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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re Psychological Stress of TMI-1 Restart on Residents Living in General Vicinity.Estimated Respondent Burden Is 853-h
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/10/1982
From: Norry P, Scott R
Shared Package
ML20054K079 List:
NUDOCS 8207010033
Download: ML20054K080 (21)



4 .

REQUEST FOR OMB REVIEW (Uncer the Paperworn Reduction /.: and Executive Order 12291)

Office of information and Ae;utatory Aff airs important - Aea: instructions (SF 63 A) defore compieting this Office of Mana;ernent and Budget 1:rre. Suom t tne recurreo number of ccpies of SF 63.together Wasnington.D C 20503

  • e:S the materiai for *ni:n review :s re uestec to.
3. f.ametsi an::teieonome numbertsi of personts) wno can test

~ ' De:a t nes: Agency and Eureau,Otti:e originating request answer cuestiens regarcing reouest U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dan Cleary 492-4875

4. 3-digit functsonal coce (tast part of 11-dogst Treasury Account .

2 t :g.1 Agencylbureau numoer listst part of 1.1-dtgt; Treasury No.)

Ac:Ount two )

_0_ J._ _0. __D

_2- _2_ f>_

l _L C. Is thus a rulemanong suomissnon unoer Section 3504tn) of L Tnt e of Inf ormation Colie:tson or Ruiemansng P.L. 96 511 ? (Check one)

Psychological Stress of TMI-1 Restart on ,

i psection 3501 suer,.ss oni Residents Living in General Vicinity 2: Yes,NPAM. Expected cate of puolication:

3 C Yes, fina! rute. Excectec cate et oucacat:en.

o A Is a"yinformatICn Cottection (reportfDG or reCotoMeeping) Ettective date.

onvolved? (Cnecn one) D. At what phase of rulemaking is inis submission made?

1 X Yes and preocsal is attached for review 2 C Yes but precesaii s not attached - suo to cuestion D 1 % Not acDhcable 3 O No - soc to cuestion D. 2: Mator NPRM stage

. B Are the responcents primarity ecucationalagencies or 3 0 Major Finaf rufe for which no NPRM was pubisshed institutions or is the purpose related to Federaleducatson a O Major Finat rule.after publication of NPRM programs 9 5 O Nonmajor NPRM stage O Yes  % No 6 C Nonmajor rule. at Final stage COMPLETE SH ADED PORTION IF INFORM ATION COLLECTION PftOPOS AL IS ATTACHED

6. Requested 12. Agency report form number (s)
7. Current (or former) OMB Nurpoer

' Expiration Date -

N/A - -- - _ . , _ N/A


13 Are respondents only Federalagencies?

Expiration Date 7/31/82 O Yes tg No N/A 14. Type of request (Check one)

9. Is proposed inf ormation collection listed in the information collection budget? 1 C preliminary plan O Yes D No gU new (not prevuousty approved or esorree more tnan 6 montns j

10.'Witt this proposed inf ormation conection ago) cause the agency to exceed its information cof'e: tion budget allowance? Ilf yes, attach O Yes D No 3 0 rev:sion einen: ment request from agency head.) a extersson iakstr~entto tv cer only 5 C extension Ino cranger 1* . four-te of reo t forms subm;tted for approvat 6 5 reinstatement tesc,reo w; tem 61 ontns t one

16. Classili;ation of Cnange an Burden (explaon un supportung statement) 15 e aDDr3ssfm81e tale Of Cost to toe D ,bhc No of Aesponses No of Reporting Hours o~ .. s , .v . '"" '

400,000 e S =' ""' 1,705 a. in inv entery N/A -

N/A l5 N/A b As proposed 1,705  ! 853 !5 N/A f  : Esf"a.'ed vw Of ,

1 f f SOC 90en'9 0'

. . m o ..e. , . e., . . ' I 1,705 c Difference tb-a) 1,705 '

853 !s Exotanation cf c:fference (indicate as many as apoly!

e a,nen .

s,...o,. m i *

  • e mnce : v l$:

Adjustments .

. w ... - .... m ,,,

i o Corre: tion-error l: ls i 1,705 !15 e Co rection-reestimate ; !1 l

'Es m e....n. .

2 l ~- 15 t CSange m use

[,~,N,Z#' l Prog af*! Changes

e , -. . ,m . m. , l l -

853 -5 N/A v .mewe. - , o increase - 1,705 o,. ..- i i- t- 5 l 853l h. Decrease -

sta,ca c rern, sa iFev :-E n 8207010033 820610 =cr use segm g 4 P PDR ORG EUSOMB PDR

l 17 A:itra:t-Nz::s and us2s (50 wor:s or tsss)

HRC will conduct a sample survey of 1,000 residents within 'a 20-mile radius of Three Mile Island (TMI) and a control sample of 500 resid:nts 100 milcs north of TMI to assess the psychological stress the restart of TMI-1 might have on the well-being of the surrounding communities.

5 Le 3M report (Orm85! ?;'ve CVS numOer'st IR CN 's /. ,2: Cata:og Of Fe eral Oomestic Ass:stan:e Pr ; ram N.,9:e*

in:emai a genc y recort form num:eris t or s ymbolts11 N/A

21. 5 mall business or organization C Yes I ts:

1 g Ty e of affectec puche (Cne:x as many as acetys 22 'ype of activity of affe:teo puche-inc.: ate 3-:rge Stancar:

smalQassNaw M cocets! % e t 7 - d over

- 1 E inamcuais orhousenoies to. check C Multicie or C A:1 2 C state oflocalgovernments i

3 C farms e a 2 cusinesses or otherins stutions (except farms) l _ __ _

23 5rset des:nction of affe:te ouchc le g.."re: art grocery stores.' " State ecu:ation agencies.' "houseno:cs in 50!arges: SMSA s"?

Residents living in vicinity of Three Mile Island

;u'::se (Che as many as as:ty 11more than one. incica:e ;25 Collection method (Check as many as a::Iy) precomina nt oy an asterise) 1 C mail self. administered
  • 1 C aDchcation for benefits  ; 2 C other self-administered 2 C program evaluation i 3  % telephone interview 3 2 general purp0se statisti:s j 4 C personalinterview 4 C regulatory or comphance  ;

SC recordkeeping recuirement-5 E program planning or management i Recuired retentien period. years i .

E C researen 6 C otner-describe:

25 Crecuency of Use 27, Collection agent (Che # one)

U Ncnre:urring


1 O requesting Oepartment/ Agency _

Re urring (cne:# as many as appfy)

- '- 2 C otner Federal Decartment/ Agency -

3 % private contractor 2 C on occasion 6 C semiannually 3 C weenly 70 annually 4 C recordkeeping requirement 4 C monthly BC Diennialty -

5 C other-descr:De:

5 C cuarterly 90 other-describe: ,

2 5 Authority f or agency for information collection or !30. Do you promise cenfidentiality?

rulernaking-indicate statute. regulation. Judicial decree. (If yes. explain basis for elecge et: in s upporting statement.) $W Yes C NC Atortic Enercy Act., g 161c. and NEPA ' 21.Willthe Oreposed information collection reate a new or

, eecome cart of an existing Privacy Act system of re:cics"

? =es:::rscent's cohgation tc repiy (Check as many as apply) l (11 yes. at:ach Fe:eral Register notate or pe::csec crat: t t g voluntary I notice ) C yes g N:

2 C recuired to obtain or retain benefit 32. Cost to Feceral Government of 3 C mandatory-cite statute.not CFR (attach copy of information cc:lection or rulemaking sM.000 statutory autnerity)

COMPLETE ITEMS 33 THRU 35 ONLY lF RULEM AKING SUBMISSION 33 Ocmpiiance ecsts to tne pubhc 34 is tnere a regulatory impact '35 is there a statutcry or judicial analysis attached? ceadhne affecting issuancei s .

C Yes C No C Yes. Enter cate i e qq CERTIFIC ATION SY AUTHORIZED OFFICI ALS SUBMITTING REQUEST-We certif y tnat tre informatica eche: tion or ruremamg summitte: ?:r revie* is ne:essary f0' tre D' Ope' Derformance Of the agency $ functief's. tnat the Dr0:05a! represents the mtNmum OuDht Durcen ar'c e0e'al 005: -"

"5rstent w:!n nee: anc is Consisteni with RODhCaD+e CMB and agency Doh0y directives. Siga.ature anc titie o' asoa;. % =0,Ov08:C a. r 's. a e; v i Suev'*N. 0.A.  ; .PE lOaiE n

? ./ <J f }


  • k [

Paoricia G. Norry R. Stephen Scot.


1. Justification .


Following'the accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) on March 28, 1979, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NE,, ordered the undamaged-Unit 1 (TMI-1), which coincidentally was shut down for routine scheduled maintenance and refueling, to remain in a shut-down condition pending further NRC orders.

Following a decision to conduct public hearings on issues related to restart, the NRC formed an Atomic Safety and. Licensing Board for this purpose and. invited public comments.and petitions identifying issues

- to be considered before TMI-l was permitted to operate.again. Five of


the petitioners in that proceeding filed contentions asserting that people living in the vicinity of TMI-1 would be subjected to psychological stress as a result of_ restart and continued operation of TMI-1.

On February 22, 1980, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, after receiving public comments and after reviewing legal biiefs that parties to the filed on the subject of admissibility of psychological stress issues, advised the' Commission-that although -no_t required, the NRC "may and ~

should consider psychological stiess and community fears under NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) for the purpose of mitigating the effect -

of its TMI-l licensing activities." .

The Commission considered the Licensing Board's recc=mendation and voted.

The 2-2 tie vote of the Commission effectively eliminated the issue of psychological stress on the per' sons living in the vicinity of the reactorThe interve from consideration in the TMI-l restart decision.

Against Nuclear Energy, appealed the NRC decision to the United StatesOn Januar i

l Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

the Court of Appeals issued a judgment which vacated the NRC. decision and l ordered the Commission to " prepare an environmental assessment. responding i

to the effects of the proposed restart of the nuclear facility at Three Mile Island Unit One (TMI-1) on the psychological health of neichborino

,! residents and .on the well-being of the surrounding communities."

20, 1982, the Commission As'a result of the Appeals Court order on January directed the staff to initiate an environmental The assessment of psychological following survey is vital to I stress resulting from restart of TMI-1.

an adecuate assenment of the potential psychological consequences structured scientifically of TMI-l rigorous restart since it will be the only broadly'that issue. -

study specifically designed and aimed at



Dr. George J. Warheit, Professor of Sociology in Psychiatry, University.

of Florida, working with Drs. J. Soderstrom and J. Sorenson from Oak Ridge National Laboratory,is responsible for questionnaire development, sampling '

design, and data analysis. Chilton Research, Inc. is responsible for -

' conducting the telephone interviews and providing a data tape. Dr. Warheit

. - is an eminent psychiatric epidemiologist with extensive experience in conducting this type of survey research. Dr. Warheit is also quite familiar with psychological issues of the TMI-2 accident and aftermath,having served as' Staff Consultant on the behavioral effects investigation of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island.

Most of the question sets of the survey, other than those on TMI, had former OMB clearance (


(1) OMB No. 68-571-086; exp. date June 30, 1974; (2) OMB No. 68-574052; exp. date June 25, 1977. Both studies, conducted ,

by University of Florida, were funded by National Institute of Mental Health.'

Dr. G. Warheit was principal co-investigator. The question sets, .other than those on TMI, have been used on over 12,000 subjects in 10 separate studies conducted by Dr. Warheit. All question sets were validated by Dr. Warheit over a series of five studies involving panels of psychiatrists and infor-mation from the medical records of subjects in the validation studies.

These questions sets have also been intensively tested for reliability and replication of results. The measures, or. indexes, employed in this survey


have been used on more subjects than any other indexes developed to measure the same psychoTogical phenomena;and Dr. Warheit has developed the largest data base in existence of respohdents to these questions sets.

If the psychological stress issue will become an element in the TMI-l restart decision, the results of this survey must be available within the mid-June .

to mid-August timeframe (as discussed in 4. below). In order to assure availability of this important source of case-specific information in a timely manner and to avoid delaying'the restart decision, we are requesting an emergency clearance of this survey.

! 2. Description of Survey Plan l a) The survey is intende'd to achieve the following objectives;

1. To obtain data on the mental and physical health and social well-being of persons living in a radius of 20 miles from the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power facility. Special attention will be given to previously identified high risk subpopulations; e.g. , pregnant women; mothers of small children; those with a history of previous mental health problems; .those living near the TMI site; and, those whose lives were disrupted by the accident at TMI-2.
  • l
2. To assess the impact of restarting the TFjI-l plant on the physical and mental health and social well-beinc of individuals living within a 20 mile radius of the facility.

l l

l I

L 1

3. To assess the impact of the TMI-l restart on.the psychological and social well-being of familial and othcr social groups within a 20 mile radius of the facility.
4. To assess the perceived positive and negative impacts of restarting and/or not restarting the TMI-1 facility as they relate to the economic and social well-being of the communities ecologically ,

contiguous to the TMI area.

5. To assess the factors perceived to mitigate the possible deleterious effects of restart on individuals, groups, and communities within the TMI area.
6. To analyze and present the data in ways which provide an overall summary of the findings along with social and demographic subgroup risk comparisons. The data summaries and interpretation will also focus on group and cormunity impacts.

b) TMI Area Sample:

A probability sample of 1000 persons living within a 20 mile radius of TMI will be selected by means of random digit dialing procedures as developed by the P.and Corporation (Lucas.and Adams, 1977). To provide data on the hypothesized. relationships between distance from the TMI f acility and the likelihood of experiencing deleterious consequences, the sample wil_1. include: _500 persons living within five miles of the plant; 250 persons living between six and ten '

miles; and, 250 living between 20 miles.

c) Comparison--Control Sample:

A probability sample of 500 respondents will also be selected from Wilkes Barre', Pennsylvania, a comparable Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) approximately 100 miles north of the TMI location. The same interview schedule acministered to the TMI area sample will be used to interview the Wilkes Sarre group.

Efforts will be made to select respondents from differing types of communities within the Wilkes Barre SMSA so as to maximize the.

similarities of the two r.iajor samples.

I d) Pretest:

l In order to test the schedule for its utility, a pretes.t of 50 f respondents selected to represent the population being studied will be interviewed. The schedule will be revised if necessary in l

order to enhance the value of the data being gathered by it.

e) The interview questions are in Appendix A.

Based on experience with surveys of this nature, the Based contractor anticipates on this assumption, f) a 10% failure to complete the entire questionnaire.

1 1,705 persons. are expected to be contacted to achieve 1,55 questionnaires.

to determine the burden imposed on the respondents.


.' 3. Tabulation and Publication Plans l A. The data.will be analyzed using standard statistical procedures '

such as Chi squares, t-tests, analysis of variance and step wise '

multiple regressions. The data are also amenable to other statistical '

tests as well, e.g. , path analysis and confirmatory factor modeling.

B. Upon completion of the interviewing phase of the research,the following data summaries and tables will be prepared:

1) A frequency count for each of the variables included in the field survey.
2) Sumary tables which report the distribution and statistical significance of the mental health scale scores for the key risk groups such as age, sex, education, marital status, miles distant from plant, pregnant household members and so forth.
3) Summary table (s) which report on the physical health characteristics of the sampie appropriately control. led for key social, demographic and ecological variables.'
4) Summary table (s) which _ report the p_erceived impacts of restart on familial and other social groups connolling for key sociali demographic and ecological variables.
5) Summary table (s) which report the perceived negative / positive impacts of restart /no restart on the economic and social well-being These perceptions will be of the communities in the TMI area.

controlled for key social, demographic and ecological groups.

6) Summary table (s) which report the perceived modes of mitigating the impact of restart on individuals, groups 'and communities controlled for key social, demographic and ecological variables.
7) Summary table (s) which report the findings on attitudes of trust toward various significant others and agencies controlled for key social, demographi.c and ecological variables.
8) Sumary table (s) which report attitudes toward nuclear power
' controlled for key social, demographic and ecological variables. ,
9) A summary exhibit which enumerates the groups at greatest ~ risk for physical, mental and/or other problems in social well being as a consequence of the restart of TMI-1.

C. A Sumary Report of approximately 4,000-5,000 words will be prepared which outlines the purposes of the study, its design, methods and i The findings will be derived from the tables l primary listed above.findings.In addition, a resume of perceived risks and potential sources of mitigation will be delineated and evaluated. A brief summary of the pos'itive and negative impacts of restarting TMI-l will also be outlined in the Summary Report.



4. Time Schedule for Information Collection and Publication The pretest phase is planned for the last week in May 1982. The telephone interview phase will take place during the first 3 weeks in June. Data analysis is expected to be done during the last-2 weeks in June and the '

first week of July. Draft Summary Report is expected in the middle of June 1982 with the final Summary Report expected in mid-August 1982.

5. Consultations Outside the Aaency
a. In order to assess the state of knowledge in this area and the extent to which existing concepts and studies might be used to extrapolate or infer the range of stress responses likely to result from the restart of TM1-1, on February 4-5, 1982, the staff organized a workshop which brought together eleven experts in the field of psychological stress and related fields. The results of the workshop

- are summarized in NUREG/CP-0026.

b. The NRC staff is being assisted in the preparation of the evaluation of the psychological stress and community well being issues by the staff of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The Oak Ridge National Laboratory contracted support services from:
1) Dr.-George Warheit Health Systems Research Associates, I_ng. 7-Gainesville, Florida -
2) Dr. Cynthia B. Flynn Social Impact Research, Inc. '

Seattle, Washington

3) Dr. Paul Slovic Decision Recearch Eugene, Oregon
c. In addition NRC staff contracted for technical support in the area of psychological stress and community well-being from:
1) Dr. Andrew Baum Uniformed Services University Olney, Maryland .
2) Dr. Peter Houts Hershey Medical Center Hershey, Pennsylvania
d. Informal consultation has been obtained from several experts in ~

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Mary!3nd.

4 4

- ^^


  • 6. Estimate of Respondent Burden A total of 1705 perscns will be contacted by telephone and subjected to an interview, each of 25-30 minutes duration. The total ofl,705 '

is broken down as follows: Study sample - 1700 persons living within

. 20 mile radius of TMI; Control $ ample - 550 persons living in Wilkes Barre, Pe'nnsylvania; and Pretest sample - 55 persons living in the vicinity of TMI.

7. Sensitive Ouestions .

Some of the questions are of a sensitive nature.; Psychological stress very often deals with sensitive areas and issues. The evaluation which the staff is preparing by necessity requires knowledge of so'metimes

- delicate ersonal matters. Provisions of the Privacy Act do not apply to this tele hong survev bacause the information being collected will not be individua ly identifiabTe.

8. Estimate of Cost to Federal Government .

The cost of the survey, analysis, and sumr.ary report will be S70,000, based on a contract between ORNL and Dr. George Warheit. Additionally

$14,000 will be needed to analyze and interpret the results of the survey into the staff eval.uation and publish ~ het repor.t. .-

l l .



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i 2 -


_e 1 .-

i i, -

e I

e PREPARED BY George J. Warheit, Ph.D. .

Health Syste:r.s Research Associates, Incorporated Gainesville, Florida i

l i




1. In what community or town do you live?
2. How many persons live in your household?
3. How many are:,

18 and over 5 - 17 .

Under 5

4. Gender of respondent
5. How long have you lived in your co=dunity? _

. . z-_

5. How long at your present address?

i -

7. How many times have you moved in the las: 3 years?

7a. Do ybu own or rent your residence?- , ,

~ ~

8. What is your present marital status?


9. How long has this been your marital. status?'

l -

10. What is your main occupation? ,

l l 11. Are you presently employed?

  • lla. If.yes, on the average, how many hours a week have you worked i'n the past year? .
12. What was the last year of scncol you completed?

'13. If married, what is your spouse's main o::upation?


'i3a. If other~than housewife, ask: On the average, how many hours a week did he/sne work in the last year?


'13b. What was the last year of school comple:ed by your husban:/ wife?


  • l t

2 How old 'were you on your las: birthday?

14. .


15. Apart from those in your household, do you have relatives nearby on whom you could call for help if you had a real problem?
  • 15a. If yes: How often did you ask for help in the past year?
16. Do you have any friends nearby to help you when you have real problems?
  • 16a. If ye's: How often did you ask for help in the past year?
17. To how many community organizations do you belong?

\ ,

  • 17a. If any, ask: In how many have you held office in 'the last

- year?


~ '

18. Do you have any phy~sical or health problems at present?

'lBa. If yes: What are they? - - -

  • 18b. How long have you had these problems? .
19. Have you had any illnesses over the past 3 years?

'19a. If yes: What were they?


20. How many days in the past year were you unable to carry on your usual work or duties because of a physical health problem?

21 . In general, how would you say your physical health has been?

22. Is your physical health better, the same, or worse than it was one year ago?
23. Is your physical health cetter, the same, or worse than it was 5 t

years ago?

24 Is there anyone li. vin 5 in your household who is disabled or seriousi ill?

25. Is there anyone in the household now pregnant?

'25a. If yes: Who is it, i.e., responcent, daughter, daughter-in-law?

I l

l . -


26. How many visits have you made to a medical doctor in the last year?

- ~

27. How hany times 'have you been hospitalized in the last year?

28.' How many times in the last 3 years have you been a pa.tient in a hospital?

29. Not counting dentists, how many visits in the last year have you made to health clinics, emergency rooms or other health agencies?
30. Are you currently taking a medicine prescribed by a medical doctor?
  • 30a. If yes: Would you tell me what for? -



31. Do your hands ever trembi,e_enough to bother

-n you?

32. Are you ever troubled by your . hands or feat 2

sweating so that they-feel damp and clammy? Would 'you say:

Would you

33. Haveyoueverbeenbotheredbyyourheardbeatinghard?

say: .

34. Do you tend to feel tired in the mornings? ~ Wduld you say:

3S. Do you have trouble get:ing to sleep and staying asleep?

36. How often are you bothered by having an upse: stohach? -
37. Are you ever bothered by nightmares (dreams which frighten y'ou)?

Would you say:

Would you say:

38. Have you ever been troubled by " cold sweats?"


39. Do you feel that you f are bothered by allWould sor:s you (cifferent say: kinds) of -

ailments in different parts of your body?

a0. Do you smoke? Would you say:

41. Do you ever have loss of appetite? Would you say:

l I


' 42. Has any ill health affected the amount of work (housework) you l co? Would you say:

l Would you say:

'3. Do you ever feel weak all over?

44 Do you ever nave spells of ci :iness? Would you say:

4 Would you say:

45. Do'you tend to lose weight when you worry? t -

46.. Have you ever been bothered by shortr.ess 'of breath, wh exerting yourself? Would you say?:

47 .

For the co'st part, do you feelWould healthy you say: enough to carFy out th things'tnat you would like to do?

Would you say:

48. Do you feel in good spirits? ,

Would 49.

Do you sometimes wonder if anything is worthwhile anymo you say: b DEPP.ESSIVE SYMPTOMATOLOGY _ Would you say:


How often do you have crying spells or feel like it?

. Would


51 .

How often do you feel you don't enjoy (doing) things anym i

_you say: ,

Would you say:._-

52'. 'How often do you..feel- alone and _ helpless?



How often do you feel that peoplejdon't care what hap -

Would you say: o .

54. 'How often do you feel that life is hopeless? Would you say 55.

Have you ever had periods of days or weeks 'when yo going? Would you say:


How often do you have trouble with sleeping? Would you say lfi 57.

When things don't turn out, how often would you say y Wouid you say:


How often do you think about suicide? Would you Say:


Life has changed so muchWould in our you modern say: world that p less to control their own lives. you want them 50.

How often would (con't you say nings can't turn out the wev, read "always turn,out")

to?.Would you say: .

( Would you say:


51 .

How does the future look to you? .


During tne last year, did worry or nervousnessitn get 53.

Durine the lastWoul; year, dic .iorry or nervousness caus you Say:

your family life?



64. During the last year, did worry or nervousness interfere with your social activities? Would you say:

~ ~

65. During the last year, have you ever had to stay at home or in bed because of worry or nervousness? Would you say:


During the last year, were you unable to do your usual work because of worry or nervousness? Would you say:

In the last year, how often did you feel that you mightWouldhaveyou a say:

67 .

nervous breakdown or that you might lose your mind?

(don't read ",never")

  • 67a. Does this feeling get you down physically? say:

'67b. During the last year, has this feeling caused problems with your family / personal life? Would you say:

  • 67c. Does this feeling interfere with your social activities? Wodid you say: -
  • 67d. During the last year,'havIe!you ever ha6 to stay at home or in b'ed becauseofthisfeeling?Wou.1dyousay:j '
  • 67e. During the. last year, were you unable .to do your usual work at any time because of feeling that you might Eave a 6ervous breakdown? .

Would you say: . .


How often do you have unwelcome or strange thoughts or thoughts whi frighten you? Would you say:


How often do you #ind yourself doing the same things - " over and over l

' to be sure that they are right? Woul d you say:

How often do you get upset, upright or irritable with those around 70.

you? Would you say:

How often do you fesi that pecole are trying to pick quarrels or '

I 71.

start arguments wi:n you? Would you say:

How oftan do you think people are following you or plotting against 72.

you? Would you say:

How often do you get really angry? Would you say:


seem real to you cr do you have feelings How o'ften co :nings no:

7' :na; you.are not really here? Would you say:

75, How of:an do you see or hear :hings that other people don't think are there? say:

.... W 6


76.. How often do you have trouble concentrating or keeping your mind what you are doing? Would you say:

How often do you have' trouble remembering things? Would you say: _


Does it cause you

_ If response is other than "never", ask:

  • 77a. dif#iculty? Would you say:

Does'it keep you

  • 77b. If response is other than "never", ask:

from doing some of the things you want to do? Would you say:


How would you rate your nerves, spirits, outlook or mental health at present?


Is' your mental health the same, better or worse than one year 80.

Is your mental health the same, better or worse than 5 years ago Is there anyone-living in your. household who suffers from nervous 81 .

or emotional problems? , -

If yes:

Who and for how lo.g g have they had this problem?

  • 81a.


Not including yourself, during the past year has anyone in your ,

household received treatment from any of the .following persons ,

or agencies? (check all that apply)

Generai or VA hospital -

Health clinic Mental health clinic

-Physician Psychiatrist State hospital Other During the past year, have you received treatment for a nervous.,

S3* emotional or mental health problem or condition?


Where did you receive this treatment?

  • S3a. .

If yes:



f Mcw many years ago did you first receive'trea: ment

  • 83c. If yes:

for this condition?

/ .., .




How'often do you drink alcohol (beer, wine or whiskey)?

How much would you

  • 84a. If any response but never, ask: .

say you drink now compared to: .

1 year ago 3 years ago 5 years ago

'84b. ' How often in the pas year have you been. intoxicated (drunk)?

  • How many times in the last year have you had too much to
  • 84c. drink for several days at a time?

During the past year, has drinking caused trouble or prob

  • 84d. for you? '

_ (_

I'f yes: With whom?-


How often would you say you i use- help you face

  • 84f.

daily problems?



c 85.

Have any of the following events occurred to you in the las Loss of job ~

Promotion- '

Got married Marital separation Divorced

! Major financial difficulties Deatn of child Death of spouse' Death of close family member Death of close friend Serious illness to self Serious illness to close family r. ember >

Birth of child i Unwanted pregnancy ye, jf. L During the past 12 mon:hs, has anythingjelse happened w gg, you greatly for more than a few days?

'85a. If yes: What was it?

6 ..- .


87. ' All things considered, how satisfying you say.your life been with: .
  • (W!ie're applicable) Your spouse -

"(Where applicable) Your children Your friends Your work / housework / studies Your home Your neighborhood Your community 88.

All things considered, how satisfying would you say your lif compared to:

1 year ago 3 years ago

_ 5 years ago -


In general, how much do you' agree witd the following sta 89.

  • 89a.

The risks associated with 'ritcle')r power plants are unknow ,

at present and because of this no new plants should be -

constructed until more information ,becomes available.

) '89b.

Because there is some question regarding the safety of power facilities, they should be constructed away from populated areas.

  • 89c.

Nuclear power plants are safe but no new plants should constructed.

  • 89d.

Nuclear power piants are safe and the U.S. ought to bu more of them.

  • 89e.

Nuc. lear power plants are unsafe arid shnuld'be closed d as quickly as possible.

l Have your' heard about the planned restart of TMI Unit I?

90. .

91 .

Will the restart affect your life in any way?

Would you tell me how?

l "91a. If answer is yes, ask:


9 b

92. Will the' restart affect the lives of other household members in any way?

If yes,.ask: Would'you tell me how?

  • 92a.

93.' If the plant is restarted, how concerned are you about these

  • things happening in your community? -

Loss of jobs Businesses leaving Conflict among persons in the area Radiation contamination Increa' sed health problems TMI Unit 2 not being cleaned up

94. If the plant is not restarted how concerned are you about these same things happening, that is:

Loss of jobs .

Businesses leaying_

s Conflict among persons in the a~rea Radiation contamination Increased health problems I _

TMI Unit 2 not being cleaned up ,


95. Were you living in the area at the time of the accident at -


TMI Unit 2? ,

"95a. If yes: How far did you live from TMI?

  • 95b. If yes: Were you affecte'd-by it?
  • 95c. If yes: Would you tell me how?
  • 95d. ,If yes: How upset were you by these things?
96. How far from TMI do you now live?
97. During the.past 3 years have you felt unsafe or uneasy in your ^ '

home because of TMI?

'97a. If yes: Would you tell me why?


95. see the cooling towers from where you live?
99. Can you tell me how many nuclear reactors there are on Three Mile Island?

l l


s .

10 4

100. Can you.tell me how many were damaged by serious accidents on t'he island? .

101. ' Since the accident at TMI, how upset woul you say you have been by these events?

The venting of krypton gas .

The disposal of radioactive water The unexplained sounding of warning sirens The discovery of damage to pipes at TMI Unit i The overall clean-up Anything else 102. In your opinion, how likely is there to be an accident at TMI Unit 17, 103. How fearful are you of an accident at TMI Unit I?

  • iO3a. If answer is other than not at all, ask: What do you fear most of all? -

104. Do you believe it is-possible to leave. safely if another accident were to occur?  :



105. What precautionary measures have you and/or other members of your household made in case of another accifent at,,TMI?

105. In an average week over the past year how often have you talked' about TMI with the following persons? Would you say:

1 Other members of your household Other family members not living in household Friends or neighbors Others such as family doctor, clergyman, etc.

107. - How much do you trust the information you receive about TMI from the following sources:

l Employer Friends l

Family members

, NRC officials Religious leaders ,

Doctor Independent scientists '

Met-Edison officials Television reports Newspaper reports Environmental interest aroups Penna state officiais

- Cor., unity action grcups

11 108. Do you feel Met-Edison can operate the' TMI plant safely? .

109. 'Do you feel the Nuclear Regulatory Co=:ission can insure the safe operation.of TMI Unit 17 110. Do you feel that the Penna. Untilities Cc= mission can insure the delivery of electrical power at reasonable prices?

111. Do you feel local governments can prepare plans which provide safety in the event of an accident at TMI Unit l?

112. Do you feel that Met-Edison can provide reliable power at reasonable rates? -

113. Have you had a recent referendum in your co=: unity regarding the TMI Unit i restart?

114. If yes: Did you vote?

  • 114a. _If yes: Would you tell me how?

~ -

115. In your opinion, how much compared to other people you n general? j know Ebout nuclear power 116. Finally, I would like to have you .tel.1 ce how much you worry about the danger from the following things or events:

Riding in a car ~ - .

Being in an airplane Being harmed by a stranger.

Nuclear power plants e


l '

Tornados .

l Floods Being out of doors Animals, insects TMI restart e



  • B

-0.05527 -0.28739 0.00393 275.148 ph.01 .

SES .;

i SEPARATED 2.43177 0.07520 0.49174 24.455 p<. 01 j 0.04B35 0.17124 10.150 p <.01

, FEliALE 0.54554 BLACK -0.53435 -0.03575 0.24401 4.796 p <. 01 /

DIVORCED 0.79985 0.03235 0.36565 4.785. p<.01  !

0.02822 0.28307 2.798 p<.01 WIDOWED 0.47346

-0.00363 0.01220 0.00511 0.506  ?!.S . .



(CONSTA!!T), 30.05232 .

-, . -i


FEl1 ALE + B 6 BLACK + S 3 DIVORCED Y=S 1 SES + S 2 SEPAR + S 3 .

+ S7 AGE + So

.53435 BUiCI' +

Y= .06527 SES + 2.43177 SEPAR + .54554 FEM -

+ .47346 UIDOWED .00363 AGE + 30.06232 I



Sum of Squares pleanSounrr di Recression 7. 13388.22736 1912.603l -

Residual 4183. 117355.19187 28.05-J

'i Multiple R 0.32000 R Se,uare~ 0.10240 t

Standard Error 5.29672 f

  • Unco 11 cased scares were insad for AGE and SES.

!l]D.t:ED and DI'!ORCED are dicno:c:,ics scored 0=:.
