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Training Material for E-111 Emergency Diesel Generator Course, Chapter 14 (3-16), Some Other Engines
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Issue date: 02/12/2020
Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer, Woodard Corp
Gary Callaway
Shared Package
ML20043F634 List:
Download: ML20043F668 (22)


Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines 14.0 SOME OTHER ENGINES EMD turbochargers are lubricated both by engine oil and a separate soak-back oil Learning Objectives system that pre-lubes (before routine start) and post-lubes (after shutdown). The latter As a result of this lesson, you will be able to: protects the hot turbocharger during its run-down period, and then another 30 minutes

1. Recognize basic similarities and (to remove residual heat from the system).

differences between the engines that power EDGs at nuclear power plants. Each engine cylinder fuel pump and fuel injection nozzle are combined into a unit-

2. Use the tabulation at the end of this type construction, thereby eliminating the chapter to identify the EDGs and need for high pressure fuel injection lines.

associated equipment in use at various nuclear power plants.

For each bank of this Vee engine, the cam NOTE: Except for the EMD engine which shafts are located above the cylinder heads.

begins this Chapter, most of the other From this location, they directly actuate two engines are essentially orphans no longer rocker arm assemblies:

in production. Service and support may be very problematic for the few plants using

  • one for the four exhaust valves them. Further, little information about those
  • one for the unit fuel pump / injector engines was available to include here.

Unlike other engines, pushrods from the 14.1 EMD EDG Engines camshafts are not required.

The EMD EDG engines were originally Cylinders are directly opposite each other.

designed and built by the Electro-Motive Connecting rods from directly opposite side Division of General Motors. The EMD 645 cylinders use a common connecting rod Series is a 2-stroke cycle, 45o Vee engine. journal without offset by means of their These engines have intake ports in the mating fork-and-blade slipper assembly.

lower end of each cylinder liner, and four exhaust valves in each cylinder head. Lubrication cooling of the each piston crown is accomplished by use of an engine frame-During starting and up to about 40 percent mounted piston-cooling oil pipe that is load, the turbocharger that provides cylinder aligned with a hole in the piston carrier to exhaust scavenging and combustion air is send a jet stream of oil directly into the gear driven by the engine, until the exhaust piston cocktail shaker for crown cooling and gases get hot enough to drive the wrist pin lubrication. The oil then drops back turbocharger faster than the drive gear. into the crankcase.

Then the turbochargers drive gear is overridden (clutched out). NOTE: To avoid EMD has built engines similar to the 645 cycling of the turbocharger drive clutch, Series since the 1930s. The company was operating this engine at about 40% load for acquired by Caterpillar, Inc. in 2010. Some a prolonged time is not recommended. design and performance data follow:

Rev 3/16 14-1 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines

  • Figure 14-1 is a cutaway cross section
  • Figure 14-7 provides a bar graph of of the EMD 645 engine. It provides engine timing. (This figure is typical for some perspective of engine con- 4-stroke cycle diesel engines.)

figurations and component locations.

14.3 Nordberg EDG Engines

  • Figure 14-2 is an EMD engine data sheet. The Nordberg EDG engine is a 4-stroke, cycle, 16-cylinder, Vee engine. Its design is 14.2 Cooper EDG Engines rather typical of other engines its size and it runs at a relatively slow 514 RPM.

The Cooper EDG engines are 4-stroke cycle Enterprise KSV V16 and V20 cylinder This engine has a unique cam-shifting engines. Cylinders on opposite sides of the mechanism, which will (in response to Vee are directly opposite each other. The changes in load) shift combustion air inlet use of articulating connecting rods permits valve closure from its initial 18 degrees the use of a single crankshaft journal without ABDC to 28 degrees BBDC at engine full offset for both cylinders. There is a master load. Actuator sensing for valve timing is connecting rod that provides the bearing from the combustion air intake manifold and transmits both connecting rod pressure. The actuator is operated by a loads / power into the single crankshaft hydraulically-positioned linkshaft which journal. The master rod has a bushing repositions the camshaft. The inlet valve bearing for the slave rod. The connecting cams have an eccentric configuration. This rods and bearings are shown in Figure 14-3. system is illustrated in Figure 14-8.

Cooper engines had 13 crankcase Some design and performance data for the explosion events attributed to lack of Nordberg engine are provided:

lubrication. These engines were designed for continuous use with minimum oil

  • Figure 14-9 provides general engine consumption. The lack of lubrication was data.

corrected by removal of the lower scraper ring on each piston and removal of wrist pin

  • Figure 14-10 provides recommended bearing end caps. operating temperatures and pressures.

Some design and performance data for the

  • Figure 14-11 is a cutaway cross-section.

Cooper 16- and 20-cylinder engines are It provides some perspective of engine configuration and the location of provided:


  • Figure 14-4 is a Cooper KSV Engine 14.4 Worthington EDG Engines General Data Sheet.

The Worthington EDG engine is a 4-stroke

  • Two cutaway cross-sections provide cycle Vee engine. Opposite side cylinder some perspective of the engines configuration and component locations. connecting rods use a single crankshaft (See Figures 14-5 & 14-6) journal and mount directly beside each other, so their cylinders are slightly offset.

Rev 3/16 14-2 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines At the D. C. Cook Plant, the high pressure progressive external to internal and then to fuel injection lines from the injection pumps disassembly inspections of the engines.

to the injection nozzles experienced some cavitation erosion failures in sharp bends Extensive cylinder liner / piston skirt damage made in routing the fuel lines from injection was discovered, which could have led to pumps to injection nozzles. This problem, EDG failure to meet an emergency demand.

described in a Chapter 13 case history, has Multiple causes were identified by the Root been resolved. Cause Analysis Team, relating to reactions involving lubricating oil additives, one the Some design and performance data for the result of changing to low sulfur diesel fuel oil.

Worthington engine are provided: Corrective actions included engine repairs/

replacements and lube oil change to an API-

  • Figure 14-12 is a cutaway engine cross CG-4 mineral-based oil recommended by section. It provides some perspective of the root cause analysis team. This case engine configurations and components history is covered in Chapter 13. Reference locations. IN 96-67.
  • Figure 14-13 provides general engine
  • Figure 14-15 provides general engine data.


  • Figure 14-14 provides a circle timing
  • Figure 14-16 provides general diagram to show the timing of all engine generator data.

events during the 4-stroke cycles of the engine. (Typical for other 4-stroke cycle NRC NOV EA-02-068 cited Prairie Island engines.)

with a $60,000 penalty for failure to take 14.5 SACM EDG Engines action to address EDG problems in a timely manner.

The SACM UD 45 V16 S5D engine is a 4-stroke cycle engine used only at Calvert 14.6 DeLaval EDG Engines Cliffs and Prairie Island nuclear stations.

The DeLaval EDG uses the 4-stroke cycle The Calvert Cliffs configuration has two Enterprise RSV-V-16-4 engine, the largest SACM engines connected in tandem to in nuclear plant EDG service. It runs at low power a single 5400kw generator. There speed, only 450 RPM.

are two tandem units-one safety related and one SBO unit. Each engine is provided with The DeLaval, like other EDG engines, is a Woodward 2301A electrical governor and subject to large pressures and forces as it a Woodward EGB-35P governor actuator, operates. See Figure 14-16. Consider the which permits engine load sharing as they 17-inch diameter piston in the DeLaval both power their common generator. engine. With 1500 psi peak firing pressure, it must carry a peak load on each piston of Following Calvert Cliffs successful pre-op 340,000 pounds, 225 times per minute. This qualification testing of their new SACM load is transmitted from the piston through safety related EDG, the licensee performed its wrist pin bearing to the connecting rod Rev 3/16 14-3 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines bearings and then to the crankshaft journal.

The large forces of combustion are contained and resolved within the engine by structural components. Fortunately a large percentage of these forces create useful work by their rotation of the engine crankshaft to produce useable output power. However, when some cylinders fail to produce their share of output power, the unbalanced forces can be large enough to become destructive.

Some design and performance data for the DeLaval engine are provided:

  • Figure 14-17 provides general engine data.
  • Figure 14-18 provides a cross sectional illustration of the DeLaval articulating connecting rod assembly. It provides some perspective of the engines configuration and the location of components.

Rev 3/16 14-4 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-1 EMD Engine Cross Section Rev 3/16 14-5 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-2 EMD Engine Service Data Sheet Rev 3/16 14-6 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-3 Cooper Engine Connecting Rods & Bearings Rev 3/16 14-7 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-4 Cooper Engine Service Data Sheet Rev 3/16 14-8 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-5 Cooper Engine Cross Section Rev 3/16 14-9 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-6 Cooper Engine Cross Section Rev 3/16 14-10 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-7 Cooper Engine Timing Bar Graph Rev 3/16 14-11 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-8 Nordberg Engine Linkshaft Rev 3/16 14-12 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-9 Nordberg Engine Service Data Sheet Rev 3/16 14-13 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-10 Nordberg Engine Operating Pressures & Temperatures Rev 3/16 14-14 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-11 Nordberg Engine Cross Section Rev 3/16 14-15 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-12 Worthington Engine Cross Section Rev 3/16 14-16 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-13 Worthington Engine Service Data Sheet Rev 3/16 14-17 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-14 Worthington Timing Diagram Rev 3/16 14-18 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-15 SACM Engine Service Data Sheet Rev 3/16 14-19 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-16 SACM Generator Service Data Sheet Rev 3/16 14-20 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-17 DeLaval Engine Service Data Sheet Rev 3/16 14-21 of 22 USNRC HRTD

Emergency Diesel Generator Some Other Engines Figure 14-18 DeLaval Engine Articulating Connecting Rod Assembly Rev 3/16 14-22 of 22 USNRC HRTD