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Procedure 64704, Fire Protection/Prevention Program Implementation. Same Procedure Issued on 810815 Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/01/1981
Shared Package
ML20148G993 List:
FOIA-88-92 64704, NUDOCS 8803290291
Download: ML20148H016 (8)


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Fire Protection / Prevention Program Implementation Procedure No.: 64704 Issue Date: 7/i f SECTION I INSPECTION OBJECTIVE Ascertain whether the licensee is implementing a program for fire protection and prevention that is in conformance with regulatory requirements, commit- ,

ments in the applicstion and industry guides and standards.


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Fire Protection / Prevention Program

, implementation

. . SECTION 11


Procedure No.:_ 64704 issue Date: 7/1/81 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS

1. Facility Tour and Observation of Work Activities
a. Combustible materials are properly controlled in safety-related areas.
b. Flammable and combustible liquid and gas usage is restricted or properly controlled in areas containing safety-related equipment and components.
c. Welding and cutting operations and other activities involving open flame ignition sources in safety-related areas are properly controlled by a work permit and operations are properly safeguarded. (Observe approximately three activities utilizing open flame ignition sources, if possible, to verify that the provisions of approved procedure are being followed.)
d. Housekeeping is properly maintained in safety-related areas,
e. Fire brigade training sessions and drills are being conducted at specified intervals. (Observe, if possible, a fire drill or training session.)
f. Fire brigade equipment including the emergency breathing apparatus is properly stored and maintained.
g. Fire protection systems and equipment installed for protection of safety-related areas are functional, properly maintained and tested in accordance with the requirements specified in the Technical Specifica-tions.
h. Construction or maintenance activities in progress should be evaluated to verify that the operations adhere to the approved work authorization.
2. Review of Records Review pertinent records relative to the fire protection / prevention program and ascertain whether records meet established procedures and reflect conditions and accomplishments in the following areas:
a. Fire brigade membership roster
b. Fire brigade training ad drill records
c. Fire brigade equipment inventory I
d. Fire protection systems and equipment surveillance inspection and tests data
e. Reports of fire prevention inspections performed by licensee, fire insurar.ce inspectors or consultants (verify that applicable deficiencies were reported to the NRC as required by Technical Specifications)
f. Audit reports of fire protection / prevention prograrn.


Fire Protection / Prevention Program

, Implementation

. Procedure flo.: 647_0.4 Issue Date:

_ _7/1/81 SECTION III INSPECTION GUIDAN_CE Specific Guidan_ce 1.b The use of combustible scaffolding, shoring and forms within a structure greatly increases the potential for fire due to the inherent fire hazards normally associated with construction or maintenance activities. All combustible scaffolding, temporary buildings and structures, forms, shoring, etc. , must be prohibited from safety-related areas.

NFPA-30 provided guidance on the use and storage of flamable and combustible liquids. The following items should be incorporated into the licensee procedure:  ;

(a) locate bulk storage of flamable and combustible liquids aid gas I in a building located at least 50 feet from any pennanent building or structure.

(b) Restrict quantity of flamable and combustible liquids inside l structures to meet the requirements of one shift's operations. ,

~)  !

(c) Use closed containers, as far as possible, for the storage and j handling of flammable liquids.

(d) Use safety cans for storing and dispensing small quantities of flamable liquids inside building or structures. ,

(e) Provide adequate ventilation for operations involving the applica-tion of materials containing flamable solvents.  !

1.c The following should be observed when using open flame ignition sources:

(a) Cutting, Welding and Grinding Processes  !

Cutting and welding operations in progress must be authorized by )

an appropriate permit to insure that combustibles have been moved l at least 35' away from the operations or are properly covered, and a fire watchman with extinguisher is posted for the duration 1 of the work and for 30 minutes thereafter to see that sparks or i drops of hot metal do not start fires. Additional fire watchmen may be required during cutting and welding operations where l sparks or molten metal may drop several floors to areas con- l taining significant quantities of combustible materials. 1 NFPA-51B, Cutting and Welding Processing, includes provisions for safeguardings the hazards associated with welding and cutting  ;

g operations.


. Fire Protection / Prevention Program

. Implementation Procedure No.:__ 64704 Issue Date: 7/1/81 ,

(10) Witness a surveillance test on at least one system if possible.

2.f There are three fire protection audits required by the Technical Speci-fication. These are an annual audit to be conducted by an offsite fire protection specialist eithe* on the licensee's corporate staff or a consultant; a 24 month audit by the licensee's QA organization; and, a three year independent audit to be conducted by a outside consulting fire protection firm.

References 10 CFR Appendix B SAR Chapters 3, 9 and 17, including pertinent codes and standards referenced in these chapters NRC Fire Protection SER Regulatory Guide 1.39 Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Regulatory Guide 1.120 Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants f ,)NRC Technical Position BTP 9.5-1, Fire Protection Program NRC Appendix A to Branch Technical Position 9.5-1, Fire Protection Program NRC Document, "Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Adminis-trative Controls and Quality As:urance" NFPA Codes referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.120 and in some Technical Specifications NFPA-803, Nuclear Power Plants Facility Technical Specifications Facility Fire Hazard Analysis Report

, BNL-NUREG 26739 The Methodology of Manual Fire Fighting as Applied to Operation Nuclear Power Plants I

111-3  ;

3.. t t (, y . * -

.. Fire Pro 2ection/Prevontion Procram Implementation Procedure No.: 64704 Issue Date: 8-15-81 SECTION I INSPECTION OBJECTIVE Ascertain whether the licensee is implementing a program for fire protection and prevention that is in conformance with regulatory requirements, commit-ments in the application and industry guides and standards.

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, fire Protection / Prevention Program ,

. Implementation ,

Procedure No.: 64704 issue Date: ~ BIT 5-81 SECTION 11 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS

1. Facility Tour and Observation of Work Activities
a. Combustible mater f als are properly controlled in safety-related areas.
b. Flammable and combustible liquid and gas usage is restricted or properly-controlled in areas containing safety-related equipment and components,
c. Welding and cutting operations and other activities involving open flame ignition sources in safety-related areas are properly controlled by a work permit and operations are properly safeguarded. (Observe approximately three activities utilizing open flame ignition sources, if possible, to verify that the provisions of approved procedure are being followed.)
d. Housekeeping is properly maintained in safety-related areas,
e. Fire brigade training sessions and drills are being conducted at specified intervals. (Observe, if possible, a fire drill or training session.)
f. Fire brigade equipment including the emergency breathing apparatus is


properly stored and maintained.


g. Fire protection systems and equipment installed for protection of safety-related areas are functional, properly maintained and tested in accordance with the requirements specified in the Technical Specifica-tions.
h. Construction or maintenance activities in progress should be evaluated to verify that tne operations adhere to the approved work authorization.

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i 11-1

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- fire Protection / Prevention Program

- Implementation Procedure No.: 64704 Issue Date: 8-15-81 SECTION 111 INSPECTION GUIDANCE PAS Reduction if a PAS inspection has been completed with a PAS finding of average or above in the area of fire protection, the requirements listed in Section 11 need not be completed for the ensuing 12 months following the PAS inspection.

Specific Guidance 1.b The use of cocbustible scaffolding, shoring and forms within a structure greatly increases the potential for fire due to the inherit fire hazards normally associated with construction or maintenance activities. All combustible scaffolding, temporary buildings and structures, forns, shoring, etc., must be prohibited from safety-related areas.

NFPA-30 provided guidance on the use and storage of flamable and com-bustible liquids. The following items should be incorporated into the licensee procedure:

(a) locate bulk storage of flammable and conbustible liquids and gas

) in a building located at least 50 feet from any permanent building or structure.

(b) Restrict quantity of flamable and combustible liquids inside structures to meet the requirements of one shif t's operations.

(c) Use closed containers, as far as possible, for the storage and handling of flarmable liquids.

(d) Use safety cans for storing and dispensing snall quantities of flamable liquids inside buildings or structures.

(e) Provide adequate ventilation for operations involving the apolica-

.. tion of materials containing flamable solvents.

l.c The following should be observed when using open flame ignition sources:

(a) Cutting, Welding and Grinding Processes Cutting and welding operations in progress cust be authorized by an appropriate permit to insure that combustibles have been moved at least 35' away from the operations or are properly covered, ard a fire watchnan with extinguisher is costed for the duration of the work and for 30 minutes thereaf ter to see that sparks or drops of hot metal do not start fires. Additional fire watchmen may be required during cutting and welding operati,ons where sparks or molten metal may drop several floors to areas containing significant

( quantities of combustible materials. NFPA-518, Cutting and Welding Processing, includes provisions for safeguardings the ha:ards asso-ciated with welding and cutting operations.


a w Fire Protection / Prevention Program

, f- Impleren ta tion Procecure No.: 64704 1ssue Date: 8-15-BI (9) General condition of devices: pressure gauges read in acceptable range, water extinguishers filled, nozzles free as indicated by visual inspection, etc.

j (10) Witness a surveillance test on at least one system if possible.  ;

References a.

10 CFR Appendix B SAR Chapters 3, 9, and 17, including pertinent codes and standards referented -

in these chapters --

NRC Fire Protection SER ,

Regulatory Guide 1.39 Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled Nuclear-Power Plants Regulatory Guide 1.120, Fire Protection Guidelines fot Nuclear Power Plants NRC Branch Techr.ical Position BTP 9.5-1, Fire Protection Program  !

NRC Appendix A to Branch Technical Position 9.5-1, Fire Protection Program NRC Document, "Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Adminis- ,

I trative Controls and Quality Assurance" NFPA Codes referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.120 and in sone Technical Specifications NFPA-803, Nuclear Power Plants f acility Technical Specifications Facility Fire Hazard Analysis Report BNL-NUREG 26739 The Methodology of Manual Fire Fighting as Applied to Operation Nuclear Power Plants 111-3


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