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Forwards Revised Pages to SAR for HN-100 Series 3 Radwaste Shipping Cask & Three Oversize Drawings,In Response to NRC Re Application for Certificate of Compliance 9151.Aperture Cards Are Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: 07109151
Issue date: 06/17/1982
From: Mallory C
To: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20058B483 List:
20828, HN-E619, NUDOCS 8207260030
Download: ML20058B481 (3)


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M Development ai Nuclear &

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9190 Red Branch Road Columbia, Maryland 21045 Refer to-HN-E619 l-2 JUN 191932

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rw f.P 4 *,. 0M LU & ILLLRK June 17, 1982 D

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g Mr. Charles MacDonald, Chief p...

Transportation Branch


~f) 4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 A

I 8 1982,

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y Subj ect:

HNDC HN-100 Series 3 Radioactive Materials Package g

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6' Application for Certificate of Compliance Q)



NRC Letter Dated May 20, 1982 FCTC: RHO 71-9151

Dear Mr. MacDonald:

In response to your letter of May 20, 1982, and the June 16, 1982 meeting at yt..e offices, eight copies of the following information are submitted in support of the subject application.

Revised pages to the " Safety Analysis Report for the HN-100 Series 3 Radwaste Shipping Cask", STD-R-02-001, Rev. 4, Pages 7, 18, 19, 20, 32, 51, 66 and 68.

HNDC Drawing Numbers:

C001-5-9138, Rev. 6; C001-5-9139, Rev.

4; and C001-5-9143, Rev. 5.

Attachment A contains a discussion of the basis for these changes and a listing of changes on each of the enclosed documents.

It is noted that these documents and the previously submitted drawings and documents are marked " proprietary". The notice on the drawings and in the safety analysis report defines the conditions under which this material is being furnished. HITTMAN recognizes that this information will be placed in the public document room.

Please advise if you have any further questions or require additional information.

Very truly yours, DfTMM k

a n' Ch'arles W. Ma 1 6y bM[

Vice Presid$nt, Engineering tachments

((y 8207260030 820617 PDR ADOCK 07109151 C




5 1


t Radioactive Material Package -

i I

Model No. IIN-100 Series 3

- s Docket NO. 71-9151-Response to Nuclear Regula' tory Commission


Letter FCTC:R110 71-9151 Dated May 20, 1982 Plus Minor Revisions-I General The tie-down lug design has been made thicker to reduce the bearing stresses between the lugs and pins to less than 0.9 times the certifiedt tensile yield strength of the material. The tie-down lugs have been i

shortened to reduce the force required to tear out the lugs-in order to protect the package under excessive loads.



Safety Analysis Report o

Page 7:

t The analysis of the inadvertant lifting of the cask using the tie:

down lugs has been revised based on shorter tic-dcun lug.

i o

Pages 18 and 19:

The analysis of the tie-down lugs for bearing, tear out and tensile stresses have been revised to reflect the thicker and shorter lug.

The analysis has been expanded to include the analysis of the weld used to attach the reinforcing plates to the tie-down lugs, i

o Page 20:

The analysis of the weld used to attach the tie-down lugs to the reinforcing plate has been revised to reflect the shorter tie-down bracket.

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Page 32:

The analysis of the tie-down under excessive load has been revised' based on tear out failure of the chortensd lug udder excessive forces.

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o Page 51.

9 The analysis of yield and ultimate strength of the ratchet binder has been revised based on fabricating the shank on the larger binders from Grade C-1040 cold worked steel.



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Page 66:

The typographical error in the total heat generated by Cesium has been corrected.

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Page 68:

The analysis of the seal with internal pressurization has been revised to reflect the larger (1-3/4 diameter) ratchet binder.

Drawings o

C001-5-9138 Revision 6 The reinforcing plates have been added to the tie-down lugs.

o C001-5-9139 Revision 4 The reinforcing plates have been added to the tie-down lugs and on the bill of materials.

Minimum yield strength for the tie-down lug and reinforcing plate has been specified, o

C001-5-9143 Revision 5 The reinforcing plates have been added to the tie-down lugs and the weld has been specified. The shorter lugs are shown.

The dimensions on the optional ratchet binder lug assembly have been revised to show "as built" dimensions.



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