IR 05000546/1979008

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Forwards IE Investigation Repts 50-546/79-08 & 50-547/79-08 Re Allegations of Improper Repair of safety-related Concrete Structures.Investigation Appears to Indicate Contractor Mgt Personnel Were Knowledgeable of Improprieties
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 08/09/1979
From: Norelius C
To: Gower G
Shared Package
ML20126M330 List:
NUDOCS 8106170052
Download: ML20126M336 (1)


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l f DDR APDU.. FOR: George Cover, Acting Executive Of ficer for Operations


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. . Suppo rt , IE ,


FR0fi: Charles E. threlius, Assistant to the Director, RIII .


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As discussed with you, att ached is IE Investication PTeport tbs. S'J-546/70-CE end 50-547/7943, which deals with allegations concerning concrete repairs i? ..

at the, f'a rble Hill const ruct ion sit e. Our investigation confirred that

' irproper repairs' bad been cade to saf ety-related concrete structures, and, espears to indicate that contractor r.snsgenent personnel were h:>csledge-

.' able of these icproper repair ,



The report has not been sent to the licensee as of this date, but likely will be sent within the next day or two. The report is being provided 1 to you for referral to OIA for their coordination with the Departeent of Justic Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this repor .






Charles E. Ibrelius '

N' Assistant to the Director - ,t

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As st a t ed ,

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R. Fort una, CI A /


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s Docket No. 50-546 ~

Docket No. 50-547 - ,



Public Service of Indiana ATIN: Dr. James Cougblin


Vice President - Nuc1 car .


1000 East Main Street Plainfield, IN 46168


Centlemen: .

This refers to the investigation conducted by Messrs. J. E. Foster, F. C. Hawkins, C. C. k'illia:s, J. Hughes, and E. E. 5:bveibinz of this  !

of fice on June 22, 25-29, July 7, 11-13, 17-20, 1979, of activities at'*

the Marble Hill construction site, authorized by FF,C Construction Pert::its No. CPFP,-170 and No. CPFR-171, and to the discussion of our findings with a cecbers of your staf The investigation concerned allegations of icproper repair and concealoent of boneyce: bed concrete areas at the Marble Hill site. These allegations


vere substantiated.. The enclosed ecpy of our icvesti tation report identi-fies those areas examined during the investigatior.. k'ithin these areas, the investigation consisted of a selective exa inaticr. of procedures and representative records, observstions, at;d interviews vitb present and forcer site personne The enclosed investigation report decs not i dentify ar ite=s of noncocpliance. Such ite=s identified during a concurrent inspection of technical aspects of the safety-related concrete repair problems vilA be set forth in subsequent inspection report .

In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NF.C's "Eules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Kegulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosed investigation report vill be placed it, the M.0's Public Docus.ent Room, except as follows. * If this report contains infor:stion that you or your contractors believe to be proprietary, you cust apply in writing to this office, within twenty days of your receipt of this letter, to withbold such inforcation from public disclosure. The application cust include a '

full staterent of the reasons f or vbich the infor:3 tion is considered Proprietary, and should be prepared so that prepric t z ry infor=ation * '

identified in the application is contained in an enclosure to the application.


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- Ve vill gladly discuss any questiens you beve cencercing this ,

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hcJa:esG.Yeppler Director . ,


Inclosure: IE Investigation

- Reports No. 50-546/79-08


and No. 50-547/79-08 ,


cc v/coc1:


R. M. Erown, Construction ""


Project Superintendent G. Cover, Acting XOOS




Central Files Reproduction Unit NRC 20b FDR Local PDR NSIC .



LeBoeuf, La=b, Leiby & MacRae






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Eerort No. 50-546/79-08; .50-547/79-08 .,..



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Docket No. 50-546; 50-547* , License No. CPPR-170; CPPRU.q:71 .  :. un.~ . .. . . . n


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Liccesee: Public Service of Indiana -



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1000 East Main Street .' ' i'.;

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Plainfield, IN .46168 r . ..





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Facility Naz.e: Marble Hill, Units 1 and 2 . .H .. .a. % ; - - - .

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Investigation At: Marble Hill Site and vicinity ,

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Investigation Conducted: June 22, 25-29, July 7,11-13,17-20,,1979,. .. . . -

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Inspectors: T. C. Hawkins 6 b U} l


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Reviewed By:

.$.{C. E. Norelius

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'- N Ass"stant to the Director . 7. o .

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IcVestiration csn June 22, 25-29, July 7,11-13,17-20,1979 (EdEtSo[b: 'i4.- *


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The investigation involved 220 inspecto'r-hours .

construction activitie .

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'onsite,by three NRC inspectors and investigators.Nucerous icproperly repaired conc .




]cterviews with site worl=en and forcer employees indicate that contractor i


perse.ccel, at least to the level of Superintendect, were knowledgeable' ' a .. .

- and cay have ordered inproper repairs to conceal noaconforcing coherete.-

areas. No itees of noncoopliance are identified sitbin this report;: ..:t. -



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These itees vill be covered in.separa.te inspecti.on report . .- . .. .

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s On June 12, 1979, Mr. Tho:as M. Datillo, the attorney representing Save

The Valley, an'intervenor group, wrote to Mr. Harold Denton, Director of ~

the Office of Nucicar Reactor Regulation, requesting a balt in concrete place:ent, testing of cencrete in place, and a review of quality centrol records pertaining to concrete at the, Marble l!i,11 site. Attacted to the Ictter was a tventy-three page svoro state =ent from Mr. Charles Edvard Cutstall, a forcer concrete finisber's helper at the site. Tbe state =ent alleged icproper repairs of boneyco bed areas in safety-related concret Also en June 12, 1979, during an interview of PSI personnel by a Louisville TV station, one page of the aforecentioned twenty-three page statement vts given to PSI officials , and they were asted to co: cent on the statecent. ,

This was the first tice the statt ent had been cade publi Public Service of Indiana (PSI) notified NRC Region III (RIII) at approxi-cately 3 p.e. on June 12, 1979, that they bad been provided with.tbe one page of the Cutsball statecent. Oc June 13, 1979, PSI transeitted a ecpy of the co:plete state:ent vbich they bad obtained. On the basis of the inforcation contained in the statement., an NRC investigation was initia.ted


into the catte .

SL" ARY OF FACTS Two NEC inspections of concrete activity at the Marble Hill site, conducted prior to receipt of the allegations, indicated proble=s with placement and repair of concrete at the construction site. A:ong proble:s identified was the icproper repair of toneyco:.b areas (see IE Inspection Reports N !.6/79-03, and 50-546/79-04). A canage=ent eeeting with PSI was held on May 15, 1979, to discuss these finding Following receipt of the state =ent of Mr. Charles Edvard Cutstall, RIII persennel attecpted to ce: tact bie to discuss the state =ent and gather additional details regarding the irsproperly repaired areas and coccerning people vbo vould be knowledgable of the cet. bod of repair of these area Initially, RIII personnel vere unabic to contact Mr. Cutshall direct _1 On June 21, 1979, PSI indicated that they bad cade an investigation on their own to deter =ine vtether any concrete patches in the plant had been icproperly made, using a sounding cethod. They aavised that their review indicated numerous deficient patches, including sore patches ca:!e over boneyco: bed areas. Honeyco:b is described as a void (rock pocket) in concrete left due to the failure of the cortar to effectively fill the spaces aceng coarse aggregate. Proper repair of such bencyce: bed areas involves the recoval of all boneyco b or other unsound caterini, and ,

perforcing a, concrete patch by a correct procedure, utilizing appropriate nterial. s.:rf:re her.cyec > pr.cht s c:n 're an indictu:.n ci inurnal



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On June 22, 1979, RIII personnel visited the Marble liill site, inspected

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conctete structures, held discussio:s with licensee and contract personnel,. .

and requested that no core repairs or chipping be cade of concrete patches until the NRC could review the' situation at the sit PSI officials *


- - agreed to this reques . e , ,


After several attempts, on June 25, 1979, telephone centact was cade with -


Mr. Charles Cutchall by way of a telepboce call f rom the of fice of M ' The:as Datillo. Mr. Cutsball repeated the cajority of the statecents c3de in bis tventy-three page affidavit and attecpted to describe sore of the locations vbere be believed that improperly repaired concrete existed in the Marble Hill plant. Due to the cceplexity of the plant, no exact locations c.ould be obtained by tele; bene. Mr. Cutchall indicated that a ,

number of icyroper repairs of concrete boneycombed areas had been cade at the direction of the finisber superintenden EIII personnel then attecpted to review the areas described by Mr. Cutsball, and identified several patches vbich bad already been inspected by the licensee at each area. Eevever, it was not possible It to detereine that was concluded that these were the patches described by Mr. Cutsbal an adequate review of the areas described could not be cade without


Mr. Cutsball's physical presence onsite to point out the areas of his . .

Con c e r On June 26, 1979, the EIII Director and staf f cet with PSI officials at the Marble Hill site, and discussed the findings of the investigation at that point. Due to concerns expressed by the RIII staff and the fact that deficient repairs in concrete areas had been identified, KkC repre-sentatives requested that PSI stop safety-related concrete work, perform ocn-destructive examinatic.n of varicus concrete structures, identify and evaluate repaired areas for their adequacy, and review their entire protrac for concrete activities onsite. PSI officials coc=itted to perfcre these action On July 1,1979, direct contact was cade with Mr. Charles Edward Cutsbal On July 7, 19 9 Mr. Cutshall was brought to the Marble liill site to tour the plant, accccpanied by RIII personnel. During this tcur be pointed out 19 separate areas vbere he Felieved that icprcper concrete repairs bad been cade, and the locations of these areas were noted by RIII personne He again repeated bis understandicg that the finisber superintendent had crdered se e coscetic repairs to icprcperly consolidated areas so that PSI and the NRC inspectors vould not be aware of the On July 9,1979, Mr. Tho:as Datillo advised RIII. personnel that be had obtained three core statecents fron forcer workcen at the site; M former Jewel Rogers, a forcer finisber's belper; Mr. Stanley Mortensen, a concrete finisher; and Mr. Michael V21 sten, a concrete finisbe *

TLese statecents are attached as Exhibits II, III and IV. Mr. Mortensen


vas interviewed at bis residence end then toured the Marble Hill site, i I I p e : s a :.e l '*. l e a t that tice

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to sbbstantiate his concerns relative to repair of an expansion join ~

,Eevever, he advised tbst be bad been ordered to cos etically patch a boneycombed area in the lover auxiliary building and took RIII personnel F


to that location. Upon testir.; the indicated patch, it wasM found that Mortensen

. _ .

the patch did cover a s all beneyccrbed area of. cen: inficating ret that be repeated the statenents contained in his af fidsvit, .

had been directly ordered to rc? air t.his patch by the ccacrete finisber .


y superintenden .

"T" and "G" b:tb concrete finisber Interviews were held"f",with individuals stated that be had been crdered, on occasions, fore:en. Individual to ieproperly repair sore areas but that the individual that bad ordered the repain was no longer on site. He vould not identify the individua Individual "G" said be had not been ordered to repair any deficient


concrete are Mr. Stephan Gayso, the Finisber Superintendent, was it.terviewed. He stated that be was not knowledgeable of icprcper cc:. crete repairs, and bad not ordered any finisher fereran or ficisher to cossetically patch unrepaired boneyccabed concrete areas. On July 10, 1979, Mr. Gayso and individual "F" provided short written state:ects to the Newberg Co:pan vbich indicated that they bad not authorized particciar individuals (those vbo had cade written statements) to patch or cover up any defectiv surfaces, boneycesb voids or rock pockets with ut prior approval fro:n Newberg quality control or PSI representatives.

s RIII personnel interviewed a number of Newberg ecployees, including concrete finishers and finisber's helpers. Duricg these interviews three I signed state:er ts were obtaiced. One of these indicates that the forecan for the finisbers crew did not order any of his crev to repair any defective (

areas and was net Lcevledgeable of any defective rer:frs. One of the e state =ents coroborates earlier state:.ents that tie Ticisber's Superintendent gave the orders to perfore these deficient repairs, and that the forecen passed on these orders to tbc working crev These state ents are included as Exbibits VIII, IX and During the intervievs, one finisber erpressed a strcr.; opinion that the individuals vbo had cade state:ents had der.e so d.:e te rersonal grudges against the Tinisber Superintendent. A portien of this interview vas audio tape recorded, and a tracscript of the taped p:rtien is attached as Exbibit VII. State ents from various workers icticated that the finisber superintendent was often.present on the jcb site c.:rirg the period of time vben deficient repairs were being cade. Also, interviews indicated that voricen only perform work assirred (ordered) to the=. This is standard construction site procedur .

Testing of areas described by Mr. Charles Cutsball, Mr. Mortensen and > s individual "K" indicated that virtually all of these patches were icprope All unsound caterial bad not been recoved prior te patching cany of the

:; Patcher , a:d 's ever:1..::: f: _ .d t: :. r .. . . ; :. ; . :- -






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The investigation'confir co that cany areas of boneycc bed concrete were icpr'operly repaired in t.hst (1) the drypsch caterial ves not sound, '(2) ,

- all boccyco:b or unsound caterials bad not been recoved prior to patching, .


or (3) no ef fort bad been cade to recove hencycocb prior to patchin r


71.e nu:ber of instances of deficient patches is suf ficient to conclude ,

- thst finisher forecen were knowledgeable that such If thepatches finisher vere being superinten-

~ ~~~



preduced, and ordered this vork to be done. dent were present at the wol .


l also be aware that such vork was being perforced.' As voricen and foremen  !



- -


bad no experience in quality control, it. is possible that cacy wer):,en vere not aware that such patching (allovable on rot.tir.e corrercial work)



was not at the Marble liill sit )o evidence was develeped to indicate that PSI cacate ent was aware of the deficient repairs. Details as to deficiencies with the PSI Quality ..

, *

Control pregram vill be covered in a separate inspection repor .

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9 ." ' ' ,. ,; .' f o;9 M. Bright, QC Inspector" .{.,. .Q? 4, ;..Mf; .m


R. M. Erovn, Construction Project Superintendent .

.'{. W Xi..;j / J J. J. Cook, Senior Staff Construction Engineer-Nuclear. .. s. '/ 2.'J. .'. Y,' . .: c- > '. ' ,



L. A. Crews, Vice President Construction .



J. Caughlin, Vice President, Nuclear Services Department' ?m);P=I ".':* 'f. . .

S. E. Tarlov, Site Design




F. R. Hodges, QA Manager ~* . .~ijl.$ . .D;. I U)'"/ ! ,,':l,

, y. .

W. Minick, QC Inspector. .

. .

9~' ;.a'W. . . D, . "? -

  • -

T..L. McLarty, QC Engineer


.j_ C+.


- .

J. Rutkowski, Macager, Licensing , cf.).t ;.;C f<. ; i. . ' . ; M.,m: S. W. Shields, Vice President, Electric System .'T.A t... .'s. . .y;..' . .. . . . ,

.s -


D. L. Shuter, Lead QC Inspector - P. . <., . . . w W. P. S.iths Construction Field Office Supervisor 2 ..

M.l,. Q.'.'?, r.p.ij. p];.. -

. ..

V. D. Vard, Construction Manager '


.. ..g. c .* ... p.. ., i*


" ' s?. "..<,. j,f / . =*h9 .': '


. ; Nevberg-Marble Hill 'h ' . . .

M. . . . .t.. ,T.- . c ; , . v.. _


, .

, .. .,~

. . ..... .. .. .. ., . . ..




.... .

-'ja. -7 4...:.

. . _ .



J. Ball, lead QC Engineer *


. . ; f ',L,,. .. M . ."f. ,

M. P. Cooper, General Superintecdcat, Construction - '.;,f Jij:,-7).ff; .Ci

F. V. Durocher, Vice President +?Y?! /MC.2Q y,7

S. Gayso, Superintendent, Finishers , @i.g yj,t ..7."


E. P. Guy, Quality Assurance Supervisor c,Ty'.7 :::El fl-V. Hacilton, Project Manager '

"; ". .',S : .

J. Spann, QC Inspector . ~ ~ ; e. .l



W. Townsend, Superintendent -


. '.. ,f. .

. ..

.::. u . ~..


Ed ;\. .'.l ~.*E '

.t-Sarrent and Lundy .


..,., . *.

'.:s . . . . N. - u. .

.g ~ '

, . ,


. . uc'-~  ?

K. Kostal, Senior Structural Project Engineer I: . . . .

. /c' -".# ..T.'

A. M. Veiss, Concrete Technologist y, .:

-.. .m. ;n . ~ .n. . .i y ,..: .. . . . .

..: : . : :. -


-..- -. .;.

U. S. Test 1ng - - e . :.-;~... .. . .e.,:.r.:-

e... .v . .  !


.. . . , . ..


... y. . '

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,-;p. a .a, e.., ., w .


D. Laahae, Supervisor ..y y . .

Saye The Va11ey


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. ,w<:9.:<:.)h.~. , ' W W: x ,.


. .

.c..-; .

. i

, . .. ha,. . ... k . . , . , . . .



.. .


T. Datillo Attorney e lJ". "! W (.. ; ...:.. . s ;,

~ '


R. Gray, Chairman of the Board .

.. : . +,9... -


.l.: . . . .~.


5.: ,, .y . 3., : $ . . 2,


, ,

e ?: :.: .


  • '.~... m '.;J:a.w; O'.-.



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. Individuals _ * ' M ' ,# " . . .


. ,., .



. -J , ? qv -


. ' E.'Cutsball, Foruer Tinisher's Helper 3

-;W , .. '


S. Mortensen, Forter Tinisher . .

2 WM- I

.' J. Togers, Forcer Finisber's lielper ,

,'.- - H. L. Valston, Torcer Tinisber . . _ , . , . . . , , , .,


. . . .


Individuals "A through "O".., .

7. . . r ,., , 3. f. . , .1 .


- ., .


. ~ . . .x . 7. . - -


-- . - - ' - Introduction ':*. ," ',.- - .. *



._' y. . . . .


, .-


The Marble Hill Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, licens'ed to"Public

. Service of Indiana is under construction at a site approxica'tely Sargent and Lundy is'the_ Architect 10 ciles south of Madison, Indian ,- Engineering Co:pany for the Plant. The f acility is desigcied to , -

utilize a pre.;surized vater reactor supplied by Vestinghouse, and'to


generate 1150 cegawatts of electricity per unit. Unit 1.Is'approxi-cately 20% complete and Unit 2 is approxicately 67,cc=plete et this ,

tim . ,.



. ,


. '


Newberg-Marble Bill (Newberg), a joint venture of Gust K. 'Newberg ,,

Constructien Co:pany, and Gust K. Newberg, Incorporated, is ~ the : .

price concrete contractor for the f acility, providing both',.cafety'*



related (containcent, auxiliary, and fuel bandling buildings).fand -

non safety-related (turbine, administrative buildings and . cooling .


- towers) concrete structure ' , i.f.:. u v

% "

. .

. ..


-{'s =. ~ s ..



. Scope .: .

.-- . - q p: .

,.. .e


This investigation f;ocused on allegations received from Charles Edward Cutsball regarding improper repair of concrete surfaces at' thei' .

Harble Hill plant and on ubetber Newberg-Marble Hill c:anageacotd.-

personnel vere knowledgeable cor.cerning or had ordered these icproper



repairs. This report will not deal with technical questions rEgarding


concrete patches or related regulatory catters. Other inspection'

reports sill cc,ver those quality control and cr.gineering' problems '


observed at the site, and related noncocpliance items. - .

. . . .

2 -


. 2; . . .'



, Technical Background m ,





" ,.

Eoneyco=b areas in concrete are voids (rock pockets) left.[in'. concrete due to failure of the cortar to effectively fill the spaces"abong



coarse aggregat Honeycombed areas can be caused by several, factors ( such as icproper placement of concrete (resulting in separation.of.

( the coarser aggregates), lack of suf ficient vibration during' place-cent, icprcper concrete mix design, inadequate concrete fora design or preparation, and configuration of reinforcing steel within the -

concrete form Some is to be expected as a normal occurrence, especially in nuclear power plant construction wh'ere '. '


valls and slabs are heavily reinforce S , F. c'. .:


...Q*. .

- nn,'S., ,, ,, y .





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. .



_._,______[ .l,'





- -



GO -




O u .


. ,Roneyce= bed areas on the surface of a vall or slab are identifiable vben the concrete place ent forcs are rc:oved, and appear as rocky areas'or open pockets. Generally, the extent of such boneyco=bing


cannot be deterrined visually until all of the unsound caterial has Surf ace boneyco=bing can be an indication



been recoved by chippin ,

, that futher internal voids exis *

- .-

,, *


At tbc Marble Hill site, honeycomb was classified as being a "cinor" -

- boneyconb (less than cce balf of. a reinforce ent bar exposed af ter unsound catcrial was recoved) or a "cajor" bcLeycocb (balf or core


of a reinforcesent bar exposed vben the unsound caterial was recoved).

Upon rezcval of concrete forts, the area was to'be inspected, and any bcLeycocbed areas (or suspected areas) were to be identified and tagged with a blue "tecporary bold" tag. The unsound caterial was


to be recoved by chipping, and if classed as a ninor boneycomb, If the area was patched without further quality control inspectio classed as a cajor boneyco b, a nonconforcance report (NCR) was to be generated, followed by PSI quality control The inspection resultingof the noncon-final condition ~of the area before patchin forcance report vould be processed in the nor:31 canner, including Such concon-a review by the Architect-Ecgineering firm for the plan *

forcance reports are routinely reviewed during NRC inspections, to .-

deterrine if proper engineering evaluaticas and corrective actions are beicg cade of nonconfor=ing itec i


Vben properly identified, unsound caterials recoved, and patches properly placed, surface boneycombs do not reduce Sicilarly, internal thevoids, structural vben strength of a concrete structur ;

identified and located, can be repaired or evaluated through l engineering analysis to detercine if the structure in ubich they are located has been significantly weabene . Reciept of A11erations On June 12, i979, at approxicately 3:15 p.m. , RIII was notified by PSI of ficials that during an "on cacera" interview by a Louisville TV statien, a PSI official was given one page of a twenty-three page sworn state:ent and asked if the allegatica contained in the statecent was true. The page shown to the PSI individtol indicated l that improper and cosmetic repairs had been cade to boneyco=b areas j in the plan PSI advised they did not have the entire statement, I but were trying to obtain a cop PSI transeitted to ,

On July 13, 1979, at apprcxicately 3:00 p.m., l RIII a barely readable telecopy of the svorn statecent esde by j Charles Edvard Cutsball. RIII personnel requested a clear cop i il On July 14, 1979, a clear copy of the statecent was received at Region III. A copy of the svorn statecect of Charles , ,7;._f. : Edvard

- Cutsball ster cenversation 3 ,,;t;; ,

d ted M,7 t, ;;;; i, ,;;,:L


_ .

O e

. - . - - . . e e r . _%-- .

. ,.. - . . . s.,

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. . _ . - ~





.. .



c c- .



. .

o 9_62



. .




  • *



with Mr. Tbocas M. Datillo, Attorney for "Save the Valley," he * .

' indicated that Mr. Cutsball had required a thirty-day period between ,


production of the statecent and release of the statement to the '

public, and that he had co: plied with this requiremen *


. -


Atter;ts to Contact Cha rles Edva rd Cutsball



. ' '

On June 14, 1979, RIII personnel atterpted to contact Charles Cutsbal *

through contact with relatives, and vere unable to obtain a current ,

telephone nu:ber. On June 15, 1979, Mr. Tbc as Datillo calledHeRIII


and advised that be was acting as attorney for Mr. Cutsbal suggerted that RIII bring Mr. Cutsball back to the Marble Hill site from his present residence in Texa .

During the period of June 18 through 20, several telephone calls vere cade to Mr. Datillo and to PSI, in an attempt to cake arrange-cents for Mr. Charles Cutsball to visit the site acconpanied by RIII personnel. This attecpt to arrange a site visit was cc: plicated by Mr. Datillo's position that Mr. Cutsball should be acco= pani'ed by bi=self and by an engineer selected by Save the Valley. No direct contact with Mr. Cutsball was allowed by Mr. Datillo during this ..

perio .

.. PSI Actions .

On June 21, 1979, RIII personnel contacted PSI QC personnel at the j Marble Bill site, and inquired as to their actions folleving receipt *

l of M Cutsball's allegations. PSI personnel advised that they bad '

begun their review of the allegations by testing patches via a


sounding cethod (beating on the patches with a ba mer and listening for the sound of reverberation). They advised that their reviev ,


indicated that there vere nuserous icproperly prepared patches throughout the auxiliary building, and that in so:e cases it appeared coscetic repairs had been cade to honeyco bed areas ubich had not been recove *



l Initial Site Visit l

On June 22, 1979, RIII representatives visited the Marble Hill site, j beld discussions with licensee and contractor personnel, and inspected areas ubich had been reviewed by the licensee and his contractor During this review it was noted that at least five areas bad been found vbere coscetic repairs had been cade over obviously boney-cocbed areas in tbc cocerete surfaces (unsound caterial bad not been recoved). The licensee advised that Newberg had been given a Stop Vork Order probibiting thes frcs placing any further concrete Licenseepatches personnel

until the investigation process bad been ee plete stated that, on the basis of these findings they bad held discussions


with the contractor and identified what they considered to be deficien-cies in the centracter's and in the ?SI oserview of the


l l


- 10 -




. . . . . . . . .

l l


  • .




{. 0- . .



C :~ - .

, ,

concrete place:.cnt ar.d repair prcgra . nay adv::..I th:t they had


. initiated changes to correct the:c pr:.cedurer andAfelt ecnfident press conference


  • that vork could proceed in saf ety-related area '


  • vas held _ on June 22, 1979, and the press was acviud of the NRC ,

r a findings at'that ti ,


O' Telephone Contact With Charles Cutsball



On June 25, 1979, RIII personn ' visite:d the Of ~ ice of Mr. The as ~

Datillo, and participated in a confere::ce teleph:ce call with M Charles Cutshall. This was the first direct c c:.t a c t wi th Mr. Cutsbal ,


Mr. Cutstall stated that be was aware of a r.urber of areas in the T Marble Hill plant vbere icproper repairs had betr.c.ade to concrete surfaces. Ec tried to describe the exact lor.u:n cf a number of these patches to RJII personnel, with little surcess. Due to the -

co:plexity of the plant and the relatively stall size of the patches it was uncertain exactly stich area, or chich v=ll of the plaat M Cutsball was describin . .

Mr. Cutsball repeated the state:ents cade in his sworn state:ent, f and indicated that the concrete finisber's fore:en were aware of the deficient patches and that the concre:.e finither superintendent had ordered these patches to be c.ade. He stated Le had not personally - -

' beard the concrete superintendent give the order for deficient patches to be cade, but stated that it was ce=on kn:.ded e6 acong finisbers that the foresen had received such instructions.

t 1 Contact Vith Forrer Finisher Fore:an On June 26, 1979, Mr. Jack Ratkovski of PSI advised that be had partic.,.ated the previous day in a call-in style radio show, and during this program an individual had called in ar.3 discussed concerns relative to the Marble Hill site.. He indicate d thet this individual the NRC coctact bi bad left his name and recuested so:eone frc:

On the evening of June 26, 1979, the RIII investigater contacted t! 's i::dividual, Individual "A". Individual "A" stated thatHowever, te was not the individual vbo bad centacted the radio talk she he indicated that be had been forecan of a finisher crew at the Marble Hill site, and sc:e of the allegaticos cade by Charles Cutsball vere true, although Charles Cutstall had cct vorhed on the contain-cent building. Individual "A" stated that the pinishee Superin-tendent for Newberg bad told finisbers not to talk to the KRC and to busy themselves dcing some ether task if a p5I individual happened to come by vbile they were perforcing an ir. proper patc . Site Interviews On June 28 and 29, interviews were held with Newberg pers onnel, #

Individuals "B", "C", "D" and "E". None of the individuals interviewed

zade any statement that Newberg c.anage:ent was avare of the practice

- 11 -




=--e*==***e.*==e====.ys=pe aw y ., we w we.-*****

e e . n cm





  • .



' -

cO .



oc -




  • . of deficient patching or that any Newberg eneage:er.t of ficial bad They it.dicated vari'ous ,

. given an order for these patches to be cad problems concerning the speed that wort. was belcg pe:f erred, storage .

of ce=ent caterial vbich caused Icv strength d:37::hing (u:ed for

- patching) and noted the fact that Mr. Charles Cutsball had not liked

- the Finisber Superintenden . ..


.- l


12. Site Tour With Charles Cutshall

- \

- .. ma= - .  ;

On July 1,1979, direct telepboce contact va: cade with Mr. Charles


. -

Cutsball, and during subsequent contacts, be agreed to cc:e to the Marble Hill site. Arrange =ents were cade to transport bi= to the sit .

On July 7,1979 Mr. Cutsball, acco:pacied by three NRC personnel, toured the Marble Eill site acd pointed out trecific areas of his con ce r Mr. Cutsball directed NRC personnel to niceteen separate areas vbere be believed that icproper concrete pstebes bad been placed, and the exact locatiocs of these patches were noted"during the site tou Mr. Cutsball also point ed out several areas vbere be and NRC


felt that construction was deficient due to vater seepare, inspectica personnel advised that the acount of water seepage obse'rved was normal, considering the height of the water table and the status * '

of construction at that poin Mr. Cutsball indicated Lbat several patches ubich be bad pointed out had been cade under the direct erders of the Newberg concrete Finisber


Superintenden ,


1 Additional Statecents On July 7 and July 8, 1979, Mr. Tho:as Datilic cbtained state:ents by three other individuals - Mr. Je-el Eogers, a forcer finisber's helper; Mr. Michael L. Valtson, a forcer co: crete ficisber; and Mr. Stanley J. Mortensen, a forect ccr.c rcte finis her. These sworn statements vere subsequently provided to EllI personnel on July 29, 1979. Copies of these statecents are attached as Exhibits II, III, and I . Site Review and Investiration On July 11 through ' .ly 13, Region III personcel visited the Marble Hill site, interviewed licensee and contractor perscr.rel, and reviewed site documents. Contractor personnel advised that the first structural concrete pour for the plant had been perf orced in February 1978, and that initially patching was done by the finisbers without any criteria


for production or inspection of the patch, and no chec).s had ever been cade of cc pleted patches. JL vas additiccally stated that * '

such patches were not a structural concern but pertained only to n: pracedure bad been fire protecticn. M-vbert Terrerrel meted that



12 -

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.. . -

( ,. -


. . ,


written en how to perforu a patch and no procedure had adQi.tionally..They . . f adv


be'en vritten for the drypack activity itsel .


May 1,1978, procedure (QAPN-10) had been rewritten conceriiin[identi-h;




fication end approval of boneycocbed 6 areas for patebing w exposed core than half of one reinforce ent bar, was detect d R Z - ,. ., i ? ---

Newberg personnel advised that the ficisber fere:an vould,de,ti.'r::iiiie @ - l,'- ;

'. ). ' '

vbcn the chippicg was satisf actory on a cinor boneyco:b', .cnd fthe~ to.:i- d,


atount of chiiping was not spelled out in'the procedure,.but,le .

- c

......p.... t ,


.. ; w- .. .;-

. : .- -: ;.


the foremans discretion...

. . . . ".




A ,

Centractor personnel advised that there had been occasion's'/'EduEn . ;l ,' ,

incle: cat weather, especially rain, when finisber ' '* '

crcus'an Nebb'efg 5 %

to sicply remove fores from concrete and place patche ~

personnel stated this was done so that they would Wv'o not rk i.~hav'e 5 '/> to send /M.f_

these individuals booe without work on those days vben othThey advise vas not availabl the deficient patches had been cade during some of those t'ic'e letiods M./


vben vorhers were given general instructions to go down They stated that they (cit,, ; P.% -' ~~

l plant and patch honeycocbed area .

because of their relative inexperience with such nuclear poicr '

. : Lp@laht .'.M ' ';.fi work, vor}:en patched over boneycotbed , , " areas without ',7[G benefit of" $. ,

quality contiel inspectio .. :~. . . , , . , .

. ,

On July 12, 1979, Mr. Willia:n Tevnsend, Superintendent f5I. . .Ned6ii,' S

- . .

He stated that no one..i.n.$e'vberg' @ l


was interviewed by RIII personne ~

.,7;' ;;

had ever instructed any of their verkers to do anything irgroperp . ' T~4'.".'

although boneyco bed cerent was a constant and aggravatingm.proble '


,7 .. . ,

at the vort sit He advised that sending crews down into the EC[ .

auxiliary buildicg so as to keep the= vorking on rainy days ves i'M standard procedure in construction and that during these .He statedj.: .'@ ocU sions verkers tight do work and not know that it was vron }T' '


that be sq ervised the work of Mr. Stephan Cayso and Mr. Tovcsend adyised that ' be had:not"..  :

dealt with any of the finishers biesel '

he felt the problem at the plant had resulted from lack of inevledg .

on the part of the finishers involved with the constructica'virk a boneycocb patch would not be an acceptable procedure . p.: at,this

-.. p

.t :x .t.ype;..

= ; .m


>.' -


of plan .-- . . " - .

. ...,m%. .. .f. .. . p=. . .

On July 12, 1979, Mr. John Ball, Lead QC Engineer for Nene'rDash .jl '

He stated that be had not. )een,know-3., t interviewed by RIII personne ledgeabic of any deficient concrete areas being repaired and had % ' b .

been totally surprised vben the allegations had been made~public.$ ;, . .,- "

He stated that the Finisber Superintendent and the other fin ,

field, and the QC Department had been advised of such area's, daily.%~i '

Be stated be was aware that personrei . .y :: .% i-L. . l A.? vere sent in 2 :. .



D ~ *: .

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-_m. f. ;'.glg g;g,.

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  • '

Mr. . B'all.~ .

, inspect boneyco bed areas found during those perio3s. advised that)l



areas, and felt ttat the PSI quality cc... trol ins;:-terHe had teen very his .h , -


' '

- ,

strict in bis review of boneyco: bed concrete area provided (


  • opinien that Newberg did not have a suf ficiert nu:ber of quality ' "



control inspectors to adequately control the job (be present,vben ' . . - , , , ,

' - I


the forcs vere renoved from concrete surfaces) so as to identify ..- - '

honeyco: bed areas before the finishing crews vere advised t'o' patch ~ ;'

those areas. Mr. Ball stated that be vas avare that c.any of 'the t


  • '

newly identified icproperly repaired arean were not identified on .

nonconfomance reports and again stated his feeling that .tbis vas -


because the workcen had not realized that they were coscetically'. . .

covering a nonconforming conditio , ,




. On July 12, 1979, Individual "H", QC inspector for Newberg was'



interviewed. He cade the saae state ents as Mr. E311 had cade


relative to lack of adequate QC cc,verage and stated his'. opinion that the workmen vbo had cade the deficient patches had not been

' aware that this was not an acceptable practice. Individualw.*"li"'


denied any knowledge of such deficient patebe ,


, .. .

Individual "1" Q~ "I" inspector for PSI, was inte rviewed on July 12,' ** -

was the individual vbo bad primary responsi-1979. Individual bility for inspection and review of concrete patches in the'cuxiliary' -

building, vbere the cajority of deficient patcbes has been?,unc'oyere Individual "I" indicated that be bad not been knowledgeable.of>',


- -

boneycocb concrete areas being cosmetically repaired and .de~ scribed -

- the procedure vbereby PSI quality centrol vould be involve'd'in ;

boneyco:b repair. The procedure for a boneyco b repair provides ,..-


" that a cinor bor.eycocb, one vbich does not expose core than half of -

the reinforcecent bar, is sicply chipped back to a sound surface.and

patched by the contractor, without notificatica to PSI quality , _In the c control personne ' back, and reveals core than half of a reinforcement bar, theTproc.edure calls for notification of PSI quality control to review the' silustion, and generation of a nonconfomance report docucenting the situation'.

Individual "1" stated that under these conditions, he vould not have been advised vben the craftscen had covered over a boneycotbed'orea withcut review by Newberg quality control or generation of a'concon-forcance report. He noted that Newberg bad recently fired sore people in the placement crews vbo had been responsible for'icproper vibration of concrete during place:ent. He stated be felt that the contractor was trying to produce better work and had recogni Led Individual "I" stated' . ~

proble= with boneycomb areas in the past.that be had not recognized the p

in barrels, vbich allowed them to absorb vater and become.less ' bil? f .

" reactive, resulting in weak dry patche y(? .-


ew r '


n < s y*.J, -

15. Review of signed Statecents_ .

. e



.. -.


"I" both'chde- : f_ '..

On Jd y 10, 197 5, Mr. St eplan R.p o c.d L.3ivia..s1


ri;rt! state..- w '. : t, e s' e r: P.rr:le F :1 r/": an b'urir.3.tteir] -



. :-

't .):( 3G _

. . % ;c..g

. n. . .p%, . :. * .m





. 14 - m .,

. (

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' N..'; '

I L,.,h' . p[.FMf,kN h!.,'.

.y - r. .

; &wr.e.-w Q 'R . ~' -

.].'-- -



? '<


  1. . .








O O' , ,





O C ~

  • , interviews, noted belov, these state ents were revie.ed with the .

From a review of the statements, vbose vording is scaevbat unclear, it appears that the state:ents ir.ditete tb:t in s::: ca:c: repairs


- .

were cade of deficient areas acd these repairs vere rade with the


Loovledge of either PSI canage:ent, Newberg QC, or Sevberg supervisio Mr. Gayso indicated that the wording in his state =ent was not ceant to indicate this, but Individual "F" i:dicated that this wasCopiesa . . . .

correct interpretation of the statenent that be had c.3d of -

. . . Lbe two state:ents are attached as Exhibits V and \ ,


16. _Interviev Vith Finisber Foreman On July 12, 1979, Individual "F", Tore:1n for one of the two present finisber crevs, was interviewed. Individual "F" stated that if a boneyeccbed area was not tagged with a quality control tag, the .

vorksen vould assume that the area bad been cleared for then to patch. He advised that four or five ten f rom his crev had done the cajority of patches, and that there was a problem getting qualified vorkers on the site. Individual "F" stated that be felt that Mr.

- Stephan Gayso and be were being " set up", by individuals vbo dislike them, and that some of the areas that had been discovered cight have '-

been purposely repaired icproperl .


Individual "F" stated that be had beard that an individual bad been ordered to come behind the concrete fore strippers and patch boneycocb areas before inspectors could observe the concrete surfaces. Individual

"F" would not name the individual vbo bad given these orders, but indicated this individual was no longer on site and that the orders had come from "high up in Newberg". Individual "F" indicated that cost of his inforcation has hearsay, and declined further elaboratio . Interviev Vith Mr. Sterban Gayso Mr. Stephan Gayso, Seperintendent for the Finisbers, vas intervieved en July 12, 1979. Ee stated that be bad cet ordered acy persennel to have the crews patch areas vbere boneycemb bad not been recoved back to solid surfaces. He indicated that on occasion, such as during incle:ent weather, he bad ordered the forecen to take their crews and patch areas. he stated that these instructions had not ceant for craf tscen to patch beneyco bed areas ubich bad not been properly repaired. Mr. Gayso stated that neither Newberg quality control nor PSI personnel vould approve of patcbing of areas vbere beneyec=b was not recoved, if they were knevleogeable of such an are .

1 Intervices Vith Finisbers These finisbers Several further interviews vere held with finisber i


did not indicate that they bad been ordered to perfore deficient patches. Durine ther e inte rvievs , finisbers and finisber's helpers st:ted that Lbc. .,;J v:t .

an son. c..-;te LC.e:s they w::e sr ecifi-



.15 -












(? (:2 .






(0 .

, . ,




- .cally ordered to do so, and this is cercon practice at all censtruct on

.- site .They further stated that the forc=an passes on the orders


ubich he receives frou the su;crintendent to craftenan '


On July 18, 1979, a finisber, Individual "J",

requested that his


interview be tape recorded, as be felt that so=e of,tbe statesents --

being received by the press and the NEC vere incorrect, and that -

there was c. directed progran to discredit Mr. Gayso and the various *

forecen cn tbc job. A typed transcript of.the reccrded interview is *

"B" stated that included as Exhibit VII. In general, Individual




each of the individuals vbo had cade statements had so=e personal reason to dislike either Mr. Stephan Gayso or the Newberg co:pan He indicated that Mr. Gayso had been hard on verkers vbo bad not He done their share of the work, and had fired a nucher of vorker stated that be felt that sose of these workers vers trying to have .

Mr. Gayso discissed through their state ents by way of revenge for


their treatcen ,


1 Interviev Vith Mr. Stanley Mortensen Mr. Stanley Mortensen, a forcer finisber at the Marble Hill plant, was interviewed on July 18, 1979, at bis residence. Mr. Mortensen'

indicated that Charles Cutsball and be had worked together closely - -

at the plant, as a tes=, and that Charles Cutsball had asked if he vould eske a statecent. Mr. Mortensen described several areas vbere be believed there vere icproper patches and discussed with RIII personnel his concern relative to a concrete expansion joint on the exterior of containcent building No.1. In addition, several On the evening of proble=s pertaining to union catters were discusse July 19, 1979, RIII personnel acco:panied Mr. Mortensen to the Marble liill construction site. Mr. Mortensen and the RIII personnel i toured the Unit 1 contaittent building and located the expansion l joint (vbich was cer,tioned in his state:ent) on the outside val l The drawings for the expansion joint had been procured by RIII j personnel earlier in the day and had indicated no problets in this l particular area. Mr. Mortensen was not atic to describe the exact condition that be felt had occurred there, and this situation is still under review. It was noted that the joint was a non safety-related ite itsel Mr. Mortenscu directed RIII personnel to an area in the auxiliary building vall, against the turbine building, and took thec directly to a reall patch near the floor level vbich he indicated bad been itproperly cade, as the boneycomb caterial bad not been fully remove He stated that be bad been personally ordered by Mr. Stephan Gayso to patch this area before all the unsound caterial had been recove Rill personnel struck this particular pateb, and sections of LFr Iatch fell ott revealing a bencyce:b surfac = 1


.16 -




-e - , _ ,, . _ _ _

. . -

- -

- .


c .

.  ;






C. (3. ' . .



l 2 0' . Inte rview of Conc re te finisher . . .


a concrete ficister, was inter-On July 19, 1979, IndividualHe"K",

. "' '

stated that be Lir.seif bad done very ,

v'ieved by RIII personne '



little patching at the flant, a, he had advise d b'c. Ca/so that be


vas not qualified to do this scrh. the Ee stated be had baea told that -

previces day to cover up a .__

Individual "L" bad been asked jus


Ee stated that


i patch of "M", boneycorb concrete one of theon the He turbine als: cetedbaddi crews bad allegedlyIndividual


a forerin on preductier that just


asked Individual "b" to y erfor= this ver ,

the previous day.vbile vertin; on ttrbine bu.ic:rg No. 2, he bad ~

been provided with " dead" cerent. This "desd" cerent had been cn turbine building icproperly stored in a stated fifty-fivet=stgallon drua y r.;:.ility that a it was


No. Ir.dividual "K" nu:ber of the production or strippicg crevs could possibly have -

patebed sore of the deficient areas discovered, as it vould have


been relatively easy for ther to htve proccred the cetent nixture


cod troweled it en so the boneycombed areas vould not be visibl Individual "K" provided RIII pers:nnel vitb a sig: ed statecent


concerning the interview vbich is included as Exbibit VII .. . ..


2 Interviev Vith Finisber Foreman

. .'

On July 17, 1979 Individual "G" was interviewed. He stated that be was a fore =an for one of the two re=aining cre.s of finisbers and that none of his crew cc:bers bad patched areas not previously

.- tagged and identified. He stated that be had been "cbered out" for Individual "G" provided tailing with an NRC inspector in March 197 R111 personnel with a signed statement tbc interviev vbich is attached r.s Exbibit I . Icterview of Finisher Union Steward On July 18, 1979 Individual "N", the Union Steward for Individual the finisbers at Marble Hill site vas intervieved by E111 persensel.


"K" stcted that ne bers of the ficister's crtus bad been ordered by the Newberg concrete ficister superintendect tc. patch areas vbere boneycorb had not been fully ree:ved from concrete surface . Individual "K" provided RIII personnel with a signed statement concerning this interview vbich attached as Exhibit *

Individual "K" was asked to point out so=e of the icproperly repaired Two areas, or,e en the auxiliary building areas to RIII personne The locatica on and one en the turbine building were peir. tea ou .

the auxiliary building vas tested by striki p vith a piece of rein-forcecent bar, and the surface The broke off revealing location ou the aturbine section of building


boneycotbed concrete beccatb.was' later tested by contractor personnel, vita ,

s Personnel,.

A bencycocbed area was exposed vben the ccsnetic patching material was recove t v


6 .


- 17 -

t .



., *

. *


a , , . ,w g y m,,ep p ,q ,ge p 4g e

  • ,_ .t

"" * h . , , ~ ' ~ ' ~ -}, *__


- .

- ..

. . . . . ... . .



' "





(:) 12 (:) (:)


- -



.s ;. *


. - - .

  • - . . . . ..

? . ' ~

. ,


'23 . .Exacination of Indieeted Areas ,

, . -

~~' "

The areas indicated by Charles Cutsball and ILdividaal "X" vere all


. ,

noted as to location, and PSI personnel vere edvirad that RIII .

  • representatives vished to observe destructive exa:ination of.these

' ' '~ locations, which totaled 21 separate locaticas. Of these 21 locations ~. '



all of the areas with the exception of one proved to be either cade -


of deficient caterial (the dry packing _vas not solid), cade on areas' -

- vbere all the boneyconb or other esteriali bad not been sufficiently ' -

chipped back to a sound surface, or areas vbere there was no evidence ,

that the boneycomb had been chipped back at all. Tne condition in


these areas appears to substantiate the con =ects cade by the individuals vbo directed NBC personnel to these location .

s ,

-- 24. Telephone Contact With Finisber Union Business Agent _

the Business Agent for the finisber's ,

' On July 24, 1979, Individual "0",

union was contacted by the RIII investigator. This contact was cade


' because an individual identifying bicself as the Eusiness Ag'ent bad

' ' ~ ' contacted the RIII office on the previous evening, indicating that p ,7

, ,,

he wished to be contacte ,

Individual "0" stated that be bad not contacted the RIII office and * -

he did not know vbo had left bis nace and tele;tene nu:ber. He stated that be had worked as a forecan at the Marble Hill site and was aware that the Finisber Superintendent had ordered so=e repairs be cade vbere boneyco:b had not properly repaired. He stated that be had never been personally' ordered to repair such area coscetically."

He said the majority of the workmen at the site had never worked at a nuclear power plant before and eight well have cade cessetic patches on boneyco bed areas without realizing that this was contrary to the quality control procedures for nuclear power plant . Discust,, ions Vith PSI Officials Discussion vith PSI officials concerning their investigrtion of the allegations indicated that they had held initial interviews with the two fore =en of the concrete finisber crevs onsite, and had cade tape recordings of these interviews. PSI officials stated that they bad

' not taken further investigative action, but had deferred to the NRC i to perform this functio NRC Region III personnel requested to review the tape interviews of the two concrete finisber formen and vere alleved to listen to these tapes on site. The interviews indicated site vorb was acceptabl ..


2 Contact with Mr. Jewel Rorers i


Mr. Jewel Rogers was contacted by RIII persor.nel on August 4,1979, He stated that be believed that be had been laid of f fron work at


O e


-28- ,-

f ee* , a 4 . .L.-...*

' , ,

e . h r' .

  • -- ,t . .. *'


a - * . + ..

_ , , , , .

.. ..a .

. -

. * . .w ,. . . .

.: ,. . r . .

. .

. : np~. . .n, .s.s.,. . . . v ., , . ,



. . . .


.(3 ,

. . .. .~. .



Dv r 7 ;;..; . . ,ge,


>q.. ..c ;.-5..;.g

, - .,
p .
', .






. .

, ,,,. , .,,......c,.



... ,-

,, .. ,

, .. ....

, .

.. ,


Marble Hill due to his asking about the occurrence and 'repai'r#o

'honeycocbed areas.


" "


vben the Finisher Superintendent had ordere d cosm-tic'rd$1rh.'j.o.4j '



, ; b. . ,, , 74 e+.72). rf ,

boneyco= bed area ,, . . .

y. . c . .



. .

.; . - , .

. . - c. c . : . .. . p,9, . ,

. . ,

< .s -

- . . .

  • ; ,. ; . '

s- Mr. Rogers stated that drypack caterials had been cixed ,iti'hu. efous vays in attecpts to find a suitable cixture, and that '"ded.9 chienti T'.Al ~1 (unreactive due to hydration) had of ten s =.

been utilized . :. 'for'fpitching'.

V.~;7 :.,& m~; ...., } { i -

%.%:b ' - .

He indicated that be knew that one vall and one column"in'J i h'eaitxilla'ry.".)


(no aggregate), but did 'n'ot .Mkif' N ~

building vere poured with groutRIII personnel were aware that a noiicdif6hincel. 9. this was icprope Site prEcddrEsi-W AY l report was issued for a vall poured with grout. allow the use L! j'i of grout wh features cake boneyco:bing likely, and the change bas beenboVed.:


If the grout ceets the strength requirements of the valljEcolsiin,?.@F ,'-! *-


there is no reduction in the strength of the structure %.,'/s"e.l-  ::.. ; M.l:

.:.~. -:. . y.:.-n f ' -

. . s. . ... -.

.. -

- .,s e ... &. . .. .


27. Contact with Mr. Michael Valston -

. :Yl:.


J % .D,JI ; :; s . ...

Mr. Michael Valston 5/as contacted on August 4,1979. Mr'lM16si:) $U w . ,, . ..

m-indicated that he bad been a roember of D iividual ."E's"~ creu,' an'd.'".l7'

perforcedthecajorityofhisworkonthecoolingtoverai@casfw soce work in the auxiliary and turbine buildings. - [.'i,@ ,..

h . m ,. ..

.. . ..w. 1, v, 3 He stated that his forcean ordered he and others to patch ovW. pa boneyco bs in a small room in the auxiliary building,'*an'd,ths}F.ihisherj ' '


Superintendent observed this work and cade no coc::sent,y

  • ';f ' _.L. .:y'.:W ~,t.pfi.$#."dlfQ-* .X


.; .

Ee indicated that be had seen concrete dropped more than. thirty.7I' Mr. Walston', indicated ' ;/.-


feet, utilizing a concrete tube, or " sock."that -f'r..Nl.[g,I- the end of the tub


the pour. This is an acceptable practic u. v..' . ~ . .

. . . , ^-


..a h "G"'. # % ~L L ^." Contact vith Individual

. . .

2 .i*: ,.b' .. : 7 was re-contacted on August 6, 1979. Discussicajith,'C



.~ .

Individual "G" Mr. Mort ensen (se e Pa ragraph 19) indicated that Individu..a. l.:"G" ..wa.s.w... .'a... . . .

present during work on the expansion joint in questionN..;;.t


0,', . ;g6

'.-c ,.... y _ .u .. , ... . , :r .. .

. .

,~.n... . . .

Individual "G" stated that Newberg and PSI quality con.troI.' pe~rsonnella, . -

bad observed work on the erpansion joint, and be felt _the vorQas"i.9. proper. He stated that Newberg personnel had origina11y'vf ntid to".y pour an adjacent ~ floor iccediately af ter drypatching.and, pealig .th joint, but had delayed the pour af ter discussion of the gjtt-f J,ph f'O ,

Individual "G" indicated that pouring of the adjacent. flog prigt to . y#





<" the set-up of the drypatching of the expansion joint vould Key. ben;h,(r . '

improper, but since the pour ves deleyed, he felt the vorg',7 g).:ff;g acceptabl ; , , . . ._



.,,sy u. 3: 3 ;.'; ,q:

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. :pn;. . o e c. < . .

r. x. ,3 ".y. ;c. & j @ . ~.?. .:

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4 ,.

Exhibit: I brou;;h X


. ..


..itu cats:  :' t'..,sc.'< .Q);".... by Q' : %.',, 5, ,

- J& . .. v .. .

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' N-k. e .{.Q.l.ld$h.z.f.-.,.$",,,,,,;.

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SWOR;; STI.TaiEtiT -


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9 37



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. .



. CliAM.Fs E!7. !.PD_ CitT!Iit. .


t DATE: May 8,'.1979

... ..

PIJ.CE: Law office of M. Dattile, ID dison, Tudien .

TIliE: 4: 30 FRrGE'.iT:

Thenac M. Thi.tilo, A1:torney for Save The Vn31c [.

Mr. Fehert Grny, of Board of Directors,


Save The Yn)1e Mr. Feu) 25 chnrd Hil_1,, accompcnying Charl ce F4 ward


Cutshal Mr. Chnri nn ??vard C':hh11, the v:i tr er Mrr.. T:ntri ni n S . Torlir.e , the reporte .. . .



j The vi tness, Chnrien F.duard Cutcholl , having been duly sworn by the rep"orter to te31 the truth, the whol. truth and n

nothing but the truth, gave the following . tni.mannt, to-uj L:



- -,


'O I l 2(oD 2-9 see OT


.. - , ..... ,

. . . - . ..


page 1 of 23 SHQr.i riANI.> hErORT ER

- R T. C. E '.*X 2 A I/JO;C ON, !!.D:AN A 472'/)




W "" - * ,, .-







O Cf

- '


C'. G


.. . .

. . . .

. 2 *




QUETICt;S IW F3. P0.n"R7 G7).Y_:

3l 73. GRAY:


This is Bob Gray,,, nr.d we're coi .s to tnik brictly ,

. .

- 4 .

to Charles Cutshal3 ; nnd we understand he's en---

~ .


. ,


. ployed at the tarble Hill- conctruction sit .

Micht I ask your full r. ace, I*.r. Cutshall; v. hat you


- '6 do for a living; your r.nrj tal nthtus, and your ago,


8 p1cuse?

9 . th nacc is Charles Dh:ard Cutr. hall; I an a laborer



10 for Newberg Construction Cor. par.y; r.y age is 2 .

11 Are you narried, sir? ,

. . .


12 I am sin 51 Could you tell us briefly what you do at the Nc'w' -


14 berg construction sito at Mrhie Hill; just tell 15 us brief3y what you do there and how long you've

16 been enp3oyed with them?

17 '- I am a concrete ....

finishcr's he3per, n laborer. I

. .. . . . . .

18 hc]p concretc fininhers by huuling their necennary 19 naterielu to them and buildinC their sca ffo]da and 20 just toneral handyman for the How long have you been employed in this por.ition?

Two (2.} rionth '

22 Wh c're w er e you e mpl oy ed ho f o re 1.h i r.?

- .

24 I was employed by Wckenhut Security for T. On the Murbic liill nitc? ,


26 On the Farble Hil3 cor.rtructicn sit E



: ;.


.- ; .jci i, that capaci.y,i

- .. ,


Exhibit I

- 28 then, T . Cutshall? pa;;c 2 of 23


2 ll .

I k



.. j s

  • '


_ I

. F . . .

- . . . ..

- * .

i '

,' .  !. i '- * . .


  • *


    • *.


' .

l , ,

"_ .

. ., 3

. . . . . .

. , .

,, .. ..


.. . . .

I was ecployed fron June - I tean January'of "/9 un-


' .

- . .


. .. ..

til ry enploy=ent> es.a labore .




- -



4 .

Okay. In pre-conversniion you. in.dicated that you . - . .

7. ,



. . .




were Coing to leave this type of c:plcytent as . ,

5 ,' ,, - - - -


.. .. m *


.. ,


cenent finisher and go notewhere cise? ..


7 Yes sir. I'n going to stay on no a laborer, not for ,

the Newberg Conp.v . I an moving to Texa '

9 Can you tell us, Mr. Cutshal , then essentially, 10 why you're here? Just make'it infornal and tell us

what you know about cement, and juct t$ke off and


- ** .

12 do your own thing as you :/oungsters sa Oka T live in the area of the Marb]c Hill con-14 struction r,i t I live - -



15 (Interrupting) Can you be specific where? - .

16 Approximately 5 miles southcast of Austin, Indian ,

- 17 Okay, go ahead. That would be in Scott County?

18 Scott Count :'-

I' Go ahea g, heen around concrete work all cy life; ry .

21 f ather's bcon u finicher for c3 ouc to W year ,c faciliar with concrete wor ;

23 Have you worked previously with your Dad, in con-crcte?


24 .

. .


25 Yes si , ,


, .g w

26 q, ,g. hat tire; like how long? '. .

  • l,'


 : u 1.n'. 5 i d cy.'.** ks i r.d th i=5;, .~ : . t : :. . '. ~. : : z .


-. ._,_



'. Exhibit I

  1. 8 for instanc .

prge 3 of 23-

. . , .

3. . . 's , ...

  • .


' 2. .


-** *.*.., ~ ..?..

+,, .,-- . ' '

. . ow . ,


- '


    • * * ?,o'" :

. n* +y*. .- - * . l l .


g ..k . * . *h ,. N ,' ' ['l ,* kf.h., *
    • . * * , '_ -

m - -_~

. ,


. t .


_Q' R:*R $4: &

- . '

. ,



(0 'f'.:'

~ . ' . :. -




. % p



. ..... ....

.1 - . .: ..

- - .


. ., - 1


.. . ..

Go ahead, pleas .. . . . .,. a ..,..

.2 'q . ,

. .


.;. .

.o : -

. .



I'm concerned about the conditions ofit6e?. ....concrete



3 . a -


. ~


l and things I have seen on the Marblec-.e Mil 1ffg constructica .

, '

~'  ; d -


- .






. .

,, site, pertainint; to honeyconb . patches'.'.. .:s.. f w. V '.i ' ' .

. , m .

.g .. . . -


- .


Please explain each no Honeycottb is,what in-  ::





6 . , . . a .. : :.. . . . . . - .

4 9 - m % . :.

7 cenent?.,, -



T .7 ;7 :. . .



8 Honeyconb patchen are nir pockets that fNrnilong . ,.3





9 forns, when the concrete f orts , that.'.1 dave.'. . ~, n. a.:. air p^ock- .




- .

-- .

etc in the concretc where you can - th'e'..materini's  ;;. ..

~ . <..e, . . . . ..: . . :. .

- .

.. '- 11 real loose and just: falls ou . y p; : .(

- ". p : . ,



You mean more narrow perhaps; less concrete';in .-p:.: . thick-

- :. .



13 nese, or what happenc with a honeyco:nb?','J . . .w .:.


.$ '..

Id ' If a form is, soy for inctance, fourMk[cet? * n % : thich--


a . '


15 or the concrete would be/four (4) feet .

,-l.. .th'ickN. . ?: : ': wall


. ..



3$ and has a honeycomb on the cide, it nigh..tigo  : .w in an

nuch as two (2) or three (3) feet intoNt'g.~ m.. aid .g .;. have



the air pocket to where the concrete'55.rM.,..,.6s . . . .


. can just bent it out with a han=cr, an['iii'. ' :. ,.w ... somo  ;

20 cases it'll fall out on its own - Juntsh,.rchking .. n .;:


. . ,

- , . .


it with your han ' Mi.7'?. ._f

J2;' , .. ,.




22 Thus 1cavinc it much nore narrow thafD,.[:h cpc~cifi- -

. n % ^. .W ,



g ._ ~.


23 cat 2onn would en11 for? t '. . .



24 Yes ci ..

y' , . y - :.. .. -

. . . . . . .

25 Okny, and you'vJ ocen this at Marb1$1 :s.3 Nil?i.h-Y . ::; . - -


j '--'

26 Yes si It is cne of .ty jobs to . pat'ch'.t'icsc' . g ., t . :.p::(-:..X

-- -

- ,

,, ,, y

"- to s ;;f;y n: .cri:;10 f :' ;he .inisher's ' 17. ;.:n; -K ?i ?

h jitch,ther!.

j  :



ye area : .

' ' Wh+h.l '

.. , .~

page 4' of 23 it I '




%.g..... s, . .. .




m ,_ .

_. q ';- . ., ;.;-;)N .3




. y [7, ;

' ' j

._ '

., ;;-

!:, * ,y ' ',.' .; .. - e - y AJ@ly


92.~ ~yli~a ,



4.. ~.f ..:Wh.y,3.. :si-by.: ?::~:.<

-. \

? *. * -. '* .'i. a.) W,t2. Q. .... ywq:...; . ,

y 7


- -


. ,

, ,.

b t',



l (^. 0 -

- -

( 5

- ,.< - . .




2 ' Okay, what structures have you been workin$ on'down




. .. . .. . . .

i there? ..



. . . .

4, ~ . _ _ . . _

Steam tunnels, just... (pauses) ,





5' Containcent buildin:;? 1? ave you ever been on the  ;


, .


  • -

. .


% - -




6 containment? ,

7 Containncnt Uide of the contcincent -- inside of the 8 containnen *


9 The containnent roo:. itscir?

' 10 Yes si .

. 11 Both inside and outside? .


Tes s.i .

12 ~

13 -. Q . And you've seen honeyce:bs in the contain:ent struct-


ure, itse3 f ? .


15 - Yes si .


16 AS I understand then, it's part of your job to go 1 17 around and patch these honeycor..bc cc they occur?

18 It is my job to supply the r.aterials for the finich-

crs to patc ;-

19 .

20 To do thin?


21 Yec ci . I co Okuy, what was the ncyt itern, bouido honey-23 combn, that you tnll:cd about?

24 - In one ntcam tunnel, olong the -- where the wall ..

- 25 meetc the floor on the perper.dicular corners, I've * I 26 ccen voter Icnkirt throur-h there nren: at a pretty

' s

- . c.7 a,c r c T r c .

7.. .- - r - -

2 7 "' [7 : 7 . . .. ,

. 5ed 28 five (5) to tver.ty (20) gn13ons am hour; and wa'ter Es.hibit I

. page 5 of 23


-- . 0

m * ,' .



- .

p* . . ;c .




p .: 3,

  • 1' . . . .


  • coces from the lower Icycis and'outside icvcis," out- ..



. side of the wall,, s, just where the water'c backed up,


3 .

~ r

. *


4 and picces I don't even imow., ,._ __

. .. *

5 ,

ExpInin the steam tunnel; what do you know about



. . _ . . . w ' -

. . ^

6 that? ,


7 Well, all I know on the ntean tunnel is that thnt's 8 where the excess staan, and the stcaa after it's 9 run through the turbines, fo]Iows these steam tunn'c1:

10 to where they're released through tbc cooling bin Okay, what -- have you observed why this is so?

12 Why is it leaking through from ground water',' or wht cver?

14 Tho -- just poor concretc work, dust poor fora Like poor forming that causes the scam not to be 16 sealed, or what? What exactly?

. .


17 Just where the air pockets Will run all the way through to where the water will be on these snales,


19 ' in corncr Vould this have to do with the honeycomb uituation 21 that you talked nhout?

22 Tec cir, nore than -- it's cy iden that therc's 23 honeyconhn on in the wall to where th'c water can run 2d


on throug There's -- the water has to be flowing ,

from sor.rplace to be coming out of there, and I'm


25 s 26 not sure wherc $t's coning fron; but it is E :.'. i b i t I ,



p ge 6 of 23 28' Vnat other cement defects, besides honeyconbing, do

.- .


. .. .




L- -

~ - .



. . . .

. . ~


' '

' " ' '

. -




' .



l .

.. . :. .

.,:,.......a .. .


you know nbout; and have you ccen,it,,nt Marble Hil]?



2 l



. .- . '




3 - On patches, I have c,een five (5) caces -


1., .:n .. . .

within the

.- .- , . ;. . .




i last two (2) weeks where the supcWinionl. - licwberc't

. . . . . . . . . ,...


y :.:., = - -



. 5


supervicion, their'c.upervisor or superint'endent, and

- '

. .. . . ::: - . . .

.. .

other P.D.I. officials Dill cay patcli 3hnm'before

_ ~

- * '




. -

. . : v.;

7 the inspectorc can cone by on patchen that '-


. . . .c .i - e have been air-bar. :cred out and -

' '

, . - -

8 '

. : . ;. . . v .

9 O_ , (Interrupting) Does this to ,thh honeycomb . ..

, .


10 .

cituation you talked about?- - . ..


-. . .;: ;.g 11 Yes si W' -


. . :i;

. :.o .c .

. 12 Okay, you'rc talking now about a patching'si.tuation? .....;~..


. . .

13 Yes si Vell, you have to patch the 1 .: e. .; y honeycoch .

14 And this then was ' patch it bercre tliciimC m . .a .: . .




15 cou3d cce it', did you say? . .:.m.:i . . .'/.;'. .

L .

. '

./*T y  ; .' : '. , . .

16 Yes sir, on numerous counto. IGC isJriotv. there all

. ,

.: .




the time and they c.3nnot kocp up with'.Ohat's going


'N. , ;. ~ . .: . .

18 on, y~.c "








19 Is it cupposed to be the proceduro thqt '..,.

the 100 cco


20 all honeycomhn thn b appear, or what?.f.I[-:% .

the M . ' ': ..

21 . lio cir; it's brocedure f or Quali ty Con...trol , or Q. A. ,

' ~;,......'-



22 inspectorn to cc ." .$r.'. ,y$q'?. 90 - : : :.



23 Tha.t's tiewborg incpectors? O, .c' Y .#

4 "


24 liewborg inspectorn, to patch theco 3,ci' M;d.h:

. ,

cec thesc


, .

. . . . .

25 areas, and they put a tag on it; and'..thh.t'c , whero I




t -

' '

26 van explaining to you, earlier. . - 2.;-

. g . ,. -

v. . a.c. r5.. .. - .

. . . . .



~ .,

27 *n:ut kind of ta~: V.:t ccc: it O c.ok li. k6. ?..;.M.,:-




. . ..

. . - >. ,W...... ,.'.


    • lion - not serviceabic, poor n,ateriali:t,ags .,. ... where -

. ,

' j.. ." J. .>.h.ib i t I


nv..-.: p a ge 7 o f 23

, e. :.<. . .p

. ;v

.w- - i.e, w , .,- W

. .


' . . . - . - , 7 % *.~,3. . W. . . .



,4. ;.; ,. ;, . . * sTK 'P :v s . 7 ;e2,Q .....*~ ' * .

  • ** 7.;.*:]. . *q h,p. . f,; 4.'m. y l



. J

. , .

s . . . ..

    • n s v.* J ~P * * . ' )

c . . ,- ., Wig.- g

. .

_ . . . . . .,, _ ..

.,.; 7


. ;. ~ . -. . . ,_ . .- ,

- '



l.., .



. .

e O( .






. ..


O .

o they have to -- af ter they put a. tag on a hencyc'ocb 2 .


that hasn't been boat cut, or cir>a--anad out, they


a . >





have to air-ha=cr it out; and then the. inspector  ;


.. .

l has to como and look at it bero e they patch it, to



' .



cake sure it's donc right- And on the occasions I



- - '

y was talking about, the supervisorn will have then

. ._

~ cover up just the outside and not worry about tbc s

l inside of the patches. Ecfore the inspectors can

[' 9 to


get cround, they'll have ther, just nore or less r.ack


over, cover up, the areas before the irispector can




see i So that somebody could understand, would it be fair is la to eguate this with like plastering over an arca


rather than filling it up co:pletely?


' -

16 Tes sir, that would be a good vay tc put i Thus leaving -

- 17 .-

18 Areas in-betwee . -

19 an air bubbic? -


20 Rich Incide the -- althouch it would look co]id?

22 Richt. It'll just have an inch or so outer coverin wherc 'they've sinpped a patch on thin honnyconh, You l 24 and just cado it loch goed from the outnid I



can't tell the difference until you get. in there i 1



26 and start beating it ou ..-!.s * e c- -.r:?

riner r.:.aut 'c nting it out; , l 27 f :u 1 !


Exhibit I


2a how do you ao that? ,

page 8 of 23 l






'.  :



.- 1


- - , . . . . . ,


. ..--

. . ,

-. -- ~ - . . . . . - - _

. -


. .. . , . . , . . .. .

o.W.;.m f'

. ..

I, .

" "


. . .


- .

. .

GO .








With an air ha er,'that's what.I reant; pneunatic 2 . .



They're just jac'd tar. crs is what they


, . . . . . .


a air hat =cr . . r


> . ' ' ~' '-

'-N .-

arc, with chisel bits...:



's \ - .

. _ _ , .;.

~, .. ,.


- !

- - ~- .- . ... . . ., ,.

J You nontio, ned son.cthing about the reinforcement,, an .

5 ..




' '

6 - the fuct that the concrete 'sor. ctimes . doesn't! ' shake - -


down through. Would you exp1ain that situation?


8 Well, tbc reinforcra.ent rod is placed c[ose 'together - -




in areas, to where the concrete cannot' get in-betucer




the reinf orcement rod and th'e foras', 'to where it li doesn't fill in the f orcs conpletely arid leaves patc h '

holes in it and honeyco b hoics. ' It's not v.ibrated ..



down right and it's poor concrete. . ,.


14 Poor concrete?

It'd be too rocky 15 That's what it would have to b .





. . ,


16 in place .

In other words, the mix is wrong or cocothing?

17 Right. Eben they start pouring the concrete, they'1


18 - have a reg 1 high rock content in it, right at the i f

20 beginning, and then it'll come out to the right .-

mixture af ter the beginning; but they'll pour this l 21 l

on in the be5i nning of the forms to stnrt out wit l Who,'c reponsibic for seeing that this in not dono --


23 or to see that it's donc properly; and . evidently "


it's not then. Ubo's responnible?,.-



- 25 '

26 A".

I would say the concrete superintendent, the fininh- ~

ri  :

cr :.:;;ri.te..P -0,

rd the concre:c pouricg crews, 27 ..l- 1


.~ 4'.c ..:n -. Exhibit I'.-

forc:ans and cuperintendent'. 2 ,,

.,-.,~~. :_- 9 of 23 28 -


- . .. .


.. .. *


. ;
- l..lT '. ., *:Z$ ' . , . * .* .

-. . :, *: . ,c.f ._:,



L. k . y.; {l % , _. ;c ,q . .. -


- >. -


' .. . . ~ .:; , . :: . . . .- * - /


~ **

,,4.," ** *' l .,',.ln Q *,G: ,;.l,;.,,.e


j S ,, "'

'; * . ,

  • ;L*, , * 4f'

- . r, c. * -D:. ~'.,: . '.': J . * . ..

. , .-:4 ~.

- - a m &M. 2 -_


L .

.. .  ;;;... g. : _ .

. ;;~.;c . , -



, i


. . .u .x; . ., tr, . - * r . i .. . . -


..., .

.. . -



4 ., , t . : . 1. . -

\, e. .;. ,7;.10  : ..



.. .

. , .



b . . .



e ..


. . . .


i; .


. .

.,,.  ;

. .

s.. . : .

. .,

Are they supposed to be there . shen all'concretc .


. - .c....,.,. L e.t., .s.; ,

.: .,a .. ..

.. .


.. . .

poured 7





+':? y:f;;. .


. .

, -

.: _

. . . . .



4' . They are; they're-r in pouring the concretc,;so . .....,.;--. . . w .. ;they'rc . ,

.3 . ~ : . . . _

. , ,

, ,


5 ther See, you -- when they pour concr5te',"you? ,.,,. :.". ' . -

- 2.-.,



P 6

have pncucatic vibrat6ru, electric.vihEdolrd, --..

-c...~.- .. that

. , , . . ,.



7 vibrate the concretc on down into tbaccilor . w i: ....; 5.nto i .

the honeycor,b -- 7 nean into the reb nb'; Tent that's

. g.;;q . ; . . :F ., .

. . .



the reason for the vibrations, so you, :.w won'.t'

. :. have ' .




honeycon But they're not doin5 it c.o'rrectly,.or .# ..


, . .

the rebarE's too close to pernit the

  • = .i: ::concretcW ..;,:d.: to .


... 'M73:3.fl

. *

12 fill in these area s., , ,.u .:- : . . .

~ ' ' 13 Please explain that?


.y: ... ,-

'E4ff,- - *

Id .

Steel rebarb is just reinforce.v.ent st.J. -eel . . . .,that,'. . .v .

y in

. .. c. ..

15 concrete, so it. can hold a heavier stfes .


dndi . ..

< .

. . .

Wcll that would just be the main probl'e'u,S,e .. then --

. , .



16 .,.  : .

. . . .g - u _ ..


. . . , . .: _ . . . ...

heavier streO . . .

I_ 17 t z,. . ;.-



. ...' 18 Have you known any occasions when the ',sifakedoWn .y.,.c pr .


mechanism wacn't working ut n11? .:,: ,p /.;./ .. c .


19 .'

  • ;. .-


20 - I cannot honently nny that I've never sb.'en ~, . ;.them . . not -


vibrtite concrete; they've a] ways vibratdd.thEm, . . :. .



. ..:




,22 they're not doing it righ w J.6 - 4W.:f,. .

. g: :.. : .


23 Voll,'not doint it richt in Inirly confralk:. ' R *: .Can you .

t: t .

24 be more specific? I,ikedoyouknowwhy:it'cI[not,' ..n .w.... . ,e - n..s



- .

. :% ; . .


.~- .  : propor1y? 'u


O k.,.':. : ..:... D _'3 ll d. '






26 A, 93ey re not Icttin5 theconcretevibra$.w[5 e


. :'



. - 4.- .#T




. ...


s It  ; w , ,, ./. 2. a c @re the h. . . A(ic'onb one Ac ~;

s:- a


27 p ..., , ,p., .... W *

,  :,... ,- ~ . ,

3...... , . '


. volopes, and that's what causes th'e 'h'ongef.inbJF,, .


.' . -. 2e '

~ .TihhiFit I -


'. _



.: .

6' . - - G:;. :? . .:'ng , .;9.y: ~. ..

Tc.i , ec . ..;* :. . .g .; . .


..- . u. 0 % m. .s :. . . * , .


c ; ~ ' * f*

. g 3 ..j }.' ,

..*. .s I a ..,.,. .*p.., t.., ; . .,= +s r . , ,..

.,..j.g..,.' . . . . . . ~ z;rc .,-; . , ,. . .p.. . m

. ..

  • 7 t ,* Is


3, . . y


  • .~. . .: ~ :.r. .; .




d h .., .


f (


. i




( - . ,

l,i .

2 They're... (pausca) ,

, ,


3 Qe A ratter of tinc? ..




,d Yes, they're pushing it and thty're trying to make -



~ '

5 it as fact ac peccibi .

>'o ~

In other wordo, if they'd. Int it vibrate longer it ,


wouldn't develop honeyconbc?

8 In my opinion, ycc ci Oka You nontioned the pcesibility that an ERC ,,


- .


inspector had seen thic crack cituation nh one of


11 the tunnels?

l, 12 - I was in a stca.T. tunnel working with fininhors that 13 were putching a steam tunne), and am 130 incpector 1d came to the aren. Now, T car.not coy that he didn't


write sonethinc down, but he, in cy opinion, never r 16 took notice of the cituation - of the crocks 3.n the

ceans or the w.tcr co .ing throuc How of ten docc an liRC incpector cor.c to in pcet the cer.cnt cituotion?

20 A, ye ve nern, in my period of wrking f.hcrF clonn to 21 two (2) nonthn, I've seen him I'd any threc (3)

22 tinc Threc'(3) tinen?

24 Tec c3 How much cement would have been poured then in this


4. - '

26 period , in your judgner.t; could you tell?

l (  ;;,;..,. ,4; ;, ,.._g,, p c;n;7;;n, ,


A, g _,,,7;g,_, 7,,f, ,


i 27 ;[ o c:.S ; cat tae qualitt,



. Is it c u s......... .


  • Exhibit 1
  • page 11 of 23


m :. . .


'~ -

W ana -. .. w . . /

-- : m: . . .


. .. ,..




, ~ .... .,. -- ..". .




. .

.  :.-



, .


.. '

-[. Q . .



. ..

'l . ' . '




(i ...


. , . . . . .

. .


2, * the Q. A. 9a you referred to, hac to be done by New- _


.- . . . .

. . . . . _


. - berg, and the Nilo re, ally han no offective wn ~




'd .... -

....g.that fair to cay? - ..



. . .. .




That would be fair, becounc UHO cannot be on the .

5 ,



site, or they'rf not on Tic sitc; I gucos they could be on the site all the tice, but they're not on the



site all the time; and'when they orn there riy super- .


- .

9 -

visors, and the peepic I vark with, have notice be-

fore they can even co:c on' the si tc. It's rce ex-


perience, because I worked au n cuard on the securi for P.S.I. , that they're not alloue1 en thc . site

. .

13 without a P.S.I. escor Not allowed?

15 No sir, they wil3 not let ther come into the site

without having n P.S.I. escort; nnd thic was what

I was instructed to do if -- when I was working as 18 a guard, and I'd be on the Cate and on NPC man

came in, I was to ho]d hin therr until P.S.I. Uac .

20 notified nnd conc to encart hi In other worde, if 7 came -- if you wnvc n guard there and I came there and identi fied n,ync1r nu an until 23 NiiC innpoctor, T cni.Gdn' t enter the premi:m:

24 a P.S.I. person crut.e to encort ac?

25 Yes sir; unlecs it's changed in the 3nst two weeks, t l

, .

I 26 that'c the way it wa .

a.y c f i'..e L.h:.rc ins. e.ctor.. ,


. "

27p g ,' y p g ,, -


Exhibit I

28 personally? *

page 12 of 23



. ,


. 8 l


i . ..




.. . .. i



^ '

. . o ;.. c. .. .




.;,. ..



. ,. , -


'. . '

,  :

r.W.W.W.~ 'Q






C'i O .c a


s , . . .: . .

,~.. .



,; ~.-v-

- .. -




8 :.

. .. ~

. , ,

-" 2 i . Not personally; I know them by 5ight.Q'_ '


' .f.*.;*.1 :,, * ,'


. , , ,

, -v * ' .? * --


And these - ic this their only jobi .. to g %inspect


t 3 * ,m ..




. . . . ,

7 -.

cenent, or do they have just genera . y ,s.5.Nc,'5ctors?{ . .

q: . . . . - . .




Vhat ic n Ucwherc incpector? ,'. .g}$f:p (cc ,% .

5' '.


~ , .

' ' '; , ,


, ,:5f;5).;; .;. u _,


  • -

- s A Ucwberg inspector, the only ' ono I'ri.'<,.~.ociated . .vo, .; . . ..: -.-: i


6 with .is the concrctc inupectors, und'.T.think '

.'. %,. ::..: .



II thihlc,.and I'm 8 only to inspect concrete. ::: O Q -l+-


9 1 pretty sure, they have other inspectQ . . . n. b . for  :- their'



carpertry werk end iron works and thi.c$...s'dj't ,..:.. : -


.of thi You told us sorr thing then about thef5pparont -.-g .:.... =.8.,



11 . . . . .

fects that are inderd in the structu}Es . . . :.:: r'icht

. .; . n.c . : . . . ,.

m;. , now;

, you know that they're there, is that"iighitj?. 4 .

* * ,1

.e .. .



h.. g..:Cr


Yes ci . ~.'y ::m, . . .

. ., : -

H .

Back to the particular structures,',.yB'u' .w....... ca.y the -in-

- . , . 5 .* '. / -


sid.e end th e e. . o.f the fconta.i.n.d:



.c.p. .


e.h...t. 3, :co


is affected; that you know that these; things . . , , * *

  • .. s are_

. y ll * ..,;.



covered up 'o.1. . ' ' .".: '. .. . ..

e;;y' ., - .


, .[, ,f'; y.; .

19 Yes ci ~ .m.:. . .

20 The containment roon, itnc1T? . ':-M.... ...f. . .-~ tl*) QD

. Mf -



ntarted, was 21 The containment walls sir, when I first,h..- .. ^ :::::.

. n'tch these 22 - one of my first jobs was to helh,4 :.n..m. . . .




. on thp c5 de cont,ninment, incigc[Nnd, r. . ,

- .. r. .. - . .r. r -


2d They, r.ajority-wiec, they patch mostf  :.e.%i:r:p; ogthe. holcs .


according to' qualifications, or acccirdific ..+.:..,to,'


m . the , s


. nany de-

way it's supposed to be; but they h'hyog.... . . .. . . .




=. . , -


- - .. - .-,.-

re be .natch.v..w ed tha ~t the :' .-


-. %. - . , . m-..e



' :- - %


. . #. . .

t y .

. ~;


28 can't g


then all; and that's the..yed~s6hi,'.one .P G ;f.Eshibtt 1 reacc:

. .l'2d@N.L[ppge 13 of 23 *

.. . /_j,.. 7 .

.  : .- . - . L .:,@S., *=t?.T+ M:. p .h;:,..'p . . x i* ..


ify . - .

.. .

'.. n e c,% p:w.=. . . v

. , .

... . : ' 's'4 ff,p yijL ef.}' M .7 _I


._.._ e . 1


. . .

( ') Cl , 14 (= 0

- -









2 ;

. they're pushing the job so hard to try and got it

.', done - that they're patching over theco defects be-a w


~ '


fore the inspectors can see the .


3 Q, And this is donc purposely'then, as you have pointed ,

. .

- '^ .


6l out?

Yes cir, it's the only way it could t The super-7 ,

e visors sny ' patch it over'.



And they soy that in so cany words - a Newberg k( .:

9 supervior says that?

a~ I've heard state..e.ntu where, from the s'upertior 11 , * 12 personnel, to say fill in certnin holes or h.oneyco..;b

in the side of a v all before, the inspector can ,sco

' '

14 it. I, ryscir, have hc3pnd with this by hauling

the caterial and drypack to these holes nnd patche We've nnked you about the containacnt roo:n, itsc3T,


17 and you also have talked nbout c stcan tunnel; any 18 other structurns involved in this honeycoching and


19 the cover-over, that you know of? -

20 Your turbine room ualln, your r]ourn; there's n31


2I kindn of walls, concrete walls and floors that,, You 22 are necessary, besides just the containmen have placcc where your hent or nome ccncrators


24 are going to he, and just pipeworks nnd ductworks


nnd thingn like this that the patches aren't right,  !

. 26 to !

27 [ In e th r v : d e , the L..:. 0 r ! .. ticc. in the thints

2a ' you've just nentioned then; those kird ofExhibit roocs? I

= _ .. page 14 of 23

. . (' '



  • hI'd



6 .


- .. --- ,-.-----_


-- _ _ - _

- .

. .


. .



l'- .-

. OO

'. -


'.- O:G -

' or-



.- . .

2 . I would say the najority is on other, the.turbir:e roo=s and thinco, instead 'of the containe.cnt... It*


3 -


is on the contai'reent, too, but it sfees there wuc . . . . , . . . . '

.. .

' -



' -. ' . .

' ; -f _ core on the oth'er drea . .

- -

  • .

Can you tell us,. Mr. Cutshall, ubout.. porosity of



6 .

. .

. l 7 cemen We're.a13 well nuore of the. Threc-Mil .

Islan1 situation and porocity cement, where radiation ,


l cpparently can cet thtough three and a half (3%) .to

Is there any npccifi-10 four (11) feet of concret _

cations you're aware of ac to porosity *of cement ,


being poured at Marh]c Hill on various structurec';

or do you know anything about that? Id I'm not real faci 3iar with the tcrn perosity; I've l

heard it mentioned by the 1m0 inspector. The in- ' i

formation I have in through on 130 inspector, where l 17 ,

he was tc13ing ne that radiation will J cak through ,



scann and honeycomh patchen at a lot 2nrcer rate  ;

j 19 than if it van solid concretc and donc richt,


20 P,ut you're not familiar with concrete poronity no l l

21 such? . !

i 22 I can't honest 3y nay I a Do ,you know who's furnishing this concrctc?

Newberg Construction Co:cpan They have their own 24 batch plant and they mix their own concret ' '

26 . Their own batch plant right on - 7 27 g g, p,;t,3; g.,,;3e ggte, '

sa - In other words, this is not a sublet proposition? Exhibit I page 15 of 23 .



7ce Se, D 2


.. . . h , , . a . . . _ . . . l

--  ;

.u- .. *

..: .f ** 'S ( '. : : 7. _ j k 1,l l :y


  • - .



* . .

. .


., i";;* y-.-: 7





_......,,.-.;,. _


-_ )


  • h. . . % c . . u ..

. - ., -;

, 5 .

' .. n Q ; . <: x . , x

':',,16n u:.L . ,

.~_Q ...--








U .


,..,. . , - . ... -

. . . .




~ 5* ' ,  !


2 No air, they nix their own concretc.. : - c.;< . ,. . . ... .. . :

2,: . .


. ,, . , -%..

'3 They're totally responsible, I sco. So wh. ate. .cix ..



, ,


. . . . :: a :




they r.ake, it's their responsibility all tho~way?..,


. . .' . .


. .. )

Yes sir. ' There's a testing, U.S. Testing . . . .Corporotlor




5' A. . ,

_ , < ,p ... .



is the one thut!s responsible for testing ,tho' coi- 3 s

p; ~. s i . ,. .


Cretc fo ' the proper slul.".p and the proper.'aixturcs ,- .;.


.. .


B slu=p is a water content, nomehow to 'do uith..:;.the,.


.,; ..

n , ..



9 concrete, and the ratio:: of cemndt - --- - ... _ - ...



. sand -



. W .;, - '..


10 and rock nixed togethe . _ ;, .

. _ . . .

11 And this is United States Tenting Co.'cpsny,l.0,id you . . ._ , .

. .~ c e . . .

12 say?

"' - < .l. 'e ,%. . ,. .



x r y. .m. '.l... '

. .

13 Yes sir, U.S. Testin .

'+ OifSf '.

x. .... ., :.. .



14 Vc13, hou are they involved? Do they[ just. .--Q: .. ~ .. .  :



. . .ni :.

m (Interrupting) Thnt is their only job'.3..s,,Jo.t.cnt 15 x g: . .;$.; ' t "

16 the metal bars and tent concreto and te;st'. .hontin :


17 points of different F.aterials and so on!et.NT .. .-



18 What's their relationship cs inspectorn Y8,^.tlcstors?

, d.*j.4::s .

19 They're a sub-contractor to P.S.T. , for' Newber : : ,. ,. ' .


20 They're not the incpectorn that you'vE.7th11i6d atout .



- [3. , . : ..f M ;.'

21 here? -

r:u - , , .r. n. .

22 No cir; this is differen . . .u,..,


. W..D... .

.....a q~ --

23 What, exactly, do they do? I snnan, do tisi'yinot 2


. ...3 do



24 it at the -- where it's poured - or what?$ . :..M* *

.. ... , .


.. .


25 ,,

Yeah, they - the U.S. Testing richt atlho'j6ur,


. .. ....v a: : ,, #


26 rightoutoftheconcretctrucks,they{todsanples ' . Q ,. ':.. % ff/,..

7 ofc'.nr.r[tctotect; pours,'.Yofb::'c s- 'the



, :9,, r - .,..:-... . . . . .



  • , ..


e. ..

" -

. to.c Just, yqu know, st: pics outJ.rf,%..., -t1@j.. ,


- -

,-77'Ifxh'ib,i't I~-


, i ,, .. . .. , s . - 1'6 of 23

. ':1.:. :' . ' ' . .'iE.Y.r ';Pite -.l:&[E % .

h :^5 h *. : . . . . . . , : .=

.,2**. . ~ .tf*.*t . vs.Q' - y ~,g.-*;'

. u .:. * ,

5; P . .*. :.-- q.Qq

.. , ~f% ... m. :,;..:,. C,y *=:

* c'~ : =:.... a - ,-

W~ - m- - , m m.~ .m~

-:.m- -. .

. . . ' . . .

, .


~. s* -


  • . ,
  • .



. ,




. . ,


- *


' .. - 2

  • concretc trucks as it's going to a pou , , _

3 And they would know, then, whether it was accurate




, _



4 ..

and to specifications by these sanples?-


. '

U. . .


5 Yes si .

. I

,. . .

Do you have any reason to question their work?



l b- ' ' Q.

f,o No sir, becauac I'm not asacciated with then; all I



7 B know is I see them out there takinc sacples all the L- e 3-

9 time.


k 10

' Are you aware of any of the training necessary, for *


either United States Testing people or the Newbcrg inspectors? What do they brvc to do to be what they 2 ..

13 are?

14 When I wac lookinc for a job this winter, and I was

hired on at the Wackenhut -- for Vackenhut Security,


that's the security corporation thnt takes care of P.S.I. and job site security -- T ncquired an appli-



18 cation from U.S. Testinc for work for them too, at 19 .

~ the same tine; I was trying, you Pnow, trying to And they told no 20 fill in two chances at one tin }

I could have got hired, you know, would have been


hired if I'd wanted to to ahead and do it, and I had


no prior training. 'They would train you ac you went


24 Train you on the job;in that accurate? ,

. .

25 - They wanted pcopic that had erperience, but they *

told me that since I'd been around concretc and know


' -


- ' ' ' ~ * 'd e U." c'r and h ew , ye'.' :.~ : .t , .

2? h



little familiar with the slurp tests, and thinss


Er.hibit I

'; , . page 17 of 23

. .


, . , . .

- .


. - .



-. .... ,. .


- w_ _ _


. ll .


no .





. ..

O_ .

p OO , ,


like this, that they would go ahead .'

and train ac'.

2 ,


. Train you es they were pouring; is that what they ~

3 * . *


'd had in mind? . .

- . . -

. . .

You hcvc to understand that the job ca- ~

5 ,,

Yes si pacity that I wo'uld be f'uTrilling was nore or less .


just taking the sa .;1cs and things like thi What happens to the sample then? They take it to their shop and they test it for the

j slutp a.nd nutcrous other tests, numerous other in- ~


spections I'n not f amiliar wit ..

Have you ever had a bad hatch? I can't cny that they have, because I'm not told;


13 d . I'm just a laborc ave you ever known a case where they've taken somo cement out becouco it wasn't any good?


17 No ci To try to get some perspective about this patching 'of air pocketc and hone 3,'comhing; whnt nrc we talk-Sng about?

The reference that T crrw up with wn:

20 How big arc we 21 like biCGer than a hrend baske talking about?

22 - four (4)

I've seen patchoc as large as five (5)

23 P (4)

to five (5) feet in square, or honeyconbs four d i and five (5) Icet equare, that cro patche ,



26 Four to five foot in dinceter - .

Ye ,


[ like, would it cote out like a hoic? Exhibitpage 18 of 23 I



-. ._-



. .

Newy ar= *


. .


  • .=sm....... >

> .. .

>- '.t ! . .

. .a :. .

. ... .. .



. ..,.s. '.:.:..~7u


..'.v r . ~ e .:., 1


.. .a. .,. . . .:, . . . .. .


.... .. -

. .


.' -

.. .. ,

.'. ..'.,.,.m,....

.. :


. -


' .' .. . . .

. . .


... .. ~ ' IUrScid ar',chapes .

2 Yeah; in dianeter, you know, they'r '

m . .

.. .. . .

They'rE not nocessarily a hole ,g,~ or. ;.;r.ecbhnd,e;,.titcy're




. .


. . , . ,  !

3 . '

. ..;,. . . gj'J:f+ . ,

just irrcgular chape . . . . .. p. .f.e. t .., . 7.. ..;. ,_ . .

. . . . .. .


. . .

7.-..-. -..

And someticos quite deep, like a four;f.+cet .c . . v. a w il cicar .


. .

5 .. ..

. . . .




ing to three feet of it,'or more, Eldss[ . iq = :. . . i . what? . .~ .


A foot or - I've seen patcheu or hoFeyco'.pbs ... . i .c. .:.:. y. .

that'c 7 s ~



vent in a foot, and b.e tte .

Tl. f. .'. .p..@c :'.



. .

..o'.; ve. d?

And do you see those as the


form'.oio' .;; .re . .

...; .- . ' .


9 .

.;.- :

3;. . .

10 Yes sir.;"- - '


- .; , . y. g ..



Is that when you see thes? . d.'@: j;.. 4* '

,;... .

11 *

You can' t' see them, be-


12 After 'c the form is renove ,.

. ..f ?l . F .

cause of the forcs, you know, blocking ..the . - .


.l; -y sic * ? 11t


of them, until they' re taken of f. 2. .: ~

- v .

.!:;h..r r.i.i.x. f

. . . .


. ~ .

Wou'Id this be the average, or wo01d thity.bef.much' . . . :a y l l ~'.WL :

. . . .

.w.w . , -

sculler? . .



isn't They're nn the average -- well there.i6ca117 .....,.

9. , r .: . ,

anavchage. Like I say, they're irrec.u, ar l shapes

  • 2.*...-. ...


.. ..


  • c.nd they might be arco:hore from a couMo -

w .. . . . of inches . . .



p < .-. .. . . .

to four (4) feet in dinacte .

. ;i$. p

-..'N : ...: ..c.....- .e ' ~

20 '

Okay, if there was an irregularity org,c'ouple of . . ,; . g . -

.. ... .


21 '

,.up'. and hit inches, what would happen; you'd justi.',c -

. . , . . ... . . . . .- .. . . .

. 'gave, or


it.with a banrer and see if the cemeb, . . V'.

%:. what?  %. ;M.5 3..l.W .


It's just (itt1c holes, loc Ms -



25 Well, you could see i . - ;;~ . - :





lil:o honeycomb; that's the reeson . .<;;it'n :~<

,Y,w:m,. got,.. .the

?.:.k ..4.. .na e



26 .


c o .:1 ?. 3 t 7 '. 7.: ..,:.?.'(' ., ;~:..' 5 . * ' -

It ' d tc ca r. c:: thcn3



...... w.,.

77 f C. . -



y Tes sir, that would be boneycombed.gg7,.. .... 'g, . .


28 ./.... P., C, c; ,. 2-v




v %..!prt,e - ;; 19 of 23 ..


. :.-..1 . .,vs.~.w%c ;

n u... a. . hp , .

.. -: .


.. . Q.:yc


. y;, .~.

. ~.;~' q.?:.. :

. . .


. .. ..

. ,' . .e .:.."::h. \.m . ' 5. v.: A, :s'w . ;a....,g7.f..a : ..

..c w . =\ l

.~;= .: :: .. -

.~. . ......,:_



~ ' ~ * *

7 q r%;. ,gf.v.p. . . ., - -

.. .

- M *^- #*~ v .w .m... .




. . .





7 1 . .





2' It could be then all the way from tuo inc,hes t,o socc-thing like five (5) fect in diancter



' *

3 . ,

~ ,


  • 'd Yes ai .


5 the bo$icyconted areas that you're speaking of?


~~ "

~ '

Yes si ) .

6 Al ,

7 liave you cVer known a case when an 130 inspector


8 yas on the site and knew of a honeyconh, and know

'. .

9 that it was being ecvered up? .

' ~

- 10 Iio si My inpression of the G O inspectors was, that they were pretty sharp cen; they caucht stuff




-." .

that the supervisors would try to pull their Icc 12 -


13 on, try to - excuse the tera - of bullshit on them, But,

' id and they'd usually catch them on such thinCs.


15 again, the 130 i.nspectors, as I said, in a two-r.onth


period I've only seen him threc (3) times. That's



D not sayinC he's not thero coro; but for where I'm at






18 and I'm dealing with tbc concretc work cvery day,



I' ' I've only seen him approxicately threc (3) tine:. ,


4 What survey view would you have of the concrete, ,


personally? Would you see five percent of it, twent}-



f 22 fivo percent of it; how nuch are you involved in the 23 totul' concrete picture?

,' 24 - A hundred (100) percent.



y 25 You sco it all then? -


26 Tes si That goes back to what I said before. I ' n n <. c nc r c t e fir.i shc r ' s ?. : ; : r , I ' n a 2 :.t crer ver::-1 l

27 - i 1 <

. ..~

  • 25 *

' cs c ZA '~'s 1.u- W . i.y bCb is to s;Ly with Exhibit I


. ,

. page 20 of 23 J.

7 ..


- n, - , -

. ,w---,_.........-.



. .- -- - ,,-

. . .

W-~wn , , . _ . . . .

- _


- .



i . .

' * * *

,. *

_ . ,




' f: 'i. * * . - .,, ,' ,

.. .

. ,.

. -.

. the finichers and keep them supplied, so I'm wherever




. 2 .-- . . . . . .i .:. a . .. . ... ,




the finishers are, pouring concrete or patchisg'hole .

t 3 ' ,

  • . _ .


d 4 . - - .- , -

In other words, if co cbody,would question  :

this . .;. at .,





.- . . = .

. .. . .e -


sonc later.. tir.c, they couldn't .,' ,

say sell.hc only saw  :.

  • . .

You saw the just five perce6t of thc7 hole thin . .

- -

6 .



entire -- you surycycd all of it then; you Survey - .

8 (Interrupting) Yes cir, I'm walking around the -

. , .. ..

area cycry day, just gathering up materials,and ~ ~


there isn't five (5) percent ~ of the areas that they'v

. .

11 poured that I haven' t seen. . '


12 Okay. Is there anything else that you want ,to add

here; anything that I haven't answered or asked you?

Id Aro-thing at all you'd want to say . . . . . - in a general state-,..


ment here?


- ,.

15 .



16 '

My nain concern nycr the Marbic Ilill Nuclear Tcwcr

Plant is that it's with5n a fairly c3oco range of 18 ny home. I'm not acninst nucienr encrcy; in fact, But I want to see it done right 19 ~ I'm in favor of i I don't want to see thingn that I've cd3nined prior '

21 in this tape co on and not bc corrected, beenuce I 22 belicyc that such thingo that I've explai.ned will 23 definite 3y affect: the workability of the nuc] car i



24 power plan ._


25 Vould it be renconatic to cum up then that you . #

26 think that the cuality is below standards at .


u,. ,

- ]


- n .,:nt 1 27 ..

.r*::.e Eill? ,

page 21 of 23


~.~,.'-- --

28 Ye s c a.r. '. .

. . , , , - -, .





. . ~ :.r.' . . ..

- . - .. -' ..

, .

. ^ *

. . . . . . .. .,.~. %, g O?,"f',*. j.1.  : ' . ' l'. ,


. . .

p: ., . _. ... * y g p . ., . _/


- ,

. . ,

  • . .

,. . ,

, , ,

s.. s 4 . a , . ~,,.  ; . : . y .

}\ ~.y * = . . . * . . . . . .G. .;? ..: w;. ' , '.'

. ..

.v . .  : ,



. .


. . .


- - - - . . . , . _ . . _ . _ . . . , , .


_' , ,_ ,

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- -

l .

. ,., ,. . ./ .. _;




. . .



.. .

.. . ~

, - . . .;..

- 2;


., y;.. ,w . . ~ , . ..c



' ! ' "' 2 s


- i -

i cisc In there anythingyou want % W M,%yi, * .Cu chall



Q . j ; _

, .

7 q, , .


. .

. . .





. . .


, ,


. . n . c. . . .., .. : ...

. .




, . . - .

r j lio s .

- -





. -

. . .





ould continue the e




OP'ay' this _

  1. S* -

' '

d..nnd ,



and you underptond that this ha
:, been recorde '

. . .

. . . .;- ,.;


- -

> -

.  :

thatyou,reuncFoatht[tcll'th t " " * D9, 7'2* A





. r..,



E E ~ '. ,


. . . . se r ,, . . . .. x - - -

Yes Si . -


- < . . ' ., ;

. .,



yg, cpyr: This concludL.s the recorded intervicW ,.;_ ,,



.j; - ,


,. ..

3 -

.. .. . ,. -



. .: - . .. -. )


l 9 ,,, j. -: - g #. .  :


l .. . . . _ . . . . ... . ,. , . .. .

%" +* L ~



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2 . .


C .E R T I F .I C A .T .E

    - - - -


         '  ,


      , ,


I, Patricia S. Tor 1'ine, do borcty certify that I

  . _

nr.a Notary Public in and for the County of Jefferscn, Stat ,

of Indiana, duly authorized ar.d qualified to adr.inister oaths;

That the forecoing sworn statenent of 1:r. Charles Edward Cut- *

shall was teicr. by no in shorthnnd End on n tape recorder on

Fay 8,1978, in the law office of Thonas ?!. Dattilo, 311 East ' Thtt the witness was duly sworn P 11 l'ain Street, ?;adison, Indiana; 12 by ce to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the That this statenent,has 13 truth prior to E vinC i said statorent;

teen reduced to typewritir.c by no and contains a cos..plete nnd ' 15 accurate transcript of the said statcmen I do further certify that I am a dininterested psrty 17 in this natte WITNISS ry hand and notarini s<:a1 this 2Gth day

   .      ~

19 of tiny,1979 *


20 .


K - l !/ ' \ - l 22 ~ Patricin S. Torline, Notary Public I

   . Jefferson County, Utate or Indian ..
 '24          ;

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r=" i'" I, Steve Gayso, am orders and directionsM lare' l go directly to the Foreman, howeve , ,. .q,g,g g., . Ioafing to get back to wor . y; . g; ,p .. . ,,

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         ,  ,
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     -  " .

To Yhom It May Concern: . .


I, Cutshall, at no point in tir.e authorized any of the fol-lowing individual to patch or cover up any def ective surfaces, honeycorb, voids or rock pockets without prior approval from supervision,1;-MH O.C. or PSI Representative at above job site: ,


Michael L. Walston .



     }.s1 **h* '

O n.cs Cutshall " . aly 10, 1979



.   .
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E s.ibit Vi page 1 of 1

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Exhibit VII

        .;: . Q. 1 6 .. . ,


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        . . 7.D.. .. y. . .~r.::Y .. 2. :g . r. ..'J.  . . -'
-             *


         '    ' -



This is a tape recording of a cocversationJa:es with Foster Individual and Cordell "J".of -'- Ne'wb' erg . . .


Construction Co:pany at the Marble Eill sit '

            ., :m Willia:s participating. , ; <-    x.::.

q.:;1..., ;

          ,. i.t . ~.- .  ....
      -.  . . . , . ,
        ? ' .r, 7 g : ,-    '; - ,
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r: . -

. July 18, 1979   .
        . g. . .; .. .. . .  , . .

Individual "J", you and I were discussicg the problems.that" ve'd '

            - seen in so:.e of the patches out at the plant, both the'patcbing','        .

caterial in so=e cases being weak, and we indicated that've b'ad? . * found had been instored otherindiscussions 55 gallen drumsthat and in so:e cases in some cases ~ the cement appar'entip; ~ ) . .este gotten vet and resulted in some dead cccent when .-.;. ' the patches;

         . . . .. . .
           .. vere'.:

don . ,. ; . ... ..,

          . .. :.
   ... That's true and I know cyself on so:e occasions when the belper~vas'

going........ . .first of a morning, I have du: ped just a full bucket . 'A.r 2 - .. of. . . . . . . .sicple f a ct that it wa s dea r,.

           . , . .
   .       ,
   ,,     .?*r .y 6 : , . .
        ;- m , ,:>  .

The other problem that scecs to be prevalent through the plant, and I don't have exact numbers, it see:s like, locked at over.500 patches - during the review and found 170 I think approximately, giviefcir take ' a few, that had problems or questionable to sor.e extent. .' Ve 'found a . nu:ber of areas where the patch is somewbat of a thin layir['oVer ' . -


boneyco bed areas ubere the rock has not been cbipped of the That's one of the areas that we' re very concerned,about, trying to understand how we got to vbere ve are now and ficding out vbetber anyone in a supervisory position vbo has knowledscoble knew that this was going on, and didn't get flushed up through, the system, and hoped that you would be able to tell us a little bit'c in U. 9your '.<; .e.- own .


view point how this particular situation came abou ..c. d, . . . a- . . - .


Our finisbers, we worked short. b'anded - I only kuov some of thi We've got always as f ar as fully qualified people are concerned.are not fully qualified' pod some young people that come in that are trying to teach 'them and with this And type of thing, I think as fara fs' yo,ti'cg your cin. . . can't be everyplace at the same tic.e.journeycan finishers


7'.S ejl ; are concern ,


the very best they could, the way they were told to do *"."; *., it. I\-Q ,* : _

         .a...... '
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_ y . :th. . .~'; ;. i.. . . . p _.; ' ? .; : ' -

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        . .

1 Mf 1210 4.2:... . i.*

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.          ,

oe+... ..

. .
.  .

c o-

*:-  .
  ,  , .. ,
 .     .
. . Ilov vere they told to do it, Individual "J"?   , ,

0.K. , after you

. Ve were told that your boneyco:b would be tagge go through process in rc cring the teg, then chipping tskes plac ~



Af ter your chipping takes place then it is inspected again by Newberg and PSI. 'Then, if they sign it off ve patch it bac ,

      -  .
  .  - m    '

Considering the number of patches, I vish I had an exact nu:ber to

- vbere a thin layer of caterial has been put give you, but I don't,   I guess it is on screwhat or all the boneycomb has not been chipped out,cf a ecocern to
 'the superintendent bere, Mr. Steve Gayso has been naced by several   .

people as knowledgable that this vas going out in the field, and you indicated to ce a little earlier that ycu cight be able to shed some light on these co=:ent * Pertaining to bud Cutsball, Bud Cutsball worked in the sace period I do for Joe and be and Steve had a personal plan He'll goof offgoing every between chance the ~ ~ ~ Eud is not a good vorher by any ceans.



he gets and Steve was on his butt and one corning ve was down onHe cade t * 391' 50, this was just before Bud lef t the ce herthat "I'll get this kind of chatter on the job all the tice and I never gave anot thought to it, because you bearpretty it was that plain kind to of me thing, thatbutthethen can after this whole thing :ome out, ceant what he sai Would this be I believe that Charles Cutshall lef t site on May 1 a couple of days before then? If Eud vants to challenge this I'd Sosevbere in that out to him the very time and place this be very happy to point conversation took plac I understand fro: previous discussions, before we got the tape recorder working, that you have worked on Joseph Cutshall's We spokecrew since co=ing on site and still are a cember of his crew. h tion, with Joe yesterday and among other things we asked . over an area with honeycomb had not been recove o To my knowledge he has not.

\ .


Exhibit VII Fege 2 of 12

      ... : .
    ~" ' ~'
      :L _ _ ~L ~*~.* _~<_~_e-


P- .


Oo O

   .       . . .


  .    .
   .    .    *
    . .

. Nave you personally been aware of any ether fere:rn or the Fewberg *

 'Q .

Superintendent givicg orders that suco cosectic patches be cade7

    .   .    '

I have

. .

h*ow Ict ce clarify so=ctting ber '

 ' ~

Not done to this cy knowledge, cyself. no.Now vbere there vas an air poc.;et, you tnov vbat I an talking about, from the vibrator, and you vill get a vbole

.           . --

,, New I'c guilty cf teking cy band l ,

          - -

series in the face of the val and dry patch cix and slip and sliding over . w it to dress up the va

           . .

These are costly surface defects? -

, It is These are surface air pockets, what's caused by the vibrato .

not a boneycoo .

. .       Ve have people vbo have told ce I believe I've seen these thing that these are norcal surface defects with no structural icportance.


         - .
. There is no structural value vbatsoeve ..

in your knowledge, neither the superintendent You centioned that i

. at Fevberg nor the forecan were knowledgeabic of the cosmetic repa rs

of the boneycombed area .

' Not to my knowledg '.

b Vould any of the quality control personnel of either Newberg or PSI be knowledgeable, to your inforcation? h~ If this bas took place, if PSI and This is cy bonest opinion. quality control bad been Let ce on athe dacs ba go just K.' then this vould have been tagged vben we got there.I was on this job for a little bit further ber before I ever saw an NRC inspecto t' .




We are at the site irregularly, especially duricg the earlier stages i , of construction, our inspections pick up in the later construct on I



. '

effor sj


if we had bad the pec.plethen that the wasvbole supposed to if thing,

' My feeling is this:

be doing their job were out there doing it, E 1 .- .


k~.~- p.-


Exhibit VII

~..         Page 3 of 12
':E ..

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  . . . .
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UI * g

  ~ ~~ _ , .  't 9' ,, ,, -



vculd bate been c atbebe, got there. .. *; , - there is at . Honestly, what' I think everybody is saying, we're ges .ng the blame ....

* because somebody else didn't do his dann jo , ,,
      .. - .
.      ~~
       .. .. .. . ,  .
  **  - -  .- ..

3 <

   . . . . ..

Ve in the NEC understand that the workman on site generally does f vhatever he's told to and we don't hold theutility, worktan personally ~


The who has a license . .- liable for any defect at the plan ?- ~ fro = the NEC, is charged 'vith caking sure that the work is done . . properly; they are supposed to oversee tbc quality centr:1 ef forts ' Tbcy are the people who ulti ately have to -


of ycur est co:pan answer for the quality of the plant. That's very tru , Since Bud Cutsball's statenent has come out, ve received three other state:ents from other people and I have been in contact with one


gentlecan in addition to the been in contact with? A. ' Vould you like ce to nace the one -

        .. If you can, I'd be intereste Individual "A".

. on the telephon I've talked to Individual "A"

. Do you know vbat his personal vendetta is?   '
         . No sir, I don' .
  .         l His father-in-law and Steve have a personal thing going - there

' personal dislil.e ther law and be continually cussed Steve up from the time be got ber i


theso I think be qui forecan's job and be didn't get i I



           ' I se I So I think that's more than likely Individual  "A's"yourself You know big gripe. that you    #

don't agree with Steve's cethods 100%. , can make a can cicerabl Exhibit VII l page 4 of 12

        . . . .
    '  .      **
         .s es* w ow** *
      -~. --
    .. .. .-
  . . . . .        - . .
 ....:..       ,n  ,

mcc W~ ~ ~~ -,~ ~ , - ~ . - - ._ , ~ , . e -e.-s - . ,,

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, ..  . . ,
.....~           & .v'
             - : .-
       .) f,
    ; . ', . _ ;~
    . . .
           . ~
           - ..; .
             . . .

Ve also have a st.te..,e:. fic,a a Staalcy ; f.,

. I think we realize tha '
         - y. . -

74.'*_- . Mortense .

    . .

He and Bu'd. vere ' "

.     .
.. . .. ' Stanley Mortecsen, yes sir, I can tell you exactl (peleted to.: . .:    .
-  like two peas in a pod from the day be bis the jc .

s,q . ' protect the privacy_-of the individual.)


    - . " . *_ . - *. .' . . .

i l.f. ,n.-. .. -.. . ,

         ~.  .. ,.~.

_ _ .

      ~* *   .
             .,s I understand (Deleted to protect the privacy of the individual)'.;..S~ , . , .       .. ..
    '-      .
            .. ,
           . . . ., . . .
     'I doc' t Ence if it's relisble. an'd u don'.t - That's cy understanding.know what was put on his layof f slip or acything abou        *

I haov Mortensen hated to-


to protect the privacy of the individual) lose bis job and I thini eve job, but nevertbeless there's a personal vendetta that-@:


co=es ' , 'back - *_

    .      .  . ,.

to..... _



         .r .
            . .. . , , ,
, . .    -  -
         ;..-    ...

Wealsohavestatecentsfreetwoother,thesepeopleapprofchedlMi.? Jewel Rogers.'.;.:g.? * Datillo who's the lawyer for SAVE TEE VM LT Jewel - this is the type of can and the type of supervisor, he is.m. ,,

~ '

You can go out there and can go to work and if you try to work as itlie'll sta -


falls, you get in there and do your part.But if you vall out there on bis job 'an'd'yos - and leave you alon ' so to work and you go hunting for the easy stuf f you're -

         ' .f 3 going . > - to?. .,'

cake........... There's another vendett ,, e ..



           . .....j.-


          :. .

y. - .

          ...s T

One core can who has provided an af fidavit to us through.SAVE ~ < uJ. E. t > <.M; . .y TH ~

              :- YAl.LIY . nace is Michael Valsto . . ,
          .. ":. . r. . . . , . -
. }iike - that one there, I never worked enough vith that can'to    .. . know m. . /-
     .     ..
          ..  .
             .. - - . , .-
         . . . ~ .. ....

1your' Can you tell ee which of these, acy of these people workj': _

. n   .1,: .

crew or vere theg on' another crew')

         . ,.  .. That Mortensen, he worked on our crev, and in as I knoe.fhe'ca The',

is unexperienced and I never did see the can putcleaning the icbeds ., c only thing I ever saw him do was break nails, n . . .... . ~

. ..             ,s_ ..-s

and patch tie holes. - , .

              .  ,
          . . . . ^. .: .. .. : :- r . ;
         . .p:.
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f, .

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    -l: = :: . M
         " . Wp.Wj%;; M'

7 - D.Libit WIF N U. . .$. 7. . ~ - l' - . .i..2, Pa ge SM f,.M. 2._1. T.. e<

         ....A e
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            . g c: . ; *-
         ;;i9.M.' i?#;  ' 1.g -.C, ,; ,, ,

o .

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** ~
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_ . - _ _ _ _

         ..-r-*-+9--->";.---s,-..-    6
      (y Qsas a conspiracy O
. . .


    - - - - -   ..
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  .         l


 ,Q .

Tres vbst ycu told cu, it scess that you fee 1~ther ,

        , ,

of several pee;1e to get Mr. Cayso ou Tbc$e geys, f:r cne reasco or ' I d I think that is exactly i r-another, they're ticked off et him and if you get it in for a supe '


visor vith all the other crap that's Eoing on the project out bere, ' __ what would be a better way to settle it? ,


a. . -

  ..    ~<-   "

And again, frco what we were talking about just a fewlly einutes in a ago,

* hat and I don't vant to put any words in your couth,    ible especiac vere hired as finisbers, cere dcing the repair vork, were respons for those areas vbere the boneycocb has not been recoved?    * They could have been responsible for quite a bit of the   biggestchipping, anything where there was a cajor patch to go in, 1 thich theAnd here is so=   .

cajority was done by us oldk'ejourneycen.As were told that youfar go as backyour to chipping is c f ar as tbc chiping is concerne some solid stuff regardless of vbere it cay b *


I guess that there are areas that I lid That's the way it should b ' t could understand bev you cight chip back and think y recoved and had to be put i I.... .every I've done soce of the chipping cyself and every patch that h it has patch that I chipped after I finished with the chipping, t ' patch it bac '


Eov did QC and PSI know that you vere finished and ready? ified klenever we finished a patch with the boneycomb, chipping, ve not He in turn gets bold of QC or get hold of PSI thensiEn, and our foreca they coce down and inspect it, then after they inspect it, then we are released to re-patch.


   * Did you have cuch hold up in getting QC and PSI down in instances where they didn't have time to come and see?   .   ,

t * Exhibit VII


Page 6 of 12 S . c h .. .

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m e . - -- f w~~- * r" r . g o 3**

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' ' *
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0 (;. .

        * S.Y,.lA.ltl
        ;r u ..
         ?, r .- ,. is ..
           :X.Y. ;. ' *
            , l ,,- We have had this happen and at no time did we proce,ed unt,i1    ; , . 7 T *it',vas !. .* ' ' -.o'.&. . . '. ' s
           , ,
          ;. . .. - s . .~-    ';

don ; ,'. . , ,.

        . w~~+..~ a:
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. .. . -
   . . ;. ., ... c. . . ... .., .
       .. . - ~ . . y . ,.w. . ..~; n . ..     . . . .
    : *
         :: q:;i.h vf. . ?. ~     lj
*    .::.

Individual "J" let me tell you vbat really causes us coce' problem at - E... Q, , this point and hopefully youThe villabe able to enlighten'usi Uc do . v r e a s we 've s e e n , a nd a ga'in' ve've?, .: J.5. - l need to know the true stor ,,r:;..c,


seen a reasonable nu=ber of them, vbere there is aTocoscetic, Corde 1.and , patch' l.J.~ over soce just plain pure and sis.ple boneyco: .


cyself and other people vbo have looked through, there'seccs 'to be a ' i'" large enough number of these areas that we find it difficdit"to]. '. ' . understand how it could have been cade without a forecan for'so=ebodg O else in a responsible position knowing that this was happenini on ' ~ '.' ' ., the job. It is really a funda ental difficulty that ve.have, because


we need to understand, if we can accept that people didn't.ldQvba was Eoing on, how this could happe t...'!?

         - m.: ; = p' ' .~ . . :
   ...  .
         )A +l,.#",-[* ....' *S  .' I  .
          . What areas are you talking about?      -
          , ., , . , , ,


         . . . . - 4 ..; c  3._...r , .
    . :.
         .., . 1k ::*y.;.1-
            .. . .:

e . . .


I am essentially talking about the lover levels of the auxilisty .,;%. . < , .c '. - - ' e,. : .. buildin , -

  .  ..:      . .
           ;. ~ -  .

and last - Your lover levels on that probably were done last sumer/.j,.',:a ..: [" - f all, and t. bat would be before I came on the jo .

            . . .
         -r . . .;,. ,
         . . - . ;. . -  -
   -m  .
          .. a......i.,
      -      -
          ~.9 +9 . _ . . -

7 ,; a .ny... .n ' By lover levels, you can elevation 364"? r d . @.! ' - . Udy Si ;' 1

         ' ' F . /- " is about the time that I vent to wor . . v.c.-j:;a . . . . . ~ ... ' ..
    . .         L-
*   . . ..

6. .g (;j.=q.. .. . . , . . . . .

            . I guess that there was one that I personally have seen, and I.bave        -

not seen all of them, vbere it is on the bottom of a slab.had.vbere r there is a very thin coating of patch caterial underneath thisT.';.~ '" really very leose boneycomb and I Euess that if there were; or two, I t.bink it would be very easy for you to believe,.vell;a' ,~.:.. couple of men didn't know what they were doing and knocke'dlpff.Early one day and vanted to hurry and rather than call in QC an.d'get busy,, with the chipping bacmers, they patched this right over.', There.'sllJ,.: enough of those areas that are sicilar, some vbat similar,perhaps ' . not as thin a coating or had boneycomb behind them, that.1 really '..u.'


need to understand how that happended. Vere there times .the ' foreman vould not be present for long times while yourfpeopici,,.' pere;',( . '.r - vorking? Finishers like yourself were doing patches? S ., p 3l.:..:...'-

          ,4 .q'. E , ;,.a:5 ,;.
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         :i@.Q*:'c..:~.'. : . . w:g . .
             . . a J 6. (* g,,g*
         ',' . * . .id' $*h$ .-

w~. , .u. . . .m . w. . .

         .tf " .g' 4 'g, ;;. 5/ :rt.', .* f.b~  *
    .' ' . 1 g ", .; .       &

. ' ~

         '.: 2.. !. y jJ'.b. ..;',3*
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y.Xbibik,b.-.....'h.*... . .b:. ...

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E .9.:J-4 -- - s

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           ;.QT?.T. N&.;

3./.:;.;'TM a .. ..

        : ' . .p .!v': p'.S;wq:  ..Q.M'~'.jFM,([@

4 .g,+ :;r.} ' m ,.. ...qw ..:


r .Wr. .: % . . - . c.s' v..'.. e


e .. - . . . -

        . . . - .
     (5 , .-
. .
:- .  (:: (3) -

I can't explain it. I don't inov. Our f.orecan *


A., No I don't think s vas there and I'm sure that I put in as cany patches down there as . '

.        ,
    ,. ,. . . . , _ , ,

gost any in cy cre .




. __ . Khat vould happen if you vere devn there, I take'it'you people vould be down there when the forms were stripped, vben Lbe stripping crews -

-  vere dovn ther .  ,
~ On sone occasions yes, but cost ceasions n . If they cace upon a patch of boneycocb and they didn't call it to anybody's attention, QC, or reinted it out to the fore an, and started patching it, would soceone know about this other than the finisher biaself?    . I don't think it could be done because you got enough qualified people on the floor to know definit . . .
        . In those cases vbere youArehave  tagged, in your personal they good opinions? In my Lbat Newberg QC or PSI QC has cade?

conversations with the QC people, I find that myHave personal you had evaluation any is evidence of them not being fully qualifie experiences like that? if I had been in their position Ye I've seen and beard enough that I wouldn't have approve . We have so=e other coc=ents along cuch the sace line and at dleast in one occasion our own inspector found areas apparently been approve j Vben circumstances for patching that be had so=e real proble=s that occu No, because as far as we was concerned, they were tbc final wor Another question on our part - c.ost of those vbo cade allegations l of the helpers and your perspective, I understand, each had soce persona difficulty....... Vere any of these people these laborers vbo were r essentially untrained, trainable in your view? l


Exhibit VII rage 8 of 12

        . . .
      - . . . . . , . . . .
     . . . -   -

[*' .

   (} Q .

O t


l s

          , Yes, we've got a can out there right now fro: labor,and they're,
 * being traine .  .
     .     - -
. . . . .  ,      '

e .

         ,    c

".. -


" Is that going vell? , ,

-- - .,

> You tabe a That't going real vell, but bere's the thing about i man that's villing to work and his head's met a yard thick you can ' train that can but if that can don't vant to work I don't give a

. ,

dann bov'cuch tice you spend with bio you're not going to teach him



. *


' Let ce ask you another question bere. In several instances that it had ve found been what vould norcally a=ount to a goud patch, cxcept


patched with dead concrete, secething you pointed out to us thatIn one instan you'd pointed out to us previously.and one that we bno;ked out ourselves, tbc concre out, that we saw, Did soceone do what you did, core to the conclusion

?~   upset like putt And from the way that this was dead concrete before it was put in?

you've described conditions dovn there, I would conclude, caybe not * f '- accurately, have no proof that there was some qualified people, caybe some helpers, more than likely fore:ec, that vere in the are vben this was don .

-  quite a nu:ber of patches that sbov evidence of dead concrete? Yes, I've got one idea of my own and I don't knov exactly   Vben vbere I cakeI Eot the idea froo, I was told vben I coce on tbc job.


dry pack, the vay I was taught toyou cake cix itit years to vbere ago, youyou cantake sand squeeze and cement and cix it togethe it in your band and cake a ball and when you open your canband up, that r-ball vill stay there and not fall apart. Alright, Alright, you squeeze vben you l it as hard as you can but you can't squeeze i open your hand you'll bold that ball tcvard the sun, Alright, you can Isee don't water crystals. Then you've got a good dry pack.

q know vbere I got the idea, I couldn't tell you vbo told me, but i


anyway the pack ve were using was dry and in cy opinio


cement, plus you don't have enough coisture that will set yourThe cateria it, your vet mud vill penetrate so f ar, vben your coisture runs out and from there on its powde Eben talking earlier to a ecuple of people, especially in canagement, , they told us that on so=c days vben you had bad weather, a rainy day

'  and there was no work being done in other areas at the plant, that l



F.xhibit VII F - . Page 9 of 12 1 :. . m . , - .n.--

  . -, ,.,n .-  , ,.r,. - . . . , . . , - - . ----,-,- - -
         ,.-,. .. ..... e.,,

n .. -.-..- n .

            . , . - -w-

- o .q



    -    . . .
-    .     .
.l * ' . .
    .     .
.    .  . ,
   .      -

of ten the fir.ishers vould be kept on site and vould be asked to go *


into areas in the auxiliary building for example, a'nd do patchi'ag and those days also the stripping crews, in order to keep them

'         ' '- -
 - 'ecployed they would also be sent down in that area to strip forms. -

Feople that we talked to appeared to believe that this eight bave I been the days in the tice frate when soce of the boneycomb areas . _ have been'patcLed over icproperly, because the quality ccatrol people vere, perhaps catching up on their. paperwork on a rainy day,-


that stripping crews were down there coving. forms and finisbers Does thishad .


been generally instructed to go down and do patchin , appear accurate? , k'e were clear back from the wrecking crew; theyThis would basbe working on happended one area and we vould be working on anothe I don't know, it is - numerous time I'll tell you something els , just an ide ,

       . I am interested in opinion Where wreckers vill be backing ou At the I've seen this happe Alright, you can time they pull those forms, and it is rainin take and patch caterial over top of somethin . Yes you coul ,

New I don't know that it bappened, but it is an idea.

, . That this might be done by a stripper? It could be.' I don't say it's so, I say it is a possibilit .

         . It is a possibility that badn't been mentioned to us earlie But I know cyself because I ovned and operated a business for 10 years and if you want to fix soretbing vbere it is up, an outside job vbere you don't have any danger or Vater probic=s or socething like that, you've got a boneyco=b that's above ground level by the time you take and strip that form, take and wet it you can place it     .

and go o o s'


Exhibit VII Page 10 of 12 ,:-

     ... ..
     ... ..... .. - ~ ~ .
    . .
     . ..s  .. . . .
   .        9g e p
       . *N 9* $q gg ,gg g g
   -- _ _
     , D W . hq. N % g og4M 6e    ---*'- - _ ^


,.. . . , ,.     ~
        . ;. .g..p'   .  .....

M ...

   {} Q
     -  .,   ,
           ' - *
 ;* ,
        .;]..:-   ' *
  -  .. .

" This would be norcal for a, say supercarket, parking lot, a'partcent *

 .Q .          ,,

building? < u . . , .

       . .j . ^
          " P. ' . - f - 3;
. , . ... That's right - that's just what we're talking abou r

l '? '.' .,% . .~ :. . ~.l

..       -  . . ...'%. ' c. > . . s-  s
            ,. ,,,
    .g .    .f* a;  n  . _s
     .+ ..
.. . . . . . . . ,

W^*. *


In those instances where one has dug'out'"a.honeycocb': ' " Abother question: -


area to one extent or the other,. say I/ve get a it's beceyco=b six indies thatdeep has. '1. f ~


- . pretty regular dicensions - I'll lock into it,all the voy around it and I g and gets eight inches deep and builds up and the guys dugj;. . it'out in , _ that configuratio . ;,. ' : ~:


You'll be rancics by 'a 1/2"'. .. . ~


You'll never hit it like that.2" and then it will to up to say 4" and then you'v


, . all the way back and there's no way in bell y:u are going'.m to .pack it ~

        ..-,...<:  3-

back like tha .

        . ,
         . .  .. .    .
        ..e.(, ,  ....
           . . . >. Wat do they do then?     .' s, . . . -    .

These are some of the chippings'

              . They vent ahead and wrote it of ? . i. , , ." -

that I said that I would personally not approv .

        ' .' .,:n:/ ,    .-
        - >..; .. ,:a : -
         . . , . .,  ~,.
        , n. :r .y: .",.. s    .

The shape of the patch was such To thatthisyou couldn't even cake ~a a good - -

         . extent PSI and  Newberg   ~

patch, no catter bov good you were.QC didn't take .~ ': f j :.. a ,.. - good

           .-   judgecent

to try to fill back on? -- Gobacktosolidcaterial,atthadp2~.oint . .: , " - you Their orders was this: .


s. , - sto ..

        .... ;:. . .   .,
        .- P .r ..; .

e, ...



        -.'*N-.7,.,F ' I.'.:.. '. W o gave that order?     **

g. 7 , - , I couldn't tell you vbere the order coce f rom, it was just the' vayis icpr ve got it and this is so ething thatalive that can put .... .

         . that patch bach a
   .     ..:.~......-Y ;, y     .
        . .z. ' ; .
           :. . ,

Some of the stuf f I saw f alling of f, I'd bave to agree._ ,;with bere? 1 , '. . you.- ;,3 ,

           . . -  . . .  ,

Anything else you want to tell us vbile we're . . q. z .b_ - - . , . - r Q, v. :fr . ; .r ... ,

        . . ;..G. .: . ; : . :. . ' . .
        .... . :: a . . .
            .  .
        -[..,-~/. ?, * \ . ,,  .
        ~ % .S : , [*Q   !..
  • . .- 9pM il.9 -
        ..:.....;...~-- '

Exhibi.t.yIIsth. lf,, .


if t .> ,-

    ~<    Pasc; 11*;gf,#.,u:%. ..w,,... p:'~'6,
       ..  .
        ' h lIr,'..~T [c. -+p,',;.

j ~ **

           , ; , . 2 ,,
.   .
   ~t*    .C 6~Cl,,.h T:'.'
    :.    .:-l.::.a::ar?.L%?.f'.O'. Q. . .y ,t.t '
            .. , = . - _ . - -..
  ~-     v . .

e e. ~e -w-o.=em-sor.,w

        ~~ vrW    L ..  ,

.p . - - . . . y,..

-  .
      . , f ,. ' .   *'
          ,' . ,


. . . .
 **  *
     . ' s. l
      ., . . , . . . . , . . . . .    .
  ..  . . . . . ,.
' ' '
 'A .

Just what I told you, that if you have any more you want ,to t

  . throw at ce, the people that I think griped and squawking the cos ,


, .

I.think it was strictly personal aco. not . . , , . business.. ;.

 ..      *
.          .    *
           * .
      , ..

. ..

        .  . .  ,
 . .- . .. .. . . _ , ,.3  .,...,...,..,.,     ^

r...- _,

  ..-     ,. .

~. . .. . . ,

        - '
   .   .        .
       . .   .
  .  .
       .  . . . .,,
        .     .
     . .
        . . . .
  .    .
       ..  .    ..
.       ..

, - . . .


i l l


~. l Exhibit VII ~ Page 12 of 12 .* .. .


3., .


_ .

  ..  .
. . . .               *
         . .n n o


. .
 .   . .:
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 ,  ,

j Q * L 9 . , l: " :y -l;,,.- .'

          , _,


      :.: ,)n? ;;,s,.-   . .- -J
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        . :, . .
             ..   .
     ...--      .'..'.'.)..~
   .    .
-.                  .
  -   .';- q., ,  '

cake the foilowing written statetent freely' en vo.Iontarity ; .~ . ... . to


I, Individual "K"

           . ;
     ',       ,
    . . .. :: ' . . . .
    .    .

Mr. Jaocs E. Toster, who has identified himself to ee as an' Invent'iga ion' S


a.g, .

               .;;. .

1 f:.- .... . .


fe'.that I do not -. of the U.S. Naclear Regulatory,,Co: is sion. Mr. Fos ter has. .advised * . ..

            ,   .. :- l ...a.--
                . ,. .

. _

    . .:;.( : .  .


   ,                -

_ have to cake a statement, . ... ... and any statement - m I do cake

           , ' . ..:, ..may , . .. : be u sed in a jud
               . . . . -


          >. . ' j',7,"..'. y ;an. a' T,..
    ;.    .

y ,

            -      .

3.( 1.%. .:, . , - 3.,


proceedin .

           .'....   :v

I am a finisher for the Newberg Construction co pany., at . . ~. . : the ,j , H. a.rble ._

                 . Hill sit .
    . _

told be that on July 18, 1979, so:etioe in the corning, Individual Individual "L" - - . ' :: . .. . Individual "L"'

     %: ~   .,
        . ,,

forecan, askid

 "H", kne a to re as a Newberg  concrete  placceent   ..
           ~. .. .: ; . , -- .
     . . .

he.. concrete had to cover up a honeycomb area on cooling I. The pour for . x: t 9 ., . . . .- .ee. . : 3



just been stripped, andc: he'. stated he wanted it covered , ... ; :.;<

           . ~ . . . ...:2,,

up "before ..


they see b; .

            ! .- 2. ",,'.'.  -
                . .

We both refused to do this'.= - ---

           . .



This was the only ocassion when I have been asked or<.ordered .

             ...  .

tci pa'tch f rpr

     .-:      . /: M. ..;,...
             . g .   ,
           . .; w . ...:

repaired concret . .- W . -- .

            .: .

, . . I have done little concrete patching myself, except for tie . * holes.Jndl -?t.% - . seams. I


for patching, but'did not use it,


have been given " dead" or deretforated cecent . e .

              . . .

3 7, . :

.               - . . .

and observed some " dead" cement on Turbine bids II yesterday.'.p::.y . . . - t I have read this statement , consisting of one page, and

   .  . . . . .
            .,- hit .c.i .
               . >- . . ,rate t.o the be .
           . . . ,
            ..  ... .     .

of cy knowledge and belie ......~.s..,3 .

               - .  .
            ...    .
           ' Individual "K"      7/19/79

. . . . .

     ... .

Witness James E. Foster 7/19/79 .

             . .: . .
            *=.." .
-                  .


              - ' E. ,r ' ' * -

Cordell Villiams 7/19/79

     . ,_ .;
           . . ; lL; , .s  '.
              : .,:
               :~.- . . *  .
           ; . : m. ,:.     . .

7;.:J: . . v~ ...x[.

    - '. ' -
            . .: a' . . .;. ..
                .. '.. , . .
,            . . s. ....
             ., , . .
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     . . , .           .
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.     . . : . .. .        r...r,~..
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s .t. :'. . : . . -

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            .. :. 4. , . :.,. ... )<  ..
      *         ;-:< . . . .. #. . .
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           . < 2,:;,~. . n . y . g -     .
            .. .. ~.. . , . - ..
            . .r . : . . . : ;. _
     .. ...
      .. vi f, : . xhibit V111
            '.E'2,% ' . .Qp -. t i e I of 1
     -. e: ;- q . ,, ..

typed transeript of statement .

           , . c .; . . . ; .. . . . .
    * ke *, Lk . ,      .."..n?;*[.
           ~ , , . - [ . . I . .h.<. a , ,.;,
           .    .
     : ... . .. ;  .     < * g ,' :. n,ad, .     .i. ,,,.

y .:. .y ; .. . . -*

     ~:~.';..~.~ ....g
           , L , ). '~ y..3 ,. . . . ,
              . . .
      :~:- . ~ . ,
     .        .

4a.g.. w.,,f,

    . - .2-....

Q.-,. . .  ;

*  . '
  . *
    .- r.:r'. -e..m
      .4 _-   .

z v.6..~.o

           :  :%.... .n.~
                   . 'W * m a.esacp'.m.*=*= =. . ra-. M. war.*c.rar,*s ?tv     m .=;. . -
  . .
          . v
     "     -
                   , .- _

- gg G*-

-- .,
   . . .


.'   . .

the following statement freely ebd voluntarily to M , I, Individual "G", cake ' James I. Foster, who has identified himself to me as an Investigator, U.S,- ' I

* 1'uclear Regulatory Co= ission. Mr. Foster has inforced ce that I do not have to
- -- . . . .. . ,

judicial cake a stateeent.and that any state.,ent I do rake cay later be used in a


__ w - .


proceeding. ' .


I have been a finisher forecan for Newberg Marble Hill since mid-Novecher,19

* 'on[haveworkedat the construction site several tices previousl *

I have never ordered finishers in ciy crew to patch areas where honeycocb was

.. .
       " cover-evident and had not been tagged. No mecher of my crew has 1:>cen ordered to some areas were not chipped out to up" areas which were not chipped.I feel that

, these' areas were the extent that all ucsound caterial was re=oved. I believe that . .


, approved for pa tching by hones t mistakes in judgec>en Concrete has been stored in barrels and has deteriorated prior to being used for




patches. This was brought to the attention of Newberg and PSI in March of 1 .


approxicat received any training in Quality Control f roc Newberg, and do not believe i I have not that the other forecen received such trainin (


I do not believe that PSI QC inspectors were aware of patches being cade imp '

* Mr. Stanley Mortensen vorLed on my crew, and did no patching to ey knowledg
.       "F".

do not recall any date on which he worked for Individual


On Inclement days such as rainy days, finishers vould of ten be kept on at the p


I ions which hid f to do patching. In so:nc cases they c:ay have patched surface condit


honeyco=b pockets they were not aware o . level of experience of sece personnel, and Two problecs on this job have been the > o t have the configuration + procedure used to perforc patches. Deep pockets cay no I:tibi: ' . ' . _


page I of 2

~   typed transcript of statec>ent
        - *
   , ,
     . ..

g g g

e .

 .,"       ()
    {.] g,
' * '          ;:  -
,   .
   -   .
       {'y  ,
: .


     .. .
       . .  = *
,      . .

bcen filled by the " ram pack" eethod utilize ,-


is true and correct to the best Mr. Foster has read the above statement to and it - 0

.          .

I of cy bowledge and belie , , , ,, , _

.  .
    - .-  ~ . .

Individual "G" July 17-79


Witness: Ja:cs E. Foster 7/17/79

    . -  -  w .    .
. .. Cordell C. Villia:s 7/17/79        .

e e 9 I

  .           1


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*       *

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*; .

4 . _


fi, . ,.

9 . h[ *


(I .



            , '4

e' 'N j .

'  -
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* 4         *
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. . '-

typed transcript of 5tetecent Exhibit II ;. page 2 o rr-.

..' ;,'   .
   .' ' , "

T., .,a

'"...   . .. . . ' .-     . .   . =
,3   3; * .    ,    ..
    . .*
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 * * 1.,,..    *   . .
/*   -

e ,

   " ^- ^ '  ..._,.__a.,_.._,_,,,;,,.- ,'""*"****7***,"_,${*(*_,*,','
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.  .      -.
. ! , *. .
        >1enearily .ce ,

isk Ih. followingstate:ent(jeelyOd

.I, Irdividual "N'.   .. .- . .. _,

Foster, who has identified himself to ce as on Investigator, *: Jaoes ' .


Euclear 7,egulatory Co==ission. Mr.,Torter has inforced .that I do not have to

          , ,  .
         . . . .


     . ~...... .



do cake c.ay' be later used in a judicial I take a statecent and that any statecent I . . .. '

          . .:. .


  - - ". --


    . .
    . . : . J . .. . .; .3 ,,
        . . . , , . .
          .,....,, .
.. . .

proceeding;. ..- . '

  .    '      sit'e

I an a steward for the finisher's Union, snd haVe'vorked at the Marble Hil . .

, .

for apprcxicately one year and seven mon'ths. > I have been physically present when Mr. S'teve Cayso, Superintendent for the

       "G" to cosectically patch   ,

Newberg Construction Co=pany, has ordered Individual f approxicately over honeyco bed areas of concrete. These have been scall areas o


one-half foot square. This happened only ocassionall .. Individual "G" passed on the orders from Mr. Cayso to the crew meebers."*I

,           .

been ordered to cover up any honeyco= bed are personally have not Ieproperly repaired areas (such as ordered above) were locoted in the Aux


building, fuel handling building and,other area I have read the above statement, and it is true and correct to the best of n:y .


knowledge and belie Individual "N" 18 k'itne s s : James E. Toster 7/18/79 *

        ?  .
        - Exhibit X  .

page 1 of 1

 . typed ~ transcript of statement       .


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date of I.i=ited k':rk k:thuri:: tion



's/F./// .
. u '. -   C.lutshall hired as finisher's helper, Jewel Rogere hire .

3/9/79 ,

  ~- -  .
       .. ..
        . . . .

.:.,< .


3/09/79 S. Mortensen hired as a ficisher *-

 -  ..
.s....           .-
'   'vuld fuand ' la cux. bpilding sisb at. 373'6" -  ,

i.'l3/29//9 .


dirty rebar, repairs icproper - '

. . .

FRC Inspection bs::cyco= bed concrete,u

. .
-4/3-6//9  .
       ' -

SSL, PSI, N-M3 inspect eux. building voi .


4/6/79, to Newberg f rce PSI:huneycu nb on two slab /9/79- ,.


letter tu Newberg-frc: PSI: :; top honeycceb trend, better QC 4/11/79 . , L4/30-5/3/79 NP.C inrpection: preplace ent probices, icproper curing et concret /1/79 QA?N-10,Tampcetion & Tcst Control revised (rev. 3) 5/5/79 QA1'N-10, Rev. 3 icplemented (?).

   . u l tra s oni testing of aux. buliding sta ,

5/7-S/79 S. Mortensen laid off (aipprox. 28 working (Imys at site).

. S/8//9 5/S/79 C. Cutwhall caker sworn stater ent to Datillo Newberg holds training session (placement crews).

5/10/79 request (approx. 45 workins dcys at site).

5/11/79 c. Cutwh=11 laid of f at his concrete problems, testing of su !

' 5/15/79

HRc/PS1 conagement meeting at FSI: 5/17/79 letter to N->G1 from PSI regarding quality of work at cit /,1B/79 Jewel Rogers imid of will licit placements, have more Q /21/79 letter to PSI frun N->S!: 5/26/79 date of witness statement on cutshs11s afidavi call in RTTI f roro PSI: aux void vill be a 50.55(e) repor , 6/4/79 le t t e r f ros N-)G1 t o P SI: outlines basic procedure /12/79 Datillo sends pett rino to NKR, attaches is C. Cutshall statecen /12/79


6/12/79 FS1 notifies KIli that statement brought up in TV intervie 'I

         '  '

6/13/79 Kill gets entire statement (clear copy on next day).

l l i 3 / 79 l'::illo ec133 '111, civists Fe is 1.wy +. r f o r C u *. s h e l l .


6/1;/79 151 and 1;uwbe rg be pa paLt.h testin *


6/21/79 RIII cs11s PSI, they adsise cany patches ba . . a.*

    - -
.. .  ,
  -  ~.H ,

g f, ..



         .. ..
  .     ..
              .;. m.r : . .-
 .  .      ,

r i  : .~ r2 . 2

- *** .
    ) .. -. . . .
          '   a. .<.?
   .-           . . .. ...

1 * e -

           ..     -
     . .
            . . . ,  r-  ,
  *  *
      .- . * .
           . . . , . n. . . %. ....t, .
 .    .      ..
                , - -
    * ~    . .
             .   ,
              -4.,. e, - c .

,, .: ., :. .

          .. . . . . . . .

f. .. ....,e...

    .-  .
       . . .
        . . ..
           . . 4
           ..  %......:
            '. ' :. b,': .
              . .
                ,. , ,.
                 ' -


 .. . . , .

g g j. t,: w3 . ,. .


RIII seeds Tester and Eavkins to sir . . q . m.r..:: . . ,,a -- ..

* 6/22/79
     .            *
. .
. firs t centact with C, Cueshall .f rc= Da tillo's of fice...f_:g.. .
              >>^~ ,u.- ... , .;. ....-
$,. 6/25/79     .. . .'        dp+;.,,:.}/g    ._,

recting, of RIII/ PSI at site, category placements stoppe , , ,

            . .e ., :,. a. ~
            ... .  .   .

_ ' ,, r,/ 2 t,/ 7 9 ,'.M. . . . -


telephone contacc wl,tb c, cutshs1 m;;gh.. -

             ,2 .c.-f
              .. -- ..

7/1/79 direct

            ',M. ..'., ."

7/3/79 f er=2150.55(e) report on aux. . building cleb voi s ..c.g.:.,

            ;yig . , ' l' .. , , ,, .

C. Cut shall site vini . .

          .  . .w,g.4, '.': w . .t . .     .

7/7/79 ' ,, .

            @l: . N.' '  .;. a. - l 7/7/79 Jewel Rogers statement.,   .
            . .<., . . .. :.r :e .  .
            ?& ' . " .
                 - e:

7/5/79 Micbcel k'als con atateccat .

            - ~ .w <? ~ . , .. . .. . . . ..
-             L     .

Stantcy Murtensen s tatemen i:g,w.'..,f .  :- = . :::, r ,,. : . ,. ;. a. q .. . _




Shicids (PSI) visits RIII to disccus site pret-Ie: v :.f.f.;.M,} u.N.=s}. @y=j,:'



             \ '. .

v Stephan Gayso statc;::ent to N-MH . . . , ; . ;- . 7/10/79 P.V:. 1. . , +:Si% ":. ,.

             .. c -:%
            .w  p. ., ,. w
. //10/79 James Cutshall statement to N-X '

Marker (PSI) visits RIII, discusses 1AL, cite probleg' . :, . . ; .gig,.; ,. . ... .. . .f .. . 7/16/79 , =t

              , .

gy R111 c.eeting with PSI at site, category I placements  : . *.

              . .: ~l ,,s,oppe ', ".  ..~

7/70/79 * Yi.f. g?.* w l P , .',,,.

                 ,:.: -.,..;_..-
               ' ";~ *-
             * ..~
            . n.,- :4.,m,,.W.. -.. . . . , . . . . .  '
            . ,.s.,g.':i';; f:.TgiI,'
            . , , , , . .
              * g g,g .~g ,* Y' .*

m * .


7.,h..,,v. r r ..

        .  ?   .Y:, :. .:p..o:.rW ~
               .n . .s

Q- .~. ~'

    . - .        , . z. , . - i * ;. , y *    ,
 . ,           v. < l i' ' 6.*, f', -r.f. .,,


            >.m....r g;=9.- ,n . .  ...),....    *
,,                   *


             ; . <. .' .; r<; y. ;... .; ..
            , .Mg   Jr i;  ,
            .M L 9e *> : .p- }. . . . ,

M .: .; 5. . .

            . i:':';;W-5 - l? *s   '. . .
            * l $ .f;l~'_'f f i". .     .-
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              {t'   2 a       . l:. l?. .' v'...;....v.,,   :: . .- ..
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u =.- . :. , ' . . f ~.,R:q,*q . z. .n' .*:>!

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            .'rf.t,k"t o %-y;'.y.? p. .=.. r .
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