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Proposed Tech Specs for Univ of Virginia Cavalier Reactor for Possession Only License
Person / Time
Site: University of Virginia
Issue date: 05/31/1985
Shared Package
ML20149E535 List:
NUDOCS 8801130383
Download: ML20149E565 (41)


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5 l ' Amendment No. 4 I'

8801130383 890105 PDR ADOCK 05000396 P PDR

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 DEFINITIONS. . .... . . . .. . . .. . .. . ... . 1 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM 9ETTINGS. .. . 4 2.1 Safety Limits . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... 4 2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings . . . . . . ... . 5 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION. . ... . . . . .. . 6 3.1 Power Operation . . .. . . . . ... . .. ... . 6

?.2 Reactivity. . ...... . . . .. . . . . .. . . 7 3.3 Reactor Instrumentation . . . . ... . . . . .. . 8 3.4 Reactor Safety System . . . . .. .. . . . ... . 9 3.5 Limitations on Experiments. . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 3.6 Operation k'ith Fueled Experiments . . . . . . . . . 13 3.7 Rod Drop Times. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 14 3.8 Alternative Reactivity Insertion System (ARIS). . . 15 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 16 4.1 Shim Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 16 4.2 Reactor Safety System . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . 16 4.3 Radiatien Monitoring Equipment. . . . . . . . .. . 17 4.4 Maintenance ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 18 4.5 Alternative Reactivity Insertion System . . . .. . 18 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5.1 Reactor Fuel ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 19 5.2 Fuel Storage.. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 21 6.1 Orgsnization. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 21 6.2 Review and Audit. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 23 6.3 Operating Procedures, . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 25 6.4 Required Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 6.5 CAVALIR Operating Records . . . . . .. . .. . . 27 6.6 Reporting Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 l

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Amendment No. 4

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1.0 Definiticus The terms Safety Li=it (SL), "Limiting Safety System Setting" (LSSS), "Limiting Condition of Operation" (LCO), "Surveillance requirements," and "design features" are as defined in 10 CTR 50.36.

Channel Calibration: A channel :alibration is an adjustment of the channel so that its output responds, with acceptable range and accuracy, to kncvn values of the para =eter that the channel measures. Calibration shall encempass the entire channel, including equipment actuation, alarm, or trip.

Channel Check: A channel check is a qualitative verification of acceptable perfor=ance by observation of channel behavior. This verification should include co:parison of the channel with other independent channels or methods of measuring the same variable, where this capability er.ists.

Channel Test: A channel test is the introduction of a signal into a channel to verify that it is operable.

Experiment: An experiment is (1) any apparatus, device, or material placed in the reactor core regien (in an experi= ental facility associated with the reacter, or inline with a beam of radiation i

e anating from the reactor) ot (2) any incere operation designed to j 1

measure reactor characteristics.

Experi= ental Facility: An experimental facility is any structure or j device associated with the retrtor that is intended to guide, orient, position. =anipulate, or othet.ise facilitate a cultiplicity of experiments of similar character, j i

Explosive Material: Explosive caterial is any solid or liquid that is l l

categorized as a Severe, Cangerous, or Very Dangerous Explosion B- .4 Amendment No. 4 l



. 2 in "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials" by N.I. Sax, or is given an Identification of Reactivity (stability) index of 2, 3, or 4 by the National Fire Protection Association in its publication 704-M.

P "Id ntification System for Fire Hazards of Materials " aise enumerated in the "H:. dbook for Laboratory Safety" published by the Themical Rubber Ce=pany.

Fueled Experiment: A fueled experiment is any experiment that contains U-235 or U-233 or Fu-239. This does not include the normal reactot nore fuel elements.

Measured Value: The mearured value of the process variable is the value of the variable as it tppears on the output of a measuring channel.

Messurine Channel: A measuring channel is the combination cf sensor, lines, a=plifiers, and output devices that are connected for the purpose of measuring the value of a process variable.

Movable Experiment: A movable wxperimtat is one that may be insorted, temoved, or manipulate' while the reactor is critical.

On Call: To be en call to an individual who (1) has beta specifically designated and c'.e designation is known to the operator on duty, (2) keeps che operator on duty informed of where he may be contacted and the phone number, and (3) is capabis of getting to th.

reactor facility withiu s recsonable time under normal conditions (e.g.

approximately 30 minutas).

OpsEable: A compor.ent or system it operable when it is espable of rformin ', e intended function in a normal manner.

70;- J in t, e.qponent or sycLem is opearating when it is performing its

., 'nse ~ it' n in a normal manner.

+ z. r tes: Quantities are referenced to anbient tank water tempe>- - <ith the effect of Xenen *sening on the core activity smendment No. 4

3 ,

accountad for if greater than or equal to 0.051 ak/k. The reactivity worth of Samarium in the core vill not be included .'.n reactivity limita.

The reference core concition will be known as the cold, xenan free critical condition.

Reactor Operation: The Reactor in in operation when not all of the shim  ;

rods are fully interted and six or more fuel elements are loaded in the grid plate.

Reactor Safatv System: The reactor safety system is that ecmbination of .

measuring channels and associated circuitry that forms the autematic. i protective system of the reactor. ,

Reactor Secured The reactor is secured when (1) all shim rods ace i fully inserted. (2) the console key is in the off position and is removed from the lock, and (3) no work is in pregress in core involving fuel or experimants or maintenance of thw core structure, control rods, or control rod mechanisms.

Reactor Shutdown: The reactor is in a shutdown ;ondition when all shin reds are fully inserted. ,

Reportable Occurrence: A reportable occurrence is any of the conditions f I

described in Section 6.4.2 of these specifications.

I Secured Exeerimenet A secured experiment is any experiment,' experiment j t

facility, or component of an experisent that is held in a tationary position relative to the reactor by mechanicel means. The restraining .

i forces must be sufficient to overcome those to -hich the expepiment  !

might be subjected by hydraulic, pneumatic,* tuoyant or other ' forces that are not=al for the operating environment of the experiment.

6 Amendmc- No. 4 l.

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4 Shim Red: A shim rod is a control rod fabricated from borated stainless steel, which is used to compensate for fuel burnup, temperature, and poison effects. A shim rod is magnetically coupled to its drive unit allowing it to perfora the ft..etion of safety rod when the magnet is de-energized.

Surveill,ance Time Intervals Annual - Interval not to exceed 15 months Semi-annually - Interval not to exceed 7 1/2 nenths Quarterly - Interval not to exceed 4 conths Monthly .

Interval not to exceed 6 weeks k'eekly - Interval net to exceed 10 days Daily - =ust be done during the calendar day

,Tried Experiment: A tried experiment is (1) an experiment previously perfer=ed in this rsactor er (2) an experiment for which the size, shape, composition, and location does not differ signif.centiv enough from an experiment previously perfor=ed in this reacter to affect reactor refety.

True Value: The true value of a process variable is its actual val.e at any instant.


Applicabiliev: This specifica*. ion applies to the maximum t*.mperature of the fuel or fuel cladding that could cause the uncontrolled release of fis* ion product ac ivity.

Objee-ive: To assure that the reactor is operated in such a manner that the fuel cladding integrity is maintained to prevent an uncentialled release of ission p:oduct activity that could adversely affect facility personnel and the gene-al public.

Amendment No. 4

5 Specificgeton: The fuel consists of a U-AL alloy clad in aluminum. The safety 11=1: is specified as the melt'.ng point of the fuel or cladding which is 1220 F or 660'C.

Basis: The melting point of aluminum is that temperature at which the fuel integrity would be breached, thereby causing an uncontrolled release of fission product activity. With the low power operating restrictions of the CAVALIER and considering the consequences of abnormal events as analyzed in the SAR, there is virtually no possibility that this temperature could ever ba reached.

2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings Applicability: This specification applies to limitatiers on setpoints ,

pertaining to the thermal power level of the reactor and the water level above the fuel which woul initiate an autenttic shuco en of the reactor.

Objective: To assure that automatic protective act.ons tre initiated in a manner consistent with maxini:ing safety for the reactor operators and minimi:ing the chance for their exposure, or the exposure of the public.

to ioni:ing radiation.


Maximum Reactor Power Level 100 vater, Minimum Tank Water Level 6.25 feet above top of fuel Actual set-points may be set at more conservative values than chose specified above.

Bases: The limitations on reactor power leval and water height above the fuel was estab'ished by calculated raciation *.evels above the water 1ct:! of rh, moderator tank as developed in sect!.in 3.2 of the CAVALIER SAR. The water height of 6.25 feet veuld lead to a dose rate of about 60 mr/hr above the resce.or tank, at a pover level of 100 watts, which Anendment No. 4 e

6 would produce a radiation level in the control room work area which is significantly less chan 60 mr/hr (and 10 CFR Part 20 limits). The aceval set-points for these parameters are normally set much more conservatively than the specification limits. Operating experience over the past 10 years with the pever level at approximately 50 watts and the watet level at approximately 8 feet has indicated a dose rate at the top of the tank at approximately 4 mr/hr and less than 1.0 mr/hr in the control room area. .

3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 3.1 Fever Operation Aeplicability This specification applies to the average pcwer rating of the CAVALIER.

Objective Tu assure that the reacter is operated in a =anner consistent with maintenance of a low level of residual radicactivity in the fuel elements.

Specification The Average Power Rattng shall be less than 200 .att-hours / day whera the averaging period shall not exceed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Bases This rating sill limit production of fission preducts to a level less I than that analyzed in the Fiesion Product Released Section 9.4.4 of the CAVALIER SAR. This analysis indicates that the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> doses at the site boundary af ter a very unlike.y release cf fission products from the fuel


are within 10 CFR Part 20 averaged over a period of a year.

Amendment No. 4

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7 3.2 Reactivity Applicability These specffications apply to the reactivity condition of the reactor, and the reactivity worths of control rods and experiments.

Objective The objective is to assure that the reactor can be shut down safely at all times, even with an experiment failure.

Seecifications The following specificatiens apply to the reactivity conditions for reactor operation.

(1) The mini =um hutdevn margin provided by control tods with secured experi=ents in place and referred to tne cold. xenon free condition with the higbest worth control red fully withdrawn, is greater than 0.l."

ak/k. ,

(0) Any experiment with a reactivity verth greater :han 0.35" ak/k must be a secured experiment. '

(3) The total reactivity worth of all experiments is less than 1.6%

ak/k and the resetivity verth of a single experiment is limited to 0.5:


(4) *he excess reactivity including experiments in the core at any time shall be less than 1.6* ak/k.

(5) The Alternate Reactivity Insertion Syste= is operable.  !

l These conditions must be met ar all times with the follevirg l l


(a) *41th the ARIS system operable, the reactor ca; be operated up to 5 )

watts to =easure the reactivity worth of exper Ments.

(b) The reactor cay be operated up to 60 watts to calibrate conersi  ;

i reds, after a major core cenfiguration change, to determire if l l

Amendment No. 4

J specificctions 3.2.1 through 3.2.4 are met. The ARIS system aust be ,

operable during all op2racsous.

Bases The shut down margin required by Specification 3.2(1) La nacesr? ry so that the reactor can be shut down from any operating condition and that it vill remain shut down withco.t further operator action.

The teactivity limitations in Spacifica~ciens 3.2 (2) and (3) are based on the guidelines for"Development of Technical Spt:Af1?stions.for Experiments in Research Reactord'given in Regulatory Guid 2.2 as developed in the C/VAli!R SAR. The reactivity worth limitations of specifications 3.2 (2) for a secured experiment and 3.2 (3) for any  ;

single experiment 11=1r the T. actor period to altyroximately 2 seconds. ,

The reactivity of 1.6% ik/k in specification 3.!(4) corresponds to a 6.9 =illisecond pefied. Reactor core DU-12/2$ of ?.he SPEET-I sei'ies of tests had 12 place fuel elements containing 168 grams of U-235


substantially similsv to the CAVALIER fuel elements (R&ference -

Thompson and Beckerly, "Technology of Nuclear Reactor Safety," Volume I, i

~ 683 (1964)). A 6.9 tillisecond period was non-destructive te the SPIRT reactor when shut down immediately following the excursion. See Chapter 9 of the CAVALIER IA1.  ;

The boren additien capability cf the ARIS provides additienal assurance that the rea2to: can be thut down and maintAinsd subcritical 3

in the event of all icur constel rods failing to respond to a scrs=

signal. See section 9.4.6 of the CAVALIER SAR. i 3.3 Reseter Instruser.tation Applicability This specification applies to the instrumentation which most be operable )

for safe operation of the reactor.

Amendment No. 4 l

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, The objective is tu require that sufficient information is available to ,

tne operator to assure safe operation of the reactor.

Speeifict. tion The reactor shc11 not be operated unless the measuring channels described in the following table are operable and the information is ,

i displayed on the control console.

Measuring .nimum Operating Mode in Channel . Operable Which Recuired Startup Count Rate 2 Reactor Startup Linear Pevet (Gamma-Ion Chamber) 1 All Modes i Log N and Period (CIC) 1 All Modes Tank Top Radiation Monitor 1 All Modes Tank Water Level 1 All Modes Bases 1

The neutren detectors, and gaena monitors, provide assurance that reasurements of the reactor power level are'adequatel~ cevered at both icw and high power tanges. The reactor tank water level indicator prevides eaY17 warning of the possibility'of a leek in the Moderator '


The radiation monitor provides information to operating persennel of a decrease in tan't water level, or of high raactor power, or of any impending or existing denser from radiation, centamination, or streaming l i

allewing ample time to take necessary precautions to initiate safety I action.

3.4 Reactor Safoty_.Cystem Aeplicabilitu l 4$

This specification applies to the teactor eafety system channels.

Ubise_tivt j The objective is Go stipulate the minimum number of recetor safety i.

AMfade!nt Nos. 4 l


4 .

10 system channels that must be operable during normal operation.

Specification The reactor shall not be operated unless the safety system channels described in the following table are operable:

Operating Mode Measuring Minimum No. in Which Required Channel Operable Functio.. to be Operable Tank Water Level Monitor 1 deram All Modes Tank Top Radiation Monitor 1 Scram All Modes Startup Count e 2 To prevent control Reactor Startup rod withdrawal whan both channels read

<2 CPS Manual Switch 1 Scram All Modes Reactor Power Level (CIC) 1 Scrcm All Medes Reactor Power Level (Gamma) 1 Scram All Modes Reactor Period (C7C) 1 Scrrm All Mcdes at less chan 5 second period Reactor Period (Camma) 1 S ct '.c All Modes at less enan 5 second period Bases The startup interic;k which requires a neutron count rate of at least 2 CPS on at least one startup count rate channel before the reactor is operated, assures that sufficient neutrons are available for proper operation of the startup channel. Power level scrats are provided to assure that the reactor poser is maintained within the licensed limits.

The manual scram allows the operater to shut down the reactor if an unsafe or abnormal conditien arises. The peried scrans tre provided te Amendment No. 4

11 assure that the ;over level does not increase on a period less than 3 seconds. One period scram specified is the power level channel using ,

the compensated ion charbar and the other period scram utilizes a gamma sensitive chamber. Specifications on the tank water level scram are included as safety functions in the event of a serious loss of moderator tank vater The reactor would be shut down autematically in the event ,

that a major leak occurs in the tank. The analysis in fection 9.2 of the SAR for CAVALIER chovs the consequences resulting from loss of this water; and in this event the area could be evacuated without difficulty before significant doses are received by personnel.

The tank-top radiation monitor provides a scram and gives audible and visual warning in the event of a high radiation level in the reactor room rasulting, frem failure of an experiment, frem a significant drop in ,

i tank water level, or a higher than planned power level.

3.5 Llmitations en Fxperi=ents .

Apolic abilit y This sr ,1fication applies to experinents installed in reactor and its experimental facilities. ,

l Objective j The objective is to prevent damage to the reactor or excessive release of radioactive materials in the event of an experiment failure.

Specitiettions The following limits on experiments shall be =et at all tires:

P (1) The reactivity vorths of all experiments shall be in centor:ance 1

vich specifications in section 3.2.

(2) Movable experiment must be worth less than ,1% 4 4,'k .

Amendment No. 4

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12 (3) Experiments worth more than 0.1% ak/k must he inserted or removed with the reactor shutdown except as noted in item (4)'.

(4) Previously tried experiments with maasured worth less than 0.4%

ak/k may be inserted or removed with the reactot 2 or more suberitical.

(5) If any experiment worth more than 0.4% ak/k is to be inserted in the reactor, a precedure approved by the Reactor Safety Cemmittee shall be followed.

l (6) All materials to be irradiated in the reactor shall be either ,

corrosion resistant er en:apsulated within corrosion resistant containers.

(7) Irradiation containers to be used in the reactor in which a static pressure will exist or is which a pressure buildup is predicted shall be designed and tested for a pressure exceeding the saximum expected by a factor of .

(S) Explosive =aterial shall not be allowed in the reactor unless ,

specifically approved by the Reactor Sefety Ccemittee. Experiments reviewed by the Reactor Safety Committee d.n which the material is potentially explosive, either while contained or if it leaks from the '

container, shall be designed to prevent damage to the reactor c are er to the control rods or instrumentation, and to prevent any changes in reactivity.

(9) Experimental apparatus, material or equipment to be inserted in the -

3 reactor, shall not be positioned so as to cause shadowing of the nuclear 4 instrumentation, interference with the control rods, or other perturbations that may interfere with the sate operatien of the reacter, Bases The abote specified if=itations on experiments are based en the guidance given in Regulatory cuida 2.2 "9evelopment of Techni al Specttications Amendment No. 4 I

4 .. . , , . , . . . . . - - - - 4 _. 4 -. . ., . - - - , ,

13 for Experiments in Research Reactors" as developed in Section 6 of the CAVALIER SAR and concten conservative recuirements for protecting tha reactor from materials to be used in experiments. The reactivity of less than 0.1% ak/k which can be inserted or removed with the reactor in operation in specification 3.5(2) can be compensated for by manual operation of a control rod.

3.6 Operation with Fueled Experiments Applicabiliev This specificatien applies to the operation of the reactor with any fueled experiment. To assure that the fission product inventory in fueled experiments ,

are within the limits used in the safety analysis, i

Specification The reactor shall n;t be operated with fueled experiments unless l l

the following conditions are satisfied. j (1) The thermal power (or fissien rate) generated in the experiment is l less than 1 vatt (3.:x10 10 fission /second).

i (2) The total exposure of the experiment is not greater than the equivalent of 6 years centinuous operation at 100 watts.

Basis In the event of the failure of a fueled experiment, with the subsequent release of fission preducts (100: noble gas, 50% iodine, 1:

sclids), the 2 -hour inhalation expesures to iodine and strontium 90 isotopes at the facility exclusion distance, 70 meters, are less than the limits se. by 10 CFR Part 20, using an averaging period of 1 year.

Amendmert No. 4

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14 The analysis supporting this specification assumes 100" exfiltracien of fission products from the reactor building in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. The safety analysis is identical with that in Section 5.4 of the UVAR Safety Analysis Report for isotopes released to the reactor building in general (other than in the UVt.R reactor room). The CAVALIER is in the same building as the UVAR. The UVAR Safety Analysis Report is on recard with the Commission: UVAR-18 (October, 1970). License NO. R-66, Dockat No.

50-62. Due ce the limits on reactivity worth of experiments in the CAVALIER, i.e. 0.5" ak/k for a single experinent, it is highly unlikely that a 1 watt fueled experiment could ever be run, however this is considered an upper limit for the purposes of analysis.

2.7 Red Drop Times Applicability This specification applies to the time from the initiation of a scram to the time a red starts to drop (release time), and to the time it takes i I

for a red to drop frem the fully withdrawn to the fully inserted  !

position (free drop time).

Objective To assure that the reacter can be shut devn within a specified interval of time. l l

Specification l 1

The reactor shall not be operated unless: l l

(1) The release time for each of tiie shim rods is liss than 100  !

milliseconds, and 3 (2) The free drop time for each of the t,hiu rods is less than 700 milliseconds.

1 Amendment NO. 4 i

4 15 Bases Rod drop times as specified are sufficiently short to be censistent with the reactor period and neutron level scram settings to assure that the LSSS will not be exceeded in a short period transient as shewn in i

Section 9.3 of the CAVALIER-SAR.

3.8 , Alternative Reactivity Insertion System (ARIS)

Applicability This specification applies to the eierental boron in solution in the ARIS tank and to the ARIS isolation valve.

Objective To assure that the ARIS is capable of providing an alternative means of reactor shutdown during all reactor operations. ,

Specification The reactor shall not be operated _unless the folleving conditices exist:

(1) The volume of solution in the ARIS tank is greater than 24 gallons. ,

(2) The concentration of the boren is greater than 0.129 lb/ gal of solution.

(3) The ARIS valve is unlocked.

Bases The boron solution in the ARIS cank will normally be kept at a volume of 25 gal, and a concentration of 0.144 lb of boren per gallon of solution.

The combination of 24 gal. with a concentration of 0.1:9 lb of boren per gtllon of solution vill yield a total negative reactivity addition of 3.2% Ak/k when uniformly mixed with the water in the moderator tank.

'he requirenent that the ARIS valse be unlocked before reacter startups sill preclude unnecessary delay in the system initiation in case of ee d.

Amendrsnt No. 4 g ,,. - g -

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  • 4.0 SURVEII, LANCE RFOUIREMENTS 4,1 shim Rods Applicability This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the shim reds.

, objective To assure that the shim rods are capable of performing their functica i and that no significant physical degradation in the rods has occurred.

Specification (1) Shim red drop times shall be measured semi-annually. Shim red drop times shall also be measured if the centrol assembly is moved to a new i

position in the core or if maintenance is performed on the mechanism. l (2) The shim red reactivity worths shall be measured whenever the rods are installed in a new core configuration.

Bases, ,

The reactivity verth of the shim rods is measured to assure that the required shutdevn margin is available and to previde means for determining the reactivity vorchs of experiments inserted in the core.

The red drop times are measured to assute that they meet the requirements of section 3.7 of these Technical Specifications.

i 4.2 Reactor Safety System t i

Applicability This specification applies to the survei}1ance requirements for the  !

safety system reasuring channels and asscciated circuits of the reactor safety system.

4 Amendment No. 4 i

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' 17 Ob4ective The objective is to assure that the safety system is operable and capable of performing its intended function.

Specification (1) A channel test of each ef the reactor safety system channels shall be perfor=ed prior to each day's operation or prior to each operation extending more than one day. .

(2) A channel check of each of the reactor safety channels shall be perfor=ed daily when the reactor is in operation.

(3) A channel calibration of the reactor safety channels shall be performed semi-annually.

Bases The daily channel tests and channel checks will assure that the safety channels are operable. The semi-annual calibracten will per=it any long-term drift of the channels to be corrected.

l 4.3, Radiatien Menitorint Applicability This specification applies to the radiation monitor required by Section j 3.3 of these specifications.

Objective i

The object 1*is is to assure that the radiation renitor is operating and l 1

i to verify the apprepriate alarm setting.

3 Specification The operatien of the radiation eenitor and the position of its l associated alar = set point shall be verified daily during periods when l l

the reactor is in eperaticn. C;libration of the radiation monitoring l e r,uipment shall Fe perfor=ed semi-annually. l l

, Amendment No. 4 l


18 Eases Surveillance of the monitor equipment vill provide assurance that it is operable and that sufficient warning of a potential radiation hazard is available to permit corrective action before tolerances are exceeded.

4.4 Maintenance Applicability This specification applies to the surveillance req"iremencs following maintenance of control or safety syscams.

Objective The objective is to assure that a system is operable before being used after =.sintenance has been performed.

Specification Following maintenance or modificLtica of a control or safety system ccmponent, it shall be verified that the system is operable prior to its return to service.

Sases The intent cf the specification is to assure that work on th4 system or compenent has been properly carried out and that the system or ecmponent has been properly reinstalled or reconnected.

4.5 Alternative Reactivity Insertien Sys tes .( ARIS)

Acelicability This specification applies to the alternativt teactivity insertion system.

Objective To assure that the ARIS is operable e.nd can previde sufficient reactivity to put the reactor in a svberitical condition.

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Specification (1) Prior to each day's operation the volume of solution in the ARIS I tank shall .be verified, and the leak detection trap will be observed for ,

signs of leakage.

(2) The concentration of boron in the colttien shall be determined semiannually or after each make-up addition to the ARIS cank.

i (3) A flow test from the ARIS cank to the flanged tee will be pefformed annually and the results comoared to similar tests run at initial startup.

(a) The section of pipe frca the flanged tee to the bottes of the ,

4 eederator canr. will be blevn out with air annually..

i Bases ,

The daily verification and observation wit! previde a means of detecting l leakage from the ARIS into the r.cdsrator t4nk which could 44use l

unexpected reactivity fluctuations in the syften. The concentr*Eton of the boren in tha solution is de 6rmin=d periedically te assure that the ,

! ARIS is capable of providing a negrtive reactivity addition of 3.2*

4 Ak/k. The flow tests ard air tuscs will dancestrate that the ARIS valve is operable ae.d r. hat the pipes are frsa of ebstructions.

5.0 . DESIGN TEAT.UP.ES 5.1 Reacter Tuel Applicability _

This specifice, tion applies to the fuel elemen s used in the reactor core.

Obfect$ve Th6 ebjective is to assure that the fuel ele ents used ir the CAVALIER are the as taose censidered in the Safe:y Analysts Report.


Amendment No. 4

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Specificaticn The fuel elements shall be of the matarials testing reactor (MTR) type censisting of plates containiog highly enriched uranium alley fuel, clad with sluminum. There 3 hall be 12 fuel places containing ncminally 161 graes ef U-235 per element or 18 fuel places centaining ncminally 195 grams of Un225 per element in the stand (rd fuel alements. Thsee shall be six fuel plates containing neninally 82.5 gra:s of U-235. per element or nine fuel plates containing nominally 93 grams of U-235, per ale =ent in the control rod fuel ele ~ments. Partially loaded fuel eierents in which some of the fuel plates do not contain uranium eay be used. An experimental element in which individual fuel plates can be ,

removsd or inserted may also be used. The = ass of U-235 listed above refers ce the initial (zero burnup) loading.

Various core configurations conststing of any cembination of the abeve fuel ele =ents nay be used to acace=edate experiments, but the 1cadings shall always be such that the minimut: shutdown eargin and ,

excess reactivity as spect!ied in Section 3.2 of these specificaticns are not exceeded.

Bases Thase sa:e type fuel elemen;s have been run in the 'IVAR reactor at 2MW

. for mary years and would create no safety preble=a for the CAVALIER.

These specifications are consistent with the description of the fuel in the VVAR SAR.

5.2 Fuel Storare Applicobilitv  ;

< This specificatien applies to the storaFe of reactor fuel at times when t

it is not in the re.ctor core. i Amendment No. 4 i

v - e r t ,< -w -

21 Objective The objective is to assure that fuel which is being stored will not become supercritisal and s'111 not teach unsafe temperatures.

Seecification (1) All reactor fuel elements not in the reactor core shall be stored i in a geometric array where k,gg is less than 0.9 for all conditions of moderation.

(2) Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in an array which vill permit sufficient natural convection cooling by water or air such that the fuel element or fueled device surface temperature i vill not exceed the boiling point of water.

l Basis 6

  • 'ithin a these specifications, the fuel can be stored safelv under all ccnditions. the VVAR Storage facility was ccnstructed to meer there specifications and vill be used to store the CAVALIER elements.

6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organiration 6.1.1 Structure The reactor facility shall be an integral part of the School of ,

Enginscring and Applied Science of the University of Virginia. The organitational structure cf UVA relating to the reactor facility is sh vn in Figurs 6.1. The Chairman, Department of Nuclear Engineering 1

vill have overall responsibility for management of the facility (Level  !


Amendment No. 4 j  !

, l 1 l

22 6.1.2 Responsibility The Reactor Facility Director shall be responsible for the overall facility operation (Level 2). During periods when the Reactor Facility Director is absent, his responsibilities are delegated to the Reactor Supervisor (Level 3).

i l The Reactor Facility Director shall have at least a Bachelor of Science or Ingineering degree and have a crinimum of 5 years of nuclear experience. A graduate degree may fulfill 4 years of experience on a 1

one-fer-one time tasis.

The Reactor Supervisor shall be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the (* VAR and CAVALIER and for ensuring that all operations.are conducted in a safe canner and within the limits prescribed by the facility license and the provisions of the Reactor Safety Committee.

During periods when the Reactor Supervisor is absent, his respensibilities are delegated to a person holding a Senior Reactor Operator license (Level 4).

The Resetor Supervisor shall have the equivalent of a Bachelor of Science or Engineering degree and have at least 2 years of experience in Reacter Operations at this facility, or an equivalent facility, or at least 6 years of experience in Raactor Operations. Equivalent education or experience may be substituted for a degree. L'ithin nine months after being assigned to the position, the Reactor Supervisor shall obtain and maintain an NRC Senior Operator license.

6.1.3 Staffing

'4 hen the reactor is operating the following cenditions vill be met:

(1) A licensed Senior Reactor Operator or a licensed Reactor Operator shall be present at the reactor controls. however, a trainee may be Amendment No. 4

23 3 i

present at the controls if under the dire'.t supervision of Senior Reactor Operator or Reactor Operator in the control room. (2) A r licensed Senior Reactor Operator shall be on call, but not necessarily >

at the facility.

(3) At least one oth6r persen, not necessarily licensed to opercte the reactor, shall be present at the facility.

(4) Rearrangements of the cere or other nenroutine actions shall be i

supervised by a licensed Sonict Reactor Operator.

(5) A health physicist who is organizationally independent of the Reactor Facility Operations greups, as shown in Figure 6.1, shall be i responsible for radiological safety at the facility.

6.2 Feview and Audit There shall be a Reactor Safety Committee that shall review and audit i recctor operations to ensure that the facility is eperated in a canner consistent with public safety and within the ter=s of the facility ,

i license. The Reacter Safety Committee shall report to the President of l the University and advise the Chair =an Departnert of Nuclear Engineering, and the Reactor Tacility Director on there areas of i t

responsibility specified belev.

6.2.1 Cemposition and Qualification  ;

The Committee shall be composed of at least five members, one of whom shall be the Radiation Safety Of ficer of the University. No more than [

two members will be frem the organization responsible for Reactor i Operations. The membership of the Cermittee shall be such' as to  ;

maintain a degree of technical preficiency in areas relatica to reacter operation and reacter safety. j

' t Amendment No. 4 I 4

.-a ,


24 6.1.J Charter and Rules (1) A querum of the Cc==ittee shall censist of not 34ss than a majority of the full ce=mittee and shall include the Chair =an or his designee.

(2) The Co==ittee shall =est at least semiennually and shall be on call by the Chairman. ilinutes of al; meetings shall be disseminated :o responsible personnel as designated by the Committee Chairman.

(3) The Cc==1ttee shp.11 have a written statement defining such matters as the authority of the Committee, the subjects vit* *,n its purview. and other such administrative previsions as are required for effectivp functioning of the Cc==ittee.

6.2.3 Reviev Tunctien As a minimum the responsibilities of the Reactor Safety Co=mittee include:

(1) review and approval of uniried experinents and tests that are significantly different from those previously used or tested in the reaccer, as determined by the Facility Director.

(2) review and approval of changes to the reactor core, reactor systems or design feature that may affect the sefety of the reactor.

(3) review and approve all preposed scend=ents te the facility license, Technical Specifications, and changes to the standard cperating precedures (discussed in Section 6.3 of these specifications).

(4) ' review reportable occurrences and the actions taken to identify and i

correct the cause of the occurrsnces.

i (5) review significant eparating abnormalities er deviations trom ,

nor=al performance of f acility equipment tbst affect rLactor safety I (6) review reactor operation and audit the operational records for j i

cempliance with reacter procedures, Technical Specifications, and license provisions at least every two years. j Amendment No. 4 1


25 6.3 Operating Procedures '

i Written procedures, reviewed and approved by the Reactor Safety Compittee shall be in effect and followed for the items listed below. ,

These procedures shall be-adequate to ensure the safe operation of the raactor, but should not preclues the use of independent judgment and action should the situation require such.

(1) startup, operation, and shutdevn of the reactor.

(2) installation or removal of fuel elements, centrol rods, experimanes, and experimental facilities. ,

(3) actions to be taken te correct specific and foreseen potential g

malfunctions of systems or components, including rtsponses to alarms,

, i suspected system leaks and abnormal reactivity changes.  !

(4) emergency conditions involving potential or accusi release of radioatii"ity, including provisicas for evacuation, re-entry, recovery, and cedical support.

(5) preventive and corrective mainienance operations that could have an 1

i effect on reactor safety.

(6) periodic surveillance (inciulir.g test and calibration) of reactor

instrumentatien and safety systems. l l

Radiatien control procedures shall be maintained and made available to all operations personnel.  ;

i i Substantive changes to the a; proved procedures shall be mada enl/

vith the appreval of the Reactor fafety Committee. Changes that do not 4

change the original intent of the orocedures may be made with the 4

appreval cf the Facility Direr. tor. All such minor changes to proceduies shall be documented sad unbsequently revicyed by the Reactor Safety Committee.

Amendment No. 4 l

26 6.4 Reauired Actions 6.4.1 Action To Be Taken in the Event a Safeev Limit is Exceeded In the event a safety limit is violated, the following actions shall be taken; (1) The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operations shall not be resumed until authori:ed by the Co=1ssion.

(2) The occurrence shall be reported to the Reactor Facility Director and the Chairman of the Reactor Safety Committee, or their designee, as I seen as possible, but not later than the next verk day. Reports shall be made to the Co= mission in accordance with Section 6.6 of these spe :ifica tiens .

(3) A viitten safety limit violation report shall be made that shall include an analysis cf the causes of the violation and extent of resulting da= age to f acility cceponents, syste=s, or structures; corrective actions taken; and reco=endations for measures to preclude reoccurrence. This report shall be submitted to the Reactor Safety Cc==ittee for review.

6.4.2 Action To Be Taken in the Event of a Repertable Occurrence A reportable occurrence is any of the following conditions:

(1) any safety system setting less conservative than specified in Section 2.2 of these specifications.

(2) operating in violation of an LCO established in these specificatiens, unless prompt re=edial action is taken.

(3) safety system component =alfunctions or other ce=ponent or system malfunctions during reactor operation that ceuld, or threaten to, render the safety system incapable of performing its intended safety functien, unless i = ediate shutdevn of the reactor is initiated.

Amendment No. 4

h7 (4) an uncontrolled or unanticipated increase in reactivity in excess of 0.2% ak/k.

(5) an observed inadequacy in the implementation of either administrative or procedural controls, such that the inadequacy could have caused the existence or development of an unsafe condition in connection with the operation of the reactor.

(6) abnormal and significant degradation in reactor fuel, and/or cladding, coolant boundary, or containment boundary (excluding minor leaks) where applicable that could result in exceeding prescribed radiation-exposure limits of personnel and/or environment.

In the event of a reportable occurrence, the following action shall i

be taken:

(1) The Director of the Reactor Facility shall be notified as soon as possible and corrective action shall be taken before resuming the operation involved.

(2) A written report of the occurrence shall be made which shall I

include an analysis of the cause of the occurrence, the corrective action taken, and recommendations for measures to preclude or reduce the probability of reoccurrence. This report shall be submitted to the 1

Director and the Reactor Safety Committee for review.

(3) A report shall be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with Section 6.6 of these specifications.

6.5 CAVALIER Op+ rating Records In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, records (or logo) of the itens listed below shall be kept in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained as indicated.

Amendment No. 4

28  ;

t 6.5.1 Records To Be Retained for a Period of at Least Five Years r

(1) normal reactor operation ,

(2) principal maintenance activities ,

(3) experiments performed with the reactor (4) reporteble occurrences i (5) equipment and component surveillance activity . j.

(C) f acility radiation and contamination surveys (7) transfer of radioactive material (8) changes operating procedures 6.5.2 Records To Be Retained for the Life of the Facility (1) gaseous and liquid radioactive affluents released to the environs r (2) offsite environmental monitoring surveys (3) fuel inventories and transfers ,

(4) radiation exposures for xil personnel (5) changes to reactor systems, components, or equipment that may ,

affect reactor safety l (6) updated and corrected drawings of the facility  !

t (7) minutes of Reactor Safety Committee meetings r

6.6 Reporting Requirements In addition to the requirerents of applicable regulations (such as described in Regulatory Guide 10.1 "Compilation of Repos;ing ,

e Requirements for Persons Subject to NRC Regulations" and h*UREG-1022, i

"Licensee Event Report System"), reports should be made to the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Ccemission as follows: l 6.6.1 Specir. >< orts ,

(1) A phone ram report as soon as possible, but no later than j the next workit., cay, to the Office of Regional Administrator, N.R.C.

Amendment No. 4 I

2'9 Region II, 101 Marietta Street, N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30320, or current address.

(a) any accidental offsite release of radioactivity above permissible limits, whether or not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury, or exposure (b) Any reportable occurrences as defined in Section 6.4.2 of these specifications 1

(c) any violation of a safety limit '

(2) A written report within 14 days in writing to the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S.N.R.C. Washington, D.C. 20555, or current address ATTN: Document Control Desk with a copy to the Office of Regional Administrator, NRC Region II,101 Marietta Street, N.W.,

Atlanta, Ca. 30323, or current address:

(a) any accidental offsite release of radioactivity above permissible limits, whether or not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury, or exposure (b) any reportable occurrence as defined in Section 6.4.2 of these specifications (c) any violation of a safety limit (3) A written report within 30 days in writing to the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation US NRC, Washington D.C. 20555, or current address ATTN: Document Control Desk, with a copy to the Office of Regional Administrator, NRC, Region II, 101 Marietta Street N.W.

Atlanta, Ga. 30323 or current address :

l I

(a) any substantial variance from performance specifications contained in these specifications or in the SAR (b) any significant change in the transient or accident analyses Amendment No. 4

l 30 as described in the SAR (c) changes in personnel serving as Chairman of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Reactor Facility Director, or Reactor Supervisor (4) A written report within nine months after initial criticality of the reactor or within 90 days of completion of the startup test programs, whichever is earlier, to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, US NRC, Washington, D.C. 20555, or current address ATTN: Document Control Desk, upon receipt of a new facility license, an amendment to the license authorizing an increase in power level or the installation of a new core of a different design than previously used.

The report will include the measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics of the reactor under the new conditions, including (a) total control rod reactivity worth (b) reactivity worth of the single control rod of highest reactivity worth (c) minimum shutdown margin both at ambient and operating l

l Lemperatures 6.6.2 Routine Reports A routine written report will be made by March 31 of each year to the l

l Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, US NRC, Washington, D.C. 20555, or current address ATTN: Document control Desk, with a copy to the Office of Regional Administrator, NRC, Region II, 101 Marietta Street, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30323 or current address providing the following information:

(1) A narrative summary of ope. rating experience (including experiments performed) and of changes in facility design, performance Amendment No. 4

31 characteristics, and operating procedures related to the reactor safety occurring during the reporting period. (2) A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in vatt hours) and the number of hours the reactor was critical each quarter during the year.

(3) A report of the results of the safety-related maintenance and inspections. The reasons for corrective maintenance of safety-related items vill be included.

(4) A report of the number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including their reasons and the corrective actions taken.

(5) A summary cf changes to the facility or procedures, which affect reactor safety, and performance of tests or experiments carried out under the conditions of Section 50.59 of 10 CFR 50.

(6) A su= mary of the nature and amount of radioactive gaseos,. liquid and solid effluents released or dischanged to the environs bsyond the effective control of the licensee as measured or calculated at or prior to the point of such release or discharge.

(7) A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.

(8) A su=cary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel and visitors, including the dates and time of significant exposures (greater than 500 mram for adults and 50 mrem for persons under 18 years of age) and a su==ary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the f acility.

Amendment No. 4 l


DEAN, Scil 00L OF






0FFICER _] L _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _, 7 I F, ,





  1. 1D STAFF Figure 6.1 Organizational structure of UVA relating to reactor facility

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - . = _ ._- . - . . ._ . - - - _ . - - - - - -







1 i

i l

1 2


i l

l l


i I

FOREWORD j 1.0 DEFINITIONS ............................................ 1 2.0 CAVALIER POST-DISMANTLING STATUS ....................... 2 3.0 CONSOLE DECONFIGURATION ................................ 2 4.0 FUEL STORAGE ........................................... 3 ,

i 5.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS .............................. 3 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS .............. ................. 4 7.0 CAVALIER RECORDS ....................................... 6 8.0 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ................................. 6 1

5 i


FOREWORD The proposed (and very short) new CAVALIER Technical Specifications, formulated for applicability during the post-dismantling possession-only license period, are based on the very small potential for health, safety and environmental impacts posed by a dismantled CAVALIER facility. The discussion presented in the dismantling plan for the CAVALIER, and presented to the NRC in conjunction with this proposal (Nov. 1987),

suggests that the radiation exposures of Reactor Facility personnel and the public following the CAVALIER reactor dismantling will be ALARA. These exposures will also be very small fractions of the respective federal limits and guidelines (10 CFR 20).

Upon the conclusion of the dismantling operations for the CAVALIER (determined by a final Hp survey of the CAVALIER room yielding acceptable results), the NRC approved new CAVALIER Technical Specifications will totally replace the original CAVALIER Technical Specifications.

Conceivably, if the CAVALIER is ever "resurrected", the original Technical Specifications may be used as a basis for a third revision to specifications. It is a fair assumption that a resurrected CAVALIER would have to operate with low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. However, the most likely scenario is for a completed decommissioning of the CAVALIER to occur in conjunction with a decommissioning of the UVAR reactor. A decommissioning date for the UVAR has not been established.

l l


1  ;

1.0 DEFINITIONS The definitions listed in the original CAVALIER Technical Specifications are not applicable to the dismantled reactor, which can not be operated.

l Post-Dismantling Terms  ;

r Decommissionino: Decommissioning of a nuclear facility means to safely remove the property from radioactive service and to dispose of residual radioactive materials. The level of any residual radioactivity remaining on the property after decommissioning must be low enough to allow unrestricted use of the property (from NUREG/CR-1756, Vol.1, page 2-1).

Possession-only License: A possession-only license permits various options and procedures for decommissioning, such as mothballing, entombment, or dismantlina (from Regulatory Guide 1.86 on "Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors").

Dismantlina: The dismantling of a nuclear reactor can be accomplished by the removal of all equipment, materials and ,

structures that are radioactive at levels greater than permitted for unrestricted use of the property. (In the case of the CAVALIER, dismantling can be accomplished by the removal of all  ;

fuel elements from the core, disabling the CAVALIER reactor ,

console to make it inoperable, disposal of unusable radioactive components (the form for which is at the discretion of the {'

licensee) and storage or re-use of the remaining parts in other radiation related experiments at the U. Va. Reactor Facility.) i Time Intervals:

Annual - Interval not to exceed 15 months Semi-annually - Interval not to exceed 7 and 1/2 months Quarterly - Interval not to exceed 4 months Monthly - Interval not to exceed 6 weeks Weekly - Interval not to exceed 10 days 1

Daily - Performed during the calender day l

2 2.0 CAVALIER POST-DISMANTLING STATUS Aeolicability and obiectives This specification applies to the period during which the licensee will have an NRC possession-only license for the CAVALIER. The objective is to assure that the CAVALIER will not be operational nor operate in this time period.

Soecification Following the dismantling of the CAVALIER, as per an NRC approved dismantling plan, this reactor shall not be reassembled without the licensee requesting and obtaining NRC permission and approval for an upgrade of the possession-only license to an operating license.

Basis A dismantled reactor which is not reassembled can not become operational under any circumstances.

3.0 CONSOLE DECONFIGURATION Aeolicability and Purpose This specification applies to the CAVALIER reactor console i after the dismantling of the reactor. Its purpose is to assure that the CAVALIER will not be operable while under tha permission-only license.

Soecification The reactor console will be disconnected electrically from the CAVALIER reactor core radiation sensors and power sources, and then separated as necessary into modular components. The console will be deconfigured as an operable reactor console, to the extent that the following reactor measuring channels will not exist: start-up count rate, linear power, log N and reactor period. The console frame and some components may be reconfigured for utilization in other experiments or facilities at the Reactor Facility, without restrictions. The console and its components may also be stored for an eventual reconsideration of the CAVALIER status, at the discretion of the licensee.

3 Basis A disconnected and deconfigured reactor console will not be j operational under any circumstance. '

r 4.0 FUEL STORAGE Aeolicability and Obiectives This specification applies to the storage of reactor fuel at times when it is not in a reactor core, to assure that it will not become supercritical and will not reach unsafe temperatures.

CAVALIER fuel elements will be transferred to the UVAR license at the time of dismantling and removal from the CAVALIER core.

goecifications (1) Reactor fuel elements not in CAVALIER or UVAR reactor cores shall be stored in a geometric array where the k gg is less than 0.9 for all conditions of neutron moderation. l (2) Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be  !

stored in an array which will permit sufficient natural convection cooling by water or air such that the fuel element or fueled device surface temperature will not exceed the boiling point of water.

Basis ~

These specifications assure that CAVALIER /UVAR reactor fuel elements can be stored under all conditions. The Reactor Facility's fuel storage room was constructed to meet these specifications. It has been used in the past to store both fresh UVAR and fresh or irradiated CAVALIER fuel, and can continue to '

be used in the future for these purposes. Also, there are fuel storage racks it. the UVAR pool which meet the specifications ,

listed above.

l I

5.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Aeolicability and Obiectives Surveillance of the CAVALIER room shall be performed in accordance with its current purpose and use. The objective is the maintenance of building security and safety.

4 Soecificati2D Security and health physics surveillance requirements described in UVAR SOP's, and applicable to the Reactor Facility as an integral unit, shall be met for the CAVALIER room.


The CAVALIER room may be used as an all purpose laboratory, or designated specifically for radiation experiments, following the CAVALIER dismantling.

Basis l The CAVALIER room will be obliged to remain a restricted access area, by virtue of it being located in the Reactor Facility. The performance of experiments involving radioactive materials or the establishment of other radiation producing facilities in the available space is consistent with its location.

l 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organization The Reactor Facility shall be an integral part of the School of Engineering and Applied Science of the University of Virginia.

The organizational structure of the Reactor Facility is shown in Figure 6.1.

6.1.2 Responsibility The Reactor Director shall be responsible for the overall operation of the Reactor Facility. During periods when the Director is absent, his responsibilities are delegated to the Reactor Supervisor or the Reactor Administrator. 1 The Reactor Director shall have at least a Bachelor of Science or Engineering degree and have a minimum of 5 years of nuclear experience. A graduate degcee may fulfill 4 years of experience on a one-for-one basis.

i 1


5 The Reactor Supervisor shall be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the UVAR and the management of the CAVALIER possession-only license. He shall insure that all operations are conducted in a safe manner and within the limits prescribed by the facility license and the provisions of the Reactor Safety Committee. During periods when the Reactor Supervisor is absent, his responsibilities are delegated to a person holding a Senior Reactor Operator License.

The Reactor Administrator shall be responsible for the long-range planning of reactor activities and for maintaining facility documents and records. He shall strive to insure that reactor operations are conducted in a safe manner and according to federal regulatory and facility license requirements.

The Reactor Supervisor and the Reactor Administrator <

shall have the equivalent of a Bachelor of Engineering or '

Science degree and have at least 2 years of experience in Reactor Operations at this facility, or an equivalent facility, or at least 6 years of experience in Reactor '

Operations. Equivalent education or experience may be 1 substituted for a degree. Within nine months after being '

assigned to the position, the Reactor Supervisor or l Administrator shall obtain and maintain an NRC Senior Operator License.

1 I

6.1.3 Staffing The Reactor Facility staff will have NRC licensed reactor operators among its members. Only licensed operators, or trainees under the supervision of licensed operators, may engage in the management of reactor fuel. A health physicist, who is independent of the Reactor Facility operations group, shall be responsible for radiological safety at the Reactor Facility.

I 6.2 Reactor Safety Committee There shall be a Reactor Safety Committee (RSC) to review and audit operations undertaken under the NRC license. The  ;

purpose of the reviews and audits are to assure that operations I are done in a manner consistent with the public safety and within the terms of the license. The Reactor Safety Committee shall report to the President of the University and advise the Reactor l Facility Director.

i 6

6.2.1 RSC Composition and Qualification As described in the Reactor Safety Committee charter, the committee shall be composed of at least five members, one of whom shall be the Radiation Safety Officer of the University. No more than two members will be from The the organization responsible for Reactor Operations.

membership of the Committee shall be such as operation and reactor safety.

7.0 CAVALIER RECORDS Records or logs of CAVALIER operation and dismantling shallReactor be kept as required by applicable regulations.

radiation and contamination surveys, and radiation of transfer of exposures five years. Fuel inventories and transfers,and minutes of Reactor Safety to personnel, will be retained for the duration of an NRC license for the CAVALIER.

8.0 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The dismantling of the CAVALIER will be described in the Reactor Facility's Annual Report issued for the year during which Future utilization of the CAVALIER the operation was concluded. room may be described iin subseque copies of which are sent to the NRC, The number of reports sent and the NRC addressen to be used w ll be in accordance with the 10 CFR regulations.



.. 7 oeeT. or NE a EP RAD. SAFETY OFFICER  :


l REACTCR H.P. l - 7es

Reactor Factitty

- a e

- e I





Nc . R... Op. Machine Shop Nc . R... S n. Op.

Lob. Nuc. R .. Op.


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