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Proposed Tech Spec Changes to Render Reactor Facility Permanently Inoperable on 841001
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 07/25/1984
Shared Package
ML20093L441 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8407310417
Download: ML20093L465 (17)



. APPENDIX A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FACILITY LICENSE NO. R-71 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES NUCLEAR REACTOR DOCKET NO. 50-142 DATE: October 1, 1984 The Technical Specifications pertain to the UCLA reactor facility and to the reactor which has been rendered permanently inoperable. The current status of the reactor and facility is as follows:

1. The four control blade drive thafts have been severed from the drive mechanisms.
2. The dump valve and the primary water pump have been disabled.
3. The rabbit tube has been removed from the rabbit port.
4. Follower plugs in vertical ports and beam tube apertures have been secured with bead welds.
5. The unirradiated fuel which had been in storage has been returned to the Department of Energy.

By the effective date of this proposed amendment to the Technical Specifications the following additional actions will have been taken:

6. The primary water will be drained from the system.
7. The secondary water will be valved-ofi and the line to the flow meter and controller will be severed.
8. All irraciated fuel will be removed from the core for temporary storage in the spent-fuel storage pits pending the completion of shipping arrangements to return the fuel to the Department of Energy.

Except that certain of the actions that have been taken or will be taken are irreversible, these initial deconunissioning actions are similar to those that would be taken during major core maintenance and fall within the scope of the operating license.

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8407310417 g497pg p DR ADOCK 05000242 l PDR '


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1 The dimensions, measurements or other numerical values of these specifications may differ from the measured values as a result of normal construction and manufacturing tolerances er from variations in the normal accuracy of instru-mentation.

I. Definition: -

-A. Eco;;;r Chutd:=

S.e re::::: 1: chu: deu chcn all of the 's11owing cw..diticis at ;;;;

1. .11


centr:1 b1:d : cre fully incerted r-d the reerter is.

ubcritic 1 by : ;rgin greater th: 0.00 7' .d. * :: .

-celeeleefog th: ::beri-tieel = rgi , :: credit shall 5 3

-teken- f r exicriscr.t:, temperature eff;ct: ce-weten-poirening.

2. O. c:rsel kcj :.ciech i: la -ehe-eM-pocieion -the-key-r

-is -removed--and-under--the-concrol-of a licensed operatoer

3. N: ::inten ::: :: verk-1: in pr g ::: tha: ::uld redwee

-th cubcritical rargia.-

l -B r---Re a c to r--Opera t ion-l -Reactos-operacion-shall-mean :ny :: diti =r eherein-the reactor l -is not-shut detm_

-Gr ?:::ic: S c ran--

-A-teacter scram 1: the gravity-drop-of-an11%ontrol-blades, I

I 1

~ _ - . _ . -

- . ~ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ , _ _ . . .__

J O.  : peri::nt A; ::per4mmt-shell 5: : y ef--the-fellowing -

ed in the reactor 1 Any ara' g device terial p re re (n, in -Qe exposur acilities, in a beam'bts ra tion ou inatih3 Jrom the tor core.

K par opera ters n desi aracter sure or observ reactor ies. N

z. ee t;- c;r=.y sr t--


Th reactor afety s tem that co ation of asuring chan. s whic forms t autom ic prote tve system or the reactor r prov s info tion v ch requi manual p -

tective a ion to initiat .

-7. Operable Operable means a system or component is capable of performing its intended function in a normal manner.

G. Operating Operating means a system or component is performing its intended function in a normal manner.

R. Operability Test Operability test means qualitatively verifying the operability of the channel by observation of channel behavior or by .the introduction of an externally generated signal.

I. Calibration Calibration means adjusting a channel output such that it respond 8, within acceptable range and accuracy, to known values of the parameter which the channel measures. Calibration shall encom-l pass the entire channel including equipment actuation, alarm or

! crip.

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3 Site and Reactor Roo:n II.

A. Site

1. The renctor shall be housed in a reinforecd concreta building in the School of Engineering nnd Applied Science, l'niversity of California, I.e.; Angeles, California.
2. Tnc restricted area shs11 enco:psss the Xueleur Encrgy
.sbors'.ory '.thich is co= prised of the react:r room, centrol rcce, and surroundia; au;: port f acilities .

D. Reactor Roo.r _.

1. Tuc reactor room sh.ill have an independent ventilation und nLe-ecnditionin;i. systca.
2. All 3:ac4 which =sy cause a harned throu.;h neutron active. tion shall 'ac exhausted f ro:a experiments or dxperi-sont:1 f t:cilitic:: instal!cd in er adjacunt to the ccre or surroundin:,; graphite to the en tiron:unt via a co= son exh.:uu t duct.
3. Air i:ith3enwn frca the reactor roca shall be diluted to a voli::.o rate of n, proxinately 14,000 C101, conitored

' for gasecus activity and p.trtleulate conta'::ination, ind exhausted to the ntnusphere throut;h a stach appro.s imately 107 feet sbove 1;rcund leret.

4. M the event that the !!citt fe r-Ar-gonJ1-containod-in-40 CFR Part 20, ^.ppendia-3,-Table-II, with .a reductie"-

factor-of 460 cre exceeded ir th : :ch. the ventilatiou-

-systan the!! be secured-and--sham-cause-the automatic damper-+ystem-to -sea 1-the reactor-room,-and-the-rescter

- shall-be-shut-downr-i 5. The 10 ton c:ca: 05 .11 ::t-be-used-in-seek--a-way-that-

-the cont::151:de d:i:: edituov144uli-u daroga-by--.

.-dropping er s insing ' land

6. Doors penceratini; the reactor roca are within the restricted ares. All doors Acading into the reactor roca shell hse a fischin;; cicer light indie: tin, :::::::
stier end'shall be under a lock and key security system.

A:nendment No.10 Dated: FEB 5 576 i

l l


. -4_

l IIL =e-eter syst---  !

A. Reactor Core

1. The core shall cons t of a maximum of 24 assemblies of up to 11 plates es . These assemblies are contained in six aluminum xes surrounded by graphite.

are arranged in two parallel rows of three bpx/The es each, boxes separated by out 30 centimeters of graphite.

2. A fuel pla shall be enriched uranium-aIuminum alloy fuel clad ich aluminum. There shall 5 nominally 14.5 gr of uranium per fuel plate
3. A ne ron source shall be provided during reactor startup.

B. Prima Coolanc System

1. The primary coolant shall b desineralized light v er.

. The primary coolant flow ate shall be greater an 15 gpm for reactor ope tion at power levels a ove 1 watt.

3. The average prima coolant outlet temper .ure shall not exceed 200'F.
4. The resistivi of the primary coola shall be measured prior to ea- startup. The resisti ty shall not be less than 0.5 m gehm centimeters.
5. The pri ary coolant quick-dump alve shal.1 be activated manua y and upon receipt of n automatic shutdown sig prior to each startu to assure proper operation.

C. Reacto Control System

1. Four cadmium-tipped s phore-type blades shall be used for reactor control. The control blades shall be pro-tected by shrouds o assure freedom of motion.


l l


2. The reactor shall not be made criti* cal unless all cont 1 ,

blade drives are operable <


3. The reactor shall not b'e made critical unless the inter-locks in Table I are 6perable.
4. Tests, limits and< frequencies of tests for th control system shall be fs listed in Table II.
5. Following' maintenance or modification to he reactor control sy fem, an operability test of he affected por ion of the sy tem, including,verificatiot of control blad drive speed, all be performed before th system is cons ered opera e.

D. Recctor $ fety System

1. e reactor shall not be mad critical unless he reactor safety system is operable i accordance wit Table III.

. Tests for operability sh 1 be made in s ordance with Table IV.

3. The neutron channel shall be calib ted against an independent measu of core power c intervals not exceeding 12 mon s.
4. The followin channels shall e calibrated at intervals not exceedi g 12 months, or ny time a change in channel performan is noted.
a. lo N period chann
b. over level saf y channels

. linear power level channel 5 Following ma tenance or modifications to the reactor safety syst m, an operability test and calibration of the affected annet shall be performed before the reactor safety stem is considered operable.





E. Pneuentic Sampic Transfer / System

1. A Pneumatic Sa= c Transfer Sys 7 may be inst led in the west vert si experimenta' port of the r ecor.
2. All opera ons of the Pne _atic Sample T asfer System will b dn accordance v' n approved pr edures.
3. No ample shall be cusatically i crted or removed om a critical r actor if the r .ultant stabic positive period will be kess j than 20 se nds.

-4AL. "g :ticit; A. The core excess 6 activity at cold ricical, without xen poisoning, sha not execed 0.02 .

B. The primar" coolant void.and ceperature coefficien s of react.ivi shall be negativ .

2 C. The 'nimum shutdown c gin, vich thc,=ost r crive control b1 a fully uithdrau , shall be 0.018 p.

D. he reactivity it ertien race for a si gle centrol blade

, shall not exec 0.0005 0/ /sec.

E. Items C an D shall be verified n accordance with Table II, Test 2.

V. Radiation Menitoring System A. The re?ctor room shall be centinuously conitored by at least two area radiation monitors. The r.onitors shall be capable of audibly varning personnel of high radiation levels. The output of these =enitors shall be continuously l indicated.

! I B. During reactor operations or core alterations, exhaust air '

drawn from the reactor room shall be continuously monito' red for gross concentrations of radioactive gases.

l I i Amendment No. 10 Dated:FES 5  ;

l l

i. l l

C. The radiatica monitors in itses A and B shall be calibrated s c .tiannusily. 1 D. The release of radioactivity from the reactor facility shall be kept to ss lou s level as practical.

j E. The concentr:tien tf Ar;:n -!! ::1;:-td to the--at:nosph-[e shall not exceed the dits of 10 CFR P t 20, Appendix B Table II, Column 1 with reduction facto of 460 defined a the product of (1) a re ctor usc factor, ) an occupancy f tor, and (3) a dilutio factor. 'The Cor ssion shall be n ified if, over any on year period, the . actor use factor the occupancy fset or the s'.ilution et;or change so s tc increase the cf etive reduction f- tor.

VI. yuel liandlinund Storage A. Me.. f u e l 4.y b e e t a r e d ' r 1 : i p ! :; :: a t Iner -o r-in-et h b r appropr .ite centalacrs. li- fuel shall b stored in steel-line ' Jtersgo pits locat u In the cener c flo. r of the ht;;h bsy Fuel eleccnts er ru. !cd de.-ic. s sits 11 he scored and 1 ndled in s f;eo; such t:ist kv a is less than 0.S under op ti: u . conditien[f n.'ders tion . .:d reflection.

B. Irr:.disted fuel ele:. cats or fueleil devices siis11 be stored so that te=perstures do not c::cead design istues.

"1E- 5'er r E r-m r e A. The resccor supervis r and the resident healthgbysicist shall review and n ,arove in writing all prope(ed e:< pori =ents prior to their p forrance.

B. Tite folloutng onditions shall govern e performance experiments:

1. The esctivity worth of any insic unconstrn'ned experi-ce e shall not exceed 0.006 8.
2. An experiment shall no be inserted or emoved unless all the control biny'd are fully ins ted or its absolute reactivityvarthj(lessthanthat nich would cause a 20-second positive ses' ole period.
3. No explosive mat/ crisis shall irradiated.



The sumpf the absolute re etivity worths of experiments shall.gotexec.d0.0023[

. W ,b . FEB 5 mg

i. Amendment No. 10 Dated:


VIII. Ad:-inistrativa Requirements

1. The Chcncellor of the University, the Dean ot the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Director of the Nuclear T.ncrgy Ls':arat:ry, nd the re::: r sups: visor shall have line responsibility fer the sd=inis:rative control of the reactor fccility, ssfcguardin;; the sentral public and facility personnel frc radiction e.spesure snd adharing to all require-

=:.nts of the facility 1icense and the Technical Specifications.

B. The reactor superviser shall be responsible for the.ssfa err-

, . f .s ., ,, e n ., ..n ,. r . , r h ., c r . a . i s .. - - .i eu7e-e s sien.og experi-m ,ne. . . . < i r , r , - r . ..

- e .3 , , i., control of the reactor fuel, the keepins of logs and rc:ctd: . :he =sintens:1ce of the physical condicloa of the res.::or and :h.t training of cperatin; personnel.

Th: r;;;;;r cuper/i:Or :1. .: i '. i th; n ::::Ory :: Ord:

.tc :::ure ::=pli ne: vith S ::i:r. Y.E.


-C. The rece:ur - uperv hc A i 1 _ !t'. p h, 4.- i s t eall re"i a and a sprove in url:Ing i (L .pecpesed c::p rincats prior to their performanca. Tu c- saall suiait t the Direc:er o ' :he ::uclese j E: er.,y L.6s ea:o . cr to :..e R ..! * :ian Us e Con =i' ue .211 new cxper!= cats a .d all prepoac i .unces :o tau f (L!cy Oitich ,

..tcht a f f.< its s..fety. )


. . - . . . . - . . . . . .../

r. : . . . . . m_.- _ ._.. .. r..r. .,..2..._., _. . . __, ., ._ d, +

operator, ch. 1 be in the 1:' raccry at all t=cs during reactor op .ation, c:::c;>t ' r precr!cica.1 ensole ciseckouts.

A per.on s censidered qi .lified uiten he receivce and undcr-stand.% brIciin:; en ti- facility e=c: cacy procedures.

E. 3.11cenecd-coator-c:ar.stcr_sk'11 be rasdi4_availa414_on n.4u da g--a-14-r ea c to r-ope ra t-Eener F. Line respo;.s tbility for radiological safc:y at the Nuclear Energy Lsbor.ttory shall includo successively the Ca= pus Rcdistion Safety Co= :ittee, the -Envir:n .cntal 'eslth end Note 1 S.:fe:" < Ofit:2 and the .;hclear TnereMemery--MaM- Note 2 physicie . The C :: pus Radiation Safety Cor.?.ittee shall be independent et the line organization 'fer reactor operation in itect A.

G. 'lhe Nuc44ar P'ergy trberatory Smalth physici:t shall be Note 2

! responsible for .i=ple=enting and enforcing the radiological safety program at the Nucicar Tnergy Laboratory.

Amendment No. 10 Dated: '

Note 1: to read " Office of Research & Occupational Safety" F"" 5 Note 2: to read " health physicist assigned to the Nuclear Energy Laboratory" 1

. _ _ .. .- _~ --

y .


  • y

'.: /I' i

i 1- H. There is a Radiation Use Committee which reviews and approves new experduents and proposed alterations to the reactor. The Committee shall revicu and audit reactor operations for safety.

> This committee shall be composed of the reactor supervisor and

- radiation health physicist, ex officio, and three other members having expertice in reactor technology. Committcc members

. shall be appointed by the Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. A quorum shal.1 be three members. The Radiation U::e Committee r! 211 -:-at nt lcnet c=-f me:lly nd shall keep uritten records of its meetings. The Committee shall report directly to the Dean of the School of Eng'incering' and Applied Science. The Radiation Use Committee shall:

1. Revicu proposed changes to the facility or procedures, when changes have safety significance, and shall-i detern.ine whether they involve an amendinent to the t

facility license, a change in the Technical Specifi-cationn incorporated in the facility license, or en unrevie..'ed safety question pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, and recuumend ac. tion.

i t 2, "' !!: p epcced :.e::tc or expe rinca to cignif4cantly-dif-

. Lure"' f"c- 2ny p v !m+ sly-epproved%nd-det-erminc th:thcr

- they 1: >cl1; en :r; zie.ed '; ty quan tica pt:rcuant to .

-10 C?T %69 r-end;:;;; nd act4en.


3. hvic: f ue!!ity ep eratira, preceder:c sn' reccrdc fcr 1 -sefety . niderat :.;; an'd h;prc w..:nts wh.a i 2ppreprinte. In 2dditier te - centinuing revieu ef thec: "terc, a: 1:;t nciv; i; i pth rev;a. cf fscility

. cperet:^"- ch:21 t. 2nde :: 1:cct n muc11y.


4. Revicu the circumstances of all abnormal occurrences
and vio
tations of Technical Specifications and proposed i measuren to preclude a recurrence', and redommend remedial l action.

I. Any action recon. mended by the Radiation Use Con:mittee, which may affect the operation and/or safety of the University I community beyond the Nuclear Energy Laboratory facility, ,

shall be brought to the attent, ion of the Campus Radiation Safety Commi ttee which shall have veto power to such a reconnenda tion.

1 l


. J. Procedures 1

The facility shall be ep::-ted erd maintained in accordance with approved written procedures. All procedures and major {

changes thereto shall be reviewed and approved by the Director l of the Nuclear Energy Laboratory prior to being effective. i Changes which do not change the original intent of a pro- l cedure may be approved in writing by the reactor supervisor.

Such changes shall be recorded and submitted to the Director for routine review. 'Ihe following types of written procedures shall be maintained:

A. Normal-stertup , Operat4+n-and chutd: : precedures-for-the re :::r. S::: p::::d:::: :h:1-1-include-epplicable-

-<heckeff 14sts-end-instruettens,-

2. P.ocedures which delineate the eperater action required in th e even t o f 5 7 --* " - -- ' #"-- * '--- - ' emergencies.
3. Radiological control procedures for all facility personnel.
4. A laboratory e=crgency procedure to guide the behavior and action of all personnel in thr. event of an emergency condition. "- ' --- -l-ev:custi:n drills f r facility-perecen-1 dell b- ~ ducted-to-assura-that facility--

-personnel-are-.familis.r with the-emergency-plan.

5. Pr;;; dure; f;r th: in:t:11 ti n, :per:ti:n ::d ru.=: b of experiments-where-reacts: sefety is c- c m md.
6. Procedures for handling irradiated - d unirr dirted fuel elect ts.

i 7.  ?::::dur:: f: Oper:ti;r. ;f th: P: __:tte-Gemple Tr:n;fer


K. Records In addition to requirements of applicable regulations,and in no way substituting therefor, the following minimum records shall be maintained:

i l

l l

1 1


-1. Reactee-eperati:n:, including un:chedul:d :hutdeun:

-snd test: :nd :=periment: perfer::d.

2. Abnormal occurrences.
3. Principal =rinte 22:e ::tivities :nd the :::::n: thsr:f::.


5. Revices ef changer ::de :: the f: ility er-procedures-and , l reviear ef tes te and uparimente perfe:reithout--prior l apprevs1 by the U. S. Y"c le'r D e::"
  • ary Ca"i'Si^" ;'P r?""""
10 CFR 50.59.
5. Shipments of rsdioactive =sterials.
6. Releases of gaseuus s=d liquid wastes to the envircns.
7. Facility radiation and centsninscion surveys.
8. Fuel inventories and fuel crsnsfers.
9. Radiscion caposurcs for all facility personnel.

L. Action to by Tchen in the Event of an Abn:reci Occurrence

1. Any abnormal occurrence shall be prc:ptly reported to the reactrir supervisor sad sh.111 b'e revic ed by the Radiation Use Co==ittec. A report of ti:c occurrence shall be prepared, including an evalustion of the cause(s) and reco==cndations for spproprista action to prevent er reduce the probability of recurrence. The results of the investigation shall be maintained as part of l

the per=snent records.

2. All abnormal occurrences shall be reported to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission in accordance with Section M.I. of these specifiestions.
3. Abnormal occurrences shall include, .but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

l l

I a. a violation of the Technical Specifications or the I facility license; Amendment No. 10 Dated: FEB 5 t

, 5. r uneentroll:d er un:n:icipe.:cd rccc:ivity changc;

c. an uncontrolled or unanticipa:cd release of radio-activity f ro:2 the site;

-d.  : e:fety sys ten ec pc'.e t -sifu ctice er ether cycte:2 Jr-ce enent calfuncticr. Oich scr.L..; e. N :u i.m.e te render the refcty syster ince-:ble of perfor Ing it: in: nded r2fer; fm'et rea;

c. en obserted-in dequecy ir th: i:..p ler nts :le e o f

..eitimr-adniautr,ulwar-proc.!Jural--controls , uch-

-that - the ir ideqe::y ec.::.c: c  ::uld '::ve-eeeced the

-c..4 : nce e dut Acp, ant -e! ' unsaic-4cadition-uith regard te reactar a'erntien; 'nd

.f . abnorm 1-degradatlon -of- reaeter-fuel-es-revcaled by

. periodic 4n:tpoet4ou

. p.2: c . ---..e.t ir.. T.c t u i re:.:en ts In addition to the requircr cats of applic61e rer, elations, and In no esy substitutin.; therefor, reports sh..11 be made to the NRC as follows:
1. A report not later than the following working day (by telephone or telegraph to the Director, NRC Region V Inspection G Enforcement Office) and a report within 10 days (in writing to the Director, Division of Operating Reactors, USNRC, h*ashington, D. C. 20555) of:
a. Abnormal occurrences as defined in Section L.
b. Releases of radioactivi'ty fro:a the facility above i

' the permissible limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20, i

I Appendix B Table II, as modified in accordance with Section V.E.

2. A report within 30 days (in writing to the Director, Division of Operating Reactors, USNRC, h'ashington, D. C.

20555) of:

Amendment No. 10 Datad: FEB 5 1976


a. Significant chsnges in the facility organization.

4,--Signific:nt ch:n; in the trencient er :::ider

:1y :: de:cribed ir the ::f ety :::lyrie :: pert.

-as e-ended

<w--Subst:ntial "2:12cces ef s2f ety rel:ted operating-

<hecae+erist,1<s-frmrevious-lygredicted or measured-


3. A routine report (in writing to the Director, Division of Operating Reactors, ilSSRC,1lashington, D. C. 20555) at the end of each 12-month period providing the t'o11owing information:
a. 3 nsrr,:tve su:.-::y o f rem:tegrW-ee:perien :,

including the c:'eray ;enerated by :h:  :::::: (!.-

re;n 2tt-heurs)_

b. ' direurrier cf unech duled ei ,::, in:?nlin;

<! e cert ective actier t Aec te ,reclule re trrm :e-

c. A su rery c'~ the preventive ,d cerrectiv: .:aintenance

-eper2:Ians perfsrmed k'uin; e-fety significance - ,

d. A discussion of the changes in the f acility and pro-ccdures,.:nd the tact: :nd ::7 :in :::, carried out without prior approval by the U. S. Nucicar' Regulatory Commission pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.59.

, e. A sut=nry of the nature and nount of radioactive material released to the environs.

I f. The results of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.

g. A sumuary of significant (abova 500 mRc=) radiation exposurcs received by facility personnel and visitors in any one year, includin; the dates and times of i significant exposures.  !
h. The results of the Envirenrent:1 Pr;;r;; ; hall i; e cleded in th: XE!. facility nu:1 reper. :ent l to-the-Gemmissien :nd availsbic ta Ca"'issien insp ::::: epen request.

Amendment No. 10 Dated:pg3 5 BM  !


--Contro141ade-4Ji3 aval-Inhibit 4nterlocks-

1. Startup chanry 1 count rate 1 s than 1 count pe second.
2. Log N pe amplifier se 4ctor switch not i operate position.
3. Reac r period les n 6 seconds.

--TABLE II Centrol Syeta Taar=

Test _ Limit Frequency

1. Drop time of each 'second from initia- annual (14 month control blade (from tion of blade drop t maximum interval) full withdrawn full insertion position)
2. Reactivity wort of annual (14 nth i each control ade, maximum i erval) l reactivity . ertion i rate of e ch control l blade, d shutdown margi
3. O erability test of operable prior to each startup interlocks listed i Table I i

i 13 Tf."LE III

---Reactor-Safety-Sys t as Safety System Trips Drlp Blades Dump Valve OM n Period less than 3 seconds yes y Power at 125% of full power yes yes Manual scram yes yes Loss of electrical po r to control console yes yes Primary cooling ystem Loss o pu=p power y no Lo water icvel in core yes no No flow yes no

- hield tank system Lov vater Icvel yes no Ventilation system Loss of pow to ventils. on fans y no l

I l


T!. ELE I'?

_ mfg 7 syste= 0;sr bi-lity T;::: -

Component or Scram Functi #*'"*

Log N period channel Power level safet channels Loss of prima coolant pump power Prior the first Less of p mary coolant level scar p of each day and af er repair or de-Loss shield tank water vel ergization Lp a of power to venti tion fans I

l t


