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Submits Contract Costs Incurred & Manhours Used in Reviewing Application, for License SNM-1461
Person / Time
Site: 07001489
Issue date: 05/08/1985
From: Nixon W
To: Miller W
Shared Package
ML20206U346 List:
FOIA-98-341 NUDOCS 9902160029
Download: ML20206U444 (7)


Distribution: .





AKRON, OH. 44315 ,




POST 98-341 PDR df



,S JUL 2 21985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Walt McMahon Oak Ridge Operations Enrichment Technology Division P.O. Box E Oak Ridge, TN 37830 FROM: Bruce S. Mallett, Chief Materials Licensing Section Region III


Release Of Equipment And Facilities At Goodyear Aerospace Corporation, NRC License Number SNM-1461 (Docket Number 070-01489) For Unrestricted Use i

As per our telephone conversation, attached is the NRC's guidance for releasing equipment and/or facilities such as those at Goodyear Aerospace for unrestricted use. The current NRC License for Goodyear Aerospace (No. SNM-1461) is under timely renewal, since the licensee filed a renewal application with the NRC in proper form 30 days prior to the expiration date (August 31,1984). Consequently, Goodyear Aerospace's existing license shall not expire until the NRC takes final action upon the renewal application. As discussed, Goodyear Aerospace should notify Region III in writing if a decision is made to terminate activities involving materials authorized under the NRC license.

Original Signed By -

Bruce S. Mallett, Chief Materials Licensing Section


1. SRP for termination
2. 10 CFR Part 70
  • 8811030252'860327 *

{DR ADOCK 07001499 PDC i

Mallett/cm 07/22/85


. 6 i







1, Introduction


This Standard Review Plan (SRP) has been developed to provide guidance to the staff engaged in reviewing applications for the termination of special nuclear material licenses and the release of facilities for unrestricted use. This plan includes a discussion of NRC policy and technical review criteria for termination of a license. This plan does not address the following issues:

o Onsite disposal of residual radioactive material (other than residual concentrations in soil determined acceptable for unrestricted release).

o Contamination levels higher than those specified for release for unrestricted use.

o Possession of discrete quantities of SNM in excess of critical mass quantities, o Detennination of SNM holdup in the facility.

I, HQ technical assistance and guidance should be requested .if these issues should arise during the review. -


( '

II. Policy It is policy of NRC prior to termination of a material license to possess I and use SNM that facilities and grounds shall be decontaminated to such levels so that they can be released for unrestrictec use.

III. Review Procedure Under current NRC regulations, each licensee is required to notify the Commission, in writing, when the licensee decides to pennanently discontinue activities involving special nuclear material. Prior to license termination, the licensee is required to:

o Submit Form NRC-314 that describes the disposal of licensed materials.

o Conduct a final radiological survey.

o Submit a radiological survey report which describes the scope of the [-

survey, general procedures followed, and presents the survey {results.

Appendix I to this SRP, " Guidelines for Decontamination of Faci!Iities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination 6f License for e Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Material," July 1982, proiides additional

  • guidance as to what should be contained in the survey report. r


5?57% 1


- 2 In evaluating an application for termination, the NRC must verify that:

o A reasonable effort has been~made to decontaminate the facility to levels below those specified in Table 1, " Acceptable Surface Contamination I Levels" of Appendix 1.

o Residual soil contamination (including any radioactive material buried onsite by the licensee in accordance with 10 CFR 20.302 or 10 CFR 20.304) shall not exceed the following concentration levels:  ;


i l

l Soil Concentratior. Level I i

Kind of Material (pCi/gm of soil) for unrestricted area i) Natural Uranium (U-238 10 l

+ U-234) with daughters present and in equilibrium ii) Depleted Uranium or Natural 35 l Uranium that has been sepa-I rated from its daughters l Soluble or Insoluble t 30 iii)EnrichedUranium Soluble or Insoluble 25 iv) Plutonium (Y) or (W) com- -

pounds .

Am-241 (W) compounds 30 v) o Guidance for evaluating radioactivity in surface and groundwaters can be found in footnote 5 of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20 ano in EPA's National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations (EPA 570/9-76-003).

1 If contamination levels are higher than those specified above, HQ guidance should be requested prior to deciding whether those levels are acceptable for unrestricted release.

! Definitions A. Facility For the purpose of this procedure, "f acility" is defined as buildings, I grounds, equipment, instruments, furniture, vehicles, scrap and appur- ',

l tenances thereto, and, if necessary, groundwater. j o

B. A discrete quantity is defined as measurable quantities of GNM in a liquid or solid form that can be accumulated into a single 1,dentifiable mass or volume. This does not refer to SNM in the form of contamination e on facilities or equipment. [

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3 C. Critical mass quantities. are as specified below:

( >350 g U-235, or ,

T200 g U-233, or

  1. n

' " T200 g Pu, or g U-235 .

g U-233 , g Pu 350 200 200 ->l f or mixtures, or

>450 g Pu as sealed sources R_eview Criteria Although the NRC's review of an application for license ternination centers around the final radiological survey report which the licensee submits in support of the application, the reviewer should also review the operating history of the facility to assess the potential for residual contamination at the site. This should include a review of the licensing files, inspection reports, prior NRC and other survey reports, if applicable, and facility incident reports.

The review of the licensee's close-out survey report should include an evaluation to assure: -

o proper use of radiaton detection instruments, o overall acequacy of the survey, and _

o that residual contamination levels in the facility are less than NRC's j criteria for release of unrestricted use.

A. Instrumentation

1. All instruments used in the survey should have been calibrated by qualified personnel, using accepted practices under the license. .
2. Instruments should have sufficient detection sensitivity so that the measured data can be used to verify compliance with acceptable con-tamination levels. Guidance concerning the detection sensitivity for different . types of radiation detection instruments is included in Chapter 4 of NUREG/CR-2,082 and NCRPQport No. 50, Environmental Radiation Measurements.

B. Scope.of Surveys All indoor areas (such as floors, walls, ceilings) of the building and i' outdoor areas (such as roofs, ground area, etc.) should be surveyed for radiation contamination levels and reported in the proper units lin the applicant's survey report. Prior to surveying the facility it should be divided into specific areas suitable for surveying. Guidance concerning the *

.e choice of grid sizes and the total sample size required can be found in Chapter 3 of NUREG/CR-2082.

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p 1. For Indoor Areas ,

k I In each survey block formed by the grid, the following ]

set of measurements'should'be conducted and reported: ]


The average an'd the maximum contgmination levels at the surface shouldbereportegindpm/100cm for the alpha counting mode; and in dpm/100 cm and urads/hr for the beta-gamma counting mode.

l b) Smear testing for determining alpha and beta-gamma regovable contamination levels should .be reported in dpm/100 cm

2. For Outdoor Areas - '

1 For the outdoor area radiation survey, the following sample measure-l ments should be conducted and reported:

i l a) Direct reading for beta-gamma measurement at I cm above the j surface and for gamma measurement at 1 meter above the surface i at eacn grid point:

l Both me'asurements should be expressed in urads/hr. (The l

' external exposure rate at 1 meter above the surface should be less than 10 urads/hr above the background level.)

b) Surface soil samples (0-5 cm)

The average soil concentration of radioactivity in'the facility may be measured by either taking systematic soil samples at all blocks of the grid system or by taking randomly selected samples l

fer an unbiased estimate.

Guidance concerning the number'of samples required for an I unbiased estimate may be found in Chapter 3 of NUREG/CR-2082.

If there is any reason to suspect (such as from the site record indicating any radioactive spill incident or any elevated external exposure level, etc.) that certain discrete areas may contain extra-ordinary contamination, soil samples should be collected from these

! areas. The radioactivity in all soil samples shall be reported in picocuries per gram of dry soil.

I c) Subsurface soil samples:

Subsurface soil sample measurements are required if there is any g reason to srspect that subsurface contamination existy in the outdoor area or une r *,he building... . Standard core . sampling tqchniques may be used in suspected contaminated area to assess the subsurface soil contan.. .wion as a function of depth. The existence of any of .,~

the following conditions may require analysis of subsdrface samples: l (i) Record showina that radioactive material has been ~* buried at that area. L

5 (ii) Radioactive material (such as dry or liquid wastes) had y , been stored in the areas, underground, or in a pond. ,

N (iii) ' Any unexplainabie, elevat"ed,' direct'syvey re'ading in the area. ,

(iv) ~ Creeks, streams or underground transfer pipes were used .


.as, a pathway f,or , contaminated liquid. ef fluent release.

d) Water samples _:

Samples shall be taken from each source of potable water, surface water, and groundwater on the site, including water found in core holes drilled f or subsurface' soil samples.

Additional onsite and offsite groundwater samples may be required if there is any reason to suspect that subsurface contamination exists.

The result of measured water samples shall .be reported in pCi/1.

Sediment samples from streams or ponds into which liquid effluents are released shall be sampled to measure the undissolved radio-nuclides in the, liquid effluents. .

expressed in pCi/gm of ' dry weight.Jhe ;samp1,e . result ,shall be If after reviewing the site history and the'applihant'Pfinal radiological survey report the reviewer determines that the residual contamination.

levels in the facility meets NRC's criteria for unrestricted release; the reviewer should perform or have performed a confirmatory survey of .the facility to verify the licensee's close-out survey. The results of the confirmatory survey should be compared to the close-out survey to determine that either: (1) the facility has been decontaminated ~to levels accept-able for unrestricted release and therefore, the facility may be released for unrestricted use, or (2) that additional specified decontamination is required.

If the confirmatory survey indicates that further decontamination is required the reviewer should so inform the licensee and request that additional decon-tamination be performed so that the facility meets levels acceptable for unre-stricted release.

If the confirmatory survey indicates that the facilities are acceptable for unrestricted release, the reviewer should prepare a safety evaluation report (SER) to support the termination action.

The SER should clearly reveal the extent of the NRC review and technical i basis for the licensing actions. The format and content of thelSER should be as follows: -

I  !

l f I o Background , -e


Discussion cf the history of use of the facility including a description i

of the kinds and amount of radioactive material that were used ,in}he facility and the type of chemical and physical processing on' the radio-active material. ,


' o Discussion  ;. .

s Discuss the instruments,and; methods.of survey.used in.the. licensee's.

survey of the facility. The licensee's measured residual contamination for each area and how it compares with NRC's criteria for unrestricted release. , .- ,, . . _.

. .. , ;s: .. , ; u : .

o Confirmatory Survey Discuss the results of the confirmatory survey and how it compares with the close-out survey.

o Conclusion -

Based on the findings in the discussion section of the SER, the conclusion may be drawn that the release of the' f acility for~ unrestricted use repre-sents an insignificant risk to the public health and safety and to the environment and therefore, the reviewer may recommend that' the facility be released for unrestricted use and the license be terminated. ,

After the SER is completed, the reviewer will. prepare a license termination letter for transmittal to the licensee. The letter, SER, licensee's survey report and NRC's confirmatory. survey. report forms. a,7 license pack, age, to support the licensing action." '

' The termination. letter'is issued'to the licenseec and. filed in the docket. .g room with the " license package.'" -

.- .  : 6,c ; . .

An example of a license termination letter and supporting SER is attached as Appendix II.

Questions and Answer Section This section presents more information about the ' details of managing a licensing case than was covered in the preceeding sections of this review pl an , it is presented in a question and answer format for ease of reference.

O. During the decontamination / decommissioning phase of the licensee's operation, the licensee may request amendments to the license. What does the reviewer need to do to process those amendments?

A. In general, the amendment applications are minor in nature and do not l require sophisticated technical analysis to support or deny the amend-ment request. The types of license amendments that may be involved are' as follows: ,

i~ i' 'i

1. Possession limit change. (


2. Modificattion and/or deletion of one or more of the autho'rized activities. ,e
3. Modification and/or elimination of license conditions ass'ociated i with process support . systems (i.e. , ventilation requirements)

i l

7 1

4. Modification and/or elimination of criticality control requirements.
5. Provision for interim storage of contaminated material and/or equipment.

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6. Modification and/or elimination of survey / monitoring requirements as related to safety and/or environmental issues that are normally associated with an operating facility but not during or near the completion of the D&D phase. .

Prior to performing a technical review, the reviewer must assure that the I administrative requirements are met. This includes docketing, fee assess- I ment and payment, and distribution. The details of this should be checked l with the appropriate administrative group in the Regions.

The technical review requires an evaluation of the amendment request to determine how it affects process safety, radiological safety, and environmental impact. This evaluation should be documented in the form of a SER similar to the format presented in Section V of this review pl an . Appendix 111 provides several SERs written for various types .

of amemdments. These SERs should also should illustrate the type of issues that were considered in the review of various types.of amendment applications.

'p' Q. A licensee may' request a portion of the facility to be released for unrestricted use. What requirements does the licerisee' need to me'et prior to approval of this request and how should the reviewer handle that request?

A. Upon completion of the decontamination of the portion of the f acility that is desired to be released for unrestricted use, the licensee shall submit a report that assesses the results of the deccinmissioning activities and the enviror.nental impacts of any residual contaminctio .. The raport shall include final contamination survey data for the portion of the facility under consideration and grounds that provide the basis for unrestricted rel ea se. ,

The reviewer shall review the request applying the same review criteria j where applicable as presented in Section V cf this review plan. The i parts that would not be applicable are outdoor survey requirements. All i other segments of the procedures should apply. l In addition to these review requirements, the reviewer must determine that ongoing decontamination activities or storage of materials in other areas will not change the final survey status of the structure (s) to be released.

The licensee must demonstrate positive controls in this regard. If not h, the request should not be approved. 5 I

Depending on the specifics of the license, the reviewer may be required to issue a license amendment. If so, the procedures presented in the first part -e of Section VI are applicable. If the license amendment is not required, the ~

review and documentation of the results ef the review is still required.

[ An example of. both cases are presented in Appendix iv. .




8 Q. A licensee may request guidance on the radiological surveys that need to

_be performed. What guidance should the reviewer provide? .

s A. The reviewer should provide;the licensee with the following two documents as the guidance of the radiological survey:

1. NRC's " Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities,and Equipment .

Prior to Release for' Unrestricted Use of Termination of Li. cense 'for '

Byproduct, Source, Special Nuclear Material,". July 1982.

2. Monitoring for Compliance with Decommissioning Termination Survey Criteria, NUREG/CR-2082.

Q. What is the general interpretation of the acceptable surface contamination levels specified in Table 1 of NRC's " Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unre.stricted Use?"

A. In addressing this issue, one has to apply the ALARA concept. The acceptable surface contamination levels Table 1 are minimum goals the i licensee should attempt to achieve. In applying the ALARA concept, it is I not enough for the licensee to just meet the defined levels but to do the best job he can to reduce the contamination levels as low as reasonably achievable. However, a case may arise where the licensee cannot meet the defined levels presented .butihas . applied ,the ALARA. principle. Such , cases s should be referred to HQ f or technical assistance. ,

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L APPEtIDIX I Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment *

! Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Temination of License for Byproduct, Source, or Special !!uclear Material l- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Olvision of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS Washington, D.C. 20555 l July 19E2

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission -

Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety Washington, D.C. 20555 July 1982 ,

1lr -

4 341M y, . .z

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' The instructions in this guide , in conjunction .with Table 1, specify the

' radionuclides and radiation exposure rate limits which should be used in decontamination and survey of surfaces or premises and equipment prior

( to abandenment or release for unrestricted use.

The limits in Table 1 l

\ do not apply to premises, equipment, or scrap containing induced radio- l activity for which the radiological censiderati'ons pertinent to their use.may be' differ,ent. The release of such facilities or items from .

l regulatory control is : considered on a case-by-case basis.

1. The licensee shalliike' a reasonable effort to eliminate residual - ..

contamination. -



F.adioactivity on equipment or surfaces shall not be covered 'by '

paint, plating, or other covering material unless contamination l-levels, as determined by a survey and documented, are below the limits specified in Table 1 prior to the application of the -

covering. A. reasonable effort must be made to minimize the contamination prior to use of any covering.

3. The radioactivity on the interior surfaces of pipes; drain lines, j or ductwork shall be determined by making measurements at all l I traps, and other appropriate access points, provided that contam-l ination at thes'e locations is likely representative of ccataminatien ductverk.

on the interior of the pipes, drain lines, o .

iihel'v c be contaminated but are of such size, construction, or f location as to make the surf ace ir.a:cessible fer purposes of l measurement shall be presumed :: be con:atina:ed in excess of_

the limits.

l 4. Upon request, the Commission may authorice a licensee to j l

  • possession or control of premises, equipmen j This may include, but would not be limited to, special circumstan:es such as razing of buildings, transfer of premises to anothe 1 continuing work with radioactive materiels, Such requests or must:

conversion of to a long-term storage or standby status.

a. -Provide detailed, specific information describing the prem equipment or scrap, radioactive contaminants. ,and the natur extent, and degree of residual surface contamination.


Provide a detailed health and safety analysis which reflects '

that the residual amounts of materials on surface areas, ,

together with other considerations suc i~

unreasonable risk to the health and safety of the public.


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5. Prior to release 'cf prhaises.for'lunrestrictes use, the'1ktensee shall make a comprehensive radiation . survey.which establishes that

,e contamination is within the limits specified in Table 1. A copy of

'the survey report shall be filed with the Division of Fuel Cycle

and Material Safety',. USHRC, k'ashincton, D.C. 20555,.,and also the

. Administrator of the HRC Regional Office havjng. jurisdiction ~. The report shouM be filed at leasi30' days prior to the. planned .date of abandonment. Th~e' survey report shall:


..p ,

a. Identify the' premises.


b. Show that reason'able effort has been made to eliminate residual contamination.
c. Describe the scope of the survey and general procedures ~

followed. *

d. State the findings of the survey in units specified in the ' instruction. , ,

.Following review of the report, the NRC will, J consider visiting the facilities to cenfirm g the survey. *

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Dep2rtmnnt cf Encrgy p#

Ook Ridge Operations N 7 D #

j P. O. Box E @h Oak Ridge, Temessee 37831

, ge Mr. Norm Whitchurch Goodyear Aerospace Corporation M 12 E Centrifuge Equipment Division Plant "D" 1210 Massillon Road Akron OH 44315

Dear Mr. Whitchurch:



DOE letter from William W. Wistrom_to Mr. Norm Whitchurch TERMINiTION OF CONTRACT NO. DE-AC05-810R20789 dated July 2, 1985.

In accordance with the reference letter, the following instructions are furnished herein to assist you in the preparation of your termination

,plan and the implementation of the termination of the subject contract:

1. Prepare inventories of all government property and property to which title is to be the Government unless you believe a class determination of disposition (scrap or other) -

should be made. Inventories.should be prepared in accordance with Appendix B, Articles 9 and 17 of the contract and of the FAR, Parts 45 and 49, and DEAR Part 949, and submitted to the contracting Officer with copies to DCASMA, ORO Property Management Branch, and Enrichment Technology Division. Include your recommendation for disposition of each line item and of the inventories or of a class of items. Specific disposition guidance will be furnished to you as soon as possible.

2. Proceed to dismantle and prepare for disposition as directed by DOE of all Government owned classified / unclassified parts, component assemblies, and development machines. Where an ftem can be l l

declassified by removal of a classified part or subassembly, it should be dismantled to remove that part or subassembly, if the work can be done without incurring costs equal to or greater than the scrap value of the remainder. Segregate items by best commer-cial practices.


3. In accordance with FAR 49.302, your company may submit cost veuchers through December 1985 using Form SF 1034. After that time vouchers are to be discontinued and partial payments could be made under FAR 49.112. In order to start partial payments, an interim or final settlement proposal needs to be submitted no later than October 31, 1985.

JUL 171985


4. Prepare a list of all subcontracts which will require audit by DCAA indicating subcontract number, subcontractor name and location, subcontract amount, and outstanding dollars. l S. Prepare a cost performance report showing the status of your contract as of the time of termination.
6. Submit to this office no later than July 24. 1985,. your draft proposed termination plan.for the contract. The plan shall address the following as a minimum:
a. A schedule of all tasks required for complete termination of the contract. The schedule may be prepared as a network or as a bar chart. Start, intermediate, and completion milestones will be included. The schedule will be statused to the DOE veekly. A suggested list of milestones to be considered is enclosed.
b. .A time-phased budget for accomplishment of the termination activities. The budget will be statused monthly against your actual costs. The budget shall be based on your best estimate and is not to be confused with your settlement proposal.
c. Your projected equivalent headcount level, month by month, during the contract termination. This will be statused as of the end.of each month. Consideration should be given to having adequate skills to ef fectively complete all termination efforts as stated in the reference letter.


d. Cleaning / sanitization of contractor and Government-owned facilities and property, other than deliverable end items or parts thereof, to DOE or other Government agency standards as  !


e. Assume that all classified government property will be treated as Category A waste per K/PO-1196 and transported by the government to government facilities for disposition. Assume l subaseemblies will be dismantled to remove classified items l which will also become Category A waste. Contaminated items will require additional packaging to be defined later, but assume that transportation and disposal of contaminated material will also be assumed by the government.
f. Disposition of documentation, data and computer programs, classified and unclassified, prepared by you or furnished to you under the contract. Retention of any such documentation, data or computer programs for your use shall be the subject of separate correspondence to this office,
g. Declassification of your facility and termination of personnel clearances per DOE Order 5634.1. While project declassifi-cation actions are being proposed, assume no change to current classifications and security regulations for the purpose of preparing this termination plan.


h. In addition to the reporting requirements stated above, you are requested to furnish this office an informal weekly narrative style status report and a formal summary report monthly describing your progress in the termination of your contract.
1. Closeout of individual subcontracts from the time of termination notice to final closeout. For subcontracts over l

$25,000, include pertinent intermediate milestones to provide l DOE with visibility.


7. GAC indicated in its letter _of June 19, 1985, subject " Uranium Enrichment Program Decisions" that its Special Nuclear Material License No. 1461_will expire August 30, 1985. It is doubtful that all the~ uranium hexafluoride, lov level radioactive waste, and necessary decontamination can be completed before the license expires.

Therefore, GAC should request an extension of the license for the period of time it feels necessary to complete removalThe of UF , I w-level waste and decontamination of the facility.

6 request for extension of the license should be addressed to:

Mr. Jack Hind, Director Division of Radiation, Safety and Safeguards Region 3, Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137.

Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to~

contact us.

Sincerely, w Wi 11am . istrom Contracting Officer Attachments:

Suggested List of Contractor Milestones Termination Plan Outline cc w/ attach.:

W. A. Truex, AD-441 M. M. Dare, AD-43 DCAA, Goodyear Aerospace Corporation DCASR/ Goodyear Aerospace l R. Spence, EO-23 l J. Lungenecker, DOE-HQ W. Walker, EO-20 F. Shlemon, CC-10 W. Rice, DOE-HQ, NE-35 S. Curtis, AD-432 R. Langley, AD-424 J. Hind, NRC

SUGGESTED LIST OF CONTRACTOR MILESTONES The following milestones are furnished as a guide in preparation of the schedule requested in paragraph 6a of the letter. You are not limited only to these. Your schedule should reflect what you will need to help you control.your termination activities.

o Receipt of letter of termination-o Stop work o Submission of termination plan draft to DOE o Submission of termination plan to DOE o Initiate dismentling of classified / unclassified equipment o Submission of inventory schedule to DOE o Initiate disposition of end items accepted by DD 250 by end item (second paragraph of letter) o Completion of dismantling equipment o Date for DOE /DCASMA to verify availability / serviceability of inventory items o Submission of contract settlement to DOE Contracting Officer o Initiate sanitization of property as required o Initiate sanitization of facilities as required o Subcontractors ready for DCAA audit (those requiring) by subcontractor o Facility areas ready for inspection and release by DOE or authorized rep.resentative o Submission.of final cost performance report (paragraph.5 of letter) o~ Complete ' disposition'of documents, data, and computer programs by

^ -

category o Initiate and complete transfer of Government-owned property to bonded storage area, if applicable

s Q

TERMINATION PLAN OUTLINE 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Definitions and Acronyms 3.0 Termination Plan Overview 4.0 Organizattor. and Rerponsibilities 5.0 Termination Cost and Schedule 6.0 Termination Tasks 7.0 Security 8.0 Health and Safety 9.0 License and Permit Closeout 10.0 Project Personnel Plan 11.0 Monthly Reporting 12.0 Weekly Status Report ,

P e


76-M7 G OODYE AR A E R OS PAC E C O R P O R AT I O N h j AKRON. O H lo 4 4 315 23' July 1985 Ref: CIHS-751G hhb b '

Mr. W. T. Crow, Section Leader Uranium Process Licensing Section  ;

Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


NRC Source Material & Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-1461 for the Goodyear Aerospace Corporation Advance Technology Center (ATC)


Dear Mr. Crow:

I l

Goodyear Aerospace Corporation made application for j renewal of our Nuclear Material License on 8/30/84. j It is our desire to extend our license until 4/1/86 {

so that we may decontaminate and decommission the facility.

We will make every effort to decontaminate the Advance Technology Center prior to the above date; at which time we will request a survey by your agency and a decommissioning. .

Please advise of your acceptance of this request.

Very truly yours, kl E. Rhy W Daniel E. Gleghorn, CSP, RPO Y Administrator, Corp. Ind. Hygiene & Safety g

N~ os li RECENED 2


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