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Rept on Qualification Tests for D60-01 Cable Contract 3240-62B WPPSS Nuclear Project 3 W/Insulation Indents for Class 1E Svc in Nuclear Generating Stations
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 02/03/1983
From: Littlehales G, Short P
Shared Package
ML20113F571 List:
FOIA-84-441 QR3802, NUDOCS 8501240095
Download: ML20113F660 (13)


s .- nos Qualit;,

e e' . lage 2, Para. 1- ' . r r : t r. ) u c

..V data Page 11." _

N 2.

Page 2, Para. 2 - TaHe 2 for LOCA (cc;. a t : a c t.u .) is found in j the Rockbestos Contract 62B Specification, Section 2A. Delete

"(See Page B)."

3. Page 3, Para. 3 - Change "Page 7" to "Page 9."

4 Page 6, 1st Para. - Qualification Report =2805 vill be forwarded, '

with a corrected copy cf Qualification Report #3802, by Rockbestos.

1 1 .

REPO?,T CH Q Sl.IF::AT::t TE5 5 2:9.



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%f 97.!1502 Fregrd Sy: P.A. Short THE R003EST05 CCGNY hev hven, CT 05511 February 3,1953 05012g0o95e40006 PDR hDEe4441 DR

i TAikE OF CONTENTS TITLE P' SE PURPOSE , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TEST SAM?LE DESCRIFTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 AEINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

.- . RADIATION EX?OSU?2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DESIES BASIS EVERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IRTERMEDIATE TESTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3&4 POST LOCA TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 OBSEP.VATIOKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 FAILUP.E & ARALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E&6 TEST SAM?LE CDSFIGU?.ATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CERTIFIED CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 LOCA PROFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 IRRADIATIDM VERIFICATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 l

AR R.':E S I U3 DAT A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 TEST LOCATIDH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CHAHEER DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 & 13 Cn.,IBs,..M

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The purpose of this test pregra . is to d+ cast-ia that D50-Oi cable with 50 called " insulation inder. s* w-li functica during a Loss of toolan: Accident (LDCA), post iiated to occur at any time during the anticipated 40 yeers of c;tratic under


conditions as prescribed by IEEE-353-1974.


Six sapies from Reel f5 337133 were selrad. Trey were identifiid as A, f2, #3, f4, !5 and n. Six st=les frem Reel fG 342275 were selected. They were identified as !7, !E, !9, fiO, fil and f12.

Sagles f3, M, #9, and fiD were held as centrol sarcies and were not included in the test program. Sa pies fi, f2, f5, M, !7, fS, fii and #12 were included in the tes ;,re; ram. Each sample was eight feet in length.and of the folicein; description:

. D60-01 2/C (16 AWE 7/.0152 Tin Coated Copper

.020" f rradiated Fil III .

Shield Tape PC 27 .

. f1E AWG 16/.010 Tin' Coated Cc;per Errin Wire

.045" XLPI Jacket


300 V Rated

.e S




1. Acino - 7.afersnes !!EE-3E3, ash Sat.ples fl, f2, i7, and fB wsre wrapped around'sn c;en randrei ap;r:xintely 24 in diene er. Tr.+ re-drel was then pla:Ed in a circulating air oven for EE; .Nurs with the temperature r.tintained at 150* C to sir.:iate 4C years life at a nor v.1 eperating te .perature of EPC. Tre ti 4 and tmperature ware based on the E.trhenius data which is

' represented en pacell on this report. TMs data was deveicFed on 50% retention. It represents a 20% rargin cyer Fe industry ateepted 40: reter. tion.

2. Rtdiation EECsvre - E.eference IEEE-3E2, Eart:-EOh Upon cot.pietion of the aging, the randrei was re .,ved frca the oven. Sar. pies f5, #5, !!1, and fi2 wen wrap;ed ar:und the randrel. .

The mandrel with both the aged and unaged sa= pies, was trar.sferred to Iscr.edix Inc. of Parsippany, H. J., for radiation exposure under Rockbestos pechase Order (16715 dated 6/22/82.

All sarples are exposed to carra radiation in air, f~;c a Ccbait-60 source at the rate of .57 m-grads per hour fcr ?? hours resulting 7

in a total inte5 rated dose of 5.4 X10 rads e,inirc . This desage reprsents a rartir, of 1.1 x 10 7 rats ab-ove ,tte indi:and desage of 7

4.3 X 10 in Table 2 EEA5CD 5?EC 3240 623 for LOCA.

3. Desien Easis Event - LOCt. Refersn:e IEEE-553. rare:-a% 2.4_ l l

i To demnstrate servicat.bility cf the corrstr.cthn hein; aM .

after a LCG. all samles wre s*jectsd t: the LCCA profile described or. page ? of this report.  :

The first f:gr (4) days cf the envirce. mental pnfile wre

', coreducted in an a.utoclava. The samples wert then transferred te a hwr::1dity chamber at 212*F,1::::T ILalative Kve'.dtty, for an additior.41 ninety-six (M) days.

A XC Y ac 50 Mz potential was a;r;1ted cco:grrently with 22

- Anps ac cerductoc current cc.nti:mx: sly fc.c the first fowe (4) -

days, upon transfer to the hd.dity cbcr:er, th: saolet w:re d

ener;ited with a 600 V ac 60 Hz potential aM 22 k::ps cooketcr current fer the re*41nir4 nirety-six (M) days exce;:t fcr testing l at t w r.ty-eight (23) days. V:1:aE+ and current appli:sticn was cont 4 ucr.ts ei. cept krinj; traesfer fr:a the uty.lan to th: heridity chamber aM testing at the t:metty-eip.t (22) day potat.

4. Intermediate Tuting Upon ecspletion of twenty-eipit (22) days exposure to the environ-mental prcfiie the secles were remvfd fc:a t's b'.:: idity chaa:ber.

All samples were allowed to cool, straip.tard a+d then wrapped around a O D nandrel. The maMeel was placed in roca taccperature water ard albei to soak for six (6) hcves, hch iMividual '

ccMuctor was tested with an 80 Y/cd1 average stress (1.6 t Yac) for five (5) minutes. Cne ccadoctor was energized with the other coMuctor-shield-and water at ground potential. Fifteen (15) of

j. the sixteen (15) individual c:oductort seccessfully withstood the voltage test. The white corducter of sawle f2 deeonstrated excessfye '

l 1eakage at 10?0 Y and tasting was discontinued. ibwever, catastr6phit ,

  • failurt did rect occur with that c.%.bctor ard therefc-re. it along l with til samples, was ret:.v.ed to the basidity chamber at l 212*F ar.d 1;ct relative heidity tM reer4rgi:ed with 6% Y ac ar4 l 22 Ac:;;5 cted 'ctcr c rrett.

. I 1

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'nte-ediate Testine (continued) l Note: Testine for this section was a :om:lished by cennection to an external wire .ti:h was spli:ed to each e..d of arch subject cable. This configuratien was used to faciliate the enire sa=ple(s) of interest being contained in the :ha-b-er during the environmental pmfile.

5. Fost !.00A Test - Reference IEEE-353, Para:-t:h 2.4.4 All sam'tes ' sue:essfully withstood the 600 Y a: potential and


22 A=ps eceductor current te a cumulative :stal of 100 days of the environmental profile.

Upon completion of the 100 days, all sagles removed from the humidity chamber and allo +:-d to ecol to rc:- temperature.

Ali external wires and splices were rem 3ved fr:: the segles.

The sagles were then straichtened and wrap;+d around a 40 D rendre1. The samles wre then irersed in toon te=perature water and ellowed to soak for six (6) hours. Each individual conductor was then tested with ,an M Y/ mil averass stress, 50 ':z r

(1.6 k Vac) for five (5) minutes. Each cor.ductor was energized with the other-shield-and water at grcund pctantie.l.

Fifteen (15) of the sixteen (15) condu::crs successfully with-stood the volta;+ test. The white c mdu:ter of samle N experi-enced catastrophic failure at 1.2 kV.

4 9

O i

5. Observations
a. 300 Yac should have been a;;;: lied durir.; t'.e. entire 100 day profile. Due to technician errer, 6:0 '.* a: as applied for 95 cf the 100 Days (Day 5 to Bay 100).-
b. The white conductor of sample #2 c:ck-s -5= 10,0 Day Fost


LM A tist satisfactorily. This ir.dicates that the problem experienced at 28 Days was due te a spli:e r,aifunction since testing at 100 Days as accomplished /.th external leads and splices removed.

7. Failure Analysis i

Fifteen (15) of the sixteen (16) conductors tested, successfully cc:pleted the test progra:.. All *=.n tested in a rcre severe

. situation than required due to technician error, ie; 600 Vac vs 300 Vac.

. The sample that ultimately failed successfully withstood all tests and conditions previously described up tc tot excluding the final voltage proof test. It did vithstand 1200 V of the required 1600 V et final test.

I>. tailed exenination of the fault, includ,ing'r.i:rcsc:pic examination up to 60X cf the components, revealed the foileving;

1. The failure was net a: an " indent".
2. The failure was not adjacent to the drain vire.
3. The failure was in between overlying shisid upe edges.
4. The conductor was not spliced.
5. Dimensiens ixnediately adjacent to the fr.uit were nominal.
  • 5. Actual cause of failure was destrcyed by the fault.

The conclusien based on the above exa=ination can only be th'at the failure, occurred at a point in the cable w:uid be considered a

" nominal" section. .


_ _ m_ _

4 Failure Ar.alysis (continued)

" Nominal" wire has been previously qualified for Class IE as docuented in 6Jalification Report f2ED5 (:::j attached). That test program was accomalished cn wire in a rcre seetn situation than that of the failed conductor. Testing vis dr.e r. aged and unaged singles without the protec:icn of shield er jacket coctonents and completed the program successfully.

It folievi the , that "nor.rinal" wire vill not faii but for '

an .ialous reasons.

In additicn to the added mechanical and ele: ri:47 stresses the samples were subjected to tefore the 100 Day test sec,::ence, the samples were exposed to the following "petential" erarnti, undstected, stresses,

a. Pechanicti contact during installation ci szccles fcr irradiation.
b. Mechanical contact during transport to ar.d from irradiation.
c. Mechanical contact during tes5tng at the 25 Liy point.

l 4

It is concluded therefore, that sin:e the fail:tre cccurred in a "ncminal" area, and " nominal" wire vill not fail, the failure is due to an anomaly. The Incst probable anraiy is rachanicti da: rage which occurred during the handling of the samples during the test ; ogram.

The failu a encountered by the VSite corductor of simple f6 is regarded l

Es an anomaly due to tachrnical da age, ce=ot;nded by unnecessarily severe test conditions.

And is therefore disregarded. ,

l l

l l

l l

l *

2. Test Sample Ccnfiguration Testing was accomplished on completed c::le -f:r two reasons. _
1. The test program was established to dstarbine product capability under the " indent" condicion. Separating compcnents would have changed the strasses involved and reduced the potential for valid evaluation of the "inden
  • effect.
2. Separaticn of the components would have unns:essarily

, exposed the wire to potential mechanical dar. age by tools (knifes etc.) and stress encountered durir.g the actual physical separation.

D ge ** .

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CEF.TIFIED CONCWSION Cables described es D50-01 which are 2/C ObWG, .020 Irradiated F,i II:

shield tape, flS A'E Drain Wire .C45 XLPE Jacket rated 300 V and further descrit.ed as having " insulation inder.ts", have success-fully withstad the tests and ccnditions decu anted in the preceeding Pages. Therefert, we certify that they can be expeted to function in their nomal intended applications and durir.g conditions simulated herein pcstulated to cccur at any ti:ne during the anticipated 40 year


co:ponent life.

v f:h- W P. A. 5ncrt Manager Ocalification & Test

/ D .s

. v./t, G.G. Littlehales Manager Q.:ality Assurance 9

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- %m Nb mau IS O M EO tX Julv. 9, 19.82 Mr. Es Giennetti The ?cekbestes Cc=fany -

285 Nicoli Street Kev Eaven, Conn. 06504

Dear Mr. Giar.netti:


This ce vill sc:::.ari:e para ets:s pertinent to the 1::adiatics of (1) sandrel vrapped with cables, as per your ?::: base c der 415715, dated Otse 22, 1982.

The =rdral van e=p: sed at each of four (4 ) q:adra.ts as r.arked with a nu=ber at its rep. By inte.grati g the dose rate at any point es the ra ,d:s1 during the for positie: ex: stre, am a.verage dose rate was chtai ed which, when =21:iplied .by the total exposure tize, yields total dese.-

The mandrel was exposed to a C:balt-50 gar :a field fer a peried of 99 hours0.00115 days <br />0.0275 hours <br />1.636905e-4 weeks <br />3.76695e-5 months <br /> at an a.verage dose rate of 'Or57'=egarads per ho=. Tas calculated dose besti en dosinetry was 56 regerads. ince:perating the i 3%dose

=i=imu:: accuracy of the desi >et:y systen, therefere, the reported is 54 regarads.

Dori ,etry was usi g Earvell Red 4 034 Perspex desiraters, utilizing a Eausch and I,::b Model 710 spect::ph:tc=ste: as the readout instru stt. Tcis system is calibrated dire::1y with N35, with the last_calibratics bel g May 04, 1982 A 00py of the desi=etry correlatic: report is available upo re cest.

Irradiation was conducted in air at -kient tsnperature and pres-sure. Radiant hea.t fr:r. the source heated the s>---les se:nevhat, but the te=perature did not exceed 110 degrees I, as indicated by previeus sensurements c position. an oil solution i= the se a relative I::adiation was initiated on June 22, 15 22 and was ===pleted on July 5, 1982.

Very truly ycurs, FCR 3 Ir-IS .

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5bmodBx Inc, e_H is--r- re- A'~'--+-J *a a > "*C ~ " " ~ " "


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