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Tech Specs 3.9.7 & 4.9.7 Re Crane Travel Spent Fuel Storage Pool
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 06/06/1981
Shared Package
ML20063P329 List:
Download: ML20063P332 (4)


, A. .

ZPS-1 DockGt No. 50-358 ATTACHMENT Section 5.3 of NUREG-0612 lists six Interi:' Protective measures for implementation to assure safe handling of heavy loads.

These are:

(1) Licenses for all operating reactors not having a single-failure-proof overhead crane in the fuel storage pool area should be revised to include a specification comparable to Standard Technical Specification 3.9.7, " Crane Travel -

Spend Fuel Storage Pool Building" for PWR's and Standard Technical Specification, " Crane Travel," for BWR's, to prohibit handling of heavy loads over fuel in the storage pool until implementation of measures which satisfy the guidelines'of Section 5.1 (see Table 3.2-1) .

The main reactor building crane is used for handling heavy loads in the fuel storage pool area at the Wh. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station. The 110 ton hook of the main reactor building crane is designed with the following single failure proof features described in the FSAR:

a) A redundant idler gear train, which is a duplicate of the driving side gear reduction system (without drive motor) . Each gear reduction train has a 150% of motor torque braking system.

i b) Structural steel support upon which the drum barrel will rest following gross failure of drum bearings, shaf t, or bearing support.

I c) Red undant full capacity wire rope system.

d) Redundant designed hook within a hook load handling system. ,

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, In addition to the single failure proof design features of the reactor building crane, the Wm. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station i

Technical Specifications contain a LCO for movement of equipment over fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool (Exhibit A).

The technical specifications also cont <ln surveillance requiremen'ts to assure operability of the crane interlocks which prevent travel ever the spent fuel pool .

(2) Safe load paths should be defined per the guidelines of Section 5.1.1(1) .

Per the requirements of section 5.1.l(1) of NUREG-0612, equipment removal paths have been defined for all load handling devices. Equipment removal paths shall traverse structural members as much as is practical. For those heavy loads which are determined to potentially impact irradiated. fuel in the reactor vessel or spent fuel pool or safe shutdown equipment, the following additional controls shall apply:

a) Heavy load movements shall be accomplished through detailed .

implementing procedures. The procedures shall contain an equipment layout drawing which indicates the equipment removal path, b) The equipment removal path shall be physically indicated by marks on the floor or a series of stands connected with safety ribbon.

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e a i ZPS-1 c) Temporary changes and revisions to such implementing procedures' shall be accomplished in accordance with existing administrative controls which apply to all plant implementing procedures.

(3) Procedures should be developed and implemented per the guidelines of Section 5.1.1(2) .

Per the requirements of section 5.1.1(2) of NUREG-0.612, procedures shall be developed to detail load handling operations for hoists determined to be operating over or in proximity to irradiated fuel or safe shutdown equipment. Such procedures shall be written and approved prior to performing applicable load handling operations following initial fuel loading. Procedures shall contain detailed rigging instructions including sling lengths, rope diameters, shackle diameters and minimum ratings. The procedure shall contain an isometric pictorial diagram of the required rigging. Multi-use rope slings used at ZPS-1 are labeled with tags to indicate their rated capacity. Some heavy loads located on the plant refueling floor are handled with dedicated sling arrangements. These slings will be labeled for their particular use(s) . The following applicable before use rigging inspections shall be contained in the procedure:

a) Latches, fastenings and attachments for proper operation.

b) Excessive wear and/or distortion and deformation.

c) ' Chemical or heat damage to materials.

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I o ZPS-1

_4 d) Cracking, fraying or parting of equipment.

e) All end connections for damage.

f) Slings and ropes for cuts, crushing, kinks, broken wires, unstranding or corrosion (no more than six randomly distributed )

l broken wires in one rope lay, or three broken wires in one strand i l

in one rope lay) .

g) Hooks and U-bolts for deformation or cracks (shall not exceed more than 15% in excess of normal throat opening or more than 10 deg. twist).

h) Chains for wear, twists, broken, cracked or otherwise d'amaged links.  !

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l i) Examine sling or rope width or diameter for indications of wear  !

or faulty core support.

i The procedure shall contain step-by-step load movement instructions and shall define the equipment removal path as previously discussed.

(4) Crane operators should be trained, qualifie'd and conduct themselves per the guidelines of Section 5.1.l(3);


, 2PS-1 i

. 1 All personnel who operate cranes or hoists at ZPS-1 shall be I trained, qualified and conduct themselves per the guidelines of '

Chapter 2-3 of ANSI B30.2-1_?d.

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i (5) Cranes should be inspected, tested, 'and maintained in l accordance with the guidelines of Section 5.1.1(6).

j All cranes and hoists at ZPS-1 shall be subjected to frequent and periodic inspections as described in Chapter 2-2 of ANSI B30.2-1976. All plant cranes ato designated as either regular or standby service based upon a twice/ week usage criterion.

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All cranes undergo an undocumented before use inspection encompassing those items listed under Section 2-2.1.2 of ANSI B30.2.

All regular use cranes, or standby use cranes being operated regularly.

for more than a month, undergo a documented monthly inspection of these same characteristics. All cranes undergo a documented yearly i

inspection encompassing those items listed under section 2-2.1.3 of ANSI B30.2.

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(6) ,In addition to the above, special attention should be given I

l to procedures, equipment, and personnel for the handling of heavy loads over the core, such as vessel internals or vessel inspection tools. This special review should include the following for these loads: (1) review of procedures for installation of rigging or lifting devices and movement of the load to assure that sufficient detail is provided and i that instructions are clear and concise; (2) visual inspections of load bearing components of cranes, slings, and special lifting devices to identify flaws or deficiencies that could lead to failure of the component; (3) appropriate repair and replacement of defective components; and (4) verify that the crane operators have

been properly trained and are familiar with specific e


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4.s-ZPS-1 procedures used in handling these loads, e.g., hand signals, conduct of operations, and content of procedures.

The special review described in Item (6) will be performed.

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, 3.9.T Loads in excass of 2500 pounds s'nall be prohibited frem travel over fuel assentites in the spent fuel starage pool racks.  !

. APPLICA8ILITY: With fuel assemblles in the spent fuel storage pool racks.


With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, placa the .

l crane lead in a safe condition. The previsions of Specification 3.0.3 are not j aspifcable.  !

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l') l l 4.9.7 Crane intarlocks nich prevent crane travel over fuel assemblies in tne spent fuel storage pool racks shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 7 days i prior to and at least onca per 7 days curing crane operation dith loads in excass of Jc2500Tpounds. .

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v LoS-I 2/4 9-9 .-

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