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Rev 5 to Operator Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/1976
Shared Package
ML20091A545 List:
NUDOCS 9105160377
Download: ML20091A549 (5)


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1. General The Northern States Power Company " Operator Requalification Program" at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant is fomulated to meet the re-quiranents of 10CFR55, Appendix A.

The requalification program will be established, maintained and con-trolled by knowledgeabic personnel assigned to the plant organization.

It will include preplanned lectures and seminars in those areas where annual operator and senior operator written ex minations indicate that emphasis in scope and depth of coverage is nc'ded. The lectures and seminars may be supplemented by the selective use of films, video-tapes and individual study materials; lowever use of these materials will be limited to less than one-half of requalification program. 4 The preplanned lectures and seminars will nomally be presented or directed by a member of the plant staff or a designated qualified member of the group that is receiving the training. Simulator Train-ing will be used to supplement the training of the plant operators, and it is intended that the requirements of the requalification program

, relating to reactivity control manipulations will be satisfied at the l facility or at a simulator meeting the requirements of paragraph 3e, I

Appendix A, of 10CFR Part 55.

t If changes in the following paragraphs of the program are prop'osed which I

would decrease the scope, time allotted for the program or frequency in conducting different parts of the program, they will be made in a manner consistent with the approval of requirements of 10CFR50.54 (1) (1).

2. Scope of the Requalification Program l A. General A two-part written examination will be completed annually by each licensed operator and senior operator to determine the areas in which retraining is required to maintain the requisite IcVels of knowledge. Based on the results of the examination, a preplanned series of lectures and seminars will be developed and conducted to l meet the minimum durations established in Section 2.C. ,


On-the-job evaluations for all licensed personnel in the form of drill sessions or performance evaluations will be conducted. Each licensed person will receive a minimum of 2-hours of on-the-job evaluation each year.

A minimum period of three (3) days per two year licensing period will l be spent at a simulator which has the characteristics of the plant for which the senior operator or reactor operator is licensed.

This refresher training will expose the individual to simulated abnormal and emergency operation conditions.

9105160377 770104 Revision 5 P,DR ADOCK 0500 3 December 28, 1976

2 Reactivity control manipulations will be scheduled at the facility or a suitable sirulator to provide each )lcensed operator and senior operator with a minimten of 10 control manipulations during each term of his license. Senior operators may either manipulate the controls directly or direct the activities of individuals perfoming the control manipulations.

B. 1.xaminations_ .

An annual two part examination will be administered to each licensed operator and senior operator to provide a basis for detemining the content of the preplanned lecture series for the subsequent re-training year. The examination will incittle the following subjects:

(1) Provisions of the flant Operating 1.icense (2) Technical Specifications (3) Theory arxi Principles of Reactor Operations (4) General and Specific Plant Operating Characteristics (5) plant Instrumentation and Control Systems (b) Plant Protection Systems (7) Integrated, Abnomal and Energency Operating Procedures (8) Engineered Safety Systems (9) Radiation Control and Safety (10) Applicable portions of Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulat2ons In addition to the annual examination, periodic qui::es will t>e con-ducted during the preplanned lecture series to evaluate the effective-ness of the retraining lectures. These qui::es will be completed by the licensed operators and senior operators who are required to attend the preplanned lectures. A passing grade for these qui: es is 80%. An operator or senior operator scoring below 80% will be re-quired to repeat the specific lecture coveral by the qui:.

The licensed individual who prepares and grades the annual examina-tion need not take the examination. This exclusion shall extend to only one individual.

C. Preplanned Lecture Series A minirum of 80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> of preplanned lectures will be scheduled over each two year training period. The lecture series will emphasi:e those areas which were detemined to require greater depth of cover- 4 ,

age as indicated by results of the annual examination. Licensed personnel will be required to attend all lectures relating to any annual examination subject in which they received a grade of less than 80%.

D. Seminars Seminars or discussion periods will be scheduled to supplement the preplanned lecture series and will include the following subjects:

(1) Review of significant facility design, procedural and licensing changes. l Revision 5


December 28, 1976

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(2) Detailed review of integrated operating procedures.

(3) Review of abnomal and emergency operating procedures. 4 (4) Review of reportable occurrences and unusual events.

(5) Review of administrative matters of significance to operating aersonnel.

(6) heview of refueling outage activities.

4 All licensed personnel will attend a minimte of 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> of sche-daled seminars each year.

E. On the Job IYaluations Each licensed operator and senior operator will participate in designated 4 operating drills or perfomance evaluations for a minimte of two hours each year. The drill sessions may be conductcd on an individual or shift crew bases and will be evaluated by a qualificd licenscd senior operator. The operating drills may be conducted at the facility or a suitable simulator.

An oral review of an operator's performance conducted after a reactor 4 startup, shutdown or energency operation ray be uscd as a performance evaluation in lieu of designated operating drills. The oral review will be conductcd by a qualificd licenscd senior operator *.

F. Reactivity Control Manipulations Each licensed operator and senior operator will perform or supervise, when applicable, at least ten reactivity control manipulations during each two year term of hie s ense. The reactivity control manipula-tions shall involve a varief.7 of the evolutions listed below:

1 Plant or reactor startup to include a range such that reactivity feedback from heat addition is noticeable.

2. Orderly plant slutdown, i
3. Control rod sequence changes.

4 Shutdown margin checks.

5. Control rod scram insertion time tests.
6. Any reactor power change of 10% or greater, including testing of cquipment where load cMnges are performed with control rods, manual control of turbine load or where the recirculation system is in manual speed control.
7. plant ard reactor operation that involves emergency or transient procedures when reactivity is changcd by 10% or more.

8 Refueling operations where fuel is moved within the core. l 5 l

l Revision 5 December 28, 1976

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3. Accelerated Retraining Program The perfomance of each licensed operator ard senior operator will be reviewed m a routine basis to verify that the atterdance and perfomance requirements of the requalification program are met. Any individual who does not rneet the ,

requirements of the requalification program rust complete an individually assigned accelerated study program as specified below, ne accelerated study programs will be developed on an individual basis by the Training Supervisor and will be reviewed and approved by the SuperinteMent of Operations 6 Maintenance before imp 1 mentation, participation in an accelerated study program will not excuse the pirticipant fra other requalification program activities.

A. Any licensed operator or senior operator who fails the annual written examination with an average grade of less than 70% will be rntuiral to ecuplete an accelerated sttdy program. During participation in the accel-erated study program, the licensed operator or senior operator will be rmoved from als normally assigned duties. The licensed operator or senior operator will be returned to his nomally assigned duties after passing a written examination at the completion of his accelerated retraining program.

A grade of 75% or greater will be required for passing. If the operator scores less tinn 80% on any part of this examination, he will be required to attend a lecture on those parts.

B. Any licensed operator or senior operator who does not attend the annually required attendance at the preplanned lecture series or seminars will be required to complete an accelerated training program if less than 80% of the required lectures or sminars were attended. If more than 80% but less than 100% of the required lectures or seminars were atterded, the performance and examination results for the individual will be reviewed by the Training Super-visor and the Superintendent of Operations and thintenance to detemine if an accelerated sttdy program is required.

C. On-the job evaluation of all licensed operators and senior operators will be reviewed by the Training Supervisor and the Superintendent of Operations and htiintenance to detemine if the assignment of individual accelerated sttdy programs are required.

D. Any licensed operator or senior operator who has been inactive for four or more months for any reason will not be allowed to perfom unsupervised licensed activities until he has completed an individually assigned accel-erated study program and successfully passed a written and oral examination.

l The written examination will be similar to the annual examination ard a grade of 75% or greater will be required passing. The oral examination of two or more hours duration will verify that the individual is thoroughly knowledgeable of the existing status of the plant systms and controls.

E. Any licensed operator or senior operator wie does not attend the required sirulator refresher training during his two year licensing period will 6 l be administered an oral examination of two or more hours duration to l

determine the operator's knowledge of normal and emergency procedures and equipment. The oral examination will be administered by a qualified licensed senior operator.

Revision 5 December 28, 1976

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5-4 Records Records of the requalification program will be maintained by the Training Supervisor to doctment the participation of each licensed operator and senior operator in the previously described requalification program. The records will include the following:

a. Copies of all administered written examinations and answers to the examination questions,
b. General description of the preplanned lectures series including the ntnber of hours of lectures anticipated for each general subject and the general content of the lectures, t c. Records of individual participation during the preplanned lecture series showing the dates of attendance and the time allotted for each lecture.
d. General description of the scoinar program including the hours allotted

] for each discussion.

c. Records of individual participation in the on the job evaluation prngram.
f. Records of individual participation in the seminar program showing the topics of dicussion and the date and time of each disctasion.

! g. Records of individual participation in accelerated study programs incitding the basis for the participation and the results of required

, testing, where applicable.

h. Ibetnentation of reactivity control manipulations perfomed by each individual and records of individual participation in simulator train-ing when applicable.
5. Auditing of the Requalification Program

! The Training Supervisor will prepare a brief stenary of the status of the requalification program every three nonths. This stenary will include a i general progress report on the requalification program and will list

! existing or potential difficulties with respect to meeting its requirements.

! The stenary report will be subject to review and discussion by the plant hhnager, the Superintendent, Operations 6 hhintenance and the Training Super-visor. Corrective actions will be initiated as required.

The plant Fhnager may have the requalification program audited periodically by a designated qualified member of the ?lant organization. Such audits will include a written audit report whic1 will be subject to review and discussion by the plant hhnager, Superintendent of Operations 6 hbintenance l

and the Training Supervisor. Corrective actions will be initiated as required.

l If periodic audits of the Requalification Program are perfomed by an l independent review and audit group, the audits initiated by the plant hhnager

, may not be required, l

j Revision 5 l December 28, 1976 l