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Certificate of Compliance 9071,Rev 3,for Model AP-101. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109071
Issue date: 04/18/1986
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20141G587 List:
NUDOCS 8604230450
Download: ML20141G601 (3)


7----------- -- -p - -- -- --+_- _-ppp rrswerrrrrrrrm1wverrr1.xn. .=.4 U.S. NUCLEAD REOULATORY CoMMISSloN I

II MAC FORM sis I lj w CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE li 'o cra n FOR RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS PACKAGES I t a CERri,6CATE NUW8Ea D REvissoN Nvusta c PACm AGE ictNii,6 cat ON NUweER O PAGE NUMe(R e 707 A( hyUala PAGEs gl 9071 3 USA /9071/B( ) 1 2 p l' 2 PaEAustE E

( a This certihcate is issved to certify that too packaging and contents described in item 5 below, meets the appescacio safer y standaros set fortn in Titie 10 Code of Federal Aegulations. Part 71. -Packaging and Transportation of Ramoactive Material"





b k b This certificate coes not reteeve too consignor from comps.ance eitm any reamroment of the regulat ons of the U S Departement of Transportation or other l Appl 6CaDee reguiatofy agencies including the government of any Country tnrougM Or into

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atacar o.,o ,~ocNri . cation or ecacar ca amicarioN I n' i ANEFCO, Incorporated ANEFC0 application received June 14, 1976, (


i P.O. Box 433 Ridgefield, CT 06877 with recort, " Safety Analysis Report Cask AP-101" y

I g- 71-9071 'l I c DOC 8ttrNuwstR I a CoNOirioNs I I- rn s cat.cate .. cona t.onai upon tne reawrements or io c, A part n as appocaese ano two cona,nons spec o.a b..o.

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1: 5 (a) Packaging [


[ (1) Model No.: AP-101  !

l fl l' (2) Descri ption ,1 l' t I

ll A steel encased, lead shielded cask for non-fissile radioactive naterial .

The overall dinensions of the cask are 40 inches in diameter by 193 f f inches long. The cask consists of two concentric stainless steel l

,ll gl: cylindrical shells. The inner shell is 5/8-inch thick by 28-inch ID; i l' the outer stainless steel shell is 1-1/2-inch thick by 39-1/4-inch OD 1 1 and a 3-1/2-inch poured lead shield fills the space between. The I outer shell is surrounded by a 0.140-inch thick stainless steel themal [

shield separated by a 0.125-inch thick stainless steel spacer wire. 'y


g The cavity is 28 inches in diameter by 167 inches long. The base is a welded stainless steel construction with 3 inches of poured lead. The r

i i

s I fianged lid is of stainless steel and lead. Closure is provided by I,1 I~ twenty,1-1/2-inch diameter bol ts and a GASK-0-SEAL, closure seal .


There are two penetrations into the containment vessel for drain lines which are plugged and gasketed with a neoprene seal. The cask is I

.h i equipped with renovable, canned balsa inpact limiters at each end. p The overall dimensions of the cask with inpact limiters in place are .I ll I: 84 inches in diameter by 236 inches long. The cask has four lif ting I ,

I trunnions, two redundant pairs for lif ting. Three of the trunnions I are used for tie-down of the cask for shipment. The oackage gross f, weight is approxinately 62,000 pounds. p i

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,a i 'l I 8604230450 860418 I PDR ADOCK 07109071 llp PDR l C I

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CoNolTioNS (contrnuedi Page 2 - Certificate No. 9071 Revision No. 3 - Docket No. 71-9071

5. (a) Packaging (Continued)

(3) Drawings

  • 1+(b)

The packaging is fabricated in accordance with ANEFCO, Incorporated y Drawing Nos. SC-101, Rev. A; SC-102; SC-103, Rev. A; SC-104, Rev. B; pl SC-107, Rev. A; SC-108; SC-110, Rev. A; and SC-ll1. B3 Contents (1) Type and fom of naterial Greater than Type A ouantity of byproduct material in the forn of dry, solid, metallic waste naterial and activated reactor conponents.


(2) t'axinun quantity of naterial per package p Weight of contents not to exceed 10,000 pounds. Internal decay heat Pt

  1. of contents not to exceed 300 watts.
6. The package rust be shipped dry. In preparation for shipment, the cask cavity g nust be drained of all excess water. A vacuun pump nust be used to reduce the y cavity pressure below the vapor pressure corresponding to the neasuri.d tenperature .

of the drained water. The cavity pressure r'ust be held below the vapor pressure p$ detemined for at least 90 ninutes. Dry loaded package need not be vacuun dried >

provided the "enpty" cask cavity and drain lines are verified not to contain liquid prior to each loading.

I7. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71, each packaae nust neet all of the acceptance and periodic tests specified in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the Application.


8. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby app, oved for use ender the general license provisions of 10 CFR 671.12.

Expiration date:

9. November 30, 1986.

l REFERENCES N' ANEFCO, Incorporated Safety Analysis Report Cask AP-101, received June 14, 1976.

h d

Supplements dated: July 21, August 6, and October 21, 1976; and April 2, 1986. l



Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and flaterial Safety, NtiSS LDate:

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Transportation Certification Branch

. Acoroval Recog Model No. AP-101 Package Docket No. 71-9071 By application dated April 2,1986, ANEFCO, Inc. requested that Condition No. 6 to Certificate of Compliance No. 9071 be amended to take into account " dry loading" of the package (cask).

Condition 6 states that "In preparation for shipment, the cask rust be drained of all excess water." In addition, Condition 6 elaborates and mandates "a vacuum punp must be used..... corresponding the reasured temperature of the drained water." This requirement speciffcally applies to wet loading but, as written, encompasses all shipments ircluding dry loading.

The applicant proposes upon receipt of the cask, users will inspect the .

cask cavity for water and take appropriate action to ensure the cask cavity is dry (no free water) prior to dry loading.

Condition 6 has been revised so that vacuun drying of a dry loaded cask is not required provided the " empty" cask cavity and drain lines are verified not to contain liquid prior to each loading.

e Charles . MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and ttaterial Safety, NMSS Date: APR 18198ti