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Requests Interpretation of Posting Requirements for Patient Treatment Rooms Where Radioactive Matl Used for 10CFR20 & 35
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/26/1994
From: Paperiello C
To: Treby S
Shared Package
ML20149C780 List:
FRN-61FR52388, RULE-PR-20, RULE-PR-32, RULE-PR-35, RULE-PR-39 AF46-1-012, AF46-1-12, NUDOCS 9707300121
Download: ML20149K739 (17)


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          • September 26, 1994 1 l

MEMORANDUM T0: Stuart A. Treby )

Assistant General Counsel for l Rul making Fuel Cycle, OC.,

FROM: hr ivision J. apdriel T Director of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS


PATIENT ROOM POSTING REQUIREMENTS IN l 10 CFR PARTS 20 AND 35 I This is a request for an interpretatien of the posting-requirements for patient treatment rooms where radioactive material is used. The treatment in question involves use of brachytherapy sources ande as such, is subject to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 35, Subpart G - " Sources for Brachytherapy." l Section 35.415, Safety Precautions, subsection 35.415(a)(2), requires the licensee to: l l

" Post the patient's door with a " Radioactive Materials" < N/A

. sign and note'on the door or in"the patient's chart where, and how long. visitors may stay in the patient's room"'

K During some brachytherapy treatment situations,-the dose rates in'the ,

treatment room may_be,above those at which 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart:J. l

" Precautionary Procedures," requires areas to be posted with the appropriate' radiation caution signs . Section 20.1902' requires areas to be posted ast ,

radiation' area, high radiation areas, etc., as appropriate depending on the  ;

. dose rates in the area.

Section 20.1902 requirespostingofareasatspecified'doserates,withoutanyJk explicit exceptions, while section 35.415(a)(2) requires only a " Radioactive Materials" postino and is silent aboutIany other posting requirements. The ._

) -

Radioactive Materials sign, although indicating the presence of radioactive  ;

i materials in the room,-does not provide a person entering the area with Ainformation on.the' radiation exposure hazards in the room. According to

( section 20.1902(o). the Radioactive Materials nosting is to be used whenever_a_

. fpecified "iiiiniinum amount of radioactive material is used or sto. red _in that area orloom, regardless of the radiation fields present. Section 20 lon'Ubi clearly exempts posting of rooms housing natients who may be released from confinement pursuant to 10 CFR 35 7T.

Attachments: 1. Review of Regulations for Posting Patient Rooms

2. Copies of Pertinent Regulations and Statements of Consideration


Joe DeCicco (301) 415-7833 9707300121 970711 PDR PR 20 61FR52308 PDR

% o T ooIdi

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Stuart A. Treby i

, Our question regarding the above situation is the following: does the requirement of 35.415(a)(2) for patients requiring confinement, which is a ,

specific requirement, imply suspension of.any other posting requirements in L 10 CFR Part 207 In particular, does the specific requirement to post the .

" Radioactive Materials" sign negate the need for additional posting in radiation or high radiation areas? Office of Nuclear Material Safety and ,

Safeguards staff believes that the intent.of the regulations was to relax the posting requirements in a hospital environment because of the unsettling effect that " Danger" or " Grave Danger" may have on patients.

4 Also, questions have been raised concerning the posting requirements of l teletherapy units. Do these hospital units require posting for high or very  !

high radiation fields in accordance with 20.19027 Again, NMSS staff believes )

that, since teletherapy require separate licensing review, posting and control l requirements are usually stipulated in the application, and that dramatic j signs are inappropriate in this environment.

Attachment I to this memo provides a review of the recent changes to this part  ;

of the regulations regarding the issue of posting requirements for hospital  !

rooms. Attachment 2 provides copy of each of the text revision of the '

regulations and a copy of the statement of consideration for the recent rulemaking in this area. ,

i I

l l

l 1

. ~. _ __ . . _ _ _ _ . ._ _ _ .

I i

l 4 Stuart A. Treby 1 l

4 Our question regarding the above situation is the following: does the i requirement of 35.415(a)(2) for patients requiring cc .finement, which is a specific requirement, imply suspension of any other posting requirements in J.

10 CFR Part 207 In particular, does the specific requirement to post the-3_

" Radioactive Materials" sign negate the need for additional posting in radiation or high radiation areas? Office of Nuclear Material Safety and

Safeguards staff believes that the intent of the regulations was to relax the posting requirements in a hospital environment because of the unsettling

! effect that " Danger" or " Grave Danger" may have on patients.

Also, questions have been raised concerning the posting requiremenfs of i

teletherapy units. Do these hospital units require posting for high or very i high radiation fields in accordance with 20.1902? Again, NMSS staff believes

that, since teletherapy require separate licensing review, posting and control i requirements are usually stipulated in the application, and that dramatic i signs are inappropriate in this environment.

Attachment I to this memo provides a rev,ew of the recent changes to this part  ;

i of the regulations regarding the issue of posting requirements for hospital

. rooms. Attachment 2 provides copy of each of the text revision of the l regulations and a copy of the statement of consideration for the recent J

rulemaking in this area.


! IM08 r/f SSherbini, IM08

!- INNS r/f LCamper, IMAB

j. NMSS r/f JGlenn, IMAB DOCUMENT NAME: G:0GC35.SS To receive a copy of this doctanent, Indicate in the box: "C"a Copy without attachment /enet. "E" a copy with attachment / encl "2" s No copy *See previous concurrence 0FC IM0B* / IM0B* 8 IMAB* 6 IM0B* _ IFNS NAME JDeCicco CJones JGlenn FCombs ageriello DATE 8/16/94 8/17/94 8/18/94 8/18/94 k h ff [4 Y '


l Review of Reaulations for Postina Patient Rooms

1. Old Part 20.204(b) stated

" Rooms in hospitals are not required to be posted with caution signs, l and control of entrance or access thereto pursuant to 20.203(c) is not l required, because of the presence of patients containing byproduct  !

material (presumably sealed and unsealed) provided that there are l personnel in attendance who will take the precautions to prevent the l exposure of any individual . . . . .in excess of limits.. ."  !

This basically exempted all patient rooms from being posted with any sign where diagnostic or therapeutic treatment was being given, either by sealed j source bra 2.ytherapy or by radiopharmaceuticals, as long as someone was in l attendance (like the nursing staff on duty). However license conditions and part 35 requirements would dictate what posting was required.

2. In the publication of the final rule for Part 20 revision in the Federal Register on May 21, 1991, 20.1903(b) stated:

Hooms or other areas in hospitals that are occupied by patients are not required to be posted with caution signs pursuant to 20.1902 provided that--

(1) The patient is being treated with sealed sources (one complete condition, which could include teletherapy sources as well as brachytherapy sources) or has been treated with unsealed radioactive material in quantities less than 30 millicuries (110 MBq), (another complete condition, separate from the first, which could include diagnostic and therapeutic treatment), or the measured dose rate at 1 meter from the patient is less than 0.005 rem (0.05 mSv) per hour (third separate condition); and (2) There are personnel in attendance who will take the necessary precautions to pr event the exposure of individuals ... in excess of the limits established in this part and to operate within the ALARA provisions....

This final rule seemed to be written to give the same exemption as the old part 20, although the statement of consideration in the publication stated that "The intent was to generally require posting of therapy patients rooms.",

which is saying quite the opposite of the wording of the exemption if the conditions are met. Nursing staff could be considered as someone who could be in " attendance who will take the necessary precautions..." This is an out for posting by the licensee. As long as one of the conditions in (1) above, toaether with the condition in (2), are met, then no posting is required. If there is no personnel in attendance for the diagnostic patient, it seemed to imply that posting would be required by the regulations (Not the intent, and a large burden).

Attachment 1

Then came the following:


! -3. On August 31, 1992, a final rule was publishing concerning the " reducing regulatory burden" effort. Although there is nothing in the Comment / Response section of the statement of consideration about patient room posting, the first identified rule action was " Posting of Rooms Occupied by diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Patients." The revision mentions patients under the provision of 10 CFR 35.75. NRC wanted to eliminate the posting requirements i

for diagnostic patients in one swoop (which was good), but the wording used in

! '20.1903(b) referenced 35.75, which mentions absolutely nothing about non-permanent brachytherapy. It seems one problem was addressed and corrected, I but another problem was created in the. process. There is no explicit exemption for posting requirements in Part 20 for temporary brachytherapy or for-teletherapy rooms.

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'O.203 10 CFR Ch. I O-1-93 Editian) Nuclear Rguletary Ccominion arce, the radiation level from the those specified in paragraph (ex6s of stored in any amount exceeding one accordance with regulations of the De-j irce in the area is below that at this section, and that will provide at hundred times the quantity specified partment of Transportation. ,

ich it would be possible for an inai- least an equivalent degree of person- n appendix C of this part shall be (vi) For containers which are accessi-conspicuously posted with a sign or ble

  • only to individuals authorized to

! ual to receive a dose in excess of nel protection in the use of such e mrem in one hour. sources. At least one of the alternative signs bearing the radiation caution handle or use them, or to work in the t til llave entry control de

  • ices re- measures must include an entry-pre- symbol and the words: vicinity thereof, provided that the con-red in paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this venting interlock control based on a tents are identified to sud indivLluals tion which have been tested for physical measurement of radiation CAUTION ' by a readily avaliable written record.

per functioning prior to imtial op- that assures the absence of high radi- (vil) For manufacturind or process

tion with such source of radiation ation levels before an individual can RADIOAC" RIVE MATERIAL (s) eNuipment, such as nuclear reactors.
any day that operations are not un- gain access to an area where such (f) Containers. (1) Except as provid- reactor components, piping, and tanks.

I erruptedly continued from the pre- sources are used. ed in paragraph (fx3) of this section. (4) Each licensee shall, prior to dis-us day or before resuming oper- (d) Airborne radioacticity areas. (1) each container of licensed material posal of an empty uncontaminated ins after any unintended interrup. As used in the regulations in this part shall bear a durable, clearly visible container to unrestricted areas.


i. and for which records are kept of " airborne radioactivity area" means (i) tabel identifying the radioactive con- remove or deface the radioactive mate-I dates, times, and results of such any room, enclosure, or operating area t ents. rial label or otherwise clearl> indicate 1 "s of function. No operations other in which airborne radioactive materi- (2) A label required pursuant to that the container no longer contains n those necessary to place the als composed wholly or partly of 11 paragraph (fXI) of this section shall radioactive materials.

rce in safe condition or to effect re. censed material, exist in concentra-A is on controls shall be conducted tions in excess of the amounts speci- bear the radiation caution syrabol and [25 FR 10914. Nov.11.1960. as amended at n such source unless control de. fled in appendix B, table I. Column I the words ' CAUTION. RADIOAC- 31 FR 10515. Aug. 5.1966. 34 FR 19546. Dec.

- s are functioning properly. The li. of this part; or (ii) any room, encio. TIVE MATERIAL" or " DANGER. 11.1969. 35 FR 5033. Mar. 25.1970. 42 FR mee shall submit an acceptable sure, or operating area in which air. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL". It shall 64620. Dec. 27.1977; 43 FR 2167. Jan.16.

f also provide sufficient information

  • 1978: 43 FR 22172, May 24.1978) edule for more complete periodic t,orne radioactive material composed to permit individuals handling or es of the entry control and warning wholly or partly of licensed material using the containers, or working in the # 20.208 Same: Exceptions.

~i tems to be establishe<1 and adhered exists in concentrations which, aver. vicinity thereof, to take precautions to is a condition of the license. aged over the number of hours in any Notwithstanding the provisions of

, avoid or minimize exposures.

. iii) IInve those entry and exit por. week during which in'fividtmis me in (3) Notwithstanding the provisions I 20.203.

that are used in transporting ma- the area. exceed 25 percent of the (a) A room or area is not required to ials to and from the irradiation amounts specified in appendix 9. table of paragraph (f x1) of this section la- be posted with a caution sign because

1. Column 1 of this part. beting is not required: of the presence of a sealed source pro-a and that are not intended for use individuals. controlled by such de. (2) Each airborne radioactivity area (in For containers that do not con- y ded the radiation level twelve inches
s and administrative procedures as shall be conspicuously posted with a tain licensed materials in quantitles from the surface of the source con-q necessary to physically protect and sign or signs bearing the radiation cau. greater than the applicable quantities tainer or housing does not exceed five listed m appendix C of this part.
n against inadvert"nt entry by any tion symbol and the words

millirem per hour. '

ividusl through such portals. Exit (b) Rooms or other areas in hospi-tals for processed materials shall CAUTIoM i natural uranium or thorium in quanti- tals are not required to be posted with equipped to detect and signal the caution signs, and Control of entrance cable quantities listed in appendix C or access thereto pursuant to AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY AREA i sence of loose radiation sources i

t are carried toward such an exit (e) Additional requiremerits. (1) of(iii) this part'ontainers that do not con- 20.203(c) is not required, because of i to automatically prevent such Each area or room in which licensed For c the p sence o pat en alnin j

se sources from being carried out of material is used or stored and which tain licensed materials in concentra. 9 ,

contains any radioactive material tions greater than the applicable con- are personnel in attendance who will-4 area.

?) Licensees with, er applicants for. (other than natural uranium or thori. centrations listed ,in appendix B. table to p i

nses for radiation sources that are um) in an amount exceeding 10 times f. Column 2. of this part.

vent the exposure of any individual to the quantity of such material specified (iv) For containers when they are at-hin the purview of paragraph (c)(6) radiation or radioactive material in

-his section. and that must be used in appendix C of this part shall be tended by an individual who takes the excess of the limits established in the a variety of positions or in peculiar conspicuously posted with a sign or precautions necessary to prevent the regulations in this part. >

stions, such as open fields or for. signs bearing the radiation caution exposure of any individual to radiation (c) Caution signs are not required to

' s that make it impracticable to symbol and the words: or radioactive materials in excess of aply with certain requirements of the limits established by the regula. be posted at areas or rooms containing radiCaClive materiais for periods of agraph (cM6) of this section, such CAtr m N 8 gjong [n ghgg pggg, less than eight hours provided that (1)

(v) For containers when they are in those for the automatic control of " " *"" 3 ^I-( 8 transport and packaged and labeled in the materials are constantly attended

'intion levels, may apply to the Di. during such periods by an individual 3 t or. Office of Nuclear Matt rial (2) Each area or room in which natu-

?ety r.nd Safeguards U.S. Nuclear ral uranium or thorium is useri or i see footnote 1 to parasraph sbt.

gulatory Commission. Washington.

  • As appropriate, the information will in-20555. for approval. prior to use of clude radiation levels, kinds of matertal. es- %r example, containers in locations su'ch

,. 'see footnmie 1 to paragraph (b, timate of activity, date for which activity is as water. filled canals, storage vaults, or hot ety measures that are alternative to ' See footnote I to paragraph i b { est amat ed. mass enrichment, etc. cells.

344 ,,, Attachment 2 m ,vy , -y---,-

Feparal Register / Vol. 56. No. 98 / Tuesday, May 21, 1991 / Rules and Regulations 23379 Subpart I-Storage and Contro/ of Proposed Section 20.902 Postmg Response:The DACs in ary 'sB LicensedMoterial Requirements [Section 20.1902 in This that apply to noble gases (and detme an Final Rulel " airborne radioactivity area") are based Proposed Sections 20.801 and 20 802 upon submersion doses: therefore. the Security of Stored Material and Control Comment: The terms " Caution" a~l relationship remains vahd. It should bo of Material Not in Storage [ Sections " Danger" are not used consistently.

Commenters noted that " Caution" or n ted that because some short.hsed 201301 and 20.1802 in This Final Rule] noble gases have particula te daughters Comment: Definition of " secure." ".' Danger" could be used on signs for (such as **Rb and 88'Cs), the warnmg Radiation Areas / "tiigh Radiation Several commenters requested a denoted by posting as an " airborne Areas." and "Very liigh Radiation definition of the term " secure." which radioactivity area" may still be required Areas" despite the considerable they felt was vague and did not provide variation in the hazards that might exist Comment:There is no evident need to an indication of the required licensee in these differen, areas. post all rooms containing to times the acdon. Response ondfinalrule: The proposed appendix C levels. The Response:The phrase has been Commission agrees that the terms requirement to post a caution sign in rearranged and now reads " secure from " Caution" and " Danger" should be used rooms that store ten times the appendix unsuthorized removal or access " which in a more consistent manner.The final C concentrations is unwarranted. There is similar to the wording in the part 20. rule permits only the term " Caution" to was some concern noted that such This should provide sufficient be used in " Radiation Areas."" Caution" posting could deter firefighters or other clarification of what was intended by or " Danger" may be used in "liigh emergency workers from entering an

' secure? otherwise safe area, and increased Radiation Areas.." since it covers a Comment: Unnecessary restrictions on considerable range from 0.1 rem per damages could result.

research. One commenter thought that hour to over 500 rads per hour. Only Re8ponseComplete dispersion of 10 the requir ment to secure small " Grave Danger" r v be used m "Very times the activity listed in appendix C to quantities of radioactive materials when liigh Radiation Areas." This should ' il 20.1001 4 0 2401 could produce air t} ey are not in use would interfere with provide more empaasis on the use un concentrations for some radionuclides m university research. " Danger." the importance of which excess of the occupational DACs. For Response: The Commission believes might have been dimimshed by its pnor example,if 10 times the appendix C that lockmg radiotracer laboratones applicability to the lower hazard quantities were dispersed in a 1m0 when they are not being used is a small " Radiation Area." " Caution" is cubic foot (10 ft x 10 f t. x 10 ft.) room.

inappropriate for use in "very high the resultmg concentrations would be n nuisance compared to the consequences of unauthonzed access to or theft of the radiation areas" because of the potential tinws the DAC for organic carbonM M radioactive materials, which could times the DAC for cesium 13; abwt tH hazard.

result in contamination of unrestncted Comment: There should be a times the DACs for iodine.131 and e eas or exposure of individuals, as well requirement to post all"restncted tntium (water vapor). and as having to report a loss oflicensed areas" whether or nrt it is a radiation or approximately 6 times the DAC for techr.etium 99m. These appear to be material to the NRC. an airborne radioactivity area.

Response: The objective of posting is sufficiently large to justify a postmp Subpart /~Precoutionary Procedures to warn personnel of a potential hazard. requirement, particularly to caution Proposed Section 20.901 Caution Signs A " restricted area." per se, does not firefighters in case of a fire.

warrant such a warning. There is Comment The posting requiremen'

[Section 20.1901 in This Final Rule) should not be applied to sealed sourres nothing to prevent a licensee from Comment: Black should be permitted posting a notice designatmg a such as gauges. posting the entrances in as an acceptable color for the radiation "restncted area." t ut such action is not areas having radioisotopic gauges could warnmg symbol. Several commenters required. require multiple postings in large requested that the color black should Comment: The definition of " airborne buildings.

also be allowed to be used on signs and radioactivitt area" would require Response posting is only requirnd at for stencilmg on packages. The fading of tracking of employee " stay times"(time entrances to the room containing the magenta inks in sunlight and the use of spent in the area). The second option to source and only when the dose raie at black for marking international the definition of " airborne radioactivity 30 centimeters would exceed Om5 rem shipments were cited as supporting this area ~ would require performing surveys (0.05 mSv) in any hour (i 20.1903(c))

position. of airbove activity and tracking the unless areas outside the room warrant Response: The Commission believes time spent by workers in the area. The posting as " radiation areas" and are that, although the " magenta on yellow" present rule would have only already posted.

color has provided a umque necessitated the survey, ~1 5oPosed Section 20.903 Exceptions to warning of possible radiation hazards. Response:There are two alteraative

" black on yellow" would also be posug Requnmems pechon 2m in definitions of an " airborne radioactivity i acceptable.The fading of the magenta area": only the second one would ,

al rum l

j color as cited above may reduce the require consideration of stay times.This Comment:The proposed rule omits visibility of the sign with time. Because second option does not require posting the past exemption for posting rooms of the cost impacts if existing warning in areas that have low occupancy times ' containing only packages prepared br signs had to be replaced. the and airborne radioactivity transportation.

Commission is permitting the use of concentrations between 0.3 and 1.0 Response: The Commission behes es black in addition to continued approval times the apphcable DACs. that there should be posting of these of magenta and purple, rather than Comment: Areas containing only areas because there is no restnctmn on requinng replacement. noble gases should not require postmg the length of Pne that packages may fino/ rule: This section has been as " airborne radioactivity areas." The remain m a room. If the packages modified ta add black as an acceptable hazard associated with such areas is contain only small quantities of color for Cie radiation warning symbol. primarily from external radiation. radioactive materials, then postme of

\ -

23380 Federal Register / Vol. 56. No. 98 / Tuesday, May 21. 1991 / Rules and Regulatiens the room would still be exempted under were ruptured and the contents were This partially restores an exemption for l the remaining exemptions.The term released. Consequently, some warning all special form sources from the

" prepared for transportation" does I include packages that are intended to be remains appropriate, package survey requirements in Comment: The proposed rule omitted i 20.205(b)(1)(iii).

carried in a " sole use" vehicle. Such the existing exemption from labeling for packages are permitted to have higher The Commission believes that packages labeled for shipment in restoring this exemption will not result allowable dose rates than those accordance with DOT requirements-specified in DOT (or NRC) limits for in any additional hazard. An external Response andfino/ rule: The general shipment. radiation survey of the package is still exemption for DOT-labeled packages Finalrule:The exception for posting required. The primary purpose of this has been restored because the external survey of sealed sources is to areas containing packages prepared for Commission agrees that the DOT transportation has not been reinstated. labeling is rufficient to denote the ensure that the source is still properly Comment:The requirement for a presence of radioactive materials and secured and shielded after transporting person in attendance would be it.

provide an indication of any potential unworkable in a hospital. The hazard. Quantities and concentrations Finalrule The requirement to monitor requirement (in lieu of posting the room not requiring DOT labels would not external surfaces of packages has been containing a radiotherapy patient) for a warrant an NRC labeling requirement. retained and applies to the two classes person in attendance in order to prevent (See i 20.1905(d).) of packages for which surveys are entry was mterpreted as requiring a 24 required (labeled "radioactiv'" and l Proposed Section 20.906 Procedures for damaged or leaking). A partial hour escort for each radiotherapy l Handling Packages [Section 20.1906 in exemption to sealed sources transported i atient.

, Response The m. tent was to gener this Final Rule] for field use has been remstated requireposting of therapy pati.ents. ally Comment: The requirement to monitor because of the difficulty in making field rooms. (As aated in one of the all packages i mnecessary. The gg comments. the dose rate from patients reouirement to monitor all incoming and because the transporting schicle is f even with diagnostic nuclear medicine packages containing radioactive not in general commerce.

treatments might exceed dose rates of materials is unnecessary and in large Comment: The requirement to momtor 0.002 rem per hour.) The intent of "in installations creates a substantial packages within 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> is unwarranted attendance" would be satisfied by a monitoring burden. This requirement would be difficult to d Response:This requirement has been meet for several types of licensees. some :

pr i n th t the statfon as in sight of reevaluated and modified in order to of which do not have a full time health the entrance to the patient.s room. reduce the burden, physics staff person.

Fina/ rule Section 20.1906 in the final Response: Licensees receiving labeled 4'roposed Section 20.904 Labeling rule requires incoming packages to be packages of radioactive materials to Containers [Section 20.1904 in This Final monitored when: (1) They are labeled as which this requirement applies are Rule) containing radioactive materials expected to have available pecsons who Comment:There is no way to meet the according to DOT regulations, or (2) are qualified to perform such requirement to label containers in some when a package is damaged or leaking. monitoring. However, the person nuclear power plant or in hot cells. It is The first provision would reinstate the monitoring the package need not be a difficult to mark the dete"ed exemption from monitoring for board-certified heal

  • physicist, information on a containerin some shipments of smal radioactive maten,I quantities of Finalrule:The 3-hour period in areak of a plant or in hot cells. as that would not i 20.205(b)(1) has been retaind except Response Section 20.1905 contains require DOT labehng. if the package is received after normal exceptions tc the labeling requiremants Comment The re luirement to survey working hours (i 20.1900(c)).

" i '"

at take care of the problem noted by ',*nncessajS y erafcomrn nt rs :.ith Subport K--Woste Disposal extensive experience in monitoring Proposed Section 20.1001 General (Nota: For the purpose of this section. packages noted that external Mixed Fission Products and Fission and Requirements lSection 20.2001 in this Activation Products" may be regarded as contamination was rarely if ever present F 1 Rule]

radionuchden. provided that the total activity and that wipe tests are time-consuming is also specified. Designations as to the both to make the smears and to count Commente Decay in storage as a

' " " ' them disposal option. Many commenter, mple (e g pr ry coola t y also e Re8ponser Experience in the shipment noted favorably ttie addition of " decay helpful as un additional designation of the of thousands of nackages each year has in storage as an allowed waste potential hazaiu.) been very good. However, potential disposal option. Several commenters.

Proposed Section 20.905 Exemptions to problems with leaking packages durma however, did not believe that the option.

Labeling Requirements [Section 20,1905 transit warrant continued monitoring - as expressed in the proposed rule. was m This Final Rulel upon receipt to ensure that leaking particularly helpful.

packages are found and reported. Response: Technically, the " decay m Comment:The proposed rule omits Appropriate action can then be taken to storage" option has always been existing exemptions for packages determine the extent of contamination in available to a licensee since the license containing only exempt quantities and transport vehicies and storage areas in permitted possession of the radioactive those containing less than 10 mci or less order to limit the consequences and materials and these materials naturally of tritium, iodine 125, carbon 14 and avoid recurrence. However, an imderwent radioactive decay. The sulfur 35. exemption from the contamination option was formally included in the Response: While ther sources pose survey requirement has been provided proposed and final rules because the hst little external hazard from gamma for special form (sealed) sources that of disposal options is exclusive and radiation, the quantities could be a are being moved to and from work sites there have been questions as to whether potential internal hazard if the package in licensee owned or operated vehicles. this is currently allowed under il 20.1-




No. 98 / Tuesday. May 21, 1991 / Rules and Regulations Federal Register / Vol. 56. No. 91 l

-- l periods of less than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />,if each of quantitiet i the following conditions is met: il 20.100 l o (1) The materials are constantly 60 (b) Con l attended during these periods by an material : l individual who takes the precautions those spe !

' necessary to prevent the exposure of indiGduals to radiation or radioactive to(c)ilCor. 20 materials in excess of the limits individut j

' established in this part; and necessar-(2) The area or room is subject to the individut licensee's control. establish 4 og' ~ (b) Rooms or other areas in hospitals (d) Cor !

' that are occupied by patients are not transport '

required to be posted with caution signs accordar

- pursuant to i 20.1902 provided that- Departm (1) The patient is being treated with (e) Cor ,

sealed sources or has been treated with to indivi< i unsealed radioactive material in use therr !

9l quantities less than 30 millicuries (110 the conti MBq. or the measured dose rate at 1 identifie



' meter from the patient is less than 0.005 ieadily e '

l ' rem (0.05 mSv) per hour; and (exampl. l I I (2)There are personnelin attendance containe <

  • who will take the necessary precautions filled ca l

to prevent the exposure of individuals to cells). T; I radiation or radioactive material in long as ;

excess of the limits established in this purpose i I

part and to operate within the AI. ARA (f) Ins I provisions of the licensee's radiation equipm,.

l protection program, pipmg.1 il l - (c) A room or area is not required to I

120m lI A I be posted with a caution sign because of P'"'"8 '

lAI the presence of a sealed source provided Nll{

l the radiation level at 30 centimeters from the surface of the source container (a) Ea recene I I"di

'M H5A  :.

l or housing does not exceed 0.005 rem

( . 5 mSv) per hour. hP" ^ l I

i 20.1904 Labeling containers, chapter recewe.

(a) The licensee shall ei .ure that each container of licensed material bears a (ti Tl RADIATION SYMBOL durable. clearly visible label beanng the offers it radiation symbol and the words (2)Ni


MATERIAL" or " DANGER, take po l 3.1902 Poeting requiremente, radiation symbol and the words expedi' (

RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL" The label a) Posting of rodiation areas. The " CAUTION. AIRBORNE must also provide sufficient information (b) E !

RADIOACTIVITY AREA" or (such as the radionuclide(s) present. an externa i ensee shall post each radiation area contau

'h a conspicuous sign or signs bearing " DANGER. AIRBORNE estimate of the quantity of radioactivity, the date for which the activity is radioa.

RADIOACTIVITY AREA redistion symbol and the words levels i AUTION, RADIATION AREA." (e) Posting of areas or rooms in which estimated, radiation levels, kinds of b) Posting of high radiation areas. licensed materialis used or stored. The materials, and mass enrichment) to (1) I' l radion

+ lic:nsee shsll post each high licensee shall post each area or ream in permit individuals handling or using the ,4 iiation area with a conspicuous sign which there is used or stored an amount containers, or working in the vicinity of contar, signs bIaring the radiation symbol of licensed material exceeding to times the containers, to take precautions to d tha words " CAUTION. HIGH the quantity of such material specified avoid or minimize exposures.

(b) Each licensee shall, prior to "fy" tD!ATION AREA" or " DANGER. in appendix C to il 20.1001-20.2401 with CH RADIATION AREA." a conspicuous sign or signs bearing the terr. oval or disposal of empty g c) Posting of very high radiation radiation symbol and the words uncontaminated containers to unrestricted areas, remove or deface the

'as. The licensee shall post each very " CAUTION RADIOACTIVE 3

h rsdittion area with a conspicuous radioactive materiallabel or otherwise gg MATERIAL (S)" or "DA NGER. clearly indicate that the contairier no n or signs bearing the radiation RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (S)... longer contains radioactive materials.

mbol and words " CRAVE DANGER.

RY HIGH RADIATION AREA " 6 20.1903 Esceptions to posting i 20.1906 Exemptions to labonng ma r d) Posting of airborne radioactivity W - A*' requeremente. Tt m p

>as. Tha licensee shall post each (a) A licensee is not required to post A I censee is not required to label- '/Ill, borna radioactivity area with a caution signs in areas or rooms (a) Containers holding licensed tu om ,

ispicuous sign or signs bearing the containing radioactive materials for materiat in quantities less than the mm

2' s 20.1902 CFR Ch.1 (1-1-92 Edition) or Regulatory Commi:si;a (1) Cross-hatched area is to be ma- such material specified in appendix C .. DANGER RADIO- tained as long as the contai :

genta. or purple, or black, and to il 20.1001-20.2401,with a conspico. STATE ACTI ATERIAL" The l'abel must use for the purpose indicat (2) The background is to be yellow. ous sign or signs bearing the radiation (b) E,rception to color requirements symbol and the words " CAUTION. also prov de sufficient information record; or for standard radiation symbol. Not- RADIOACTIVE MATERIAIASF or auch withstanding the , requirements of " DANGER. RADIOACTIVF. 3"fStimate of the quantity of radioac- ess equipment, such as reac paragraph (a) of this section, licensees M ATERI AI/S)., nut) the date for which the activity nents, piping, and tanks, are authorized to label sources, source n estimated. radiation levels, kin o holders, or device components contain. A 20.1903 Exceptions to posting requirr. materials, and mass enrichment),to .

prrmit individuals handling or usmg ope KP K ing sources of licensed materials that ments.

are subjected to high temperatures the containers, or working in the vicin- (a) Each licensee who exg (a A en ee is n t equ ed to poi as of the containers, to take precau- ce ve a package containing -

with conspicuously etched or stamped caution signs in areas or rooms co" rions to avoid or minimize exposures- of radioactive material in e radiation caution symbols an it out talning radioactive materials for pen <bi Each licensee shall. prior to re- Type A quantity. as define c) Ad tone i ormation on signs moral r disposal of empty unconta- and appendix A to part o ng nd tio i t* minated containers to unrestricted chapter, shall make arran6 and labels In addition to the contents (1 The materials are constantly at of signs and labels prescribed in this arras remove or deface the radioac- receive-n nr tMse peh W an m ,nc material label or otherwise clearly (1) The package when t part, the licensee may provide, on or dkidual who takes the precaution' mdicate that the container no longer offers it for delivery; or near the required signs and labels, ad-ditional information. as appropriate, '

I * " ""

d ual ra at on or rad o etn package at the carrier.'s ten to make individuals aware of potential materials in excess of the limits estab -3195 Esemption to labeling require-radiation exposures and to minimize lished in this part; and ments- peditiously.

the exposures. (2) The arca or room is subject t" A licensee is not required to label- (b) Each !!censee shall rr N 20.1902 Ponting requirements. -

t he licensee': cont rol. *a s Containers holding licensed ma- external surfaces of a pack (b) Rooms or other areas 1n hW" . nal in quantitles less than the quan- to contain radioactive mate (a) Posting of radiatiors areas. The ,

tais that are occupied by patients ar' ' ors listed in appendix C to dioactive contamination an.

licensee shall post each radiation area *

" TC4U D 8  : 201001-20.2401; or levels if the package-with a conspicuous sign or signs bear.

skns punnam to i 2W2 pmM .to Containers holding liccast d ma- (1) Is labeled as containii .

ing the radiation symbol and the that- in concentrations less than those tive material; or

/ words AREAJ

" CAUTION. RADfATf0N (1) The patient is being treated witi 4 i Wed in table 3 of appendix B to (2) Has evidence of pot-

_ (b) PostarFJ of 7 igh' radiation areas.

    • aled se "rces or has been t reat " 201001-20.2401; or tamination such as packag

/~ The licensee shall post each high radi- with unsealed radioactise material o c, Containers attended by an indi- crushed, wet. or damaged.

< ation area with a conspicuous sign or quantities less than 30 millicuries ill" dual who takes the precautions nec- (c) The licensee shall pe signs bearing the radiation symbol and MBq. or the measured dose rate at ary to prevent the exposure of indi- monitoring required by par .

meter from the patient is less t!"

the words " CAUTION. IIIGli RADI- 0.005 rem (0.05 mSv) per hour and h als in excess of the !!mits estab- of this section as soon as ATION AREA" or " I rd by this part; or after receipt of the packa6 -

RADfATION AREA.. DANGER. IIIGli (2) There are personnel in attrM di Containers when they are in later than 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> after the ance who will take the necessary p" m port and packaged and labeled in received at the licensee's fat (c) Posting of rery high radiation a reas. The licensee shall post each cautions to prevent the exposure of n ,

,,rdance with the regulations of the received during the license very high radiat*on area with a con, dividuals to radiation or radioart" ,

w aartrnent of Transportation.' or working hours. or not lat matenal ,ni excess of the limits est ,,

Containers that are accessible nours from the beginning <

spicuous sign or signs bearing the radi, ation symbol and words " GRAVE lished in this part and to opria , 30 ndividuals authorized to working day if it is rece within the ALARA provisions of the 1,dir or use them, or to work in the working hours.

DAPGER. VERY HIGII RADIATION .censee's radiation protection progr;";'

A REA.' uuty of the containers, if the con- (d) The licensee shall ir (d) Posting of airborne radioactirity (c) A room or area is not required are identified to these individ- notify the final delivery e areas. The licensee shall post each air. be posted with a caution sign becau - ..

by a reac.ily available written by telephone and telegram.

borne radioactivity area with a con- of the presence of a sealed source 1"' ord (examples of containers of this or facsimile, the Administr spicuous sign or signs bearing the radi. vided the radiation level at 30 centum a are containers in locations such appropriate NRC Region ation symbol and the words "CAU. ters from the surf ace of the son' water-filled canals, storage vaults

  • listed in appendix D to TION, AIRBORNE RADIOACTIV. container or housing does not exr*
  • hut cells). The record must be re- 20.2401 when-ITY AREA" or " DANGER. AIR- 0.005 rem <0.05 mSv) per hour. - _ _ _ (1) Removabie radioacti BORNE RADIOACTIVITY AREA." , g ,

3 i .o,,1 ne of packages containing radioac- contamination exceeds the (e) Posting of areas or rooms in mate nals is required by the Depart- g 71.87(1) of this chapter or which licensed rnaternal is used or (a) The licensee shall ensure tha, >

..t t ransportation < DOT 6f the (2) External radiation Ie-

g. stored. The licensee shall post each each container of licensed materg -n t and type of radioactive materrat ex. the limits of i 71.47 of this :

5 area or room in which there is used or taars a durable, clearly visible lat" ' b 'lw hmits for an excepted quantity or r stored an amount of licensed material bearing the radiation symbol and th' '" a , termed and umited by DOT iego- (e) Each licensee shall.

1) tabli ma ta 3

exceeding 10 times the quantity of words " CAUTION, RADIOACTM ,] j CFR 173 403 imt and (m) and 380 381

,-. , ,- n., -

.. - . .- , -. . v , - - .

- -~- - - - - - - - - - - - --..-._. -


, Fedesal Register / Vol. 57, No.100 / Monday, August 31, 1992 / Rules and Regulations 39353 i

transporting the miniature swine to John Mim;seuw swise.Swame bad and and clarification and update of F. Kennedy Airport is a small portion of raised as pets or for laboratory seating regulations afiscting certain material i the overall coat of exporting them, purposes that do not weigh more than licensees.

! allowing use of legan laternational los pounds at maturity, sFrecTnts OATE: October 1,1992.

Airport in Massachusetts willhave * * * *

  • j 3. In i 91.14, paragraph (a) is amesided Poe pess MP0MaAn0N CONTACM l

minimal economic effect on the

, exporters. Further, since this action by redesignating paragraphs (a)(7) Mr. C.W. Nilsen, telephone (301) 492-involves one type of animal,it is tiucash (a)(16) as persgraphs (a)(8) 3834 or Mr. Joseph J. Mate, telephm ,

i unlikely to have any significant effect on through (a)(17), respectively, and by (301) 493,3795, Office of Nuclear any entity involved in handling or addig a new paragraph (a)(7) to read as Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear i transporting livestock. follows: Regulatory Comisnission, Washington, Under these circumstances, the DC 30656.

4 Administrator of the Animal and plant i 91.14 ports of emberttation and esport , y,,,,,,,,,,,

j Health inspection Service has inepecuenfocusse.

determined that this action will not have (a) * *
  • Badtyound a significant economic impact on a (7) Mossochusetts. (i) Boston--Sirport ,

substantial number of small antities, only. On January 28,1992, the President of i (A)LoganInternational Airport the United States signed a memorandum Paperwork Reduction Act (miniature swine only), East Boston, addressed to selected Federal Agency i'

This rule contains no new informaticm Massachusetts 02128, (617) 565-4649. Heads who are concerned with energy collection or recordkeeping * * * *

  • prodection and protection of the requirements under the Paperwork Done in Washington DC, this 28th day of environment.De siemorandom Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et August 1992. requested the addressees work together l

seq.). Robert Melland, to stmaaline the regulatory process and M"#"# # A"I"'olandPlanthealth ensure that the regulatory community is j Executive Order 12372 inspection Service. not subject to dopbcative or inconsistent '

This program / activity is listed in the [Ht Doc. 92-20s91 Filert 8-3-92; M5 amj tegult tion.

Culog of Federal Domestic Assistance asuneo coes um On the same day, the President signed under No.10.025 and is subject 1o a second esemorandum entitled Executive Order 12372, which requires " Reducing the Burden of Government 4 intergovernmental consultation with NUCLEAR REGULATORY Regulation." His memorandum, which i State and local officials. (See 7 CFR part COREMISSION was sent to all Federal agencies, set i 3015, subpart V.) aside a go-day period to review and i FR Pam 20 and 50 evaluate existing regulations and  !

Executive Order 12773 RIN StEG-AE30 programs and to identify and accelerate This rule has been reviewed under action on initiatives that will eliminate Executive Order 12778, Civil justice Reducing the Regulatory Burden on any unnecessary regulatory burden. At Reform. This rule: (1) Preempts all State Nuclear Licensees the and of the review period, agencies and locallaws and regulations that are were to submit a written report inconsistent with this rule;(1) has r.o AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory indicating the regulatory changes retroactive effect; and (3) does not Commission.

recommended or made during the require admmistrative proceedings ACTeost Final rule. review period and the potential savings suussaaY: %e Nudear Regulatory as a Mt he dages.

1 ng ng ta rovts o s Commission (NRC)is amendmg its la response to the Presidential List of Subjects in 9 CFR Part 91 regulations to reduce the regulatory memoranda, the Commission decided Animal diseases Animal welfare, burden on nuclear bcensees. This action that it would be consistent with its Exports. Livestock, Reporting and reflects an initiative undertaken by the pohcy to monitor the impact ,of' recordkeeping requirements, Commission in response to a complying with NRC regulations by its Transportation. Presidential memorandum requesting liosasses to instruct its Comunittee to that selected Federal esencies review Review Generic Requiremments (CRGR)

Accordingly. 9 CFR part 91 is amended as follows,' and modify regulations that would to review existing NRC regulations to climinate any unnecessary burden of detennine whether regulatory b miens PART91-INSPECTION AND governmental regulation and ensure inst can be redaced without in any wey HANDLING OF LIVESTOCK FOR the regulated community is not subject reducios the protection for the public EXPORTATION to duplicative or incansistent regulation. health and safety and the common in that spirit, the NRC's Committee to defense and security. in accomphshing

1. The authority citation for part 91 Review Genenc Requiressents (CRGR) their review, the CRGR drew upon contmues to read as follows: identiGed eight areas where regulations previous stednes and solicited comments Autbarity: 21 U.S C.1os.112.113.114a. uo, could be revised to reduce the frena the public, other Federal agencies, 121. tub.13sf. e12 ets, ett, ets. es US.C. regulatory burden an licensees without and the Commission's staff. A Federal essa. 4esb. 49 U.S.C.1500(d); 7 CFR 2.17,2.51, in any wey reducing the protection for Register Notice was published on and 371.2id) the public health and safety or the February 24,1982 (57 FR 6299) seeking
2. In i 91.1 a definition for " miniature common defense and security. The Saal public comment la conanction with the swine" is added in alphabetical order to amendmente address unnecessary review, and a second Federal Register read as follows: regulatory requirements related to the Notice on hiarch 23,1992($7 FR 90es) frequency of reporting infonnation, discussed Ilkely or possible candidates I 91.1 Definetlons- analysis of armorgency core cooling for = dam based on CRGR*s preliminary systems for opereting power r==<*=s. evalnetion of comunents. An associated

4 39354 Federal Register / Vol. 57. No.100 / Monday. August 31, 1992 / Rules and Regulations

{ public meeting was held on March 27 subject contamination monitoring 5. Comment. One commenter 1992, in Bethesda, Maryland. requirements of the new part 20 questioned whether the monitoring  !

= After completing their special review, essentially the same as those contained requirements were applicable for the CRGR recommended revising the in the existing part 20 ($ 20.205(b)(1)(iii) packages that show evidence of damage.

regulations in eight areas. The proposed and (c)(1)). Response. The wording of to CFR revisions met the criteria for reducing 2. Comment. One commenter opposed 20.1906(b)(3) has been revised to the burden without in any way reducing the rule on the basis that sealed sources indicate more clearly that packages wyh the protection for public hea!th and routinely leak and, therefore, should not evidence of damage are to be monitored safety and common defense and be excluded from monitoring. for both radioactive contamination and security. The commenter cited an example for radiation levels.

The Chairman of the NRC sent a where a driver and a truck were 6 Comment. Several commenters report to the President of the United contaminated because of a failure to requested that the proposed wording to States on April 27.1992 which .

conduct a proper radiation sweep. 10 CFR 50.71(e)(4) concerning FSAR l summarized NRC,s activities concernmg Response. The final rule does not updates be revised to decouple the l the President's directive and advised the exempt licensees from monitoring or FSAR updates from the refueling cycle '

President that NRC would pursue the surveying any packages with evidence and that the 24-month requirement for R eo e ations p t ou y ol degradation of package integrity, updates is an unnecessary restriction.

g Re8ponse. The proposed changes

" 8* ** "*

and practices for nilemakin8- contammation. Likewise,"this revision ..

were not accepted. The majority of does not relax the preshipment facility design changes reflected in an i memorand o h ident of the requimments for monitonng of packages updated FSAR are effected during the  !

d '

c ntained in 10 CFR part 71.The NRC refueling outage.The use of the refuehng Co mission di e ed e t f'i t str does not have any evidence that cycle interval provides for a current to publish the proposed rule changes in 8upports the commenter s assertion that plant status document that is the eight area s identified by the CRGR sealed sources routinely leak and, thus, coordinated with plant changes. The in the Federal Register for comment as soon as possible. but not later than Juneinpplace are sufficient n p & mqukemes wdog f I n(eN n n t resWche to detect potential to plants that will eventually increase 15.1992, with a view to f ssuing the final abnormal situations. No amount of their refueling cycle to 24 months.

rules in the Federal Register no later 7. Comment. Three electric utilities than August 27.1992. On June 18,1992

[egulation can, a priori, preclude all incidents involving leaking sources. requested that the proposed wording in (57 8 27187), the NRC published the 11 wever, these incidents can be dealt to CFR 50.36(a)(2) concernmg proposed rulemaking in the Federal with through followup inspection and radiological effluent reporting be revised Register for comment. The comment enforcement under the present to specify a particular date. One period expired on luly 20,1992. regulatory scheme. commenter suggested: 'The report must Summary and Analysis of Public 3. Comment. Several commenters be submitted as specified in i 50.4 prior Comments addressed in general terms the need for to March 31 of each year."

the NRC to continue its efforts to reduce Response. The wording of 10 CFR Thirty comment letters were received 50.36(a)(2) gives the licensee maximum on the proposed rule and are available any unnecessary regulatory burden on licensees through amendments to to flexibility for scheduling submission of for public inspection. and copying for a radiological effluent reports with the fee. at the Commission's Pubhc CFR chapter 1.

Document Room located at 2120 L stree;. Response. The NRC will continue its only restriction being that the interval efforts to identify additional between reports must not exceed 12 NW. (lower Level). Washington, DC. monthr.The reporting requirements The comments on the proposed rule amendments that will provide for a reduction in regulat 3ry burden while remain as proposed.

came from a variety of sources.These included private citizens. publicly. held still assuring adequate protection of the 8. Comment. Two commenters corporations. citizens' groups, the armed public health and safety. suggested that the amendments indicate

4. Comment. One commer.ter that the changes in reporting forces, industry representatives, electric power companies or their questioned the basis for exempting from requirements of the new regulations representatives, and legal firms. Eleven external monitoring for radiation levels take precedence over the existing only nuclear material that was either in license technical specifications or significant pointo were raised by the license conditions where there may be a commenters. Of the 30 comment letters the form of a gas or in a special form conflict, received. 281etters were favorable and 2 since the extemal radiation levels are Response. The proposed amendments letters were partially opposed to the dependent upon radionuclides quantity.

regulation changes.%e comments and shielding, and distance between . are generic and licensees may requrt radioactive material and the point of administrative amendments to any their resolutions are discussed below.

interest rather than material form. conflicting license condition or technical

1. Comment. One commenter suggested that the Commission not only Response. De NRC agrees with the specification as needed.

amend 5 20.1906(b) concerning commenter that the requirement to 9. Comment. Two commenters contamination monitoring. but also issue survey, upon receipt, the radiation levels suggested that NRC reconsider the need a statement that those licensees still on the package exterior should be based for licensees to submit to CFR 50.36a(2) on the potential radiation hazard. effluent release reports and to CFR 50.59 l operating under the old part 20 not be i required to monitor packages for Thereic e. the requirement specified in reports concerning annual design contamination that meet the conditions to CFR 20.1906(b)(2) that monitoring of changes.The commenters noted the of 6 20.1906(b).

radiation levels be performed on labeled requirement for these reports was issued Response. The NRC does not believe packages is being revised to delete the before the FinalSafety Analysis Reports that the suggested change by the exemption that the radioactive material m ere required to be updated periodicall>

commenter is necessary because the be in the form of a gas or in special form and before resident inspectors were assigned to all reactor sites.The amendment of 6 20.1906(b) will make the as defined in 10 CFR 71.4.


. 1 Federel Register / Vol 67, No. 20 / Monday. August 31, 1992 / Rules and Regulations 39355 commenters also observed that these maximum of 6 month prior to the da4e 2. Contaminotloe Moniaoristg of reports are now available on site for of filing." Paciqges(10 CFA 211aRq(61) review by inspectors at any time and Dunng the r-==t period on this that most design changen are reflected his setion clarifies the regulations proposed rule, Yankee Alourac Electric and redeces the monitoring burden for the s. Further, the commeners Co. stated that the perdad between not ieve that these reports are pedages containing radioactive utine y reviewed by the NRC staff. successive FSAR updates should not be materialin the form of a gas or in a limited to 24 anomthe as proposed.%eir

' " ved t at if the special form as defined in to Cm 71.4.

requ em nt: o rationale was that the restriction of 24 ne estimated savings to licensees is i

were eliminated, there would be no m the was unnecessary. $10.1 million.

impact on safety, the required Responm % rec @ of Manhe At mic Electric Co. comment letter of 3. Frequency of Radiological Effluent evaluations could continue to be Reports (10 CFR 50.J6of performed and the reports would July 20.1992, the NRC again reviewed continue to be available for review.%e the petition (PRM 50-55) submitted by This action reduces the requiremehts commenters believed that the deletion Yankee Atomic Electric Co. and the for the submission of reports concerning

, of these requirements would contribute comments submitted in response to the the quantity of principal nuclides to significant increased savings by Notice of Receipt. Based on this review, released to unrestricted areas in liquid licensees. the NRC believes that the current action and gaseous efDuents from

, Response. ne consequence of being taken to reduce the burden on semiannually to annually.

eliminating the requirements for these nuclear licensees is substantially similar The estimated savings for this action, reports requires significant additional to the relief requested in the petition. assurning an averase remaining plant assessment. nus, the proposed The 24-month interval for successive life of 26 years, la $15.a00.000 for revisions have not been modified in FSAR updates is addressed in comment licensees and $360,000 for the NRC.

order not to delay the benefit of burden number 6 above. it should be noted that reduction. Although this proposal will the petition did not ccatain a specific d. Use ofFueleth Zirconium-Based (Other than Zircoloy) Cladding (10 CFR nN be addrnmed in the current teference 4o a nuaber of monthe 50.44,60.ef, and Appendix K to Part 50) rulemaking these suggested revisions regardang sermive MAR upd.ies.

will be evaluated as part of an ongoing With respect to the petitioner's concern %Is action revises the acceptance NRC effort. about multiple facilities sharing a criteria in 10 CFR 50.44 and 50.46,

10. Comment. One commenter common MAR, licensees will have relating to evaluations of emergency questioned whether the changes in maximum flexibility for schedehag core cooling systems and combustible reporting frequency of facility rhanges updates on a case-by. case basis. This gas control applicable to zircaloy clad under 10 CFR 50.W. FSAR updates, and final rule does not address multiple fuel to include ZlRLO clad fuel.This radiological efflueet reports would facilities. revision to include Z1RLO as an impair the ability of the NRC to review his final rule is considered by the acceptable zirconium based cladding the information in a timely manner. NRC to grant the petitson submitted by matenal along with zircaloy will reduce Response. The resident inspector the Yankee Atormic Electric Co.%is the licensee burden but will not reduce program along with regional regulatory i nal rule mastitutes final NRC schon the protection of the public health or programs provide timely ar.d in some on the petition. safety. The NRC will address. through cases day-by-day review of facility an appropriate separate rulemaking. the operations. The changes being made will Discussion use of other sianlar zirconium based not impair NRC's ability to review the cladding materials when all of the information. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission necessary safety evaluations for those is amending 10 CPR parts 20 and 50 to materials have been completed.
11. Comment. One commenter (Yankee Atomic Electric Co.) stated that j The estimated savings for eliminating the FSAR update changes discussed in d M i oM the need to process recurrmg Action 1:em t in the proposed rule and the report on ,'Special Review of exemptions to the regulations to in Action item 7 of this document Existing NRC Regulations that was licensees is 82 million and the savings to emanated from a petition for rulemaking c mpleted by the CIICR and that was the NRC is $50.000. This estimate is that they submitted to the NRC on attached to Chairman Selin s letter to based on six plants per year requesting February 9.1990 (PRM 50-55). ne the Whitepouse dated April 27.1992. the usemiZIRLO clad fuel over the next notice of receipt for this petition was These actions will not reduce the 6 years.

published in the Federal Register on protection of the public health and .

May 3.1990 (55 FR 18608). The petitioner safety or the common defense and 5. Receipt Bock of Processed Low Level originally requested that nuclear power secunty. Each of the eight actions is Woste (10 CFR 50.54) plant licensees be allowed to file FSAR discussed below. His action is addressed in a separate reports at periods greater than annually. 1. Postirgt ofRorsns Occupiedby rulemaking. For additional information.

They suggested that i 50 71(e)(4) be Diognostic Nuclear Medicine Pbrient, see the proposed rule entitled " Receipt revised to read as f allows:" Subsequent (10 CFR 30.1903(b)) of Byproduct and Special Nuclear revisions shall be filed no later than 6 Material" published in the Federal months after completion of each The revision reduces the posting Register on Apnl 24,1992 (57 FR 15034) planned refueling outage for a licensee's requirements for rooms in hospitals facility. If two or more facilities share a occupied by patients administered 6. AnnualDesign Change Reports (10 common FSAR the licensees shall radioactive materials who might CFR 50.59) designate the refueling outage schedule otherwise be rsleased from confinement his actioo trvises the n quirements on one of the multiple facilities to under the provisions of 10 CFR 35J5. for the annual submission of reports for establish the schedule for revisions of The estimated savings to licensees is facility changes under i 50.59 (Changes, the common FSAR. The FSAR revisions $300.000 for eliminatbn of the need for tests, and experiments) to conform with shall reflect all changes up to a posting, the proposed dienge for u; Mating the

l l

l 39356 Federal Register / Vol. 57. No.109 / Monday. August 31. 1992 / Rules and Regulations i

FSAR (see item 7). This action does not response for operating power reactors 6. Annual Design Change Reports-to I affect the substance of the evaluation or and 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> per response for certain change the frequency of reporting i the documentation required for i 50.59 materials licensees. including the time changes at power reactors from once per i type changes. It only affects the interval for reviewing instructions, searching year to once per refueling cycle (10 CFR l for submission of the information to the existing data sources. gathering and 50.59(b)).

NRC. Instead of submitting the maintaining the data needed, and 7. Frequency of Final Safety Analysis information annually, the information completing and reviewing the collection Report Updates-to change the

  • can be submitted on a refuehng cycle of information. Send comments frequency of safety analysis report basis. provided the interval between regarding this burden reduction or any updates from once per year to once per successive reports does not exceed 24 other aspect of this decrease in the refueling cycle (10 CFR 50.71). i months. collection of information including 8. Eliminat'on of unnecessary event i suggestions on this reduced burden to The , estimated savings for this action, reports--separate rulemaking (10 CFR assummg an average remaming plant the information and Records 50.72 and 50.73).

life of 26 years. is $1.500.000 for Management Branch (MNBB-7714). U.S. . .

Each of these actions considers the j licensees and $400.000 for the NRC. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 'II*Ination or relaxation of regulatory

. Washington. DC 20555; and to the Desk requirements currently imposed on NRC

7. Frequency of finalSafety Analysis ff '* * *"d Report (FSAR) Updates (10 CFR 50.71)  ; ffh,*lfI fo'"*f393g gg9 p3 Iicensees. Action Items 1 and 2 would l affect matenallicensees while Action This action provides licensees with an 0011,3150-0014). Office of Management Items 3 through 8 would affect power .

option from the current requirements for and Dudget. Washington. DC 20503. reactor licensees. For each regulatory the annual updating of the Final Safety Regulatory Analysis action, the NRC has evaluated the Analysis Report (FSAR). In lieu of an health and safety implications and the annual submission. licensees may The NRC is amending its regulations to reduce the regulatory burden on cost impacts relative to a status quo choose to provide the required altemative.The NRC finds that each informatiori once per each refueling nuclear hr 'nsees.This action reflects an initiative c., the part of the NRC and would result in a reduction in burden outage. Updates to the FSAR can be submitted 6 months after each refueling responds to the spirit of President Bush's without reducing protection of the pub health and safety. The public health and outage, provided the interval between memoranda of January 28,1992, which successive updates to the FSAR does requested that selected Federal agencies safety determination appears in a not exceed 24 months.This action does review and modify regulations that wi!! document entitled " Report on Special reduce unnecessary burden of P.eview of Existing NRC Regulat;ons by not affect the substance of FSAR updates. governmental regulation and ensure that the Committee to Review Genenc the regulated community is not subject Requirements" issued on April 13.1992 The estimated savings for this action, assuming an average remaining plant to duplicative or inconsistent regulation. Additionally, an analysis of the safety life of 26 years,is $1L100.000 for The NRC has identified eight rulemaking implications of Action item 4 is actions that would eliminate duplicative available in a U.S. NRC letter to hcensees and $910.000 for the NRC.

or inconsistent regulatory requirements. Westinghouse Corporation dated July 1.

& Ehmm.ation of Unnecessary Event 1991. entitled " Acceptance For S x of the actions are included in this Reports (10 CFR 50.72 and 50 7J1 package.Two of the eight actions are Referencing of Topical Report WCAP-12610" Vantage + Fuel Assembly This action is addressed in a separate being processed as separate 4

rulemaking. For additional information, rulemakings and are not discussed here. Reference Core Report"(TAC NO see the proposed rule entitled " Minor The eight actions are as follows: 77258)."

1. Posting of Rooms Occupied by The cost savings to both the hcensee Modifications to Nuclear Power Reactor Et ent Reporting Requirements" Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Patients- population and the NRC appear below.

to include exceptions for posting Dollar impacts are expressed on a 1992 published in the Federal Register on June 26,1992 (57 FR 28642) requirements for rooms in hospitals for present worth basis in 1992 dollars. The patients administered basis for these cost estimates is EnvironmentalImpact: Categorical radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic available in a report entitled " Analyses Exclusion tests (10 CFR 20.1903(b)). of Potential Cost Savings for Selected The NRC determined that the final 2. Contamination Monitoring of NRC Reforms" dated June 10,1992.

regulation is the type of action destribed Packages-to eliminate certain in categorical exclusions 10 CFR 51.22(c) provisions for contamination monitoring TOTAL Discounted 8 COST SAVING9 $6-(2) and (3) Therefore, neither an of packages containing certain types of sociATED wiTH PnoposED 'dEGULA-environmental impact statement nor an radioactive material (10 CFR 20.1906(b)l. TORY REVISIONS environ.nental assessment has been 3. Fregtency of Radiological Effluent Reports-to change the frequency of tin rmlhons of 1992 collars) prepared for this fmal regulation.

8 ' Regulatory remion bconseesl NRC Paperwork Reduction Act Statement ','gh[n m ice p ye o ce per This final rule amends information year (10 CFR 50.36a). l collection requirements that are subject 4. Use of Fuel with Zirconium-Based y n.m 3;

,y ! *M is e '

o x,o to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 Cladding-to eliminate the need to obtain exemptions in order to use nem 4.. 2o o 050 (44 U.S C. 3501 et seg ). These ' N' A 'N

certain fuel cladding material not hom 5 -

requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget presently addressed in the regulations [6 , ', 5

  • N/A '

8 N/ A approval numbers. 3150-0014 and 3150- (10 CFR 50.44.10 CFR 50.48 and 10 CFR nem s2 0011. part 50, aUpendis K).

The reduction of the public reporting 5. Receipt Back of Processed Low ' Assumes en annual reel discount raw so ss burden for this collection of information Level Waste-separate rutemaking (10 ,,',N ' P ** * ** "

  • f " ' ' *
  • is estimated to average 208 hours0.00241 days <br />0.0578 hours <br />3.439153e-4 weeks <br />7.9144e-5 months <br /> per CFR 50.54).
  • Not appicaue-sepersw ru6emeung

. r Fedesel @ /  % .M/ 4apeM1.1892 / Roles'and tions pas 7

.~_ , .. ,.

., ..,#-, s

] g De NRC semahades that esob a(Ibses Reorgsmisalica act of1874,as contamination unless the pedage

., proposed moulatory mv8=8ame is juomed ames(MC estand' ass <the . contains only redeneuve material in the j ~ due to diemet cost savings that wSt i .. . form of a gas or in apardal form as i '

accrus without redecing public beelth, IRC is adoptkig mael=ama, to 10 GR Glip M '"",

parts as an,d 50. defined in to CFR 71.e: .

and safety.

i y T M7 ' (2) $donitor the external surfe s of a I Regulatory Fl==maty Certifies 6am CTEElAsilmWTIINidst. 8' l b c on ains l As required by the Regulatory 1.De authority"citaden'Bue piset g q=an884e df radioeceve material that ,

Flexibility Act. 5 U.S.C. 806(b). the are less than or aquel to the Type A Co:nmission certifies that, this rule will continues to read as feBows:

quantity as defined in i 71.4 and

not ha ve a significant adverse economic ,83.

E' 4.

appendix A to part 71 of this chapter; j impact on a substantial number of small g, and

- gg g.g,c 3g73, gagg, I

. entities. *Ihe NRC has adopted size (3) Monitor all packages known to 20es. 2111. 2133r:124. Isot. 22 2. 22ss) esca. l j , standards that classify a ornall entity as 201 u asmended. 302,308. as Stat.1242, as contain radioactive material for 4

a small business or organization, one amended.1344,1a48 (42 U.S.C esti, setz. - radioactive contamination and radiation J whose gross annual receipts do not sees).

exceed $3.5 million, or as a small levels ~if there is evnnie=<= of degradation '

Section 30.4ee aleo tmoued under seca.135.

i governmental jurisdiction whose 14 b L 97 es Stat. 2232. 2341 (42 of ck 'in W e d as d es U are crushed, wet, or dam ge j supportmg population is 50.000 or less.

For the af sec. ass, es Stat. sea. as * * * *

  • The first two issues mvolve the a m nded

! relaxation of requirements which will 3273h ll aa101,30.102,30.10s(a). (b). and (fl. 20.104 PAftT EN UCEstSIDeG OF l affect approximately 5.000 material (e) and (b). an105 (b). aams (a), aa201, aa202 m AggD UTEIMTIOff '

licensees. Although many of these (e). 20.a05, anaar. maet aasos. 2a304, and j licensees may be small entities, there 2a305. 20.1102. 20.1201-an1204, 20.1200. FACluTIES l should be no adverse impact on these 30.12e7,20.120s, sa1301,20.1302,2am 2a1502, mie01 (e) and (d). Eteet sa1003, 4.The suthority citation for part 50 f small licensees because the regulations continues to read as follows

are being reIaAJd, The remainkng six 2am 2am aaHel latae sams).

issues affect 112 power reactor 02. Ruot. MM M. aME M WE 1E M4.105. M1,182.

j 20.2003. Ja2004,30.2005tb) and (c) m tem 133. las, tes. Se Stat. 938. 937. Ms. 948, 953 i

licensees. The companies that own these 20.2101-30.211a m 2mm-20.2 ace, and 20.2301 es4, e55, ses, as amended, sec. 234. a3 Stat.

I plants do not fall within the scope of the are leaued under sec.161(b). es Stat. See as 1244. as amended (42 US.C 2132. 2133. 2134 l definition of "small entitles" set forth in amended (42 US.C 2201(b)) I 20.210e(d)is 2135. 2201. 2232,22 3. 2236,2239. 22s2h seca.

the Regulatory Flexibihty Act or the issued under the Privacy Act of 1974. Pub. L 201, as amended,202,308, as Stat.1242, as j NRC Size Standards.93-579. 5 US C 562a
and il an102,30.10s(*l. amended.1244.1246 (42 US.C 5641,5842 1 20.401-20.407,20 40e(b). 20.40s 20.1102(e)(2) lese).
Backfit Analysis and (4). 2a120s(c). sataos (s) and (hk Section 50.7 also issued under Pub L 95-2ats04(c)(4), aats05 (c) and (d).anage5(c). 801, sec.1a 92 Stat. 2951 (42 US.C 5851).

The NRC has determined that the

. 20.200e(bHd). 2a2101-aa2103, 20.21oe(bHd'. Section Saio also ineued under secs.101.185.

backfit rule.10 CFR 50.109. doea not 20.210&2a2108. and 20.2201-2&2207 are 88 Stat. 936,955. as amended (42 US C 2131.

apply to this final rule and, therefore, issued under sec.161o. es Stat. 95a as 2236t sec.102. Pub. L 91-190,33 Stat. 853 (42

! that a backfit analysis is not required amended (42 U.S.C 2001(ol). U.S.C. 4332). Sections sats. Base (dd), and j because these amendments do not 50.103 also issued under sec.108, se Stat. 939.

involve any provisions that would 2. Section 20.1903 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as *s 8"nded (42 US.C 213s). Sectione 5aza, impose bacl. fits as defined in to CFR gg.* 5025. Sar.s. and ease also laeued under occ.

50.109(a)(1). 185. as Stat. 955 (42 U.S.C 2235). Sections i 20.1903 Eaceptions to posting 50.33a. 50.55e and appendix Q also issued j List of Subjecta req w under sec.102. Pub. L 91-190. 83 Stat. 853 (42 10 CFR Part 20 . . . . . US.C 4332). Sections 50.34 and Sa54 also (b) Rooms or other areas m. hospitags issued under sec. 204. as Stat. ta45 (42 U.S.C.

j Byproduct material. Criminal penalty. Sectims san m91, aM m02 aM

. . Licensed material. Nuclear rnaterials, that are occupied by patients are not

' issued under Pub. L 97-415. se Stat. 2073 (42 Nuclear power plants and reactors, required to be posted with caution signs US.C. 2239). Section 50.7e also losued under

. Occupational safety and health. Pursuant to i 20.1902 provided that the . sec.122. es Stat. ss9 (42 UAC 2152). Sections Packaging and containers, Radiation patient could be released from ,

sano.40.81 also issued under sec.184. es Stat.

l protection. Reporting and recordkeeping confinement pursuant to i 35.75 of this 954. as amended (42 US.C 2234). Appendix I.,

- requirements. Source material. Special chapter, also inued under sec.187. es Stat. 955 (42 j nuclear material, Waste treatment and . . . . . U S C 2237).

For the purposes of sec. 223. se Stat. 958. as 4

. disposal. 3. Section 20.1906 is amended by l revis n8 Paragraph (b? to read as amended (42 US.C 2273): ll 50.5. 50.4C 10 CFR Part 50 follows: and (bl. and 50.54(c) are issued unoer sec.

181b. 88 Stat. 948, as amended (42 U.S.C.

l Antitrust. Classified information. 2aot(b)b 1150.5. Sa7(e). Sato(aHc). 5034(a) l Criminal penalty. Fire protection. Iatms W W W W and (e). sn44(aHe). 50.4e(s) and (bl. 50 47(b).

op*nin0 Packages.

Incorporation by reference, * , 50 ea(s). (c) (d), aad (e) 50.49(al. 50.54(al. (i).

l Intergovernmental retations. Nuclear (i)(ll. (IHn). (p). (e). (t). tv). and (y). 50.55(f)-

power p1 ants and reactors, Radistion (b) Ench licensee shall- 50.55ets). (cHe) (s), and (h). 50.59(c).

protection. Reactor siting criteria, N hide ornal surfaces of a '%K me2@h me@ mas, aM moo 9)

Reporting and recordkeeping -

labeled ** pdp fa redlucuve and (b) are leeued under sec. tell, es Stat.

requirements. 94e. as amended (42 US.C 2s01(ilt and Il 50.9. Sate (d). (h) and (j) 50.54(w). (z). (bb).

i For reasons set out in the preamble " b g,,,,y,ue tu inNas spessag (ce), and (ed), so.55(e), Sa5e(b).

and under the authority of the Atomic p.,,,,,,,,, ,g.rrenspestenaa risulemens. es tyst Eas2(b). sa70(e). 50.71(aHc) and (e), sa72(a).

Energy Act of1964, ae amended,the 17teos and 17teso 4em 50.73(a) and (b). 50.74. 50 7s, and 50.s0 are i


  • 39358 Federal Register / Vol. 57. No.100 / Monday. August 31, 1992 / Rules and Regulations leeued under sec.1sto, ce stat. seo as 7. Section 50.46 is amended by 9. Section 50.71 is amended by amended (42 U.S.C. 22m(oll- revising paragraph (a)(1)(i) to read as revising parsgraph (e)(4) to read as
5. Section 50.36a is amended by follows; follows:

g j

' is g paragraph (s)(2)'to read as y g4, ,, g g7, ,,n ,, ,,

core cootng systems for Eght water reports-nucteer power toecears. . . j l 50.36a Technical e Arc on (e) * *

  • enuents kom nucesar power rectors. (a)(1)(i) Each boiling and pressurized light-water nuclear power reactor fueled (4) Subsequent revisions must be fiEd (a) * *
  • annually or 6 months after each (2) Each licensee shall submit a report with uranium oxide pellets within to the Commission annually that cylindrical zircaloy or ZIRLO cladding refueling outage provided the interval between successive updates to the specifies the quantity of each of the must be provided with an emergency principal radionuclides released to core cooling system (ECCf4 that must be FSAR does not exceed 24 months. The revisions must reflect all changes up Io a unrestricted areas in liquid and in designed so that its calculated cooling maximum of 6 months prior to the date 1

" gaseous effluents during the previous 12 performance following postulated loss.

months of operation, including any other of coolant accidents conforms to the of filing. 1 information as may be required by the criteria set forth in paragraph (b) of this section. ECCS cooling performance must Dated at Rockville. Maryland. this 19th day f

! Commission to estimate maximum of August 1sez.

potential annual radiation doses to the be calculated in accordance with an public resulting from effluent releases. acceptable evaluation model and must For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The report must be submitted as be calculated for a number of postulated lames H. Salesek.
specified in i 50.4. and the time between loss.of-coolant accidents of different Acting Executive Directorfor Opemtions submission of the reports must be no stres, locations, and other properties IFR Doc. 92-20855 Filed 8-28-92; e.45 eml longer than 12 months. If quantities of sufficient to provide assurance that the seaseo coot reem-a radioactive materials released dunng most severe postulated loss-of-coolant


the reporting period are significantly accidents are cc .:ulated. Except as I

i above design objectives, the report must provided in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this SEWRmES m MME i cover this specifically. On the basis of section. the evaluation model must j these reports and any additional include sufficient supporting i information the Commission may obtain justification to show that the analytical 17 CFR Part 202 from the licensee or others, the technique realistically describes the d Commission may require the licensee to behavior of the reactor system during a ire 6 ease Nos. 33-4952; 34-3107t; 3b25612:

take action as the Commission deems loss-of-coolant accident. Comparisons to 39-2299; iC-19905; 1A-1325; Flie No. 57 appmpriate. applicable experimental data must be s41 made and uncertainties in the analysis

6. Section 50.44 is amended by method and inputs must be identified Temporary Lockbon Rule revising the introductory text of and assessed so that the uncertainty in AGEpsCv: Securities and Exchange l j

, paragraphs (a). (b), and paragraph (c)(1) the calculated results can be estimated. Commission. l l to read as follows: Thie uncertainty must be accounted for. Actiosc Extension of temporary rule. I a that, when the calculated ECCS I i 50.a4 Standants for combustado ese cooling performance is compared to the sussssasty: The Coramission is extending contros system in ught.wawr.coosed pwer enteria set forth in paragraph (b) of this for one year the effectiveness of a reactors, section. there is a high level of temporary rule, adopted in June.1984.

(a) Each boiling or pressurized light- probability that the critena would not which permits filing fees to be remitted water nuclear power reactor fueled with be exceeded. Appendix K. Part II, to a U.S. Treasury designated lockbox '

oxide pellets within cylindrical zircaloy Required Documentation sets forth the depository located in Pittsburgh, or ZiRLO cladding. must. as provided in documentation requirements for each pennsylvania. Use of the lockbox is paragraphs (b) through (d) of this currently voluntary except for those section, include means for control of evaluation model.

4 * * * *

  • entities filing on the Commission's
hydrogen gas that may be generated. Electronic Data Cathering. Analysis and t following a postulated loss-of-coolant 6. Section 50.59 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(2) to read as Retrieval (EDGAR) system. This action accident (LOCA). by- will permit registrants to continue to use

. . . . . follows:

the lockbox pending adoption of a (b) Each boihng or pressurized light, i 50.59 changes, tests and experiments- permanent rule.

water nuclear power reactor fueled with * * * *

  • ErrscTive part: September 1.199?.

l oxide pellets within cylindrical zircaloy through September 1.1993.

or ZlkLO cladding must be provided (b) * *

  • with the capabihty for- (2) The licensee shall submit. as ron runTwan inconssArion contact:
  • * * *
  • specified in 150.4. a report containing a Wilson Butler. (202) 272-7210. Directur.

brief description of any changes, tests. Office of Filings. Information and (c)(1) For each boiling or pressurized light. water nuclear power reactor fueled and experiments, including a summary Consumer Services. Securities and with oxide pellets within cylindrical of the safety evaluation of each.The Exchange Commission. 450 Fifth Street report may be submitted annually or NW., Washington. DC 20549.

rircaloy or ZIRLO cladding. It must be shewn that during the time period along with the FSAR updates as suv9t.auenTAny enronssATooec In following a postulated IDC/ hyQ required by i 50.71(e), or at such shorter Securities Act Release No. 6540, dated to effective operation of ' , em%y@ eals as may be specified in the lune ?7.1964 (49 FR 27306) the gas control system. eitbr r W r e. Commission adopted a temporary

  • * * * * * * * *
  • amendment to rule 3a.17 CFR 202.3a to

. . --- -. . . _ .. --.~~---_-.-~.-.--~_..~n-I.=  ! <

., ng.


.- ~

t. .,

{ 20.1902 CFR Ch.1 (l.193 Edition) l (1) Cross hatched area is to be ma- such material specified in appendix C genta or purple. or black, and to 15 20.1001-20.2401 with a conspicu-(2) The background is to be yellow, ous sign or signs bearing the radiation (b) Exception to color requirements symbol and the words " CAUTION, for standard radiation symbol. Not. RADIOACTIVE MATERI AL(S)" or withstanding .the requirements of " DANGER, RADIOACTIVE paragraph (a) of this section, licensees M ATERI AL(S)."

are authorized to label sources source holders, or wvice components contain- g 20.1903 Exceptions to posting require.

ing sources of licensed materials that ments.

are subjected to high temperatures.

with conspicuously etched or stamped (a) A licensee is not required to post radiation caution symbols and without caution signs in areas or rooms con-taining radicactive materials for peri-c) jdd i naf*f thormation on signs ods of less than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, if each of the I and labels. In addition to the contents following conditions is met:

of signs and labels prescribed in this (1) The materials are constantly at-part, the licensee may provide, on or tended during these periods by an in-l near the required signs and lat,els. 4d. dividual who takes the precautions

! ditional information, as appropriate, tiecessary to prevent the exposure of i to make individuals aware of potential individuals to radiation or radioactive ,

radiation exposures and to minimize materials in excess of the limits estab- )

i the exposures, lished in this part; and J i (2) The area or room is subject to ' l 6 20.1902 Posting requirements. the licensee's control, I (a) Posting of radiation amus. The (b) Rooms or other areas in hospi- .

- 'I licensee shall post each radiation area tais that are occupied by patients are & , <

with a consolcuous sign or signs bear. not required to be posted with caution C - '

ing ' the radiation symbol and the signs pursuant to $ 20.1902 provided words "CAUTIO N, RADIATION that the patient could be released

- AREA.* from confinement pursuant to i 35.75

. (b) Posting of high radiation areas. of this chapter. ~

l The licensee shall post each high radi- (c) A room or area is not required to j ation area with a conspicuous sign or.- be posted with a caution sign because j signs bearing the radiation symbol and of the presence of a sealed source pro-i the words " CAUTION HIGH RADI. Vided the radiation level at 30 centime-ATION AREA" or " DANGER, HIGH ters from the surface of the source RADIATION AREA." container or housing does not exceed (c) Posting of rery high radiation 0.005 rem (0.05 mSv) per hour, areas. The licensee shall post each -

i= very high radiation area with a con- [56 spicuous sign or signs bearing the radi- 57 mFR 2340t.

39357, Aus.May 3t l 2L@199t(as -- amended at ation symbol and words "ORAVE

' * "" # "' *I"*

DANGER, VERV HIGH RADIATICN AR EA." (a) The licensee shall ensure that (d) Posting of airborne radioactirf ty each container of licensed material areas. The licensee shall post each air. bears a durable, clearly visible label borne radioactivity area with a con. bearing the radiation symbol and the '

spicuous sign or signs bearing the radi. words " CAUTION, RADIOACTIVE ation symbol and the words "CAU. MATERIAL" or " DANGER, RADIO-TION. AIRBORNE RADIOACTIV. ACTIVE M ATERIAL." The label must ITY AREA" or " DANGER, AIR. also provide sufficient information BORNE RADIOACTIVITY AREA." (such as the radionuclide(s) present, (e) Posting of areas or rooms in an estimate of the quantity of radioac.

tchich licensed material is used or tivity, the date for which the activity stored. The licensee shall post each is estimated, radiation levels, kinds of area or room in which there is 'ised or materials, and mass enrichment) .to stored an amount of licensed material permit individuals handling or using exceeding 10 times the quantity of the containers, or working in the vicin-388 t

2 3

- . , - - ,e~~ , _ - . _y__ . _ _ , , _ , . - ,