ML20134N355 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Hope Creek |
Issue date: | 08/08/1985 |
From: | Schiffman A NEW JERSEY, STATE OF |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20134N353 | List: |
References | |
NJ0025411, NJ25411, NUDOCS 8509050105 | |
Download: ML20134N355 (50) | |
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CN 402 s
i Trenton, NJ. 08625
PERMIT Tha New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection grants this permit in accordance with your application, attachments accompanying same application, and applicable laws and regulations. This permit is also subject to the further conditions and stipulations enumerated in the supportina documents which are agreed to by the permittee upon acceptance of the permit.
Permit No.
Issuance Date Effective Date Expiration Date j
M0025411 August 8, 1985 Octnhar 1,1985 Septenber 30, 1990 i
Name and Ad of Applicant Location of Activity / Facility Name and Address of Owner i
Public Electric and Hope Creek Generatihg Staticn Gas C%rpany Foot of Buttcrwood Road Sama, as Applicant 80 Park Plaza, Mail Code IOC Artificial Island, Iower Alloways Newark, New Jersey 07101 Creek 'IWp., Salen County, N.J.
Type of FWrmit Statute (s)
Application No.
Issuing Divistoa
- k ter Resources WPCES-DEM N.J.S.A.
M 0025411 8Uh1Ga-1 et mars.
This permit grants permission to:
discharge cooling tower bih, stontadater runoff and treated process wastewater to zone 5 of the Delaware River, in enrdance with effluent conditicms, Incnitoring requirunents and other ocn-diticns set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof.
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8509050105 050026 PDR ADOCK 05000354 D
Approved by the Department of Environmental Protection
/ /
By Authority oft
Arnold Sdtif@ht traf.or
/ /*^7' John W. Gaston Jr., P.E.
Watar osm11tv Director Divieirm of fantar Daarm1'Ne j
O The wortipermit means "Sprowl, cerfffIcstion, registruffon, etc. "
Checklist ha l cf 1 Permit No. MJ" 000$411 1
Cover Page 2.
Checklist 3.
Part I (General Conditicos for All IUPDES Discharge Permits) 4.
Part !! - Additional General Coeditions for the types of IUPDES Permits chechde as followes Part II - A Ghanicipal/Senitary)
/ Part II - 3/C (Inometrial/Ceemercial/ Thermal)
Part II - L ($10)
Part !! - IISIF (Inhtrial Neste Management Facility)
Part II - D(Ri Specify type (s):
i i,
l 5.
Part !!! - Siflusst Limitations and liceitoring Requirements Part III - A
/ Part !!! - 5/C Part III - L i
Part !!! - D(RI Specify typots):
, f. *.'i, t, 4 t, * -
'** l
'. 'A' f
M '.' 6.'"',
Part !Y - W iel Condittees
).; 6 Part IV - A
8' Part IV - 3/C s.
.f Part IV - L Part IV - IlelF Port IV - DGi Specify type (s):
O e
s P.J t 1 o
Duty to Coerly A.
The permittee shall coeply with all conditions of this Norw Jersey pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJ1t:ES) permit. No pollutant shall be discharged more irequently than authorised or at a level in escess of that which is authorised by the persit. N discharge of any pollutant not specifically authorised in the NJPDIE persit or listed and quantified in the NJPDES application shall constitute a violation of the permit, unless the permittee can prove by clear and convincing evidence that the discharge of the unauthorised pollutant did not result from any of the permittee's activities which contribute to the generation of its wastewaters.
Any permit ecocompliance constitutes a violation of the New Jersey Water Follution Control Act (N.J.S.A. $8:10A-1 g seg.: hereinaf ter referred to as the State Act) or other authority of the NJPDES regulations (N.J. A.C. 7:14A-1 g Leg.1 and is grounds for enforcesent action; for percit e
l ternication, revocation and reissuance, or modifications or for dental of a per:1t renewal application.
A permittee shall not achieve any ef fluent concentration by dilution. Nor shall a permittee increase the use of process water or cooling water or otherwise attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve gerait liettations or water quality standards.
t C.
The permittee shall comply with applicable of fluent standards or prohibitions established under Sectico 307 (al of the "Tederal Water Pollution Control Act" (PL 92-500 g se.g.: hereinalter I
referred to as the yederal Act) and Eection 4 of the State Act for tosic pollutants within the tise provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions, even if the permit has not yet been modified to locorporate the requirement.
The State Act provides that any person who violates a permit condition implementing the State
Act is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 per day of such vietation. Ary person who willfully gr negligently violates permit conditions applementing the State Act is subject to a fine'of not less than $2,500 nor more than $25,000 per day of violation, or by leprisoneent for not more than 1 year, or both.
The permittee is required to comply with all other applicable federal, state and local rules, regulations, or ordinances. The issuance of this permit shall not lee considered as a waiver of l
any other requirements.
I 2.
permit tuntration l
This permit and the authorisation to discharge shall espire at aldnight on the empiration date of the
permit. The permittee shall not discharge af ter the above date of empiration of the permit.
I A.
Duty to peammly. If the permittee wishes to contieve an activity regulated by a KJ1tES permit af ter the empiration date of the permit, the permittee shall apply for and obtain a new permit.
(If the activity is to be coettsued, the permittee shall complete, sign, and subatt such informaties, forms, and fees as are required by the Department no later than 180 days leefore the septration date.) The rersittee aball follow the requirements stated in paragraph 12.A. When signing any applicattee.
l l
s i.8
- pcqe 2 of 16 g
Continuat ton of Empirine Persits (1) The condit1ons of an espired permit are continued in fo ce pursuant to the "Adntplttretive Trocedure Act," N.J.S.A. 52:14P-11, until the ef f ective date of a new prait it; c.
'the perriittse has suttatted a taccly and coeplete applic.atten for rernal as provicec in I,ecticns :.1 ad (3.2 DGW) 14.4 IWI) (5.8 1:1C) arid Subcharte r 30 of the NJrtt.;
5equlations; and l
The liepartment through no f ault of the permitte.e, does not issue a new permit with an ef fective date under Section 8.6 of the NJPDES bequistions on or bef ore the expirationi l
date of the previous permit (e.g., when is impracticable due to time or l
resource constraints).
l (2) Permits continued under this section remain fully of fective and enforceable.
(3) teforcosect. idsen the persittee is not in comp 11acco with the conditions of the expiring or empired permit the Department say choose to do any or all of the followings a.
Initiate enforceeent action based upon the permit which has teen continued; b.
Issue a notice of intent to deny the new pratt under Section 8.1 of the NJrt!3 pegulations. If the permit is denied, the owner or operator would then be required to cease tre activities authortred by the continued persit er be sub}ect to enforcerent I
action for crerating without a permit; i
Issue a new pernat under Subchapters
'I and 0 si the NJITEE Eequistions with l
appropriate conditions; or d.
Take other actions authorised by the K!PDIE hegulations or the State Act.
(hty to Malt or peduce Activity A.
It aball tot be t defense for a pereittee in an enforcement setton that it would have t'een twessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to eatntain coepliarice with the condi,tions of this permit.
Upon reduction, loss, or failure of the treatment facility, the permittee shall, to the estent necessary to maintain coepliance with its perett, control production ce discharges or both until tt,e facility is restored to its permitted limits or en alternative method of treatment is provided. This requirement applies, for esemple, when the primary soortw of power of the treatment facility falls or is reduced or lost.
Duty to Mittaate The permittee shall take all reaseeable steps to sinistre er correct say adverse lopect en the environment resulting free noecompliance with this persite including but met lialted to accelerated and/or additiesel types of seeltering, teaperary repairs or other sittgeting seasures.
procer Omeraties, P.aletenance and Lleenetne A.
The permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order and operate se of ficiently as possible all treatment works, f acilities, and systema of treatment and control (and related appurtecances) for es11ecties and treataset which are installed or used by the permittee for l
l imi l e
page 3 cf 16 water pollution control and abatement to achieve compliance with the terus and conditions of the gerait. Proper operation and maintenance includes but is not limited to effective performance based on designed f acility removals, adequate funding, ef fective management, adequate operator staf fing and training and adequate laboratory and process controls including appropriate quality assurance procedures as described in 40 CyR part 136 and applicable State law ar.d regulattens.
All permittees who operate a treatment worms, exces f or sanitary landfills and Iced applicatter of sluJ;e or septage, must satisfy the licensing requirements of the "Licer.stcq of Operators of hastewater and Water Systems" N.J.S.A. 58:11-64 g se3. or other applicable law. This paragraph requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary f acilities or similar systems when necessary to achieve cospliance with the conditions of the pennit or where required by applicable law or regulation.
Facilities operation and Crerator Certification. The operation of any treatment works shall be under the surervistou of an operator on the first day of operation of the treatment works and continually thereaf ter in accordance with paragraph S.A above. The operator shall meet the requirements of the Department of Er:vironmental protection of the State of New Jersey pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 58:1144 g g q. and amendments thereto. The name of the proposed operator shall be submitted to thia Department in order that his qualifications may be l
determined prior to inititating operation of the proposed treatment works.
l I
Ivrvit Actions l
1 l
This permit say be modified, suspended, revoked and reissued, or ters1nated f or cause. The filing o! a request by the geraittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a cotification of planned changes or anticipated concorpliance, does not stay eny permit cocdition.
Causes for modification, revocation and reissuance, and suspension are set forth in N.J. A.C.
I 7:14A 2.12 g yj.
The following are causes for terminating er modifying a geruit during its tens, or for derying a terait renewal application l
(1) Noncompliance by the permittee with any condition of the permits (2) Failure to pay applicable fees (N.J.A.C. 1:14A-1.8), including the annual NJitir. permit tee thich.has been assessed by the New Jersef Department of thvironmental l'rotection INJDEP, l
hereinaf ter referred to as the f>epartnett)!
i l
(3) The permittee's f ailure in the application or during the permit issuance process of a l
National l'ollutant Discharge E11ainattoo Systes (NIVES), Discharge Allocation Certificate (CAC), KJitIZl, Treatment Works Approval (114A) or Construct and Operate permit to disclose fully all relevant f acts, or the permittes's starepresentatien of any possit conditioni (4) A deterutnation that the permitted activity eodangers busan health or the environment and can only be regulated to acceptable levels by permit modification or terminations
($) When there is a change in any condition that requires either a toeporary or a permanent l
reduction or eliminettoo of any discharge controlled by the 1ersit (for essepte, plant l
closure or terstaatice of discharge by connectice to a Domestic treatment Works (DTN);
(6) The conconformance of the discharge with any applicable f acility, leasta or areevide planes l
l a. 6 1 lage 4 cf If (7) If such peruit is teconsistent with any duly proeulgated ef flueet limitation, permit, regulation, statute, or other applicable state or federal law; or (8) If a tonic ef fluent standard or prohibition is established pursuant to New Jersey Water rollution Control Act I;.J.C.A. SB 10A-1 el s. or the reculations acerted pursuer t to it, Act a toxic pollutant thier. is present in Lt-e discharqc, and such 1:. rcre stringert that any limitation f or such pollutant in permit, this permit stall be revise d or codille d in accordance with the toxic ef fluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified of the revision or sodification and date of required corpliance.
4 prererty Pietr, Liability, and Other 1.nwa n.
This permit does not convey and property rights of any sort or any exclusive privileges.
l B.
Nothing in this permit shall be deemed to preclude the irstitution of any legal action ner relieve the Mrsittee from any responsib111ttes or penalties to which the permittee is or asy 1:e su11ect to under any federal, state or local law or regulation.
1 l
Nothing in this permit shall te construed to exeept the permittee f rom complying with the rules, regulations, policies, and/or Ian lodged in any agency or subdivision in this State havtrg legal jurisdictier.
8, puty in Previde Irf ormation A.
The geraittee shall f urnish to the Director, Division of Water Fesources, 93JDEP, thereinafter referred to as the Director),within a reasoceblo time, any information which the Director eay re:ruest to deterstne whether cause exists for modifying, susModing, revoking ard reissuing, er eer1rinating this permit, or to deterstne coepliarce with this permit. The geraittee shall also
.4rnl:h to the Director, upon request, ceptes of records required to be kept by this permit.
knere Lte Mrsittee becomes aware that he has f ailed to sulait any relevant f acts tre a permit I
arpiteetion, or has auteitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to tte Director, the termittee et.nll proertly eutett such f acts or informattoc.
gryction and Frt ry A.
The permittee stell allow the pegteral Administrator of the United States inviroceental protection Agency (USITA), the Derartment, or any authertsed representat ive (s), upon the presentation of credertials and other doctaiects as asy tae required l>y lav, tos til Enter upon Lt.c retsittee's prestees where a diset.arge source is or alght to located or in ehich socitoring equipment or records required t'y a gerait are kept, for turlxises of inspection, sampling, copyleg or rhotographing.
Photography shall le allowed enly as C
related to the discharges (2) llave access to and copy, at ressenable times, any records that must be krpt under the rtedittoes of this geretts (H Inspect, at reasonable times, any f actitties, equipment tincluding monitoring and control equipment), practicos, or operations regulated or required under tble gernits and (4) Sample or monitor, at reasocable times, for the purpnse of assuring permit certtianew or se otherwise authorised by the State Act, any substaatws or paraseters at any location. This shall Speluda, tiut not be limited to, the drilling or installatloa of monitoring wells for
o P2rt I l' age 5 of 16 the purpose of obtaining samples of ground water, soil and vegetation and seasuring ground water elevations.
Any refusal by the persiittee. facility land owner (s), f acility lessee (s), their agents, or any other perscn(s) with legal authcrity, to allow entry to ttc autberite$ re;tescctativer cf th-REP and/or USETA shall corstituto gree for suspensica, revocatien and/or terninsticn c f this permit.
By acceptance of this permit, the permittee tereby agrees, consents and authorises the representatives of the NJDEP and/or USEFA to present a copy of this permit to any runicipal cr state police of ficer having jurisdiction over the premises occupied by the permittee in order to have said of ficer ef fectuate coepliance with the right of entry, should the permittee at any I
time refuse to allow entry to said inspectors.
Ey acceptance of this permit, the permittee waives all rights to prevent inspections by authorised representatives of the NJDEP and/or USETA to determine the extent of compliance with any and all conditions of this pruit and agrees not to, in any manner, seek to charge said representatives with the civil or crininal act of trespass when they enter the presises occupied by the permittee in accordance with the provisions of this authorisation as set forth hereinabove.
- 10. Cround Water Monitortnq Wells The permittee shall install and maintain ground water soottoring wells if required by this permit at locations and acecroing to specifications provided by the Department. All permit required monitoring wells shall be installed within 30 days of the Effective Date of the termit. The monitoring wells shall provide turbidity-f ree water at a sintaum rate of two gallons per minute or what the formatten will yield with a properly installed and developed ground water soottoring well.
When a monitoring well cannot be used lor the purpose of sarple collection or ground water level seasurescrits, the permittee shall replace the well at his own empense within 30 days of the missed sampling and/or measurement date. Cato unuseable wells shall be sealed, also at the permittee's own erpense, in accordance with Department well sealing specifications within the same 30 day seriod in which the well is repland. Monitoring wells as required in this permit shall te considered as a monitoring device, which are required to be malatained under the provisions of the New Jersey Water Ibtliition fontrol Act N.J.S. A. $8e 10A-101f).
All monitoring wells must be installed by a New Jersey licensed well drilltr. The elevation to the nearest bundredth of a foot of the top of each well casing shall be established by a Hsw Jersey licensed land susveyor within 30 days of the installation of Ltw monitoring wells. Ttw elevation established shall be in relation to the New Jersey geodetic control datua. Ground water monitoring wells and all point source discharges to ground water shall be locatfd by borizontal control (latitude and longitude) using third order work, class !! specification and by wettical control (elevation) using third order work. Within 30 days of the installation date of the monitor well, tte geraittee shall submit to tne Department completed " Ground Water Monitoring Well Certificat!cos -
yobne A and B for each well required to be sampled t>y the permit. Within f,0 days of the Effective Date of the Ittait, the permittee shall submit to the Department a plot plan of the f acility showing the loestion of all discharges and the ground water monitoring well locations. The scale of the plot plan shall be at least one inda equals fif ty (50) feet.
Each ground water monitoring well casing shall have permanently of fised to it a monitoring well number to be assigned by the Department, elevation of the top of the well casing, eleystion of the top of the well casing above the ground level and latitude and longitude of the annitoring well.
o r;.rt Page 6 of 16 U.
Ftniton v2 en! Pcot= tis A.
Sarplea ani traamsnents tahm for the purpose of rxnitorirg shall be Irprescntative of tio nmitond activity.
%c S:ste A t p:txidcs tkt c:f p:rson who falnifies, tx;rrs with, er Pnxm:1y Itnden in:r.c: rate arry emiten:q dcvim er cctini requirai to be raintairui urder this p:rrit rlull, uptn calvictico, t<. punished by a fine of to nore than $10,000 p:r violatim, or by icpriscmont fer rot more than 6 etnths per violatim, or bf oth. %is is symcificany intenal to incluck, b
but tot be limitcd to, grourd water etnitonry wells and lys2nuters.
'ne applicme shan perfo:m all analyses in accordance with the analytical test proccdum a[rtoved under 40 QR Part 136. itere to apul test prmodire is available, the applicmt must indicate a suitable analytical prtxwbre ard sust provide tN Departnert with literature references or a detailed Aw-riptim of the prnmarre. %e Depart nent nust a; prove the test prrmbre before it is used. %e inhnrate:y perfornirg the analyses for czrpliance with this permit rust be arproval and/or certified by the Dcpartrmt for the analysis c1 those specific parreters. Inforruticn cmcernirg 1Ambay apprtwal and/or certificaticn any be cbtained frtz :
nw Jerw/ Dqnrt2nent of Ir:virtraiental Protecticn Office of Quality Assurance 01409 Trmtro, Rv Jersey 00625 (609) 292-3950 l
%e p:rmittre rhan retain records of all etnitorirg infarraticm, incitmiirg all alibraticn and l
rnintenanw records and an original strip cMrt recertlings for ocntirums etnitoring ire r mentaticn, crpies of all reports requiral by this permit, ard records of all data used to m,.ete the applicaticn for this permit, for a pericd of at least 5 years frtra the date of the a ple, measurmmt, rrport or agplimticn. mis period any be c<tmaad by reqacst of the Departret at arry tire.
Fecords of crmitorirn infomstion shan incitde l
(1) %c date, ecact plam, and time of amplirg or sensururonts:
l I
(2). Se irdivi&al(s) sto perfened the sampliin or sensursents:
(3) %e date(s) analyses perforzud; d
(4) te irdivi&al(s) do pcsh..J the analyses (5) %e analytical tedmiques e methods used; ard i
l (6) % e assults of such analysen.
Mmitorirq results shall be regertad cm a Discharge pbnitorirn Import (DS) an#cr cm the l
r@ua.'s Mmitorirn Iwport Pbra OET); cr, there these foran & rot agply, in another format i
agutwi by the Dgartsunt.
l l
I i
Pert 1 Page 7 of 16 G.
If the permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by the permit, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the Det, IGtF, or other approved format.
. Calculatiens c for. all limitations which require averaging of seasuremente shall utilize er crithectic seaa unicss otherwise specified by the Department in the permit.
Diecharge Monitorin? Deports
.(1) Moultoring results shall be summarized and reported on the appropriate Monitoring pepert Forme following the completed reporting period. Signed copies of these, and all other-reports required herein, shall be submitted to the following address:
Nater Quality Management Division of Water Besources CN 029 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 ATIN: Monitoring Deports
.(2) If a contract laboratory is utilised, the permittee shall' submit the name and address of the laboratory and the parameters analyzed at the time it submits its monitoring reports (See Section 11.E. above). Any change in the contract laboratory being used or the f
parameters analysed shall be reported prior to or together with the monitoring report covering the period during which the change was made.
l J.
Moeitering Reports. ~ Monitoring. results shall be reported at the intervals and starting date l
specified elsewhere in this permit.
Coop 11ance Schedules. Deports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interia and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule of this permit shall be
' submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date.
- 12. Signatory Beautrement A.
Sienature Beautrements. All permit applications, except those submitted for Class II wells for a CIC discharge (see paragraph B) shall be signed as follows:
(1) yor a corporation, by a priacapal esecutive of ficer of at least the level of vice presideot; (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship, by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or (3).For a sumicipality, state, federal or other public agency, by e4ther a principal esecutive offScar or ranking elected official.
M. All reports required by permits, other info maties roguested by the Department and all permit applicottees edusitted for Class 11 welle under N.J.A.C. 7:14A-5.8 shall he signed by a persos described is paragraph A of this secties or by a duly authorised representative only its (1) The authertsatten is made in writing by a person described in paragraph A of this section;
- j Pcrt 1 Fage 8 of 16 (2) The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated f acility or activity, such as a position of plant manager, operator of a well or well fi eld, superintendent or person of equivalent responsibility; and (3) N vritten cuthorization is st.tritted to the Departcent.
Changes to Authorization. If an authorization under paragraph B of this section is no longer accurate because a dif ferent individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph B of this section shall be submitted to the Department prior to or together with any reports, informati~on, or upp11 cations to be signed by an authorized representative.
Certification (N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.4(d)). Any person signing any document under paragraph A or 5 of this section shall make the following certification:
"I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and as familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for g
obtaining the information, I believe the submitted inforration is true, accurate, and complete.
I as aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment."
yalse Statements.
Any person who knowingly makes a falsc statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, or other document filed or required to be maintained under the State Act shall upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months or by both.
Feporting Changes and Violations A.
Planned Changes. The permittee shall give notice to the Department as soon as possible of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted f acility. The permittee shall comply with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-12.1 el 3. which requires approval for building, installing, modifying, or operating treatment works. (NOTE: Sewer Extensions require such an approval. A connection of a single building through which less than 2000 gpd flows by gravity through e single lateral is exempt from the requirement to cbtain the approval of this Departzent.). Construction of a sewer extension without this fepartment's approval will be a violation of this permit.
Anticipated Noncoer11ance. The pernittee shall give reasonable advance notice to the Department of any planned changes in the permitted facility cr activity which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements.
- 14. Reporting Nrmcompliance A.
The permittee shall report any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. The permittee shall provide the Department with the following informations (1) A description of the discharge; (2) Steps beleg taken to determine the cause of concompliance; (3) Steps being taken to reduce and eliminate the noncomplying discharge; (4) The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times. If the noncompliance has act been corrected, the anticipated time when the discharge will return to compliance;
Part 1 Face 9 of 16 (5) The cause of the noncompliance; and (6) Steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurence of the noncomplying dischargc.
The permittee chall orally provide the information in paragraphs A. (1) through (M to the En Hotline (609) 292-7172 within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from the time the pe mittee becomes aware of the circumstances.
The permittee shall orally provide the information in paragraphs A.(4) through (5) to the EEP Hotline within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances.
A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becores aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall centain the information in A.(1) through (6).
Other Noncoroliance. The termittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under paragraphs 11.J, 11.K, 13.A, and 14.A through D at the time monitoring reports are submitted. The reports shall contain the information required in the written submission listed in paragraph 14.D.
The following shall be reported to the Department in accordance with paragraphs 14.A through D:
(1) In the case of any discharge subject to any applicable toxic pollutant ef fluent standard under Section 307(a) of the Federal Act or under Section 6 of the State Act the information required by paragraphs 14.A(1) thrcugh (3) regarding a violation of such standard shall be provided to the Department within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The information required by paragraphs 14.A(4) through (6) shall be pro-vided to the Department within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. Where the information is provided orally, a written submission covering these points must be provided within fise working days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances covered by this paragraph.
(2) In the case of other discharges which could constitute a threat to human health, welf are, or the environment, including but not limited to, discharge of pollutants designated under
. Section 311 of the Federal Act, under Section 6 of the State Act, under the " Spill Ccapensat,1on and Control Act", N.J.S. A. 58:10-23.11 g seg., or under the " Safe Drinking Water Act", N.J.S.A.
58:12A-1 g sy., the information required by paragraph 14.A(1) through (3) shall be provided to the Department within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> f rom the time the permittec becomes aware of the circumstances. The information required by paragraphs 14.A(4) through (6) shall be provided to the Department within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes 1
aware of the circumstances. Where the information is provided grally, a written submission covering these points must be provided within five working days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances covered by this paragraph.
(3) The information required in paragraphs 14.A(1) through (3) shall be provided to the Department within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> where a discharge described under paragraphs 14.T(1) or (2) is located upstream of a potable water intake or well field. The information required by paragraphs 14.A(4) through (6) shall be provided to the Department within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. If this information is provided orally, a written submission covering these points must be provided within five days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the discharge.
(4) Any bypass which violates any effluent limitations in the permit shall be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> unless paragraphs 14.F(1) through (3) are applicable. (See Section 15.)
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Page 10 of 16 (5) Any upset which violates any ef fluent limitation in the permit shall be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> unless paragraphs 14.F(1) throup..
are applicabic. (See Section 16.)
(6) Violatica ci a maximum &ily diset rge lim
- ation for any of the pollutants listed by the teparteer.t in the perr,* stall o reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> unicss paragraphs 14. T (1) through (3) are applicable (Sec N.J.A.C. 7-m-3.13(a)7.1.
- 15. Bypass A.
Eypass not exceeding limitations. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur which doe,s not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it is also for essential saintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisicas of paragraphs B.
and C. of this section.
l B.
Notice i
I 9
(1) Anticipated E7 pass. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, he shall i
submit prior notice, if possible, at least thirty (30) days before the date of the bypass.
l (2) Unanticipated Bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as required in paragraph 14.T.(4).
Prohibitten of Pyrass (1) Bypass is prohibited, and the Department may take enforcement action against a permittee i
for bypass unless:
l a.
Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damages b.
There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retection of untreated wastes, or saintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if the permittee could have installed adequate backup equipment to prevent a bypass which occurred during l
normal periods of equipsect devntime or preventive maintenance; and c.
The permittee submitted notices as required under paragraph B of this section.
l (2) ne Cepartaeet may approve an anticipated bypass, af ter considering its adverse ef fects, if the Department determines that it will meet the three conditions listed above in paragraph C.(1) of this section.
- 16. Upset A.
Ef fect of An Upset. An upset may constitute an af firmative deferse to an actico brought for m11ance with such technology-based permit ef fluent limitations if the requirements of paragraph S. of this section are met. Where no determication was made during adotaistrative review of claims that concompliance was eeused by upset, sed there has been so Departmental acties for seacompliance, the lack of suds detersination is final administrative actico subject to judicial review.
l t
l B.
Conditions Mecessary for A Demonstration of Upaet;. A permittee who wishes to establish the l
affirmative defense of upset shall descostrate, through properly signed, coetemporaneous I
operating legs, or other relevant evidence thats i
lort I Page 11 of 16 (1) An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the specific cause(s) of the upsets (2) The permitted f acility was at the time being properly operated (3) The permittee cutmitted notice et the upset as required in pere;raph 14.T.(t); aC (4) Tr.e pcruittee cc:* plied with a..y tecedial sncasures required under Sectica 4 aLovt.
t l
l C.
Purden of freof.
In any enforcement proceeding the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset baa the burden of proot.
- 17. _Emergenev Plan (DSW and DCW permits enly)
The peraittee shall develop, submit, and laplomant an Incrgency Plan report prepared in accordance with N.J.A.C 7:14A-3.12(b) unless exeented pursuant to N.J. A.C. 7:14A-3.12 (c).
If not previously submitted to and approved b'y NJDr.p, the Imergent.y Plan (or a request fer exemption) must be submitted within six (6) months of the ef fective date of the permit unless otherwise required by N.J. A.C. 7:14A-3.12(a).
j B.
Liability (Il Subsission of an thergency Plan pursuant to tlis section shall not except a petuittee troe liability for violations arising f rom an energency situation. A permittee shall take all necessary actions to altigate the damage to the waters of the State arising f rom an emergency situation. Euch actions shall not be limited by the emergency operaticg plan and
the manual of procedures.
(2) T.ner; tion from development of an Emergency Plan under this section does mot eneopt tie permittee from liability for violations arising free en esorgency situation.
Such permittee shall take all necessary actions to mitigate the damage to the waters of tie State arising from en emergency situation.
Violations i
Failure to submit an seergency plan in coop 11 erie with paragraph A. of this section and f ailure to taptement the emergency plan shall each constitute a violatten of this permit.
l l
- 18. Desiduals Management j
Collected grit and screenings, scuns, sar.d bed sands, slurries, and sludges, and all etter l
solids from the treatment process stell be disposed of in such a manner as to prevent such l
materials from entering the ground and/or surface waters of the state except in accordance with a NJFDES permit. If for any reason such materials are pieced la the estar or en the lands where they may cause pollutants to enter the ground and/or surface esters of the State, the following isformation shall be reported to the Division of Water psecuroes knforcement Element togetter I
with the asetterlag data seguired la part 1 Section 11.1.s j
l l
(1) Dates of occurrence; (2) A description of the poecomplytag discharge (nature and volume)3 (3) Cause of noncespliances (4) Steps taken to re ece and eliminate the mencomplying disetarges and
l-r:rt :
Fage 12 of 16 g
t (5) Steps taken to prevent recurrence of the condition of noncespliance.
tne pcrrittee rhsll ct be t,ctritted to stero sluc;c cn-site beyced the capacity of th(
structural treateent ena stora;o corponenets of the treate(nt iac!11ty, except in accordancc with a NJIMS laergency On-site storage termit. Nor shall the permittee be permitted to store l
sludge on-site in any manner which is not in accordance with Solid Waste P.anagement Rules, N.J.A.C. 7:26-1 $ Leq. Any violations sust be reported by the permittee to the Divisic.n of Water Resources Enforcement Element within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
The permittee shall comply with the Sludge Quality Assurance Regulations (N.J..A.C. 7:14-4.1 g Leg.).
Where quality information is required by these regulations analyses sust reflect the quality of the final sludge product of wl.ich the permittee must dispose.
I l
The permittee shall dispose of sludge f rom this f acility in ccanpliance with the New Jersey Solid Waste Management Act N.J.S. A.
13:lt=1 e,t, Leg., which requires conformance with Statewide and District Sludge Management Flans, and prohibits the disgesal of sunicipal sewage sludge in landfills.
The permittee stall also cocply with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the Federal kesource Conservation and Eecovery Act governing the j
treatment, storage and disMeal of harardous waste.
l E.
The permittee shall at all times have on file with the Department proof of proper disposal at a f acility duly licensed and geraitted by the State to dispose of sludge. To satisfy this re-l quirement the permittee shall subatt proof of ownership or contractual arrangement with a l
permitted f acility for the corposting, land application, thersal reduction, or other agproved l
sothod of stud;* disposal.
l Where such g.ersitted sludge disposal does not estend the full ters of tbts geralt, the geratttee shall subatt similar proof of new termitted disposal arrangements which shall t+come ef fective l
no later than the expiration date of previous arrangeeents. All such proofs of disposal site sust be submitted to the Bureau ef Persits Administration in dupiteate tot Chief Bureau of Iwrsite Administration 04 029 Trerton, N.J. D6625 ATTH: Cludge Disposal Site Proof l
l T.
Py issuance of this gerait the Department heretsy gives the gersittee notice that the gerettlee I
is bound try the New Jersey I'ollutant.41scharge Elimination Systes regulations regarding preter
sludge diesesal (faction 2$ lall).).
i l
l 1
F l**
Fast 1 l' age 13 of 16 l
The permittee shall comply with the llules and Regulations for the Statewide Management of Septage Disposal (N.J.A.C. 7:14-5.1 g se2'I' 11 The termittee shall conform with the requirements uncer Section 405 of the Federal Act governino the disposal of sewage sludge tres publicly owned treateent worna and with fections 4 and 6 of tem State Act.
- 19. Discharee persittes r
The permittee shall discharge to' surf ace waters, land or ground waters of the State, directly or indtrectly, only as authorised herein and consistent with the teras and condittens of this permit.
- 30. Operetten teatrictlong The operation of a vaste treatment er disposal facility shall at se time creates (1) a direct discharge to surf ace waters of the State, escept as author 1:ed by NJDI3's (3) a persistent starding or poeded eeedition for water er waste on the permittee's property oncept as specifically authorised by this permit, or (3) any standing or ponded condition for water or waste on adjacent properties unless these activities are specifically included within the permit.
al. 011 and Materdeug fNbstance Lt@llity The 1e;weittoo of respoesibilities upon, or the institution et any legal action against the permittee under Sectlen all of the Federal Act shall be in conformance with regulatione presulgated pursuant to sectico 311 of the rederal Act goverting the appiscability of Section 311 to discharges fion f acilities with NICIS permits.
- 23. h -__--- Clause far foule Effluent f.tsitationg Isotwithstanding any other esedition of this perrit,' if any applicable temic ef fluent standards, 11attaties4 er prohibitten (lactuding eey seedule of cospliamor slacified in such ef fluent standard or piabihitten) is presungsted ender liections 30lM(3)(Cl and (DI, 304(b)(3), and 307(a)(3) of the ytestal Cleae Itater net er Sectices 4 or 6 et the State Act for a toale pollutant and that ef fluent standsed, limitattee, or prohib! Lien is este atringent than par llettation en the pollutant in the permit for controle a pollutaat met limited to the ye tattle this persit shall be promptly modified or revehod sad reissued to ennfers to that efflueet standsed, llettation er prehtbittee.
al. prallabilitrofInformation 4.
lUgges petetts, of flueet data, and safeteetion regulfed by IWpDGIB applicatten forse provided by the Dogteral AMeletteter er Director (leeluding tafersetten sesttled on the fetas thoeaelves I
l l
l l
q, I.L 4 Iage 14 cf 16 ard any attactuents used to supply information required by the forsst shall be available for I
public tr.spection at the oflices of the Director.
In addition to the information set forth in paragraph A.,
any ether information sutaitted to ETA acu ct the Departrent in accordance with the conditions of this permit shall te eade available to the pubite withcut further notice unless a clain of tustness confidentiality as asserted at tre tase of submission in accorcance with the proctdures in 40 CpR Tart 2 (I'llic Intortatice and/or Subchapter 11 of the "P m lations Concerning the New Jersey tellutant Discharge E11sination Systes."
It a clata of confidentiality is made for information other than that enumerated in paragreg.h A.,
the information shall be treated by the Department in acmrdann with the procedures in N.J.A.C.
7:14A-11.1 g sg.
Only information determined to be confidential under those procedures shall tot be made available by WDEP for public inspection.
pettre Date of perutt E
This Mrsit shall becoee ef fective in its entirety on the date indicated (Effective Date) on the I
first page of this prutt unless a repest for an adjudicatory hearing is granted pursuant to j
the provistocs of N.J.A.C. 7:14A 8.11 *J ge2' l
l B.
ycr purposes of judicial review, first agency action on a Fratt does not occur unless and untti i
e garty has exhausted its adsinistrative remedies under N.J.A.C. 7sl4A*e.9 6 f*2 Any party l
thtch neglects or f atts to seek such review thereby waives its ogfortunity to embaust available agency recedies.
2!. Trar efer ef Ivtstt A.
This prett la ret transferable to any Mrson oncept af ter petics to the legartment. The t=prtsent say require modification, revocation, nr revocation and reissuante of the Mtsit to l
change the name of tte permittee and incorporate such ether requirements as eey be necessary l
under it.e appropriate Act. (See N.J.A.C. 7sl4A*2.123 in some cases, modification or revocation and reissuance is e.andatory).
Trantref tr McAlficatten. Encept as provided in paragraph (C) of this section, a geralt say be transferrtd by the getsittee to a nee eener or ogerator only if the permit has t,een modified or revoted and retssued (iinder f>ctico 2.12(c)1.11.) er a einer modification esde (under f.cction l
2.14(a)4. of the WFDTS pegulations), to identify the mew permittee and incorprete such other l
requirements as may be necessary under the state and rederal Arts.
p gonatle Trentrere. As an alterristive to transfers under 34ragraph (b) of this section, any
Witts reratt, escept a (TIC Mrnit for a eell injecting 1.aaerdous waste, may L.e automatically transferred to a nee gereittee its l
l (1) the nrient ggreittee notified the f=partment in writleg by certified mall of the proposed traceler as folloess a.
Ifhere production levels, producta produced, rates of diu harge, and eastseater characteristice stil reesti occhaaved, the folloeltg info mation shall tw rut,eltted at l
least 90 days prier to a pretened transfer dates l
(1) Naas and address of W rrent facilityi (2) Name end address of t've owners l
9 Fcrt 1 o
r w 15 of 16 (3) NJpor.S permit numbers (4) Names of the new principal persons responsible; (S) hares of per:ons upon thom legal process can 19 served and (6) A notarised stateeent sigred t y tiw new principal of ficer sta.ttrc thet no 1.u:
read the NJiDIS permit and agrees to abids ty all the conditions of the teruit and that the productico levels, products produced, rates of dischargo, and wastewater characteristics will ressin unchanged.
Where there will be a _ change ' in production levels, products produced, rates of discharge, or wastewater characteristics, the information required in paragraph 25.C(1) (alabove shall be subsitted at least 180 days prior to a protesed transfer date.
(2) The current lorsittee itall 1rclude to the notice of proposed transfer a written agreement between the esisting and new permittee which itshuie t a specific date for transfer of retsit responsibility, toverage, and liability between the parties. In the case of a UIC retsit, the retice shall demonstrate that the financial responsibility requirements of Section $.10(417. of the NJITIL liegulations wil' be seet by the new permitteel (1) The Departeent d' cec not notify the esisting permittee and the proposed new persittee, within thirty (10) days of reevipt of notice of proposed transfer, of an intent to rodify, revoke or revoke and reissue the gerait or, for a discharge to surf ace water (DSW), require a DAC. A modification under this garagraph may also be a sinor modificattoo under rection 2.14 of the it!!t!3 5egulatter.s. 'il such nottew is not received, the transfer is ef fective on the date specified in tre agreesent mentioned in paragraph 25.C(2) of this sections and (4)
Whenever the regulated discharge has twesed prior to the proposed persit transfer, ary coepliance schedule shall tot to muWet teolly reinstated but shall be subject to revision et cesplete withdrawal if cartuastances leading to its imposition have changed.
- 26. $*ver Qty The provisions of this lorsit age severable, ard if any provisten of this permit, or tre applicaticn of any provision of this permit to ser circunstance, is held invalid, Llw applicatter of such provision to other et(cumstances, and the resatoder of this retsit, shall not be af fects1 thereby.
- 27. St_at of feroittons, N,J.A.C. 7:14 o.14 A request for en adjudicatory twaring shall not autoestically result in a stay of the conditions of this gersit.
C. I*finiting A.
Unless othereise stated, all terse shall be as defined in ite 'pefulations Conee: ring the kew dersey Pollutant Dischtige Ellaination pysten", N.J.A.C. 7:14A 1 31 geg.
(1) " Aliquot
- means a saeple of specified volme used te make up a total coolesite sample.
- p pass' means Lte intentienst diee'ston of wastes from any pettien of a t re at ee r.t y
in;t 3 Page 16 ei 16 (3) "Cocposite" means a combination of individual (or continuously taken) samples (aliquets) of at least 100 s111;11ters, collected at periodic intervals over the entire discharge day.
The corposite sust be flow proportional 1 either the time interval between each aliquot or the solume of each eitquot must be proportional to either the stream flow at the tice of sar:11ng or the total streae flow since the collection of the previous aliquot. A11guett.
may be collected Eart. ally cr automatically. For a continucu: discharge, a cantitun et 24 aliquets (at hcurly intervals) shall te collected and cocbanto to ecnstitute a 24-ta.ur corpocate sample. f or intermittent discharges of more than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> duration, aliquota shall le taken at a minisuis of 30-minute intervals. For internittent discharges of less than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> duration, aliquota shall be takerl at a sintrum of 15-minute intervals.
"EDP" means Ef fective Date of Itrait.
($) " Grab" means an individual sample of at least 100 milliliters collected over a period not exceeding 15 minutes.
(6) " Monthly" means cr.e day each month (the sare day each conth) and a normal operating day (e.g., the 2nd Tuesday of each month).
(7) " Multiple Grab Composite" - means a combination of individual samples taliquets) collected at a specified f requency over a specified time period. Each aliquot must be collected in a glass vial with septua cap, filled to the top leaving to air bubbles, and iced until delivered ior analysis. Each aliquot shall be analysed individually. The recorded value will te flow proportioned average of the individual analyses for the specific time period.
(81 "L'r se t" meana an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncospliance with technology-based permit ef fluent limitations because of f actors beyced the reasonable centrol of the permittee. An upset does not include t.oncoep11ence to the enter.t caused by operational error, trproperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treateent f acilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or icproper operation.
"keekly" means every seventh day (the same day each week) and a tornal operating day.
- 29. Unual Perett yee, N.J. A.C. 7:14 A-1.8 The permitteo shall rey the annual NJitCI permit fee which has been assessed by the Department.
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m,. u,, ;, c c_,,,n
.7 K.J.A.C. 7:14A-3.11, in additic: to tnose set torth in N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.5, 3.10 c.n. 2.12, nern, c; to all DSW per=its within the categcries specified below:
i l
Existing ranuf acturine, commercial, eining, and silvicultural dischargers and research facilities. 1r additien to the reporting require:sents under Section 2.5(a)12 and Section 3.10 of N.J.A.C. 7:14A-1 n 3 all existing ranufacturing, coe=ercial, mining, and silvicultural dischargers and researer f acilities rust notify the Department as soon as they know or have reason to believe:
l A.
That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in the discharge of any tex u pollutant which is not limited in the per=it, if that discharge will exceed the hignest of t h<
folleving " notification levels."
(1) One hundred microgra=s per liter (100 ug/1);
(2) Two hundred =icrograms per liter (200 ug/1) for aerolein and acrylonitrile; five hundref nicrogra:s per liter (500 ug/1) f or 2,4-dinitrophenc1 and for 2-ecthyl-4, 6-dinitrophenol; anc cce =1111gra: per liter (1 rg/1) for antimony; (3) Five (5) tires the caxicum concentration value reported for the pollutant in the perm application in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-10.3(a)9. or 10.3(all2; or (4) The level established by the Departrent in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-3.13 (aH.
Sat they (except for research f acilities) have begun or expect to began to use or manu:ectur, an inter:cdiate or final product or byproduct any toxic pollutant vnlen was nm rcrcrtc-permit applicatio= under N.J.A.C. 7:14A-3.2 and 10.3 (a)11.
If the per ittee is required by this per=1t to ronitor fcr Oil and Greare and/or Tetroleu-Hydrocarts..
sarples shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with the Oil and Grease t witaticr..
N.J.A.C. 7i14A-14.1 et,se.g.
Sutrission of Monitorin; Feperts Menitoring results for each reporting priod shall be su=saritc* and reported on the appropriu Mcnitoring Eeport /orr.s and shall be sut:itted postmarked no later than the 25th dey o: tne r~
following the completed reporting period.
Part III - B/C Page 1 of 9 l
Permit No. NJ0025411 i
During the period beginning EDP and lasting through EDP + 5 years the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s) :461A There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
Samples taken in compliance with the specified monitoring requirements shall be taken at the following location (s) :
at the outfall of DSN (s) 461A; and shall be reported monthly.
Flow (MGD)
N/A N/A N/A Continuous N/A Temperature-Inf ' F (* C)
IN/A N/A N/A Continuous N/A Temperature-Ef f ' F ('C)
N/A N/A 96(35.6)
Continuous N/A Net Heat Rate MBTU/Hr OCT-MAY N/A N/A 338(1)
Continuous Calculated Net Heat Rate MBTU/Hr JUN-SEPT N/A N/A 238(1)'
Continuous Calculated Free Available Chlorine (mg/l)
N/A 0.2 0.5 Contin (2)
N/A Petroleum HC (mg/1) net N/A N/A l'0 ( 3 )
Twice Monthly Grab TSS (mg/1) pet (4)
N/A N/A N/A Twice Monthly Grab COD (mg/1) net (5)
N/A N/A 50 Twice Monthly Grab pH Range (S.U. )
6 N/A 9
Twice Week Grab Asbestos (7)
N/A N/A N/A Twice Monthly Grab
i Part III - B/C Page 2 of 9 1
Permit No. NJ0025411-1.A EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning EDP and lasting through EDP + 5 years the permittee is authorized to
,. discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s):461A There shall discharge.of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
Samples taken in compliance with the specified monitoring requirements shall be taken at the following location (s) :
at the outfall of DSN(s) ' 461A; and shall be reported monthly.
Minimum Average Maximum Frequency Sample. type Copper (ag/l) net (6)
N/A N/A 0.2 Twice Monthly Grab Einc (ag/1) net (6)
- N/A N/A 0.6 Twice Monthly Grab Chromium (mg/1) net (6)
N/A N/A 0.2 Twice Monthly Grab
'(1) The net rate of addition of heat is determined by the product of the heat capacity, discharge flow and discharge-intake temperature difference.
(2) During periods of chlorination.
(3) And no visible sheen.
(4) Limitat' ions for this parameter will be determined after the facility has been in operation for one year to enable establishment of a database.
(5) Upon written request from the permittee this limit may be changed to 20 mg/l TOC.
(6) Sampling is required only if maintenance chemicals containing these metals are used.
(7) Monitoring shall be conducted using the EPA test, EPA-600/4-80-005, January, 1980, Interim Method for determining Asbest,os in Water.
a f
Part-III B/C Page 3 of 1)
Permit No._NJ0025411 1.B EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning EDP and lasting through EDP + 5 years the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s):461C 3
4 There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
Samples taken in compliance with the specified monitoring requirements shall be taken at the.
following location (s) :
at the outfall of DSN(s) 461C; and shall be reported monthly.
Minimum Average
. Maximum Frequency Sample type i
Flow '(MGD)
N/A N/A 0.45 Continuous N/A Temperature
' F ( *C) iN/A N/A N/A Weekly Grab Total Suspended Solids (eg'/1)
N/A 30,45(1) 100 Twice Monthly Composite COD (mg/1) (2) 4 N/A N/A 100 Twice Monthly Composite Petroleum HC (mg/1)
,10 (3) 15 (3)
Twice Monthly Grab pH Range (S.U.)
6 NA 9-Weekly Grab Ammonia (mg/l)
N/A 35 N/A Twice Monthly Composite Copper (mg/,1)
N/A 0.2 Twice Monthly Grab Iron (ag/1)
N/A N/A N/A(4)
Twice Monthly Grab i
(1) TSS shall not exceed ~45 mg/l as a 7-day average.
(2) Upon written request from the permittee this limit may be changed to 50 mg/l TOC.
l (3) And no visible sheen.
(4) Additional limitations for iron.may be' imposed after receipt of monitoring data.
i Part III - B/C Page 4 of 9 Permit No. NJ0025411 1.C EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning EDP and lasting through EDP + 5 years the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s):462A,.463A and 464.
There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
Samples taken in compliance with the specified monitoring requirements shall be taken at the following location (s) :
at the outfall of DSN(s) 462A, 463A, 464 and shall be reported monthly.
, Average Maximum Frequency Sample type Flow (MGD)
N/A N/A N/A Monthly (1) pH Range (S.U.)
- 6.0 N/A 9.0 Monthly (1) Grab Petroleum Hydrocarbons (mg/l)
N/A N/A 15 Monthly (2) Mult. Grab COD (mg/l)
N/A N/A 100(3)
Monthly (1) Grab s
TSS (mg/1)
N/A 30, 45 (4) 100 Monthly (1) Grab (1) During a discharge event.
(2) During,the first precipitation event of the month which causes a discharge during working hours and which is preceded by a minimum dry period of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.
The permittee shall take samples 15, 30 and 45 minutes after the onset of the discharge.
The permittee shall analyze each sample individually and report a maximum value for the samples.
(3) Upon written request from the permittee this : limit may be changed to 50 mg/l of TDC.
(4) TSS shall not exceed 45 mg/l as a 7-day average.
,.s Part III - B/C Page 5 of 9 Permit No. NJ0025411 1.D EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning EDP and lasting th'ough EDP + 5 years the permittee is authorized to r
discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s) :462B '
There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
Samples takI~n in compliance with the specified monitoring requirements shall be taken at the following location (s) :
at the outfall of DSN(s) 462B; and shall be reported monthly.
Minimum Average Maximum Frequency Sample type Flow (MGD)
N/A N/A N/A Daily Meter BODS (kg/ day) 1bs/ day
- N/A
%.8) 15 N/A Monthly Grab POD 5 (% removal) 87.5 N/A N/A Monthly Calculated FSOD (kg/ day) lbs/ day N/A (8.2) 18 N/A N/A N/A TSS (mg/l)
N/A 3d,45 (1) 100 Monthly Composite F.Coli (MPN/100ml)
N/A 200(2) 400(2)
Monthly Grab 011 and Grease (mg/l)
N/A 10(3) 15 (3)
Monthly Grab pH Range (S,. U. )
6.0 N/A 9.0 Twice Weekly Grab TSS (4 Removal) 85 N/A N/A Monthly Calculated (1) TSS shall not exceed 45 mg/l as a 7-day average.
(2) This average shall be the geometric mean over a 30 consecutive day period and the maximum shall be a geometric mean over a 7-consecutive, day period.
(3) And no visible sheen.
This permit shall supersede the limitations contained in TWA SC-5-76-5720 and TWA SO-76-0193-4.
-e-w me a m
I f
4 i
r t
g Part III - B/C 8
Page 6 of 9 Permit No. NJ0025411 1.E EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginnin'g EDP and lasting through'EDP.+ 5 years the permittee is authorized to' discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s):463B i
There shall be no discharge.of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
Samples taken in compliance with the specified monitoring requirements shall be taken at the following location (s) :
at the outfall of DSN(s) 463B; and shall be reported monthly.
N/A N/k N/A Monthly pH Range (S.U )
i 6.0 N/A 9.0 Monthly Grab TSS (ag/1) j N/A N/A 50 Monthly Grab COD (ag/1) (1) ;
N/A N/A,
100 Monthly Grab
Cil and Greass (mg/1)
N/A 10(2) 15(2)
Monthly Grab Iron (ag/1) l N/A N/A 1.0 Ouarterly Grab Copper (ag/1)g N/A N/A 0.2 Ouarterly Grab Cadmium (mg/1)
N/A N/A 0.02 Ouarterly Grab Chromium-H ex'; (mg/l)
N/A N/A, O.1 Ouarterly Grab (1) Upon written request of the permittee this limit may be changed to 50 mg/l of TOC.
(2) And no visible sheen.
4 u
e Part III - B/C Page 7 of 9 Permit No. NJ0025411 1.E. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Continued)
N/A N/A 0.1 Quarterly Grab Barium (mg/1)
N/A N/A 2.0 Quarterly Grab Lead (mg/1)
N/A N/A 0.1 Quarterly Grab Mercury (mg/1)
N/A N/A 0.01 Quarterly Grab Selenium (mg/l)
N/A N/A 0.02 Quarterly Grab Zine (mg/1)
N/A N/A 0.6 Quarterly Grab Cickel (ag/1)
N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Grab Toxicity (Bioassay) LC 50(96-Hr.) N/A N/A 250% by volume Quarterly See Part IV.
pp. 3 & 4 1
O e
I e
Part III - B/C Pags 8 of 9 Pagas Permit No.
NJ0025411 l
2.'" SURFACE WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS The permittee shall discharge so as not to violate Surface Water Quality Standards for Zone 5 of the Delaware River, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:9-4.1 et seq., including but not
-limited to, the following:
General Criteria 1.
The waters shall not contain substances attributable to municipal, industrial, or other discharges in concentrations or amounts sufficient to preclude the specified water uses to be' protected.
Within this requirement:
(1) the waters shall be~substantially free from unsightly or malodorous nuisances due to floating
. solids, sludge deposits, debris, oil, scum; and substances in concentrations or combinations
~ ~ ' ~
which are toxic or harmful to human, animal, plant or aquatic life, or that produce color, taste, or odor in the water,.or that taint fish
or shellfish flesh.
In no case 'shall concentrations of substances exceed those values given for rejection of water supplies in the United States Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards.
Alkaliarity (mg/l)
Must be maintained between 20 and 120.
Fecal Coliforms Samples shall be taken at such. frequency and location as
'.1L to permit valid data interpretation.
Geometric average not to. exceed 770 per 100 al. from R.M. 78.8 to
J.9.5, and 200 per 100 al.
from R.M.
59.5 to 48.2.-
Detergents, Synthetic [ Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS)]
Maximum 30-day average of 1.0
-E.- ~ Dissolved -Oxygen - (mg/l) ~ -'" ~ "' -
~ ~"
g Minimum 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> average concentration shall not be less than 3.5. at R.M. 78.8, 4.5 ct R.M. 70.0 and 6.0 at R.M. 59.5.
Seasonal average for periods from April 1 to June 15 and from September 16 to December 31 not less than 6.5 for the entire-zone.
l Part III - B/C Page 9 of 9 Pages Permit No.
pH (standard units)
4 l
Must be maintained between 6.5 and 8.5.
l G.
Phenols (mg/1)
Maximum of 0.01, unless exceeded due to natural conditions.
Radioactivity (picocuries per liter) i Alpha emitters - maximum 3.
Beta emitters - maximum 1,000.
Solids, Total Dissolved (Filterable Residue)
Not to exceed 133 percent of background.
Temperature and Heat Dissipation Areas i
i 1.
Temperature, except in designated heat dissipation areas i
shall not be raised above ambient temperature by more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit during the period from September through May nor more than 1.5 degrees l
Fahrenheit during the period from June through
August, nor shall maximum temperatures exceed 86.
The heat dissipation area for the cooling tower.
blowdown, DSN 461A, shall be defined as a rectangle extending 2500' feet upstream or downstream and 1500 feet outshore from the point of discharge.
Threshold Odor Number Not to exceed 24 at 60 degrees Celsius.
Turbidity (Nephalometric Turbidity Unit - NTU)
Maximum 30 day average of 40 NTU, and a maximum of 150 NTU at any time, unless exceeded due to natural causes.
i i
e W
O g
Part IV - B/C
Page 1 of 4 Permit No. NJ0025411 i
Operation of Treatment Works The operation of the treatment works shall be under the i
continual supervision of an operator.
The industrial operator shall meet the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection of the State of New Jersey for an N2 License, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A.
58:11-64 and amendments thereto.
The operator of the sanitary wastewater treatment
. plant shall meet the requirements for an S2 license.
i B.
In addition to the discharge monitoring report submitted to NJDEP in accordance with paragraph ll.I. (1) in Part I of this
- -- pe rmit, the permittee shall also submit a duplicate signed copy of these, and -all-other reports required herein, to the following address (es) :
Regional Administrator Delaware River Basin Region II Commission U.S. Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box 736 l
New York, N.Y.
. West Trenton, NJ 086.28 26 Federal Plaza ATTN:
Mr. Seymour P. Gross ATTN: Permits Administration Branch Supervising Civil Eng.
Pursuant to N.J. A.C. 7 :9-5.4 (b) (5), effective year-round
##_' g.C.
disinfection shall be required for all treated wastewater
,, _ ~
discharges containing pathogenic organisms.
i iL-.
,or D.'In accordance with the DRBC Administrative Manual-Part III 93d6 ":'d N'~.*.
Basin Regulations-Water Quality recodified and revised to1980, the following shall l
include amendments through March 10,
'0."877. -be applied:--
. -T=% -- -
, :'J..;, 9 A.
Stream Quality Objectives tg j
e 1.
Radioactivity a.
alpha emitters maximum 3 pc/l (picoeuries per o
liter) ;
' ~ - -~ '- ~ ~~
b.. beta emitters-makimug'1,000 pc/1.
i I
Part IV - B/C Page 2 of 4
Permit No. NJ0025411 i
State-and Local Requirements l.
Hazardous Waste Management The permittee shall store, transfer, and dispose of its hazardous wastes in compliance with the " Manifest" provisions pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26-1 et sec.
I e
- 2. - Radiation The permittee shall comply with all regulations set a.
forth in N.J.S.A.
26:2D-1 et seq. in regard to
Radiation Protection.
All radioactive wastes shall be collected, removed, and disposed of in accordance with N.J. A.C. 7:28-11.1 et. seq.
Neither free available nor total residual chlorine may be discharged from any unit for more than two hours in any one day i
and not more than one unit in any plant may discharge free i
..available or total. residual chlorine at any one_ time unless the utility can demonstrate that the a particular location cannot operate at or bblow this leve_1 of chlorination.
l G.
There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds such as t:tose commonly used for transformer fluid.
'.Y H.
With the exception of chromium and zinc, none of the 126 priority pollutants contained in maintenance chemicals added are to be detectable in the cooling tower blowdown.
Compliance with the c
limitations for the 126 priority pollutants may be determined by engineering calculations which demonstrate that the regulated 4
pollutants are not detectable in the final discharge.
" I.
.The permittee shall comply with all effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other licensing conditions of the
. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
p 9
,- ~
,.m w.
Part IV - B/C Page 3 of 4 Permit No.
I 2.A.
Biomonitoring Requirements i
1 l
Acute Toxicity The permittee shall perform four definitive flow-through or definitive l
modified static renewal bioassay tests per year, in replicate, of its WTP treated process wastewater discharge.
Tests are to be done on a j
quarterly basis. Af ter completion of a minimum of four tests, the per-mittee may petition the Department for modification of the compliance i
i biomonitoring requirements if the permittee believes that the test results support such a modification. The first bioassay test shall be initiated
no later.than three (3) months from the " Effective Date of Permit", un-less otherwise specified by the NJDEP.
- 1. ~ All bioassays shall be conducted in accordance with the following i
Bioassay procedure shall conform to the " Regulations l
Governing Laboratory Certification and Standards of Performance" (N.J.A.C. 7:18).
Subchapter 6 of the i
regulations contains the criteria and procedures for bioassay testing and analysis.
The laboratory per-l forming your bioassay testing will have to be within i
the laboratory certification program.
l i
l l
- b. _ The bioassay shall provide.a measure of acute toxicity as determined by the wastewater concentration which causes 50% mortality of the appropriate test organisms over a 96-hour period. Test results shall be expressed in terms of Lethal Concentration (LC) and reported as 1
96-hour LC-50.
m l,'E-
.! ' 4'8"'".g*
For receiving waters having a salinity of less than or equal to 1 part per thousand (ppt), it is recommended
,s, that the fathead minnow LPimephales proselas) be used
- O J.
as the test organism. With receiving waters having a j
salinity greater than 1 ppt, the mysid shrimp
- ,[.
(Mysidopsis bahia) is reconstended. The test tempera-4
- ture shall bTeC + 20C.
j 2.
The following information shall be submitted within two months from the Date of Permit:
~ =
An identification of the certified bioassay laboratory responsible for the conduct of the bioassay tests.
A detailed description of the methodology to be l
utilized in the conduct of the tests, including g
equipment, retention time of the wastewater in the treatment plant, collection method of a representa-l tive effluent sample, and name and source of test organisms.
Paga 4 of 4 pages Parmit No.
A schematic diagram which depicts the location that the effluent samples will be taken; the diagram shall indicate the location of effluent sampling in rela-tion to any wastewater treatment facilities and Dis-charge Serial No.
1 3.
Bioassay results shall be reported on a form provided and shall be submitted within 60 days after completion of the test.
The information requested (2a through 2c) and the bioassay test re-suits (4) shall be submitted to:
Bureau of Permits Administration Water Quality Management Division of Water Resources CN-029 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Bureau of Systems Analysis and Wasteload Allocation Division of Water Resources CN-029 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 O
- * *,.. y 9
Facility Name:
Facility Incation:
Laboratory /Irwes igator:
l Approved by:
Laboratory Director Bioassay Corditiors:
M st & Type: 24 leur Static 48 lbur Static Daily Renewal i
96 leur Flow-through 96 Itur Static Test Startirg Date 0:mpletion Dates
-Mst Organism:
Fathead Minrow Other (Specify)
(Pimephales promelas)
Starnary of Results Toxicity observed
'- /i
,,,, Samplire Incation (Yes or No)
II5O (t affluent) e.
i i
i 1
.'1,5 t Y
.,.,i Quality Assurarte Sunnary corcrol Nortality-On
>10% (specify)
Deperature :nalt:taired within +2*C of the test temperature? Yes tb
l Dissolved oxygen levels always greater than 404 saturation? Yes m __
Imadirg factor for all exposure chambers less than or equal to :naxLaun allowed for the test type ard test temperature?
Yes le O
e 9 9
.E.f f -m e Test-dt 1
6 Sampling Location:
Type of Sample (circle one): Grab, 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> composite, Flow-through Composite of grab samples Sample Collection Dates / Time Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Dilut, ion Water:
_,,(Collection Date)_.:
Natural (Source)
Reconstituted (Type)
Other (Specify)
Percent Survival Data:
i Exposure Test Concentrations (Percent Ef fluent) i Time (hrs.)
.1 1
,1 1
1'i 1
1 1
1 8
d 1
0.0 Sloassay Results:
24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 48 hour 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 96 hout LC50 (Percent Effluent)
j l
951 Confidence Limits for hour LC50 to i
Calcularton !!athod (Source):
, ~ -
.. - s Test organism Source:
Cultured (Check) other (Specify) j Camercial Hatchery (Specify)
Test Organism Age (days)
Wst organism Acclimation Period (days)
Nunber of Effluent hat Cbncentrations (Muumum of 5)
Nunber of hst Organisms /hst Q)ncentration Volume of Test Ownbers (I.iters) riow-through Bionssay ExcharxJe, Rate (cycles / day)
LENGDI-WEIGff EATA Total Iength Weight Ioadi.7 Factor
' Dest (bncentration Replicate (m)
(g/1) 4 (Percent Effluent) x s
x s
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Of Ret C. HOFMAN. P.E.
Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 570 Newark, New Jersey 07101 ATTN:
Mr. James A. Shissias, General Manager Environmental Affairs Re:
Comments on NJPDES Draft Permit NJ0025411 Hope Creek Generating Station Lower Alloways Creek Township, Salem County
Dear Mr. Shissias:
a We have reviewed your comments on the draft permit for the Hope Creek Generating Station and have.the following responses to the issues raised in your letter:
The wording of the Statement of Basis regarding composition of the cooling tower will be modified to state that portions 1
of the cooling tower are composed of asbestos.
We will also note that ammonium bisulfite is to be used as a dechlorinating agent rather than sulfur dioxide, and, that caustic soda or Sulfuric acid will be used. for pH adjustment if necessary.
We believe that the BODS /FSOD allocation question has been resolved by the Delaware River Basin Conunission (DRBC)
decision of June 6,1985 increasing the allocation granted to Hope Creek from 3.4 pounds / day of BODS to 15 pounds / day with i
a corresponding increase of FSOD from 4.0 pounds / day to 18 pounds / day.
We understand that this increase was necessary due to expadsion of the Hope Creek Generating Station Sewage
- Treatment Plant from a design capacity of 0.051 MGD to 0.086 MGD.
Phease note that Condition B of Part IV of the draft 3.
NJPDES-DSW permit includes a requirement specifying that DMRs shall be sent to EPA and DRBC as well as the NJDEP.
p 4.
As stated in N.J. A.C. 7:14A-3.13 (a) 7 exceedance of only those parameters regulating discharge of toxic or hazardous substances must be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, unless I
specifically noted in the permit.
For the Hope Creek Generating Station these parameters are the metals; copper, cadmium,. chromium, arsenic, lead, mercury, selenium, zinc, nickel and the toxicity (LC50) value.
Our office of Quality Assurance has stated that the method of asbestos monitoring currently accepted by the Department is the EPA test, EPA-600/4-80-005, l
for Determining Asbestos in Water. January, 1980, Interim Method Therefore, this method
,will be specified in the final permit.
both influent and effluent analyses for net limitationWe will spe i
Since the low volume wastewater treatment system collects wastewater throughout the site, we believe that the effluent i
is likely to vary from hour to hour.
Therefore, a composite sample would better represent the actual effluent being discharged.
Furthermore, the requirement to perform
- additional _ burden on PSEEG as composite sampling of th 1
parameters was a requirement of the permit modification issued to PSE&G on September 25, 1984 for addition of DSN 461C, and was also included in PSE&G's proposal dated December 12, 1984.
~ ~ ~
Specification of composite sampling for BODS at DSN 462B was based upon PSEEG's proposal.
However since we do not believe a composite sample is necessar,y at the sewage treatment plant, and since the former permit for Hope Creek required grab samples, the final permit will require grab samples for BOD 5 rather than composite samples.
i Reference to TNA SO-76-0193-4 permit as requested.
will be made in the final 9.
The bioassay toxicity will be limited as a value greater than or equal to 50 percent in the final permit.
However, the
_ more sensitive mysid shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia) r is the "the salind' a'reis'of 'the Lower Delaware River. appropriate standar
- 10. The recently promulgated revised New Jersey Surface Water of background for total dissolved solids (TDS) Quality Standa the Delaware River.
in zone 5 of Therefore, the 500 mg/l TDS instream 4
1 s
deleted in the final permit for Hope Creek.value specifie i
Please note that the following changes have been incorporated into the final permit as per comments received from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the DRBC in regulations.
, and changes 1.
Revisions to the New Jersey Surface Water Quality Standards were promulgated on May 20, 1985, therefore, the revised the final permit. standards for Zone 5 of the-Delaware River are include 2.
The DRBC.has inforised us that DRBC Docket D-73-193 CP (Revised), approved by the Consaission on April 25 assigned a specific heat dissipation area for the cooling
, 1984, tower blowdown.
This area, defined by DRBC as a rectangle
' extending 2500 upstream or downstream and 1500' offshore from the point of discharge,' has been included in the final
A minimum limitation of 85 percent removal of suspended solids (TSS) has been added to the effluent requirements imposed for DSN the final. NJPDES-DSW permit pursuan to the United dtytes Environmental Protection Agency
- limitations for secondary treatment as set forth in 40CFR Part 133 for sanitary wastewater.
1 L
The final NJPDES-DSW permit for the Hope Creek Generati
?u will be issued in accordance with the preceding responses ng Station you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me If or Melisse Wilusz of my staff at (609) 292-0407.
1 1
.;.e Sincerely, i
7e Edward H. Post, P.E., Chief Industrial Permits Section Bureau of Industrial Waste Management
" o " ! o = c % - --
Mr. E. Svenson, PSEEG
.-G. Meyer, EPA-Region II l
~ '
Mr Mr. S. Gross, DRBC k
. ~, -, _,.. ~,..
'O PSEG!2?u 80 Park Plaza, Newark, NJ 07101 / 201430-5858 MAf UNG ADDRESS / P.O. Box 570, Newark, NJ 07101 Jarnes A.Shissias Genual Manager Environmental Affairs May 2, 1985
Mr. Arnold Schiffman, Administrator ne.
Water Quality Management i
N.J. Department of Environmental Protection (J
Division of Water Resources Industrial waste Management MAY 6
'".3 CN-029 p p...~, rwy Trenton, New Jersey 08625 m awrmse "n;tcTlat pgon wm ev.wacts su:'.or mo. m n M
Dear Mr. Schiffman:
COMMENTS - NJPDES DRAFT PERMIT NJ0025411 HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY The Company's staff has reviewed the Hope Creek NJPDES - DSW draft permit NJ 0025411 which was published on April 16, 1985.
hie appreciate the Department's expeditious and tiimely issuance of the draft permit.
As we have previously discussed, a timely final per-mit is essential for Hope Creek to meet its startup schedule.
Page 5 of 13, Description of Limitations and Conditions, DSN 461A -
Only the fill, drift eliminator components and distribution piping of the tower contain asbestos.
A comment concerning monitoring for asbestos is made under the permit limitation section.
Also, it has been determined in. consultation with the cooling tower manufacturer and Betz Laboratories that a better dechlor-inating agent is ammonium bi* sulfite rather than sulfur dioxide as originally described in the Company's application.
In addition, pH adjustment of the cooling tower water may require
the injection of caustic soda 'rather than sulfuric acid.
Page 6 of 13, Description of Limitations and Conditions, DSN 462B -
The relationship of FSOD to BOD 5 has been previously considered in existing NPDES permits.
The application of a 1.2 -ratio in effect reduces the station's BOD allocation.
Hope Creek needs the full allocation.
Furthermore, Hope Creek needs to retain the BOD allocation made by DRBC.
In a letter from the DRBC's Director, Mr. J. Wright, to PSE&G on February 21, 1975, Hope Crekk's sewage treatment system was given a waste load allocation of 13 pounds per day for the construction phase of the project.
Although our 1975 NJPDES permit reflected only 4 lbs/ day, a permit modification was not requested because the plant loading was minimal.
The Enir:;y deede
_., ~,..
A. Schiffman Page 2 May 2,1985 As Hope Creek goes through start-up operations, a greater number of site personnel and system appurtenances are putting increasing demands on the system.
This is evidenced in our 1984 renewal application, in _which a maximum BOD (mass) of 8.7 Kg (19.1 lb.)/
day was described for the sewage treatment plant.
As a result, we find that the DRBC's original allocation to Hope Creek is needed.
We request that DSN No. 462B in our new NJPDES permit reflect this provision.
Once Hope Creek becomes operational, PSE&G will submit a permit modification reflective of those new conditions.
1h believe that the 13 lb./ day waste load allocation for BOD-5
may be used to develop a value for FSOD as well.
- However, employing FSOD as a viable limitation should only be done if the specific, first-order rate constant (K') for Hope Creek's sewage effluent is determined and used to reflect the areater value
~ ~ ~
associated'with the 'FSOD/ BOD ratio.
That is, if the FSOD/ BOD ratio is'l.2'(a'ssuming K' proves this'out", the new FSOD for
---Hope-Creek will be 15.6 lbs/ day ( BOD-5 equals 13 lbs/ day).
~ ~ -
Part I, Pace 7 of 16, Item ll.I. Discharae Monitorina Reports-
"~ Presently Hope Creek personnel-are also sending DMR reports to
EPA and DRBC.. Snouldn't these agencies also be specified in
the permit?
Part I, Pace 10 of 16, Item 14.F(6) - The statement could be interpreted that any discharge limitation exceedance must be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
This needs clarification.
-.,5 )
Part III, Pace 1 of 9, Ef fluent Limitation and Monitorina Reautrements, DSN 461A - The asbestos laboratory protocol needs to be identified.
The normal protocol would be to use an electron microscope to count fibers.
However, for saline waters in the presence of other suspended matter, this would be extremely difficult.
The monitoring of asbestos should only be instituted
._, if;there are, qualified laboratories readily accessible and when there is a_rampling and procedure mutually agreed to by the permittee and the NJDEP.-
6E When the DMR proprinted forms are made by the Department, we request that the Departmen.t provide reporting space for both the influent and effluent analyses for those parameters to be cal-culated as net.
- 1)
Part-IIITPage-3 of 9,~Ef fluent Limitat; ions and Monitorina Requirements, DSN 461C - The composite Dampling fpr COD and ammonia requires special ref rigeration sampling equipment for sample preservation.
A justification for this sampling require-ment is requested, or substitution to that of a grab sample.
9 9
L -
.A. Schiffmsn i
Pcg3 3.
t l
hoy 2, 1985 i
t l
I i
i 8)
Part III, Pace 5 of 9, Ef fluent Limitations and Monitorina l
Requirements, DSN 4628 - The composite sampling requirement for DOD5 would require a special protocol - was this what was i
i j
Also, the reference to TWA SC-5-76-5720 should also include i
I TWA S0-76-0193-4 because the present sewage treatment works i
was constructed under two separate approvals.
i 9)
Part III, Pace 7 of 9, Ef fluent Limitations and Monitorina I
Requirements, DSN 4638 - The bioassay-limit, to be consistent l
j with other permits should be expressed as a value greater than
.cnr equal to 50%.
Also, we request that the test species be i
j sheepshead minnow as it is at salen Generating Station.
It is j
likely that both stations will be using the same certified laboratory which contractually will be more economical and 4
j easier to supervise.
l 1
Part III, Pace 8, Surface Water Quality Requirements, Item D J
4 TD$ - The 500 mg/l limitation for river TDS beyond the mixing j
zone cannot always,be met.
The Hope Creek Bnvironmental j
l Report has tabulated ambient Delaware River TDS to average t
j 3500 to 8900 mg/l'with a low of 600 mg/l and a high of 16000 mg/1.
The cooling tower only concentrates and returns to the river
TDS already present. in the river. '
If you should have 'any questions concerning these comments, please
contact Eric Svenson at (201) 430-5860.
J Sincerely, i
Paul C. Kurisko i
Edward Post i
Melisse Wiluss j
i l
r e
1 l
I i
1 i
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RETURN RECEIM MQUESTED g pg b3C'f8 hbile Servlee Electrfe & Gas Company E
80 Pesk Ploes wasa p
Neweek, New Jersey 07101
?EfkS k.
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Attentions Mr. R. L. Mitti, Generel Mensew - Proleets ap '[
p.4 EngineerlaNPnd Corstevotion Department O
.. " ~
Westoweter Treatment Facility for the
_, Hope Creek Generating Stetlop, Salem County
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursvent to Article 5 and Section 14.2 4 the Weter Quellty (effective April 7; 1968) edo)pted by the Delswere Alver bas Delewere River Basin Compact (75 Stet. 688 and Article 3-3 et the losin Reev stfons -
l mission i
pursuant to the Compact, b Commission will allooste the weste assimilative specity l
of the Delewere River Estvery amons Individuel dischargers.
The propeeed elleestfore for tlw above-nern/ discharger et the 6 'cIllty i
c esver two time perfeds and ere as felleess la pounds per day of eerbonseesus (first stese) anysm deenf i
duttne the senauting seetfen eenstruction period.
~4 pounds per aley of eerbonoceous (first stese) oesygen ritmand
followine ce*P etion of construct'on of the generetles, statie l
1 The proposed elleestions will take effect, further r Ice, es the l
determinetton of the Executive ofrector under the Regulet's u onless il discherger shell I
file with the Comminton, within 20 days after the servim sereof, a r for e hearing of which tha altar.hnront may show cause 'why the prenned allocottory Id not take l
- p-.,
l e. '
1 helle 3*wlee fleet,fc 4 Gas Coenpeny l
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the feallity must be apoeeted et vi times
.r. comply with the req iYou eve remind
hoevietlens - Water Quality.
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u rements of the tusin
,f,h*g" ^I *I'h* Hope Creek htig g h Section 3.3 the presensetfen to the Commingen g / "Amitted and is eweiting soeve opg g subjee se ph* eenditlen that th, "I*"* b M' elleestions eve poseed al*# is approved by the esote end the %,
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James F. Wright l
es W.T.$*lele, J.,NJOEP b
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Catare of Nem 3fersey DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CN Off TRENTON. Ntw JEMSEY 00425 oa CTom tru v o me o George C. Meyer, P.E., Chief JUL 3 01985 Pennits Management Section Water Pemits and Compliance Branch U.S. EPA Region II 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278
RE: NJPDES-DSW Draf t Pemit Renewal NJ0025411 Public Service Electric and Gat Company Hope Creek Generating Station Lower Alloways Creek Township, Salem County
Dear Mr. Meyer:
This letter is in respense to your letter dated June 11, 1985, providing coments on the NJFDES-DSW Draft We have the following responses.Pemit for the Hope Creek Generating Station.
to these comments:
General Cements 1.
The Statement of Basis states that the basis for the COD and petroleum hydrocarbon limitations at DSN 461A and the C00 limitation at 461C is Best Professional Judgment (BPJ), and that the EPA Regional Guidance was considered in making this judgment.
Furthermore, the EPA Effluent Guidelines for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source do not address these parameters and, therefore, could not be applied.
DSN 460, noted in the pennit modification issued en October 10, 1984, has become 4638 at PSEAG's request.
A statement noting this will be added to the Statement of Basis.
The statement you refer to regarding discharge of polychlori-
natedhiphenylcompounds(PC8s)wasincludedintheDraft Pemit as Condition G of Part IV, Page 2 of 5 Pages.
The TSS limitation of 100 mg/l maximum was established by
- Best Professional Judgment in consideration of achievability, consistency with other second round permits issued to PSE&G.
and that the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category Effluent Guidelines spect/y a BPT value of 100 mg/l raximum for TSS for several types of power plant wastewater.
f i
B 2-c b
DSN 461A 1.
PSE&G requested application of net limitations for the parameters noted since they may be present in the Delaware River intake water.
The former NPDES Permit, issued July 31
1975, did not contain language prohibiting use of corrosion y
Therefore, such language was not included in the renewal pemit. However, PSE&G does not have any in-tention of using corrosion inhibitors at this time.
Your assumption that the 2 units originally planned for the Hope Creek Generating Station were to be identical is correct.
Furthermore, we believe that the explanation for the net heat rate limitations provided by the Draft Pennit Statement of i
Basis is sufficient.
E 3.
The statement you refer to regarding discharge of free avail-able and total re.idual chlorine was included in the Draft Permit as Condition F of Part IV, Page 2 of 5 Pages.
A statement will be added to the Br. sis statug that the chromium limitation is also based upon the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source effluent guidelines.
t DSN 461C n
The pennit modification, issued for the Hope Creek Generating 1
Station on September,25,1984, adding this outfall included a l
flow limitation.
Therefore, this value was carried over from the former pemit.
DSN 4628 1.
The limitations imposed for BODc, pursuant to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Regulations, are more stringent than those required by 40 CFR Part 133 for secondary treatment.
L Therefore, these limitations will remain unchanged in the Final Permit.
However, we will add the limitation of 85% removal of
TSS to the Final Pemit in accordance with 40 CFR Part 133.
Both the 800 DRBC minimum allowable zone percent 8005 and FSOD values for DSN 4628 reduction required for secondary treatment in accordance with ection 4.30.2 et seq.
of the Administrative Manual Part III, Basin Regulatioiis - Water -
The ratto of FS00 to B005 of 1.2 is the value that
-DRBC determined as representing the ratio of FSOD to BOD this facility.
S for s
DSN 4638 1.
The previously reported values for metals during the term of L
the pennit modification were fairly consistent.
y monitoring frequencies were reduced.
Therefore, the i
O 3-2.
We do not anticipate that the pennittee will exceed the proposed cadmium limitation. Therefore, a compliance schedule or Admin-istrative Order is not necessary.
If you have any questions rejarding this letter, please contact me or Ms. Melisse Wilusz of my staff at (609) 292-0407.
Sincerely, s&
Edward H. Post, P.E., Chief Industrial Permits Section e
Bureau of Industrial Waste Management WQM70:tmc 9
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UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 8 8 % 26 FEDERAL PLAZA NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10278 i Mr. Ikhard H. Post, P.E. Section Chief ih Industrial Permits meer ouality Managment JUN 14 885 New Jersey Department of =vu-tal erotocu-ar.t. [e P.O. Boa OF029 Trenton, New Jersey Os625 amWamnas q Dear Mr. Post this letter serves to inform you that the thited States awironmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region II, has reviewed the draft permit 10PDES NJ0025411, for Public Service Electric and Gas Caegany, Bope Creek Generating Station and evaluated the nature of its discharge into the nelmare River (sone 5) from its facility located at Foot of Buttonwood Road, Artificial Island, Iower Alloways Creek 1%p., Salem County, New Jersey. Casments on this matter were requested by the New Jersey Depart-ment of Envirorimental Protection in a letter dated April 16, 1985. The EPA, Region II has the following cannents on the above refehenced ~ pemit: General rs===rits
- 1. Although the basis for the CDD and Petroleum Hydrocarbons -
permeters of DGl461A and the CDD parameter of Del 461C is EPA Regional gnManne, this guidance was not intended to be used for discharges of these types. Instead, the deve-lopment docuent and the effluent guidelines for this point source should be used to develop appropriate limits.
- 2. In the permit modification issued October 10, 1984, a new discharge (DEN 460) is mentioned. However, there is no sention of this discharge in the draft permit. Please justify the exclusion of DEN 460 from the permit. If justification cannot be provided, then please include this discharge in the permit.
- 3. The effluent guidelines stipulate that there shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl emuls (PCBs).
Such a statement, %r, cannot be found in the draft permit. Therefore, please ir.r.wipurate this PCB limitation into the draft penait there aggropriate. \\ w. e
- 4. A maximaa TSS valve of 100ng/l is proposed for discharges 462A, 463A, 464, and 462B. Although it is stated that this value is BN, the rationale used in developing this limit is unclear.
Please explain the method used to develop this limitation. DSN 461A
- 1. Net limitations are proposed for the parameters 14trolem Hydro-carbons, TSS, 000, Copper, Eine, and Otremitas. If Copper, Eine, and Otrania are strictly in the intake unter, then not limitations for these parameters may be claimed.
Also, if this discharge is a 1974 new source, the 1974 effluent y
- 1ines remain in effect. 'Ihese guidelines prohibit the addition of corrosion inhibitors to diediarges of this type.
Please determine if these regulations apply, and then impose limitations accordingly. +
- 2. It is stipulated in the Statement of Basis that the summer and winter net heat rates are half of the. original values, since the i
original values were intended for a 2-unit operation. It is assumed that the second unit was to be identical to the first, and that this is the basis for halving the original values. Please verify this asstaption and state it in'the statement of Basis. ~
- 3. 'Ihe effluent guidelines for this point' source state that neither free available ' chlorine nor total residual chlorine may be dis-charged from any unit for more than 2 hours in any one day.
Bowever, this statement cannot be found in the draft penait. If this statment is missing, please incorporate it into the penait d ere appropriate.
- 4. h limitations for pH and the metals are based on utBC regulatione.
-Bowever, it should be stipulated in the statement of Basis that the Oirania limitation is based upon the effluent guidelines for this pol st setree as well. l DEN 461C..--
- 1. A flow limitation is imposed on this discharge, and the value of
= this limitation is the design cepecity of the permittee's treatment system. h reason for imposing a limitation on this discharge Wtile not imposing similar limitations on the other discharges
- 1ch undergo treatment is not clear. Please justify the rationale for imposing such a limitation.
e w.
0 DSN 4628
- 1. Although limitations for BOD $ and TSS are imposed for this discharge, the permittee must meet the secondary treatment limitations of 40 CFR Part 133 for sanitary weste. If these limitations are not imposed, please incorporate them into the draft permit.
- 2. 'the B005 mass listation has been derived from the first stage carW= oxygen demand by using a ratio of 1.2.
Bowever, the ratinamis for using this par +i=1=- ratio is unclear. 'therefore, please justify the use of a 1.2 ratio. ' Deu 4633
- 1. It is stipulated that the monitoring frequencies for the metals has been decreased in the draft permit, sowever, if the previously reported values are fairly constant throughout the year, then the proposed frequencies will be appropriate.
- 2. According to the information provided in the permit stannary table, there is a possibility that the permittee may escoed the proposed j
limit for caenism. If the permittee is not able to meet revised water quality limits, then a ocupliance schedule should be provided 3 in the permit. If technology based limits, limits developed through EPA 99 Man, or water quality limits thich have not been t- -~ revised cannot~be met, then an A&sinistrative Order should be 1 issued. I' If you have any ocuuments or inquiries, please feel free to contact Mr. Dit Fai Cheung of my staff at (212) 264-3522. l j sincerely, 1 b' C. Meyer, P.E., Chief Permits Management Section 4 i i i i e \\ \\ I e p L j}}