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Fy 1998 Regional Operating Plan for Region II
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/02/1998
Shared Package
ML20216B889 List:
PROC-980430-01, PROC-980430-1, NUDOCS 9804140362
Download: ML20216C204 (45)



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In accordance with the Office of Managenent and Budget. Circular No. A-11. the contents of this docwent are not publicly releasable. Requests for the docwent should be referred to the Director. Division of Resource and Adninistration. Region II. USNRC.

i .

i I'

9804140362 980402 PDR ORG NOMA PDR _



1. Program Area: Reactor Licensing I
2. Program Area: Reactor Inspection 4
3. Program Area: Reactor Performance Assessment 17
4. Program Area: Fuel Facilities Licensing & Inspection 21
5. Program Area: Nuclear Materials Users 40 Licensing & Inspection
6. Program Area: State Programs 56
7. Program Area: Reactor / Materials 58 Enforcement Actions

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'" The Region II Operating Plan provides'the major planned accomplishments of the Region for Fiscal Yea' r 1998. -It also ]rovides projected resources through the Fiscal Year 2000, The plan reflects tie guidance provided by the ED0 in an August 26. 1997. memorandum. The plan will be used to provide overall direction for Regional operations. It is structured to show a direct linkage to the goals and strat5gies described in the NRC Strategic Plan (M'UREG-1614.

Vol.1. September 1997) and FY1999 Performance Plan (Issued September 1997).

The Operating Plan is divided into two major parts: Part A is divided into two sections.Section I lists the planned accomplishments with performance output measures and targets that will be conducted in the Region. They are organized first by Program Area. Within each Area, the planned acct iplishments are listed under each FY1999 Performance Plan Goal and Strategic Plan Strategy so that the reader and user can visualize a direct

-link to'the' goals and strategies.Section II lists the significant regulatory

- effectiveness / excellence initiatives that will be conducted by the Region.

Part B provides the Regional / Organization Activities planned by the Region.

O in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget. Circular No. A-11. the contents of this document are not publicly releasable. Requests for the document should be referred to the Director. Division of Resource and Administration. Region 11. USNRC.


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3ER 0RvANCE _ A\ GOA_S l

V 3

REACTOR LICENSING PROGRAM A.. Resources ga,, [EFfF,Yr1998hy;(.y $9gY 1999gt:h? $(F.,Yg0002fg ME+cicGA::3cgg PS'$(k) FTEp.. l .PS $(k)

. FTE.1,c _PS,$(k)3 .FTE k .-


.-> ,w-~ .-@ _. s . ,5A, ,. 21 1_5.1 - u.Q M 2,.3 Exam 15),ngReacto Operator.s@l1E2 2.;n g gwg g ,2fq-

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B. Goals / Planned Accomplishments / Output Heasures By Strategic Arena

1. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Reactor Safety


Segeisl ?Gdal ??;%Prhvent e rad fati on~ 'rel hted ideaths'br".~.ill nes se s Tds~eit6p.WO

-a.,9er~ .,.c-

,e._civ.111an nucleardre'act6rs0(Go'alLI)---- -

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Performance. Goals;psig,qqf;W5;[.i-gm/;.g??%f"m HQtr5%+;djprM ,


  • ~ Ze&roWcivilian Y M SnEcv.~aa? nuclear reactor T V & A.. m . J-r v c.tiilkaccidents-(Goal .Q '
  • I)P"- -- - - -

. % ...w.4 - .e. .

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-..-. % ....~ ,

  • - 4Maintaiinalow) frequency.of e' vents%hich~'could leaditcsaisevere'laccident

% 1(Goal.'I; A.1)T */~ * . "e " : " ' ' .

M,.  : . +&M.c .e:

. y .~ n ::E :.' ~


  • ~ ^07ero deaths due to radiation:oriradioactivity releases from civilian nuclear ~ rea'ctors ~~(GoaTI . A) ~-"'~ ~"~~ ~ ~ ~"'"'" ~ ~ ' ~ ~

. m ..u : m : .. w ..

  • Zero significant radiation exposures due to civilian nuclear reactors e(Goal. I.B.1);.; .>.;: -. .. -

Strategy NRS'1.1 -

Assure that licensees discharge their primary "a.t. e .

n WW responsibility}fori.

conducting -shfe~.uperations.

Substrategy NRS 11:3 TRegDlarly assess,tobjectivsly measur~ e ,7andireportin

,;-Kr5.?.C. C * .111 cense' es.'. performance' fuse this tinformation -to .

- w; t .Ea.w . m). ,.. identify. adverse' safety; trends.and tosidentify-ear-ly individual plants with declining.p'erformance.

Increase our regulatory attention o'n tho's'6'liceris'ees '

. < - . - - . ^

with marginal performance, including halting . ,


operations if perfor' mance-falls' below an acceatable level.' and distributirig inspection resources aased on licensee performance. I 1

l 1

i l

V Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Meet licensee demand for initial operator license examinations.

Measure: Percentage of requested examinations that are conducted. (Target: Conduct 90 percent of requested examinations) ,

2. Strategic Arena: . Excellence _.



!#bil owlthe1NatlorHtojsa fejyful ',,nucleaRmatsrjil grim'.willibe s,tf6r efficisntila

,g.zgry. ; /s ac1Villen .purposesfefformancei. Goal . 2(CoalfVII) 6 +: 1 _:qs.%

'.T > n! ~ " .

'~%; 6M:543.W:.f W@@f  :*2l Performance-GoalsiMg: Id:.F!r51 4 :N.Md49jylhlD$.Xl ldh?FMidNfIhh=?T n

n.s:w. : n.h ""


  • If!Implemen;;tithejag;en_cy[s;planifor: regula' thrycexcellencern. .. Q. .. ~ -;

4 ..;"...n x : D . ' (GoallVII)

J W;&r:% d:

EUhluatefan'ddmp~lement?neededfimprovements forf ICNdrir6'ciss'es'i.bylD01y':1E1999 W (G6al ?VII?BF#;":fl 0e'maj6r2NRC* Am '

% W*s96 4

  1. 35 We t sil biake r regul atory : exc~el l enc'elth~eYc6rn~ erst 6ned Sipath'g@y*EXi7?lI@

e%w @M& NRM.'foi o alif f ourcstratsgiesv and:acti'itiesI&iC Substrategy@Xd;i:1f1:3MWe;williproactivelneximine.our/

programs;sndk : Sg

- _ performance in order to improve the way we:do our.-



' work through comprehensive, systematic; agency-wide

,c. -Z . zw . program assessment and-improvement.

Planned Accomplishments:

EX Conduct quarterly self-assessments of operator licensing performance on the basis of specific criteria with performance measures to ensure programs meet management expectations for on site, on time. and on target.

Measure: Coqq1etion of self-assessment each quarter (Target: One per quarter)

Substrateg~ y:EX7T2:7We':wil.ldmple' ment changes'.toimprove:thetOfl.p" gp effectiydness:andfeffic d_N. 7 /. :.@r 'N. .6,g. p'rograms1nd our; mentmanage.iency of our,;reguldtory and support activities. '

Planned Accomplishments:

EX Implement changes to internal processes on the basis of lessons learned and the results of self-assessments in FY1997.


o Measure
Number of changes / improvements implemented (Target: 2 process changes in FY98)

Substrategy EX'7.1.4: Provide training and

. ....w._ ,.w

..,.. %,c.s .~.< , .Jna.hle us to,lchievp_ excellence;in out,,..organiiat'iona a

Planned Accomplishments:

EX 7.'1.4.1 Plan and implement training in accordance with MC 1245 requirements or operator _ examiner standards. ._ .

Measure: Individual training requirements that meet all MC 1245 requirements or operator examiner.

standards. (Target: MC 1245 requirments met for refresher training in 90 percent of cases:

-required non-ter.'uso' cal training complete in 90 percent of casts)

EX Complete the FY 1998 training plan.

Measure: Cmpletion of planned training activities for region-based license examiners. (Target:

90 percent completion of training designated by the Regional training cmmittee.)

a l

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' REACTOR INSPECTION PROGRAM A. Resources WITsEidfedlfreasLi M Q M'998K#;$ $ $ $ Y$19.99fd 3 J.E M EYJ2000 @

w khhhh m .o w.n m .

'PSis(k)/ .FJE ,1 PS$(k)5 FTE.d dj fS;$(Kff ,ETE-RF Resident .Q.<.gl g. 4 W .. .. vUn..

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P. Goals / Planned Accomplishments / Output Measures By Strategic Arena

1. 5,trategic Arena: Nuclear Reactor Safety General -Goal: Prevent radiation related deaths or illnesses due to

} civilian nuclear reactors Performance Goals: .

. Zero civilian .-

n.uclear reactor accidents.

(Goal I.A) -

iMaintain los probability,of. events'which could. lead .tsa: severe.

accidentu.(Goal -I. A.1)" ' . ' "


. .c . ; , ~


  • JZsrodeaths-due.toradiationor:radioactivityreleasesfrom. civilian
nuclear reactors. -(Goalil.B).


> - Zero;significantirahiation exposures due to civilian.nuelear reactors.

1(Goal 1 B:1) . -

Strategy? NRS ~1.1: .~ -

' ' ' . We.will1 assure that' licensees discharge -their'-

primary responsibility for conducting safe

< . operations.

Substrctegy NRS 1.1.2: We will communicate with licensees to facilitate a clear understanding of er.isting and emerging regulatory requirements.

4 1

V Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Conduct an NRC/ Utility workshop for Region II licensees to discuss current and emerging regulatory issues.

Measure: Carnpletion af NRC/Uti11ty Workshop (Target: One workshop completed in FY 98)

NRS Meet with site management during peri. odic visits and communicate existing and emerging regulatory requirements.

Measure: Number of management site visits (Target: Each site receives a visit by a senior manager once per year and by a DRP Branch Chief once per quarter)

Substrategp;NRS;T.'li.~3:;iWe will,regularlyJas'sess,-objectively measure Tand'.

" G~L ;;;,y;M.i eport;6nilic'ensees'/ performance.1 Wr will use this. . .

.. . -t - . 1nfo,rmation to identify adverse safety trends and to TiYd ;S $9E N d identify

. f .M@^rf;W?fdst.g;qperforman(earlysindiv'idual plantis withJdeclinil

!aB)wp WWWdWattention,ce.3Wewillincrease :on our. regulatory:-7

.'perfo'rmancel?those 1,1censees with margi.nal

iricluding halting operations if? -

s .41dai e:MQ.hd.dPer.formance.tfalls~)elow;an acceptable level,qand, w

'c'.54JfgegpArfif-sl. distr.ibuting resources based ons -1.1censee ., .

performance. -- -

PlannedAccohplic. ts:

NRS Maintain a plant issues matrix (PIM) for each plant in order to capture and to aid in the evaluation of objective plant inspection information.

Measure: Timeliness of PIM entries (Target: PIMs updated within two weeks after issuance of each inspection report for 90 percent of PIMs for each SALP and PPR) i NRS Conduct management meetings with poor performing plants to communicate NRC's concerns and to evaluate corrective actions. l l

Measure: Number of management meetings (Target:

Bimonthly meetings at designated plants)

NRS Review INP0 evaluation reports to verify that the assessment is consistent with NRC evaluation results and to identify any unrepcrted safety issues.

Measure: Timeliness of review of INPO report (Target:

Review of final report by SRI within 30 days of report issuance and by DRP Branch Chief within 90 days of report issuance for 90 percent of reports issued) 5

a c.

NRS Monitor allegation receipt to identify early indications of declining performance.

Measure: Conduct detailed analysis of the number of allegations and their character for plants indicating anomalies in allegation received.

(Target: Twice per year)

Substrhte'g f'NRSfElf4: makdDicensee)

P@y&My'yy@2.Welwill;ffrdqu'ipemshts?pe'rformanceland q a gWr compl,i a 3 -r ,a s 7 . M .with-our the i

- %yiscep'g-yMTtfass';s.nspection.:. frequency.for,(good e sing'penaltidsttd performeis[and pooFpe'rformersF"' '. ' <i 'i. U.-

Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Allocate the regional initiative inspection resources following PPRs and SALPs so that the combined inspection effort reflects the performance for each site.

Measure: Complete regional initiative inspections as listed in last two PPR 1etters (Target:

! 60 percent of planned initiative inspections) l NRS Support headquarters inspections for poor performing plants and generic issues, and respond to significant events in l other regions.

  • Measure: Number of requests for inspection support outside Region II (Target: 80 percent of requests supported)

NRS 1.. 4.3 Identify and take enforcement against licensee's who fail to comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

Measure: Conduct enforcement panels to coordinate potential escalated enforcement. (Target: As needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance)

Measure: Timeliness of Non-exempt escalated enforcement (Target: Process 90 percent of cases within the timeliness goals established in Section 5.6 of the Enforcement Manual with all non-exempt cases issued within 90 days, except those case types with a goal of 105 days)

Measure: Review OI investigative findings for appropriate enforcement action. (Target: Review OI report within 45 days of 01 Report issuance for potential enforcemert) 6

l ,c.


' Measure: Issue Confirmatory Action Letters as needed to confirm licensee comitments regarding emergent safety issues. (Target: CAls issued within two days of receiving comitments from licensees 90 percent of the time)

Measure: Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency and compliance. (Target: Participation in 1 Peer Review and cwpletion of 1 audit af a

, representative sample of inspection reports)

NRC Implement the "N+1" resident inspector policy.

Measure: Number.of resident inspectors assigned (Target:

All sites staffed to N+1. with exception of those sites with approved exemptions)


Substr athgy fNRS)1.I';659 We%ill Ji n's pectili censees ';loperat' ions and 26cti vi ti e's y . .i r %72toihelp ensure'that-licensees-identify;and resolve ~ 3 yp. ZjM " ; T ' Esafety,: issues.Qe

jNJ MM6f?-T*4 phr'atioris'."7 " fore ,they.,aff.ect: safe plantu"~'~" ~~7" Jc '

0 ~

Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Complete the core inspection program at each facility.

,d Measure: Percentage of plants where core inspection

. procedures are cornpleted. (Target: All core inspection procedures completed for all SALP cycles that ended during the FY)

NRS Complete baseline inspections at all sites for the maintenance rule.

Measure: Number of sites where baseline inspections for the maintenance rule are canpleted. (Target:

All Region Il sites by end of 1998)

NRS Conduct restart inspections at Crystal River as defined by {

the restart matrix included in the Manual Chapter 0350 l minutes.

l Measure: Corrplete MC 0350 restart matrix for Crystal River. (Target: Cornplete prior to authority given to restart plant) l NRS Conduct regional initiative inspections based upon the i

results of the plant performance reviews and SA_P board I meeting conclusions.

Measure: Planned initiative inspection hours at each facility (Target: Total inspection hours at the Region II facilities comensurate with conclusions frorn board) 7

m s ,.

NRS An augmented inspection team (AIT) will be sent to investigate each event as determined by agreement between AE00. NRR. and Region II.

Measure: Number of AITs conducted (Target: AITs conducted in accordance with criteria specified in MD B.3)

NRS Maintain on-site coverage by qualified inspectors at each operating commercial nuclear site's normal working hours. power reactor site during the Measure: Number of instances where there is more than one consecutive normal workday in which there is no coverage by a qualifled inspector (Target:


NRS Expeditiously determine the safety significance and validity of allegations received.

Measures: Promptly assess and acknowledge allegations received. (Target: 90 percent of all cases will be reviewed by the Allegation Review Board and acknowledged within 30 day af receipt. and 18 months for allegations involving wrongdoing)

Measure: Timely closure of allegations. (Target:

9 Closure of all assigned allegations. not involving wrongdoing or discrimination. within 180 days of receipt)

NRS Assess events both at the site and from the regional office to ensure safety issues are identified and addressed early.

Measure: Timeliness of reviews of licensee event reports (Target: 90 percent of LERs reviewed within 90 days of report issuance)

NRS Identify and address plant-specific safety issues that have generic significance.

Measure: Number of proposed information notices and potential generic issues forwarded to NRR (Target: Five proposed information notices or Task Interface Agreements in FY98)

NRS Document the results of the inspections conducted.

Measure: Timeliness of issuance of inspection reports (Target: Reports issued within 30 days of end of inspection in 90 percent of cases. and 45 days for team inspections) 8


.a NRS Implement temporary instruction inspections. l Measure: Percentage of temporary

  • instructions cornpleted within established schedules. (Target: 90 percent)

NRS Support OI investigations.

Measure: Percentage of support requests conducted.

. (Target: Provide requested technical support to 0180 percent of the time).

NRS 1.1.6.'14 Control and monitor employee's radiation dose and implement controls for use of radioactive materials by staff.

Measure: 1ementation of MD 10.131. (Target:

1ementation of ROI 2130. Radfation Protectton

. Manual and ROI 2132. Region II Personnel l Monitoring Program) i NRS Ensure that supervisors accompany inspectors on a periodic basis. 1 Measure: Number of inspection accompaniments. (Target:

Branch Chiefs will accornpany an in ector quarterly and each inspector each scal year i and will accornpany new inspectors more i a frequently)

Substrategy NRS.1.1.8: We will maintain and exercise an incident. response capability to. ensure that licensees and the NRC are-prepared to respond to radiological emergencies, j Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Sup] ort each incident response exercise by providing tec1nical managers and staff personnel qualified to function )

in the incident response center.

Measure: Number of exercises performed (Target: four exercises per year)

NRS Respond to incidents with qualified individuals to assess radiological emergencies and provide accurate assessments to response managers.

Measure: Membership and training qualifications of all l reactor safety team and protective measures l team. (Target: cornpletion of semi-annual training)

NRS Maintain sufficient number of qualified individuals for emergency response in the Region.

I 9

s, Measure: Number of personnel designated for each position.

(Target: Maintain depth of three people in each position)

NRS Review changes to licensee's Emergency Plan.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of all Emergency Plan changes. (Target: '80 percent of 1icensee's Emergency Plans reviewed within 60 days of receipt) m m 4

0 10

2. Strategic Arena: Common Defense and Security and International Involvement General:Goalt"hPrevent the loss' oritheft:offspecial< nuclear, mater.ials: s

.p: --W7Aregulat'ed'by the7NRC'l?and ' support ~ U:Sfcnational.. interests-

/AWin the safe
use offnucle~ar.' materials;non - ~

, g,;.g .. ,. $,;mspro.,liferati.o'.n. 4.(.GoalJ.IV) J  :

.a ...e +?.. . , 4

.~ J,

-8u,. . ,.. .s 9 ,- ast,-4 Egrfdr.yaq'/::. ..mance fG6als: a ~ ' k~n og#pf ' ecto 9-

. .- .~ - .:

4 uqcpa;uranM9222if1'MV7> q m a rd n g c_ f; m r e N.~.a p p.'.:.S. ,- i 'a n _d .icup%n:

e. . %%,,or.,1dwide:@(Goal 4 Pro'videildadership'ito9 ,,,,!. strengthen!nuclearisafety


't : a

.~u. u 'and 'safeguar 1

x .x .w.

v.." W...r pc,e'm / n n r M

.wmv . .?m.;. - m .

W et m P rJ:,11 Support tinte' rnationalap.: w fwgc t : -:rogramsiand:research:tha'tfhavetb c
  1. 1.impactPoni6 dele'arireactoreandinticlear; materials sa~fet9N!(Go'51GIV.C)f Strategyi4rl:%Wesill-providevleadershipi,to clear-safety =

.*c4:n-and: safeguards-worldwidec , ,


W.N r.'*wc-Substrategy 4riv4:e~-=We .willvsu) port-international programssand research

~ gptdupog@nuthatihaveaenef.icial finipacts on nucleaY reactor.:and

% rJ:>rr 5 6 W 9.U nucleartmater.ialsesafetyi- - ' -

/ " "

Planned Accomplishments:

CDSII 4.1.4. 1. Provide assistance to international regulatory organizations.

Measure: Percentage of requests for support (Target:  ?

Support provided for 80 percent of requests) i 1

11 i L


3. Strategic Arena: Protecting the Environment

_ General Goah 9, Protect,.the. environment.;in connection _with civil.ian,use of

. nr.e;/.r;jo; source sbyproduct.

vu:d:;C fdia.W:Othe. .impl ementati on.-Atomic of:the' and . speci ah nucl e a rtmater.i Energy:Act'and"tlie"J ~' al s U.. .:S:c;.si...yNationaljEnvironmentaFPolicyaActim(Goal V)- ' 4-

' g Q ./ ;Q. . ,:


,, s - s'3 g .;j g . , .ggype,;.g f [:,.,g.:.g;;;L Q:' l[.jz Perfor;mance' Goals,:;' a_o

  1. c _MG ~ p.:.c.h m W W m w M

. n m,n a, .; \;. ;, n - . m;.- za ;2 .", O m . m u1 . ;. m.- s...w qc57L;y,:p

,w. . :. ~

  • .9.sZerotoffs'ite;: releases;. fro.;.w.. n z.m .

- w:m: operating (faciliti. .n.5, a radicac.t'ive;tes.:

t actMri4the'.:.6!ii3

. :Dr

. W2matehial3th'atihaveithelpoten,tialktoicaussf.adv p'% 5Jn.gfGh5 syi$

c.;If@  % B enVir6ninent A(Go'alIV. A)t. l.. ;dUgOc acQ[-Dl P Y.#.9 r - .

  • MidNo11ncf.e$2tnieit:asehinitheinumberdoff offsi.te> releases; from' opera' ting @.W.GJ-Mn;fa cil i ties n o fira dioa cti ve, mater,j altthat ; exceed #10 iCFR ipa rtj20M imi ts P

~ ~( Go a l

  • V fA?l) V"-*'- ---- *--~~~" '""*"--+-""" -

Strategy;!PERS:2:f' N .. We will..assureith'atilicense~es protect-theT@g2 2,

. ~~ ~ in environment *during'operationsr




Substr.stegyfPE 35121.2 :r.r .We:will siinspect'r.toiensure :thatyli censeesid'deritify3 r -

ym.q ; u x  % Jand: mitigate;potentialfadverse eimpactslon'.'the:-h .

~~77%_ ~~~environmentifrom':their.roperations4s' required *by^the

< -^


NRC. -

-. .: - u . .~ % .i. . J-Planned Accordplishments:

PE Monitor the licensee's onsite activities to ensure potential adverse impacts on the environment Measure: Percentage of core inspections in environmental procedures. (Target: Core inspection procedures completed for all SALP cycles that end during the FY in accordance with inspection manual chapter for power reactors)




4. Strategic Arena: Public Confidence Gen'er~ar Gobl: '"~iThe'public. those w : regulate. ar.d other stakeholders-in

,theinational and international community..:will have clear. 4

~ ' ;7.p,M;'. - .. . q q-and. accurate information,about, a meaningful.rolelin,qand t

, 2. . ~:.m :1.O f;respectifor!Ind mJQ;(Goal!VI)::p n L' confidence!inU.NRC'siregulatory

"#F 7 ~7 T ': . ' ca : progra

,.n. . -

n  :.. . . g w 1m i f- [ h kr "D g h r[ . f I h;, -d- Mh; A.' y -

Perfi;rmance*, .,

j'y[gg. , feh6.fheg gy pg g g g g gg g t g jgg; g p r.7 93

  • N'hIMfSIpkekthYNNiibE$h$#ito$.'d[

n prove'h'o[1t51Nords aridN $ ^

g"5q" y' 7ainvolvesithe public )thoseWeL. regulate, and o.ther2st~akeholdersT 1n:NRCUsIreg~ ulatbry pr6gr' aiidS(GoaEVI.A)'.:.MFWH'iP >?


. ,7 ;;. : :.m rStuJ HEE' enabling tfid51a i

demonstrateithat NRC'.s to use4fforts nuclear'c mater(

. . .a " ' V n { safety. -: .-

Substrateg .;PC-6B1Y2NMtWeWil.1) measure;and ~ report the: performance;of both

.@M%WthsM9f57JunNRCrand;itsslicerise'e~s3and share this:per.formance . -

' #4:1@mR?st9"information11'n3alfair?and focused way withT.Y.v -

- 1 .#- .. - 'C'


r. interested :stakeholders.-

'S # . . -

Planned Accomplishments:

a PC Promptly disseminate clear and accurate information regarding nuclear reactor events.

Measure: Type of Preliminary Notifications anc' press releases issued (Target: Issue PNs in accordance with criteria specified in NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 1120)

Measure: Timeliness of issuing PN (Target: within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> frorn event report)

PC Conduct periodic press conferences in location where there  ;

is anticipated interest. l Measurn: Number of conferences. (Target: Quarterly) 4 1

1 13 i

t .:

'PC Conduct public exit meetings for significant inspections.

Measure: Percentage of public exit meetings conducted for 1 each AIT or significant inspectfon. (Target:

( 80 percent)

.PC 6.1.2'4

. Conduct periodic meetings with local officials to share performance information.


Timeliness of meetings. '(Target: New SRIs meet with local officials within 90 days of

, assigrunent and affer followup meetings each 180 days)

PC . Respond to inquiries from the public.

Measure: Timeliness and quality of response (Target:

. Respond within 30 days of receipt)

PC -

Provide notice of meetings held with licensees.-

Measure: Timeliness and type of notice. (Target:

Notices issued in accordance with Management Directive on meetings with licensees)

PC Disseminate information to public on significant actions.

n Measure: Timeliness and quality of press releases.

(Target: Press releases issued within two days of issuance of civil penalty or order)

(Target: Press releases issued for each open pre-decisional enforcement conference) 14

) .-


\ ., .

5. Strategic Arena: Excellence General Goal:9--.The NRC-regulatory program will-be' efficient-and will-

-r-wn c.~;frallowetheiNation torsafely useEnuclearfmaterials.7for%d

, rme+Ni% civilian' purposes. $J(Goal 7VII)T -



~~'. %c d %.-

~: :w a n:i.~ m::w -

Pe r fo rhia ries" G6'aTsT~~ ~~ ~"~~~~~'"~ ~ ~ ~~~

.::r ;d MN:=% 5e f-

> x '

. Implement the agency's plan for regulatory excslience. .

_Qqg1R:)(G al;NiliA) .;;;J: .3C .o a+T35

  • . 4ffgEvaluateiand implement.neededdmprovements-for'five msjor.NRC '

. %4Xprocesses by/ July le1999m(Goal;VII:B)- '

Strategy.EX m .;W8:will make. regulatory. excellence.the cornerstone 2

..; .7.11 d.g.rr v_7 . for all of our2 strategies' and 'a' tiVities. "

c Substrategy EX.7.1 1: We.will proactivsly examine our programs and:

..c ~ ...; : . c performance;in order -to -improve the.way we:do.our. ...

E p p f.'M 7fienSLworEthroiighh6m'pYeh'e'nsWe,Lsy~ stlsmatic, agency wide:

,' r ^'_ -

- appoachsto'pFogr' m a 7 assessment and improvement.

Planned Accomplishments: '

EX Conduct quarterly self-assessments of performance on the a basis of specific criteria with performance measures to ensure programs meet management expectations for on site. on time, and on target.

Measure: Cornpletion of self-assessment. (Target: One per quarter)

EX Conduct periodic reviews of the quality of inspection reports.

Measure: Number of inspection reports reviewed for quality (Target: Each site will receive a peer review at least once per year)

EX Conduct inspector objectivity visits in accordance with MC 0102.

Measure: Number of objectivity visits by each resident inspector (Target: 90 percent of the residents will spend at least one week per year at another site)

EX Observe National Nuclear Accreditation Board meetings and INPO accreditation team visits.

Measure: Number of Board meetings and team visits observed. (Target: One regional manager wi11 15

t. .

observe a board meeting each year and observe team visit every two years)

Substrategy,& 1.4:fq b .We.will: provide training and:develo ment;torou? ,

. staff to enable u's:to achieve excel ence .in our.  ;

organizational and individual ' performance.  ;

Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Train and qualify inspectors in accordance with MC 1245.

Measure: Percentage of qualified inspectors with requirements maintained current (Target:

95 percent)

Measure: Percentage of sites with at least one. resident inspector who has attended course P-111. "PRA

. Technology and. Regulatory Perspectives (Target:

100 end of CY98)

NRS - Provide training to managers in accordance with NRC program

.and Region II supervisory addendum.

Measure: Individual training requirements in procedures i met. (Target: Requirements met in 90 percent of cases within 24 months of assignment as g supervisor)

NRS Conduct periodic training for resident inspectors to clarify expectations and provide refresher training.

Measure: Number of resident meetings (Target: two meetings in FY98)

NRS Conduct rotational assignments to the Chairman's and ED0's office.

Measure: Number of rotational assignments to the Chairman's and E00's office (Target: one per year)

NRS Develop and maintain a pool of highly qualified reactor inspections from which resident inspectors can be drawn.

. Measure: Average length of program participation for those candidates who attain program certification. (Target: 12 months for internal candidates.18 months for outside candidates) 16

i REACTOR PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM A. Resources c.~,.JfY.!199.8.M'2. sis Tatgeted'AFea x.'" ppg d; @g.a EdiFYi.1999dW fWNFJd200.0M;.h?-

g f.; R E. a c - E PS 5(k)'

FIEE." ?. 'PS $(k)

FTE PS .3(k) : FTE SA@ @ IMTd M M

>14 J2% f.i - 4.2 4;2 -



@ f%$ . ~w 4.5 : ' .-

..i=we v 2:r

'4. 6

. + " u e ~.

4.5' -

Over5Tghth;%nE -

W zu G 'A-B. Goals / Planned Accomplishments / Output Measures By Strategic Arena

1. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Reactor Safety General: Goal:.fMPrevent eradiation related deaths'or illnesses due to -4

- :p . civilian nuclear reactors: .(Goal:1) ..

~ a3

. ., 1 ,

Perforniance Goals ~:@.c;#.h.t M: ~;->,4 w: : -

. 4. s y n . % . . 3+ n t:W

  • r. *
  • ~ ~ .Zero civilian. nuclear.reactoraaccidents.-(Goal I. A) - -


> .-Zeroqeathsiduetoradiation.orbra'dioactivityreleases.fromcivilian?

nuclear reactors. (Goal I.B)

>- ' kain' tain, low . frequency of events which could lead to a severe accident. - (Goal . I . A.1)

> Zero significant radiation exposures due to civilian nuclear reactors.

. (Goal . I .B.1)-

./"-'- . . .. .

Strategy NRS '"-

l.1:. . ,We.will, assure..that licensees discharge their-u c. w..u .. . ' . " ' . :primar.y;re.sponsibility.for

- - operationr;. T"'i t conducting safe Substrategy*NRS 1.'1.3: We .will 4 +0U1arly: assess. .' objectively meas' ure;- and '

report on licensees'ipe'rformance'."'We will use this identify adverse. safety trends and to 4-1^

' identify early . individual plants with declining


performance;:.We wilicincrease our regulatory

'l c. . - .

  • n ttention.on.,thosellicensees a with marginal

' ' j performance, including halting operations if '

'm -


~ ~ performance falls below an acceptable level. .ad


fa distributing reso0rces-based on licensee -

performance, t j

i 17


Planned Accomplishments:-

NRS Conduct a SALP board for each operating facility on about a 18-month schedule.

Measure: Timeliness of SALP's conducted and reports issued (Target: All SALP cycles in accordance with MD 8.6 requirements and 90 percent of the reports Issued within 60. days of the end of the.

,. period) .-


Conduct Plant Performance Reviews on a semiannual basis for all operating reactors.

Measure: Timeliness of Plant Performance Reviews conducted and letters issued (Target: PPRs conducted for all plants on a semiannual basis:

PPR letters issued to licensees within 30 days.

of PPR completion for 90 percent of cases)

NRS 1.^1'.3.3 ' Provide input into the Senior Management Meeting prior to each meeting.

Measure: Corrpletion of input into SW1 process (Tar'get:

SWiinput rovided for all sites to be discussed NRS q Conduct SALP observations in other Regions, Measure: Percentage of scheduled SALP observations that are conducted. (Target: Complete in accordance with guidance from Program Office; each SALP Board Member to observe one per year)

NRS Provide assessment information.for Commission and Senior Management site visits, Measure: Timeliness of information to visitors. (Target:

-Information provided f1ve working days before visit in 90 percent of cases)

NRS Hold meetings with licensees to discuss performance during SALP period.

Measure: Licensee self-assessment meetings and bi-monthly meetings to followup on identified problems.

(Target: One self-assessment meeting with each Itcensee during SALP period: bi-monthly meetings with each licensee identified by RA as needing specific followup on performance.


.y 2

StrategyNRS1.2:"'**WeWillfincrementally'implementYisk; informed."and, w -. ., L- GWhere .a sptoprj, ate.';per.formance:. based regulatory _, ,

o w .

.,.w: A:.h s # w .heapproacles-for powercreactors. m W w & ,. W .,

Substrategy..'NRST.2:1:fi:We' will focUston;those; regulated: activities stFat-


m.w h W ?.?_? Q pose;the!,thenpublic,5 building.on.u

~ , q M,gfj e - W W probabilistic.r.isksass~essment'conce ts;and.o Di$ k: ji?. d O M ss.apptoaches(forg. determining Wigh9 a ow s pa-fctMyd@W6hitesactivitins.kjv) db :a %" WGL - ~ 'WF-~~kS l' Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Senior Reactor Analysts will evaluate events reported in 1 accordance with 10CFR50.72 and 50.73 to determine which of (

those events warrant additional inspection effort.

Measure: Review 50.72 and 50.73 reports. (Target:

Reviews conducted within one work week)

NRS Senior Reactor Analysts will evaluate enforcement actions to provide risk-informed assessments to the enforcement panels.

Measure: Risk assessment included in Enforcement Action \

Worksheets. Attendance at enforcement panels. '

(Target: Canplete review and attendance of 90 percent) a Substrategy NRS~1.2.5: We 'will reflect a risk informed. performance-based approach in our inspection, licensing, and performance ~ assessment process.

Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Senior Reactor Analysts will provide a risk assessment in each of the plant performance review inputs.

Measure: Quality of input and attendance at review ,

meetings. (Target: Senior Reactor Analysts i will attend 90 percent of SALP boards and PPRs to provide risk-informed insights and to gain performance insight from the meetings) l l




6. Strategic Arena: Public Confidence General- Goal: " tThel

"'"7ths"publicirthose 'weiregulateEand other;stakeholders innsti6n61'idd~iriterna


. "&W-j~5aridfaccurat'e .information?about7d mea 51ng'fulir5]M:iii?T. arid -

-D Mik@ .)@T'S%Tr' '(.* espVI6cthforfand iconfidenc'e ri n

/J NRC 's f regul Etoryt program.J -


z 4*y!lR$;t(57/$.S(. 6 %'.p k Goal;JM)u: WM rW N W'd!$A@ / 9'mMJEf7 . . \ '..'"ib:i"gZL

~7H 're5Wu -

gif?hY, peff 'E*$8a'fM!!iUNIt l4N4NMII"S*M*eII 2 '22Y# DAY -

g .

{hh?~ ' {&h f{hhh

' it informs and ' ~ . -

khh .f e- L .

+ " f; ::involves;the.public, Implement the: Agency.I.those.we regulate, 7and'~othdr st'skeh'olderE ~

- ' EinlNRC's+ regulatory program.' ;(Goal VI. A) .

E- .,e_

Strategy;PC16:1:.: m w2 We:williobjectively; demonstrate that NRC'slefforts 9'; '!#;7' - are. enabling the: nation to use nuclear, materials

- ', 5 @ M r m n isafety.T . ' M. v .;

-%A.- -

~ '

SubstrategyyPC-6.L2;c;dWe.will-: measure and:repor,t the. performance;offboth{--

cdsdreN3NNW:mNRC,andiits).licen~ ees::and s shareithis performan~ce ~


,; -1nformat' ion in a -fair and focused way with ~ -

. w.<

~ '

. . j , o. / .c. interested-stakeholders. -

Planned Accomplishments:

PC a '

Conduct public SALP meetings with invited local officials to discuss NRC oversight activities and to share performance information.

Measure: Number of meetings conducted (Target:

80 percent of SALP reports issued each year)

PC Provide notice of assessment meetings held with licensees.

Measure: Timeliciess and type of notice. (Target:

notices issued in accordance with MD on meetings with Iitensees) 20

.u FUEL FACILITIES LICENSING AND INSPECTION PROGRAM A. Resources gr ,tj p Ap  ;. !MpFM998MM ni.W.Xi1999R52: ?$sjFJ32000.p'q i.bwM M M IPl[$Y@a.,.

  • ET5EF . m @JSikh MT.5.M,.ff3..

- . .M.5.1.s.M.Fs5I.$f.. E.

k* WM M'.9159 YI? K9 t -' N ", "c 7 fiEliFa M ty/ @$ $ M duE BRe"nsingr:- MW #= E '. "5 M.';2. '

aWdMnspe&'iYM $@ @ MMU W? - ' .

? '

B. Goals / Planned Accomplishments / Output Heasures By Strategic Arena

1. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Materials Safety.

GeneralcGoal:%fgfPre' vent radiation r21ated deaths oriinesses'due'to?

... .a.E'tqd.23 %.cGiA -Mnicivil.ian;use of source.ibyp*roduct ;and,special . nuclear, .,



.-:i.M:.::2.F:.u. *.iniat,eri -

' - ' ' ' ~

v +rgz:gy.< ..v -g ..

4.,. s@ - 4c :. ..'.,

Performance', .,.n.-

Goals:n.m_ a .b1's"*, -;'.. (Gosl!gIIV'*":&

ag . o ,.....


4 .g m g r..s.e. rQ**% ~~e. . .

. .A v.. .ie.c w. . ~<.. ,. . - .;;.ar:

.1p. s e ~ y - sa.*  : u ^ ;* * . '. G ~ * " * ' ' --

2 - p.u.  ; m ,

> ' .t.;.QW3Zeroyadfation;relatedpdeath3 due 1io civilian use of. source,

... (Goal II. A)

'.x '.,, _%a. v1..m.. :, ,2byptoduc,t...and

~ '.". . .' / .,Nd' in,.. ..m.z.t- (. pecial7n0 clear: materials.

s ....-

..w .

crease in the number..v. ,,

of significant radiation exposures due

' , to' loss or use of source,; byproduct, and special nuclear

- materials. (Goal II.A.1);

.*. . .- "' No . increase re;iorted in .the number to#Congreu ar.nually? of losses '(Goal.ofII.A.1.a) licensed material as

.Jd...'cidental cr.iticalitylinvolving licensed. material.

.'. n,n(Gbal/II

.+ m.,A,;1.b) ~ .~i. : w .gm . . . .


..y, . m. .

A e ,,W/. e ~+ * :


, ti n .. . . . , . ,.. . .'the. d". '..". . ~ .

rehse number;of m'isa'dministration events which l-; J~cause significant radiatio'n ex)osures. (Goal II-;A.2)

Strat'e'gylNHSi.251EWemill . assure.thatJ1icerisess discha~rgef their.pnim'ar.y.~.'.:~

' b.5 }N.cOhw n Ares'ponsi bil i ty forfushg' materi al s isafeti.'

T v - . e . . ,. .p . ,

. .x .

. u~.

Substrategy:NMS 2.1.2 ' We will communicate with licensees to facilitate a l

= l 7 - - '. " l clear understanding of existing and emerging '

r wtw : : regulatory requirements.



P1anned Accompiishments:

NMS Conduct an NRC/ Utility workshop for Region II licensees to discuss current and emerging regulatory issues.

Measure: Completion of NRC/Uti1ity Workshop (Target: One workshop completed in FY98)

NMS Meet with site management during peri. odic visits and

. communicate existing and emerging regulatory requirements.

. Measure: Number of management site visits (Target: One site visit per year for each senior manager)

Substrategy f(MSf2p,113AhhWe:wi;11hregularilyimeasuredhe1eveljoftsafety; 1 .&

- -M~ D @ ,r yperformance,

~t h.hnw3 ?c exhibited by. material

.shareithisanformation @censees,.;and with:themmenr;- cfm " f.

Planned Accomplishments:

NMS Conduct periodic Licensee Performance Reviews (LPRs) for fuel facility licensees.

Measure: LPRs in accordance with IMC 2604. (Target: The LPRs will meet the quality standara of IMC 2604 will be conducted in accordance with the

,^ schedule in MC 2604 (annual for high enriched facilities and every two years for low enriched l facilities) with LPR meetings with licensees held within 90 days of the end of the LPR period) l NMS Provide input into the Senior Management Meeting once every i six months.

Measure: Completion of input into SM1 process (Target:

Screening meeting and SW1 input in accordance with input requirements and schedules provided by date requested by NMSS.)

SubstratiEg9=-NMSf2.1'.'4WWe'wilFidaleTicensee performance"and coinpliandeW '


g - -

. w.w Mth'frequirenients; Eon' seq'uent'iallbyldecreasingithe -

wm_ e.h jnspection; frequency _for; good compliers;and u , , ,

assessing . penalties for non compliers.

NMS Maintain a plant issues matrix (PIM) for each fuel facility in order to capture and to aid in the evaluation of objective plant inspection information.

Measure: Timeliness of PIM entries (Target: All PIMs updated within two weeks of issuance of resident inspector reports for fuel facilities with 22


resident inspectors and monthly for other fuel facilities)

NMS Adjust the Master Inspection Plan (MIP) for fuel facility licensees based on the LPR results.

Measure: Timeliness of revision of MIP. (Target:

Development of revised MIP within 45 days of LPR

( meeting)

NMS Identify and take enforcement against licensee's who fail to i

comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

Measure: Conduct enforcement panels to coordinate potential escalated enforcement. (Target: As needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance)

Measure: Timeliness of Non-exempt escalated enforcement (Target: Process 90 percent of cases within the timeliness goals established in Section 5.6 of the Enforcement Manual with all non-exempt cases l issued within 90 days. except those case types with a goal of 105 days.)

n Measure: Review 01 investigative findings for appropriate

enforcement action. (Target: Review Of report within 45 days of Of Report issuance for potenttal enforcement)

Measure: Issue Confirmatory Action Letters as needed to confirm 1icensee comitwents regarding emergent safety issues. (Target: CALs issued within two  ;

days of receiving comitments from licensees 90%

of the time.) i Measure: Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency l and comp 1iance. (Target: Participation in one  :

Peer Review and completion of one audit of a i representative sample of inspection reports)

Substrategy NHSE2.1.5i 'We:willflicens'e i and inspect facilities and materials

+ '"usersito~hel fensu~e-that


. r they operate and'. ..

decommission' safely a~nd develop safe products.

NMS Perform timely evaluation of events including on-site l inspections as needed to identify causes and root causes of l events, risk precursors, evaluate licensee compensatory l measures and corrective' actions, determine if there are l generic implications. document findings, review NRC i l processes. procedures and performance to determine if 23 1


actions are necessary to improve NRC performance, and develop recommeidations.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of licensee event report reviews and NRC process evaluation. (Target:

Preliminary Notifications. Morning Reports. and Input to NEED system in accordance with the quality and timeliness requirements of IMCs and Directives. Responses will be corimensurate with

.' the risk significance and site specific / generic imp 1ications of the event. Review 95 percent of

. 11censee events reported to NRC within five working days. For events classified as A0s or other events of interest considered as A0s. a lessons learned evaluation will be performed)

'NMS Conduct Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) inspections to review each event that meets the thresholds established in MD 8.3.

Measure: AIT inspections conducted to review significant events. (Target: AITs conducted in accordance with MD 8.3 and IMC 0325 and 90 p^ercent of AIT reports issued within 45 days of the end of the inspect 100)

NMS Expeditiously determine the safety significance and validity n ,

of allegations received..

Measure: Promptly assess and acknowledge allegations received. (Target: 90 percent of all cases will be reviewed by the Allegation Review Board and acknowledged within 30 days of receipt)

Measure: Timely closure of allegations. (Target:

Closure of all assigned allegations. not involving wrongdoing or discrimination. within 180 days of receipt)

Measure: Provide periodic status to allegers. (Tar Issue status letters at 6 month intervals)get:

Measure: Maintain management focus on allegation timeliness. (Target: Weekly meetings with senior Regional management focusing on allegatfons open greater than 90 days)

NHS Support 01 investigations.

Measure: Timeliness in completing investigations.

(Target: Provide technical support to 01 on the schedule requested by 0180 percent of the time)

NMS Schedule and complete fuel facility inspections in a timely manner to determine regulatory compliance and early 24



li indications declining licensee performance and issue timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of safcty-related inspections. (Target: Cornpletion of 90 percent


of the safety-related inspections scheduled in the Master Inspection Plan (MIP) on time-in accordance with the appropriate procedures.

Cornpletion of inspection reports in accordance

  • with the quality standards and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue)

NMS Draft revisions to fuel facility security inspection 3rocedures in the areas of access controls and alarms and j aarriers and draft revision of MC 2681.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of revisions. (Target:

) Drafts of revisions will be in accordance with NMSS guidance and will be provided to NMSS by September 30. 1998) 1 L NMS Provide comments to NMSS on selected fuel facility license applications.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of coriments to NMSS.

(Target: Cwments provided to NMSS in l 9 accordance with NMSS due dates 90 percent of the

' time)

NMS Ensure that supervisors accompany inspectors on a periodic basis.

! Measure: Number of inspection accornpaniments. (Target:

Branch Chiefs will accornpany each inspector each fiscal year and will accornpany new inspectors

!. more frequently) l

'NMS Ensure that inspectors are adequately trained and fully qualified to perform inspections.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification (Target:

Staff qualification 1246 (or IMC completed and maintained in accordance with IMC 1245 for previously qualified staff). For staff in qualification, cornpletion of courses in accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent of staff will be qualified within two years of continuing qualification maintained.)


a l NMS Identify safety issues that have generic significance.

l Measure: Timeliness of draft Information Notices forwarded to Headquarters (Target: 60 days from identification)

RS Support each fuel facility incident response exercise or drill by providing technical managers and staff personnel qualified to function in the incident response center.

- Measbre: Number of exercises performed (Target: one

_ exercise per year)

NRS Control and monitor employee's radiation dose and implement controls for use of radioactive materials by staff.

Measure: Inplementation of MD 10.131. (Target:

. Implementation of ROI 2130. Radiation Protection Manual and ROI 2132. Region II Personnel Monitoring Program)

Strategy.NMS 2;2O&cWe wilLregulath.uses _ consistent with.the :. level ofC egg.g -w%pm triskWhiI61vid:by'.deiF#asing ovedight'.of ?those:f "

~3 7T m-

~ ~ G.y# a.,,... materials that~ pose the9 owe ~st'radiolog~ic'al : risk to' 7, 5Ep,;.aw.9.t> the ipubl.i c., and. co'ntinui F ' T 97ng emphasis*~ " i.on :high ris k -


.actifitids: -

t Substrategy NHS 2.2.2 We will assess 'oisr ~ regulations and arocesses-to

.. ,.. . . identify. those that are now of can 3e risk-informed, 7.n;g c. ^ performance based 'or" risk-informed, less " " ~


Planned Accomplishments:

NMS Support the revision of fuel facility and materials regulatory requirements. including the revision of 10 CFR Part 70. by reviewing and commenting on the draft proposed rule changes.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of review provided to HMSS. (Target: Coments provided to NMSS in accordance with requested schedule 80 percent of the time) l

! 26 I

l O ,

l 2. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Waste Safety General ' Goal: N.7 Ensure -tre~atment.. storage.- and disposal of wastes produced t .w. . J %by civilian use.of. nuclear material in ways that do not

' " ~

~ ' ' adversely. af, fec' tithisfo'r ~ future generations. -(Goal.III)

Performance Goal: g g.g _ g ,. , g.. , .: q , .p , -

<.n.- w-m ee er e.y~ w

- gg' ,g;Nd'siinif.icant s1 'accidentah,rele;. . u.. - . .

ases'of radioactive mater.ialufrom.

v.a, sM:., Istirrige?hnditr'ansportationiofih*gh21evel: waste 1(incl


. fuel).:or -loflevel Waster (Goal III. A) lStrafsgy:WNoipbcificstrat gy9n per~fo'rmance plan. '

' H ' ~

l P1anned Accompiishments:

NWS 1 Schedule and complete ISFSI inspections in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and' timeliness of inspection of ISFSI 1icensess and reports of inspections. (Target:

90 cornplete inspections in accordance with IMC 2681 with less than 10 percent overdue as \

defined in the IMC. Cornpletion of inspection  !

reports in accordance with the quality standards n and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue)

NWS 2 Schedule and complete spent fuel transportation inspections, including route surveys, in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of inspection licensees l and reports of inspections. (Target: Complete '

inspections in accordance with IMC 2681 with less than 10 percent overdue as defined in the ,

IMC. Cornpletion of inspection reports in l accordance with the quality standards and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and  ;

30 days for team) with less than 10 percent i overdue) '

NWS 3 Identify and take enforcement against licensee's who fail to comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with l NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual. l Measure: Conduct enforcement panels to coordinate potential escalated enforcenent. (Target: As i

l needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel \

material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in l l advance)


l 27 l u

Measure: Timeliness of Non-exempt escalated enforcement (Target: Process 90 percent of cases with ', the timeliness goals established in Section 5.b of the Enforcement Manual with all non-exempt cases issued within 90 days, except those case types with a goal of 105 days.)

Measure: Review OI investigative findings for appropriate enforcement action. (Target: Revfew 01 report

' within 45 days of 01 Report issuance for potential enforcement)

"" ^ '

Measure: Issue Confirmatory bction Letters as needed to confirm licensee ca,mitments regarding emergent

- ~ - - . -

. safety issues. (Target: CALs issued within two.

days of receiving comitments frorn licensees 90 percent af the time.)

Measure: Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency and compliance. (Target: Participation in one Peer Review and cornpletion of one audit of a representative sample of inspection reports)


NWS 4 - Control and monitor employee's radiation dose and implement

. controls for use of radioactive materials by staff.

Measure: Implementation of MO 10.131. (Target:

n Implemen'acron of ROI 2130. Radiation Protection Manual and ROI 2132 Region II Personnel Monitoring Program) l 28

f.  !

.y i

3. Strategic Arena: Common Defense and Security and International Involvement i Gener51/ Goal: J; Prevent!the .los'sroritheft of.special nuclear materials

.. e y G.~. regulated by,the' NRC"and . support U.S. national interests

.g.a. e ti .in:the . safe.use .of-nuclearimaterials and~ in non .

M ,JQ.. g o_li.feration. (GoaljIV).g ,


l 1

PerfobancIGbal W fr

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  • M. V Noisubstantiilicase.'ofJattsmpted, theft ~or ~ diversion.of dormula '

.-M Mf.quantitie.s;of strategic s'pecialiuclear materials. -


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  • . f it,g;4No; m.w+,w n -sn substantiated'breskdownof1


I O.. g. J.Econtrol,;(i.'ef;accbsscontainment, (control..orphysical accountability. security

..- or m dyy.Egsyst'enis)ithitisignificintWweaken'ed the protectioniagainst. . .;

c-T:.~ %.itheftlorJdivbrsiorilofiforinulaTq6a'ntitids of strategic special


9fNnucl e s'ri mafeYi El T2(Go'il %IV tA?2) .7 i-Strategy:CDSII'4 20 MWeMwill"assdre thattlicensees control. ' account'for'?


_.; mee.w@*and' protect ~riucleaFm'a't'eHals from-being misplaced .

! Substrategy!CDSII4;2.1  : - We:will rinspect and complete license reviews l r  % - -to ensure.: licensees prevent the theft or diversion of nuclear materials.

l Substrategy CDSII:4.2.2 , . We will require-that licensees be prepared to.

- respond to threatening situations involving

, f-theft or . sabotage of nuclear materials.

Planned Accomplishments:

COSII Complete timely security plan change reviews and document the bases for decisions.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of reviews. (Target:

Complete reviews on minor plan changes in 90 days and major plan changes in 180 days t 90 percent of the time)

CDSII Schedule and complete security inspections of fuel facilities and ISFSIs in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of security inspections.

(Target: Completion of 90 percent of the titel faci 1ity security inspections scheduled in the ,


1 M3 ster Inspection Plan (MIP) { including those in other regions when requested) and ISFSIs in accordance with IMC 2690 on time in accordance with the appropriate procedures. Completion of inspection reports in accordance with the quality standards and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 c'3ys for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue)

CDSII Ensure that security inspectors and license reviewers are adeq0ately trained and fully-qualified to aerform and

. complete inspections and licensing caseworc actions.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target:

Staff qualification completed and maintained in accordance with IMC 1246 (or IMC 1245 for

. previously qualified staff). For staff in 1 qualification, completion of courses in  ;

accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent '

of new staff will be qualified within two years of beginning assignment. Staff continuing

. qualification maintained)

CDSII 4.2.1.'4 Perform timely evaluation of security events including on-site inspections as needed to identify causes and root

- causes of events. risk precursors. evaluate licensee n compensatory measures and corrective actions: determine if there are generic implications: document findings; review NRC processes, procedures and performance to determine if actions are necessary to improve NRC performance; and develop recommendations.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of licensee event report reviews. (Target: Preliminary Notifications.

and Morning Reports in accordance with the quality and timeliness requirements of IMCs and Directives. Responses wi11 be corimensurate with the risk significance and site specific / generic implications of the event. Review 95 percent of licensee events reported to NRC within five working days. For events classified as A0s or other events of interest considered as A0s. a lessons learned evaluation will be performed.)

CDSII Conduct Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) inspections to review each event that meets the thresholds established in MD 8.3.

Measure: AIT inspections conducted to review significant events. (Target: AITs conducted in accordance with MD 8.3 and IMC 0325 and 90 percent of AIT reports issued within 45 days of the end of the inspection.)

1 30 i


1' l

l CDSII Evaluate and respond to security allegations.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of allegation reviews.

I (Target: Complete 80 percent of the allegation reviews in accordance with and within the

_ quality and timeliness requirements of MD 8.8.)

CDSII Support 01 investigations of security issues.

Measure: Timeliness in co security issues.qpleting investigations (Target: of Provide technical support to 0I on the schedule requested by 01 80 percent af the time)

CDSII Schedule and complete spent fuel transportation inspections.

including route surveys, in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.

Measu're: Quality and timeliness of inspections and reports of inspections. (Target: Complete inspections in accordance with IMC 2681 with less than 10 percent overdue as defined in the l IMC. Completion of inspection reports in accordance with the quality standards and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue)

CDSII 4.2.1.S Coordinate threats against licensed facilities with the IAT.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of threat assessment and coordination with IAT. (Target: All threats nsessed in accordance with IAT process and procedur&s)

CDSII Identify and take enforcement against licensee's who fail to i comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with  ;

NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

Measure: Conduct enforcement panels to coordinate potential escalated enforcement. (Target: As needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance)

Measure: Timeliness of Non-exempt escalated enforcement (Target: Process 90 percent of cases within the timeliness goals established in Section 5.6 of the Enforcement Manual with all non-exempt cases issued within 90 days. except those case types l with a goal of 105 days.)

i Measure: Review OI investigative findings for appropriate enforcement action. (Target: Review OI report 31

within 45 days of OI Report issuance for potential enforcement)

Measure: Issue Confirmatory Action Letters as needed to confirm licensee comitments regarding tmergent safety issues. (Target: CAls issued wtchin two days of receiving comitments from 1icensees 90 percent of the time.)

Measure:' Review non-escalated enfo'rcement for consistency and comp 1tence. (Target: Participatfon in one Peer Review and completion of one audit of a representative sample of inspection reports)

4. Strategic Arena: Protecting the Environment iGeneral Goal: +5 Protect:the environment"in' connection'with civilian'use of i -
a. . Msource ibyproduct,,and;s etial: nuclear materials : thro' ugh -

. "n

. . .. ,4Mthewir6plementation:of:th Atomic' Energy Act' and .the -

  • WqfsW ;h?! at'ioria N En .

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.q*'r 9,' mater.isl~th~at: have .thedote'ntial;to cause adverse impact.on the ~ .

j q WPMenvironm~ ent.7;(G661RVA) C. ..'.f.l_.C..... .

i l*. o, increase -jn..the; number 20f-offsite releases from operating:I i .; 1 -$' facilities of radioactive' material that exceed 10 CFR Part 20 " .

. ..... limits.

. ; .- . .aV.A.1). -

l* Environmsntal Imp' acts h' ave i>een identified through NEPA process j before regulatory taken. (Goal V.8) _

!* .. .. ..No

!  ?" acc: sites.will be released untilaatisfactorily remediated in ordance: wi th1 NRC . rel ease': cri teri a . (Goal. V.C)

Strategy PE 5.1MWe will im rove-the' rocess-by which licensees '

.x .Nm4Wsu'cc'6s'5f01 7 e.m=r.mmRtesM #@y c'o'mplbt ~

AS  : decommissioning.of


N non reactor Planned Accomplishments:

PE 5.1.1 Schedule and complete decommissioning inspections in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of inspection of licensees undergoing decomissioning and reports of inspections. (Target: Complete inspections in accordance with IMC 2605 with less than 10 percent overdue as defined in the IMC.

Completion of inspection reports in accordance with the quality standards and timeliness of 32


MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue)

PE'5.1.2 Maintain an adequate-supply of operable and calibrated portable survey instruments to support independent surveys during inspections and to support incident response.

Measure: Number of operable and calibrated instruments.

(Target: The compiment of instruments necessary for incident response will be maintained at all times. The supply of other instruments will be in accordance with the documented minimum inventory requirements 80 percent of the time.)

PE 5.1.3 Maintain capability to do screening analyses of samples for beta / gamma activity, low energy beta activity, and alpha activity. Coordinate with Region I other radiological analytical services. Develop and implement counting equipment 0A/0C procedures.

Measure: Operability of instruments and timeliness of transmittal of samples to Region I. (Target:

Betalganma. Iow energy beta, and alpha counting instruments will be operable and calibrated or will be sent for repair within ten working days of identification af inoperabi1ity. Samples n will be sent to Region I within ten working days of receipt in Region.)

PE 5.1.4 Ensure that decommissioning inspectors and license reviewers are adequately trained and_ fully-qualified to perform and complete inspections and licensing casework actions.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target:

Staff qualification completed and maintained in accordance with IMC 1246 (or IMC 1245 for  ;

previously qualified staff). For staff in l qualificatfon. completion of courses in i accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent  :

of new staff will be' qualified within two years {

of beginning assignment. Staff continuing '

qualification maintained)

PE 5.1.5 Control and monitor employee's radiation dose and implement  ;

controls for use of radioactive materials by staff.

Measure: Implementation of MD 10-131. (Target:

Implementation of ROI 2130. Radiation Protection Manual and ROI 2132. Region Il Personnel Monitoring Program) 33

Substrategy:PEl5.5 ao 2.?iTWe wil1Nnspect to. ensure that licensees. identify


.< % 3.~and mitigate potential . adverse impacts on the

......_; m. - u .envi

, n .m .n ggg.ronment.from

, ; __3,3 3 y heir u ;_..

operations as requir,ed by-the y =. _ -

P1anned Accomplishments:

PE Schedule and complete fuel facility effluent control.

environmental monitoring and decommissioning inspections in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of effluent control and enyironmental monitoring inspections. (Target:

Completion of 90 percent of the effluent control and environmental monitoring inspections scheduled in the Master Inspectton Plan (MIP) on

. time in accordance with the appropriate procedures. Canpletion of inspection reports in accordance with the quality standards and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue)

PE Ensure that inspectors are adequately trained and fully-qualified to perform inspections and complete licensing casework actions.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target:

Staff qualification completed and maintained in accordance with IM: 1246 (on IMC 1245 for previously qualified inspection staff and Directives for licensing staff). For staff in qualification completion of courses in accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent of new staff will be qualified within two years of beginning assignment. Staff continuing qualification maintained. )

PE Perform timely evaluation of environmental events including on-site ins]ections to identify causes and root causes of events, ris( precursors, evaluate licensee compensatory measures and corrective actions, determine if there are generic implications. document findings. review NRC processes, procedures and performance to determine if actions are necessary to improve NRC performance, and develop recommendations.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of licensee event reports revfews. (Target: Preliminary Notifications.

l Morning Reports, and Input to NMED system in accordance with the quality and timeliness requirements of IMCs and Directives. Responses will bc :oamensurate with the risk significance 34 L

9 and site specific / generic implications of the event. Review 95 percent of' licensee events reported to NRC within five working days, For events classified as ACs or other events of interest considered as A0s. a lessons learned

._ evaluation wi11 be performed.)

PE Conduct Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) inspections to review each event that meets the thresholds established in MD 8,3.

Measure: AIT inspections conducted to review significant eveitts. (Target: AITs conducted in accordance with MD 8.3. IMC 0325 and 90 percent of AIT reports issued within 30 days of the end of the inspection)

PE Evaluate and respond to effluent control, er.vironmental or decommissioning allegations. (


Measure: Quality and timeliness of allegation reviews.

(Target: Complete 80 percent of the allegation reviews in accordance with and within the quality and timeliness requirements of MD 8.8)

! PE Support OI investigation of effluent control, environmental j or decommissioning issues.

y Measure: Timeliness in com effluent control,pleting investigations environmental. or of decwmissioning issues. (Target: Provide technical support to OI on the schedule requested by OI 80 percent of the time)

PE Identify and take enforcement against licensee's who fail to '

comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

Measure: Conduct enforcement panels to coordinate l potential escalated enforcement. (Target: As \

needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel  ;

material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance) l Measure: Timeliness of Non-exempt escalated enforcement (Target: Process 90' percent of cases within the l timeliness goals established in Section 5.6 of the Enforcement Manual with all non-exempt cases <

issued within 90 days. except those case types with a goal of 105 days.)

Measure: Review OI investigative findings for appropriate enforcement action. (Target: Review OI report within 45 days of 01 Reporc issuance for potential enforcement) 35

Measure: Issue Confirmatory Action Letters as needed to confirm licensee carmitments regarding emergent safety issues. (Target: CALs issued within two days of receiving corimitments from licensees 90 percent of the time.)

Measure: Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency and coqqliance. (Target: Participation in one Peer Review and completion of one audit of a

, representative sample of inspection reports)

5. . Strategic Arena: Public Confidence GeneraT'G6al:77lJhe pubEc,f.thoseNeTre~gulate, and-oth5r/stakeholde'r's in rp wwf?theinatiodalisnd 'intbrnatio'hal.(comihunityr-will :have relear MiH  ;

9, N i- (,,s,p&M;and accurate'.informati6n':about,ea meaningf

~ ~

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.~ Agency s h'ow .itt. -informs and-x/h.0pmplement;the:


4.1nvolVeQhe2publjpG;thoseNedsgulate,aand other stakeholders,

f. "Lin~NRC's ' regulatory progradi??-(Goal VI. A) - -

Strategy PC 6.1:- - We wil1~ ob'idctively demonstrateithat NRC's efforts

k. .:d. ~. 1.. .;. .c._.,_,(c are enabling.phema. tion to use nuclear materials

.- t safely.

Substrategy PC 6.1.2: We will. measure and report the performance of both

" ~ ~ '

NRC'and its licensees and share this performance information in a fair and focused way with

%. -interested stakeholders. -

Planned Accomplishments:

PC Hold meetings open to the public with licensees to discuss the results of fuel facility LPRs or to discuss significant licensing issues, and hold open pre-decisional enforcement conferences.

Measure: Number of public meetings conducted (Target:

Meeting conducted for each LPR and for each pre-decisional enforcement conference that meets the criteria of the Enforcemeht Manual to be open)

PC Disseminate information to public on significant actions.

Measure: Timeliness and quality of press releases.

(Target: Press releases issued within two days of issuance of civil penalty or order) 36

__ _ ______ _ ____ ____ ________ _ _A


T-(Target: Press releases issued for each open pre-decisional enforcement conference)

PC Conduct public stakeholder meetings for significant decommissioning activities.

I Measure: Number and timeliness of meetings. (Target:

Meet'ngs held as specified in IMC 2605)

PC Conduct periodic press conferences in' location where there is anticipated interest, j

Measure: Number of conferences. (Target: Quarterly)

PC ' Conduct public exit meetings for significant inspections.


Measure: Percentage of public exit meetings conducted for

. each AIT or significant inspection. (Target:

80 percent)

PC Conduct periodic meetings with local officials at sites where there is a Senior Resident Inspector (SRI) assigned to share performance information.

Measure: Timeliness of meetings. (Target: New SRLs meet with local officials within 90 days of assignment and offer followup meetings each a 365 days)

PC Respond to inquiries from the public.

Measure: Tineliness and quality of response (Target:

Respond within 45 days of receipt of a written request 80 percent of the time and promptly (within two work days) to verbal requests 80 percent of the time)

PC Provide notice of meetings held with licensees.

Measure: Timeliness and type of notice. (Target: ,

Notices issued in accordance with Mana \

Directive on meetings with licensees) gement 37

6. Strategic Arena: Excellence <

i General Goal:_ .g.The .NRC:.regulatoryiprogram,will be. efficient :and.will- -

~ ~ ~

  • Tallow thE safely fuse 1 nuclear- materials .fo'ri ~ '~

,-- - ci vil i an ; purposes i?"(Goal ' VII) .

.. ...e::

. . n .. ,.. . w .. a -


Performance'Gosis:)r g -v my f


, x +; ?.$ ,6;fs.- -~ 4 ~ ~ . .


e :.39$

v* - '

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VII ~AY.=. Mn""Am

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, . n.; . . . :,.O , .

L . - .:: .. - .

b f? M~r. T : Evaluate-anddnil'ement:nes'dediim rovements for..five1 major;NRC4

. Si NEbpro'essseMby1'Ju file 1999f?!dGod VII.B): "' ' E i ira C ' > -

Strategy EX~7.1: w - JWe will make regulatory excellence:.the. cornerstone e deg.w/XJy/CalfohalT of 700NstFatsgies:a'nd a~ctivities? A-


SubstrategyxEX07:11.1:...We will.proactively. examine'our programs 3and1. ,r.

MdMwM,h1gf.%pdr~for'mance:1 .

dp!,dgjijs N;w4worktthrou~gh {..niarder:to;improvetthe -

compreh'ensivel systematic,.; way:weagency do'oura:


.M - -- . _.approachitocprogramrassessmentvandtimprovement.

Planned Accomplishments:

EX Conduct quarterly self-assessments of performance on the a basis of specific criteria with performance measures to ensure programs meet management expectations for on site. on time, and on target.

Measure: Completicn of self-assessment each quarter (Target: One per quarter)

EX Conduct periodic reviews of the quality of inspection reports.

Measure: Number of inspection reports reviewed for quality (Target: Each site will receive a peer review reports twice a year)

EX Conduct inspector objectivity visits in accordance with MC 0102.

Measure: Number of objectivity visits by each resident inspector (Target: The SRis will spend at least one week per year at the other site) 38



Substrategy'7.1.4f  : GWe-willtprovide'.' training :and' development to our {


- ~~ ..!'ISN~ OVstsfflo:enatileiushtoLachievefeicellence?in our

. organizational.and individual, performance.

Planned Accomplishments:

EX Provide training to managers in accordance with'NRC' program and Region II supervisory addendum.

- Measure: Individual training requirements in procedures met. (Target: Requirements met in 90 percent of cases within 24 months of assignment as supervisor) ~~' ~ ~ ~" -- *

~ ~

EX EnsUrethatinspec' tors'andl'icensereviesersareadeduately trained and fully qualified to perform licensing casework actions and inspections. ,

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target:

Staff qualification completed and maintained in accordance with IMC 1246 (or IMC 1245 for previously qualified staff). For staff in qualification. cornpletion of courses in accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent of new staff will be qualified within two years

,' of beginning assignment. Staff continuing qualification maintained.)

l l



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G W M 6R%ibite% 5%i 3:a '.8 V ~' .3 ~~

B. Goals / Planned Ac,complishments/0utput Measures By Strategic Arena

1. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Materials Safery GenEraT-Goal':WEPFeVehthrddiation' r. elate'd'. deaths orJillnessas '

mt;(iffMpqcWilia' nfuse;6f50tircE.';bPproductv.and special . nuclear .

- "I'd s iwi g gmat'ef ._

Performance v -m i r T. ~ n fGosi s,:uts.m{ial sygGgII)) iw .;

g .mg nc..%;m. 9

. firld -l-d @/n t' i - t . -


g .;. , . g % , w .ec,a.2..e.3,.m "Zero' nadiat'ib$related 'ddaths'ddelto civilian use of source, byproduc't, and special nuclear ~ materials. (Goal II.A)

  • No the number of significant radiation exposures due to loss or use of source, byproduct, and special nuclear materials.

(Goal II.A.1)

No increase .in the number of losses of licensed material as reported to: Congress annually. (Goal II.A.1.a)

.. . a  :

4No.accidenthl~ criticality involving; licensed material'. (Gdal .II.A.1.b)


Nolincreasesin.the number ofdisadministration events which cause significant radiation exposures.-1(Goal'II.A.2)

Strategy NHS 2.I' We will' assure that: licensees discharge.their primary

. responsibility for using materials safety- ,

Substrategy NHS 2.1.4 We will make licensee performance and compliance with requirements decreasing the inspection. frequency for good compliers and assessing penalties to non compliers.



1 .


Planned Accomplishments:

l NMS Review the performance of each materials licensee after each inspection and adjust inspection frequencies based on this l performance.

Measure: Inspection frequency revision (Target:

Inspection frequencies adjusted in accordance ,

with criteria in IMC 2800)

NMS Identify and take enforcement against licensees who fail to comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

Measure: Conduct enforcenent panels to coordinate i potential escalated enforcement. (Target: As needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance)

Measure: Timeliness of Non-exempt escalated enforcement

-(Target: Process 90 percent of cases within the timeliness goals established in Section 5.6 of the Enforcement Manual with all non-exempt cases issued within 90 days, except those case types with a goal of 105 days.)

n Measure: Review 01 investigative findings for appropriate  ;

enforcement action. (Target: Review Of report within 45 days of Of Report issuance for potential enforcement) l Measure: Issue Confirmatory Action Letters as needed to confirm licensee cmmitments regarding emergent safety issues. (Target: CAls issued within two l

days of receiving cmmitments from licensees  ;

90 percent of the time.)

Measure: Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency  ;

and cwpliance. (Target: Participation in one i Peer Review and completion of one audit af a representative sample of-inspection reports}


We~ willlicen'se :and inspect facilities and material 1

. 6sers to.. help. ens ~ure :that they operate and

._ decominission'. safelya' nd develop safe products. .

Planned Accomplishments: i NMS Complete materials licensing casework reviews document the bases for licensing decisions. consider enforcement history on renewals, and maintain ' licensing files in orderly fashion and retain appropriate documents. e.g. , license review checklists. and supporting data.


.i Measure: Quality and timeliness of reviews of applications for new materials licenses, amendments, and renewals. (Target: Evaluate applications in accordance with established criteria (Standard Review Plans. Policy and Guidance Directives. and Technical Assistance Request decisions). Canplete 80 percent of reviews for new applications and amendments within 90 days. Capplete 80 percent of reviews for renewals within 180 days. Eliminate the number of " backlogged" cases (as defined in U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Cornnission Accountability Report Fiscal Year 1996. NUREG 1542. Vol. 2) especially with respect to core cases. i.e.. new and amendnents. We will eliminate all cases older than one year. For cases older than one year, we will develop and coordinate an action

. plan with NMSS.)

NMS Implement new materials licensing guidance as developed and finalized, ensuring consistency in licensing within and between regions and NMSS.

Measure: Timeliness of implementation of new guidance and review of actions to assure consistency.

(Target: New guidance implemented within 45 days of receipt and review of all licensing 9 actions by supervisor)

NMS Schedule and complete materials inspections in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of inspection of materials licensees and reports of inspections.

(Target: Canplete inspections in accordance with IMC 2800 (materials). and 2605 (decannissioning).1220 (reciprocity). with less

1. ban 10 percent overdue as defined in the IMC.

Copletion of inspection reports in accordance with the quality standards and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue.)

NMS Perform timely evaluation of events (including medical misadministrations) including on-site inspections as needed to identify causes and root causes of events. risk precursors. evaluate licensee compensatory measures and corrective actions. determine if there are generic implications, document findings, review NRC processes, procedures and performance to determine if actions ar.e necessary to improve NRC performance, and develop recommendations.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of licensee event report reviews and NRC process evaluation. (Target:

42 1


Preliminary Notifications. Morning Reports. and input to NMED system in accordance with the quality and timeliness requirements of IMCs and Directives. Responses will be connensurate with the risk significance and site specific / generic ityplications of the event. Review 95 percent of licensee events reported to NRC within five working days. For events classified as A0s or other events of interest considered as A0s. a

, lessons learned evaluation will be performed.)

NHS Conduct Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) inspections to review each event that meets the thresholds established in MD B.3.

Measure: AIT inspections conducted to review significant events. (Target: AITs conducted in accordance with MD 8.3 and IMC 0325 and 90 percent of AIT reports issued within 30 days of the end of the inspection) {

NMS Expeditiously determine the safety significance and validity of allegations received.

Measure: Prornptly assess and acknowledge allegations received. (Target: 90 percent of all cases will


be reviewed by the Allegation Review Board and


9 acknowledged within 30 days of receipt) i Measure: Timely closure of allegations. (Target:

Closure of all assigned allegations. not .

involving wrongdoing or discrimination, within 180 days of receipt) l Measure: Provide periodic status to allegers. (Tar Issue status letters at 6 month intervals)get:

Maintain management focus on allegation timeliness. (Target: Weekly meetings with senior Regional management focusing on allegations open greater than 90 days)

NM5 Support 01 investigations.

Measure: Timeliness in cornpleting investigations.

(Target: Provide technical support to OI on the schedule requested by 0180 percent of the time)

NMS Ensure that supervisors accompany inspectors on a periodic basis.

Measure: Number of inspection acconpaniments. (Target:

Branch Chiefs will accanpany each inspector per fiscal year. and new inspectors more frequently) 43

NMS Ensure that inspectors and license reviewers are adequately trained and fully-qualified to perform inspections and complete licensing casework actions.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target:

Staff qualification completed and maintained in accordance with IMC 1246 (or IMC 1245 for previously qualified inspection staff and the Directives for licensing staff). For staff in qualification, completion of courses in

, accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent of new staff will be qualified within two years of beginning assignment. Staff continuing qualification maintained.)

NMS Perform Project Management for the U.S. Navy Master Materials License (NHL).

Measure: Quality of oversight and timeliness of actions.

(Target: Implement inspection and license review in accordance with IMC 2810 and Policy and Guidance Directives)

NMS Identify safety issues that have generic significance.

Measure: Timeliness of draft Information Notices n forwarded to Headquarters (Target: 60 days from identification)

NMS Support IMPEP review of another NRC Region for adequacy to ensure public health and safety and conformance with NRC policies and procedures.

Measure: Quality and nr.nber of IMDEPs supported.

(Target: Participation in one IMPEP using the criteria of MD 5.6.)

NMS Control and monitor employee's radiation dose and implement controls for use of radioactive materials by staff.

Measure: Implementation of MD 10.131. (Target:

Implementation of ROI 2130. Radiation Protection Manual and ROI 2132. Region 11 Personnel Monitoring Program)

Strategy NMS 2.2,.We will regulate:uses. consistent with the ~1evel- of risk:x-involved by ' decreasing oversight of.those materials that-pose the lowest radiological risk to the public and

.._ continuing emphasis on.high risk activities.



9 Substrategy NHS"2:2.2"We.will' assess' our. regulations and']rocesses to

. <ww . .m%,

identify can ae .r<isk . informed.

., S ' ~- -


<. ' n ~ l performance!

rprescriptive.based N ~~or; risk-informed. -lessi;_hs.e. .

. P :# -

Planned Accomplishments:

NHS Support the revision of materials regulatory requirements.

including the revision of 10 CFR Part 35. by reviewing and commenting on the draft proposed rule changes. .

Measure: Quality and timeliness of reviews. (Target:

Reviews cornpleted/coriments provided in accordance with schedule established by NMSS 80 percent of the time.)

Substrategy^NHS?2:213'MWe-will re'eng~inueWourdlicen'sihg 'p'ro'essses'n gg. ,;.9. .f Wutailoring.them to^irsflect the relative. hazards of:;T' MWi34sdLJD/./tM'120icen" sed mater.ials.i- h. -

" "9sMM E T Planned Accomplishments:

NMS Support the materials BPR Project implementation including the Guidance Consolidation Project. to support simplified and streamlined licensing processes.

4 Measure: Quality and timeliness of Consolidation

' products. (Target: Support provided to Consolidation teams in accordance with schedules developed by NMSS 80 percent of the time.)

l l

l l


l I

45 1

- - .. . .d

0 o'.


2. Strategic Arena: Protecting the Environment


lGeneraUGoal:; 17y;  % r,, W t. W ' 7 .72 :+ a, +Ne: m ..u.'.

' ~

Nirotect'the'environmentiin'conne5ti6S Uiih" civilian'6ss'6f$51irce"l byproduct, and'special nuclear materials through3the implementation of

- (the Atomic:Ener and the. National Environmental.;PolicyiAct. ,

- @ df,Go,al y ,V Q g y,;gy.Act

. . Ir. g.> . . , .

' Q.t . . , . {

h - w e , m Q W D : m,gIm g jg; e

_. a. g ;

1 Per'formance ' Goal s :vpp d yty pd4;e;c,ppsc!:r.-rg- JGQh . ;>. l

.:;:M - ~ M.3 :4  % ~- -

. .. o 3'- . .

~iv~ ~ ,-

t.. .3-GWe:Zerojoffsite-r.eleases'.from,; operating facil.ities of: radioactive,-

getsmaterial tija,t 3 iha'veithe t pot.en.tjaisto s cause. adverse impact.on.the~

s*5 innenv,.#*1ronmentn#(GoaffV/A)~.9 c .; .: ".

> . 7

..;., %Y;t.Ng,pwg5m.1 '

7 V~ ' No :. increase in..the' number.cof'offsite releases from operating 4

dacilitiestof? radioactive materialthat exceed 30iCFR PartWOX



.~ J'

,..w#4. m m. Tim.s it' , ..s.W(Goali n ~ - r :. - V: A, .1.g):#.-W~n':

w < -it9'MF.W.5

..: ~. .  ;

-! *,*.* *,yy.  ;, ,. ...,,3? -

^ s, .. , . , , J ^. y' \

f.$$$q", f '-! 2 3 E Mjf6hmbnta HI5 pact'skhaM'. 15 "-iI!b~e5Ei dInti f.iedith'rlou~gh 2 NEPAhrbcess_I nbefore regulatory action isitaken. ..(Goal V.B)~.



?~.l V "..,- m.m U1wa epy, . C -

~;. ~ ~ ..:Noisites'will 1 _ ... __

.be .r61 ease ~d 'Until satisfactorily femediated;in -

I -

l l acrW.L. ira ~ccordancefwith:NRC relea' s e'/cr.iteria; (Goal:V.C) M '.

1 -

Strategy PE 5.1 a.We will . improve the process-by which licensees l

--! : r-- successfully; complete: decommissioning.of non reactor u sites.

l Planned Accomplishments:

PE 5.1.1 Complete reviews of ORNL terminated sites list facilities and document the bases for decisions.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of reviews. (Target:

Cornplete reviews of all facilities on the list by 9/30/98. and for those not released. define actions to be taken to release.)

PE 5.1.2 Schedule and complete decommissioning inspections in a timely manner and issue timely inspection reports.  ;

J 46


Measure: Quality and timeliness of inspection of licensees undergoing decxmissioning and reports of inspections. (Target: C wplete inspections in accordance with IMC 2605 with less than 10 percent overdue as defined in the IMC.

~ Cwpletion of inspection reports in accordance with the quality standards and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue.)

PE 5.1.3 Maintain an adequate supply of operable and calibrated portable survey instruments to support independent surveys during inspections and to support incident response.

Measure: Number of operable and calibrated instraents.

(Target: The cwplement of instruments necessary for incident response will be maintained at all times. The supply of other instruments will be in accor:iance with the documented minimum inventory . equirsments 80 percent of the time.)

PE 5.1.4 . Maintain capability to do screening analyset of simples for beta / gamma activity. low energy beta activity. cnd alpha activity. We will coordinate with Region I for other radiological analytical services. We will develop and implement counting equipment 0A/0C procedures.

a Measure: Operability of instruments and timeliness of transmittal of samples to Region I. (Target:

Betalganma.10w energy beta. and alpha counting instruments will be operable and calibrated or will be sent for repair within ten working days of identification of inoperability. Samples will be sent to Region I within ten working days of receipt in Region.)

PE 5.1.5 Expeditiously determine the safety significance and validity of allegations received. .

Measure: Prmptly assess and acknowledge allegations received. (Target: 90 percent of all cases will (

be reviewed by the Allegation Review Board and acknowledged within 30 days of receipt)

Measure: Timely closure of allegations. (Target:

Closure of all assigned allegations, not involving wrongdoing or discrimination, within 180 days of receipt)

Measure: Provide periodic status to allegers. (Target:

Issue status letters at 6 month intervals)

Maintain management focus on allegation timeliness. (Target: Weekly meetings with


o. .

Senior Regional management focusing on allegations open greater than 90 days)

PE 5.1.6 Ensure that decommissioning inspectors and license reviewers are adequately trained and fully-qualified to perform and complete inspections and licensing casework actions.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target: 1 Staff qualification cornpleted and maintained in l accordance with IMC 1246 (or IMC 1245 for  !

. previously qualified staff). For staff in  !

qualification, cornpletion of courses in accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent of new staff will be qualified within two years of beginning assignment. Staff continuing qualification maintained)

~ ~

Substrat'egy PE?5'I'.'2:.3.Neiwill . assure .th'atelicensees.have adequate funds u.

, ;4, .y. .. r ^ navai.1ablefor: decommissioning and maintaining-

_a .an c. : . l;; ..if.inancial requirements. '

wE . .

Planned Accomplishments:

PE Complete timely financial assurance reviews and document the y bases for decisions.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of reviews. (Target:

Initiate reviews within 30 days of receipt of financial assurance information and transmit RAls or acceptances to licensees within 30 days of receipt of contractor evaluations)

Strategy PE 5.2 ..We.will-assure that' licensees protect the. environment.

. during operations.

Substrategy PE 5.2.1 - During-initial, licensing and-any other major. NRC muws.m!.c.e: Taction:that could.significantly:cffect the quality f.. m.w w 22: ch.of.the' environment;7we will consider the j.. , g, a.a : .... e.; .,environmentalweffects and alternatives associated M'r~ ~ith'such w major NRC actions.

Planned Accomplishments:

PE Complete timely materials licensing casework reviews for cases that could have significant environmental impact.

document the bases for licensing decisions. and retain appropriate documents, e.g., license review checklists, and supporting data.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of reviews of 48

( . .

l I l i ..' i i


applications. (Target: Evaluate applications '

in accordance with established criteria (IMC 2605. Standard Review Plan for Well Logging. Policy and Guidance Directive 84-20.

NMSS Policy and Procedures Letter 1-48. and Technical Assistance Request decisions.)


m . - mitigate 56tentialiadversemimpacts'on?th 1


! f_' W '

I Planned Accomplishments:

l PE Complete inspections of materials licensees effluent control and environmental monitoring programs where applicable and issue, timely inspection reports.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of inspection of


materials licensees and reports of inspections.

(Target: Complete inspections in accordance with IMC 2800 (materials). 2605 (deco 7missioning).1220 (reciprocity). and 2690 (ISFSIs) with less than 10 percent overdue as defined in the IMC. Cornpletion of inspection reports in accordance with the quality standards


and timeliness of MC 0610 (21 days for routine and 30 days for team) with less than 10 percent overdue.)

PE Ensure that inspectort and license reviewers are adequately trained and fully-qualified to perform inspections and complete licensing casework actions.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target:

Staff qualification cornpleted and maintained in accordance with IMC 1246 (on IMC 1245 for previously qualified inspection staff and Directives for licenaing staff). For staff in qualification, coqpletion of courses in accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent of new staff will be qualified within two years of beginning assignment. Staff continuing qualification maintained.)

PE Perform timely evaluation of environmental events including on-site ins)ections to identify causes and root causes of events: risc precursors: evaluate licensee compensatory measures and corrective actions: determine if there are generic implications: document findings: review NRC processes procedures and performance to determine if actions are necessary to improve NRC performance; and develop recommendations.



4 Measure: Quality and timeliness of licensue event reports reviews. (Target: Preliminary Notifications.

Morning Reports, and Input to NMED system in accordance with the quality and timeliness requirements of IMCs and Directives. Resoonses will be cortmensurate with the risk significance and site specific / generic implications of the event. Review 95 percent of licensee events reported to NRC within five working days. For events classified as A0s ~or other events of interest considered as A0s, a lessons learned

. evaluation wi11 be performed.)

PE Conduct Augmented Irspection Team (AIT) inspections to review each event that meets the thresholds established in MD 8.8.

Measure: AIT inspections conducted to review significant events. (Target: AITs conducted in accordance with MD 8.3 and IMC 0325 and 90 percent of AIT reports issued within 30 days of the end of the inspection.)

PE Support 01 investigation of effluent control, environmental or decommissioning issues.

Measure: Timeliness in com effluent control,pleting investigations environmental or of decomissioning issues. (Target: Provide technical support to 0I on the schedule requested by 0180 percent of the time.)

PE Expeditiously determine the safety significance and validity of allegations received.

Measure: Promptly assess and acknowledge allegations received. (Target: 90 percent of all cases will be reviewed by the Allegation Review Board and acknowledged within 30 days of receipt)

Measure: 1imely closure of allegations. (Target:

Closure of all assigned allegations not involving wrongdoing or discrimination within 180 days of receipt)

Measure: Provide periodic status to allegers. (Target:

Issue status letters at 6 month intervals)

Maintain management focus on allegation timeliness. (Target: Weekly meetings with senior Regional management focusing on allegations open greater than 90 days) 50



E Identify and take enforcement against licensees who fail to comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

1 Measure: Conduct enforcement panels to coordinate potential escalated enforcement. (Target: As needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance)

MeasDre: Timeliness of Non-exenpt escalated enforcement

' (Target: Process 90 percent of cases within the timeliness goals established in Section 5.6 of

. the Enforcement Manual with all non-exempt cases issued within 90 days, except those case types

- with a goal of 105 days.)

Measure: ' Review Of investigative findings for appropriate enforcement action. (Target: Review Of report within 45 days of

-- - - potenttal enforcem01 ent)Report issuance for


Measure:- Issue 50nfirmatory Action Letters as needed to i confirm licensee cmmitments regarding emergent l safety issues. (Target: CALs issued within two days of receiving comitments fra licensees i

90 percent of the time.)

Measure'- Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency ,

and coqo11ance. (Target: Participation in one Peer Review and completion of one audit of a representative sample of inspection reports)


1 l

51 '


3. Strategic Arena: Public Confidence General Goa] g _;,y y ,,, , g g ,3 g 4 e/'

"ThEpubliMthoieIwe regulath. 2 aridither'stakeholders~ in the . national

  • Wand;.in'tePnational 2 Iab'o'uthaime'aningful communiti;l4:willthave.

trole'.in. and.respectrfor andclear and. accurate confidence in', . NRC'.s information.

0; regulatory L- J Fif F ._ .

pgph,hh'hl'h; program. :(Goal)VI) WW ~ AM$Nhb 5kdhhhlhh.!NbkYNN7 h

. , ~.... p c ,,n. -.m..a arnW3 D " ' '

(- .{.

2) y. 4

. t v g

.g- 1MW$;is.'..

.rt, N; .1,ys n p~.:Imilement'.the:Ag.

x mency ;pl antto





informs c.m. .-

anda,nvolvesrthe, T'%pinlic$'osifwe reg,ulate,Tahd lerstakeh' ot ' NRC':siregulatory:

  1. M piogra 6I(G6al"VI?A)"N"- "?i'T~ J .

c Strat'e~gyiPC 763F0W.2We' will;objectWely ' demonstrate .that NRC's ' efforts' v.s,:.g f .#.eveg.ycc are e~nEblingMth's' nation to use nuclear materials'~

timsw.i;EgM, .Gsafety'.*C MmW i = - - - - . .

SubstrategyzPC;6?h2:'s.;We:will:.measurerandireport .the performance ofiboth ~

" W W .o;# w.a n u r:NRC rand d ts nl i censees ) and is ha re : thi s .performa nce 5 4.;f#'7.cmW .information fair;and focused way with ~

-M&it .n/AOdintereste'd stakeholders.


Planned Accomplishments:

PC Disseminate information to public on significant actions.

Measure: Timeliness and quality of press releases.

(Target: Press releases issued within two days of issuance of civil penalty or order)

(Target: Press releases issued for each open pre-decisional enforcement conference)

PC Conduct public stakeholder meetings for significant decommissioning activities.

Measure: Number and timeliness of meetings. (Target:

Meetings held as specified in lHC 2605.)

PC Conduct periodic press conferences in location where there is anticipated interest.

Measure: Number of conferences. (Target: Quarterly)

PC Conduct public exit meetings for significant inspections.

Measure: Percentage of public exit meetings conducted for each AIT. (Target: 80 percent)

PC Respond to inquiries from the public.

Measure: Timeliness and quality of response (Target:

Respond within 45 days of receipt of a written

' request 80 percent of the time and proqatly (within two working days) to verbal requests 80 percert of the time).

PC . Provide notice of meetings held with licen' sees, j

Measure: Timeliness and type of notice. (Target:

Notices issued in accordance with Mana Directive on meetings with licensees) gement \

o  % e%% - a e I

l l 53


4. Strategic Arena: Excellence General ~ Goal: ' ,. lJhe.NRC regulatory: program will be efficient and will

~" allow'the Nation tors'afely u'se nuclear materialsifor Leivilian;


purposes. . (Goal VII). , . -

Performance Goals:ss.. .. ,+- .

_..~-. .- .

,. ^

r. w . ' . . ..e,nc

/ W %i' l . ~ .


v. u c. -

r c


> 7 B g,g w.34C?Implementi,}th'er, .. age,ncy');s ' r C ~ ?- W JEM9Alh(GoaljVIIiA)9:MaYMs"

cemti% qrm w ,,'..w ~.:.m ud:"" . plan,,fo, V- *

~~ '-

  • =" N: N *excellen~


%er  ? *% "~a f EValbatejan' fimplement ~neeca ...apro t.:c ..-



. -;; .; - . In .: d.~ :::: ; w . . 2-

major,.NRC2J o processes by' July'1.1999.2(Goal ~VII.B) a .e ., u- < .~s z -



c. amp ~EX} nit MW1WeWill make. reguldtory exc511ence'.the. cornerstone

?n;6amifof "allr fo fouPstratdgies and activities. e Substrategy. EX;7.1.1::.. : We will..proactively examine our. programs;and ._- .

z.e(.i 7"M. 'eperformanc' improve.the-wak.wedoour+

2n.' D .ework through1 comprehensive, systematic -:agericy wide

'N - if - ' approach to' program assessment and improvement:

Planned Acco'mplishments:

! EX Conduct quarterly self-assessments of performance on the a basis of specific criteria with performance measures to ensure programs meet management expectations for on site, on time, and on target.

l Measure: Completion of self-assessment each quarter l (Target: One per quarter)

EX Conduct periodic reviews of the quality of inspection reports.

l Measure: Number of inspection reports reviewed for j quality (Target: Peer review at least twice per i year)

Substrategy 7.1.4: We will provide training and development to our

' staff to enable us to achieve excellence in our organizational and ' individual performance.'

Planned Accomplishments:

EX Provide training to managers in accordance with NRC program and Region II supervisory addendum.

Measure: Inaividual training requirements in procedures met. (Target: Requirements met in 90 percent 54


b of cases within 24 months of assignment as supervisor)

EX Ensure that inspectors and license reviewers are adequately trained and fully qualified to perform licensing casework actions and inspections.

Measure: Timeliness of staff qualification and maintenance of staff qualification. (Target:

~ Staff qualification completed and maintained in accordance with IMC 1246 (or IMC 1245 for previously qualified staff). For staff in qualification, completion of courses in accordance with the Training Plan. 80 percent of new staff will be qualified within two years of beginning assignment. Staff continuing qualification maintained.) -

I 55

V 4

STATE PROGRAMS A. Resources Tage{,ed. . i.CEYi19985'1':q i,syq EYr 1999.7.L..i; .;i :.g,%2000jl. ;g.

fEMrN;Areajjg;g xYE! i!$ls9$UEyM $$kB fFT$[@ $80]$$$h S'ti't WeFog761iM M M e.UF ~2.:0W WM- . -

.W- 0V B. Goals / Planned Accomplishments / Output Heasures By Strategic Arena

1. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Materials Safety


General Goal:' Prevent ridia' tion related deaths or illnesses due'to .




. materials. ~(Goal II)~ civilian use of. source : byproduct, 'and spec

?:i = , . . . . . ^ ;b, .- .

Performance ~ Goals: - -

a . u .. .. . .. .... . .

  • ' - 4Zero':. radiation-related deaths'. civilian use of source,

' byproduct;;and.special nuclear-materials. (Goar II.A)

> No increase-in the number of 'significant radiation exposifres due to

~ loss or use of source byproduct, and special nuclear materials.

(Goal :tII . A.1) -

No ~ increase in the number of losses of licensed material a's reported to Congress annually. (Goal II.A.1.a)

No accidental criticality involving licensed material. (Goal II.A.I.b)

  • ~

. No increase in the number of misadministration events which cause significant radiation exposures. (Goal II.A.2)

Strategy.2.3: .

We will work.with the Agreement States to assure consistent nationwide.. protection of public health -and safety Substrategy 2.3.1: We will provide for early and substantive~

involvement of.the Agreement States in rulemaking and regulatory processes, including the transition to, risk informed, performance-based regulation or a risk informed, less prescriptive approach.

Planned Accomplishments:

SP Review Region II Agreement State regulation changes.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of reviews. (Target:



j i

Reviews will be canpleted in accordance with \

SP D.7 . Documentation of these review.7 will be provided to OGC within 30 days 80 percent of the time.)

l SP Review and comment on OSP draft documents and participate on task forces and in training courses.

Measure: . Quality and timeliness of reviews and participation in task forces and training ..

courses. (Target: Reviews will be c.ompleted in accordance with schedules established by SP

' B0 percent of the time.)

Substrategy"2.3.2iM@eiwillireVisw'the Hg[.

4- %WC Weach; Agreement *:Stateis; Radiation:Contr.dlTPfpg am a adequacy.-and of' com;iatib 3hWedQDrgiys M<N4hM$$4M9 Agree;4hs :resuftsfoMthisVmentiStaYesFMW/perf6rinanEeirei/

  • M *WMM'#4W Planned Accomplishments:

SP Support IMPEP reviews for adequacy to ensure public health

,and safety and compatibility of programs with NRC programs.

Measure: Quality and nunbr of IMPEPs supported.

(Target: Partici


criteria of MD 5.pation 6.) in two IMPEPs using the Substrategy.

^~ 2 ;3. 3 :W i d Weiwil.1 conti nue . to irespond: to . requests < from N +

tindividual states that. express an interest::in '


...~ .u.

"'pursding'Agre~ement' State ^stattis' aHdTork"w'ith' ach~

e.. 2 .

state =to achieve-this .goaltwe'will also:. encourage 0 Oc76 .D M W &retentiodrftexistiiig; o


Agreement: States '


~cumm: Mthrough"noridno' netary incentivEsr . , _pr.imir'ily


l l Planned Accomplishments:

SP Support the Agreement State assistance request in Region II i

l and support any State desiring to become an Agreement State.

Measure: Timeliness and quality of support to Agreement States or States desiring to becane Agreement States. (Target: Support provided in accordance with States' needed schedules 80 percent of the time.)

  • SP Conduct annual meetings with Agreement States not undergoing an IMPEP.

Measure: Quality and number of annual meetings. (Target:

Annual reviews completed in accordance with SP Procedure D.24 for each State not receiving an IMPEP in FY98.)


.1 REACTOR / MATERIALS ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS PROGRAM A. Resources mea'r.' git]/ dip @y  ;$ssy]199,8E'jj$ s%QY4,1999y.255 {$5&j2000S57-.

.RSEc[oS$jlf.EE13I,D ?ed2;0;_1 g i '

. 3. 0 . ~.m .

l3. 0_. . .

Q&iQig&WH9g u m:M %t @ r w .. ;w" e;=. + p 21a. Y B. Goals / Planned Accomplishments / Output Heasures by Strategic Arena

1. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Reactor Safety GensFalYG661':;.2$Rrsv'ent?[radihtionifsist'e'd?

$53MAggyciti}i, fan nscleg;r.s,actgyQ(Goa;lil)( g#?gR deaths'.'ortillnesse ~.

.:. g_ . an -- -- .


"' .~.~.~ . n - .- m -w--. 7

-,us , a. Bnw.w Mt

. .. . . , . .zz. ...

Performance' m 7;. y . .-:..g ,iu Goals::

c..~;.9 .. y:

WM. . .. . . / r ..3%c~L.


. WZerorcivilian nuclear ~ reac; tor accidents. _.(GoaljI.A)m:- . , + .1 . r

  • f:. fmHalnt -w~ic' y.t.i.. w ,a w .g:W.w n- y: . ,.c.n c _.w. u. :.. . + . . - MM.:a . ' -

...r low requency:of events which.c. .ld ou ~1ead to a: severe ~.

?accider. .'M(GoaWI:A.1) %- 4 A,.L.i : c.- w;

w. .=. w.-..:.2> .c. . v.

. . x ;.

, w .r t.

. . . n;

... . .c_u

~ - + y.

V ", ,. 4 Zero" death's duetto rad;iation1or: y ,. radioactivity releases.from civilian nuclear reactors.N(Goal'il.B)" #-1 ' ~ ' ' . -


. Zero significant radiation civilian nuclear' reactors.


(Goal 1 B.1) # -= -

': dd

'"r Stratiegy'NRS .1.0:'.WsJwilll;as'sure1thatMicensee's ~. discharge theirsprimary

'~ 7r sponsibility..for.Kconductingisafe operations. -

Substrategy NRS 1.1.4: .We will.make: licensee performance'and.comprian'ce' with our requirements consequential-by decreasing wg;:p.

e: .

. :cym'T Nthe' inspection'frbquency'for good i performersrand -


. sp .m s.: W hassessing penalties to poor performers; -

Planned Accomplishments:

NRS' Identify and take enforcement against licensees who fail to comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

Measures: A. Conduct enforcement panels to evaluate and coordinate potential escalated enforcement. (Target: As needed on a weekly basis with appropriate panel material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> 58


in advance.)

B. Timeliness of non-exempt escalated enforcement will be conducted in accordance with the timeliness goals specifled in the Enforcement Manual.

~ (Target: On average. 90 percent of cases will be issued within 90 days of inspection t.inpletion. and. on average.

100 percent s ithin 120 days.)

. C. Monitor DOL actions for potential enforcement. (Target: Issue Chilling Effect Letters within 30 days of receipt of a DOL District Director's decision of discrimination).

D. Review OI investigative findings for appropriate enforcement action. (Target:

Review OI report within 45 days of 01 Report issuance for potential enforcement).

E. Issue Confirmatory Action Letters as needed to confirm licensee cornnitments regarding emergent safety issues. (Target:

as needed) . .- -.

F. Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency. timeliness. and compliance.

(Target: Participation in 2 Peer Reviews and completion of 1 audit of a n -

representative sample of reactor i inspection reports).

G. Timeliness of non-escalated enforcement (Terget: 90 percent of cases within the report issuance timeliness goals of MC 0610) 1 l

i I

I 59 l


2. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Materials Safety WP i'vilian



'5 .7l. 5 ~. Goat:hc.revent

~*~ -

tm .M(Goal:II)

'ra'diation.related deaths or. illn c- ;w.m"m. e,m, .ater.ials(use of,.sourcer byproduct, and w

n . . . . . , , .+


u. m GoalE_ya

. m. w . .1. . ,

m ~ . .s w.

, sa../aw.w.

w - .

dl;;.g. w lJ,.J,.

.. x

.. 60.-

,_ ,.gt,,.g


n.r, ---

W ciZeroiradi3tio'nrelated? deaths?:edue to civilian.u'

  • .f b d0'ctWand' g m g. .m~ e.+-y.m.fialsc6(Goal: dmate s eiof.sourH S....A.

E'? $e NoMinc.c;q A

.. rease%ypro ggd7.,4s.pecialtnuclea

- V x-.


w. .

~. .

. , g II!A)?FOW;$1?

5 a .m , 7;s N -;

.  :~,.. f significant eradiation. ex-.u


fhe numberfo etto .

Mvil o's's 76#use~fofsso6rce',1 byproduct Rand :speci al 1nucl ear.posures 'd

. mater.ials.M"

> ' ^'F" W "~~'"' -

"# ^' ~ '



' a(Goals!II?B.)8mr"siMMwwww.%&u

i. mtw m +: - . - X M- :v ~
  • '.;.d..y.ww 4.y.,~.-+helnu.w -w w 21osses : of licensed material :.astreported-

-.: n . :: . >

No increasesin mbereof

<2.:ug;to!Congjgann;t uall " -


wr ..., y -+y'.M(Goal:II.C) ~m g. 1.~ ,

f,_y 7

  • SN u- .Am.o_accidentaEcriticalityJinvolving . -licensed material .,- -(Goal.;II D)~ s w a s _as. s .e.o m- +
r. ,.

-. , . .y c

  • E.:! 6. +w ir~

a s u w && q w'e' number of;m'isadministrat' ion events which ca. W. --

use .. .t .

A Wsi g'rii fi catinradi ati on"expdsoYs' ~.O.(Goal s . II . E) ~ ' -- N--


StrategifNMS 2?1FWeTiill < ass ~ur~e th'5t~liceilsees discharge their primary

%%Mesp6ns'ibility for using materials safety.

Substrategy NHS 2.21.4: We will'makeilicensee performance and compliance

': _ with our requirements consequential by decreasing

! ~-

. the-inspection-frequency for good performers and assessing penalties to poor performers.

Plarmed Accomplishments:

NMS Identify and take enforcement against licensee's who fail to comply with regulatory requirements in accordance with NUREG-1600 and the Enforcement Manual.

Measures: A. Conduct enforcement panels to coordinite potential escalated enforcement. (Targct:

As needed on a weekly basis with l appropriate panel material provided to participants 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance.)

B. Timeliness of non-exempt escalated enforcement will be conducted in accordance with the timeliness goals' specified in the Enforcement Manual.

(Target: On average. 90 percent of cases will be issued within 90 days of inspection completion, and. On average.

100 percent within 120 days.)



A C. Review OI investigative findings for appropriate enforcement action. (Target:

Review 01 report within 45 days of 01 Report issuance for potential enforcement).

E. Issue Confirmatory Action Letters as 1

needed to confirm licensee cmmitments '

regarding crnergent safety issues. (Target:

As needed)

F. Review non-escalated enforcement for consistency timeliness, and compliance.

(Target: Participation in 1 Peer Review and canpletion of 1 audit of a representative sanple of materials inspection reports). . .

G. Timeliness of non-escalated enforcement actions (Target: 90 percent of cases within report issuance timeliness goals of MC 0610.)

I i

i l

l 61


3. Strategic Arena: Public Confidence 72 General' Goal:"d".,The;public,7 those' We. regulate, and other.stakeholders in ,

the! national:andl. international community, will have clear l


. s..;.

and. accurate '.information:about, a meaningfuliroletin, and >

A.j.. 'i. y.

.f.d..,.p? respect .for and confi,,

-^ -

NRC's regulatory program. -


Q:.;gn ?p@w(Goal. -VI)~m; a .-: ~- ' %;* - ~- -

~ 2[ '

PerforiianciGoal(;sdft@:,,Jy:.T;%%"emm-kwc~. , : .= '$ -> . ' - .l; . .f,7 ' r. . - -

. wwnm w w*

  • h -~ *v . .

. gym" ;+ n~ vr. . ; - ~ ,* ,,

- . cmp

'.. pu .c -m

n. ,:Im alementh gency s. plan-to:.1marove how it informs >.. ? :,.' C'vand involves M.: ?

'Mp0ilicJths we; o regulate ;and cotler:stakeholders ,in:NRC's: regulatory Jiprogram5b(G6al%VIfA)Wie"'Jf' P '

" :4 i




Stratsgy[PC:6.'liFWe.willlobjectiv61 :. demonstrate t that NRC's efforts are- .

a rsM,a .p:Ji"#enablingithe;nat~ ion"to use nuclear materials: safety; ~ Y~

Substrategy PC 6:1.2: y .We.will measure ~and1 report the. performance.ofsboth' jfifG .f.73 1 ~, NRC'and its_ licensees and. share this': performance to m L T, _... , n . .; . -information in~;a faircand focused way with 1, c ga- s: - interested stakeholders: a ?"e

Planned Accomplishments:

PC Disseminate information to public on significant actions.

n Measure: Timeliness and quality of press releases.

(Target: Press releases issued within two days of issuance of civil penalty or order)

(Target: Press releases issued for each open pre.decisioral enforcement conference) i 62

~c' y.

4. Strategic Arena: Excellence


GeneFaliGoali M'The"NRC.regulatoryaprogram wiltbe efficient and will

. aT1ow',th'e',N5tionatolsafElysu'se; nuclear-materials .for s e,~*

' civilian'pur~ pos' Es. ](Gjial;VII) ? '

.a. ..

PerfotniancelGoals: . ,J


.1 <

c. ;%7 '

_:. J .1 ' ~ 9 n "

v " :Impl em.. entw.. :the'a . f. . '. ' ' j . .. fregulatoryfexcellenc.

@$p~hp3MP@RMgency's; ~ MM,2C.W3V1E t~.J plan g for.-(Goal e: -

~; ;-

A .~ ?VII.A)@.

N Ev51uaterand; implement;neededdmp' rovements'ifor. five m.a 7ajor.NRCI- -

M3proces'se's'.byQuli'1M999.~ '. (Gosi'.VII.8)L . ' ^;Ro '9 regblatory> excellence thefcornerstone=for all


+w ,. ."4 of-ou6 strategies and: activities.


i=Wu Sbbstrategy'EX.7 lili J:'We will proactively examine ~our. programs'.and ~

J dpa W ~ ;. M3. performance in,orderato ' improve the way we:-do' ~our'

. . ..-w _3fyr.; em '": 1 work:through; comprehensive,; systematic, ? agency wide )

a.  ;
approach to program assessment and improvement.


Planned Accomplishments:

EX Conduct quarterly self-assessments of performance on the basis of specific criteria with performance measures to a ensure programs meet management expectations for on site, on time and on target.

1 Measure: Completion of self-assessment each quarter (Target: One per quarter) i Substrategy EX 7.1.4: - We will provide training and development to our i staff to enable us to achieve excellence in our i

- organizational and individual performance.

Planned Accomplishments:

EX Conduct training to the Regional Staff on allegation management and enforcement.



ce Measure: Ccmpletion of Training by Regional and Resident Inspectors (Target: 100 percent of Regional /

Resident staff for allegation training and 75 percent of Regional / Resident staff for enforcement training) e w

t n

    • g e a

Y i

i l

64 1

v b

INDEPENDENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS PROGRAM A. Resources hpfQjtgjpg $i$$5Yiq99pjd$ $ F.Yi;1999 3 $ f r @ i R (2.0_0p $ (

fi pM@ fSh$l@J TTEEQ 'PSYf(k) FTE
~ - PS2$(k)] FTEisc fisi8eTtEIEp7nsetIA E b *s J' 1E259 WW -e1. 25Y 9F 717251 B. Goals / Planned Accomplishments / Output Heasures By Strategic Arena
1. Strategic Arena: . Nuclear Reactor Safety General:~ Goal!APreventiradiation relatedideath~s:br' illnesses.due to3;<


W -A. e+



M.$ne..-$dd$1% p%;ci vil i an  : nucl e a J im NS p %??p 9 0s v. W L.r? rea ctors ."(Goal 2:udn~ . .I ) J -*- 9?

Performance Goaisi W Q W ' rc W '-'?S* N -

a n;;q q y u p s % 9 $ b M j M W Wfny _- .


~ ~

> %Zero; civilian.nucTear. reactor; accidents-(Goal I)~. N *;4,' -

_u:n-3 :.n :

, . m ;5.;; ; . -

. _ g, w

  • M V5Ha' iiita'idd 6Mfred0e'nid94of FeYdn~ sNhidh40'tild ilsa'd "td 2an sever'eVa'c t

~U* 2~

~ 3.%(G6al q My-p: E A .1) ix b w.e.% W::n>:n

. : c :N::

. x.&,'. -


> T2Zsro" deaths due'to'!ridiation or radioa6tivity releasas from civilian Wnuclearcreactors c (Goal'I;A)2 "

xyp. x Se x .

~Zero;significant radiation exposures'due to civilian nuclear reactors


. , . I.B.1
y. . -< . -) n .; , ; . . .~ a . : .y,.

>..:y. . -- -

Strateg JNRSl1.44M UAssursi;thatilichiisees: discharge th

+ ,. .

Substrategy.NRS 1.1.8: We will maintain ~and exercise an incident response

.- -capability to. ensure that licensees and the NRC are prepared to respond to radiological. emergencies.

Planned Accomplishments:

NRS Sup) ort each incident response exercise by providing tec1nical managers and staff personnel qualified to function in the incident response center.



Measure: Number of exercises performed (Target: four exercises per year)

NRS Respond to incidents with qualified individuals to assess radiological emergencies and provide accurate assessments to

. response managers.,

Measure: . Membership and training qualifications of all reactor safety team and protective measures

- . ., team. (Target: completion ~of semi-annual training)

NRS Maintain sufficient number of qualified individuals for emergency response in the Region.

Measure: Number of personnel designated for each position.

(Target: Maintain depth of three people in each position)

NRS Re'v'iewchangestolic5nsee's.EmergencyPlan.

Measure: Quality and timeliness of all Emergency Plan changes. (Target: 80 percent of licensee's Emergency Plans reviewed within 60 days of receipt)

NRS Maintain the incident investigation qualifications of staff.

n, Measure: Qualifications of individuals on the IIT roster.

(Target: Provide individuals to be placed on the IIT roster as requested by AE00. Assure individuals on roster trained in accordance with requirements)

NRS Maintain regional response procedures, equipment, and facilities in state of readiness.

l l Measure: Adequacy of readiness for exercises and events.

(Target: The ERC perform surveillances of equipment as defined in regional procedures.

ERC update procedures one time per year) l l

l 66



2. Strategic Arena: Nuclear Materials Safety General Goal::;594Preventiradiation related-deaths.on-illnesses:due,to...

civilianise?of s6udde2by W me-igiM; 1- g::. g.

(Go'al- II) - ( ' ~p'r,oductdandis' S g- l , ' y:..

nuu c -

Performance Goals: l d a - + ' .' " - ~ -4 ~ - = 4, 1 = -

v. s, .esm:4.

wm .. .nMcMh m MY~.v

% ji.Zero7radiatjon+.'dM.16teiPdea mW2M.iss.

- m m

fre thsfddettoTivilia..n usez6f3 source l,w& 7 t

R$ ibylid6ddet#aiidtspis'clalkn0cish?9ihatepihliM(G6aRII?A)Rgf*?ilhNN: *E n<%


. n . .- . MW.:r.bM.?uM,;C~nA.w n . - - .

mu .,


. n -. mkt:

~ wE.% a~

?"W.; No increasez1n.tlle number.:ofasign11'1can e to

'sp teEisli?I4t"'T Gerl o s siof.!tTre'tof w


  • solired ?bipruddtt**4 rid'h*s'c151 VB)W*wdMk2itutit@.%M.i Ani%

'# *" *nuhrer M*WW mW emsr.ww?hM j


@A@a .g.

(G'o'a'l wa#.?.w d ornc::teaseltn1th.ww A gesec nm@..m,a { .0 %w.M.

t m

einumber.aof.11osses;ofd.1 censed. mater.iabasirepor.ted a

' Oto7 Congress annually. t..(GoalJII:C)2

- e NJfb e-c I

_. %;:.g.l .~. h . w g,elywCWedplG.

.;..gF ysaccidental y;9 9;y' ty:..invol~vingJiceilsed materiel. L(Goa

  • criticali i,W.1Nol 1 GL%9%94W-3Ds%W3%GiuCxwFM=#fJM4W:j%hv;&W 1
  • t;Notincrea~seVintthe numbdr8f misadministration eventsNhich.cause ~

i M.Msignif.icantdiadia' tionlexphsDFesW(Gosl?II.~E)*W? " . ' ~ '+ ~ l 4




Strategy.;NMS.23?.1Wesill' assure that' licensees-discharge their:pr.imary :  !

r.' 'nsibility-for using materials safety. I i j Substrategy NHS 2.1.5: We will license and inspect facilities and material users to. help ensure that they operate and.

decommission safely and develop safe products.

Planned Accomplishments:

NMS Sup) ort each incident response exercise by providing tecinical managers and staff personnel qualified to function in the incident response center.

Measure: Number of exercises performed (Target: one  :

, exercise per year) i NMS Respond to incidents with qualified individuals to assess i radiological emergencies and provide accurate assessments to response managers.

1 Measure: Membership and training qualifications of all fuel facility and materials safety and protective measures teams. (Target: completion of semi-annual training) l l


V d

NMS Maintain sufficient number of qualified individuals for emergency response in the Region.

Measure: Number of personnel designated for each posi. ' -

(Target: Maintain depth of three people in each posit' Strate 99?NMS32s2 awe wilt. regulate _u'sesic6risistent with0thb~15 Vel:6fMi'Sk?U_

7. - 2 M$yWinv61vedibyidecreasin Q(d$f[]s?ikergpd6si lthe il,0westRad j b.g'j oversi ghtloffthoselm~a~ter;i al s Q U ' W.-%RS$rdischiitfi'nuing 'einphasisfonth'igh]-riskractivitiesMIPMWil.ogica 5 Substrat'e'g9[1NHS22:2:11"1We willhisekiSkYa~n~51ysis!conceptsdn


W.PETH.Ecrisic,s.; regulated; activities .in;the. nuclear? mater.ialsUarea.i Planned Accomplishments:

NMS Support AEOD nuclear materials event data base (NMED).

Measure: Provide input to NMED for materials events in NPC and Agreement States. (Target: Provide i: nt via the HQ Operations Center within two

, of receipt of event) u 68

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - __________-_______=

3A R-~ A

~ ~

3 ANNE) ACCOV 3 .::S -


n. .. . . . .

S , .. v . . - .

1 S::GN:: ::CAN~~ REG A~~0RY t r,-,TV \ SS/IXP

- ._ .-- - --- \P -

h ::~~::A~~::VES 69


-s :

J Sianificant Reculatory Effectiveness / Excellence Initiatives Region II's plans for self-assessing our performance during Fiscal Year 1998 are provided below. Foremost in our assessment plan has been the use of quarterly self-assessments by each Regional Division.


Our assessment plan includes audits of specific areas. We plan to invite participation in these by other Regional and Program Offices. Our plan also includes continued participation in Agency performance reviews such as the IMPEP of Agreement States in other Regions IMPEP of other Regional materials and fuel facility programs, operator licensing. and allegations.

Reaion II Performance Assessment Plan For FY 98 Obiective The objective of the assessment plan is to (1) provide a systematic approach to. evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of programs assigned to the Region and (2) provide input into decisions where the performance should be modified.

Process / Goals The process in FY 98 will consist of the following planned assessments:

1. Quarterly self-assessments of aerformance by each Regional Division.

The assessments will include tie establishment of performance indicators and measures based on the Operating Plan agreed u Office and based on the Agency's Strategic Plan.The ponassessment with the ED0's results will be reported to the Regional Administrator and discussed during the l Region II management retreats.

2. Targeted evaluations in areas where there is potential for performance problems. These areas are selected to aid in the early detection and l 3revention of problems. The group assigned to perform these audits will l ae proactive in seeking the participation from other Regional and Program Offices. The evaluations for FY 98 will include:
a. Review of the security and handling of financial assurance l documents (Reference MD 8.12).


b. Review of the Radiation Safety Officer function in the Region.

l 70

u 1 i ..

  • 1


l c. Review of the allegation process and the quality and timeliness of allegation closures (Reference MD 8.8).

d. Review the progress toward implementing the results of the NRR '

sponsored job task analysis for DRP functions in the Regions.


Review of' the quality of the issued inspection reports from perspective of whether focused on performance, appropriate

' message. and enforcement actions supported (Reference Manual Chapter 0610 and the Enforcement Manual).

f. Followup review of the implementation of the Regional Security Plan.


g. Followup review of the issuance of exemptions.

i a

l l

l 71

4 i

. 3A l-~ 3 R m .u, NA _

iANAG EV EN-~/ ORGAN::ZA~~::0\

_.. V

. . . . . _ S



PART B: REGIONAL MANAGEMENT /0RGANIZATION ACTIVITIES The following provide the targets for the activities indicated:

a. Supervisor to Emolovee Ratio


'The current Region 11 supervisor to employee ratio is 1 to 8 and thus meets NRC's goal. Region II plans to continue maintaining this ratio.

Twice each year. Region II management will evaluate the effectiveness of the organizational structure to determine if further reductions can be made in the future without negatively impacting mission accomplishment.

b. Positions'at" Grades GG 14 and Above .

The Region plans to pa'rtner the Staffing Plan that will meet the Agency s 42 percent goal. in this area by the end of FY99. Region II makes every o

effort to reduce its number of GG-14s and above by reviewing each vaca vi position by senior managers to determine if the backfill needs to ve a GG-14. Since the Regional reorganization in FY 1996 resulted in eliminating section chief positions. Region II has had six GG-15s that are not in su>ervisory positions and that significantly skew our "GG-14 and above" num)ers. As discussed during the recent Region II Management Retreat, thirty-six staff will be eligible for optional retirement between now and the end of FY 1998. 22 of whom are at the GG-14'and above. Consequently. Region II will be able to reduce the total number of "GG-14s and above" positions by backfilling only the most crucial GG-14 mission-related positions. Once the Staffing Plan for FY99 is approved. Region II will replace the GG-14 positions with GG-13s in~ cases where not indicated as a permanent GG-14.

c. IT Initiatives I The Region does not )lan initiatives other than implementation of those promulgated by the C11ef Information Officer.
d. FTE Staffvear Manaaement Throughout the Fiscal Year 1997, the Region took initiatives to reduce the FTE from a ceiling of 223 for FY 1997 to a ceiling of 219 for FY98.

The Region maintained a steady yet conservative staffing approach to ensure that mission needs and staffing goals were met without exceeding the FY 1998 FTE ceiling. At the beginning of FY 1998, the Region had 221 employees on board. Given the attrition rate of approximately 3 percent, this level of staff will prepare the Region to meet operational needs without exceeding the FTE allocation of 219 for FY98.

e. Proposed Contractual Pro.iects The Region plans none of these during the Operating Plan period.
f. Guidelines for EE0 and Affirmative Action in Operatina Plans The Region. in conjunction with the Office of Small Business and Civil Rights, proposes the following planned activities or areas of emphasis i

73 l

,i v

in this area during the Operating Plan period.

. Support employee development and career enhancement through rotations, details, reassignments, and formal training.

Specifically, assure that minorities and women are provided a fair opportunity to participate.

. Actively supporting the activities of the various Agency EE0 advisory committees, and support employee participation in these activities.

. Be proactive in providing candid feedback to employees through the

' performance appraisal process: in providing monetary and non-monetary recognition to deserving employees: in monitoring awards and training activities to ensure fair and equitable participation of women and minorities: and in encouraging qualified women and minorities to participate in executive leadership programs.

. Ensure that'all hiring activities include specific affirmative action efforts to include minorities and women in the pool of candidates.

5 Support the Agency's Management Diversity initiative and attend required and refresher EE0 training.

. When filing vacancies, utilize broad rating factors, when possible, to facilitate a more diverse pool of candidates.

. d'ctively seek to promptly resolve issues that could lead to formal EE0 complaints.

. Discuss EE0 initiatives for the office with supervisors and employees to facilitate understanding, demonstrate support, and encourage open communications.

74 1


-e f'

4 PART B. REGION II - SUPPORT ACTIVITIES General 2 Goat U.M ^ ,"' 7 " T O ' 7 f ' C t.5hy ers,gh.~3bx, Program out'pdfshidtisupport7als Agencp[ general; goals;and per.formance' goals VIII~A!and g VIg [A71 g g ie f f [f m p h { ' "'"-

v ~,


rformance Goa kt%n64.v? Muchuhi@r.hi y

c_ r.wryg.a.uru wMe-e-w e

,.. g ., 3,.- g.

w ..g.o - _, y

,P M:.oz.dProtid6isu ;n.ecess.aryif6r4.NR.Ci

..-a- chievenits e gener,al ,c. ' goals:C -.i.

rif$:,,Gy-,3,Yy}4 quyggggg~gg t.o .

= ?m ctz,'m w d:y w.w W +a A s w t p w r.J~+.-.-( ~;3 gxQ ;

".6 @

@.. Crea.te/ .- -

C'. W 'l . .

Diverand SustainTa1 Competent::Hotivit~e~d,<  : Ethical, M Eand: Culturally;, . "

f Q $l ~rie' Work;F6'r'ce1(Goab VIIITAf1 ;a's.,.e e.

in.W i U '-Z " h a -r Management and Support Planned .High quality, culturally diverse applicant pool Accomplishment Measure: Applicant pool provided consists of highly qualified candidates from agency identified underrepresented groups. (Target: Consistent with the Agency EE0 Plan)

Planned Replacement Hiring Accomplishment 9' Measure: The number of vacancies for which staffing support is provided. (Target: Provide staffing support for filling vacant positions consistent with Staffing Plan targets)

Planned Human resources advisory products and services Accomplishment to managers and employees Measure: Benefits forms. training requests. and personnel actions are processed within established time frames. (Target: 95 percent of above requests are processed by the effective date of action)

Planned Develop Region II's Annual Budget Accompiishment Measure: Timeliness and Quality of Budget (Target: FY 2000 Budget information submitted to OC in appropriate time frame to support 2/99 budget submission to Congress: FY 2001 Budget information submitted to DC in appropriate time frame to support Budget Request to CMB 9/99)

Planned Collect amounts due NRC Accomplishment Measure: Timeliness of license fee date submissions to DC (Target: Provide license fee billing data to the DC within ten calendar days from the end of 75

h, the Quarterly Fee Perlod)

Planned - Processing Travel Authorizations and Travel Accomplishment Vouchers -

Measure: Timeliness of travel authorization and travel


voucher processing (Target: Travel authorizations are prepared by the date required by the traveler (when authorizations are submitted in cornp.11ance with NRC directives).

Travel vouchers are to be audited and reimbursement checks processed within five work days after date of receipt of the voucher.)

Planned .

. .. P.rocurement of supplies and services necessary

. Accomplishment to the functioning of the Region II Office.

Measure: Timeliness of processing of requisitions and purchase orders as determined by random sanple of 30 each quarter. (Target: 90 percent requisitions to be processed within 14 work days after date of receipt. 90 percent Purchase Orders to be processed within 14 work days after date of receipt.)

Planned Provide standino information reports to management in a Accomplishment timely manner.

Measure: Eighty-five percent of reports to be issued in accordance with scheduled time frame. (Target:

  • Onsite and Back Shift Reports - five work days after end af Pay Perlod
  • Inspector Utilization - five workdays after end of month
  • Management Information Report - 15 work days after end of month inspector Followup - five work days after date of receipt
  • RITS Audit - five work days after week ending
  • Plant Status and Morning Reports Plant Status: Daily by 7:30 a.m.

- Morning Report - Daily by 1:30 p.m.

76 -

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1. INSPECTOR ACCOMPANIMENTS Licensee: Virginia Equine Imaging Location: Middleburg, VA License Type: Veterinary Diagnostic inspection Date: February 2,1998 License No. 45-25405-01
i. Inspection Type: Initial, announced l Priority: 5

! Inspector: O. Bailey Licensee: Mc Donough Bolyard Peck, Inc.

Location: Fairfax, VA License Type: Portable Gauge l Inspection Date: February 5,1998 l License No: 45-25409-01 Inspection Type: Initial, announced Priority: 5 Inspector: O. Bailey Licensee: Best Industries, Inc.

Location: Springfield VA License Type: Brachytherapy, Mfg. & Dist.

Inspection Date: February 3,1998 License No: 45-19757-01 l

Inspection Type: routine, unannounced Priority: 3 Inspector: O. Bailey


Licensee: Mount Vernon Hospital Location: Alexandra , VA License Type: Hospital inspection Date: February 3-4,1998 License No: 45-17187-01 Inspection Type: routine, announced Priority: 5 Inspector: O. Bailey Licensee: Prince William Hospital l

Location: Manassas VA. 1 License Type: Hospital Inspection Date: February 5,1998 1 License No: 45-19485-01 Inspection Type: routine, unannounced Priority: 3 Inspector: O. Bailey l l


Licensee: University of Florida Location: Gainesville FL License Type: SNM Inspection Date: February 24,1998 -  ; 4 License No: SNM-1050 1 Inspection Type: unannounced Priority: 5 ,

' Inspector: B. Parker J l

Licensee: Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Location: Green Cove Springs FL License Type: Underwater density gauge Inspection Date: February 25,1998 s Licenn Ne 09-24891-01 Inspection Type: unannounced- '

- Priority: 5 Inspector: B. Parker Licensee: Veterans' Affairs Mmlica! Os'ar Location: Lake City FL

' License Type: Medical .

Inspection Date: February 25,1998 License No: 09-25129 Inspection Type: unannounced Priority: 3 Inspector: B. Parker

. Licensee: Computer Sciences-Raytheon Location: Patrick Air Force Base License Type: Calibration facility inspection Date: February 26,1998 Licenso No: 09-25013-01 s Inspection Type: unannounced l I

Priority: 3 Inspector: B. Parker Licensee: Veterans' Affairs Medical Center Location: Gainesville FL License Type: Type A Broad- Medical Inspection Date: February 23-24,1998

License No: 09-12467-02 Inspection Type: unannounced Priority: 1 '

Inspector: J. Pelchat and B. Parker l



i 2 INSPECTION FILE REVIEWS File No: 98-01 Licensee: Dr. Jose L. Fernandez License No: 52-25114-01

. License Type: Therapy - Strontium -90 Eye Applicator Inspection Date: June 9,1997 Priority: 3 Type of Inspection: Compliance Action Follow up

! Inspector: J. Diaz Velez l Date of report: June 9,1997 Supervisor's Review: John Potter

'. Comments: This was a special follow up inspection to an enforcement action taken against the licensee. During a previous inspection in March 1995, the inspector noted that the source calibration certificate was incorrect and also the doctcr had neglected to account for decay of the source when treating patients. As the result, the doctor was required to notify all patients of -

their misadministrations. The inspector confirmed that patients had been notified during the

!' June 1997 follow up.

File No: 98-02

. Licensee
United Hospital Cent'er License No: 47-01458-01 l
License Type
Medical l Inspection Date: March 26,1996

! Priority: .

1 .

- Type of Inspection: Nuclear Medicine & HDR -

Inspector: L. Franklin Date of report: March, .1996 ,

Supervisor's Review: John Potter ' .

Comments: There were no violations uncovered during this inspection or during the previous inspection in January 1995. Therefore the supervisors agreed with the inspector's recommendation to reduce the inspection frequency to 2 years. Region 11 followed the guidance in Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2800-05 to arrive at this conclusion.

File No: 98-03 Licensee: . Cardiovascular Radiology institute License No: '52-25016-01 License Type: Private Practice Nuclear Medicine

. Inspection Dr.te: September 28,1997, and September 29,1997 _

- Priority: 3.

. Type of Inspection: Unannounced Special(Change of Ownership)

Inspector:. H. Bermudez Date of report:

Supervisors Review: Charles Hosey Comments: The scope of the new owner's operations was not described very well other than to indicate an increase in the patient workload since the last inspection. The previous owner died in May 1995, and the practice was sold to the new owner shortly thereafter. The inspection was made specifically to review the new owner's operations and compliance with regulations.




File No: 98-04' 4

' Licensee: Hospital Interamericano License No: 52-25019-01 License Type: Nuclear Medicine and Intemal Therapy inspection Date: . September 25,1997 Priority: 3 Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced Inspection inspector L. Franklin Date of report:

Supervisor's Review: Joh'n Potter _


Comments: The inspector used the pilot Nuclear Medicine inspection form draft #87115A.-

However, inspection notes were limited in their descriptiort of the operations. No independent measurements were made by the inspector although he did say a reading at the hot lab was

<0.1 mR/hr. The type of instrument used and calibration date were not given in the report.

File No: 98-05 Licensee: Puerto Rico Ind. Development License No: 52-19377-02 i License Type: Portable Gauge l Inspection Date: November 20,1996 i

Priority: 5 Type of Inspection: . Unannounced Routine inspection Inspector: J. Diaz y Date of report: December 3,- 1996 l Supervisor's Review: John Potter l

Comments: Notice of Violation issued on December 3,1996. Licensee's response December 31,1996. File closed February 19,1997. Very complete report and compliance action.

l File No: 98-06 Licensee: NASA (Langley Research Center)

License No: 01052-21 License Type: Research and Development inspection Date: January 17,1997 i Priority: _ 3

- Type of Inspection: Unannounced l L Inspector: A. Jones Date of report: January 17,1997 Supervisor's Review: T. Decker

. Comments: Complete report and inspection.


File No: 98-07 Licensee: Department of Interior License No: 39-25372-01 License Type: Research and Development inspection Date: July 31,1997 Priority: 5 Type of Inspection: Unannounced and Initial inspector: B. Parker Date of report: July 31,1997-Supervisor's Review:

Comments: Initialinspection described the scope of the licensee's operations well. No violations noted.

File No: 98-08 Licensee: Columbia Pentagon City Hospital License No: 45-17123-01 License Type: Nuclear Medicine inspection Date: March 18,1997 Priority: 3 Type of Inspection: Announced Reactive inspection.

Inspector: J.Henson Date of report: March 1997 Supervisor's Review:

Comments: Reactive inspection made after notification that a contaminated package was received from Syncor Nuclear Pharmacy. No violations against this licensee were uncovered.

File No: 98-09 Licensee: Dr. Santiago Garcia License No: 52-25245-01 License Type: Therapy, Strontium-90 Eye Applicator inspection Date: May 1990 Priority: 3 Type of Inspection: Unannounced Routine inspector: H. Bermudez Date of report: May 1996 Supervisor's Review: John Potter Comnients: The Module 4, Sr" Eye Applicator quality management program review needs to be e.vpanded to identify a requirement to review the instrument's calibration certificate. The original output and decay-corrected output for the day of treatment.


File No: 98-10 Licensee: Department of the Navy License No: 45-23645-01NA License Type: Master License inspection Date: June 19,1997 Priority: 1 Type of Inspection: Annual Review Inspector: J.Henson Date of report: June 1997 Supervisor's Review:

Comments: This was the annual review of the Navy's master !: cense. During the review oeriod, there were permit reviews performed on June 13,1997, by A. Garcia, Region IV, a reactive inspection on February 28,1997, and four permit reviews on March 14,1997. Findings: The Navy is exercising management oversight for adequate control.

File No: 98-11 Licensee: Applied Radiant Energy Corp.

License No: 45-11496-02 License Type: Pool Irradiator inspection Date: September 15,1997, and December 3,4,8, and 9,1997 Priority: 1 Type of Inspection: Pre-Licensing Inspector: W. Loo Date of report: December 1997 Supervisor's Review:

Comments: Repeated visits to the site to evaluate construction of the facility for pool irradiators operation. The licensee was having difficulty with the construction of a storage pool, because of leaks.

l File No: 98-12 Licensee: Virginia Polytechnic Institute License No: 45-09475-30 j

(  !,icense Type: Veterinary Research i l Inspection Date: May 21-22,1997 Priority: 1 Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced Inspector: A. Jones and B. Parker Date of report: May 1997 Supervisor's Review: T. Decker l Comments: Very gcod description of the licensee's operations. Report discussed with A.

Jones, inspector, during review.

i l File No: 98-13 l Licensee: Alexandra Hospital License No: 45-09358-02 License Type: Nuclear Medicine and Brachytherapy (HDR)

Inspection Date: April 23-74,1997 Priority: 1 Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced Inspector: A. Jones Date of report: May 1997 Supervisor's Review: C. Hosey Comments: Used HDR inspection checklist 024 and 025, also used QMP forms for all other modalities. Report discussed with A. Jones during review.

File No: 98-14 Licensee: United Hospital Center License No: 47-01458-01 License Type: Nuclear Medicine with HDR inspection Date: April 3,1996 Priority: 1 Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced Inspector: L. Franklin Date of report: April 1996 i Supervisor's Review: J. Potter Comments: Supervisor concurred with the inspector's recommendation to extend the inspection i frequency based on no violations found on this inspection or previous one.

File No: 98-15 Licensee: Wetzel County Sanitary Landfill License No: 47-25146-01 License Type: Portable Gauge inspection Date: April 3,- 1996 Priority: 5 Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced Inspector: O. M. Bailey Date of report: May 1996 Supervisor's Review: J. Potter Comments: Notice of Violation issued on April 17,1996; response received on April 26,1996; file closed May 28,1996. Complete report and inspection notes. Inspection discussed with O.

Bailey during the review.

i l

l: y e

File No: 98-16:

Licensee: McCallum Testing Labs License No: 45-15325-01 ' ,

License Type: Portable Gauge j inspection Date:

September 12,1996 - '

Priority: 4 '

Type ~of inspection: Routine Unannounced Inspector: B. Parker and J. Potter '

Date of report September 1996 Supervisor's Review: . J. Potter -

l Comments: Inspection included a field site audit while the portable gauge was in use at a Navy base..

l I

Fiie No: 98-17

. Licensee: Nondestructive inspection Service License No: q 47-11883-01


License Type: Radiography j inspection Date: December 17,1996

  • Priority: 1

' Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced

L. Franklin Date cf report: December 1996 i j Supervisor's Review: J. Potter- ]

Comments: Very limited description of the licensee's operations. Three violations noted during .

the previous inspection were reviewed and closed. There were no violations noted during this inspection. The inspector did not include a field site-audit of radiography operations. The insp3ctor used Xetex 305B, serial #25714, calibrated in February 1996, to make measurements of the storage area. The meter should have been calibrated no earlier than September 1996, the licensee's 3 month meter calibration interval. The next inspection date was extended to

. December 1998, by the supervisor.-

File No: 98-18 Licensee: Roanoke College License No:~ 45-10085-04

- License Type: Small Research and Development

. Inspection Date: October 21-22,1996 Priority: 5 Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced Inspector: A. Jones-

- Date of report: November 1996 Supervisor's Review: C. Hosey Comments: Three violations cited; Notice of Violation issued November 7,1996; response L received December 3,1996; inspection closed December 19,1996.


1 File No: 98-19 )

Licensee: Isomedix Operations, Inc.

License No: 52-24994-01 License Type: PoolIrradiator-inspection Date: October 22,1997 Priority: 1


Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced j inspector:- J. Diaz and J. Henson >

Date of report: November 1997 Supervisor's Review: C. Hosey -

Comments: Team inspection to foihw up on the previous inspection of March 31,1997, where serious violations were found and an enforcement confererce was held. Complete report with good description of the scope of operations. No violations noted.  ;

File No: 98-20 Licensee: EG & G .

License No: F1806-1 License Type: Radiography (Reciprocity at Kennedy Space Center)

Inspection Date: March 20,1997 i Priority: 1


Type of Inspection: Reciprocity Unannounced '

Inspector- J. Pelchat Date of report: March 1997 Supervisor's Review: T. Decker Comments: Radiography inspection of office files only. No field site audit during this or the previous inspection in May 1996.

File No: 98-21 Licensee: Pensacola Testing License No: F1 117-2 License Type: Reciprocity inspection Date: April 21,1997 Priority: 1 Type of inspection: Unannounced Reciprocity Field Site Inspector: O. Bailey Date of report:

Supervisor's Review: J. Potter

- Comments: Good description of a field-site inspection of this State of Florida licensee operation under reciprocity at a Federaljurisdiction site. The inspector listed Xetex model 3058 survey meter that was last calibrated on February 21,1996,14 months ago. The inspector said she may have used another meter and recorded the wrong one on the report. During the review, the meter that she used was located and the meter's sticker indicated February 21,1996, as the last date of calibration.

- i

. File No: 98-22 Licensee: West Virginia University License No: 47-23035-01 License Type: Broad-Scope - No Medical Inspection Date: March 20-21,1996 {

Priority:- 1 J Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced inspector: L. Franklin Date of report: April 1996 Supervisor's Review: J. Potter Comments: Limited description of this University Broad-Scope license.. No mention of the use of hazard guides to assign oversight for project authorizations. Laboratory inspection field-note form used to record observ6tions during inspection of selected labs.

1 i



$' o REGION il



, [ ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 3415 March 16, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: Carl J Paper' O. ector Off' e of N 1 r rial Safety and Safeguards FROM: j is A. es. Regi A ministrator


ACTIONS TAKEN IN R PONSE TO FINDINGS OF THE INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFOR CE EVALUATION PROGRAM REVIEW 0F REGION II During the week of February 9-13. 1998. the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Review'of Region II was conducted. Attached are the Region's actions in response to the recommendations and suggestions provided by the review team during the exit meeting on February 13. 1998.

The team was very professional and conducted an excellent exit meeting.

Please pass on my thanks to George Deegan. team leader Should you have any questions. please give me a call.


As stated cc w/att:

H. Thompson. DEDR D. Cool. NMSS E. Ten Eyck. NMSS G. Deegan NMSS ( i l


Attachment 2

r ACTIONS TAKEN BY REGION II IN RESPONSE TO IMPEP FINDINGS REPORTED DURING EXIT MEETING Recommendation 1: Region II will assure its inspectors make use of survey instruments calibrated at proper frequencies.

Region'II has reminded Division of Nuclear Materials Safety (DNMS) staff of the requirement to use survey instruments calibrated at the frequency required for the typc c' 1icensee being inspected (e.g., instruments calibrated within six months for radiography licensees). In addition. Region II has developed an instrument calibration and inventory program using Microsoft Access to assist in the management of the survey instrument program. This program will be implemented by A)ril 30, 1998. This program will provide a report which lists instruments t1at are due for calibration in the next three months so they can be retrieved from inspectors and removed from service for calibration before the calibration due date. The Region will also post, by March 31. a notice in the instrument storage area reminding inspectors to check the i calibration date on the instrument to ensure that it will remain in calibration during the inspection.

Recommendation 2: Region II will develop and implement an effective.

, periodic, in-depth peer review type of quality assurance program for licensing l


l Region II will issue a Regional Office Instruction (ROI) by April 15, 1998. l which will establish a peer review for completed licensing actions. This ROI i will require semi-annual reviews of completed licensing actions by license reviewers and DNMS managers. The review will focus on appropriateness of license conditions used and documents referenced, grammatical / clerical errors, deficiencies in the application for licensing action, appropriate checklist and completeness of licensing file and quality of the review (i.e.. did the licensing action accurately reflect what the licensee / applicant requested).

The first licensing Peer Review will be conducted by April 30. 1998.

Recommendation 3: Region II will ensure that the fuel cycle inspection program is not adversely affected when the current IFS program for tracking inspection results is terminated.

Region II will begin using the NMSS Fuel Cycle Inspection Management System to track inspection results on or before May 1.1998. If this system cannot handle the volume. the Region will consider incorporating the information contained in the IFS system in the Site Integration Matrix System or will develop a Microsoft Access-based program to replace tre 1FS system.

Suaaestion 1: Region II will use the inspectior, Geld notes pilot format developed for nuclear medicine license inspections for other categories of

. inspections in order to provide a greater description of licensee operations.

As directed in previous correspondence from NMSS Region II will continue to j use the Field Notes contained in approved inspection procedures. However.  !

until the new procedures are issued. Region II will stress to inspectors the need to provide greater description of the licensee's operations in the field notes using the nuclear medicine pilot format as an example. .

2 Suaaestion 2: The former standard licensee condition No. 166 (maintenance of decommissioning records) will no longer be applied to new Region II licensees, '

and be removed from current licenses.

The Region has discontinued using license condition No. 166 in new licenses issued. In addition the license condition will be removed from licenses as amendments or renewals of existing licenses are issued.

Suacestion 3: NMSS will clarify the " Milestone 22" issued by memorandum to the Regions.

The issue relates to the appropriate date to enter in the Licensing Management System (LMS) for the issuance of the licensing action. Since the IMPEP.

Region II has begun entering in LMS the date of the management review as the i date when the licensing action was completed.

Succestion 4: Region II will consider altering the language of ROI 1030 to allow more flexibility in handling phone calls from allegers.

Region II has determined that ROI 1030 provides the appropriate instructions for members of the staff in the handling of allegations. DNMS management will reemphasize to DNMS staff that, where possible, incoming calls from allegers ,

should be referred to the Senior Allegations Coordinator or other technical 1 members of the Enforcement and Investigations Coordination Staff. l i

i I

l l

._ J

Agenda for Management Review Board Meeting Thursday. Aoril 23.1998.1 om. OWFN. 6-B-11

1. Convention. MRB Chair convenes meeting (HLThompson)
2. New Business- Consideration of Ril IMPEP Repost A. Introduction of Ril IMPEP Team Members (GDeegan)

B. Introduction of Rll representatives participating by teleconference (SMoore)

C. Findings regarding Ril Program (IMPEP team) .

Status of Inspection Program ,

Technical Quality of Inspections Technical Staffing / Training Technical Quality of Licensing Response to incidents / Allegations Operating Plan / Resource Utilization Fuel Cycle D. Questions (MRB Members)

E. Comments from Ril F. MRB Comments on Issuance of Final Report (HLThompson)

3. OId Business- Past MRB Minutes (SMoore, LRakovan)
4. Status of Upcoming Reviews (LRakovan) 1
5. Adjoumment invitees: Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., MRB Chair Carl J. Paperiello, MRB Member, NMSS Richard L. Bangart, MRB Member, OSP Karen D. Cyr, MRB Member, OGC Thomas T. Martin, MRB Member, AEOD Luis A. Reyes, Ril Administrator Douglas M. Collins, Ril, DNMS Director Donald A. Cool, NMSS/IMNS Director Elizabeth Q. TenEyck, NMSS/FCSS Director George J. Deegan, Team Leader, NMSS/IMNS Donald Bunn, Team Member, California Michael Weber, Team Member, Rlli Lance J. Rakovan, Team Member, OSP Lance J. Lessler, Team Member, NMSS/FCSS Garrett Smith, Team Member, NMSS/FCSS Attachment 3