31 scram, River Bend experienced

another unplanned reactor trip at approximately 1
00 p.m. CDT on September 2, l 1986 from 90% of rated power. Preliminary reports indicate this reactor trip j

l was due to a high water level turbine trip, which in turn tripped the reactor.

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l September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE B l

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Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station i tember 2,1986, the staff was informed by Maine Yankee Atomic On Power Tuesday, Company Sep(MYAPCo) that Yankee Atomic, which performs MYAPCo's reloa analyses, had discovered that the highly peaked axial power shape used in MYAPCo's Large Break LOCA Analyses since 1977 is not the bounding shape. The bounding shape has been found to be a flattened shape. The flattened shape gives higher peak clad temperatures than the highly peaked shape later in the life of the reload. Yankee Atomic has not as yet done a formal analysis but new interim administrative procedures on peaking factors are being implemented

on a high priority basis which will assure compliance with 10 CFR 50.46.

i Maine Yankee further stated that to their knowledge this issue does not impact

! other plants.

l South Texas Project Unit I and 2 The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board has issued on August 29, 1986 a Partial 4

Initial Decision authorizing operating licenses for the South Texas Project.

. The Board resolved most of the contested issues in previous decisions, with the exception of two aspects of a contention dealing with the ability of the plant to withstand hurricanes and hurricane missiles. In the latest decision, the Board had granted the applicant's motion for summary disposition on the

! unresolved design questions. The Board thus finds that the South Texas Project

! has been adequately designed and constructed to withstand hurricanes and l hurricane missiJes. .

The Board has also reviewed an uncontested matter regarding emergency planning and found the applicant's response to be satisfactory. The Board has stated

. that the staff is authorized to issue licenses for fuel-loading and low-power i operation upon completion of other aspects of the review.

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Septetber 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE B 1



- Bulk defueling operations continue. New tools have not been successful in increasing the rate of material placed in canisters.

Progress has been slow because of the difficulty breaking the crust and interference from fused upper end fittings, and continued poor visibility.


- The reactor remains in long term cold shutdown, vented to the atmosphere. Core cooling is by natural heat loss to ambient building atmosphere. The average incore thermocouple reading is 79*F.

- The airborne radioactivity on the defueling platform above the reactor vessel is about 4.9 E-7 uC1/cc Tritium and 2.6 E-10 uCi/cc particulates, predominately Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. About 15 feet of water over the core region and 6 feet over the carousel holding the defueling canisters provide shielding.


- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results show that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and The City of Lancaster Agreement.

- The Lancaster water sample taken at the water works river intake and analyzed by EPA consisted of a seven day composite sample taken August 17 - 23, 1986. A gamma scan detected no reactor related activity.

- TMI water samples taken by EPA at the plant discharge (includes Units 1 and 2) to the river consisted of seven daily composite samples taken from August 16 - 23, 1986. A gamma scan detected no reactor related activity.

- The EPA analyses of the NRC outdoor air sample for the periods August 21 - 29 and August 29 - September 4,1986 showed that concentrations of Cs-137 and I-131 were below the lower limit of quantitativedetection(LLD)forthesystem. The LLD varies around 1E-13 uCi/cc.

September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE B



- Start-up and testing evaluation of the sludge transfer system has begun.

Hands-on decontamination of the "A" Bleed Tank Room continues.


- Technical Specification Change Request numbers 49, 51, 52, and 54.

- Recovery Operations Plan Change numbers 31, 33, and 39.

- Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

- Reactor Building Sump Criticality Safety Evaluation Report.

- Heavy Load Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

- Disposal of Processed Water Report.

- Sediment Transfer and Processing System SER

- End Fitting Storage SER

- SER for Use of Plasma Arc Cutting Torch


- The second railroad shipment of fuel debris has been received at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. To date 21 canisters have

been shipped.

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September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE B


! Week Ending September 5, 1986

& ~

Special Nuclear Material On August 26, 1986, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., submitted an application to NRC for renewal of the Special Nuclear Material (SNM) License at the Barnwell Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility. The application was filed in accordance with the timely renewal provisions of 10 CFR Part 70.570.33 (b). The staff is preparing a response to the licensee indicating that the license will not expire until final Commission action is taken on the application.

Negotiations to Close Sheffield Site At the August 19, 1986, pre-hearing conference before the ASLB, the State of Illinois, U.S. Ecology, and the NRC agreed upon a schedule for reaching a negotiated settlement. By November 18, 1986, the three parties shall submit either a signed final settlement to the ASLB or a notice that all issues could not be resolved. In the latter case, the ASLB intends to hold a hearing in December 1986. Concurrently, briefs on two outstanding legal issues shall be submitted to the ASLB which will issue a decision on these issues during November 1986.

FBI Criminal History Rule The President signed the FBI Criminal History Legislation into law on August 27, i 1986. The NRC has 6 months from that date to finalize a conforming rule.

] NMSS, SEC, and RM have been working closely to define the proposed approach for handling the receipt and processing of fingerprint cards and estimating the agency impact in people, equipment, and dollars. NMSS and SEC representatives have met with representatives of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) to discuss the proposed approach for handling the fingerprint cards, the volume of cards expected, and timing constraints. EEI now estimates an initial submission of

200,000 versus the 300,000 originally estimated. The proposed rule, regulatory analysis, and backfit analysis have been revised to reflect these estimates and the handling constraints involved. The revised rule package will be ready for submission to CRGR early this month.

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l September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE C l

l _ _ _ _ . -_ _ - - -_ -

2 Dry Spent Fuel Storage On August 27, two NMSS staff members presented a discussion on the status of dry spent fuel storage reviews and licensing under Part 72 to the Director and staff members of the DOE Office of Storage and Transportation Systems, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. The discussion focused on the technical aspects of license reviews for dry spent fuel storage and the reviews of topical reports on dry storage d: signs. Planned future rulemaking to provide for generic approvals of dry storage cask designs, as contemplated by Sec. 218(a) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, was briefly discussed in context with the DOE dry spent fuel storage demonstration programs.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation The staff has scheduled a briefing of the Commission for September 10, 1986, to inform the Commissioners of its findings on Sequoyah Fuels Corporation's request to resume the production of uranium hexafluoride at the Sequoyah Facility near Gore, Oklahoma. Representatives of Sequoyah fuels Corporation will also participate in the briefing.

September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE C

Office of Inspection and Enforcement Items of Interest Week Ending September 5, 1986

1. Items of Interest
a. TMI-1 A performance Appraisal Team (PAT) inspection of TMI-1 was conducted August 25 through September 4, 1986. The exit takes place onsite September 5, 1986.
b. Illinois Director and staff of the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety toured the Operations Center and were briefed on August 28, 1986 as to NRC incident response.
2. The following Significant Enforcement Action was taken during the past week:
a. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty was issued on August 25, 1986 to Southerr, California Edison Company (San Onofre) in the amount of $25,000. This action is based on multiple security violations including failure to implement its Safeguards Contingency Plan and failure to report. (EN 86-65).
b. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties was issued to Start-Jet Services (Oklahoma City, OK) in the amount of

$500. This action is based on multiple ciolvations which include failure to control and survey licensed material. (EN86-66).

3. The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
a. PN0-I-86-68, Mallincrodt, Inc. (Falcraft, PA), Accident Involving Van Carrying Radiopharmaceuticals.
b. PNO-I-86-69, Facility Unknown, Contamination in the Public Sector.
c. PN0-II-86-60, Mississippi Power & Light Company (Grand Gulf 1),

Unscheduled Shutdown Longer Than 48 Hours.

d. PNO-II-86-61, Virginia Electric & Power Company (North Anna 1),

Damage to Low Pressure Turbine Blades.

e. PNO-II-86-62, Tennessee Valley Authority (Browns Ferry 1, 2, 3), Bomb Threat.
f. PN0-II-86-63, Duke Power Company (Catawa 2), Unscheduled Shutdown Longer Than 48 Hours.
g. PN0-III-86-83A, Detroit Edison Company (Fermi 2), Five Senior Reactor Operators Apparently Fail Simulator Test (Update).

September 5,1986 ENCLOSURE D


h. PN0-III-86-87, Comonwealth Edison Company (Dresden 3), Multiple Equipment Failures.
i. PNO-III-86-88, Detroit Edison Company (Fermi 2), Shutdown to Repair Vacuum Breaker Isolation Valve.
j. PN0-IV-86-28, Houston Lighting & Power (South Texas), Personnel Injury.
k. PN0-IV-86-28A, Houston Lighting & Power (South Texas Project 2),

Injury Update--Construction Accident Resulting in Fatality.

1. PNO-V-86-55, Arizona Nuclear Power Project (Palo Verde 2), Unit 2 Reactor From a Main Generator Trip--Outage Greater Than 48 Hours.
m. PNO-V-86-56, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon 1),

Diablo Canyon Shutdown for Refueling and Fuel Rack Podifications.

n. PN0-V-86-57 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon 1),

Reactor Trip and Update of Outage Plans.

o. PNO-V-86-58, Portland General Electric Company (Trojan), Potential Shutdown Greater Than 48 Hours.
p. PNO-V-86-58A, Portland General Electric Company (Trojan), Shutdown for More Than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.
q. PN0-V-86-59, Arizona Nuclear Power Project (Palo Verde 1), Shutdown Greater Than 48 Hours.
r. PNO-V-86-60, Washington Public Power Supply System (WNP-2), Shutdown Greater Than 48 Hours.
4. The following IE Information Notices and Bulletins were issued during the past week:
a. IE Information Notice No. 86-76, Problems Noted in Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit,
b. IE Information Notice No. 86-77, Computer Program Error Report Handling was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit and nuclear fuel manufacturing facilities.
c. IE Information Notice No. 86-78, Scram Solenoid Pilot Valve (SSPV)

Rebuild Kit Problems, was issued to all boiling water reactor facili-ties holding an operating license or a construction permit.

d. IE Information Notice No. 86-79, Degradation or Loss of Charging Systems at PWR Nuclear Power Plants Using Swing-Pump Designs was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.

September 5,1986 ENCLOSURE D

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY REGULATORY Items of Interest Week Ending September 5, 1986 l

Standards for Protection Against Radiation (Part 20)

Radiation protection philosophy and technology have changed markedly since the present Part 20 was promulgated nearly 30 years ago. A complete revision is necessary to provide better assurance of protection against radiation; establish a clear health protection basis for the limits; reflect current information on health risk, dosimetry, and radiation protection practices and experience; provide NRC with a health protection base from which it may consider other regulatory actions taken to with recommendations of world authoritiesICRP); (protect andpublic applyhealth; be consistent to all licensees in a consistent manner.

The proposed revision to 10 CFR Part 20 was published for public comment on January 9, 1986, and the draft backfit analysis was published in the Federal Register for public coment on August 29, 1986. The comment period on the proposed revision to Part 20 has been extended to October 31, 1986, in order to provide a concurrent 60-day comment period on both the draft backfit analysis and the Part 20 proposed revision. Analysis of comments received to date is in progress.

Mulit-Loop Integral System Test (MIST) Program The MIST facility is an integral test facility designed to simulate thermal hydraulic aspects of transients in reactors of the Babcock and Wilcox (B&W)

. design. The data will be used in assessing code capability. The 13th Program

! Management Group (PMG) Meeting for this program was held on August 26-28, 1986 in Alliance, Ohio. The PMG reviewed the status of the MIST program. The MIST

facility has recently performed thirty one tests. Preliminary observations from these tests were presented at the meeting. The remaining tests are related to l Non-condensible Gas (NCG) Effect, Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Operation during Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident, and Feed and Bleed Operation. Testing on the NCG Effect will be completed by the end of September, 1986 with RCP

! operation testing scheduled for the end of the year. The PMG added three tests to the test matrix bringing the total number of tests to forty four.

The three additional tests are (i) single loop cooldown with Steam Generator Tube Rupture (ii) using Nitrogen gas instead of Helium in a NCG Effects Tests, and (iii) a delayed High Pressure Injection test leading to i core uncovery. Details on these tests are forthcoming from B&W.

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l September 5,1986 ENCLOSURE E i


During the meeting, a summary of the five pre-test predictions using the Transient Reactor Analysis Code (TRAC) completed by Los Alamos National Laboratory were presented. Some of these pre-test predictions were intended to examine whether the simulated core and the code safety relief valves of MIST will be challenged during testing. The results showed that the simulated core will not be uncovered during the course of the transient, and the facility high pressure will not be reached and hence the code safety valves will not lift. The data confirmed the code predictions. Preliminary comparison among the experimental data and code predictions from RELAP5/ MOD 2 (B&W Version) and TRAC for the MIST Dase Case transient were presented et the meeting. In general, the trends of the predictions and the data agreed well, but there were differences. These differences will be studied in detail during post-test analyses. An analysis meeting is tentatively scheduled in October,1986 to define post-test analyses. In addition, the status of research projects in support of the MIST program such as the University of Maryland B&W 2x4 Loop, and the Argonne National Laboratory Hot Leg U-Bend Separate Effects Test sponsored by the NRC, and the Stanford Research Institute-2 B&W 2x4 Loop funded by the Electric Power Research Institute were presented. The next PMG meeting is tentatively scheduled for January,1987 at Palo Alto, California.

2D/3D Some of the advanced two-phase flow instruments provided by RES to the Geman Upper Plenum Test Facility (UPTF) have degraded or failed during the facility commissioning tests and the subsequent main tests. RES is aggressively pursuing resolutions to these instrumentation problems in order to minimize the loss of useful information. To assure that RES actions are appropriate on the basis of available technical information and limited resources, an independent group of instrumentation experts held a review meeting on August 26-27, 1986, at the NRC Nicholson Lane Building. The results of this review will be submitted to RES by September 10, 1986, in a letter report. However, their initial reactions are that RES is pursuing appropriate actions to resolve the instrumentation problems. They felt that the UPTF water conditioning should be more closely looked into. In particular, they recommended that we look into ways of lowering Ph while controlling oxidation through some other means (such as maintaining oxygen level to an optimum level of about 20 ppb). RES is now following up the review group recommendations.

ROSA-IV In this program the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) conducts small-break and secondary system transient tests and provides these data to NRC for assessment and improvement of the NRC thermal hydraulic codes. USNRC has recently received from the ROSA-IV Large Scale Test Facility, data from the following types of tests: 5% cold leg break, natural circulation and steam generator heat transfer tests low and high core power. In the coming months, the data to be received are: 5% hot leg break, 5% cold leg break similar to i September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE E

test SB-CL-05, 10% cold leg break test without HPI.

In return for the ROSA-IV test data, the USNRC has provided JAERI with some advanced two-phase flow instruments, and RELAPS and TRAC computer codes. A new video boroscope to replace the recently damaged unit is being hand-carried back to JAERI by the Japanese who were visiting EG&G Idaho through September 2, 1986, for instrumentation training.

Revision to ECCS Rule Contained in 10 CFR 50.46 and Appendix K A meeting with the Comittee to Review Generic Requirements (CRGR) was held on August 27, 1986, to discuss the reporting requirements of the proposed rule, the impact of eliminating reference to the Dougall-Rohsenow correlation as an acceptable feature of Appendix K and the Research Office Director's determination of the proposed rule safety impact and cost savings.

The CRGR generally agreed with the staff's position and requested that the final rule wording be agreed upon by NRR, RES and 0GC and forwarded to CRGR for their consideration and approval.

A meeting with the thermal hydraulics subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) was held on August 28, 1986, to update the progress of the proposed rule and to discuss the results of ACRS consultant review of the " Compendium of ECCS Research for Realistic LOCA Analysis". The ACRS provided several suggestions for improvements to the compendium and will provide formal comments by October 1, 1986. On September 11, 1986, the ACRS full committee will discuss the proposed ECCS rule.

Accident Evaluation Branch l

Severe fuel damage test FLHT-4 was successfully performed in the NRU reactor at Chalk River, Canada on August 27, 1986. In this coolant boilaway and damage progression test an assembly of ten fresh and one preirradiated (30 GWD/MT i nominal) full length, commercial enrichment fuel rods was nuclear heated to l measured peak cladding temperatures of 2400K and higher and then held at power for thirty minutes. A very small amount of make-up water, about 1.25 grams per second, was added to the water pool in the test capsule to simulate the limited coolant cross flow expected during such an accident, primarily from nearby fuel assemblies at lower power.

As the liquid level dropped and the steam temperatures above the pool rose, the hot steam began to react rapidly with the exposed Zircaloy. Rapid hydrogen evolution was observed until the test was terminated. Preliminary calculations indicate that nearly sixty percent of the Zircaloy above the water level reacted with the steam.

The more than 200 test instruments generally performed well and the test data are being correlated. It is interesting to note that settling debris did not appear to impede the upward flow or percolation of water or steam.

September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE E


Nuclear Power Plant Performance Incentives James C. Petersen, OSP, presented a paper on September 4,1986, entitled

" Tracking Nuclear Power Plant Performance Incentives Established by State PUCs," before the Biennial Regulatory Information Conference of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) in Columbus, Ohio.

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September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE H

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0FFICE OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Items Of Interest Week Ending September 5. 1986 NRC's FY 1988-FY 1989 Budget Request Submitted to OMB NRC's FY 1988-FY 1989 Budget Request was submitted to the Director, Office of Management and Budget on September 2, 1986.

NRC's FY 1988 budget request is for $427.8 million and 3,250 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff. The FY 1989 budget estimate is $422.6 million and 3,180 FTE. This budget shows NRC's plan to reduce FTE allocations by approximately 10 percent from where it is today. It also reflects essentially i the same funding level as FY 1987 plus a small increase needed to stablize the research program and to consolidate headquarters offices.

September 5, 1986 ENCLOSURE I

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! g SEPTEMBER 5, 1986



  • NRR CONTACT BG j 9/7-9/86 Room P-110 Discuss Emergency Procedure NRC/BWROG G. Thomas j 8:30 a.m. Phillips Building Guidelines, Rev. 4 j 9/8/86 50-341 Room P-1114 Discuss testing alternatives NRC/ Deco M. D. Lynch j 1:00 p.m. Phillips Building for the A'Iternative Shutdown  ;

j System 9/8/86 50-272 Room 528 Discuss PSE&G initiatives 1:30 p.m. 50-311 Phillips Building NRC/PSE&G D. C. Fischer regarding licensing 9/9/86 50-373/ Room P-118 Discuss those items listed on NRC/ Utility Repres.

i 8:00 a.m. M. Campagnone 374,397 Phillips Building enclosed Agenda 9/9/86 50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Permit NRC management to assess NRC/NRR/RII/CP&L 8:00 a.m. B. C..Buckley Power Plant the operational readiness of j Energy & Environ. Ctr. Shearon Harris Unit 1 ,

9/9/86 50-309 Room P-412 Discuss the axial power shape j 11:00 a.m. Phillips Building NRC/ Maine Yankee P. M. Sears 3

used in Maine Yankee Large Break LOCA analysis i 9/9-10/86 50-390 Watts Bar Site Second Watts Bar site visit NRC/TVA/ Consultants T. W. Alexion i 9:00 a.m. 50-391 regarding cable pulling and bend j radii

!E -

1 p o

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  • Ceples of summeries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket fil l iA in the NRC and local public document rooms o

A suunnary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424 i i

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DATE/ TIME NLMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT j $ 9/9-11/86 50-424 Georgia Power Co. Ofc. Review the proposed organiza- NRC/ Georgia Power M. A. Miller 4

8:30 a.m. 50-425 Atlanta, GA and tion for operation of Vogtle Company l Vogtle Site

, 9/9-11/86 50-424 Vogtle Site Audit the documentation and NRC/EG8G Idaho / M. A. Miller i 8:00 a.m. 50-425 Waynesboro, GA installat' ion for environmental Westinghouse /Bechtel qualification of selected Georgia Power Co./

pieces of equipment Southern Co.

!l Services l 9/10/86 50-387 Room P-422 morning Discuss the acceptability of NRC/PP&L M. Campagnone 1 9:00 a.m. 50-388 P-118 afternoon licensee's proposed Technical i Phillips Building Specifications to support j operation of a fifth Diesel i Generator i

! 9/10/86 50-219 Room P-932B Discuss the proposed technical NRC/GPUNC J. N. Donohew i 9:30 a.m. Phillips Building specifications on integrated l leak rate testing in the GPUN 9/10/86 50-390 Room P-118 Discussions regarding NRC NRC/TVA W. LongQ 50-391 request for additional infoma-1l tion dated July 24, 1986 i 9/10/86 50-146 Room P-422 Discuss preliminary planning NRC headquarters / R. E. Carter

m 1
30 a.m. Phillips Building for partial dismantlement at SNEC/GPU/NRC RI y the Saxton Reactor Facility
  • 8 C

1 A

  • Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) o in the NRC and local public document rooms f

f A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424


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, & SEPTEMBER 5, 1986 m



Room P-118 Discuss IDCOR status of feasibility / NRC/ INDUSTRY R. M. Bernero 8:00 a.m. Phillips Building effectiveness and representative costs of containment modifications

9/11/86 50-321 Room P-422 Meeting with lieorgia Power Co. MRC/GPC G. Rivenbark
00 a.m. 50-336 Phillips Building (GPC) representatives to discuss i

! details of GPC's seismic re-evaluation of Hatch Units 1 & 2

'l 9/11/86 -

Room P-110 Discuss the B&W Owners Group NRC/B&W Owners Group W. A. Paulson i

2:00 p.m. Phillips Building Steam Generator Comunittee's

! activities 9/12/86 50-250 Room P-422 Discuss Physical Security - Turkey NRC/FPL D. G. Mcdonald

00 p.m. 50-251 Phillips Building Point Plant 9/16/86 50-289 Room P-118 Discuss the TMI-1 Cycle 6 Reload NRC/ Licensee T. Ross j 1:00 p.m. Phillips Building Report i

1 9/17-18/86 50-424 Vogtle Site Review the eight requirements of MRC/ Georgia Power M. A. Miller 8:00 a.m. 50-425 Waynesboro, GA NUREG-0737, Supplement 1 9 .


o C


  • Copies of sununaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) i, in the NRC and local public document rooms A sununary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424 i ,





Divisi'on of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety 9/12/86





m .


  • 9/9/86 H. Street Meeting with Argentine delegation R. E. Cunningham (FC) Cunningham

! - 4:30 p.m. to discuss international nuclear D. Ross (RES)

safety cooperation. J. Cortez (RES)

) 9/12/86 Willste Meeting with the Materials Safety R. E. Cunningham (FC) Cunningham -

i 9:00 a.m. Room 562 Regulation Review Study Group Reps of M5RRSG -



! 9/14-19/86 Paris. To present to NEA Steering Cannittee R. E. Cunningham (FC) Cunningham l France the CRPPH work based on lessons

! learned about Chernobyl and to participate with NEA staff in the l .,

1 development of final program of work.

9/14-19/86 Vancouver. To attend international conference - J. T. Long (FC) long BC on new methods for training and

, comemnications in transportation i

emergency response. .

] .  !


! 9/22/86 ASIS Conference Discuss Access G. McCorkle McCorkle Itew Orleans. LA Authorizatten I r, 9/22-10/2 Vienna. Austria US/IAEA SG Agreement E. Sparks. INtc Sparks

,M R. Thiele. IAEA 1 5 J. Oakberg. IAEA I E J. Ilardi. IAEA A M. Ferraras. IAEA o R. Thorstensen. IAEA

J. Kessler. DOS l




y 9/15-17 Bethesda, Maryland To attend ANS Topical Meeting 90Seemann MJSeemann

on Radiological Accidents


i i G l g 9/21-24 Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. To attend ASQC 13th Annual

DNedges IMedges JKennedy MJ8 ell j 9/22-26 Denver CD To Attend DOE 8th Annual LLW
YYoung YYoung Conference I

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k OSP EETING NOTICES September 5,1986 E


9/15/86 Niagara Falls, N.Y. Present paper on Industry KSchneider E

States' Role in Government Low-Level Waste Public at ANS Topical Meeting E

P 8



NRC CONTACT g DATE/ TIME NtMBER LOCATION OURPOSE APPLICANT 09/15/86 Raleigh, NC A familiarization tour of Chairman Zech and Grace Shearon Harris Regional Administrator

  • Regional Administrator, 09/16/86 Decatur, AL A familiarization tour of Zech c.m. Browns Ferry Nuclear Site Director, TVA Projects and Selected RII Staff Members p.m. Decatur, AL Attend American Nuclear Same as above Grace Society Meeting-North 4 Alabama Section 09/23/86 RII Office APC SALP Board Meeting Selected RII and HQs Walker 9:30 am Staff Members E

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WEEK ENDING: September 28, 1986 gm i

  • DOCKET i



9/17/86 50-266 Region III 50-30I Enforcement Wisconsin Electric Power Conference Company A. B. Davis 9/24/86 50-483 Site SALP Union Electric Company J. G. Keppler 9/25/86 50-263 Region III Enforcement Northern States Power Conference A. B. Davis Company J

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