05000482/LER-1988-028, Partially Deleted LER 88-028-00:on 881209,0.7093 Uci Co-60 Removed from Chin.Caused Likely When Individual Deposited Tools Just Prior to Exiting Containment.Surveys Taken in Area for Hot Particles
Event date: | |
Report date: | |
4822088028R00 - NRC Website | |
_ _ . . ._ . _ .._.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.. 3 a S.
- gg,,y January 4, 1 M9
,, )#t 89-0004 f ,
, 9. S. Nuolmr Regulatory Commission ATFNs Doeument Control Desk
, Matt Station F1-137 I weehtngton, D. C. 20555 Sdjects Dooket No. 50.a82: Licensee Event Report 88-028 00 j
! The attaohed Licensee Event Report (LER) in oubettled pursuant to 10 CPR i 20.405(a)(1)(1) ooooerning an exposure of an individual in eroese of the
- applioable limite in 10 CPR 20.101.
Very truly yours, Wormation in this reccrd was dited
- a n sccordance witil .the Freedom of Infcfmation Act, etcmptions (r M D. Vihre l II i FOIA 9b - Preeteent ans
! Chief Esecutive Officer s w sas r' cou35 7011c/f'
,D, Attachment 00: 8. L. krtlett (NRC), w/a D. S. Chamberlain (NRC), w/a g . , ,, ,,,%0I i
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Jarmary 6,1989
,, wt 89-0004 bD \
- 0. S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission Aff1ts Document Control Desk i m it station F1-137 j Washington, D. C. 20555 Subjects Decket No. 50 482: Licensee Event Report 88-028-00 Gentlesens J
l The attached Licensee Event Report (LER) is subsitted pursuant to 10 CPR 4 20.405(a)(1)(1) concerning an exposure of an individual in eroess of the I cpplicable limits in to CPR 20.101.
) Very truly yours, kictmation in this rec;rd was d ted I - f l o sccordance withJhe freedom of infctmation Act, uemptions (r Bart D. Withers i FOIA b II Preefdent armi Chier treoutive ottieer l
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""E = 1 1 On Docuter 9,1988, at 1758 CST, an inSividual in the Radiologically Cbntrolled Area (ICA) was discovered to have a localized area of facial
> cmtarmination. Health Physics personnel o@eequently rarrowed a G.7993 micrucurie (uC1) Cttalt-60 particle frun his chin. 'the individual hed been wrking in the area of the golar crane inside the contairinent building.
W:rk in the aree ws suspended Ws11e hot particle surveys wre perfoamed.
'!hese surveys identified to unusual conditions ard weit we romaned. '!he swuttmsa possible time the individual could have been exposed to this porticle we determined to be four hours ard sixteen minutes. Using this exposure tue, it we conservatively determined that the trusividual ney have received an occupational dose of 12.$ Run to the skin of the whole body.
':he trutividual we precluded from further in entries during the quarter.
j Iblicg ourveys con &seted on Decerser 19, 1908, identifiers an additional i
9.03288 uti Cthalt particle. Reviews were corducted of previous surveys of j the area and of acc O. of previous contamination incidents during the
- current refueling outage to identify any similarities to this event. 'Ihe reviews concluded that this incident is an isolated case. It was also determined based on relative isotopic aburusance that these two particles had originatsus several years ago. A review of the Ibt Particle Cmtarninetion control program did not identify any necessary rw-. tic changes.
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j on Documber 9,1998, an individual in the podioicgically Controlled Area i (MCA) ws discovered to how a localiza5 area of contamination on his chin.
l 32esquent evaluation irsticated that the resultant ==:~"en say have esc ==rt-4 the 10 crit 28.181 skin of the dole bety quarterly dose limit. 'Ihis report is being suta.itta$ in accordance with lecrR28 485(a)(1)(1). 'the information required by 10CFR29.485(a)(2)(b) is penvided separately as an attactment to this report.
DratRIPrim arEVDrr i
On Decarber 9,1900, at 1304 CST, several wxters entered the contairunent l
- buildirg Det) in ceder to perfona sert on armatter thnnet wshers on the j polar crane. At the tirne of this event, the unit ws in Mode 6, Defueling.
- Asprculmetely .J mirnstes later, the teckers actually began the tett. At j 1745 Curt the sorkers places their tools in a tesperary storage location and j proceeded to exit the RCA for shift turnover.
. l One individual, a contractor, detected skin centmainaticn t4 tile perfonaing a j annual frisk at the friskirg etation loosted exterice to the Contairsment l
personnel access hatch cn the 2047' elevation of the Auxiliary Building D] . In 6.w.-osnee with statim pacc.3ures, the individual prenytly j
j tot.ifies Health Physics personnel of the situation. Health Physics i personnel verifie$ that the centmaination ws locate $ cn the individual's chin, then escorted the individual to the decontmaination aroo of th. HCA.
l I
j A hot particle of 60,000 net counts per mirante tsas lifted from the
- irriividuals chin using duct tape at 1758 crr. After the renovel of the hot j particle, ro further contmaination ws detected on the individual. It tsas s@eerpmntly v&rified throupi nsaat smeers and Wole-body counting that the 1rstividual hed no detectable internally deposita$ redionuclides. Genma l
j spectscocopy analysis we perfonned on the particle. 'the particle us detenmined to be ocuposed of 0.7993 mierncuries (uci) of cchalt-48.
j roltrwing discemry of the hx porticle, tsort ma suspers$as in the area of l
the rolar crarw. Health Physics personnel perfonned sarveys for hot
- particles in the area in Wich the tru$1vidual had been working and on tools j erd equipnent that had been used. 'these marveys tsere ocupleted at i
gyroxurately 2200 CST arv$ identified to aMitional hot particles or unexpsieted grosa contaninetion. Fblicwing ccmpletion of these surwys, the jll work ectivities were restared, with Heelth Physics personnel perfonaing acre j' frequent monitorirg. 1he work has since been corpleted without further i sagruficent incidents.
j l- 1he individust ard his ccy-workers were interviewed in an attmipt to identify l
the aunt likely time ard loostion at sich the hot particle had been picke$
up. t>ssed on the information cbtained, it was determined that the sett had irivolved mone creia11ng arourut due to tight work space arut some repositionirg 4 ...
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iJCENSit EVENT REPORT (LER) TEXT CONTINUATION e ew ee s o.mm m.=en ersie
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of tools. Further hot particle surveys, with particular emphasis en the l areas in which the indivi&aal had seest likely pided up the hot particle, l wre conducted en the morning of December 18, 1908. During these surveys ,
one additional hot particle was fourd in the area in eksicfh the workers temporarily stored their tools. This secord hot particle was camposes of 8.88128 uC1 of Ctbelt-58 and 8.0316 uCi of 0:balt 68.
The investigation concluded that it ses likely that the irdividual had tocame contaminated sewn he deposited his tools just price to exiting contairsnsnt. ftwever, h=renas this conclusion could not be positively verified, it ses ccneerv twely =====4 that the contamination had occurred at appremiantely 1334 cst, upon initiation of the work activities.
1herefore, in detenminirg the setin dose to the individual using the ocmputer ccde VARSKDI the maxinase exposure ties was 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and 16 minutes. With this exposure time, the official dose assigned to this irdividual due to this incide. is 12.5 Ran to the skin of the tole body. 'this dose azooeds the 197R20.181 penaissible cecupational dose of 7.5 Ram per quarter to the skin of the whole trdy.
1h.ts done assigtvarmt ard its realfications have been discussed with the trutividual. In addition, the irdividual has been excluded from further entries into the ICA for the remainder of the omiender quarter.
III7r CN.lSE AAC CDRRECTIVE ACTIDS Following this incident, previously perfonned radiological surveys of the area involved were reviewe$ for ird! cations of abnnreal contmaination. 1his review verified that there had been ro previously identified hot particles, in the ares. No unusual radiation levels or evidence of abonrent contmaination had been detected in the polar crene ares. In conjunction with this effort, records of previous incidences of personnel centamination daring the current refueling cutage wre reviewed for similarities to the incident discussed in this report. No similarities to this event were l l
Identified. l in an af fort to identify the snurce of the hot particles detected in the polar crane aren, the relative abundance of Ocbelt 58 and Cobait es of the partteles was covpared to the relative abundance of these isotopes detected in recent neple analyses. Froe data cxmparieens, it was detenmined that these particular particles had not originated from current refueling l activities, txtt had noot likely been created several years prior.
Dased on these evaluations, it has been conclu$ed that this is an isolated incident. An internal review of the Hot Particle Contmaination Control progran has been perfonned, and the progress was detenmined to adequately address llot Particle concerns. Cbneequently, no changes to this prograss are constderel necessary at this tisne.
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MIETuamL DromWrat Although there have been previous cases of conuuninetion incidents involving hot particles, there have been no previous incidents at Wolf Creek Oanerating station tedch resultad ln exposures boycrut 1825t28.18111mits.
m particles, usually mi-mic in nature, oces primarily fme tuo major ocurosos degraded fuel and neutren activated corrosien and tsaar pra$ucts. A hot particle cm the skin gives a hips beta does to a seali area. '1he area used to amiculate a beta dose is 1 square centimeter at a depth of 7 milligram per equare centimeter per the VANEDI computer code. 'Ihere is scientific evidence indicating that highly inti-d irrediation of the skin by hot particles is less biologically desaging then more mifona irradiation by the same quantity of radirmetive material. ,
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/ t t E ! Attachment to tZR 88-028-00 -
l' page l otal
.g v.t. Mucisar P49unat,orv 6e**ission
- i. p.ta er asport gggr 1 "' k LM I S,','!.t ' l 301's i ' *" ' '
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- 4. M.64 ef A red i vidu&l & 44 dress
- 3. M.64 6 440t e f. el reper4Ang IACensta i
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Tes v. Monttoring for external exposure to raatation was provacce, t 9. WHOLE 80DY DOSE===n========== Ceans) i1. EXTREMITY DOSE
- 9. PER!0OS OF = = = = = DEEP = = = = = = = == = = = SH W ( (reas)
= = = = = = = = AL LO============
EXPOSURE ==================s== ================== SHALLOU(skin) a TOTAL b HEUTkVH c TOTAL d SETA 10/15/88 - 12/09/88 .512 .000 13.012 12.500 .512 PART III. INTERHAL EXPOSURES TO RADICACTIVE MATERIAL Tes 12. nonttoring roc exposure to raatoactive matartaa prowsoes.
- 14. l'arneos of emposure L cases wnole Dody counting performac 7 l 10/03/88 12/09/88
.s. ..n.c ....s..y c....ts l
vt NC$ l i -R i JX, FINAL REPORT
--- mm . . L H eith a
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acesnears Physics Supervisor l
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