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Test Plan 70, Model 660 Series Type B Transport Tests
Person / Time
Site: 07109033
Issue date: 12/18/1997
Shared Package
ML20197H301 List:
70, NUDOCS 9712310242
Download: ML20197H303 (24)


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1P70 Test Resuhs Amorsham Corpotshon December 18,1997 Burbngton, Massachusetts.

Page t of to TP70 Test Results 1his document describes the results of package design tests conducted by Amersham to detennine whether Model 660 Series projectors meet NRC requirements for Type ll(U) packages (10 CFR 71.71 and 10 CFR 71.73).

The Model 660 Series includes the following models: 660,660A,660ll,66012, 660AE, and 660l!!!. Reference Certificate of Compliance 9033,

' The tests were conducted in accordance with Amersham Test Flan #70 (dated l

September 7,1997).1hc test plan also covers the criteria stated in I AEA, Safety l

Series 6 (1985, asimended 1990).'


Four projectors were tested. All four units met the criteria in 10 CFR 71.71, but one test specimen failed to meet the criteria in 10 CPR 71.73 because the unit's carbon steel end plate screws failed. As a result of the tests, Amersham is now testing l

Model 660 Series projectors with tougher stainless steel screws to assure that the projectors satisfy all the requirements for Type ll(U) packages.

1his document reports on the manufacturing and acceptance of the test specimens,


execution of the Nonnal Transport Conditions and llypothetical Accident Conditioris tests, test inspections, arrd assessment of the test units as to their conformity with the requirements of 10 CFR 71, l

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TP70 Test Results Amersham Corporation December 18,1997 Burhrgton. Massachusetts Page 2 of 14 i

Section 1 Transport Package Overview j

i The Model 660 Series projector consists of a source tube enclosed in a depleted-uranium shield, an end plate with a lock assembly, a second end plate with a storage


plug assembly, four steel connecting rods, a sheet metal shell and foam packing material (Figure 1).


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e L Carrying Handle j

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l Rear End-Plate i



- Plunger End-Plate i

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s Figure 1: Side View of a Model 660 Series Projector The shield consists of a 1/2 inch outside diameter source tube with its mid section set in depleted uranium. One end of the source tube is inserted into a 1/2-inch hole i

of the lock assembly at the rear end-plate. The other end of the shield's source tube is inserted into another 1/2 ir..a hole of the shipping plug at the front end-plate.

Iloth 1/2 inch holes allow enough radial clearance for a slip fitting attachment.

There is approximately 1/8 inch axial clearance at the front end for assembly.

i The source is contained in a special-form, encapsulated capsule assembly which is-attached to the source wire assembly.1his source wire assembly is secured in the package by the lock assembly. The lock assembly, in turn, is attached to the rear end plate by four stainless steel screws. There are two versions of the lock.

'i assembly used on the Model 660 series projectors. The size, material and I w.ation of the end plate attachment screws are identical on both versions.


  • lhe shield, end plates and the sheet metal shell are connected by four 3/8 inch thick steel rods which are threaded at each end to accept I/4 inch screws securing the end.


' plates to the rods.


e SENTINEL T P70 Test Results Amersham Corporateon December 18,1997 Duriington, Massachusetts Page 3 of 14 A polyurethane foarn is used to fill the space around the shield and fill void within the sheet rnetal shell. The foam acts as an impact absorber.

The depleted-uranium shield provides the primary radiation protection for the Model 660 Series projector. The shield accomplishes this by limiting the transmission of gamma rays to a dose level at or below 200 mlUhr at the package surface and limiting the dose level at or below 10 mluhr at one meter from the surface of the package. A fracture of the shield could compromise this protection.

1he tests that were performed focused on damaging those components of the package which could cause the displacement of the source relative to its stored position within the thield and which alTect the integrity of the shield itself.

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i SENTINEL TP70 Test Results Amersham Corporatx>n -

December 18,1997 Burtington, Massachusetts Page 4 of 14 i

I Section 2 Test Specimen Production and Acceptance i


- Five test specimens were manufactured in the Amersham Burlington, Mass..

facility in accordance with Amersharn Drawing TP70, Rev. C. 'ihese units provided four test specimens and a spare. 'the spare was not used.

As required in the test plan, the TP70s are standard Model 660ll projectors with the following modifications:

licavier than normal shields were cast for the TP70 Supplemental lead was added to the shield These modifications enabled us to produce test specimens that weighed at least

$4 pounds, and thus provide worst-case conditions for the free drop and puncture tests. (Ninety seven percent of all Model 660 Series units weigh 54 pounds or less.)

The four test specimens were labeled to facilitate tests for specific failure modes:

Specimen A: Shield movement or fracture Specimen 11: Failute of the lock assembly attachment screws Specimen C: Loss of the connection between the storage plug and the source tube Specimen D: Failure of the end plate screws The test specimens were manufactured in accordance with the Amersham Quality i

Assurance Program. The program provides for documentation of the manufacturing process, assures that the units comply with the relevant drawings and manufacturing instructions, and specifies radiological profiling of the completed product. Table I summarizes key manufacturing and profiling data.

Table 1: Test Specimen Manufacturing Data

g. ggh
gq f o y9; 9

< jng Completion Date 10/6/97 10/6/97 10/697 10/&97 Total Weight

$4,90 lbs 54.85 lbs 55.30 lbs

$5.20 lbs Profile Data, Maximum Readings l

At Package Surface 167.8 mR/hr 142.9 mR/hr 154.5 mR/hr 149.2 mR/hr At One Meter 1.6 mR/hr 1.6 mR/hr 1.1 mR/hr 0.9 mR/hr




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l TP70 Test Results

'N" 0"W" December 18.1997 Burington. Massediusetts Page 5 of 14 l

On October 9,1997, representatives from Engineering, Quality Assuranec and Regulatory Affairsjointly accepted the four test specimens and the spare as confonning to the requirements of Amersham Drawing TP70, Rev. C, and Test Plan il10.

The representatives alsojointly detennined that the TP70 units were representative of the full Mixlel 660 Series population for purposes of the design tests under i

10 CFR 71.

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l SENTINEL TP70 Test Results I

Amersham Corporation December 18,1997 l

Budington. Massachusetts Page 6 of 14 t

Section 3 Normal Transport Conditions Based on Normal Transport Conditions tests conducted in October 1997 on the test model TP70, the Model 660 Series projectors comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 71.71 and with the comparable I AEA Safety Series 6 provisions. ~lhis section describes the execution of the tests, the results and the assessments made by representatives from Engineering, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance.


- 3.1 Test Execution t

'Ihree Normal Transport Conditions Tests were conducted to meet the


requirements of 10 CFR 71,71 and Test Plan #70:

Compression test Penetration test Four foot free drop Table 2 summarizes infortnation about execution of the tests.

Tablo 2: Normal Transport Conditions Tests (10 CFR 71.71)

M.hN [b M,esktM [My,sif khk k,-

, Drop

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Dates 10/9/97 to 10/10/97 10/13/97 10/13/97 1 ocation Amersham Valley Tree Valley Tree llurlington, Mass.

Groveland, Mass.

Groveland, Mass.

Attempts One cach Four attempts Two attempts each required for required for Specimen D Specimens A and C Setup Changes Ncne None Orientation for C Required modified for second attempt Four attempts were required for the Penetration Test involving Specimen D because of movement in the boom and the size of the target on the package, a screw head on the rear end plate. The fourth attempt resulted in a direct hit.

Specimens A and C required two attempts each in the four foot free drop:

Specimen A's surface temperature was above -40' C immediately aDer the first attempt. The package was -41.2' C aRet the second atterrpt.

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SENTINEL 1P70 Test Results Ametsham Corporation Decemtier 18,1997 Buriangton. Massachusetts Page 7 of 14

'lhe first drop of Specimen C met the criteria of Test Plan #70, llowever, the impact compressed the s. hipping plug into the package rather than prying the plug away from the end plate. The Engineering, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance representativesjointly decided to modify the package orientatior, for a second attempt. 'ihe new orientation aligned the center of gravity with a point between the shipping plug and the edge of the end plate as shown in Figure 2.

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First Attempt '

second Attempt l i

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s Figuro 2: Specimon C Oriontations for Four-foot Free Drop Attempts 3.2 Damage inspections Damage to the test units was recorded aller each test, and the units were examined to determine w hether testing should continue on the specimen and what changes should be made in the orientation specified for the :xt test.

The change in the four foot free drop orientatioi br Specime ', is noted above.

The test team detennined that the new orientation would a M d in the 30-foot free drop.

The compression and penetration test caused no signineant damage to any of the test units.

i SENTINEL TP70 Test Results j

Amersham Corporation Decemtier 18,1997 Durlington, Massachusetts Page 8 of 14 The four foot drop test caused minor scratches and damage to all units, and some damage to the functionality of two of the units.

Specimen H: Although the selector ring could be rotated, the source could not be projected from the unit. The rear plate was removed under a controlled procedure which was videotaped. ~lhe removal revealed that ths impact had defonned the end of the source tube and reduced the effective diametef orthe tube enough to prevent movement of the source. *lhe rear plate was re-installed and the end. plate screws were torqued to the same values measured prior to the removal.

Specimen C: Afler the four foot drop, the front nut of the shipping plug could not


be turned and the front end of the source tube was crimped, thus preventing the source from being projected beyond the frent plate of the projector. *lhe front end.

plate could not be removed.

3.3 Test Assessment Although the tests caused some damage to the test units, there was no compromise of the package integrity and the design ruet the safety requirements under Nonnal Transport Conditions as defined in 10 CFR 71.71.

'Ihe tests caused none of the system failures ofinterest listed in Test Plan I/70.

There was no damage to the structural integrity of the units. The end. plate and lock assembly screws remained intact. There was no movement of the source, and no damage to the shield.

As part of the test assessment, all four test specimens were profiled on October 12, 1997, in accordance with Amersham Work Instruction Q 09.

All readings were within the limits defined in 10 CFR 71.71.

'the radiation profile worksheets are included in Appendix A. The maximum readings for each specimen are shown in Table 3 'Ihese readings are corrected for maximum capacity.

Tablo 3: Maximum Headings from First Intermediato Test inspection

' Specimen A -

Specimon B:

Specimen C

Specimon D At package 193.2 mIWr 142.9 mler 194.9 mMir 149.2 mlWr Surface At One Meter 1.59 mlWr 1.61 mier 1,61 mIWr 1,59 mier

- _ _ _~ _ _ _.._



TP70 Test Results Amersham Corporation December 18.1997 Burlington. Massachusetts Page 9 of 14 3.4 Conclusions liased on the first three tests of Test Plan #70, the team concluded that:

Model 660 Series projectors meet the requirements of 10 CFR 71.71


All four sgweimens should underSo the final three tests in the plan.


The modified orientation for Specimen C four-foot drop should be used in the 30 foot drop for the unit.

Section 4 Hypothetical Accident Conditions.

i The four TP70 test units underwent flypothetical / ccident Conditions tests in j

October 1997. Specimens A,11 and C did not sustain damage that compromised the transport integrity of the package. 'Ihe 30 foot free drop and puncture tests caused i

the failure of the carbon steel end-plate screws on Specimen D, which in tum led to oxidation of the shield during the thermal test. Engineering analysis indicates that stainless steel screws would prevent such a failure. The use of stainless steel end plate screws is being tested under Amersham Test Plan #73 and Test Plan #74.

With the exception of the carbon steel end plate screws, the Model 660 Series projectors coroply with the requirements of 10 CFR 71.73 and with the comparable I AEA Safety Series 6 provisions 'lhis section describes the execution of the tests, the results and the assessments made by representatives from Engineering, llegulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance.

4.1 Test Execution Three flypothetical Accidents tests were conducted to meet the requirements of 10 CI:R 71.73 and Test Plan #70:

30-foot free drop Puncture test


Thermal test


'lhe tests were conducted in accordance with Test Plan #70. Table 2 summarites information about execution of the tests.


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TP70 Test Results Amtraham Corporation December 18,1997 Burtington, Massachusetts Page 10 of 14 Tablo 4: Hypotholical Accidents Tests (10 CFR 71.73) 30 foot Free' Drip.i Puncture"Testf 1The mal 3 I

i, Dates 10/14/97 10/14/97 10/22/97 Location Valley Tree Valley Tree Manufacturing Groveland, Mass.

Groveland, Mass.

Sciences Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Attempts One per specimen One per specimen For Specimens A, B and D, one each C was not burned Setup Changes C orientation C orientation Target oven Required changed as in four changed as in four temperature 850 C*

foot drop foot drop D orientation inverted The following assessments and subsequent adjustments were made for the execution of the tests:

%e 30 foot free drop and puncture test for Specimen C used the adjusted a

package orientation selected for the second attempt of the four drop (see page 7).

For the puncture test, the Specimen D orientation was inverted to impact the top edge of the front end plate rather than the bottom edge of the rear plate (Figure 3). The change was made to further the damage to the rear plate.

SENTINEL T P70 Test Results Arnersham Corporahon December 18,1997 Durlington, Massachusetts Page 11 of 14

!Ny A e

i \\'Irnpact Surface:

j 40 to 42 inches j

Top edge of the Front End-Plate _

r Puncture Billet i__ j


Drawing CT10119 Rev. C Drop Surface f

Drawing AT10122 94 Rev.O Figuro 3: Revisod Oriontation for Specimon D Puncture Tost Specimen C did not undergo the thermal test because the test would not have caused the failure of interest, that is, mcvement of the shield.1he shield was held to the plate by the compressed shipping plug (see page 7), in addition.

Specimens A and B, " hich were more vulnerable than C because of gaps that exposed the foam, did not sustain additional damage during their thermal tests.

Specimen C would not sustain more damage than A or B.

1he target oven temperature for the thermal test was changed to 850 Ca as the oven could not reach target of 900 C'.

4.2 Damage Inspections Despite sustaining damage w hich affected the functionality of the units, Specimens A, D, and C maintained their structural integrity throughout the three tests, that is, thu source remained in the secured and shielded position and the end. plate screws Inid. The three units had satisfactory profilet

!ipecimen A: Horoscopy and radiography of the unit after the puncture test revealed damage to both ends of the shield making the unit inoperative, llowever, the source rema ed secured and shielded within the unit.1here was no exposure of the source as a result of the thermal test.


TP70 Test Results Amersham Corporation December 18,1997 Durlington, Massachusetts Page 12 of 14 Specimen th 'lhe 30-foot drop and the puncture test cause additional damage to the lock assembly, but the lock assembly screws, which were the target of this specimen, held.1he tests also caused some end. plate defonnation. There was no exposure of the sot.tce as a result of the thennal test.

Specimen Ct The test object for Specimen C was reme il of the shipping plug.

'ihe multiple impacts on the plug damaged the front nut and crimped the front end of the tube making the unit inoperative. There was also denting and crumpling of the front plate and the shell. But the shipping plug held and the shield remained secured and enclosed within the unit. Specimen C did not undergo the thermal test.

Specimen th The 30-foot free drop caused the loss of the two upper screws on the rear end. plate of Specimen D. Loss of these screws allowed the rear plate to open during the thermal test when the aluminum handle melted. The top of the plate pivoted from the unit allowing the depleted uranium shield to become partly exposed to the heating elements once the foam had burned oft.1he unit took four days to cool to room temperature, during which time the shield oxidized significantly.

4.3 Test Assessment Appendix A includes the worksheets for the radiation profiles taken as part of the final test inspection. Table 5 shows the maximum radiation measured in these profiles.1he readings have been corrected for maximum capacity Tablo 5: Maximum Roadings from Final Test inspection Specimen Ai Specimen Bl Specimen C1 Speclinen'D

=r-At package 2,382.9 mR/hr 1,362 mR/hr 329A mR/hr Not profiled Surface At One Meter 27.5 mR/hr 9,.2 m R/hr 2.93 mR/hr Not profiled

!!ased on radiatio. profiles and the maintenance of their structural integrity throughout the tests, Specimens A, B and C meet the criteria of 10 CFR 71.73.

Radiographs of Specimen D showed that there was significant loss of shielding, irsulting in the car of the shield being completely exposed at the back of the unit.

1his exposure provided a straight path for the radiation and subsequent failure in meeting the i R/hr at one meter criterion. There was no need for a radiation profile because of the lack of uranium shielding relative to the source position.

Engineering analysis indicates that stainless steel screws would prevent such a failure. The use of stainless steel end-plate screws is being tested under Amersham Test Plan #73 and Test Plan #74.


SENTINEL TP70 Test Results l

Amersham Corpotshon Dooomber 18,1997 Burington, Meseechusetts Page 13 of14 4.4 Conclusions j

Based on the testing performed under Test Plan #70, the team concluded that:

i 1he Model 660 Series meets the Normal Conditions of Transport criteria of


10 CFR 71.71.

i Witti the exception of the end plate screws, the design of the Model 660 Series meets that requirements of 10 CFR 71 and compuable IAEA transport safety l



Model 660 Series projectors with stainless steel eAd plate screws should be


tested to evaluate these fasteners.

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YP70 Test Results

-I Burhngton, Masserhusetts I December 18,1997 -=

l Amersham Corporation _

.Page 14 of 14,

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- Appendix A: Radiation Profile Worksheets 6


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TP70 SpechdA" Model:J@l _

_ Serial Number:p 36EP Radionuclide:Itd$2 __ Max. Capacity:

l%O Ci_


Shield Data l Mass of Shield:


Lot #:

Stueld Heat #:

initial Profile 4_,

Source f Source SN:,,


Ci 7

Survey inst.:

k SN:

Date Cal.:

9 ate Due:

y'1 Observed e Correction Adjusted Intensity mR/hr Surfacc l Intensity mR/hr

Qgtor, Top kl},

m Right C

,e Correction Factor fron!


I t.cti


Rear Bo t t om Date:

NCR #:


f insimetor:

Final Profile

t. Source Modet:JZ'l-L. Source SN:_32 ff Activitygjll.']g Ce Mass of Device:___


Suivoy Inst.:AfqEDR121 SN: AMR91.101. Date Cal.:,IA rhrrM7 Date Due:_1A trwez-h 79 Observed intensity mR/hr Adjusted intensity mR/h:

Surface At Surf ace Corr.

At One Surface

. Factor Meter At Surf ace At One Meter Top gg 3, y L,

, g-12 S.6

.S7 U

g p-t,29,

.6 ICl A

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Ri hI Capacity Correction

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T P70 Set 4wd f Model:_BgO Serial Number:_ P; 3 7'23 Radionuclide:_'Ce 47_

Max. Car Scity:

f4O Ci 1

Shield Data f Shield Heat #:

Mass of Shicid:


Lot #:

initial Profile


Source th Source SN:


Ci Survey inst.:


Date Cal.:

Date Due:

Observed N(irf ace Correction Surface Intensity mR/hr


Adjusted intensity mR/hr Top _

g wo Rsht.


' ty Correction Factor ;__

front Q

Lett Rear Bottom Date:

NCR #:

[ Inspector:

Final Profile Mass of Device:


g.g,__3.__3_7_._JS.. _.-_ Ac tivit y: 121_&____ Ci Source Model:_M_LS_1_.__ Sc n.


Survey lost.:Aglpmur SN: smmtMol Date Cal.: /FAwk??

Date Due: /shL 9R Observed Intensity mR/hr Adjusted intensity mR/hr Surface At Surface Corr.

At One Surface Factor Meter At Surface At One Meter Top



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CENTINEL SHIELDING PROFILE AND INSPECTION FORM TP70 C ptc/ twt.n C Model:3 _41 0 Sarial Numt>cr:.1$3f3Jt _

Hadionuclide:_C-g*E Max. Capacity:



_' ilj Shield Data 1


_ Lbs. _ blot #:

l icat#:

_ l Mass of Shield:_ ___

Initial Profile Ci Activity:_


Source SN:_

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Date Due:


Date Cat.:

Survey Inst.-

Observed Sur

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' rre tion IBCID':

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NCR #:

Date:__ _

[ Inspector:___ __

Final Profile I

. Source Model:_,.43f1-CL_ _ Source SN:_ C H_316 _

Activity:_J3.lM_Ci__ Mass of Device:__ _ A _

Survey Inst.:MQC37W SN: S m T.17.901 Date Cal.1(R mwk97 Date Due:/ A hrch96_

Adjusted Intensity mR/hr Observed Intensity mR/hr l

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Lbs. l Lot #:

_ )

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~.. -. _. _. - _

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