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Application for Amend to License NPF-3 Consisting of Tech Spec Changes Implementing Containment Normal Sump & Containment Wide Range Level Schedule,Containment Pressure Schedule & RCS High Point Vents
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/05/1982
From: Crouse R
Shared Package
ML20051P020 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.B.1, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-TM GL-83-37, TAC-48403, TAC-54388, TAC-54528, NUDOCS 8205170379
Download: ML20051P137 (3)



APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-3 FOR DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT NO. 1 Enclosed are forty-three (43) copies of the requested changes to the Davis Besse Nuc1 car Power Station Unit No. 1 Facility Operating License No. NPF-3, together with the Safety Evaluation for the requested change.

The proposed changes include:


.Section 3.4.11, 4.4.11, Table 3.3-10, 4.3-10 and Bases.


Table 3.7-1 and Bases.


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Vice President, Nucle,ar Swornandsubscribedbeforemethis8M-day of May, 1982.




Notary Public Q l.AURIE A. BRUDZlNSKI Notary Public. State of Ohio My Commission E ires May 16.1986 9

820 5 l'FN b1c;





Docket No. 50-346 i

License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 803 May 5, 1982 I.

Changes to Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1, Appendix A',

j Technical Specifications Section 3.4.11, 4.4.11, Table 3.3-10, 4.3-10 and Bases.

j A.

Time Required to Implement 1.

Containment normal sump and containment wide range level schedule to be installed in current refueling outage.


Containment pressure schedule to be installed in current refueling outage.


Reactor coolant system high point vents - schedule to be installed in the next refueling outage.


Reason for Change (Facility Change Request 82-018)

Installation of equipment for accident monitoring and RCS vents.


Safety Evaluation (See attached) s

.4 i


i 1


i The proposed Technical Specification changes for NUREG 0737 items:

II.F.1.4 (containment pressure); II.F.1.5 (containment normal sump leve1~

and containment wide range level); and II.B.1 (reactor coolant system high point vents).

The safety function of the containment pressure normal sump level and wide range level is to monitor the containment pressure and containment level and to inform the operator of post accident conditions prevalent within the containment.

The safety function of the reactor coolant system high point vents is to provide a path for venting noncondensible gases from the reactor coolant system which may inhibit natural circulation.

The NRC has proposed that:

(1) a continuous.ndication of containment pressure and containment water level be provided in the control room.

This instrumentation is to be used as post accident information to the operator to help restore the plant to a safe condition after a LOCA.

Also, Reactor Coolant System (RCS) high point vents are being installed at DB-1 in the two hot legs. These vents will be operated from the control room.

The attached Technical Specification Limiting Conditions For Operation and the Action statement ensure the operability of these systems to be avail-able during post accident conditions.

Also, the surveillance frequency is adequate to verify that this operability is maintained in the applicable modes.

Therefore,,it is concluded that the proposed changes do not involve an unreviewed safety question.

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