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Amend 17 to License R-56,revising Tech Specs to Allow Certain Activities When Reactor Shut Down,Reactor Vent Sys Secured & Stack Monitor Reading Greater than 10 Counts Per
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 04/27/1988
From: Rubenstein L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20151W854 List:
R-056-A-017, R-56-A-17, NUDOCS 8805030532
Download: ML20151W888 (6)





[ W ASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 5 :j



1. The Nuclear Regulatory Com!ssion (the Comission) has found that:

A. The application for amendeent to Facility Operating License No. R-56, filed by the Unive.rsity of Florida (the licensee), dated June 2, 1987 as supplemented on March 7, 1988, complies with the standards and requiremente of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's regulations as set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Comission; C. There is reasonable assurance: (i) that the activities authorized by this am*ndment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activit'.es will be conducted in compliance with the Comission's regulations set forth 1 in 10 CFR Chapter I l

D. The issuance of this amendment will net be inimical to tne comon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulaticns and all applicable requirenants have been satisfied; and ,

l F. Publication of notice of this amendment is not required since it j does not involve a significant hazards consideration nor amendment 1 of a license of the type described in 10 CFR Section 2.106(a)(2).  !

l l

8805030532 880427 I PDR ADOCK 05000003 I P PDR

2. Accordingly, the license is unended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the enclosure to this license amendment, and paragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. R-56 is hereby amended to read as follows:

(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 17, are hereby incorporated in the license.

The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

3. This license amendment is effective as of the date of issuance.


c. tdW4hd Lester'S. Rubenstein, Acting Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Appendix A Technical Specifications Changes Date of Issuance: April 27, 1988 l

1 I

l I

l ENCLOSURE TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO. 17 FACILITY OPEATING LICENSE NO. R-56 DOCKET NO. 50-83 Replace the following pages of the Appendix A Technical Specifications with the enclosed pages. The revised pages are identified by Amendment number and contain vertical lines indicating the area of changes.

Remove Pages Insert Pages 10 10 11 11 12 12

, ranga draw 0r. Tha wids rango drawor providas protsetion during startup through the

. source count rate interlpck (2 cps), 10-sec period inhibit and the 3-sec period trip.

Ths primary and secondary coolant flow rate, temperature and level sensing instrumenta-tion provides information and protection over the entire range of reactor operations and is proven to be conservative from a safety viewpoint. The key switch prevents unauthor-izsd operation of the reactor and is an additional full trip (manual scram) control a-vailable to the operator. The core level trip provides redundant protection to the pri-mary flow trip. The core level trip acts as an inhibit during startup until the minimum


core water level is reached. ,

3.3 Reactor Vent System These specifications apply to the equipment required for controlled release of gaseous ra'dioactive effluent to the environment via the stack or its confinement within the

. reactor cell.

3.3.1 Specifications (1) The reactor vent system shall be operated at all times during reactor operation. In addition, the vent system shall be operated until the stack monitor indicates less than 10 counts per second (eps) unless otherwise indicated by facility conditions to include loss of building electrical power, equipment failure, cycling console power to dump primary coolant or to conduct tests and surveillances and initiating the evacuation alarm for tests and surveillances including emergency drills. The reactor vent system shall be immediately secured upon detection of: a failure in the monitoring system, a failure of the absolute filter, or an unanticipated high stack count rate.

(2) The reactor vent system shall be capable of maintaining an air flow rate between 1 and 400 cfm from the reactor cavity whenever the reactor is operating and as speci-fied in these Technical Specifications.

(3) The diluting fan shall be operated whenever the reactor is in operation and as otherwise specified in these Technical Specifications, at an exhaust flow rate larger than 10,000 cfm.

A C4) The air conditioning / ventilation system and reactor vent systems are automatically shut off whenever the reactor building evacuation alarm is automatically or manual-ly actuated.

(S) All doors to the reactor cell shall normally be closed while the reactor is operat-ing. Transit is not prohibited through air lock and control room doors.

(6) The reactor vent system shall have a backup means for quantifying the radioactivity ,,

in the effluent during abnoreal or emergency operating conditions where venting could be used to reduce cell radionuclide concentrations for ALARA considerations. ,

Bases l 3.3.2 i Under normal conditions, to effect controlled release of gaseous activity through the rsactor ver t system, a negative cell pressure is required so that any building leakage will be inward. Under normal shutdown conditions with significant Argon-41 inventory in the reactor cavity, operation of the core vent system prevents unnecessary exposure from gas leakage back into the cell. Under emergency conditions, the reactor vent system will bo shut down and the 6amper closed, thus minimizing leahage of radioactivity f rom the reactor cell unless venting is required.

l' 3a4 Radiation Monitoring Systcm3 and Radioactiva Effluents

  • 3.4.1 Area Radiation Monitors Ths reactor cell shall be monitored by at least three area radiation monitors, two of which shall be capable of audibly warning personnel of high radiation levels. The output of at least two of the monitors shall be indicated and recorded in the control room. The catpoints for the radiation monitors shall be in accordance with Table 3.3.

3.4.2 Argon-41 Discharge ,

Ths following operational limits are specified for the discharge of Argon-41 to the en-vironment:

(1) The concentration of Argon-41 in the gaseous effluent discharge of the UFTR is de-temined by averaging it over a consecutiv'e 30-day period.

(2) The dilution resulting from the operation of the stack dilution fan (flow rate of 10,000 cfm or more) and atmospheric dilution of the stack plume (a factor of 200) may be taken into account when calc.ulating this concentration.

(3) When calculated as above, discharge concentration of Argon-41 shall not exceed MPC (4.0 x 10-8pc/ml). Operation of the U/TR shall be such that this maximum permis-sible concentration (averaged over a month) is not exceeded.

Table 3.3 Radiation Monitoring System Settings No. of Required Type Operable Functions Alam( s) Setting Purpose Area Radiation 3 detecting 5 mr/hr low level Detect / alarm / record Monitors 2 audio alarming 25 mr/hr high level low and high level 2 recording external radiation Air Particulate 1 detecting Range adjusted ac- Detec t/ alarm / record Monitors 1 audio alarming cording to APD* type airborne radioactivity 1 recording (according to moni- in the reactor cell toring requirements)

Stack Radiation 1 detecting (1) Fixed alam at Detec t/ alarm / record Monitor 1 audio alarming 4000 cps release of gaseous 1 recording (2) Adjustable alarm radioactive effluents as per power in the reactor vent level duct to the environs

  • Air particulate detector NOTES: For tuaintenance or repair, the required radiation monitors ray be replaced by suitable portable instruments provided the intended function is being accomplished. Service, calibration, and testing interruptions for brief periods are permissible when the reactor is not in operation.

3.4.3 Reactor Vent / Stack Monitoring System (1) Whenever the reactor vent system is operating, air drawn through the reactor vent system shall be continuously monitored for gross concentration of radioactive gases. The output of the monitor shall be indicated and recorded in the control room.

(2) Whenever venting is to be used to reduce cell radionuclide concentrations during abnomal or emergency conditions, then the radioactivity in the effluent must be quantified prior to initiating controlled venting.


  • (3) Ths reactor air envity flow shall ba pariodically analyzed to minimizo Argon-41 re-leases to ths environm:nt while maintaining a nsgative pressure within the reactor cavity to minimize radioactive hazards to reactor personnel.

3.4.4 Air Particulate Monitor The reactor cell environment shall be monitored by at least one air particulate monitor, capable of audibly warning personnel of radioactive particulate airborne contamination in the cell atmosphere. .

3.4.5 Liquid Effluents Discharge

.(1) The liquid waste from the radioactive liquid waste holding tanks shall be sampled and the activity measured before release to the sanitary sewage system.

(2) Releases of radioactive liquid waste from the holding tanks / campus sanitary sewage

' system shall be in compliance with the limits specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 1, Column 2, as specified in 10 CFR 20.303.

3.4.6 Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal Solid radioactive waste disposal shall be accomplished in compliance with applicable -

rGgulations and under the control of the Radiation Control Office of the University of F lo rida .

3.4.7 Ba ses The area radiation monitoring system, stack monitoring system and air particulate detec- l f tor provide informar. ion to the operator indicating radiation and airborne contamination  ;

icvels under the full range of operating conditions. Audible indicators and alarm lights I indicate (via monitored parameters) when corrective operator action is required, and (in the case of the area radiation monitors) a warning light indicates situations recommend-ing or requiring special operator attention and evaluation. Argon-41 discharges are lim-  !

ited to a monthly average which is less than the unrestricted area limit, and liquid and colid radioactive wastes are regulated and controlled to assure compliance with legal icquirements. ,

3.5 Limitations on Experiments Applicability: These specifications apply to all experiments or experimental devices installed in the reactor core or its experimental facilities.

Objectives: The objectives are to maintain operational safety and prevent damage to the' reactor facility, reactor fuel, reactor core, and associated equipment; to prevent ex-ceeding the reactor sa'fety limits; and to minimize potential hazards from experimental devices. ,

Specifications: l (1) General l The reactor manager and the radiation control officer (or' their duly appointed re-presenta tive) shall review and approve in writing all proposed experiments prior to their performance. The reactor manager shall refer to the Reactor Safety Review '

Subcommittee (RSRS) the evaluation of the safety aspects of new experiments and all changes to the facility that may be necessitated by the requirements of the experi-menta and that may have safety significance. When experiments contain substances that irradiation in the reactor can convert into a material with significant H w