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Heavy Load Analysis Rept,Phase I
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1985
Shared Package
ML20127H173 List:
REF-GTECI-A-36, REF-GTECI-SF, RTR-NUREG-0612, RTR-NUREG-612, TASK-A-36, TASK-OR TAC-11025, TAC-52230, TAC-56302, NUDOCS 8506260237
Download: ML20127H190 (73)





1-1 1.1 Summary of Previous Correspondence with the NRC 1-3 1.1.1 NUREG-0410 and NUREG-0612 1-3 1.1.2 Generic Letter 81-07 1-3 1.1.3 PSC Part I Response Summary 1-3 1.1.4 PSC Part II Response Summary 1-5 1.1.5 September 10, 198 2 PSC Response Summary 1-6 1.1.6 November 19, 1982 NRC Request for Additional Information 1-7 1.1.7 December 29, 1982 PSC Response Summary 1-8 1.1.8 January 14, 1983 Response Clarification 1-8 1.1.9 Generic Letter 83-42 1-9 1.1.10 NRC Phase I Safety Evaluation Report 7-~3 and EG&G Technical Evaluation Report 1-9 ( ) 1.1.11 NRC Request for Reanalysis of Heavy Loads 1-9 1.1.12 PSC Scheduled Commitment to Heavy Load Reevaluation 1-10 1.2 Document Review 1-9 2.0 RESPONSE TO INFORMATION REQUESTED FROM LICENSEE 2-1 2.1 General Requirements for Overhead Handling Systems 2-1 2.1.1 Overhead Handling Systems 2-2 2.1.2 Crane /Holst Exclusions by Inspection I for Heavy Load Drop Damage to Safe Shutdown or Decay Heat Removal Systems or Components 2-7 2.1.3 2-9 a. Load Path Drawings and Sketches b. Heavy Load Procedures and Change Process c. Heavy Load List d. Lifting Rigs / Devices e. Crane Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance

e f.

Crane Design ( g. Crane Operator Training, Qualification, and Conduct i

Fort St. Vrain LIST OF TABLES TABLE NUMBER TITLE PAGE 2.1.1-1 Overhead Handling Systems Capable of Handling 1 Ton or More 2-3 2.1.2-1 Hoist Exclusions by Inspection For Heavy Load Drop Damage to Safe Shutdown or Decay Heat Removal Systems or Components 2-8 2.1.3-1 Loads of Cranes, Hoists, and Trolleys 2-16 0 9 O 11

l Fort St. Vrain LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NUMBER TITLE 2.1.3-1 Reactor Building Refueling Floor Crane Hook Coverage 4881'-0" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-2 Reactor Building Refueling Floor Laydown Area 4881'-0" Plan Elevation (Later) 2.1.3-3 Reactor Building Refueling Floor Major Load Path 4881'-0" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-4 Reactor Building Holst/ Trolley / Monorail Coverage 4849'-0" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-5 Reactor Building Hoist / Trolley / Monorail Coverage 4829'-0" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-6 Reactor Building Holst/ Trolley / Monorail Coverage 4816'-0" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-7 Reactor Building Truck Bay Crane Hook And Hoist / Trolley / g3 g,) Monorail Coverage, Grade Floor, 4791'-0" Plan Elevation \\' 2.1.3-8 Reactor Building Hoist / Trolley / Monorail Coverage 4756' and 4771' Plan Elevation 2.1.3-9 Reactor Building Basement Hoist / Trolley / Monorail Coverage 4740'-6" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-10 Turbine Building Overhead Crane Hook Coverage, Operating Floor, 4829'-0" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-11 Turbine Building Heavy Load Laydown Area, Operating Floor, 4829'-0" Plan Elevation (later) 2.1.3-12 Turbine Building Holst/ Trolley / Monorail Coverage, Grade Floor, 4791'-0" Plan Elevation 2.1.3-13 Outdoor Hoist / Trolley / Monorail Coverage 4788' Plan Elevation Q 111 6

<*? ,Y w t, For/t St. Vrain i. c I j, 1.0 INTRODUCTIG(i This rep rt is provided by Public Service Company of Colorado (PSC) as Phase I_ Ef the Hpavy Loads Analysis Report fohFort ' ,j 6 St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station (FSV) in accordance t with the requireyents of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commmission NUREG-06i2

  • Control of' Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants,"'

Generic / Letter *81-07, " Control of Heavy Loads," and the heavy load reevaluation request in the letter from P. C. Wagner (NRC, Region IV) to O. R. Lee (PSCf, dated December 5, 1984. ?s g NUREG-0612 addresses control of heavy loads at light water nuclear power plantsj Fort St. Vrain (FSV) is a high-temperature-gas-cooled nuclear power reactor (HTGR), Significant differences exist between. Fort St. Vrain and light water nuclear power reactors, for example: cont'a inment'; reactor coolant; reactor neutron moderator; fuel ~ element size and composition; safe shutdown modes, systems, equipment, and components. These allow the reacter operator greater flex'ibility and longer response times for required action than in light water plants. l Previous Fort St. Vrain heavy load cabmissions discussed a I heavy load combination in the context of a 500-lb. fue1 element, ~ its fuel handling machine, and a lifting rig consisting of a lifting mushr'om ad6 snubber control system with'a total o L (d 1-1 l / f N

Fort St. Vrain weight of.165.5 tons. These previous PSC submissions and NRC correspondence are discussed in Section 1.1. This report presents the results of a reanalysis of the crane / hoist load combinations at Fort St. Vrain for a heavy load combination of 1 ton or more as requested by the NRC in their letter dated December 5, 1984. O ' O 1-4

Fort St. Vrain 1.1 Summary of Previous Correspondence with the NRC 1.1.1 NUREG-0410 and NUREG-0612 In January 1978, the NRC published NUREG-0410 with Task Action Plan A-36, " Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel." Additional review by the NRC of load handling operations at nuclear power plants resulted in NUREG-0612, " Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants," issued in July 1980. 1.1.2 Generic Letter 81-07 On December 22, 1980, the NRC issued Generic Letter 81-07 () to PSC for FSV, requesting PSC to review the control of heavy loads to the requirements of NUREG-0612 guidelines. 1.1.3 PSC Part I Response Summary l On September 16, 1981, PSC provided the NRC with Part I of their response to Generic Letter 81-07. PSC response was based on the fact that FSV is a high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) and not a water-type reactor as addressed by l NUREG-0612. A summary of this response follows with sections numbered as shown in Generic Letter 81-07: l l l-3 i l t i

Fort St. Vrain () 2.1 General requirements for overhead handling systems: 2.1.1 The reactor building crane and the turbine building crane are the only handling systems from which a load drop may result in damage to a system required for a plant shutdown. 2.1.2 The turbine building crane is excluded from Section 2.1.1 due to its incapability to carry heavy loads as defined in NUREG-0612 (and 2.1.3.c below). Turbine overhaul loads would not be carried when the plant was operating, q _/ 2.1.3 a. During plant operation, no loads are carried 4 over the prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV)... There is no need to define safe load paths for the travel of the reactor building crane As explained in FSAR Subsection 9.2.1, the design of the load handling system makes it virtually impossible to have a heavy load drop. l b. Crane operators are required to follow PSC's Crane Operating Procedure Manual These written approved procedures do not allow any movement of reactor building crane over the PCRV at any time, except during refueling. c. PSC has only one heavy load as defined in NUREG-0612 (fuel handling machine plus p a fuel element, 165.5 tons) which is handled l by the reactor building crane. O l-4 i f

Fort St. Vrain (~' \\s) d. All lifting devices comply with the require-ments of ANSI B30.9-1971. These requirements are contained in PSC's Crane Operating Inspection, and Maintenance Procedure. e. Crane inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements are contained in PSC's Crane Operating Procedure Manual. All reactor crane operations at Fort St. Vrain are required to follow these procedures. No exceptions are taken to ANSI B30.2-1976, f. In 1972, the reactor building crane was reanalyzed and upgraded to conform to CMAA-70 specifications, g. There are no exceptions taken to ANSI B30.2-1976 with respect to operator training, qualification, and conduct. PSC has no plans for any modifications to the overhead handling systems at this time. No plant changes to satisfy NUREG-0612 are proposed since Fort St. Vrain is not a water-type reactor. f'%() 1.1.4 PSC Part II Response Summary On December 14, 1981, PSC provided the NRC with Part II of their response to Generic Letter 81-07 with sections numbered as'shown in Generic Letter 81-07: 2.2 Fort St. Vrain is an HTGR and does not use a fuel storage pool... Since FSV has no fuel storage pools that could be affected by a load drop, no response to this section is required. 2.3.1 The reactor building refueling floor crane, G-7201, is a 170-ton capacity crane that services the reactor building. 1-5

Fort-St. Vrain () 2.3.2 The reactor building crane is the only crane capable of carrying a heavy load over the reactor vessel, i.e., prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV). 2.3.3 Probability of a reactor building heavy load drop is extremely small due to the snubber and mushroom lifting rig combination on the crane and the two DC magnetically operated shoe-type brakes plus an eddy current braking system. 2.4 The reactor building crane does not operate () in plant areas containing reactor shutdown and core heat removal equipment. No further analysis is needed. 1.1.5 September 10, 198 2 PSC Response Summary on September 10, 1982, PSC provided the NRC with a letter confirming PSC compliance with the intent of the five Interim Protection Measure action items listed in the MRC's letter of December 22, 1980 and reiterated below: 1-6

Fort St. Vrain (~T 1. Define safe load paths. y/ 2. Procedures should be developed to cover load handling operations. 3. Crane Operators should be trained. 4. The crane should be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with Chapter 2-2 of ANSI B30.2-1976. 5. Special attention should be given to procedures, inspec-tions, repairs, and training for cranes and crane operators. These five items are all addressed and contained in PSC's " Crane Operating Procedure Manual." 1.1.6 November 19, 1982 NRC Request for Additional Information -) On November 19, 1982, the NRC provided PSC with a rough draft \\) Technical Evaluation Report (TER) to PSC letter of September 10, 1982. PSC was requested to address four items of noncompliance, i.e., 1. PSC should provide a written analysis of safe load paths relative to the use of th'e fuel handling machine near the PCRV. 2. PSC should submit a statement addressing compliance with ANSI N14.6-1978, as modified by Guideline 4. 3. PSC should supply a written commitment to comply with Guideline 5 (dynamic loading and sling marking). 4. PSC should provide an analysis of compliance with Chapter 2-1 of ANSI B30.2-1976. 1-7

Fort St. Vrain /^) \\ '# 1.1.7 December 29, 1982 PSC Response Summary On December 29, 1982, PSC responded to the NRC letter dated November 19, 1982 with the following: 1. During plant operation, the area above the prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV) is restricted from travel by the reactor building crane with a load. This restriction is in the form of administratively controlled procedures. Since this critical area is restricted, PSC feels there is no need for the marking of safe load paths. 2. PSC uses special lifting devices only for lifting and positioning of the fuel handling machine. These devices (shackles and lifting mushroom) were analyzed and #ound to have a factor of safety that exceeds the requirements of ANSI N14.6-1978. (~N 3. PSC does not use slings to lift the fuel handling (, machine. 4. Also attached was a point-by point analysis of the compliance of the reactor building refueling floor overhead crane with ANSI B30.2-1976, Chapter 2-1. 1.1.8 January 14, 1983 PSC Response Clarificaiton on January 14, 1983, PSC provided the NRC with clarifications and corrections to the PSC letter of December 29, 1982 including the following, "The crane snubber device limits the vertical travel to 14 inches, thereby holding the potential drop distance to a minimum." o 1-8

Fort St. Vrain 1.1.9 Generic Letter 83-42 ) On December 19, 1983, the NRC issued Generic Letter 83-42 clarifying Generic Letter 81-07 and requesting additional information from those plants which took credit for single-f ailure proof cranes in their response to Section 5.1 regarding the guidelines of NUREG-0554, " Single-Failure Proof Cranes." No response was prepared since FSV has no single-failure proof cranes. .i 1.1.10 NRC Phase I Safety Evaluation Report and EG&G Technical Evaluation Report ,O v On March 6, 1984 the NRC sent PSC its Phase I Safety Evaluation Report (SER) together with a Technical Evaluation Report (TER) prepared by their consultant, EG&G.-Idaho. This SER/TER indicated acceptance of the crane load combination: 170 ton main hook, snubber control system, shac.kle, lifting mushroom and fuel handling machine with fuel elements. It also stated that the FSV facility satisfies the guidelines of NUREG-0612, Sections 5.1.1 and 5.3. 1.1.11 NRC Request for Reanalysis of Heavy Loads On December 5, 1984, the NRC requested PSC to redefine heavy () load as being equivalent to the combined weight of a single 1-9

4 Fort St. Vrain () fuel assembly and its associated handling tool in the context of a light water plant, which results in a load of approximately 1 ton or more. PSC was asked to reevaluate th'eir control of heavy loads on the basis of 1 ton as a guidance of a heavy load. This reevaluation should incorporate the requests contained in Generic Letter 81-07 and include the implementations of interim ac tions. The fuel handling machine crane load combination need not be reevaluated since it was approved by NRC letters dated March 6, 1984 and December 5, 1984. 1.1.12 PSC Scheduled Commitment to Heavy Load Reevaluation On February 5, 1985, PSC provided the NRC with a schedule for () the heavy load reevaluation report in two phases in conformance to guidelines of Generic Letter 81-07. 5 i l 1-10

h 4 4 Fort St. Vrain i i 1.2 Document Review a Objective: To establish the basis of Fort St. Vrain (FSV) heavy load analysis, it is necessary to review available 1 plant documentation dealing with heavy loads. i Documents Reviewed: I The following categories of documents were reviewed: 1. NRC Regulatory Guidelines O i 2. National Standards 3. FSV Final Safety Analysis Report and Amendments 4. FSV Updated Final Saf ety Analysis Report 4 5. FSV 1984 Appendix R Evaluation Report 6. FSV Technical Specifications l 7. FSV Testing and Surveillance Procedures 4 ] 8. FSV Equipment List 9. FSV Crane Operator Training 10. FSV Drawings i O 1-11 --,-.,,,y, .,g-_..,,., ,.,__,,,-,,,-_,,.,-,--,c._,--,..- w-n_n,,_-,n_,,,,,.,--- . - - - - - - - + n--

Fort St. Vrain b) \\_/ 1. NRC Regulatory Guidelines NRC guidance to heavy load analysis for nuclear power plants is provided in the following documents: a. " Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants," NRC Report NUREG-0612, July 1960. b. " Single-Failure-Proof Cranes for Nuclear Power Plants," NRC Report NUREG-0554, May 1979. c. " Potential for Low Fracture Toughness and Lamellar g-Tearing in PWR Steam Generator and Reactor Coolant NJ Pump Supports," NRC Report NUREG-0577 Rev. 1, October 1983. i d. " Control of Heavy Loads," NRC Generic Letter 81-07, December 1980 and February 1981. i e. Generic Letter 83-42 " Clarification to Generic Letter 81-07 Regarding Response to NUREG-0612," December 1983. 2. National Standards a. ANSI /ASME B30.2-1976 and 1983, " Overhead and Gantry Cranes," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, {) New York, N.Y. l l-12

Fort St. Vrain b. ANSI N14.6-1978, " Standard for Special Lif ting Devices for Shipping Containers Weighing 10,000 Pounds (4500 kg) or More for Nuclear Materials," American National Standards Institute, New York, N.Y. c. ANSI /ASME B30.16-1981, " Overhead Hoists," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N.Y. d. ANSI /ASME B30.9-1971, " Slings," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N.Y. CMAA-70 " Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling e. Cranes," Crane Manufacturers Association of America, O 'V Inc., Pittsburgh, Penn., Revised 1983. 3. FSV Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and Amendments The FSAR provides a description by PSC of the licensing basis of the plant for its Operating License. l l 4. Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) The 1980 updated FSAR provides descriptions of the FSV plant and subsequent plant modifications and analyses. O 1-13

\\ Fort St. Vrain (^)3 5. FSV 1984 Appendix R Evaluation Report The 1984 Appendix R Evaluation Report describes the minimum shutdown systems required, the components, support functions, and process monitoring needed to achieve plant shutdown in the event of a fire. .a. Report No. 1, Shutdown Model b. Report No. 2, Electrical Reviews c. Report No. 3, Fire Protection d. Report No. 4, Requested Exemptions 6. FSV Technical Specifications O I FSV Technical Specifications through Amendment 45 contain operating criteria for specific plant systems and components. 7. FSV Testing, Surveillance and Administrative Procedures Testing, surveillance, and administrative procedures are utilized at FSV to comply with the requirements of ANSI B30.2-1976. a. Maintenance Procedure 12-12, " Maintenance and Repair of Control Rod Drive," Issue 2 0 1-14

b. Maintenance Procedure 12-6 " Maintenance and Repair of Control Rod Drive and k Orificing Assemblies," Issue 17 c. FSV Maintenance Procedure MP 21-15 " Helium Circulator Change Out Procedure," Issue 7. d. FHPWP-22, " Fuel Handling Procedure Work Packet-22," Issue 4 e. FSV Maintenance Procedures: Crane Operating Procedure Manual MP-104 Overhead Crane operator Qualification Procedure MP-104A Crane Operator Record and Data Sheet MP-104B Crane Operator Qualification MP-104-1 Reactor Building Crane Operating Procedure MP-104-2 Reactor Building Overhead Crane Inspection, Maintenance and Lubrication - Annual MP-104-3 Mobile Hydraulic Crane Operator Qualifi-cation Procedure MP-104-4 Turbine Building Crane Operating Procedure MP-104-5 Reactor Building Overhead Crane Inspection, Maintenance and Lubrication - Semiannual MP-104-6 Reactor Building Overhead Crane Inspection, Maintenance and Lubrication - Monthly 1-15 s

Fort St. Vrain MP-104-7 Turbine Building Overhead Crane Inspection - Ab Annual MP-104-8 Turbine Building Overhead Crane Inspection - Semiannual MP-104-9 Turbine Building Overhead Crane Inspection - Monthly MP-104-12 Reactor Building Truck Bay Crane Operating Procedure i f. FSV Overall Plant Operating Procedures (OPOP) 1 OPOP I General Plant Requirements OPOP II Decay Heat Removal Operation OPOP III Startup Procedures OPOP IV Plant Operation Between 30% and 100% Power i OPOP V Plant Shutdown to Decay Heat Removal from 30% Load OPOP VI Recovery from Main Turbine Trip OPOP VII Deleted OPOP VIII Recovery from Loop Shutdown l OPOP IX Recovery from Helium Circulator Trip i g. FSV Emergency Procedures h. Safe Shutdown and Cooling Procedures with Highly Degraded Conditions " Issue 13." i O l 1-16 .,e.

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Fort St. Vrain () 8. FSV Equipment List This is a list of equipment at Fort St. Vrain with applicable specifications and drawings. 9. FSV Crane Operator Training Crane Operator training as outlined in MP-104A and MP-104B is used at FSV.

10. _FSV Drawings a.

FSV Piping and Instrumentation Drawings ( b. FSV Plant Arrangements PA1 through PA23 c. FSV Plot Plans PP-1 and PP-3 d. FSV Color Coded Marked-up Cable Routing Drawing E-88 e. FSV Laydown Drawing Nos. M-8 Rev. A M-9 Rev. B l M-1d Rev. B l f. FSV Structural Drawings B-106 Rev. Y B-205 Rev. S B-97 Rev. S I B-128 Rev. T B-130 Rev. S B-129 Rev. J 4 a B-127 Rev. T 1 \\-- g. FSV Equipment Drawings 1-17 L

Fort St. Vrain /s ) 2.0 RESPONSE TO INFORMATION REQUESTED FROM LICENSEE x_/ l 2.1 General Requirements for Overhead Handling Systems NUREG-0612, Sec tion 5.1.1, identifies the following summarized I guidelines as related to the design and operation of overhead load handling systems in safety-related areas: (1) Safe Load Paths: Defines the movement of heavy loads. (2) Procedures: Describes load handling operations. (3) Crane Operators: Should be trained and qualified in accordance with ANSI B30.2-1976. (4) Special Lifting Devices: Should satisfy the guidelines of ANSI N14.6-1978. (5) Other Lifting Devices: Should satisfy the guidelines of ANSI B30.9-1971. (6) Crane: Should be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with Chapter 2-2 of ANSI B30.2-1976. (7) Crane: Should be designed to meet the guidelines of Chapter 2-1 of ANSI B30.2-1976 and CMAA-70. O 2-1

Fort St. Vrain (O ,/ 2.1.1 Overhead Handling Systems Report the results of your review of plant arrangements to identify all overhead handling systems from which a load drop may result in damage to any system required for plant shutdown or decay heat removal (taking no credit for any interlocks, technical specifications, operating procedures, or detailed structural analysis).


The overhead cranes / hoists / trolley / monorails with the capability of handling heavy loads (1 ton or more) at Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station are listed in Table 2.1.1-1. The FSV overhead handling systems in the reactor and turbine buildings I~h consist of three overhead traveling bridge cranes: (the reactor O building overhead crane, the reactor building truck bay crane, and the turbine building overhead crane); two jib cranes; and fixed monorails over specific equipment with or without a trolley j and/or hoist. l l The outdoor overhead handling systems consint of the mobile hydraulic crane, one jib crane and fixed monorails with or without trolleys or hoists. 2-2 - ~

_.m ._____.m._ .m 4 TABLC 2.1.1-1 OVERNEAD MANDLING SYSTEMS CAPABLE OF i MANDLING l TON OR MORE IACATION PIAtt RATED PLOOR ARRANCEMFNT ADDITIONAL l LABEt. ID ND. DESCRIPTION TYPE CAPACITY (TONS) ELEVATION DRAWINC NO. DRAWING NO. I l Cl C-7201 Reactor Building Electric 170/50/17 4881 RB PA-1 PA-II,13,15 I overhead Crane Overhead Traveling l Bridge C2 C-7501 Turbine Building Electric 65/15 4829 TB PA-17,18 PA-20 overhead Crane Overhead Traveling Bridge 4 C3 C-7215 Reactor Building Electric 20 4791 RB PA-7* Truck Bay Crane Overhead Traveling o'e Bridge N ) M d C4 C-7205 Bearing Water Pump Manual 2 4740 RB PA-10(J4) PA-12 re to 4 3 Manual Hoist and Chain Hoist Trolleys i l C5 C-7214 Helium Circulator Electric 2 4740 RB PA-10(K4) PA-12,14 Turntable Rail Removal

  • Jib Crane l

Jib Crane 4 ) C6 C-7205 Bearing Water Pump Manual 2 4740 RB PA-10(K2) PA-12,14 j Manual Holst and Chain Hoist j Trolley 1 C8 C-7207 Cao Weste Compressor Monorail 6 4740 RB PA-10(L-M6) PA-II,15 j 18 Manual Hoist and ] Trolley f i ) I

  • Truck Bay Crane to be added to this drawing.

s t RB = Reactor Building 1. TB = Turbine Building i i i 3 4 ) i

(-x s. s J TABLE 2.1.1-1 (Cont'd) LOCAfl0W PIAlff RATED PLOOR ARRAIICEMIIT ADDITI0nAL LABEL ID m. DESCRIPTION TYPE CAPACITT (TOWS) ELEVATION DRAWIIIC 110. DRAWIIIC 100. C9 C-7207 Cao Weste Compressor Monorail 6 4740 RB PA-10(L-MS) PA-II,15 1A Manuel Hoist and Trolley C10 C-7209 Helium Transfer Monorail I 4740 RB PA-10(K5-7) PA-13,15 Compressor Trolley C12 Bearing Water Makeup Manual 2 4771 RB PA-9(MS) PA-15 Pump Manual Hoist and Chain Hoist Trolley Cl3 C-7211 Waste Filters and Manual 5 4791 RS PA-7 PA-12,14 Demineralizer Tanks Chain Hoist Manual Hoist and Trolley Cl4 C-7208 Strontium Monitor Cask Electric 4 4829 RB PA-5 Electric Hoist and Hoist Trolley yo w CIS C-7206 Reactor Outlet Coolant Monorail 1 4829 RB PA-5 1 a 1hermocouple Monorail m C16 C-7212 Helium Purification Manual 1 4854 RB PA-3(M5) Equipment Manual Holst Chain Hoist and Trolley and Trolley er E RB = Reactor Building TB = Turbine Building

] O C O i TARI.E 2.1.I-1 (Cont'd) IACATION PLAIIT RATED PLOOR AmmasacEM NT ADDITIONAL j LAMI. ID W. StScalPfloW TTPE CAPACITY (TONS) ELEVATION DR W ING NO. DRWINC 40. C17 C-7212 Melius Purification Manual 3 4854 RB PA-3(MS) Equipment Manual Hoist Chain Hoist and Trolley and Trolley CIS C-7212 Nelium Purification Manual 3 4854 RB PA-3(M5) Equipment Manual Hoist Chain Hoist and Trolley and Trolley C19 C-7210 Cooling Water Filter 4 Monorail 1.5 4849 RB PA-3(K5-7) PA-13,15 and Domineralizer Beam System Tanks Trolley with Trolleys C20 C-1601 Hot Service Facility Electric 5 4864 RB PA-3(K5) PA-12 Hoist Hoist C21 C-7502 Machine Shop Electric Electric 5 4791 TB PA-19(85) Hoist and Trolley Hoist 4 C22 C-7506 Service Water Return Manual I 4791 TB PA-19(85) O y Pumps Manuel Chain Chain Hoist La Hoist and Trolley m C23 C-7503 Condensate Pumpa Electric 5 4791 TB Pa-19,20(D,E4) Electric Hoist and Hoist Trolleys

s C24 C-7504 Service Air Compressor Manual 4

4791 TB PA-19(H3) Manual Chain Hoist and Chain Trolley Hoist C25 C-7505 Instrument Air Manual 4 4791 TB PA-19(H4) Compressor IA Trolley Chain Hoist C26 C-7505S Instrument Air Manual 4 4791 TB PA-19(H4) Compressor IB Trolley Chain Hoist RB = Reactor Building TB = Turbine Building

\\ TABIA 2.1.1-1 (Cont 'd) I LOCAT10Il PIANT i RATED FIAOR ARRAIICE9EIIT ADDITICIIAL 1.AREL ID W. DESCRIPTION TYPE CAPACITY (TONS) E12 TAT 10N DRAWINC IID. DEAWINC IID. C28 C-7213 acactor Plant Air Electric 2 4885 TB PA-23(F-P) PA-22(F3) Handling Equipment Hoist C29 Circulating Water Electric 12 4788 PP-1 M-22(D5) Pumpa Outdoor Hoist and Outdoore hist and Trolley Trolley j C30 G-7203 PCRT Safety Valve Manual Chain 8 4816 R8 PA-6 FA-13,14 Tank Head Trolley Moist 1 C31 C-4202 Service Water Strainer Manual 3 4788 PP-1 Trolley and Moist Chain Hoist Outdoors C32 Mobile Rydraulic Crane Outdoors PP-1 Jib Capacity No Offset 3 Outriggers Extended, Jib Not Engaged 14 4 O C33 Condenser Water Sou Monorails 6 4791 T8 PA-19 knorails r* En C34 j Machine Shop Suilding Electric I Outdoors PP-1 15, Monorail with Hoist and 1 Electric Moist and Trolley Trolley g o i

s C35 Welding Shop, Building knorail 2

Ntdoors PP-1 i 16, Monorail with Manual with Manual l Chain Moist and Trolley Chain Hoist and Trolley I C36 Turbine Building Mono ra il 8 4791 TB PA-19 (C-D3) r Sump Pump k norail i R8 = Reactor Building ) TB = Turbine Building r [ l 1 I I i .,_s ~_

Fort St. Vrcin ( 2.1.2 ( j; Crane /Holst Exclusions by Inspection for Heavy Load Drop Damage to Safe Shutdown or Decay Heat Removal Systems or Components Justify the exclusion of any overhead handling system from the above category verifying that there is sufficient physical separation from any load-impact point and any safety-related component to permit a determination by inspection that no heavy load drop can result in damage to any system or component required for plant shutdown or decay heat removal.


Table 2.1.2-1 lists overhead handling systems that have been excluded on the basis of incapability te handle loads of one /m (u,) ton or more. The exclusion of overhead handling systems based on sufficient physical separation from safety-related systems / components will be discussed in Phase II of the Heavy Load Analyses Report. m 2-7

,n N TABLE 2.1.2-1 HDIST EXCIESIONS BT INSPECTION FOR REAVT LOAD DROP DAMACE TO SATE SHUTDOWW OR DECAT NEAT RD90 VAL SYSTEMS OR (DNPONENTS Hoist Incapable of Randling Heavy loads, i.e., I Ton or More RATED IACATION LABEL ID NO. DESCRIPTION thAD CAPACITT ELEVATION CDPG9ENTS C-7101 Electric Heist 500 lbs Fuel storage tweilding C-7202 Decontanimated solution drums 1/2 ton 4791 R8 electric hoist and trolley lA C-7202S Decentaminated solution drums I/2 ton 4791 RB electric hoist and trolley IB C-1604-X Hot service f acility personnel I/2 ton Rot cell og hatch winch facility floor O e+ C-4101 Main cooling tower suction I/2 ton Distdoors Y screens trolley and hoist ca en C-4201 Service water conting tower 1/2 ton Outdoors I section screens trolley and hoist [ s C-7507 Resia handling manual hoist 1/2 ton outdaers and trolley C7 Reciremister containment tanks 3/4 ton 4740 R8 moeorai! CllA. 5 Purification cooling water heat 3/4 ton 4756 RB enchanger monorails l C27 Condensate storage tank 800 lbs 4813 TB j Jib crane C37 Machine shop Building 15 I/2 ton Ongannes Jib Crane l C35 Welding shop, Building IF I/2 to2 Ntdoors smoorail with electric Saist and trolley as = a. actor Building TS = Turbine Building

Fort St. Vrain 4 2.1.3 With respect to the design and operation of heavy-load-handling systems in the containment and the spent-fuel-pool area and those load-handling systems identified in 2.1.1 above, provide your evaluation concerning compliance with the guidelines of NUREG-0612, Section 5.1.1. The following specific information should be included in your reply: 2.1.3 a) Drawings or sketches sufficient to clearly identify the location of safe load paths, spent fuel, and safety-related equipment.


Figures 2.1. 3-1 through 2.1.3-12 identify the location of safe heavy load paths, heavy load laydown areas, spent fuel, heavy loads, and equipment in the Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station reactor building and turbine building. As a general procedure, during plant operation, no heavy load lifts by the reactor building crane are moved over the prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV) (UFSAR, Subsection 9.2.1, Rev. 2 and PSC Maintenance Proceduro MP 104-1, item Fort St. Vrain (FSV) is a high temperature gas cooled reactor (IITGR) and does not use a spent fuel storage pool. Spent fuel elements are contained in stool vossols with dry helium cover gas in soismically designed concrete vaults 2-9

Fort St. Vrain O (wells) below the refueling floor and covered with a steel slab. These wells are shown on Figures 2.1.3-1 through 2.1.3-5. FSV FSAR Subsection states: l "The design and operation of the fuel storage facility is such that spent fuel is adequately contained under all normal and abnormal conditions... The design of the fuel storage wells will preclude criticality even when completely filled with fuel and finoded with water. The multiplication factor for the worst flooding situation is calculated to be less than 0.85." O 6 e

Fort St. Vrain D I(,) 2.1.3 b) Heavy Load Procedures and Change Process A discussion of measures taken to ensure that load-handling operations remain within safe load paths, including procedures, if any, for deviation from these paths.


Table 2.1.3-1 lists loads for cranes or hoists handled by each overhead handling system, the crane or hoist making the lift, the load weight, the lifting device being used and the procedures for load movement. The Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Maintenance Procedures MP-104 series (listed in Section 1.2 of this report) are used in the load handling operation of the reactor building overhead cranes and the turbine building overhead crane. Some loads are governed by a specific procedure, for example: Fuel Handling Procedure Work Packet-22 (FHPWP-22) governs the fuel handling operations. Any deviation from these specific operational procedures or safe load paths will require a written i alternative approved plan. Any future heavy loads will use either currently approved procedures or will have procedures developed to ensure that load-handling operations will remain within designated safe load paths in accordance with NUREG-0612. i ) ( 2-11 t

Fort St. Vrain e l N T The reacter building overhead crane, G-7201, is an electric c overhead traveling bridge crane with a rated capecity of 170/50 1 1 l. tons for the main took.ind 17 tons for th'e auxilla~ry hook. It is controlled by an operator on the refueling floor using a t pendant pashbutton control panel. Figure 2.1.3-1 shows the hook coverage areast 3 c' f p c s f *k 4 I Major heavy loads such as the fuel handling: machine (FHM), g, i auxiliary transfer cask (ATC), three isolation valves (two reactor isoYation valves (RIV) and fuel storage isolation valve), and spent fuel cask have specific lay 6own areas. The FHM, ATC, J and RTV have broad movement paths shown in Figure 2.1.'3'-3.

However, thesingularuniquefeaturesofeachoutaghormodification generate unique requiraments for the movement and location of f

other heavy loads within the limited space of crane hook coverage. / e Requiring permanen6 ficor markings would either generate a confusing j multiplicity of floor markings or plac'e unrealistic constraints on work operations. Furthermore, ALARA considerations of I / the work performed on the refueling floor may at times require placing opaque paper with taped borders on the floor to prevent the spread of potential radioactive contamination,,thus / y reducing the usefulness of permanent floor markings. Other ALARA considerations for a specific modification may also impose unique requirements on the movement and location () of equipment. During r'eactor operation, no movement of' crane 2-12 i

Fort St. Vrain g load lif ts is permitted over the prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV). Thus, it is not feasible to mark per-manent load paths and laydown areas on the floor, nor would it contribute to the health and safety of the plant personnel or the public.. The reactor building overhead crane is operated in accordance with written approved Procedure MP 104-1 and l written approved work packages. l l The reactor building truck' bay crane, G-7215, is an electric l overhead traveling bridge crane with a rated capacity of 20 tons. It is controlled by an operator on the truck bay floor using a pendant pushbutton control panel. (} Figure 2.1.3-7 shows the crane hook coverage of this new crane, which was installed in March 1985. No marked loadpath/laydown areas are needed since this crane is used only for lifts in the reactor building hatch. Crane operation is in accordance with written approved procddure MP 104-12. L I The turbine building overhead crane, G-7501, is an electric overhead traveling bridge crane with a rated capacity of 65/15 tons. Figure 2.1.3-10 shows the hook coverage of the 65 ton main hook and the 15 ton auxilirr / hook. pd l l 2-13 e v-m----,,,-y ,n,,,w.,- ,w ,.,,m -,, -ee,w,me-,-

Fort St. Vrain The turbine building operating floor is used for the occasional laydown of equipment requiring temporary internal storage and for turbine generator parts laydown during the periodic main-tenance outage with the reactor shutdown. Operation of the turbine building overhead crane is in accordance with written approved procedure MP 104-4. Deviations from approved procedures require written approval in accordance with established procedures. Figure 2.1.3-13 shows the monorail / hoist / trolley coverage outside the reactor / turbine buildings. The mobile hydraulic crane is also shown. O O 2-14

1 Fort St. Vrain f) V 2.1.3 c) Heavy Load List A tabulation of heavy loads to be handled by each crane which includes the load identifi-cation, load weight, its designated lifting . device, and verification that the handling of such load is governed by a written procedure containing, as a minimum, the information identified in NUREG-0612, Section 5.1.1. (2).


The attached Table 2.1.3-1 lists the cranes / hoists and the heavy loads normally handled by each overhead handling system. It also indicates the written procedures that govern the handling () of each crane load combination. MP-104 series Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Maintenance Procedures apply generally to loads handled by the reactor building overhead cranes and the turbine building overhead crane. These procedures address the items in NUREG-0612, Subsection 5.1.1.(2). 2-15

m D 1 U TABIA 2.1.3-1 14 ADS OF CRANES, HOISTS ANC TROLLEYS C-1 C-7201 Reactor Building Overhead Crane 170/50/17 Tons 488I'-8" Reactor Building (Cont'd) LIFTING RIC/ j LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOAD DEVICE PROCEDURE C099fENTS H-1301 Fuel Handling Machine 165.5 T Lifting Mushroom MP-104-1 and Snuhber Control FHPWP-22 System H-1602 Auxiliary Transfer Cask 60 T Lifting Mushroom MP-104-1 and Snuhber Control FHPWP-22 System T-2302 Helium Purification Slings MP-104-1 Equipment i H-1605 Control Rod Storage 10 T Slings .MP-104-1 Well Shielding Adapter 'e H-1501 Fuel Shipping Cask 23 T Scissor 1.ifting MP104-1 For each spent fuel cask shipment, O"a Rig FSAR 9.l.2.2.4 a special work package is prepared j e m FHPWP-22 and approved in accordance with e i established procedures. Deviations require written approval in accordance with established approval procedures. C-2iol, Helium Circulator 15 T Stings MP-104-1 3 2,3,4 each MP-21-15 T-2101 Helium circulator with 40 T Slings MP-104-1 Lower Cask, Isolation ,i MP-21-15 l Ball Valve, and Pipe Container I H-1302 Reactor Isolation Valve 15 T Slings MP-104-1 H-1303 Reactor Isolation Valve 15 T Slings MP-104-1 H-1402 Fuel Storage Isolation 15 T Stings MP-104-1 Valve

'y ~h TABIE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) C-1 C-7201 Reactor Building Overhead Crane 170/50/17 Tons 4881'-8" Reactor Building (Cont'd) LIFTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIFY10N LOAD DEVICE PROCEDURE C099 TENTS L Peripheral Shielding Deck Plates 2 plates 2600 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 2 plates 5450 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 2 plates 5500 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 2 plates 5600 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 2 plates 6000 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 l Hold Down Plates, PCRV Top a 't 4 I plate 3000 lbs Slings MP-104-I O re I plate 4570 lbs Slings MP-104-1 cn i I plate 4850 lbs Slings MP-104-1 et u, U 1 plate 510G lbs Slings MP-104-1 p 2 plates 5810 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 1 plate 6290 lbs Slings MP-104-1 2 plates 6340 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 1 plate 6600 lbs Stings MP-104-1 Annular Shield Plates, PCRV Top i 2 plates 2500 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 12 plates 2650 lbs each Slings MP-104-1 2 plates 3150 lba cach Stings MP-IO4-1 j 1 plate 3200 lbs Stings MP-104-1 j 1 plate 3350 lbs Stings MP-104-1 i i

ff/ f% f "s m f TABLE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) C-1 C-7201 Reactor Building overhead Crane 170/50/17 Tons 4881'-8" Reactor Building (Cont'd) LIFTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOAD DEVICE PROCEDURE COB 9fENTS Hot Service Facility 35 Tons Slings MP-104-1 Removable Cover Slab Spent Fuel Cell Cover Plug 22 Tons Slings MP-104-1 Regenerative Pit cover 35 Tons Slings MP-104-1 Removable Slah Miscellaneous Loads Varies Slings MP-104-1 C-2 G-7501 Turbine Building Overhead Crane 65/15 Tons 4829'-0" Turbine Building Turbine Rotor - HP 44,852 lbs Beam 158D979, Slings MP-104-4 - LP 98,410 lbs Beam 158D979, Slings MP-104-4 Cenerator Rotor 102,000 the Beam 158D979, Slings MP-104-4 o'us n ft Turbine Upper LP Inner Shell 18,130 lbs Slings MP-104-4 m LP-inner Casing 67,280 lbs Slings MP-104-4 et IP-inner Shell 8,000 lbs Slings MP-104-4 Y HP-inner Shell 42,000 lbs Slings MP-104-4 g HP-outer Casing 114,656 lbs Slings MP-104-4 or-i

3 9

Turbine Front Appearance 4,000 lbs Stirgs MP-104-4 Lagging Turbine Front Standard Cap 4,000 lbs Slings MP-104-4 HP-LP Turbine Appearance 4,000 lbs Slings MP-104-4 Lagging LP Hood Upper End 30,230 lbe Slings MP-104-4 7 LP Diaphrages (10) 6,000 lbs Slings MP-104-4 each (2) 9,000 lbs Slings MP-104-4 each Diaphrages (9) 9,000 lbs Slings MP-IO4-4 Crossover Pipe 30,680 lbs Slings MP-lO4-4

e s l. $n " (n n * <n s, y D/ STNE fD PO C ) E d R 4 4444 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 U 't D 4 4444 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4 n E 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 o C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 C O ( R P PPPP P P P P P P P P P P M MMMM M M M M M M M M M gn ) i d d l t i no u C B ( en / 1 i C b I 3 r R u E 1 T CC 2 NI s s s ss s s s s s s s s s "0 I V g gggg g g g g g g g g g TE n nnnn n n b n n i i i i E. FD i i i ii i i e n n n i i l '9 L S SSSS s S S S S S S S S I l t l l t l l i l l t t l t B A 2 T 8 4 h h h h c c c c a a a a s e e e e n s o s ss s s s s s e s b T bbbb b b b b h b l l l l l l l l l t l 5 0 s 1 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e / D 0000 0 0 0 0 7 0 6, i 5 A 6 O 5,5,0,0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 3, 0, r 0 a L 1 1 33 5 5 6 9 1 7 5 V e 6 1 1 n a r C da e h e r 1 234 p p v e

  1. f##

n m i v d r u P s O f t e u S d l s e d t r a g a e F s e e g e o n N H h p e R n t L i O C n m F i a d I g e u r d W s l T n 6 m v P n e l u i P i a i e t i g o u I r e r e v a u n e B R a r t D t i W B i n C e e S a r t a e S r B t e s D e e a l n E e a t n n c n l l i D t r e a i s e rs i s i s u e b i e H e b p d op vp b p c c r c p h rm n t m r m r m r s u x p P e uu o ou eu uu i T E U H R TP C MP SP TP C i M 1 S 0 6, 4, 5 s 7 D X 3, 5, 4, l, _ e C I l 6 1 4 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 A 3 3 3 3 3 4 7 O C L N E P P P P P Y$ li]j i ,.i4 .]l', ,t 1 iS I!


m. s r s TABl.E 2.1.3-1 (Con?'d) C-3 C-7215 Reactor Building Truck Bay Crane 20 Ton 4791'-0" Reactor Building i d LIFTING RIC/ 1.0AD ID DESCRIPTION IAAD DEVICE PROCEDURE COOSELNTS 4 1 j C-2101,2,3,4 Helium Circulator-15 Tons each Slings MP104-12 MP-21-15 t-P-2101,lS, Bearing Water Pumps lA, IB, 2.2 Tons each Slings MP-104-12 2,25 IC, ID { F-2106,7 IE, IF i C-6301,lS Ces Weste Compressor IA, IB 5.6 Tons each Slings MP-104-12 i i C-2401 Helium Transfer 12.1 Tons Slings MP-104-12 Compressor ~i Circulator Machine Assembly 13T Slings MP-104-12 Helium Circulator Unit MP-21-15 Counterweight - Helium 11 T Slings MP-104-12 i j Circulator Handling Cask MP-21-15 '9 O Isolation Ball Valve - Helium 15.5 Tons Slings MP-104-12 j Circulator Handling Cask MP-21-15 I M tn. J. d Upper Cask Assembly - 8T Slings MP-104-12 y o Helium Circulator MP-21-15 4 Handling Cask j 1 1' 1.nwer Cask Assembly - 15 Tons Slings MP-104-12

s J

Helium Circulator MP-21-15 Handling Cask Multi-Stage Ram Hydraulic 10 Tons Chains MP-104-12 System - Helium MP-21-15 Circulator Handling Cask l l Pipe Container 4.5 Tons Slings MP-104-12 { MP-21-15 i Shipping Framework 1T Slings MP-104-12 L i MP-21-15 l 1 l Steam Outlet Piping 4 Tona slings MP-104-12 MP-21-15 4 j Back-Up Bearing Water 7 T. Slings MP-104-12 Cooler Truck Bay Removable Slah (2) 5T Slings MP-104-12 I Miscellaneous 1.nads varies Slings MP-l M-12

m i i TABt.E 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) i e C-4 and C-6 C-7205 Bearing Water Pump Holst 2 Tons 4740'-6" Reactor Building LIPTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION IDAD DEVICE PROCEDt1RE COMMENTS P-2101, IS, Bearing Water Pumps 2,25 and Head and Bowls 2346 the each Slings P-2106,7 Motor 965 the each Slings Barrel 1115 lbs each Slings 4 j C-5 C-7214 Helium Circulator Removal Trench Jib Crane 2 Tons 4740'-6" Reactor Building Removable Rails At 171 lbs/section Slings Trench l Miscellaneous Loads varies Slings I it j C-8 and C-9 C-7207 Cas Waste compressor Trolley and Hoist 6 Tons 4740'-6" Reactor Building tn e+ w d C-6301,ls Ces Waste' Compressor IA,lB 10,000 the each Stings Motor 1,100 lbs each a C-10 C-7209 Helium Transfer Compressor Trolley 1 Ton 4740'-6" Reactor Building C-2401 Compressor Cylinder 2,000 lbs Slings Per manufacturer's drawing only Comp re ssor 21,000 lbs maintenance is compressor cylinders Motor 3,200 lbs 4 i I i f 4

i TABLE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) LIFTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOAD DEVICE PROCEDURE COMMENTS 1 C - Bearing Water Make-Up Pump Holst 2 Tons 4771'-0" Reactor Building P-2tOS Bearing Water Make-Up Safe Shutdown Forced Cooling Mode B Pump 3100 lbs Slings Motor 1400 lbs Stings J, C-13 C-7211 Weste Filters and Demineralizers Manual Hoist and Trolley 5 Tons 4791'-0" Reactor Building F-6301, IS Cas Waste Filters 700 lbs each Stings i F-6304, 4S Waste Cas Pre-Filters 125 lbs each Stings a Shield Blocks 3 Ton Slings a 1 en a w C-14 C-7208 Strontium Monitor Cask Hoist and Trolley 4 Tons 4829'-0" Reactor Building e 4 N Strontium Monitor Cask Strontium Monitor Cask is not Used 'i I Miscellaneous loads less than Slings D j 1 Ton 4 4 \\ l 1 i., i i

7 TABLE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) LIFTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOAD DEVICE PROCEDURE C0petENTS C-15 C-7206 Reactor Outlet Coolant W ermocouple Trolley 1 Ton-4829'-0" Reactor Building Reactor Outlet Coolant 580 lbs _ Slings Dermocouples C-16,-17,-18 C-7212 Hydrogen Cetter Area Trolley and Hoist 3 Tons 4854'-0" Reactor Building E-2307 Hydrogen Removal Slings Economizer A-2309,9S Hydrogen Getter Unit Cover 216 lbs Slings F-2301,2 Purified Helium Slings Filter IA,lB C-2301,lS Purified Helium Slings kt Compressor IA,lB en ' Removable Slabs (8) I ton each Slings u e U N I E, l'

CN 'N ' (g. _ ) I s 6 d / (/ " v 4 e TABLE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) LIFTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOAD DEVICE PROCEDURE COPMENTS C-19 C-7210 Cooling Water Filter and Demineralizer Trolley I.5 Tons 4849'-0" Reactor Building A-4601, 2 Cooling Water 1,800 lbs each Slings Demineralizer IA,lB, Tank Cover F-4601, 2 Cooling Water Filter 1,800 lbs each Slings IA, IB, Tank Cover 4 C-20 C-1601 Hot Service Facility Hoist 5 Tons 4864'-0" Reactor Building C-2101 to Helium Circulator Parts varies Slings MP21-15 2 i C-2104 me $n Control Rod and Orificing 4900 lbs Slings MPl2-6 tn Assembly <l Y es C-21 C-7502 Machine Shop Electric Hoist and Trolley 5 Tons 4791'-0" Turbine Building E g

s j

Miscellaneous Loads Varies Slings C-22 C-7506 Service Water Return Pumps Manual Hoist and Trolley 1 Ton 4791'-0" Turbine Building P-4203, Pump 1,000 lbs each Slings Safe Shutdown Equipment Forced Cooling 4,4S Motor 370 lbs each Mode A, Forced Cooling Mode B, and Auxiliary Cooling Mode I 1 I L s f k

~ i s l i TABLE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) LIFTINC RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOAD DEVICE ' PROCEDURE COMMENTS C-23 C-7503 Condensate Pumps Electric Holst and Trolley 5 Tons 4791'-0" Turbine Building I P-3104 Condensate Pump 1A 10100 lbs' Stings Motor 6400 lbs Stings i P-3105 Condensate Pump 1B 10100 lbs Slings Motor 6400 lbs Slings P-3106 Condensate Pump IC 3300 lbs Slings Motor 1180 lbs Slings P-3106S Condensate Pump ID 3300 lbs Stings i Motor 1180 lbs Slings 1 O C-24 C-7504 Service Air Compressor Manual Hoist and Trolley 4 Tons 4791'-0" Turbine Building n" tn C-8202 Service Air Compressor 10550 lbs Stings Y Motor 1180 the Slings M 4, n j se ] C-25 C-7505 Instrument Air Compressor IA Manual Hoist and Trolley 4 Tons 4791'-0" 'Asrbine Building 3 C-8201 Compressor IA '7830 lbs Slings Safe Shutdown Forced Cooling Mode A Motor 1025 lbs Slings C-26 C-7505S Instrument Air Compressor IB Manuel Hoist and Trolley 4 Tons 4791'-0" narbine Building C-820lS Compressor 18 7830 lbs Slings Motor 1025 lbs Stings I I i w-

c g 'N ( V d TABLE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) LIPTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOAD DEVICE PROCEDURE C009 TENTS C-28 C-7213 Reactor Plant Air Handling Equipment Electric Hoist and Trolley 2 Tons 4885'-0" Turbine Building S-7301, 13 Compressor 3600 lbs each Slings Evaporator 3250 lbs Slings Eva porator 4550 lbs Slings C-29 C-4101 Circulating Water Pump Electric Holst and Trolley 12 Tons 4788'-O" Outdoors 4 P-4101,2, Pump upper casing 8,820 the each Slings Lower casing 20,780 lbs each Slings Rotor 5,200 the eac Slings Motor and base plate 20,615 the each Slings P-4103,4 Pump 4,500 lbs each Stings N Motor 2,085 the each Slings 2 Base plate 1,300 lbs each Stings .I en C-30 C-7203 PCRV Safety Valve Tank Head Trolley 8 Tons 4816'-0" Reactor Building u e T-1201 PCRV Safety Valve k Tank Cover 13200 lbs Chains i U i l C-31 C-4202 Service Water Strainer Hoist 3 Tons 4788'-0" Outdoors Strainers 1 Ton Stings l l C Mobile Hydraulic Crane 3/14 Tons Outdoors i j Miscellaneous Loads Varies Slings MP-104-3 l

-.m. ._ _...~.. \\ i L j TABLE 2.1.3-1 (Cont'd) LIFTING RIC/ LOAD ID DESCRIPTION LOR DEVICE PROCEDURE C000fENTS 1 l C Condenser Water Box Monorail 6 Tons 4791'-0* Turbine Building Condenser Circulating Water Piping Varies Slings a C Machine Shop, Building 15, Monorail with Electrical Hoist and Trolley 1 Ton Outdoors i 3 Miscellencous Loads Varies Slings C Welding Shop, Building 16, Monorail with Manual Hoist and Trolley 2 Tons Outdoors Miscellaneous Loads Varies Slings j C Turbine Building Sump Pump Monorail R Tone 4791'-0" Turbine Building i P-7501, 1S Turbine Building Sump Pumpo I,200 lbs Slings 1 1 each k O N, u et 4 M C/3 } 4.J 4 4 es b O I I d i l, i i ? i. I 4 e 4 1 i v i

Fort St. Vrain O \\/ 2.1.3 d) Lifting Rigs / Devices Verification that lifting devices identified in 2.1.3c, above, comply with the requirements of ANSI N14.6-1978, or ANSI B30.9-1971 as appropriate. For lifting devices where these standards, as supplemented by NUREG-0612, Section 5.1.l(4) or 5.1. l(5), are not met, describe any proposed alternatives and demon-strate their equivalency in terms of load-handling reliability.


The response to 2.1.3d will be provided in Phase II of the Heavy Load Analysis Report. l l l l O-2-28 ,--.,--,,--,.,.,,--,,_.,,,~c. .,y,n,-- -,.n,---

Fort St. Vrain f-2.1.3 e) Crane Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Verification that ANSI B30.2-1976, Chapter 2-2, has been invoked with respect to crane inspec-tion, testing, and maintenance. Where any exception is taken to this standard, sufficient information should be provided to demonstrate the equivalency of proposed alternatives.


The inspection, testing, and maintenance of overhead bridge i cranes at Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station (FSV) generally complies with Chapter 2-2 of ANSI B30.2-1976. FSV Procedures MP-104-1, MP-104-2, and MP-104-5 through MP-104-9 provide the guidelines and acceptance criteria for the annual, (~N semiannual, monthly, and daily operational maintenance, inspection, l and testing for the reactor building overhead crane and the turbine building overhead crane. FSV procedure MP-104-12 provides the guidelines for preoperation inspection and oper-ation of the reactor building truck bay crane, G-7215 in accordance with ANSI B30.2. These procedures were written using ANSI B30.2-1976 and manufacturers' Overhead Crane Manual guidelines. 2-29

I Fort St. Vrain () 2.1.3 f) Crane Design Verification that crane design complies with the guidelines of CMAA Specification 70 and Chapter 2-1 of ANSI B30.2-1976, including the demonstration of equivalency of actual design requirements for instances where spe-cific compliance with these standards is not provided.


The response to 2.1.3f will be provided in Phase II of the Heavy Load Analysis Report. O i i 2-30 l

Fort St. Vrain r^s i 2.1.3 g) Crane Operator Training, Qualifications, and Conduct Exceptions if any, taken to ANSI B30.2-1976 with respect to operator training, qualification, and conduct.


There are no exceptions taken to ANSI B30.2-1976 with respect to operator training, qualification, and conduct. Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station requirements for crane operator training, qualifications, and conduct generally comply with Chapter 2-3 of ANSI B30.2-1976. Station procedure MP-104 provides overhead crane operator training qualifications guidelines. The crane operator training / qualification program requires medical examination verification and oral and written examination on crane operation as described in Station Procedures MP-104A and MP-104B. 2-31

O f a c SfEL'Tm G 720 0 EXTREuf OF CA ANf MOOM COVERAGE 17tVSO TOM M AIPs H00m. 36'-0" = (e-7208 EXT R E ME OF CR ANE l'eOOll 8 COVERAGE 17 /2 TON HOOR mu m h dar.n.eea ,!.-.s. o. r -.,.,e, _. .m 1 p -&,.- v.\\.., i, 1 1- -..- ? -m, .\\ 1 l +1c ~ I, a r -f -.. l

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MOT SERV 1CE FACILIT Y H - IW k, .' ' Nse#Jwa s we E S's??$5*$w 2rs - Q,'d 2 i 20=~~ Also Availalde On ~ Y? \\ Aperture Card x.-v. y_. a x. i,..., _,<I AR. i rg ,TRA SrER casa APERTURE e S 4 l -ro-e m I i I LEGE ND: G FUEL HANDLING MACHINE TRAVEL PATH BOUNDARY i I t--I AUXILIARY TRANSER CASK TRAVEL PATH eOUNCARY C TRAVEL AREA PHASE I 06 04-85 n" " FIGURE 2.I. 3 - 3 ( PA-l ) REACTon WILDING REFUELING F100R MAJOR HEAVY LCRDfWH PL AN EL. 488118" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLDRADO FORT ST. VR AIN UNIT-I ~ [ 6 D (o. 1 ?o 0 2 S T- 0 1 l

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