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Requests Permission to Submit New Contention to Petition to Intervene.Contends That W/Passage of Amend 4 to Tx Constitution,Solar & Wind Technologies Have Become Econ Feasible & Could Be in Use by 1985
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/1978
From: Potthoff F
NUDOCS 7812050352
Download: ML20148T575 (3)


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In the Mattar of nk:nas. ton Lightin6 k Power Cymr j (A11ana creek M1 anr Generattn6 Station, Unit L)  ;

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  • g7 NEC FUE2 DCCU'55I DCOM 3 g 67 91 2 g


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SUHMIITED BY F d. POTTh0FF III c .. , ., ,, m

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i I respectfully request I be. allowed to submit a new con--

s j tention to my peti. tion to. intervene. I realize this is several

! days af ter. the- prehearing conf erence, but I shall seyeral reasons. as to why my new contention should be accepted, re. f CFB 2.714(d)v l As you may know, Nov. 7 was electLon day throughout tha )

U.S.A. In Texas, the. citizens of the. state not only voted on  !


state, local, and. congressional offices, but were also asked to approve. or deny several. admendments to. oun consti.tution, the Texas Constitution of 1876, One. of thema admendments was Ad-memiment 4., which stated the; legislature would be. allowed to exempt solan ami wind equipment f rom taxes (Sal an, property, wtc.) The. people: of Texas approved this admandment two to l


one (see The Houston Post., Rev. 8,1978, page ona.)

In the. supplement to the. FES (S.9), i.t 1.s stated that caal l .

is the only viable. citernative .to. the. A11ans creek nuclear plant, mai.nly because. curnent alternatives. (wind and solar) are. too expensive to. he commercially feasible or are. only in expenimental. stages (pp. S.9. 6 to S.9-9, listings under head-ing Solar Power.) It is my contention that with passage of  !


Admemiment 4 na Nax.7, solan ani wind technologies have. the  !

potestial cf ecor=Measihilithmi could be in uea by 1985, 78120503 G .

the. date: ACNGP wi.ll come- on lina. For av =ple, the. supplement l l

on page: S.9 7, unien banding Photo. voltaic conversion, states j

, the: purchase price: of a414 non solar cells la about $20000 per kilowatt 4 In the No.v. 3,1977 issue; of Ball ing Stona, Joa Km n statea that as of that date_ silicon solar cells cost between

$15 to. S25 per watt (41500 to 42500 per kiinwatt,.) so apparently a

photovoltaic cells are hecoming lesa expensive, and now with the -possi.bility of their manuf actura, aale, and use heing tax exempt., photovoltaic could. become a f easibl a 1

1 nuclean power and A11 ann Creeb Alao, tha supplement states on l paga S.9-7,. top, that wind powen is not considered a viable alternative by the staff before. the- mid 1980s. because. of lack 4

of " . .c omme rc ial availab i l ity . . " I submit that admendment le, making solar and wind equipment tax exempt, wi.ll encourage the  !

1 developement of wind power and make if feasibi a by the mid 1980s, when Allens. Creek will. coma on line, I contend also this will be 4

true: for ocean thermal gradients and will make them feasible by ,

1 the nid 1980s.' l 1

If Admendment 4 will make. these. alternatives economically viableiby the mid 1980s, I contend they are more. environmental ly sound than nuclear plants. and the. ACNGP, and therefore are mare desirabla. ThgE Atomic Licensing, as Safety Board ahould deny the. permit to constnuct ACNGP, Unit is IIs I ask the Staff ani the ALSB to accept this admaniment to mytontentiona, avan though it is lata. Unier CFB 2,714(d),

! I believe- I have. good reasons to file. this late, namely:

l 1: My originaT auppl-nt ta my petitton to intervena had to

. - J

be in by Mas. 2.: The people. of Texas voted in Admana"nt 4 on Nov. 7.

2 It is the duty of the.Md to.1.nvestigat and rule on all developements concerning the ACNGP, even if these developements occur late.:

}. If vtable alternatives. the ACNGP, the.ASLB has a duty to decide Lf they are preferrable. to the plant For these. reasons., I hopa the_ ASLB would allow me to fila this admendment to my contentions. -

1 An American y4 a taxpayer,

)  ! /(lI!' (Mw<


_. T c-F.E. Pot theff iII a

1814 Pina Vill age. Dr.

Houston T n an 77080 f 713 M54465 i


