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Informs of Comments Received by Two Agencies Re Advanced Medical Sys Emergency Plan
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/10/1995
From: Kevin Null
To: Marian Zobler
Shared Package
ML20134C763 List:
FOIA-96-444 NUDOCS 9702040292
Download: ML20134D084 (2)



From: Kevin G. Null (KGN)j f///

To: HLZ /7) f d 6 (_

Date: Friday, February , :01 am


Question and Coment -Reply -Reply -Forw Forwarded mail received from: JAG

r Marian, j-In response to the attached message frgs-Jack Grobe -

I reveiwed the AMS Emergency Plan to see if they elicited any coments from outside agencies,'in particular the Cuhyahoga County Local Emergency Planning Comittee (LEPC).

It appears that they asked for and receelved coments from two agencies - 1) the Chief of Fire Prevention for the City of Cleveland (who suggested some changes that were incorporated and expressed interest in a joint exercise),

and 2) the Ohio Emergency MGMT. Agency (who also had some comments that were incorporated). No evidence that they gave the LEPC an opportunity to review and coment.

FYI - the following agencies were provided a copy of the Emerg. Plan:

1. NRC - Region IIII
2. Division of Fire Dept of Public Health
3. Cleveland City Police Dept.
4. Ohio Emergency MGHT. Agency, Inc.
5. University Hosp. of Cleveland 1 I

If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.

Xevin Null l

l CC: JAG Files: m0: MESSAGE, ml: MESSAGE p\

9702040292 970127 PDR FOIA ENGLISH96-444 PDR



[ 2/10/95 JBM Briefing STATUS OF AMS ISSUES j

WATER ISSUES Close teamwork within NRC attacking this project. NMSS and OGC are together with us.

Maintaining a " stable" situation with groundwater and '

infiltration. Commitments tied down in CAL.

Public meeting with licensee Monday (2/6) - discussed water plans l and remediation plans. Participants - RIII, NMSS, AMS, NE0RSD, Cleveland, Plain Dealer. Meeting went well.

Plans under final review in RIII and NMSS. Calling licensee today with minor questions. Confirmatory Order will be in HQ for review next week.

Water processing may begin as soon as 2/20.

Close coordination with OEPA. Initial water processing to tanks OK. Discharge to sewers will require their review.

Jim Williams (Ohio governor's liaison with NRC) w!11 be briefed Monday at 1:00 RENEWAL ISSUES DFP in NHSS under review. Licensee proposed $1.8M. Probably a little low. WHUT Room still an issue. Will expedite DFP (30 to 60 days).

License renewal under review in RIII. Senior staff dedicated to the project. Complex renewal will probably take 90 days to close.

Four hearing requests were filed (Subpart L). Two or three will likely be admitted.



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, February 10, 1995 -

Mr. John A. Grobe Nuclear Materials Inspection Section 2 '

United States' Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60523-4351 RE: W eatment of Water at the London Road Facility (License No. 34-19089-01)

Dear Mr. Grobet Thank you very such for meeting with representatives of Advs.ted Medical systems.

Inc. (AMS) on February 6,1995 to discuss the referenced ites as well sa.other-

.mattere. AMS appreciatas ymr ' attention to and assistance with the-water clean-up project as we .are all looking forward to tiasly and successful project completion, v.

( During the February 6th seetlag, four' key issues associated with the, current conditions follow up ce those at discussions, the ANS provide facilityadditional were reviewed.

in:,ormaof this The letter ispery ossible, to tion where p

. and re-confirm our commitments.

4 . .

~ Benchmark Blavations at the ANS Facility During the week of January 30, 1995, quality Environmental Solutions, Inc. (QRS) surveyed the location and elevation of various ground-water control points. A letter repoet of findings is included as Attachment 1. Beginning Tuesday, February 7,1995, the AHS Radiation Safety officer began reporting all water levels based upon the revised elevations.

Control of Ground Water During the week of January 30,1995, Q55 supervised the installation of three sonitoring wells, sampled soil and ground water, and conducted an aquifer pumping test. Attachment 1 contains a suasary of these activities. As was discussed in the February 6.1995 meeting, the hydraulic conditions at the AMS property are not conducive to installation of a pumping well "upgradient" from ANS in order to intercept and divert ground rater before it reaches the AMS building as proposed in the letter to you dated January 27. 1995.

Therefore, AMS intends to excavate down to the location where the four-inch sewer discharge line from the ANS building intercepts the footer drains and the manhole. . The four-inch line will be sealed with a grouting composition, the contamination status of the footer l' N 9

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. ..building todrains the drainage will be systes determined so that.wateri.marjb through the newly installed'. sump;y' and pumped

.yonce' the footartdrathiy111 thia fros Jaeti.belos


complete, the water that'i . -

_ .l ,B ANS facility will be '

and treated as necessaryelbeneath ty00igursuant to the release.

to remove \, '

criteria provided by the USEtc on February 1.'1995. ' Treated water' ,

that meets the release criteria will be discharsed.

Processing and Discherse of Water .

On February 3,1995, you were provided with the procedures that ANS-intends to implement in order to process and discharsa the water currently at the ANS facility. As Ms discussed in the February 6 1995 meeting, the pumping, traeths, samplins, . disaharge and remediation activities must be onrefully scheduled and sea,mged.

Therefore, Attachment 2 contains the fel-eastation plan for these activities. AW8, of course, reserves the right to modify .this schedule as additional information is' obtained, and if other .- s -

influences outside of our control prevent' a particular step free ~

occurring. '"

AW8 will notify the U81180 immediately when the need' for. -

a schedule change becomes apparent.. '

Please note that the pumping and tr'estmentNrill not begin with  ? th[

water. currently in the. basement of the!ANS(facility.

schedule calls for treatsent/ discharge of!the! water in the following M .tInstead,!tB ordar: . l."

( (1) water currectir la' Laakse r(2) water currently in the , .

sump, aanhole, and, (3) water in the(-basem;ent. and (4) water " M; generated reasons during for this arerexcavation and remediation two-fold. WFirstMourRuster; treatment of theW seser lines. Jbe@

contractor, Diversified Technologies Systems, Inc. (DTS) strongly reccamends that the treatment proceed from the "least contaminated" to the "most contaminated" (see Attachment 3) in order to maximize equipment and process efficiency. Second, it is preferable to leave the water in the basesent until the pressure on the walls of the building has been relieved. Once the water in the vicinity of the t

I It is likely that the footer drains in the immediate vicinity of the four-inch line are contaminated since water with elevated + $.

cobalt concentrations has been backins up into the drains since the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District installed the

('. compression plug into the lateral. Therefore these sections will be either decontaminated or removed prior to re-connection.


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t. +, Ya s(\ Mr. ' John A.' Grobe +

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February.t . 995 a:

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manhole has been removed, the footer drains will bam.w. lamediately' y:,y -

' disconnected. i

' This will maintain external. pressure and inhibit' '

" reverse flow" of the more hfsbly-contaminated water from tho' .s :-

basement during remediation of the sewer.line and the lateral.3 Selection of the Ramadial Alterestive for the Lateral AMS salatains that, from a radiological safetre sood practice, and entitled "'ALAltA' Analysisconson' sense standpoint, remedial Option C, d for Remediation of the ANE Lateral with the residual contamination in the existing lateral c within the pipinAll available evidence tells us that the exis'tlas contamination surroundings,the (e.g.g la pC0 present in the arts is contained within the latersi and not in the surrounding soil). As a means of of the existing lateral. The results of thisconfirestloa, ANg will obt will be reported to the USNRC. will demons. sampling efforb which already migrated thr trate whether "c0 has exist in the lateral.p the soil from "lesks" that say currently If. as we sus the lateral, pect, there is no significant M activity outside of

" fixing" it in place by implementing option 4 would

( guarantee tant radiolo duration of the license (gical conditiona remain atable for the

- e.g., until facility deccanissioning). It would miso permit AWi to minimize the amount of solid waste that

) aust be disposed of by taking advantage of radiological decay. Te a cavate the area at this time, even though the area currently 2

The majority of the water currently in the basement enterad through the 32-inch standpipe, which is now sealed.

the only path for outward flow is thronsh joints and cracks.Therefore, Since inward seepage through this path has been slow even when the' outside pressure was at iti areatut, AMS is confident that

" reverse flow" will not be & 61gnificant issue for the short Ariod of time it will take to ramadiate the sewer lien and the Lateral.

I Thefield-screanad.

be seaples collected by hand auger, geoprobe, or drill rig will Mereenins results that aceed a pro-determined level will trisser shipment of the sample to a commercial analy-tical laboratory for analysis by asema spectroscopy. A pre-sot

( minimus nusber of samples will be sent to the laboratory regardless of the rectilts of the field screenina in order to validate the sensitivity of the measurement methodology.

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,; (C M YT ' your.ooneern about the fate.of.the latera12during '

, facility decommissioning in the% vent that option 4 is approvedi ANS will immedletely modify its?) deoommissioning funding- plan to incorporate the funds necessary (today's cost) to ensura eventual removal of residual contamination. Documentation to this effoot will be forwarded to the USNitC.

Please forward your written approval of these outshaMn! itema to Dwight M111er.

Req., Stavole a Miller 55 Public Square,1004 I11usiasting Building. Cleveland, Ohio 44113. However, feel free to contact me 'at (216) 466-4671 if you have any questions or if I can yzuvida you wit.h additional inforestion. 2 bank you in advance for your. assistance and your prompt attention to this matter. AMs is looking forward to timely and successful completion of this project.

Sincerely, w ) -

DAVID CBtWt Treasurer ' '


DC/az cc wD.A.$111eriEsq. ** -

N. Billingsley, Esq.


' Please recall that the ALARA report did not address the

( radiological and the cost impset of the water that would be generated during removal of the lateral.

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g,,. Dwight A. MiDer - '

Attorney At IF ,



1604 Illuminating Budding s 55 Putdie Square Cleveland, Ohio 44113

. Dear Mr. huller.

i The purpose of this letter is to descrbe the Gality awisonmenh1 Soluticos, Inc. (GM) 8 activities at the AMS facility during the week of January 30,1995. During the weeir, GES i Associates supervised the Insth of duee Cag weUs, sampled son and smund w*r,

' "M an aquifer pumping seat, and surveyed the locatico and enewien of various ground-l water contml pointsc FoDowing is a inmmary of abe activities and resulta: ),


  • He three weds were' drilled to an approdmase depdt of 15 to 18 feet. De l

hthology noesd dudag dri1 Hag consisted of; 2: 'y eight feet of sihy sand , .

f and clay over shale bedecit. 'Ihe n==*a81d*4 material was aturated below a depth of about five feet. *1he shale was dry.

{ ,t 9 g a.

  • Monitadng won M.W 1 was located approximately,40 feet south of the sump.

.i 'MW-2 was located approximately 30 fbet south of the warehouse. MW-3 was,

! located 20 feet off of the fmnt of the budding, si,p.e =4y 40 feet north of the

! manhole.

  • In addition to the monitoring wells, two staff sau6c8 we8* Placed in the drainage swale to the southwest of the hMaa, a(acent to the ralhoed tracks. He staff

! gauges are used to determine the elevation of the surface water so that it can bc m1sted to ground-water laveh.

I i . Pouowing the installation and development of the wells, a water sample was

, obtained and submitted via overnight couder to AAf for analysis. 'Itc results for

.i MW.1, MW-2, and MW-3 were <8.18, <4.8, and <3.42 C1/I., P respectively.

l A soil sample from each boring was alm submitted to the laboratory for analysis with aD results <0.11 pCi/g.

-l . A pumping test was attempted on MW-2. De well was unable to sustain a

pumping rate greater than about one or two gallons per minnt, i

Corporate Office 134 Holiday Court. Suite 306

  • Annapolis. MD 21401 + (410) 841-5552' l '

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- . .c z Mr. Diight N. Miller i: - TD: M " .p .y .-

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February 3.1995: mnn: ..c i ..


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  • Bued on a Mi.ieleva m of r 650.25 (feet above m.s.l.) at the mana rim .


(based on the elevation data contained in the 1958 site pland, the water level elevations in the manhole, samp, monitoring wells, and staff gauges were determined. The Petzuny 2~,1995 waner elensions were:

i Manhole ~= M3.20

Santp = 643.28 8 MW-1 = 647.94

' MW 648.94

' .i MW-3 = 642.75

SG-1 = 649.67 SG-2 = 649.86 l

l %ese data show ground water in the uncocWhisted sedhnects to be flowing in i a northerly dhection from the drainage swale 10 wards the AMS feaility. Based 8 on a baseawat floor elevadon of 640.54 (fkom the 1958 site plan), the water elevadon in the basemed would be 642.37 (22 laches on Petwuary 2,1995), w

' about 11 inches bekyw the level outside of the budding.

Meane review this infonnation and if you have any questions or ==nments, give me a call at i '- (410) 841-5552. - ,

,p.- .

. Sincerely,

. ' Qualhy Divhuaunental Solutions,Inc.

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~. h . , ,. .j, item , - M 2 > ).(if91 J.y'9 '.l4 4.

Order ofImpirenEEmetam i h.[I 9 c. . ip'i ..

Obtain Permits for Treatment System imm thcIOtdo EPA.I M.9 ?lF US@ M. 1 Y. #M ' ' k


Pudiase and calibrate in-lasuse gamum spztrouwpy' for Maumahg' ' '

2' 3


Mobiliae project manager, and treatment contractor to the AMS she, and notify ~

3 analgkal laboratory of pending sample receipt schedado

.Ne training in radiologkal protocoon to all oc site penonnel pursuant to 4 AMS licente requirement.t.

Provide personnel dosimetry for alk onb,-f pursuant to AMS license 4 requirements.


Treat water that exists in above ground storage tanks. S Otxatn conarinatory sampling rtzuks fruen treated water. .g g .7 6

Discharge water that meets the relcese criteris. N! 7 p-Process water that currently exists in the manhole, the the sump into 8 e an above-ground storage tank. ,) <

When theinanhole and surrounding p have ke-M,excavase soils 9 la the vicinity of the ibur-loch line and t dra:fnIdien=wer the footer dmins frosa the sump, grout in the four bc1 h ,

connection to the interceptor. [giy% egioutin thelateral, .

Obtala and analyze soll and water sa[ pig (ding excavaGoe activities.a. i a '

9 C A!' >

Process water that currently exists in iIt basemcat of the AMS facilky into an 10 above-ground storage tank.

Evaluato the cootamination status of the footer drains, decommiwe or remove 10 as necessary, and reconnect to the sump.

Process water that currently exists beneath the AMS facility by pumping from 11 the sirnp inta an ahnve>.gmmel senrage tanic.

Install a new lateral connection to the NORSD interceptor. 12 Purchase and install a composite sampler and flow gauge into the new lateral 13 connection.

Conncci the fmxer drahago systeiu to the new lateral connection and process all 14 water into an abow ground storage tank undl it is determined that no detectable cobalt is present.

Dc-snobilize the trootment' contractor and project manager.

15 Caenplete a remerlistinn report. 15 Porward a copy of the reccediadon report to the USNRC. 16 l no r A 3)Cn ^ h*

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S appcoach.t& processing the accumdated wade water at'thp-mp racety in chio
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1, The 'deanest of trie 3,000 gallon tanks Wu be'pioosesed.scit:Ma loolated clean .

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' . . avellatWe, the. water.wal tie processed'in s' sings.'pise 4 milis (partsbts) tank for stampangi' : '. J and reisese. . If re ciegn 4edk.js avisable,'the weiev.wdresi treeled on (basoh'beNsby - - .-

recircuseuen tne erst a, coo geson tank.unstit is deemed cienn tyaempung.and anesysis. "/ .. - -


2. ' Thd fina empty s.opo ganon tank wis now neoorm sne. H :7. t

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senpe(tank to wtven me seicond -

s,ooogauantanusspree. seed. . . . .


. 3. The third 3.coogason tank can1 processed toe' ither the 1st or 2nd 3,000 gason tank. .

for samplins,.Should sampling show that the water requiree' additional processhe, the water .

can be shutts .

d between the .-

a,000 ganons tanks as naded to accommodate processind. . . -

.s . .

.. A .TheGo. coo .oanon tank 91 then ta proosseed or. .more of.the 3.ocionsons: tanks.. .


  • ' which.are now acting as semple / release tanks, in the eventinat one of ee 3,000 sample' <

,' tark req 6 ires,,,y --

, . So. the p4blem water villg leoistad ,

in a amaf, controdable batcih. ' , ,


  • < Notei: race the wate' the eadatior tNnks r is ' elative cieen, procesping can be comMd ' ,

rapidly - ifeehg up tank. space should rein if ou)er,' water. Incursion require capturing am. asonal w.ter. -

s/ .The Amo,ooo geons.of contaminand.w'stdr from itw.b ment of theimey'wls then ti. -

procased to the 11,000 galop sampie tanks in an orderly mennersmte free standing sater . . * .

' . t silminated Nm.sw bearnent. Aeain, any.waterwwow basement sountio eeneed . . :

. release amwdurm sample s can be easily reproceeeed in the discrett s,opo gaison beeches.

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3 February 13,1995




! ) Docket No. 30-16055-EREN


fNC. ) ASLBP No. 95-707-02-EREN (Cleveland, Ohio) )

) (MaterialIJcense



'Ihe staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Staff) hereby responds, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. I 2.1205, to the request for hearing filed by the Cuyahege County Iscal l

l Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) with respect to the license renewal application l

fcr Material License No. 34-19089-01 filed by Advanced Medical Systems (AMS or i

Licensee). For the reasons e t forth below, the Staff is unable to determine whether the

! LEDC has established the requisite standing to either request a hearing or to intervene in

? -

i tms proceeding should a hearing be held. The LEPC, however, should be permitted to participate in any hearing which may be held in this proceeding.

i j BACKGROUND On November 29,1994, the Licensee fil a timely " Application for Renewal" (Renewal Application) ofits Material License Mr.)34-19089-01. 'Ihis license authorizes possession of radioactive materials, including Cobalt-60, at the Lice n's fa' cili:y located h e ess w+>o wi-my ,

. - l

+. l l

t f-( at 1020 London Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Subsequently, three requests for hearing on the Renewal Application were filed.' The Staff re to these three requests on I February 6,1995, indicating that two of the three hearing requests should be granted and 4

notifying the Presiding Officer of the Staff's desire to be a party to the prMag.2 I "NRC Staff Notice of Participation and Response to Requests for Hearing," (Staff's Response).

By letter dated January 27,199S, f,he LEPC requested that a "public hearing be  ;

I held prior to the NRC acting upon the AMS renewal application." I4tter to Executive Director for Operations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - from Michael S.

Kalstrom, Secretary, Cuyahoga County LEPC at 1 (LEPC Request). The LEPC stated that its request was filed, as required by 10 C.F.R. ( 2.1205, within 30 days of the LEPC obtaining actual knowledge of the pending Renewal Application. Id. at 3. The LEPC further requested that if its request for a hearing is determiul vo be untimely, it be permitted to intervene in the event that a hearing is granted in response to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District's request for a hearing. Id. at 1.

1 I

8 The thae requests were filed by the N dheast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD), the City of Cleveland (City), and the Earth Day Coalition (EDC).

2 The Staff did not oppose the hearing requests filed by the NEORSD and the City, but did oppose, on the basis of lack of standing, the EDC's request. l

( )


I l e i


) Any person whose interest may be affected by a prwing for the grant, transfer, j renewal, or licensee-initiated amendment of a license subject to 10 C.F.R. Part 2, i

l Subpart L may file a request for a hearing. 10 C.F.R. I 2.1205(a). A request for a i

! hearing filed by a person, other than the applicant, must describe in detail: the interest l of the requestor in the prMing; how that interest may be affected by the results of the l 1

proceeding; the requestor's areas of concern about the li-ing activity that is t! hject matter of the pic-:-:+{ag; and the circumstances establishing that the request for a hearing  !

l is timely in accordance with 10 C F.R. I 2.1205(c). 10 C.F.R. I 2.1205(d).  !

In ruling on a request for a hearing filed under 10 C.F.R. I 2.1205(c), the Presiding Officer shall determine whether the specified areas of concern are " germane" to the subject matter of the pr*iag. 10 C.F.R. I 2.1205(g). The Presiding OfHeer shall consider, among other factors, the nature of the requestor's right under the Atomic 1

Energy Act to be made a party to the proceeding; the nature and extent of the requestor's property, financial, or other interest in the proceeding; and the possible effect of any order that may be entered in the prMing upon the requestor's interests.

10 C.F.R. 5 2.1205(g).


'Ihe Presiding Officer also shall determine whether the requestor meets thejudicial standards for standing. With respect to standing, the rule in 10 C.F.R. I 2.1205(g) "is simply a restatement of long-standing Commission requirements that a prospective intervenor, who believes that his or her interests rNay be affected by a proceeding, must, 1

. as if in a court of law, show 'a concrete and particularized injury that is fairly traceable i

.s 1


, l 4

to the challenged action.'" Rabcock and Wilcar Company (Pennsylvania Nuclear Services Operations, Parks Township, Pennsylvania), LBP-94-4, 39 NRC 47, 49 (1994), citing Damnuclear, Inc. (Export of 93.15% Enriched Uranium), CLI-94-01, 39 NRC 1, 5 l (1994).

Based on the information provided by the LEPC in its mquest, the Staffis unable to determine whether the LEPC has standing to either be granted a hearing or to intervene in this proceeding. 'Ihe LEPC stated that it is the agency with " primary )

responsibility for emergency planning within Cuyahoga County." LEPC's Request at 1.

The LEPC further stated that it "will be seeking a variance from the Ohio State Emergency Planning Commission to formally add the AMS I.ondon Road facility to the list of facilities subject to LEPC jurisdiction." Id. It is unclear, from the LEPC's Request, what rob the LEPC would play in any AMS emergency plan. Its authority over the Licensee is also unclear. Section 2.1211(b), however, permits a gratative of an interested State, county, municipality or an agency therrof to participate in a prMing under Part 2, Subpart L and to make written and oral presentations in accordance with 10 C.F.R. Il 2.1233 and 2.1235 without requiring the representative to take a position.

10 C.F.R. 6 2.1211(b). Section 2.1211(b) requires that such repreuntative provide, with reasonable specificity, its areas of concern about the licensing activity that is the subject matter of the proceeding.

The Staff does not oppose permitting the IJIPC to participate in this proceeding II as an interested agency of Cuyahoga County, Ohio should a hearing be held. See 10 C.F.R. I 2.1211. 'Ibe LEPC, in its request, stated that it is an agency of Cuyahoga


County. LEPC's Request at 1. De LEPC further identified an area of concern which


is germane to this prMiag, the adequacy of the Licensee's emergency plan.14. at 2.

The LEPC requests, however, that with respect to its area of concern, "any new plaa that may be submitted by AMS be made available for review by all appropriate local agencies and any concerns identified by those agencies, including the LEPC, be fully addressed." LEPC's Request at 3. De LEPC's request with respect to the review of the Licensee's emergency plan is not an area of concern germane to the pr==lia: since the Commission's regulations already address this concern. Section 30.32(i)(4) of the Commission's regulations requires that a licensee allow the off-site response orgnai=tions expected to respond in case of an accident to comment on the licensee's emergency plan before submitting it to the NRC. Section 30.32(i)(4) further requires that a licensee provide any such comments to the NRC with the emergency plan. The LEPC does not assert that it is an agency that is expected to respond in case of an accident.8 Hus, to the extent that the LEPC's request indicates that it desires something n. ore than that which is required by the Commission'y regulations, the LEPC's request constitutes an impermissible attack on the Commission's regulations. nus, absent a showing of special circumstances, the LEPC's request is outside the scope of this proceeding. 10 C.F.R.

( 2.1239.

De LEPC further requests that a hearing be held prior to the NRC acting upon the Renewal Application. LEPC's Request at 1. Kart 2, Subpart L of the Commission's h

1, p

' If the LEPC were an agency expected to respond in case of an emergency, then the lei'C would get the relief it desires by virtue of the Commission's regulation.


i . .

- 6-l 4


regulations does not require a hearing before the Staff may act upon a grant, renewal, transfer, or licensee-initiated amendment of a materials license. Section 2.1205(1) specifically provides:

[t]he filing or granting of a request for a hearing or petition for leave to intervene need not delay NRC staff action regarding an application for a licensing action covered by this subpart.

10 C.F.R. t 2.1205(l). See also informal Hearing Proceduresfor Materials Ucensing Adjudications (Final Rule), 54 Fed. Reg. 8269, 8273 (February 28, 1989)(The Commission " concluded that it would not require the completion of any requested hearing before the NRC staff could take the licensing action requested b' j the applicant.");

1 Babcock and Wikar (Apollo, Pennsylvania Fuel Fabrication Facility), LBP-92-31, 36 NRC 255, 261 reconsideration denied LBP-92-35, 36 NRC 355 (1992). Thus, the LEPC's request for a prior hearing should be denied.'

d The Staff notes that if the Staff were to approve the Renewal Application, the LEPC could request a stay of that action pursuanty 10 C.F.R. I 2.1263. See Babcock and Wilcox, LBP-92-35, 36 NRC 355, 359 (" Alt, hough a hearing petition regarding a materials license amendment request generally can be filed as soon as an amendment application is submitted to the agency, a request for a stay relative to that, amendment application is not appropriate until the Staff has taken action to g ant the amendment request and to make the approved licensing action effective.").

o i.- ,

d N


[ CONCLUSION For the reasons set forth above, the LEPC has not established standing in this proceeding. In the event, however, that a Subpart L hearing is instituted, the LLPC l should be permitted to participate as an interested County agency. De LEPC's request a

for a prior hearing, however, should be denied.

l PWy submitted, 4


Marian L.

} Counsel f C Staff M M/

semard M. no,deoiek


Counsel for NRC Staff Dated at Rockville. Maryland l this 13th day of February,1995 i

h e


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i e




4 In the Matter of ) Docket No. 30-16055-ML-REN



(Cleveland, Ohio) ) (Material License

) No. 34-19089-01) l l

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the "NRC STAFF'S RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR HEARING" in the above-captioned matter have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, as indicated by asterisk or through deposit in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's internal mail system this 13th day of February,1995:

Marshall E. Miller

  • Adjudicatory File (2) i i

Presiding Officer Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 1920 South Creek Boulevard Mail Stop: T-3F23 Spruce Creek Fly In U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Daytona Beach, FL 32124 Washington, DC 20555 Dr. Harry Foreman

  • Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication  !

Special Assistant 1564 Burton Avenue Mail Stop: 16-G-15 OWFN St. Paul. MN 55108 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 s

i l(

2 Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety and Licensing Board l A~lTN: Docketing and Service Panel

Mail Stop
16-G-15 OWFN Mail Stop: T-3F23 i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Chris Trepal* Thomas E. Lenhan, Esq.*

Earth Day Coalition Assistant General Counsel

3606 Bridge Avenue Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Cleveland, Ohio 44113 District 3826 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2504

) Sharon Sobol Jordan, Esq.*

Martha R. McCorkle, Esq. Henry E. Billingsley, II, Esq.*

j Department of Land Arter & Hadden

City of Cleveland 1100 Huntington Building lf Room 106-City Hall 925 Euclid Avenue


601 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-1475 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Michael S. Kalstrom Secretary Cuyahoga County Local Emergency Planning Committee 1255 Euclid Ave., Room 102 Cleveland. Ohio 44115 AAvtc h vb

$6' Marian L. Zobler '

Counsel for NRC Staff II i:


! On 2/13/95, seven 500 ml water samples were obtained from tank 880 at AMS.

e Four samples came from the top of the tank, while the water was being recirculated by a submersible pump (the pump had been operating for 24 t

hours prior to the sampling).

e Three samples came from the bottom outlet valve of the tank. These samples were obtained 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after the submersible pump had been turned off. Prior to taking the samples, approx. 2 liters of water was drained from the bottom outlet valve and returned to the tank.


Unfiltered Water e Water sample #1: Co-60 concentration - 161 pCi/l

, e Water sample #2: Co-60 concentration - 179 pCi/l l

Filtered Water and Filter e Water sample #l after passing through 0.45 um filter:

Co-60 concentration < 20 pC1/1 e Filter from water sample #2: Co-60 activity is about 17 pCi


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1 4


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