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Partially Withheld Proposed Pages to Amend 2 to Physical Security Plan
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 02/28/1981
Shared Package
ML20207D179 List:
FOIA-85-196 PROC-810228, NUDOCS 8808150288
Download: ML20207D199 (10)


{{#Wiki_filter:1 E. 1.4 3ECURITY AREAS (A-LEVEL) The leurity Areas (SA), deemed vital areas, are permanently established i areas Y ich are under the lock and key control of the Nuclear Energy l La bora tory. Access to those areas is controlled and affords the isolation l of material, equipment, and personnel within. l Security areas require A-level access or higher. These areas, the reactor high bay (room 1000), the radioactive storage room (within room 1540), and th control room (room 2001) during non-university working hours, are - ider:tified in Figures 4, 5 and 6. Also identified are the various alam system 2i components and their approximate locations. Security areas are protected by an intrusion alam system (except the control room), hence permit limited ~ access, and present well defined physical bounoaries to both innocent and overt intrusiot The radioactive storage room is located below ground level so that the outside walls are b6cked by earth fill. The inside walls are two-foot-thick concrete block with the exception of the inner door to the room and the area above eight feet on the south side of the room (see Figure 6). These areas are covered with steel mesh and either 3/8 inch particle board or plaster. The stairwell beyond the south wall is alamed and tied to the same circuit as the radioactive storage room. Two steel doors provide the only access to the roem. The inner door, #1, is a double-plated door and has two locks. , - One of the locks is keyed to "A+" level, and the other lock is a Sargent

        '     and Greenleaf combination padlock No. 8077A, which meets the specifications outlined in the NRC Regulatory Guide 5.12. The steel mesh outer door, #2, is keyed to " A" level . Tha fuel plates and fuel scraps are stored in an Insulated Record Safe, Model T-20, Serial No. 48727, made by Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Company. It is secured to the north concrete wall and floor by 1 x 1 x 1/8 inch angle iron. A separate key and combination are required to open it. One fuel bundle with attached thermocouples is stored in an eight-foot-long, 6 inch diameter steel schedule 40 pipe with a steel lid hinged and locked with a Sargent and Greenleaf combination padlock. The A        pipe is welded to the north concrete wall. All the bolts securing the safe
h. and schedule 40 pipe are welded to the angle iron to prevent easy removal.

4 The two PU-BE neutron sources are kept in steel drums filled with paraffin, chained to the east wall, and secured with the same type of Sargent and i Greenleaf padlocks. The uranyl nitrate (250 gms) is stored in padlocked i steel lockers at the south end of the room. l For the purpose of radiological control and personnel safety, the suberitical facility in room 1540 requires A-level access. On occasion, encapsulated neutron sources may be lef t in the l j 1-4 b $$UUUU* AFTERGO65-196 PDH Mendment #2 - February 1981 l

subcritical facility or the reactor high bay (Room 1000) for class demonstration purposes or for instrumerit calibrations. The subcritical facility houses two natural uranium subcritical assemblies (graphite and heavy water), and a Kaman 1001-A neutron generator. Pemissive entry by A-level access provides a prudent means of radiological control, but the security implications are regarded as negligible. The fuel storage pits in the reactor high bay contain a 4 curie Co-60 - radioisotope source. Other radioactive materials may be stored within I these pits as demanded by special circumstances. The storage pits are - composed of cylindrical holes, 6.5 feet deep, set into the concrete floor. The cylinders are secured with a 4 foot long,10 inch diameter, 380 pound steel lined concrete plug. The plug can be removed with a special handling device and the reactor room crane. The concrete plug handling device and the crane are both secured with a Sargent and Greenleaf padlock. The remainder of the enriched uranium is kept in the reactor. Due to the - power history of the reactor and the inaccessibility of the fuel, that fuel is currently regarded as exempt. In order to safely remove the fuel from the reactor, it would take several hours time, the use of the 10 ton crane which is locked out in two areas (the reactor high bay which is 2 alamed and the transformer vault), the use of the handling cask and shielding. At this time, it is felt that the fuel would read greater then 100 Rem / hour at one meter at the nearest accessible surface. Figure 3 describes the reactor high bay and the reactor without the p

 ,-      extra shielding, casks and rabbit equipment above the top concrete shield.

l i l 1-5 l Amendment #2 - February 1981 ' 1


  • see Chapter 6 2-1 knendment #2 - February 1981

2.2 SURVEILLANCE OF VITAL AREAS 2.2.1 WORKING HOURS There are two separate alarm systems and each alarm system can only be activated or deactivated by specified individuals. Two individuals appointed by the Director of the Laboratory are authorized to deactivate the alarm system of the radioactive storage room. Their names and an entry code are on file with the UCLA Police Department. Legal entry can only be effected between the hours of 0800 and 1700 on University working days. The normal sequence of events for entry into the radioactive storage room is for one of the above two individuals to call the police, wait for recognition, state his name, his intent, and the entry code. Upon recognition, he estimates the probable duration of the entry. Upon entry, he deactivates the alarm at the master control, and at least one of the four authorized (3.42) individuals will maintain surveillance during entire period that the alam is deactivated. Upon departure, he reactivates the alam, secures the door, calls the police department, gives his name, states that the area is secured, and asks for , confimation of the alarm system reactivation and condition of non-alarm.  ! This alarm system is rarely deactivated, so normally, surveillance of this 1 area is accomplished by the working personnel, the lock and key system and l the alarm system. Backing up these systems are the UCLA Police Department and local law enforcement agencies,

                                                                                 ]2 l p
 / All A-level personnel are authorized to deactivate the alam system of the reactor high bay. Their names are on file with the UCLA Police Depa rtmen t. Legal entry can be affected at any time but is normally done between the hours of 0700 and 1800 on University working days.                   1 In order to ensur3 that the Reactor High Bay alarm and the Reactor Control Room are secured properly during non-working hours, a sign-up procedure has been established. A clipboard hangs next to the control room electric strike key control master unit and states the following. He who unlocks             1 the control room and/or deactivates the Reactor High Bay must initial appropriate column. He then assumes the responsibility for lock and/or reactivation.                                                                 __

2.2.2 NON-WORKING HOURS During non-working hours, the lock and key system and the alam system provide the surveillance of the security areas. In addition, there are on-site inspections (physical checks) randomly every four hours on a 24 hour ba si s . The on-site inspection includes a check on the outer doors of the facility and, at the officer's discretion, enta .- snd patrol of the controlled access areas. Local law enforcement agencies back up these systems. l 2-2 1 1 knendment #2 - February 1981 l l l l l l l

2.3 TEST The intrusion alam detection system is automatically tested for proper operation upon entry into the reactor high bay to deactivate the alam upon notification to the police department, or at least once a week. The same applies to the radioactive storage room except due to its infrequent entry, this test will be perfomed at least on a quarterly basis. ,


A walk test and calibration shall be perfomed on the f ntrusion alam 2 detection systems quarterly by the Laboratory Security Officer and one - other A-level staff employee or reactor operator. I i l P


4 2-3 Amendment #2 - February 1981

 ,      5.0 COMMUNICATIONS The facility has a comercial telephone link with the campus police.

The campus police maintain 2-way radio communications between security officers on patrol and headquarters with fixed radio units in the patrol cars and portable radio units carried by the security officers. The Police Department has direct telephone and radio communications with the los Angeles City Police Department. All communications systems are available 24 hours each day. The communications systems are of comerical grade. In the event of a security violation detected by the intrusion alam system, the following communication system is used. The alarm system registers a security violation. A signal is sent along a private telephone line to the 24 hour manned Honeywell Alam Receiver (W84808-D) located at the UCLA Police Station. At the station there is a recorder _ which prints out the status on each and every alam. The status categories are normal, alam short and alarm open. Alarm open means 2 tampering with the system and alam short either meant, tampering or high radiation. If either occurs, the appropriate action is to assume that en intrusion is signalled. , An officer or civilian representative (dispatcher) on duty then calls the patrol units on a two-way radio to proceed to the NEL and investigate the problem. (If the officers are not in tneir car, the direct voice contact since they carry portable radios.) y still After an have e investigation, the police within the NEL will call the dispatcher who may th3n telephone the laboratory personnel listed in order on the Reactor Emergency Procedure List until one is contacted. The contacted individual then proceeds to the laboratory to assist and to advise the police on the situation, i i l l l { 5-1 l Amendment #2 - February 1981 I

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . .e A.9 E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Amend:nent #2 - February 1981                                                                                                                                                                            * '

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         ,,,ru,     o ., ,, ,,,,s. w, .sciu,   .i,.....   ,,s o, c.o   ..s ,. .scisco gg;.            ..s,...,,,,,    ,    s,. c ,a me             2567 Boelter Hall SCHOOLOF ENCINEENNC AND (PPUED SCIENCE LOS ANGELE5 CguFORALA Kar.4 10 August 1982 Mr. Hal Bernard, Acting Branch Chief Standardization and Special Projects Branen Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C.                                                               Docket 50-142

Dear Mr. Bernard:

Due to recent events, UCLAs Physical Security Plan must be amended. Enclosed are six copies of five pages of Amencment 45 - August 1982. We hope that this meets with your approval. Sincerely, i Charles E. Ashbaugh Security Officer Nuclear Energy Laboratory Reviewed and Approved: Walter F. We .t. Di/ector l Research & Occupational Safety l l l CEA/jb enc: 6 copies - Amendment #5, pages 1-4, 1-5, A/4, A/5, A/8 cc: (with Amendments) J. Barber, Chief - Campus Comunity Safety. UCLA L. Norderhaug - Safeguards, Region V. USNRC W. Wegst, Director - Research & Occupational Safety 1 1 had4  ; l}&n Information in this record was deleted [S in accordance with the Ereedorn of Information 9 08190140-820s10 M Act, exemotions ' \hDRADOCK 05000142 PDR , g,j NL' CLEAR ENERCY LASORATORY IVAN CATTON, DIRECTOR I -_:-.__,-. .. . -.._-:.-__ . - __ ..__..._ _ ., _ . . . . .- - - : .~}}