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Certificate of Compliance 9222,Rev 0,for Model HN-215H. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109222
Issue date: 03/31/1988
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20150F757 List:
NUDOCS 8804050400
Download: ML20150F764 (4)



[ w__------------------.-------3 l- U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COteldlSS40N I

w Posses en 4 .= CERTIFICATE OF CTMPLIANCE g I c c'" " FOR RADIOACTWE BAATERIALS PACKAGES g I ,, m w, . neyis,o., ,uase a c. PACKAGE MNT W CADON M m H dPAGef2_ m R e TOT AL .fVM.em P AGA 5 g l,g,,9222 0 USA /9222/A 1 3 i

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1 Hittman Nuclear Hittman Nuclear application dated b I 1256 North Church Street December 14, 1987, as supplemented. l l Moorestown, NJ 08057 g I .s .r ,,

I - l w 6eam[~.eer (71-9222 l

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(a) Packaging O l p

l p ,-  %@(T m (1) Model'ho.: ' tin-215H

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(2) Description QQ gQ g Qq

/ff j (*.) l 1 s - i e T y;- '< >

Steelencasedleadshieldedcaskiforiiowspecificectfv%ity material.

l The cask is ,a right circular cylinder with a 77.25-inchcID by 80.25-inch g IH cavity. (The outside diameter of-the cask,is 83.5 with a I'g I 92.- 25,-i n c h'.. height. The walls ~of;the cask contaip a lead th4.kness of I 1.88 ' inches encased in' O.38 trich ithiek inner steel shel* and 0.88-inch I thick outer' steel shell. !The top cover and. cask botten are made up of two' steel plates with thickness?of.2.0 inches. The.primar/ cask lid is l secured to theJcylindrical cask body by;eight, 1-1/4-inch rechet y

g binders. A secondary lid is centeredrin the primary lid and is secured W to the 'prirary lid with e'ight, 3/4-irich : studs and outs. Each lid is I provided'with a Neoprene gasket seal. The cask.,is provided with a 12 p I gauge stainless steel liner (seal welded along all edges), a lid vent line with pipe' plug, and a 3/4-inch drain lihe and pipe plug. The cask l is provided with four ecually spaced lifting / tie-down devices. The g N y primary lid is provided.with,three lifting lugs and the secondary lid is

( provided with one lifting lug. The cas< gross weight is 58,400 pounds.

(3) Drawing I

q The package is fabrich ed in accordance with Hittman Nuclear Drawing I

I ho. STD-02-077, Sheets 1 and 2, Rev. 5. )lI I


I I, .

I se04050400 880331 l PDR ADOCK 07109222 g C PDR



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Page 2 - Certificate No. 9222 - Revision No. 0 - Docket No. 71-9222 j l I i -i i >

i 5. (Continued) i i _

I I (b) Contents Pi l

l (1) Type and form of material )

f l i

l (1) Dewatered, solids, or solidified ..aste, meeting the requirements p,  !

for low specific activity material, in secondary containers; or l

i -

1 (ii) Activated solid components?mbeting ,the requirements for low I

I specific activity materia'1,* in ' secondary containers. 5 (2) Maximum quagthy o'f material per packag i

/g k W

i Greater th Type A quantity of radioactive materfil which may contain I fissile ~ material provided the fissile material does not exceed the I limits-jn10;CFR,971.18and$71.22. The decay heat Jo;ad is limited to lp

,! 9 watts./ N s I ,s . '-

--- l-I, j 4: 33 x N f F

i, 6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could li radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made by

! tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that l

the folicwing criteria are' met over-a period of time that is twice the expected shipment time: r ,

[(d Q


! (i) Thihydrogen generated must be liniited to a moler quantity that would be -

1, no more than 5 by volume (or. equivalent limits for other inflammable I

gases') of the secondary cogtainer gas void if present at STP (i.e., no l more than 0.063;g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70*F); or-

! (ii) The secondary container a'n'd cask cavity must be inerted with a diluent i to assure that oxygen must be limited to 5% by volume in those portions 4 of the package'which could have hydrogen greater ~than 5%. <

W . s l For any package delivere'd to .a carrier for transport, the secondary container l g

must be prertred for shipment in the same manner in which determination for  !

q gas generation is mac'e. Shipment period begins when the package is prepared R (sealed) and must be ct.mpleted within twice the expected shipment time.

I (b) For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 days l after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the detemination in 4

g (a) above r.eed not be made, and the time restriction in (a) aMie does not q apply.


7. Maximum gross weight of the contents, seconda.y containers, and shoring is limited l l to 20,000 pounds. p I h g

3 l h I t I t l '

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I I Page 3 - Certificate No. 9222 - Revision No. 0 - Docket No. 71-9222 h l

1 l

l I l l 8. Cxcept for close fitting contents, shoring must be placed between secondary l l

containers and the cask cavity to minimize movem<.nt during normal conditions of p I

i transport ~.

J' I '

The lid and shield plug lifting lugs must not be used for lifting the cask, and l 9. must be covered in transit. i W

i i 10. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71: 1 I

I I (i) Prior to each shipment, the,packagliig Kdoprene lid seals must be inspected. lg The seals must be replaced With new seals lffinspection shows any defects or l every twelve (12) monthsWhichever occurs first. Cavity drain and vent i i

i lines must be sealedilth appropriate sealant ap) lied do the pipe plug p

thrcads. P i



. (,) >

I 1

I (ii) Thepackageshllbepreparedforshipmentandoperated'iniaccordancewith ' h!

l the Operating Prgcedures of Section 7.0 of the application.'- ,

f p q

+ ., + s a--- p g (iii) Eech cask;m,ust meet th'e' Acceptance Tests and Ma'intenance Program of Section >

q 8.0 of the application. In addition, the cask must be leak tested at least every 1 twelve (12) menths in accordance with Paragraph 8.1.3 of the application, i

l 11. The cask body.and each cesk lid must-be-marked in accordance with 10 CFR 671.85(c).

q '

12. The packages authorized by this certificate must be trarisported on a motor 4

4 W

vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, inland watercraf t, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel assigned for the sole use of the. licensee.

i I

v, - -  :, , ,

l l

i 13. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the q gereral license provisions of 10 CFR (71.12., ,

, (

14. Expiration date: February 28, 1993. s ,

, > s .


e ll i dHittmanEuclearapplicationdatedDecenber 14,'1987. 1 4

i Supplement dated: January 26 and March 25, 1988.

W '



' 1 e f(w Y q

Charles E. Mac onald, Chief Transportation Branch l\

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g q Division of Safeguards and p q Transportation, NMSS '

J l

' h i Date:

MAR 31 W g I


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- Transportation Branch Aoproval Record Model ho. HN-215H Package Docket No. 71-9222 Revision No. O By application dated December 14, 1987 -as supplemented .1snuary 26 and March 25, 1988, Hittman Nuclear submitted a consolidated safety analysis report (SAR) for Certificate of Comoliance No. 9176. The SAR has been revised to limit its application to only the Model No. HN-215H package (with other size packages being deleted). Hittman has also submitted specific operating procedures, acceptance and traintenance programs for their package.

The consolidation of the SAP for the revised package design and the designation of a new Model Number (HN-215H) for the package has permitted the issuance of a separate certificate of compliance for this package design.

The "as-built" drawing (STD-02-077, Rev. 5), submitted by the applicart, was reviewed and found to contain all the pertinent fabrication notes, material specifications, and dimensional information previously civen on the drawing referenced in Certificate of Compliance No. 9176. The operating procedure, acceptance test, and maintenance program were reviewed and found to be ,


The above changes will not effect the ability of the package to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

$N dw nabY Charles E. Ma Donald, Chief .

Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Date:




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